Operational Description


Operational Description

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Professional Testing (EMI) Inc.                                              FCC ID: CCXTC100

                           PROFESSIONAL TESTING


The Trimble Navigation (Limited) TC100 Transceiver is a VHF Airborne Communications
Transceiver. The TC100 is a 7 watt, 2 way radio intended for use in general aviation aircraft.
This radio tunes over the frequency range of 118.000 to 136.975 MHz. The radio has a memory
and display functions to allow frequently used channels to be stored in memory and then quickly
recalled. This equipment is not marketed with an antenna or associated wiring or adapters.


The transceiver was tested in the normal mode of operation. An audio tone was injected into the
EUT in accordance with Part 2 of the Rules for intended transmit tests. Most tests were
performed at 3 frequencies (lowest, middle and highest) over the range of operation. A one
meter cable with a 50 ohm load was placed on the end of the EUT to simulate a wiring load. For
antenna conducted emissions, occupied bandwidth, modulation characteristics, and frequency
stability tests, the antenna port was connected directly to the spectrum analyzer input.

3.0     Theory of Operation

The theory of operation for this device is described in the following pages. These pages were
extracted from the Maintenance Manual for the TC100. It should be noted that some references
may appear for the TX 760D. The TX 760D was the initial reference designator for the TC100.

The EUT does not possess any operator adjustable components which would affect the output
power level of the device. The operator may change the transmit/receive frequency turn the
device off and on, adjust the squelch, but cannot change the overall power output or maximum
modulation bandwidth.

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sraboo—ar304                                         3XeFommowgey

ProfssionalTesing (BMQD c                                     reein.coxtcioo
      s.1    controrter Bonrb asseMezy (Continued)
             Pins 22 and 23 are used to tell the software what radio
             it has been installed in. For the TX 760D, both pins
             22 and 23 are held low.
             Pins 27 and 29 along with 28 and 30 of U701,    are used
             for reading the tuning inputs from $W701. Using the
             pull up resistore on pins 1 and 2 of RP701, and
             depending on the switch position, a high or a low is
             placed on the two control lines, A and 8, of SW701.
             When SW701 is rotated, the voltage on each control line
             changes at every other detent.     When the knob is turned
             clockwise, the voltage sequence is as follows; A is
             high when B goes low, A is low when B goes high, B is
             high when A goes high and B is low when A goes low.
             This sequence triggers the software to increment the
             standby frequency with each clockwise detent.
             Conversely, a counterclockwise rotation of S#701
             generates a pulse pattern exactly opposite of that
             described above. This triggers the software to
             decrement the standby frequency with each
             counterclockwise detent.
             The speed at which SH701 is rotated determines how much
             the frequency is changed with each detent. A software—
             confiquzed, microprocessor tiner measures the elapsed
             time between detents. If the time is greater than 150
             mSec; the stendby frequency is changed by 25 KHz. If
             the time is less than 150 mSec, the standby frequency
             is changed by 200 Kiiz.
             when the shaft of SH701 is pressed, the high, from pin
             7 of RB7O1, on pin 21 of 0701 is taken low.  The
             software then lights the memory digit on the display.
             The digit will be ‘0* if the memory has not been used
             since power up. If memory has been used it will be the
             last used memory register. Holding the shaft in while
             rotating the switch will cause the nunber to increment
             or decrement. The voltage pattern described in the
             frequency tuning description will determine the
             increment or dectement. This causes the recall of the
             memories stored in each of the EEron registers and
             displays then in the standby window.
             Pin 25 of U701 monitors the transfer (<——>) switch
             control line. This control line is held high by pin 3
             of RP701 until a low is generated in the display
             assenbly.      When the low occurs, the standby and active
              frequencies in the display and E€rom are swapped and a
             new data bit stream is sent to the synthesizer.

