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Test report #20000287F                     FCC 15.231 for CB2OHHL3           FCC ID: CB2OHHL3
                                            Tested February 18, 2000

Test Data [2.1033(b6)]
  Modulation Characteristics
Typical encoding at 310MHz: Consisting of pulses of differing duty cycles.

310MHz, 500Hz Modulation, 30% duty cycle

AHD EMC Lab, 92723 M152, Dowagiac, MI 49047, (616) 424-7014                             98740
                                            Exhibit K: Page 14 of 37

Test report #20000287F                     FCC 15.231 for CB2OHHL3     FCC ID: CB2OHHL3
                                            Tested February 18, 2000

310MHz, 500Hz Modulation, 50% duty cycle

310MHz, 500Hz Modulation, 80% duty cycle

AHD EMC Lab, 92723 M152, Dowagiac, MI 49047, (616) 424-7014                       98740
                                            Exhibit K: Page 15 of 37

Test report #20000287F                         FCC 15.231 for CB2OHHL3                      FCC ID: CB2OHHL3
                                                Tested February 18, 2000

  Relative Emission Level vs. Supply Voltage [15.31(e)]
The relative emission level as the supply voltage varied is presented in the charts below.

                                      TX OUTPUT vs. Voltage LEVEL
                                 DUT= CB2OHHL3, 310MHz, 80%duty cycle
                                    Volt In                 TX OutPut
                                                            Pk dBuV/m
                                       6                      no-op
                                       7                       75.7
                                       8                       74.4
                                       9                       74.4
                                      10                       75.0
                                      11                       75.0
                                      12                       74.8
                                      13                       74.8
                                      14                       74.7
                                      15                       74.6
                                      16                       74.4
                                      17                       74.3
                                      18                       74.0

                                  OUTPUT FIELD STRENGTH vs INPUT VOLTAGE
                               [Tuned to 310MHz; Modulated at 500Hz, 80% Duty Cycle]










                6   7    8       9        10         11       12    13      14         15   16    17     18


AHD EMC Lab, 92723 M152, Dowagiac, MI 49047, (616) 424-7014                                            98740
                                               Exhibit K: Page 16 of 37

Test report #20000287F                     FCC 15.231 for CB2OHHL3               FCC ID: CB2OHHL3
                                            Tested February 18, 2000

   Occupied Bandwidth [15.231(c)]
The maximum allowed 20dB bandwidth is determined pursuant to 15.23(c). For fundamental
signals between 70MHz and 900MHz the bandwidth allowed is 0.25% of the fundamental.

Formula 2:                Allowed bandwidth = [ Fundamental ] x [ .0025 ]

             Fundamental        Duty Cycle          Measured          LIMIT
                (MHz)                            20dB Bandwidth Fundamental * .0025
                 288                30%             585 KHz          720 KHz
                  “                 50%             565 KHz          720 KHz
                  “                 80%             550 KHz          720 KHz
                 310                30%             550 KHz          775 KHz
                  “                 50%             525 KHz          775 KHz
                  “                 80%             473 KHz          775 KHz
                 418                30%             555 KHz         1045 KHz
                  “                 50%             485 KHz         1045 KHz
                  “                 80%             500 KHz         1045 KHz

                         This chart shows a typical measured bandwidth signal.

AHD EMC Lab, 92723 M152, Dowagiac, MI 49047, (616) 424-7014                                 98740
                                            Exhibit K: Page 17 of 37

Test report #20000287F                     FCC 15.231 for CB2OHHL3              FCC ID: CB2OHHL3
                                            Tested February 18, 2000

   Restricted Bands: [15.205]

The following frequency bands are restricted. Only spurious emissions are permitted at levels
limited by 15.209:

