Cover Letter Revised


Cover Letter(s)

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                                                                 Johnson Controls, Inc.
                                                                 Automotive Systems Group
                                                                 One Prince Center
                                                                 Holland, MI 49423

                                                                                    November 18, 2004

Federal Communication Commission
Equipment Approval Services, P.O. Box 358315
Pittsburgh, PA 15251-5315
Attention: Authorization & Evaluation Division

RE: Application for Vehicle Level Certification of Johnson Controls Transmitter under 47 CFR 15.231.

To whom it may concern,
 The materials in this report pertain to a Class II permissive change to the Johnson Controls
Homelink® model ACTLHL3. This model was originally certified as a stand-alone module in July of
2003 (EA494510). Later that year the power settings were changed and the model was tested at the
vehicle-level in an Acura TL automobile EA504983, August 2003). Per our agreement with the FCC
for this test methodology a separate Class II change was filed for use of this model in an additional
automobile, the Acura MDX (EA471316). This report covers further changes to power settings for this
model; testing is again done at the vehicle level at a 10m distance and is specific to the Acura TL
automobile. A separate Class II change will be filed shortly for the Acura MDX automobile.

Johnson Controls Interiors has invested considerable resources into developing our Homelink ®
products. For this reason we respectfully request that the following items be held as confidential.
            • Circuit Block Diagrams
            • Theory of Operation
            • Schematics

The Federal Communications Commission will be notified, in writing of any changes in the
software/programming of this device that could affect its RF characteristics.

Please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions you may have regarding this report. As
always we look forward to your timely response.


Jeremy P. Bos
Lead Engineer (EMC/RF)
Johnson Controls Interiors.
Tel: (616)394-6076/Fax: (616)394-6100

Summary of vehicle level testing incorporated into a Class II permissive change:
  The Johnson Controls Universal Garage Door Opener (UGDO hereafter) is designed for permanent
installation into an automobile. Once installed it is designed to take the place of an original
transmitter. The fixed position and mounting of the UGDO provides about 10dB attenuation. Per the
attached correspondence, Prince Corporation (now Johnson Controls) sought to remedy this
handicap by way of a vehicle level certification. Under this agreement, Johnson Controls is allowed to
adjust output power of the transmitter to account for the attenuation introduced by the vehicle. The
vehicle is then tested as a DUT on an FCC approved site to ensure that the overall emission is below
the prescribed limit. Additionally, spurious emissions must remain below the limit when the UGDO is
tested normally per ANSI C63.4-1992. In short, the fundamental is allowed to exceed the limit as long
as it is below the limit once installed into the intended vehicle. In contrast, the harmonics must remain
below the limit as normally tested. This certification is intended to apply to a specific vehicle model.

     urlcATioy,                    FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION
&1 C ‘?i:
                          Equipment Authorization Division,Application Processing Branch
                                 7435 Oakdand Mills Road, Columbia, MD 21048
          $               Telephone: (301) 725—1585,ext 230 _Fax: (301) 344—2050
& c usa +C                                e—mail:GCZUMAK@FCc.cov

    FROM: Gregory M. Czumak
    REFERENCE: your letter dated September 15, 1997
    NO. OF PAGES: one
    TO: Terry Mahn
    OBEANE:HON: Fish & Richarg!_son
                                           <—w«_               enz    nmmmeemmammermmmmmrmmme

    Dear Terty:

    This is in response to your letter dated September 15, 1997. Please excuse the delay. The
    test and reporting procedure for the Prince Universal Garage Door Opener (UGDO), as
    outlined in your letter to me dated August 19, 1997, and modified in your jetter dated
    September 15, 1997, is acceptable.

    Pleass include copies of those letters, as well as a copy of this confirmation, in any
    epplications which Prince files in which they make use of the referenced procedure. Please
    note that this procedure is applicable only to Prince Corporation and their UGDO product.
    Any changes to the referenced procedure must approved by the FCC prior to implementation.

    If you have addifional questions on this subject, please do not hesitate to confad me by fax,
    phone or e—mail.

                                                                     Noy 14 n
                                                              FISH & Rickanp

                             Fisn &« RICHARDsON P.C.
                                                                                                     6o1 Thirteenth Street x.w.
                                                                                                     Washington, DC 20005

      Frederick P. Fish                                                                              Telephone
             1855—1930                                                                               202 783—5070

     W.K. Richardson                                                                                 Facsimil
             1859—1951                                                                               202 783—2331
                          September 15, 1997
                          Mr. Greg Czumak
                          Electronics Engineer
                          FCC Laboratories
                          7435 Oakland Mills Rd.
                          Columbia, MD 21046

                          Re: Our File 05238/002001

                          Dear Greg:
           NEW YORK

                          Per our recent discussion, this will confirm Prince‘s understanding of, and agreement
                          with, the minor changes you requested to our letter of August 19, 1997. These were as
         TWIN CITIES

                          In paragraph 4a, the phrase "Class II changes" shall be replaced with "in—vehicle output
                          level adjustments."