ProfssionalTesing (BMQD c                                  reein.coxtcioo
               controrze® BoRRD ASSEMBLY (Continued)
               Pin 24 of U701 is used to monitor the store (5T0)
               control line. This control line is held high by pin 12
               of RP?01 until a low is generated in the display
               assembly. If a memory register has been called up on
               the display, a low on this line will place the standby
               frequency currently in the window into that register of
               the EBron.
               Pin 33 of U701 is the lock detect line from the PL 1C
               in the oynthesizer. If this line is low, the software
               in U7O1 inhibite all trensmit capabilitics and causes
               an error code (01) on the display to flach repeatedly.
               Pin 34 of U701 is used to monitor the receive indicator
               line. This line is held high, with pin 8 of P701,
               untii the equelch opens on the receiver board assembly.
               When the equelch opens a low is placed on the cathode
               of CR7O2, causing pin 34 to go low and the "R" on the
               display will light up. This will not happen if the
               transmitter is on. CR702 is used to block the 5 volte
               (on RE701) from affecting the equelch circuit of the
               Pin 44 of U701 is the PPP monitor line. This line is
               normally held high by pin 13 of RP7O1. . When the PTT
               switch is depressed and a low is placed on pin 2 of PB,
               a "T" is illuninated on the display. An internal timer
               is also started within U701, if the PP line is held
               low for nore than approximately three minutes (stuck
               micrephone condition), the TX inhibit line 4s enabled,
               and a flashing error message (02) appears in the
               standby window of the display. CR701 blocks the
               voltage normally on the PMT line on the TH/R board
               assenbly. Pin 45 of 0701 is the TX inhibit line
               mentioned above. This line is nornally held low by the
               software, allowing the first L.0. anplifier within the
               transmitter section to function, 1f the software
               senses a low on pin 33 (eynthesizer unlock) or a stuck
               microphone condition, it allows pin 45 to go open,
               pulling the line high through 2708. This disables the
               first L.0. anplitier.
               Pins 38, 40, 41, 42 and 43 of W701 control the serial
               bit stream used for the PLL IC and the EEron (0702).
               Pin 36 is an enable line for the PLL IC, this is high
               only when a new frequency is shifted to the active
               window of the dieplay. Pin 40 is the chip select line
               for the EBrom (U702). This line will go high vhenever
               a frequency is stored or recalled from the menory. Pin
               42 is the serial output line from U701.

ProfssionalTesing (BMQD c                                   reein.coxtcioo
             conmrorter monto assemett (Continued)
             The software calculates a nineteen bit serial data
             stream corresponding to the frequency shown in the
             active window of the display. This bit stream is used
             in the PUL 1C. The data strean is calculated and
             arranged in the manner described in Section 5.3.
             Pin 41 of 0701 is the serial data in line. the EBrom
             (U7O2) sends the data from its registers, upon start up
             or when a menory channel is recalled, on this line.
             Pin 43 of U7O1 is the serial clock line which the Efron
             (U702) and the PLL IC (U6O7) use to clock the data bit
             stream into their respective registers.
             €703 and the resistor on pin 12 of RP7O1 provide a RC
             time constant for a soft start of the reset voltage. A
             Tow to high transition on pin 7 of U701 vill cause a
             reset within the software of the microprocessor.
             ¥701 is a 4.19 Mte ceramic resonator used as a time
             base for the microprocessor (pins 6 and 9). C701 and
             €702 provide the loading for the resonator.
             U704 supplies a regulated 5 volts fron the switched
             13.75 volte. the 5 volts is used to power the
             microprocessor (U701) and the Eron (¥702). it is also
             used for various pull—up resistore (RP701 and 2708) and
             in the automatic dimming circuit (R701) for the
             display, The 5 volte is also exported to the
             synthesizer portion of the hudio/Synthesizer board
             assembly. C709 is used for additional filtering of the
             13.75 volt input Line while C708 improves the transient
             response on the 5 volt 1ine.
             U703, a DC to DC converter chip, is the heart of the
             high voltage power supply for the planar gas discharge
             display. C704 is a timing cepscitor thet governs the
             frequency of an oscillator internal to 0705.| C705,
             C711 and 8711 form a low pass filter thet reduces
             noise, generated by the high voltage power supply, on
             the switched 13.75 volt line. Current through 2702
             creates a sense voltage on pin 7 of U703. when this
             voltage reaches 330 mWolte below Vee, the internal
             circuitry acts to reduce the output current.
             The output across the primary of 2701 is a rectangular
             waveform vhose duty cyele is controlled by a feedback
             loop as described below. R710 reduces noise in the
             system by reducing the Q of the primary. ‘The secondary
             is coupled to half wave rectifiere, CR7O3/E706 and
             CR704/€707 to produce both positive and negative DC
                                  so                                     ‘

