CB2MOTHL3 Test Report


Test Report

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November 28, 2005

             Technical Report to the FCC and IC Regarding
            Johnson Controls Interiors, L.L.C. Homelink© III
                         Model: CB2MOTHL3
                         FCC ID: CB2MOTHL3
                          IC: 279B-MOTHL3

A report concerning approval for Johnson Controls Homelink® model CB2MOTHL3
Please issue grant immediately upon review.
Confidentiality applied to the following sections according to 47 CFR 0.459 and RSP-100:
        Circuit Block Diagrams, attachment “hl_block_diag.pdf”
        Theory/Description of Operation “theory_op.pdf”
        Schematics attachment “schematics.pdf”

Measurements Made by:                                   Measurements Observed by:

Bolay Elgersma                                          Jeremy Bos
RF Test Site Technician                                 RF Test Site Manager
Johnson Controls Interiors, LLC.                        Johnson Controls Interiors, LLC.

Report and Application Prepared by
Jeremy Bos
RF Test Site Manager
Johnson Controls Interiors, LLC.

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                                                                           IC: 279B-MOTHL3

November 28, 2005

1. General Information
   1.1. Product Description:
       The Johnson Controls Interiors HomeLink® HL3 Universal Garage Door Opener is a low-
       power transceiver OEM device available as an aftermarket accessory intended for fitment
       in automobiles and motorcycles. It is powered by two 12V batteries, size 23A.

       This Universal Garage Door Opener has the capability to

           1. Learn the frequency and bit code format of the user’s existing garage door remote
             control devices and
           2.Reproduce and transmit the frequency and bit code format to remotely operate the
             user’s garage door.

       The unit is designed for the periodic operation of a control signal, which typically activates
       a garage door opener receiver.

       Because this unit is intended for use with batteries only, no harness was used during

       The unit is only operational when the user depresses the control button. It becomes
       inactive after release of the control button.

       The three-button HomeLink® unit replaces up to three hand-held transmitters. In addition
       to the typical operation of the garage door, the unit will learn the radio frequency codes of
       other transmitter types to activate entry door locks, estate gates, security systems, and
       home or office lighting.

       The antenna system is an integral part of the unit. It cannot be altered nor replaced by
       the user. Service of this system is only available from the Automobile Manufacturer’s
       Dealerships and Johnson Controls Interiors, LLC.

   1.2. Related Grants

   1.3. Test Methodology
       Radiated Emissions testing was done according to ANSI C63.4-2003. The power source
       for this product is two (23A) 12V batteries included with the device, thus conducted
       emissions measurements are not required.

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                                                                               IC: 279B-MOTHL3

November 28, 2005

    1.4. Test Facility
        The Open Area Test Site where these measurements were taken, is located on the
        grounds of Johnson Controls Automotive Interiors System’s Edgar D. Prince Technical
        Campus, in the city of Holland, county of Ottawa, state of Michigan, United States of
        America. The site is a fully enclosed 10m weather-protected OATS. All structure
        materials above the conducting ground-plane are non-metallic and consist of: wood,
        laminated lumber, fiberglass, glue, plastic, or fiberglass reinforced plastic. The site
        contains a 15-foot diameter turntable capable of supporting large cars and light trucks
        under test. Tabletop testing was conducted on a smaller 3m turntable described in the
        site recertification report. The test site has been fully described in a reports filled with the
        FCC and Industry Canada. The report filled with the FCC is dated October 19, 1999, was
        accepted by the FCC in a letter dated December, 20 1999. The report filled with Industry
        Canada, dated January 31, 2000, was accepted via a letter dated February 29, 2000.
        The site was re-certified with the FCC on December 27, 2002 and with the IC on January
        27, 2003. Our OATS is registered with the IC under file number IC 3593.

    1.5. Accreditation
        The Johnson Controls, Inc. - Electronics Validation Lab is accredited to ISO 17025 by the
        American Association for Laboratory Accreditation (A2LA). Our laboratory scope and
        accreditation certificate (#1869.01) are available from their web site www.a2la.org. Our
        scope of accreditation covers ANSI C63.4 Radiated Emissions at 3m, FCC 47 CFR Part
        15, and IC RSS-210.