          MHz                            MHz                       MHz                GHz
       0.090-0.110                  16.42-16.423                399.9-410           4.5-5.25
       0.490-0.510               16.69475-16.69525                608-614          5.35-5.46
     2.1735-2.1905               16.80425-16.80475               960-1240          7.25-7.75
       4.125-4.128                    25.5-25.67                1300-1427          8.025-8.5
    4.17725-4.17775                   37.5-38.25               1435-1626.5           9.0-9.2
    4.20725-4.20775                     73-74.6               1645.5-1646.5          9.3-9.5
       6.215-6.218                     74.8-75.2                1660-1710          10.6-12.7
    6.26775-6.26825                  108-121.94               1718.8-1722.2       13.25-13.4
    6.31175-6.31225                     123-138                 2200-2300         14.47-14.5
       8.291-8.294                  149.9-150.05                2310-2390         15.35-16.2
       8.362-8.366              156.52475-156.52525            2483.5-2500         17.7-21.4
    8.37625-8.38675                  156.7-156.9                2655-2900        22.01-23.12
    8.41425-8.41475               162.0125-167.17               3260-3267          23.6-24.0
      12.29-12.293                  167.72-173.2                3332-3339          31.2-31.8
   12.51975-12.52025                    240-285                3345.8-3358        36.43-36.5
   12.57675-12.57725                  322-335.4                 3600-4400        Above 38.6

LIMIT @ 3meter: [15.209(a)]

30-88MHz                   100uV/m          40dBuV/m
88-216MHz                  150uV/m          43.5dBuV/m
216-960MHz                 200uV/m          46dBuV/m
above 960MHz               500uV/m          54dBuV/m

Verification of EUT inability to tune within the Restricted Bands.

The unit is designed capable of tuning from 285MHz to 420MHz. Except that the Homelink® III
firmware prevents the possibility of tuning to the restricted regions of 322-325.4MHz, 399.9-
410MHz, and 240-285MHz.

An exercise which attempted to train the units into the restricted bands demonstrated how well
the firmware functioned. The unit could not be trained any closer to the restricted band area
than 1MHz outside the restricted bands edges.

The spurious emissions observed in the restricted bands did not exceed the allowed limits for the
restricted bands.

AHD EMC Lab, 92723 M152, Dowagiac, MI 49047, (616) 424-7014                                    98740
                                            Exhibit K: Page 18 of 37

Test report #20000287F                     FCC 15.231 for CB2OHHL3         FCC ID: CB2OHHL3
                                            Tested February 18, 2000

   Radiated Field Strength Measurements: [15.231(b), 15.205]

A scan of the CB2OHHL3 was made in a shielded room to study the emission profile of the EUT.
These scans indicate there are no emissions from the unit other than the fundamental and its
associated harmonics.

The following three charts show the spectrum pattern of the EUT emissions in the W220
configuration. The levels indicated are not calibrated levels.

The are no detectable spurious emissions associated with the digital portion of the W220
configuration of the model CB2OHHL3.

AHD EMC Lab, 92723 M152, Dowagiac, MI 49047, (616) 424-7014                            98740
                                            Exhibit K: Page 19 of 37

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Test report #20000287F                     FCC 15.231 for CB2OHHL3     FCC ID: CB2OHHL3
                                            Tested February 18, 2000

The following three charts show the spectrum pattern of the EUT emissions in the GMT
configuration. The levels indicated are not calibrated levels.

The are no detectable spurious emissions associated with the digital portion of the GMT
configuration of the model CB2OHHL3.

AHD EMC Lab, 92723 M152, Dowagiac, MI 49047, (616) 424-7014                       98740
                                            Exhibit K: Page 21 of 37

   2] ancas—ee ren 18. cegs
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REP 78.0 abaure      thl 0 de
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    Test report #20000287F                     FCC 15.231 for CB2OHHL3                  FCC ID: CB2OHHL3
                                                Tested February 18, 2000

        Field Strength Measurements of Fundamental - GMT unit: [15.231(b)]
    1. The EUT was trained to one of the three test frequencies.
    2. The EUT was trained to one of the three test duty cycles.
    3. The EUT was setup to one of the three orthogonal positions.
    4. Steps 1-3 were repeated to cover all positions, duty cycles, and frequencies.