ProfssionalTesing (BMQD c                                   reein.coxtcioo
                conrrottz® BoMRD asszMBLY   (Continued)
             The duty cycle of the waveforn applied to the
             transformer deternines the magnitude of these voltages.
             The transformer is being driven at approximately 40kz.
             Feedback is generated from the positive DC voltage at
             the cathode of CR703. Because pin 5 of U703 is the
             inverting input of an internal comparator with a 1.25
             volt reference voltage, the voltage at the cathode of
             CR703 tends to Mluctuate around 1.23V +
             V‘ where Vt is the zener voltage of CR705 V* is
             nominally 91 volts. R703 provides a path for current
             through CR705 while 2709 is used to provide an equal
             load current on the negative side. 8704 is used to set
             the total drop across the +90/—90 volt lines to 180
             The feedback loop works as follows: When the voltage
             at the cathode of C8703 gets above approxinately 1.37
             volte + ¥, the internal conparator in 0702 produces a
             low output. This tends to reduce the duty cycle of
             u7os‘s ourput. This in turn reduces the magnitude of
             the +90/—90 volt lines. When the voltage at the
             cathode of CR703 drops below approximately 1.13 volte +
             Y‘ the conparator has a positive output and tends to
             increage the duty cycle and thus brings the voltages
             up. The total ripple across the +50/—90 volt lines is
             approximately 0.24 ¥p—p.
             $#702 is a double shafted switch used for On/Off/Yolume
             and Manual/auto squelch. Turning the small. knob
             clockwise past the detent places a ground to a relay
             K601, on the synthesizer/audio board assembly, enabling
             the aircraft power to be applied to the radio. Turning
             the knob further clockwise increases the anount of low
             level audio returned to the audio amplifier cireuitry
             on the RX/TX board assenbly. Turning the lerge knob
             clockwise past the detent will take the radio out of
             auto equelch. The auto equelch level is set by
             resistore on the RK/TX board. When out of auto equelch
             the pot in S#702 deternines the squelch point along
             with R707.
         s.2 otsptay assmety
             Use Schematic #9—1100—0080—03, Component Locators
             #7050—0024—02, 7050—0025—02 and Display Schematic #9—
                1200—0107—02 to aid in understanding the following
                cireuit description.

ProfssionalTesing (BMQD c                                 reein.coxtcioo
      s.2 DISPIAY ASSEMBLY (Continued)
             When the transfer (<——>) switch, $#902, is pressed, it
             places a ground on pin 25 of the microprocessor, U7OL,
             which initiates the transfer sequence described in
             Paragraph 5.1. When the store (§70) switch, SW901, is
             pressed, it places a ground on pin 24 of the
             microprocessor, U7O1. This initiates the store
             function described in Paragraph 5.1.
             Anbient light on the photo—resistor, LDRSO1, determines
             the brightness of the gas discharge display. The
             photo—resistor varies from approximately 11 kn (strong
             light) to 1 MM (dark) and forms a voltage divider with
             R701 on the controller board assenbly. The
             microprocessor uses this voltage to deternine the pulse
             width of the anode sweeps and thus the brightness of
             the displey. CBO1 helps to control brief {luctuations
             of light intensity.
             The gas discharge display, D8901, is driven by two
             different signals, one for the anodes and one for the
             cathodes. The software controls the synchronization of
             the anode and cathode pulses. Por a segnent (cathode),
             at a particular anode location, to be illuminated it
             must receive a —90 volt pulse at the same time the
             anode receives a +90 volt pulse.
             The 5 volt anode pulses for anodes 1 through 8 are
             applied to the high voltege anode driver, U901. the
             anode 9 pulse is applied to the base of Cransistor,
             903. The arrangement of 0903, Q901, R912, R913, #914
             and R915 works in the same way as the driver 1C, 0901
             to put the +90 volt pulses on the gas discharge
             The 5 volt cathode pulse for segments a through h and
             the ® and M buss are applied to the high voltage
             cathode driver, UBOL. The i seqment and 7 buss pulse
             is applied to the emitter of transistor 9904. The
             arrangement of 0902, 0904, R9I1, R916, R917 and Ro18
             work together in the sane way as U8O1‘to place the ~90
             volt puises on the gas discharge display.
             R801—R805 and R904—8910 are used for current requlation
             of the display. R901 controls the current for the
             cathode "keep alive" while 8902 and 2903 provide
             current regulation for the left and right anode "keep
             alive* respectively.