2. Product Labeling

The FCC Identifier assigned is FCC ID: CB2MOTHL3. The Industry Canada certification number
is 279B-MOTHL3. These identifiers will be embossed on the product housing.

The label will be placed on the exterior of the HL3 housing using an acrylic adhesive that will
permanently affix the label.

Because of the small size of the device and because the installation is inside a portion of the
automobile, the following statements will appear in the user’s manual. Refer to attachment
“user_man.pdf” for the entire text of the user’s manual.
       “This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC rules and with RSS-210 of the Industry
       Canada. Operation is subject to the following two conditions:
       (1) This device may not cause harmful interference,
       (2) This device must accept any interference that may be received including interference
            that may cause undesired operation.
       WARNING: The transmitter has been tested and complies with FCC and Industry
       Canada rules. Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible
       for the compliance could void the user’s authority to operate the device.”

    2.1. Label Drawing and Location on Product.
        The label drawing as well as a sketch of the label location on product packaging is
        available in “label.pdf”

3. Test Configuration
    Radiated Emissions measurements presented in the report were made in accordance with
    ANSI C63.4 Figure 9(c). The EUT was placed on a 1 x 1.5m non-metallic table elevated
    80cm above a conducting ground plane.

    A picture of the radiated test setup is included below

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November 28, 2005

4. Block Diagram
   For system block diagram please refer to attachment named “hl_block_diag.pdf”

5. Test Setup Photographs

                                       Test Setup Flat

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                                         Test Setup End

                                        Test Setup Side

6. Conducted Emissions Measurements
   Conducted Measurements are not required for this product.

7. Radiated Emissions Data
   7.1. Summary of Results
                    •   Measurements of the transmit output field strength were taken with the
                        DUT trained to 288, 310, and 418 MHz at 30, 50 and 80% duty cycles. A
                        worst-case emission of 72.4 dBuV/m occurred with the DUT trained to
                        418 MHz, 50% duty cycle. The worst-case emission remained 2.9 dB
                        below the FCC and IC limits (75.3 dBuV/m) for this type of device.
                    •   The worst-case harmonic measurement of 58.5 dBuV/m was found at
                        576 MHz, the second harmonic of 288 MHz at 50% duty cycle. A margin

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                                                                          IC: 279B-MOTHL3

November 28, 2005

                        of 1.4 dB to the prescribed limit was noted. When adjusted for the
                        duty cycle.
                    •   This module exhibits pulsed operation characteristics.
                    •   Measurements were taken of the 20dB occupied bandwidth. The
                        transmitter had a maximum occupied bandwidth of 158 kHz when the
                        DUT is trained to 418 MHz, 30% duty cycle.
                    •   This device has a worst case Class B emission of 39.3 dBuV/m at 80
                        MHz when set to transmit at 288 MHz a margin of 0.7 dB to the Class B
                        limit is maintained.
                    •   The device was found to be incapable of operating in restricted bands.
                    •   The device deactivated immediately after the activation button is
                        depressed. Less than 5 sec.
                    •   The device uses coarse and fine pulses to tune the transmit antenna. At
                        418 MHz, 30% duty cycle the field strength of the pulses average 7445
                        uV/m over 100 msec. This represents a margin on 2.4 dB to the FCC

   7.2. Test Equipment Used
         Description          Model #       Serial Number      Last Cal Date        Cal Due
                               3110B          9906-3309           7/15/05           7/15/07
        Antenna (20-
          300 MHz)
         EMCO LPA
        Antenna (200-          3148           9908-1076           7/14/05           7/14/07
       Double Ridged
                              RGA-60             6147            10/21/03           10/21/05
          Guide (1-
        A.H. Systems
                             SAS-540              599              8/1/05            8/1/06
       Bicon Antenna
          Agilent E-
         series EMC           E4407B         US41192569          10/18/05           10/18/06
        HP Spectrum
                               8591A         S919A00107          10/17/05           10/17/06