    DUT Tuned to transmit at 288MHz

Freq.    DUT Ant.         Corrected   Duty Duty Calculated FCC Margin Cable +Ant.
        position Pol.       Data      Cycle Cycle Average  Limit        Factor
                        Peak Detector       Factor  Level
MHz                       dBuV/m       %     dB    dBuV/m dBuV/m dB    dB+dB/m
288       side     H         83.00         30% -10.46             72.54    73.8   1.3     14.29
 “          “      “         78.05         50% -6.02              72.03    73.8   1.8       “
 “          “      “         73.89         80% -1.94              71.95    73.8   1.8       “

    DUT Tuned to transmit at 310MHz

Freq.    DUT Ant.         Corrected Duty Duty Calculated FCC Margin Cable +Ant.
        position Pol.       Data      Cycle Cycle Average  Limit      Factor
                        Peak Detector       Factor  Level
MHz                       dBuV/m       %     dB    dBuV/m dBuV/m dB  dB+dB/m
310      side      H         84.40         30% -10.46             73.94    75.3   1.4     14.94
 “         “       “         80.16         50% -6.02              74.14    75.3   1.2       “
 “         “       “         75.27         80% -1.94              73.33    75.3   2.0       “

    DUT Tuned to transmit at 418MHz

Freq.    DUT Ant.         Corrected Duty Duty Calculated FCC Margin Cable +Ant.
        position Pol.       Data      Cycle Cycle Average  Limit      Factor
                        Peak Detector       Factor  Level
MHz                       dBuV/m       %     dB    dBuV/m dBuV/m dB  dB+dB/m
418       end      V         88.54         30% -10.46             78.08    80.3   2.2     17.44
 “         “       “         83.07         50% -6.02              77.05    80.3   3.2       “
 “         “       “         79.74         80% -1.94              77.80    80.3   2.5       “

    AHD EMC Lab, 92723 M152, Dowagiac, MI 49047, (616) 424-7014                                    98740
                                                Exhibit K: Page 23 of 37

   Test report #20000287F                     FCC 15.231 for CB2OHHL3               FCC ID: CB2OHHL3
                                               Tested February 18, 2000

             Field Strength Measurements of Harmonics: GMT and W220 unit [15.231(b), 15.205]

    DUT Tuned to transmit at 288MHz
Freq. unit   DUT Ant. Corrected         Duty Duty Calculated FCC Margin Cable +Ant.
       ID position Pol.         Data    Cycle Cycle Average  Limit        Factor
                           Peak Detector 6 Factor    Level
MHz                           dBuV/m     %     dB   dBuV/m dBuV/m dB     dB+dB/m
 576   GMT        flat      H        44.65          30%     -10.46    34.2   53.8   19.6       21.03
  “     “           “       “        40.35          50%      -6.02    34.3   53.8   19.5         “
  “     “           “       “        29.56          80%      -1.94    27.6   53.8   26.2         “
 576   W220       flat      V        50.10          30%     -10.46   39.6    53.8   14.2       21.03
  “     “           “       H        42.51          50%      -6.02    36.5   53.8   17.3         “
  “     “           “       “        37.09          80%      -1.94    35.2   53.8   18.6         “
 864     “        side      V        33.38          30%     -10.46   22.9    53.8   30.9       24.82
  “     “           “       “        28.17          50%      -6.02    22.2   53.8   31.6         “
  “     “           “       “        22.66          80%      -1.94    20.7   53.8   33.1         “
1152    “         flat      H        31.63          30%     -10.46    21.2   54.0   32.8       20.80
  “     “           “       “        29.79          50%      -6.02    23.8   54.0   30.2         “
  “      “          “       “        30.41          80%      -1.94    28.5   54.0   25.5         “
1440    “         end       H         37.6          30%     -10.46    27.1   54.0   26.9       22.13
  “     “           “       “         35.2          50%      -6.02    29.2   54.0   24.8         “
  “     “           “       “         34.9          80%      -1.94    33.0   54.0   21.0         “
1728    “         end       H         33.7          30%     -10.46    23.2   54.0   30.8       23.47
  “      “          “       “         33.1          50%      -6.02    27.1   54.0   26.9         “
  “     “           “       “         32.9          80%      -1.94    31.0   54.0   23.0         “
2016    “         end       H         32.3          30%     -10.46    21.8   54.0   32.2       24.60
  “     “           “       “         31.5          50%      -6.02    25.5   54.0   28.8         “
  “     “           “       “         30.7          80%      -1.94    28.8   54.0   25.2         “
2304     “          -       H       31.5*NF         30%     -10.46   <21.0   54.0   >33.0      25.41
  “     “           -       “       30.7*NF         50%      -6.02   <24.7   54.0   >29.3        “
  “     “           -       “       31.5*NF         80%      -1.94   <29.6   54.0   >24.4        “
2592    “           -       H       31.8*NF         30%     -10.46   <21.3   54.0   >32.7      26.17
  “     “           -       “       32.3*NF         50%      -6.02   <26.3   54.0   >27.7        “
  “      “          -       “       32.1*NF         80%      -1.94   <30.2   54.0   >23.8        “
2880    “           -       H       32.2*NF         30%     -10.46   <21.7   54.0   >32.3      26.98
  “     “           -       “       32.3*NF         50%      -6.02   <26.3   54.0   >27.7        “
  “      “          -       “       32.0*NF         80%      -1.94   <30.1   54.0   >23.9        “