ProfssionalTesing (BMQD c                                   reein.coxtcioo
         s.3. avpro/srnmizstzer assmisty
                Use Schematic #9—1100—0097—04 and Component Locator
                #7050—0033—03, if the unit is a Mod 6 or lower, and
                Schematic #9—1100—0122—04 and Component Locator #7050—
                0042—04, if the unit ie a Med 7 or above, to aid in the
                understanding of the following ciruit descriptions.
                Relay K601 is used to switch the incoming aircraft A+
                for the entire radio. as enters the relay on pin 4 and
                when pin 1 is pulled low the A+ is applied to pin 2.
                R63 provides current limiting for the coll on the
                relay. C659 and C660 bypase any stray RF while
                inductive kickback is controlled with CR603.
                Uperating pover for the board is supplied through R6S2
                and filtered by C657. The circuitry that is operated
                directly by this voltage is U602, the loop filter
                operational anplifier, which requires the full supply
                voltage to achieve the necessary voltage swing, 9604,
                the 600 D sudio anplifier to achieve the audio power
                output, and the intercon VX circuit. The intercom VOX
                cireuit requires this voltage to provide adequate
                microphone bias current, along with enough voltage
                swing on the conparator and amplifier circuitry. +5
                volts is inported from the controller board for use by
                U601, the phase lock loop chip and U603, the divide by
                40/41 chip. A TX A+ voltage is imported from the
                receiver/transmitter board, via 37, to pover the final
                &F anplifier during tranomit. The remaining voltages
                on the board aze derived from U606, an adjustable
                voltage regulator set to +8.5 volté by adjusting R648.
                The date, clock and enable lines, (J6, Pin 4, 3 and 2)
                are control signals from the mictoprocessor to the
                synthesizer. They are 5V CHOS logic input level
                compatible, The lock line (J6, Pin 5) is a 5V CHOS
                logic level output to the microprocessor indicating the
                lock condition of the synthesizer.
                Analog input lines consist of audio sun (37), sidetone
                (37), VOX key (37), Push To Talk (PMT)(37), microphone
                audio (37), and VO% equelch adjust (37), Analog output
                lines include ¥—Ture (37) headphone audio (37) and VX
                squelch A+ (37). On Mod units and above an output line
                of Vox audio and an input line of Vox audio adjust are
                added to 37. Signal RP output line (P11) drives the
                tranemitter anplitier on the receiver/transmitter

b                                       »s
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      Suyuyeues ous tyaun u674 edeas wous toubre ous cubru
     soob teubre oys ‘anten pomesbord #27 woss unop exunco
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    t uya ‘(eogn) drgo doot yoot assud oys o3 preazor stus
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       eua sopratp ar      ‘repyazp Aouenbeas teaybyp e #t tosn
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        wors sobumys zortt7ose oys 3o Aouenber3 o¥3 ‘Tosld
      ‘zos09zwa oys 30 sbvaton seta sexanez ous BuyBueys 4s
     reBeas (oon) 2oa»ttyoso pettoxauce aBeston a¥a #t 1090

                        (penursue9) snawassy weersansnas/orany        €‘s

sranco arsor                                             RTeeupmemny

ProfssionalTesing (BMQD c                                          reein.coxtcioo
           5.3 avpro/onmiretemn assemeuy (Continued)
                 Fine tuning of the oscillator frequency is achieved by
                 adjusting C605 to alter the 6.4 Miz reference
                 frequency, as this frequency is divided by a set
                 nunber. Te reference 25 Kiz eignal can then adjust
                 the oscillator‘s 25 iz signal.
                 The frequency of the voltage controlled osciliator is
                 therefore a function of the division ratio of the "A
                 Counter® and the "N Counter®. This division ratio is
                 input digitaily, from the microprocessor, through a
                 shift register and a latch internal to V6OL.
                 The corresponding input format is listed as follows:
    <————A Counter Bite————>< ——w Counter Bits=——»<———3i@ 142—
    aivige                  divide aivice              divige on         s
     by A                    by A   by N                by w   a          2
    Lk                      wise    Lse                 xsn
    __ Last data bit in (Bit 19)                 First data bit in (Bit 1)
                 The corresponding equation for progranning the *A
                 Counter® and the "N Counter® 0:
                       N Counter =    the binary equivalent of the ifle
                                      portion of the desized synthosizer
                       A Counter =    the binary equivalent of the Kiz
                                      portion of the desized synthesizer
                                      frequency after dividing by 25.
                       SW 142 are always logic 0 in this application.
                 ror Exanple: a desired synthesizer frequency of 147.675
                 mie. (136.975 Mz plus the 10.7 Mz local oselllator
                       N Counter = 147 = 0010010011
                       A Counter = 675/25 = 27 = 0011011
                       sw 1 a 20— oo
                 Therefore the data bit strean Se:
                    (Zast Bit)                              (riret Bit)
                   i 10 11 0 0               11 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 o o
                    (a counter)                 (1 counter)        (s)