   7.3. Test Equipment Setup and Procedure
       Spectrum Analyzer Settings Emissions:
              Detector Function: Peak
              Resolution Bandwidth: 120kHz (below 1GHz)
                                    1MHz (above 1GHz)
              Video Bandwidth:      300kHZ (below 1GHz)
                                    3MHz (above 1GHz)
       Spectrum Analyzer Settings Occupied Bandwidth:
              Detector: Peak
              Resolution Bandwidth: 3 MHz ( to determine peak level)
                                    1 kHz (to determine occupied bandwidth)
              Video Bandwidth:      3 MHz ( to determine peak level)
                                    3 kHz (to determine occupied bandwidth)

   For the testing, the EUT was placed at the center of a non-conducting table 80 cm above the
   ground plane pursuant to ANSI C63.4 for stand-alone equipment. The 2-conductor cable

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   harness was routed to the edge of the long side of the table then down to the power supply
   located on the turntable base.

   Equipment is placed in one of the three orthogonal orientations, End, Side, and Flat. These
   orientations are described below in Figure 7.3.1. (Note: There is no harness used for this



                                                           Harness                      Harness
             SIDE                             END

                           Figure 7.3.1 EUT Orthogonal Orientations
   While in the prescribed orientation, the vertical antenna positioner sweeps in elevation from 1
   to 4m in height until the operator finds the peak. The 3m turntable is then rotated through 360
   degrees until a peak is found. The table is stopped at the peak location and the peak in
   elevation re-verified. Procedure is repeated for applicable orientations/measurement antenna

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            7.4. Measured Data
               7.4.1. Measurements of Fundamentals and Harmonics
                Measurements described in this section were taken according to ANSI C63.4-2003 on
                the Johnson Controls 3m test table.

            DUT Tuned to 288MHz (Fundamental)

                              Measurement                                  Duty Cycle
 Frequency      Orientation                   Duty Cycle    Measurement*                Average Level   FCC Limit   Margin
                               Polarization                                Correction
    (MHz)     (Flat/End/Side)     (H/V)          (%)           (dBuV/m)       (dB)        (dBuV/m)      (dBuV/m)     (dB)
     288            Side            H             30             80.89      -10.46          70.4          73.8        3.4
     288            Side            H             50             76.53       -6.02          70.5          73.8        3.3
     288            Side            H             80             72.76       -1.94          70.8          73.8        3.0

* Measurements include Cable corrections and Antenna Factors

            DUT Tuned to 310MHz (Fundamental)
                              Measurement                                  Duty Cycle
 Frequency      Orientation                   Duty Cycle    Measurement*                Average Level   FCC Limit   Margin
                               Polarization                                Correction
    (MHz)     (Flat/End/Side)     (H/V)          (%)           (dBuV/m)       (dB)        (dBuV/m)      (dBuV/m)     (dB)
     310            Side            H             30             82.71       -10.5          72.3          75.3        3.1
     310            Side            H             50             77.83        -6.0          71.8          75.3        3.5
     310            Side            H             80             74.35        -1.9          72.4          75.3        2.9

* Measurements include Cable corrections and Antenna Factors

            DUT Tuned to 418MHz (Fundamental)
                              Measurement                                  Duty Cycle
 Frequency      Orientation                   Duty Cycle    Measurement*                Average Level   FCC Limit   Margin
                               Polarization                                Correction
    (MHz)     (Flat/End/Side)     (H/V)          (%)           (dBuV/m)       (dB)        (dBuV/m)      (dBuV/m)     (dB)
     418            End             V             30             83.92       -10.5          73.5          80.3        6.8
     418            End             V             50             81.26        -6.0          75.2          80.3        5.0
     418            End             V             80             76.58        -1.9          74.6          80.3        5.6