   *NF indicates these data numbers are the noise floor of the measurement system
   The are no detectable spurious emissions associated with the digital portion of the CB2OHHL3.

   AHD EMC Lab, 92723 M152, Dowagiac, MI 49047, (616) 424-7014                                  98740
                                               Exhibit K: Page 24 of 37

    Test report #20000287F                     FCC 15.231 for CB2OHHL3               FCC ID: CB2OHHL3
                                                Tested February 18, 2000

    DUT Tuned to transmit at 310MHz

Freq.   unit     DUT Ant.          Corrected Duty Duty Calculated FCC Margin Cable +Ant.
         ID     position Pol.        Data      Cycle Cycle Average  Limit      Factor
                                 Peak Detector       Factor  Level
MHz                                dBuV/m       %     dB    dBuV/m dBuV/m dB  dB+dB/m
 620    GMT       flat       H        43.43          30%     -10.46    33.0   55.3   22.3      21.73
  “      “          “        “        37.61          50%      -6.02    31.6   55.3   23.7        “
  “      “          “        “        33.71          80%      -1.94    31.8   55.3   23.5        “
 620    W220      flat       H        47.89          30%     -10.46    37.4   55.3   17.9      21.73
  “      “          “        “        41.46          50%      -6.02    35.4   55.3   19.9        “
  “      “          “        “        37.37          80%      -1.94    35.4   55.3   19.9        “
 930      “       flat       H        29.94          30%     -10.46    19.5   55.3   35.8      25.34
  “      “        side       “        21.43          50%      -6.02    15.4   55.3   39.9        “
  “      “          “        “        21.18          80%      -1.94    19.2   55.3   36.1        “
1240     “        side       H        29.54          30%     -10.46    19.1   54.0   31.9      21.24
  “      “        end        “        29.47          50%      -6.02    23.4   54.0   30.6        “
  “       “         “        “        29.03          80%      -1.94    27.1   54.0   26.9        “
1550     “        flat       H        38.52          30%     -10.46    28.1   54.0   25.9      22.65
  “      “          “        “        37.52          50%      -6.02    31.5   54.0   22.5        “
  “      “        end        “        37.61          80%      -1.94    35.7   54.0   18.3        “
1860     “        end        H        32.00          30%     -10.46    21.5   55.3   33.8      24.01
  “       “         “        “        32.29          50%      -6.02    26.3   55.3   29.0        “
  “      “          “        “        33.30          80%      -1.94    31.4   55.3   23.9        “
2170     “        flat       H        32.75          30%     -10.46    22.3   55.3   33.0      25.07
  “      “          “        “        31.65          50%      -6.02    25.6   55.3   29.7        “
  “      “          “        “        31.61          80%      -1.94    29.7   55.3   25.6        “
2480      “         -        H       32.5*NF         30%     -10.46   <22.0   55.3   >33.3     25.83
  “      “          -        “       32.7*NF         50%      -6.02   <26.7   55.3   >28.6       “
  “      “          -        “       32.2*NF         80%      -1.94   <30.3   55.3   >25.0       “
2790     “          -        H       34.2*NF         30%     -10.46   <23.7   54.0   >30.3     26.74
  “      “          -        “       33.7*NF         50%      -6.02   <27.7   54.0   >26.3       “
  “       “         -        “       33.9*NF         80%      -1.94   <32.0   54.0   >22.0       “
3100     “          -        H       32.9*NF         30%     -10.46   <22.4   54.0   >31.6     28.34
  “      “          -        “       34.7*NF         50%      -6.02   <28.7   54.0   >25.3       “
  “       “         -        “       34.6*NF         80%      -1.94   <32.7   54.0   >21.3       “

    *NF indicates these data numbers are the noise floor of the measurement system
    The are no detectable spurious emissions associated with the digital portion of the CB2OHHL3.

