Cover Letter


Cover Letter(s)

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 GUEST                                             T HE         G UE S T      C O M P AN Y
                                                            $5 RESEARCH PARKNAY
                                                       MERIDEN, CONNECVICUT 06450.—7198
                                                     Tetephone (203}2354471       Fax (203}236.0039
 CC iCew=ni
 Device Name: Wireiess Control for 501 spotlight
 Mogdel Mo.: Guest No. 728295


To whom it may concerrs

\We, the undersigned, heraby authorize ELECTRONICS TESTING CENMTER, TAIWAN, to act on
our behalf in all manners relating to application for equipment authorzation, including signing of
all documents relating to these matiers. Any and all acts carried out by FLECTRONICES
TESTING CENTER, TAINAN on out beholf shall have the same effect as acts of our own.

in authorizing ELECTRONICS TESTING CENTER, TAIWAN as our agenrt, we siill recognize
that we are reaponsible to:

           a)        comply with the relevardk provisiors of the cerfification program;,
           E)        make all necessary arrangements for the condudt of the evalusation, including
                     profelon for examining documenrtetion and ncesse to ail arees, records
                     {including Intermal audit reports) and personnel for the purposes of evaluation
                     {e.g. testing, iInspection, acesssmenrt, surveillance, reascezsmerd) and
                      resolution of complaints;,
           ©)         make claims regardingcertification only in respect of the arope for which
                     certification has been granted,
                     do not use ouf product certification in such s manner as to bring the Certification
                     Oivigion into disrepute and not make any ststemert regarding our product
                     cerfification which the Certification Drasion may consider mislieading of
           &}        upon suspension or conceliation of certification, discortirue use of all
                     adveriising matter that contains any reference therete and return any
                     certification documents as required by the Certification Division;,
           f         use certification only to indicate the producis are cerfified as being in conformity
                     with specified standerds;
           9)        endeswor to ereure that no certificate or report not any part thereof is used in a
                     mislisading manner,
           h)        enoure that any reference to our product certification in communication media
                     such as documents, brochares or advertieing, compbes with the requiremente of
                     the Certification {Mivision;
1)     keep a reoord of all compiaints made known to the us relating to the product compliarce
   with requiremerts of the relewank standard and to make these records aveilable to the
   Cortification Division when requested.
]) take appropriate action with respect to such complairts and any deficlencies fournd in
   products of services that affect compliance wilh the requiremerts for certification;
k) doocument the actore taken.

This authorization is valid urti) further written nolice from the eppbeant.
Sincerely Yours,

By:                 émg}a, (ZJOA_-                        By:             Ms, Sonya Cook
                           WSignature)                                       {Printed)
Tile           :—   Aesistert Project Manager
Applicart ;         The Guest Co,
Address :           95 research parkeway, Mefiden 06450,U S.A.
Tel      :          (203}235—M421
Faxe                {203}235—0038

Document Created: 2006-06-02 15:35:27
Document Modified: 2006-06-02 15:35:27

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