* Measurements include Cable corrections and Antenna Factors

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      November 28, 2005

            288MHz (Harmonics)
                              Measurement                                  Duty Cycle
 Frequency      Orientation                   Duty Cycle    Measurement*                Average Level   FCC Limit   Margin
                               Polarization                                Correction
    (MHz)     (Flat/End/Side)     (H/V)          (%)           (dBuV/m)       (dB)        (dBuV/m)      (dBuV/m)     (dB)
      576           Flat            H             30             60.78       -10.5          50.3          53.8        3.5
      576           Flat            H             50              58.5        -6.0          52.5          53.8        1.4
      576           Flat            H             80              54.3        -1.9          52.4          53.8        1.5
      864           Flat            V             30            Ambient      -10.5           N/A          53.8       N/A
      864           Flat            V             50            Ambient       -6.0           N/A          53.8       N/A
      864           Flat            V             80            Ambient       -1.9           N/A          53.8       N/A
     1152           Flat            H             30             46.83       -10.5          36.4          53.8       17.5
     1152           Side            H             50             45.72        -6.0          39.7          53.8       14.1
     1152           Side            H             80             42.61        -1.9          40.7          53.8       13.2
     1440           Side            H             30             49.86       -10.5          39.4          53.8       14.4
     1440           Flat            H             50             45.34        -6.0          39.3          53.8       14.5
     1440           Side            H             80             44.42        -1.9          42.5          53.8       11.4
     1728           Flat            H             30             45.91       -10.5          35.5          53.8       18.4
     1728           Flat            H             50             38.47        -6.0          32.4          53.8       21.4
     1728           Flat            H             80             38.24        -1.9          36.3          53.8       17.5
     2016           Side            H             30              50.8       -10.5          40.3          53.8       13.5
     2016           Side            H             50             46.95        -6.0          40.9          53.8       12.9
     2016           Side            H             80             45.62        -1.9          43.7          53.8       10.2
     2304           Side            V             30             Noise       -10.5           N/A          53.8       N/A
     2304           Side            V             50             Noise        -6.0           N/A          53.8       N/A
     2304           Side            V             80             Noise        -1.9           N/A          53.8       N/A
     2592           Flat            V             30             Noise       -10.5           N/A          53.8       N/A
     2592           Flat            V             50             Noise        -6.0           N/A          53.8       N/A
     2592           Flat            V             80             Noise        -1.9           N/A          53.8       N/A
     2880           Flat            V             30             Noise       -10.5           N/A          53.8       N/A
     2880           Flat            V             50             Noise        -6.0           N/A          53.8       N/A
     2880           Flat            V             80             Noise        -1.9           N/A          53.8       N/A

Ambient                                      Noise Floor
* Measurements include Cable corrections and Antenna Factors

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            310MHz (Harmonics)
                              Measurement                                  Duty Cycle
 Frequency      Orientation                   Duty Cycle    Measurement*                Average Level   FCC Limit   Margin
                               Polarization                                Correction
   (MHz)      (Flat/End/Side)     (H/V)          (%)           (dBuV/m)       (dB)        (dBuV/m)      (dBuV/m)     (dB)
     619            End             H             30             59.68       -10.5          49.2          55.3        6.1
     619            End             H             50             50.49        -6.0          44.5          55.3       10.8
     619            End             H             80              48.4        -1.9          46.5          55.3        8.8
    928.5           Flat            V             30            Ambient      -10.5           N/A          55.3       N/A
    928.5           Flat            V             50            Ambient       -6.0           N/A          55.3       N/A
    928.5           Flat            V             80            Ambient       -1.9           N/A          55.3       N/A
    1238            Flat            H             30             50.81       -10.5          40.4          54.0       13.6
    1238            Side            V             50             42.35        -6.0          36.3          54.0       17.7
    1238            Flat            V             80             41.35        -1.9          39.4          54.0       14.6
   1547.5           Flat            H             30             44.88       -10.5          34.4          54.0       19.6
   1547.5           Flat            H             50             43.89        -6.0          37.9          54.0       16.1
   1547.5           Flat            H             80             44.02        -1.9          42.1          54.0       11.9
    1857            Flat            V             30            Ambient      -10.5           N/A          55.3       N/A
    1857            Flat            V             50            Ambient       -6.0           N/A          55.3       N/A
    1857            Flat            V             80            Ambient       -1.9           N/A          55.3       N/A
   2166.5           Flat            V             30             Noise       -10.5           N/A          55.3       N/A
   2166.5           Flat            V             50             Noise        -6.0           N/A          55.3       N/A
   2166.5           Flat            V             80             Noise        -1.9           N/A          55.3       N/A
    2476            Flat            V             30             Noise       -10.5           N/A          55.3       N/A
    2476            Flat            V             50             Noise        -6.0           N/A          55.3       N/A
    2476            Flat            V             80             Noise        -1.9           N/A          55.3       N/A
   2785.5           Flat            V             30             Noise       -10.5           N/A          54.0       N/A
   2785.5           Flat            V             50             Noise        -6.0           N/A          54.0       N/A
   2785.5           Flat            V             80             Noise        -1.9           N/A          54.0       N/A
    3095            Flat            V             30             Noise       -10.5           N/A          55.3       N/A
    3095            Flat            V             50             Noise        -6.0           N/A          55.3       N/A
    3095            Flat            V             80             Noise        -1.9           N/A          55.3       N/A