    AHD EMC Lab, 92723 M152, Dowagiac, MI 49047, (616) 424-7014                                 98740
                                                Exhibit K: Page 25 of 37

    Test report #20000287F                     FCC 15.231 for CB2OHHL3               FCC ID: CB2OHHL3
                                                Tested February 18, 2000

    DUT Tuned to transmit at 418MHz

Freq.   unit     DUT Ant.          Corrected Duty Duty Calculated FCC Margin Cable +Ant.
         ID     position Pol.        Data      Cycle Cycle Average  Limit      Factor
                                 Peak Detector       Factor  Level
MHz                                dBuV/m       %     dB    dBuV/m dBuV/m dB  dB+dB/m
 836    GMT       flat       H        50.96          30%     -10.46    40.5   60.3   19.8      24.62
  “      “         “         “        44.85          50%      -6.02    38.8   60.3   21.5        “
  “      “         “         “        39.87          80%      -1.94    37.9   60.3   22.4        “
 836    W220      flat       H        48.30          30%     -10.46    37.8   54.0   16.2      24.62
  “      “         “         “        43.00          50%      -6.02    37.0   54.0   17.0        “
  “      “         “         “        38.67          80%      -1.94    36.7   54.0   17.3        “
1254      “       flat       H         39.0          30%     -10.46    28.5   54.0   25.5      21.31
  “      “        end        “         37.1          50%      -6.02    31.1   54.0   22.9        “
  “      “         “         “         37.4          80%      -1.94    35.5   54.0   18.5        “
1672     “        end        H         39.2          30%     -10.46    28.7   54.0   25.3      23.23
  “      “         “         “         37.2          50%      -6.02    31.2   54.0   22.8        “
  “       “        “         “         37.2          80%      -1.94    35.3   54.0   18.7        “
2090     “        flat       H         36.6          30%     -10.46    26.1   60.3   34.2      24.83
  “      “         “         “         36.0          50%      -6.02    30.0   60.3   30.3        “
  “      “         “         “         35.7          80%      -1.94    33.8   60.3   26.5        “
2508     “          -        H       31.7*NF         30%     -10.46    21.2   60.3   39.1      25.91
  “       “       end        “         33.3          50%      -6.02    27.3   60.3   33.0        “
  “      “          -        “       33.2*NF         80%      -1.94   <31.3   60.3   >29.0       “
2926     “        flat       H       33.3*NF         30%     -10.46   <22.8   60.3   >37.5     27.10
  “      “         “         “       33.0*NF         50%      -6.02   <27.0   60.3   >33.3       “
  “      “          -        “       33.7*NF         80%      -1.94   <31.8   60.3   >28.5       “
3344      “         -        H       36.4*NF         30%     -10.46   <25.9   60.3   >34.4     30.71
  “      “          -        “       36.7*NF         50%      -6.02   <30.7   60.3   >29.6       “
  “      “          -        “       36.8*NF         80%      -1.94   <34.9   60.3   >25.4       “
3762     “          -        H       36.8*NF         30%     -10.46   <26.3   54.0   >27.7     31.51
  “      “          -        “       37.3*NF         50%      -6.02   <31.3   54.0   >22.7       “
  “       “         -        “       37.3*NF         80%      -1.94   <35.4   54.0   >18.6       “
4180     “          -        H       37.4*NF         30%     -10.46   <26.9   54.0   >27.1     31.42
  “      “          -        “       37.8*NF         50%      -6.02   <31.8   54.0   >22.2       “
  “       “         -        “       37.1*NF         80%      -1.94   <35.2   54.0   >18.8       “

    *NF indicates these data numbers are the noise floor of the measurement system
    The are no detectable spurious emissions associated with the digital portion of the CB2OHHL3.

    AHD EMC Lab, 92723 M152, Dowagiac, MI 49047, (616) 424-7014                                 98740
                                                Exhibit K: Page 26 of 37

Test report #20000287F                     FCC 15.231 for CB2OHHL3              FCC ID: CB2OHHL3
                                            Tested February 18, 2000

       Calculation of Field Strength of Tuning Pulses: [15.231(b)], 15.31(c)]

The tuning pulses are generated each time the
CB2OHHL3 is activated.