ProfssionalTesing (BMQD c                                       reein.coxtcioo
      s.3 aupro/syizhestze® AssEMBLY (Continued)
          The headphone (600 M) audio output stage consists of an
          audio power amplifier (U604) and an output transformer
          T602. ‘The gain of 0604 is internally fixed at 20. The
          auxiliary audio signals, sidetone, microphone sudio
          when in Vox mode, and low level audio fron the receiver
          are all introduced into the output anplifier stage.
          supply de—coupling is provided for the audio anplifier
          by R6S0 and C633. The audio signal is stepped up by
          the transformer and passes to the receiver/transmitter
          beard via 37, Pin 9. The load cen be either an audio
          panel, one or two high impedance hesdsets or a single
          low impedance headset. The circuit will deliver a
          minimun of 250m# of audio output pover.
             606 is a switch for the VOX circuitry.         when a low is
             applied to 37, Pin 3, current flow through R635 causes
             9606 to turn on. This applies +13.75 to the VoX
             circuitry. The +13.75 is also applied to the
             microphone audio line to excite the microphone element
             through R633. When in the VOX mode, microphone audio
             is applied to Pin 2 of U604, the audio anplifier,
             through R630.  ‘The audio signal is also supplied to Pin
             2 of anplifier U6OSA. The signal is then rectified,
             filtered, and applied to Pin 6 of U605B, which is
             configured as a conparator. The voltage on Pin 5 of
             W6O5B is set by either R642 or an external pot.
             This voltage then sets the equelch or break point of
             the VOX intercom feature.       Q608 is a squelch mute
             switch.        Whenever a DC voltage is applied to either Pin
             7 of U6O5B or the collector of 9607, 0608 turns on and
             places a ground on the mic audio input to the audio
             amplifier. 0607 will only turn on when the PM line is
             taken low, thus muting the VOX mode and using sidetone
             recerven/mavoutmmen assemoty
             Use Schematic #9—1100—0096—04 and Component Locator
             #7050—0032—03 to aid in the understanding the following
             cireuit descriptions.
             The primary power supply voltage is applied to the
             system at P9, Pin 1. This voltage is filtered by 1407,
             ©499, C502 and C503 before being exported on 35, Pin 2
             to the controller and audio/synthesizer boards.‘ _The
             ewitched voltege then comes back on J5, Pin 1. The
             +13.75 volt switched voltage is used to generate the +9
             volte that is used in the receiver section.

 wot ous uaye soxpe seys eubre mt sstott un m
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mosssace                                           Htrermpamnc

ProfssionalTesing (BMQD c                                reein.coxtcioo
          recerven/mransmtmme® ASSBMBLY (Continued)
          Mte signal to produce a second IP of 455 Kie. The mix
          of the two frequencies leaves U401 on Pin 15 and the
          455 KHe signal is filtered with PL403 and returned to
          U402, via Pin 12. The signal is then anplified and has
          AGC applied to it. The signal then leaves 0402 on Pin
          7 to be applied to T407 and detected by CR4OB. The
          modulation from the signal is then developed across the
          load resistor 418.
          From the detector the sudio proceeds to the series
          automatic noise limiter (ANL). The ANL circuit
          consists of forvard biased CRA09, C423, C424, Ré19,
          R420, R422 and R423. Audio from the AKL is coupled to
          an operational anplifier, U402B that is confiqured as
          an audio pre—amplifier. ‘The output of the pre—
          anplifier is then exported to the controller assenbly
          on 35, Pin 6 for use in the volume pot of SW702.
          The wiper contact of the volume control connects back
          through J5, Pin 7 to the input of 0403, the speaker
          output audio amplifier, and to the Audio Sum Line that
          is taken through ®7, Pin 6 to the headphone output
          audio anplifier, The gain of 0403 is set to 404B for
          sufficient amplification to drive a speaker to full
          AGC voltage is taken from the cathode of CR4O7,
          filtered, and applied to the 455KHz anplifier internal
          to U401.‘ The AGC is also applied to the AGC anplifier
          U404B. This amplifier takes the AGC voltage and
          amplifies it by a fector of 1000 and applies it to the
          source of Q401 and the base of 416.
          U404® serves as an anplifier for the equelch circuits.
          When in the autonatic squelch mode, 2439 sets the
          equelch level. when in the manual equelch mode, the
          potentioneter within 5#702 sets the squelch level.
          U404B serves as the controller for the squelch gate,
          ©403. when 0403 conducts, it connects the input signal
          of Ué02B to ground and prevents receiver noise from
          reaching the speaker. When a signal, strong enough to
          break squelch, is received, Q403 becomes non—conductive
          and the audio circuitry functions normally. The output
          of U402B also controls the receive indicator on the
          display of the radio.
          The RP signal from the eynthesizer is capacitively
          coupled to the base of 0412. Q412 is class "A" biased
          and functions as a buffer amplifier.