Ambient                                      Noise Floor
* Measurements include Cable corrections and Antenna Factors

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            418MHz (Harmonics)

                              Measurement                                  Duty Cycle
 Frequency      Orientation                   Duty Cycle    Measurement*                Average Level   FCC Limit   Margin
                               Polarization                                Correction
    (MHz)     (Flat/End/Side)     (H/V)          (%)           (dBuV/m)       (dB)        (dBuV/m)      (dBuV/m)     (dB)
      836           Flat            H             30             64.71       -10.5          54.3          60.3        6.0
      836           Flat            H             50             57.56        -6.0          51.5          60.3        8.7
      836           Flat            H             80             49.67        -1.9          47.7          60.3       12.6
     1254           Flat            H             30             54.88       -10.5          44.4          60.3       15.9
     1254           Flat            H             50             51.46        -6.0          45.4          60.3       14.8
     1254           Flat            H             80             49.25        -1.9          47.3          60.3       13.0
     1672           End             H             30             45.44       -10.5          35.0          54.0       19.0
     1672           Side            V             50             44.69        -6.0          38.7          54.0       15.3
     1672           Side            V             80             43.95        -1.9          42.0          54.0       12.0
     2090           End             V             30             49.51       -10.5          39.1          60.3       21.2
     2090           Side            V             50             46.95        -6.0          40.9          60.3       19.4
     2090           Side            V             80             46.47        -1.9          44.5          60.3       15.8
     2508           Side            V             30             Noise       -10.5           N/A          60.3       N/A
     2508           Side            V             50             Noise        -6.0           N/A          60.3       N/A
     2508           Side            V             80             Noise        -1.9           N/A          60.3       N/A
     2926           Side            V             30             Noise       -10.5           N/A          60.3       N/A
     2926           Side            V             50             Noise        -6.0           N/A          60.3       N/A
     2926           Side            V             80             Noise        -1.9           N/A          60.3       N/A
     3344           Side            V             30             Noise       -10.5           N/A          60.3       N/A
     3344           Side            V             50             Noise        -6.0           N/A          60.3       N/A
     3344           Side            V             80             Noise        -1.9           N/A          60.3       N/A
     3762           Side            V             30             Noise       -10.5           N/A          54.0       N/A
     3762           Side            V             50             Noise        -6.0           N/A          54.0       N/A
     3762           Side            V             80             Noise        -1.9           N/A          54.0       N/A
     4180           Side            V             30             Noise       -10.5           N/A          54.0       N/A
     4180           Side            V             50             Noise        -6.0           N/A          54.0       N/A
     4180           Side            V             80             Noise        -1.9           N/A          54.0       N/A

* Measurements include Cable corrections and Antenna Factors

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       7.4.2. Pulsed Operation
       The Homelink© transmitter tested here transmits pulses using amplitude modulation with
       varying duty cycle. Verification of pulse operation at 30, 50 and 80% duty cycles is
       provided here. Measurements were taken at 288MHz with the span set to zero on the
       E7407B spectrum analyzer.
  30% Duty Cycle

  50% Duty Cycle

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  80% Duty Cycle

       7.4.3. Occupied Bandwidth
              Occupied bandwidth measurements were taken at 288, 310, and 418 MHz. The
              occupied bandwidth was determined using the 20dB measurement method.