The tuning pulse sequence is: During the first 100mSec of activation two pulses of a ‘coarse’
tune. During the second 100mSec of activation are nine pulses of a ‘fine’ tune. At
approximately 200mSec after activation the encoded transmission begins.

The signal levels of the tuning pulses were maximized by maximizing the signal levels of the
pulse modulated transmission. The antenna height and turntable azimuth for maximum emission
levels were adjusted while measuring the field strength of the pulse modulated transmissions.

A typical tuning pulse sequence is presented in this figure below.

To determine level of the tuning pulses for comparison to the limits, the following procedure was

1. The EUT was trained to each of the three test frequencies at 30% duty cycle of the 500Hz
   modulating pulse.
2. The HP8456A EMI Receiver was adjusted to a fundamental frequency and set at 0Hz span,
   with 1MHz IF Bandwidth.
3. The trigger level was adjusted to capture the pulses of interest.
4. The EUT was activated and a single trace recorded on the Receiver in order to capture the
   tuning pulses.
5. The captured trace was digitally stored. The stored data points (400 data points for a full
   screen trace) were then used in calculations to determine the levels of the pulses.

AHD EMC Lab, 92723 M152, Dowagiac, MI 49047, (616) 424-7014                                 98740
                                            Exhibit K: Page 27 of 37

Test report #20000287F                                              FCC 15.231 for CB2OHHL3                                             FCC ID: CB2OHHL3
                                                                     Tested February 18, 2000


Pursuant to 47 CFR 15.35(c), the field strength is determined by averaging over ONE complete
pulse train up to 100mSec, including blanking intervals.

1.               First was determined the number of data points captured which represented 100mSec span
                  of time. There are 400 data points stored for one complete trace. The scan rate of the
                  HP8546A receiver was set to capture the tuning pulses.

                      Therefore: Number of data points per 100mSec
                                      = 100mSec * (400pts/scan) / (No. of mSec/scan).
                   Example: If the scan rate is set at 240mSec, then the number of data points per 100mSec
                   is 100mSec * (400pts / 240mSec) = 167 pts.

2.                 The AVERAGE field strength level (uV/m) within the 100mSec is then determined by
                   dividing SUM of the levels (uV/m) of all data points by the number of data points.

                            Formula 3: Average Field Intensity
                                                          no. of data pts

                                                          ∑ (Leveln)uV/m
                                         Avg. F.I. =
                                                                (number of data points)

The charts that follow are the reproduction of the coarse tune pulse traces using number of data
points representing 100mSec sweep time from the screen display of the HP8546A EMI receiver.
                                                           C o a r s e T u n e P u l s e s , 2 8 8 M H z fu n d a m e n ta l
                                                                                   L in e a r S c a l e

                 1 8 0 0 0 .0 0

                 1 6 0 0 0 .0 0

                 1 4 0 0 0 .0 0

                 1 2 0 0 0 .0 0
     Peak uV/m

                 1 0 0 0 0 .0 0

                   8 00 0 .00

                   6 00 0 .00

                   4 00 0 .00

                   2 00 0 .00

                        0 .00
                                  1 00      1 10   1 20           1 30           1 40               1 50        1 60           1 70   1 80    1 90     2 00
                                                                                                   m S ec

AHD EMC Lab, 92723 M152, Dowagiac, MI 49047, (616) 424-7014                                                                                          98740
                                                                    Exhibit K: Page 28 of 37

Test report #20000287F                                      FCC 15.231 for CB2OHHL3                                              FCC ID: CB2OHHL3
                                                             Tested February 18, 2000

                                                    C o a r s e T u n e P u l s e s , 3 1 0 M H z fu n d a m e n ta l
                                                                            L in e a r S c a l e

              1 8 0 0 0 .0 0

              1 6 0 0 0 .0 0

              1 4 0 0 0 .0 0

              1 2 0 0 0 .0 0
  Peak uV/m

              1 0 0 0 0 .0 0

                8 00 0 .00

                6 00 0 .00

                4 00 0 .00

                2 00 0 .00

                     0 .00
                               1 00   1 10   1 20          1 30           1 40               1 50        1 60           1 70   1 80    1 90     2 00
                                                                                            m S ec

                                                    C o a r s e T u n e P u l s e s , 4 1 8 M H z fu n d a m e n ta l
                                                                            L in e a r S c a l e