ProfssionalTesing (BMQD c                                   reein.coxtcioo
          recerver/meansntmzen AsSEMRLY (Continued)
          T408 is a broad band toroid transformer and forns the
          collector load for Q412. The signal is capecitively
          coupled from the top of T408 to the base of Q413.     0413
          is class "AB" biased with both a fixed bias and
          additional bias being developed proportional to the
          signal level. This additional bias is developed by
          rectifying part of the signal with CR418. The
          resulting voltage created across R492 is added to the
          existing fixed blas voltage across R492.
          The broad band torold T409,    is the collector load for
          Q413.     The output signal of T409 is capacitively
          coupled to the driver stage, 0414.
          Q424 is class "B" biased with its collector load being
          T410, another broad band toroid.  ‘The signal is taken
          from‘the top of T410 and copacitively coupled to the
          base of Q415, the final anplifier.   Q415 is also class
          *B" bimsed, its collector load is Té41l. Téll also
          gerves as the inductor for the first section of the low
          pase output filter.
          The low pass filter serves two purposes. _It is used to
          transform the low collector inpedance of Q415 to the 50
          & impedance of the antenna system. Tt also reduces the
          high order harnonics and spurious frequencies above 137
          MHz. The filter consists of a Pi—section (Mé11, C489
          and €490), an L~section (L404, C492), another L—section
          (I405, C493) and a final Pi—section (1406, C510, C494
          and C496). The output of the filter is connected to
          the antenna connector.
          Q411 is used as a transmit inhibit gate.     If the
          microprocessor on the controller board senses a
          synthesizer that is unlocked or a three minute time—out
          on the PPP line, it sends a voltage to the base of
          Q411.  This saturates Q411, grounding the base of Q413
          and the tranomit signal, thus inhibiting tranemission
          of signal.
          When the transmitter is keyed, a microphone bias
          voltage is obtaining from the collector of 0409. The
          audio obtained from the microphone is developed across
          the microphone gain control potentioneter R477. The
          wiper of R477 couples a portion of the audio to the
          inverting input of U40SB. The non—inverting input is
          connected to a voltage divider across the supply at a
          point equal to one half of the TX A+ voltage.   R457 and
          R4S6 set the gain of this stage to 100 for the lower
          audio frequencies. Sone of the audio out of U90SB is
          routed to the gate of Q408, the conpressor.

ProfssionalTesing (BMQD c                                 reein.coxtcioo
            recervea/manshtmme® assemMBLY (Continued)
            A large positive pulse at the gate will pull the drain
            down and reduce the audio signal at the input to U40SB.
            The anount of the reduction is set by the conpression
            adjustment potentioneter R474.
            The output signal from U405B is also connected to the
            inverting output of U4OSA. The non—inverting input,
            like U4OBB is connected to one—half of the TX A+
            voltage. This pernits an audio signal swing of nearly
            £1/2 of the TX A+ voltage. The supply voltage for the
            modulator comes through Q409 direct from the aircraft
            battery. Tt is not regulated, only awitched when the
            PrB line goes low.
            U405A is configured as an ordinary audio anplifier,
            whose gain is set to 10 by R46O and RMG2. The output
            of U405N is coupled to the base of 0405, which is
            configured as an emitter follower. 0405 drives 0406,
            another enitter follower, which drives 0407 another
            emitter follower. Q407, being in series with the
            supply to the RP driver and final anplifiex, functions
            as the modulator.
            The output power of the tranemitter is set with R4GS.
            With no audio applied, it adjusts the quiescent voltage
            available to the NP driver and final amplitier (Q414
            and Q415 respectively) .

Document Created: 2019-09-05 15:13:24
Document Modified: 2019-09-05 15:13:24

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