  Occupied Bandwidth Measurement
                       Frequency Duty Cycle Bandwidth     Limit
                         (MHz)      (%)       (kHz)       (kHz)
                                     30         68         720
                          288        50         68         720
                                     80         68         720
                                     30         68         775
                          310        50         75         775
                                     80         75         775
                                     30        158        1045
                          418        50        150        1045
                                     80         83        1045

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  Example of Occupied Bandwidth measurement
                       (288MHz 30% Duty Cycle)

                                Measuring Peak Reference Level

                         Measuring Occupied Bandwidth at –20dB points

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       7.4.4. Emission Spectrum
              Prescan Measurements were taken inside a semi-anechoic chamber to
              investigate the possibility of other spurious emissions from the DUT.

              Emissions were noted and measured on the JCI OATS, all measurements were
              found to be near or below the ambient noise level and well below the FCC and IC
              limits for spurious emissions. A summary is presented below in section

              Measurement settings:
                    Resolution BW 120kHz
                    Video Bandwidth: 300kHz
                    Detector: Peak

Note: Pre-scan measurements were made in a semi-anechoic chamber using a HP8591
spectrum analyzer and AR LN1000 Pre-amplifier .

  Summary of Emissions Measurements Taken on OATS
                 Transmitting Emission Measure
                   Frequency Frequency     ment     Limit    Margin
                     (MHz)      (MHz)    (dBuV/m) (dBuV/m)    (dB)
                                  30       31.36     40       8.64
                      288       74.58      27.09     40      12.91
                                115.45     24.88     40      15.12
                                  60       32.38     40       7.62
                      310       79.48      31.97     40       8.03
                                235.48     32.68     40       7.32
                                79.12      30.77     40       9.23
                      418       115.64     21.31     40      18.69
                                187.95     37.42     40       2.58

                              Local ambient present

       Measurements were made using a peak detector with Resolution BW of 120 kHz and
       Video BW of 300 kHz. Cable losses and correction factors included in measurement.

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November 28, 2005

                                       Plot of Class B Emissions relative to FCC Limit

                                                                            Class B Digital Emissions



 Measured Field Strength (dBuV/m)



                                    25                                                                                               310





                                         0               50               100                      150      200              250
                                                                                 Frequency (MHz)

                                             7.4.5. Variation of Supply Voltage
                                              This device was tested with new batteries in accordance with 15.31(e)

                                             7.4.6. Verification of Non-Operation in Restricted Bands
                                                 An exercise was undergone to verify that the device was not able to learn and
                                                 thereby transmit in a restricted band. During this exercise it was found that the
                                                 device firmware prevents the device from learning any frequency within 1MHz of
                                                 any restricted band listed in 47 CFR 15.205 and RSS-210, Table 1.

                                             7.4.7. Verification of De-activation after 5 seconds
                                                 This device stops transmitting once the activation button in depressed.

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       7.4.8. Tuning Pulse Measurements
            This device uses pulses to tune the antenna prior to transmission. Measurements of
            these tuning pulses over 100 msec windows show that these pulses are below the
            FCC limits for operation in this band. A summary of measurements is presented in
            section Tuning pulse measurements were taken at 288, 310, and 418 MHz
            at a duty cycle of 30%. Settings in the screen capture below were not used to make
            the measurements presented in section

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                                Coarse Tuning Pulse (288MHz)
                                                                 288 MHz, 30% Duty Cycle Coarse Tuning Pulse




 Field Strength (uV/m)





                                0.0000        0.0200    0.0400           0.0600             0.0800             0.1000        0.1200         0.1400   0.1600

                                                                                           Time (s)

                                Fine Tuning Pulse (288MHz)

                                                                  288 MHz, 30% Duty Cycle, Fine Tuning Pulse




 Field Strength (uV/m)





                                0.1200         0.1400       0.1600                0.1800              0.2000            0.2200            0.2400     0.2600