              1 8 0 0 0 .0 0

              1 6 0 0 0 .0 0

              1 4 0 0 0 .0 0

              1 2 0 0 0 .0 0
  Peak uV/m

              1 0 0 0 0 .0 0

                8 00 0 .00

                6 00 0 .00

                4 00 0 .00

                2 00 0 .00

                     0 .00
                               1 00   1 10   1 20          1 30           1 40               1 50        1 60           1 70   1 80    1 90     2 00
                                                                                            m S ec

AHD EMC Lab, 92723 M152, Dowagiac, MI 49047, (616) 424-7014                                                                                   98740
                                                             Exhibit K: Page 29 of 37

Test report #20000287F                                  FCC 15.231 for CB2OHHL3                                             FCC ID: CB2OHHL3
                                                         Tested February 18, 2000

                                                  F i n e T u n e P u ls e s , 2 8 8 M H z f u n d a m e n t a l
                                                                         L in e a r S c a l e

              1 6 0 0 0 .0 0

              1 4 0 0 0 .0 0

              1 2 0 0 0 .0 0

              1 0 0 0 0 .0 0
  Peak uV/m

                8 00 0 .00

                6 00 0 .00

                4 00 0 .00

                2 00 0 .00

                     0 .00
                               90   1 00   1 10        1 20            1 30               1 40        1 50         1 60   1 70    1 80     1 90
                                                                                         m S ec

                                                  F i n e T u n e P u ls e s , 3 1 0 M H z f u n d a m e n t a l
                                                                         L in e a r S c a l e

              1 8 0 0 0 .0 0

              1 6 0 0 0 .0 0

              1 4 0 0 0 .0 0

              1 2 0 0 0 .0 0
  Peak uV/m

              1 0 0 0 0 .0 0

                8 00 0 .00

                6 00 0 .00

                4 00 0 .00

                2 00 0 .00

                     0 .00
                               90   1 00   1 10        1 20            1 30               1 40        1 50         1 60   1 70    1 80     1 90
                                                                                         m S ec

AHD EMC Lab, 92723 M152, Dowagiac, MI 49047, (616) 424-7014                                                                              98740
                                                         Exhibit K: Page 30 of 37

Test report #20000287F                                    FCC 15.231 for CB2OHHL3                                                     FCC ID: CB2OHHL3
                                                           Tested February 18, 2000

                                                    F i n e T u n e P u ls e s , 4 1 8 M H z f u n d a m e n t a l
                                                                           L in e a r S c a l e

              1 8 0 0 0 .0 0

              1 6 0 0 0 .0 0

              1 4 0 0 0 .0 0

              1 2 0 0 0 .0 0
  Peak uV/m

              1 0 0 0 0 .0 0

                8 00 0 .00

                6 00 0 .00

                4 00 0 .00

                2 00 0 .00

                     0 .00
                               1 00   1 10   1 20        1 30            1 40               1 50        1 60         1 70           1 80          1 90     2 00
                                                                                           m S ec

The raw data used in calculating the average field intensity of the tuning pulses are presented in
the Appendix of this test report.

COARSE TUNE PULSES, Calculated average over 100mSec

  TX                     SUM of the levels of all data Number of Data points                           Average              LIMIT     MARGIN
 Freq.                    points in 100mSec span         in 100mSec span                               SUM/N
 (MHz)                              (uV/m)                      N                                       (uV/m)          (uV/m)             (dB)
  288                              288,530                     200                                       1443            4917              10.7
  310                              438,339                     200                                       2192            5833               8.5
  418                              800,812                     200                                       4004           10333               8.2

FINE TUNE PULSES, Calculated average over 100mSec

  TX                     SUM of the levels of all data Number of Data points                           Average              LIMIT     MARGIN
 Freq.                    points in 100mSec span         in 100mSec span                               SUM/N
 (MHz)                              (uV/m)                      N                                       (uV/m)          (uV/m)             (dB)
  288                              106,219                     200                                        531            4917              19.3
  310                              160,279                     200                                        801            5833              17.2
  418                              222,835                     200                                       1114           10333              19.3

AHD EMC Lab, 92723 M152, Dowagiac, MI 49047, (616) 424-7014                                                                                              98740
                                                           Exhibit K: Page 31 of 37

Document Created: 2000-05-02 19:22:47
Document Modified: 2000-05-02 19:22:47

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