                                                                                           Time (s)

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                                Coarse Tuning Pulse (310MHz)
                                                             310 MHz, 30% Duty Cycle, Coarse Tuning Pulse




 Field Strength (uV/m)






                                0.0000         0.0200      0.0400              0.0600              0.0800            0.1000        0.1200   0.1400

                                                                                        Time (s)

                                Fine Tuning Pulse (310MHz)
                                                               310 MHz, 30% Duty Cycle, Fine Tuning Pulse




 Field Strength (uV/m)






                                0.1200            0.1400            0.1600              0.1800              0.2000              0.2200      0.2400

                                                                                        Time (s)

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                                Coarse Tuning Pulse (418 MHz)
                                                             418 MHz, 30% Duty Cycle, Coarse Tuning Pulse




 Field Strenght (uV/m)





                                0.0000            0.0200            0.0400              0.0600              0.0800              0.1000      0.1200


                                Fine Tuning Pulse (418MHz)

                                                               418 MHz, 30% Duty Cycle, Fine Tuning Pulse



 Field Strength (uV/m)





                                0.1000         0.1200      0.1400              0.1600              0.1800            0.2000        0.2200   0.2400

                                                                                        Time (s)

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  Summary of Tuning Pulse Measurements

                  Measurement Settings:
                       Resolution Bandwidth: 1MHz
                       Video Bandwidth: 3 MHz
                       Sweep Time: 400 msec.
                  For this measurement 4000 points were recorded and the values averaged
                  over 100 msec. windows that captured either the coarse or fine tuning pulses.

                                 Frequency Average        Limit     Margin
                                   (MHz)    (uV/m)       (uV/m)      (dB)

                                    288      1724         4915        9.1
                                    310      1569         5831       11.4
                                    418      7445         9806        2.4

                                 Frequency Average        Limit     Margin
                                   (MHz)    (uV/m)       (uV/m)      (dB)

                                    288       353         4915       22.9
                                    310       285         5831       26.2
                                    418      1117         9806       18.9

   7.5. Formulas and Sample Calculations
       7.5.1. Adjustment to account for duty cycle
         The spectrum analyzers used for making the measurements in this report automatically
         corrects for cable correction and antenna factors using values stored in memory taken
         from the most recent calibration (in the case of antenna factors) and periodic cable loss

         Formula 1:  FS(dBuV/m) = M(dBuV) + AF(dB/m) + CF(dB)
         The presented field strength is computed by the spectrum analyzer by taking the
         measured level and adding to it the antenna factor and cable loss corrections. The
         measurement presented in gathered using the spectrum analyzer’s peak-hold

         Formula 2: Average Level(dBuV/m) = Peak Level (dBuV/m) + duty cycle factor(dB).
         The peak measurement is adjusted to an average level by a duty cycle described

         The duty cycle factor to apply is determined for the duty cycles of 30%, 50%, and 80%
         as follows:
                For 30% (0.30):         duty cycle factor(dB) = 20*Log(0.3) = -10.46
                For 50% (0.50):         duty cycle factor(dB) = 20*Log(0.5) = -6.02
                For 80% (0.80):         duty cycle factor(dB) = 20*Log(0.8) = -1.94

         Example calculation:
          With the EUT programmed with a 30% duty cycle a measurement of 74 dBuV/m is
         taken (about 5000 uV/m), the adjusted level would be:
                              74 + (-10.46) = 63.54 dBuV/m (example)

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       7.5.2.   Calculation of FCC limits from 15.231 and RSS-210.

       The prescribed limit in the range of 260 MHz to 470 MHz is stated as a linear
       interpolation between 3750 uV/m and 12500 uV/m. The equation used to calculate the
       limit using this criteria is:

                FCC/IC limit = 41.67 * f – 7083.33
                (Where ‘f’ is the measurement frequency in MHz.)

       The limit is dBuV/m is then:

                dB limit = 20 * log10( FCC limit uV/m) = 20*log10( 41.67*f – 7083.33)
                ( log10 is used to indicated the use of a base 10 logarithm)

       This results in the following limits for the fundamentals:

       288MHz                   20*log10(4917.6) = 73.8 dBuV/m
       310MHz                   20*log10(5834.4) = 75.3 dBuV/m
       390MHz                   20*log10(9168.0) = 79.2 dBuV/m
       418MHz                   20*log10(10334.7) = 80.3 dBuV/m

8. Photos of Product Tested
   8.1. Front View

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   8.2. Rear View

   8.3. Unit Disassembled

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   8.4. Homelink© Board

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9. Other Attachments and Description
   9.1. User Manual
    Please refer to attachment “user_manual.pdf”.

   9.2. Theory of Operation
       Stand Alone HomeLink® Module Description of Operation

       The HomeLink® transmitter is a radio frequency transceiver device whose primary
       function is to determine both frequency and bit code format of typical garage door remote
       control devices and identically re-transmit them to the original garage door opener

       The on-board microcontroller maintains the operational frequency band as 288MHz to
       420MHz, excluding forbidden bands of 303.5 to 305.5MHz, 322 to 335.4MHz and 399.9
       to 410 MHz by at least 1 MHz spacing.

       The “training” operation is performed by scanning the legal frequencies with a single
       conversion superheterodyne receiver, looking for valid garage door opener bit code
       formats. After the training sequence, the frequency, bit code and attenuator setting is
       stored in non-volatile memory (NVM). The IF of the superheterodyne receiver section is

       On subsequent power ups, the NVM data is recalled. The VCO is set on the desired RF
       carrier frequency. The antenna is coarse tuned by sweeping twice around the expected
       tuning point. It is the fine tuned with 9 pulses. The voltage controlled oscillator (VCO) is
       then modulated with the appropriate garage door opener bit code from the NVM.

       In addition to being frequency and data format adaptive. The HomeLink® transmitter
       also adjusts the RF amplitude level based upon the duty cycle. During the training
       sequence, the duty factor of the incoming bit code format is evaluated by the
       microcontroller determining the greatest amount of on-time in a 100 mS window. The
       duty factor is then used to adjust the output power in a range of 80% (1.9 dB) to a

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       maximum limit to 30% (10.5 dB) duty cycle. A 9 bit attenuator is adjusted by a closed
       loop power control algorithm in the microcontroller.

       Also, the microcontroller adjusts the output level as a result of the learned frequency of
       operation. The firmware maintains information relative to the allowable field intensity
       limits. As the allowable limit increase with frequency of operation the microcontroller
       adjusts the output level to increase with the increase in transmit frequency.

   9.3. Emission Designation
    According to TRC-43, the emission designation for this product is 149KL1D. Where “149K” is
   the highest measured occupied bandwidth (149 kHz), “L” indicates the device uses pulse
   width modulation, “1” indicates the modulation as being single channel, digital information
   and “D” indicates that data is being transmitted.

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   9.4. Schematics/ Tuning Information

     Programming the Homelink © III
     (Tuning Information)

     To clear memory:
     1. Press the two outside buttons until the indicator LED flashes. This indicates the memory
       values have been cleared.
     2.Holding the hand-held transmitter to be copied 3-6 inches from the Homelink © III and
       simultaneously, activate the hand-held transmitter and one of the Homelink © III buttons
       until the indicator LED flashes rapidly. The frequency and bit pattern information are now
       stored in the Homelink © III non-volatile memory (NVM). At this point the Homelink © III
       can be used as a substitute from for the Original transmitter.

     When a Homelink © III button is pressed four things happen:

     1.A Voltage Controlled Oscillator (VCO) is set to desired RF carrier frequency (recalled
       from the NVM).
     2.The antenna is coarse tuned by sweeping twice around the expected tuning point.
     3.The antenna is fine tuned by 9 pulses of approximately 210 uS in duration with 11 mS off.
     4.The VCO is then modulated with the appropriate garage door opener bit code from the

     Schematics have been submitted with this report as the file “schematics.pdf”

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Document Created: 2005-11-29 15:05:35
Document Modified: 2005-11-29 15:05:35

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