                          Regarding paragraph 6, you and I agreed that Prince can avail itself of the following
                          measurement options: (1) Prince will not be required to measure harmonic emissions.
                          "on—site" provided a Class II filing is submitted to the Commission for each vehicle
                          model (but not classes within the same model line) tested; or (2) Prince can measure
                          the harmonics "on—site" and make a Class I/II determination (and filing, as required)
                          for each model tested.      _

                          Finally, we would like to note, for the record, that all references to the University of
                          Michigan test site are meant to be applicable to any FCC—listed test site. This will give
                          Prince the flexibility to use other FCC—listed sites (including its own site) to perform
                          the "baseline" measurements on the UGDO.

                          I trust this completes this matter and that you will provide a written confirmation of
                          the same. Thank you again for your patience and cooperation in this matter.

                          Very truly yours,

                          Terry      (¥ Mahn

                          co:     Paul Duckworth, Prince Corporation
                                  Ed Gibbons, FCC—Ret.


                          Fisxmx & RIcHARDsoN P.C.
                                                                                                   6o1 Thirteenth Street n.w.
                                                                                                   Washington, c 20005

      Frederick P. Fish
             1855—1930                                                                             202 783—5070
     W.K. Richardson
             1859—1951                                                                             202 783—2331
                          August 19, 1997

                          Mr. Greg Czumak
                          Electronics Engineer
                          FCC Laboratories
                          7435 Oakland Mills Rd.
                          Columbia, MD 21046
                          Re: Our File 05238/0020(\

          NEW YORK        Dear Greg:

     SILICON VALLEY       This is to follow up our meetingthe FCC Labs on June 3, 1997, attended by you,
        TWIN CITIES       Ed Gibbons, Paul Duckworth of Prince Corporation and          nfex:Thepurpose of the
                          meeting was to develop an updated test procedure for the        ceunliversal garage
                          door opener (UGDO) to accommodate the various types of autorfibbiles in which the
                          device is now being factory—installed.

                          In previous correspondence, Ed set forth the basic test procedures for measuring the
                          UGDO on an open area test site. Ed advised Prince that, historically, "in vehicle"
                          testing for garage door openers had never been authorized by the Commission due
                          to the wide variations in vehicle shielding and the mobility of battery—powered door
                          openers. For this reason, Prince‘s UGDO was required to follow the traditional
                          door opener test procedures notwithstanding its "fixed" location inside of vehicles.
                          In addition, the UGDO was required to be tested with a representative wiring
                          harness to simulate possible antenna effects.

                          As explained during our meeting, the UGDO, when factory—installed, is typically |
                          located in overhead consoles or vanity—pack visors which are often locatedhigh up
                          in the vehicle‘s metal structure, where RF shielding is the most severe. Prince
                          estimates that its UGDO incurs a 5 to 10 dB signal loss compared to that measured
                          on a test site. To compensate for this attenuation, and thereby restore lost operating
                          range, vehicle manufactures have had to devise a number of passive enhancements
                          to direct the UGDO‘s signal away from the vehicle‘s shielding. Such practice,
                          however, is both time consuming and expensive for Prince as well as for the vehicle
                          manufactures; moreover, what it accomplishes —— restored signal strength —— could
                          just as easily be accomplished by making a slight adjustment in the UGDO‘s test

Fisnx & RIcHaAaRDsON P.C.

Mr. Greg Czumak
August 19, 1997
Page 2

As Paul also mentioned during our meeting, the UGDO is currently featured in over
60 automobile models as original equipment or in upgrade packages. Leading
garage door opener manufacturers have begun to standardize on the UGDO technol—
ogy and it is now being integrated with other wireless home security offerings. For
the technology to continue to be cost effective for the driving public, however,
Prince must find a way to reduce the considerable expense that goes into the
tailoring of custom passive designs for every vehicle installation.

You and Ed agreed that Prince‘s goal could be achieved without compromising the
integrity of the Commission‘s measurement process or increasing the risk of
spectrum interference. The following procedures, therefore, were agreed to by the
Commission for all future certifications and permissive changes for Prince‘s UGDO

  1.     All testing is to be conducted at FCC—listed sites.

  2.     Prince will obtain a single certification for its UGDO design; all
         models within each vehicle manufacturer‘s product line will be Class
         I or Class II permissive changes to Prince‘s certified UGDO as
         described in the procedures that follow.

  3.     Prince currently has two board—level variations of the UGDO for —
         which the RF sections are essentially identical; initial testing will con—
         firm which of the two boards exhibits the "worst case"; the other
         board will then be considered to be a Class I permissive change:

  4. .a.        Initial testing on the UGDO —at the University of Michi—
                gan test labs will be conducted at three frequencies
                (low, middle and high) over the device‘s operating
                range and on three duty cycles (low, middle and high);
                to accommodate future Class II changes, the fundamen—
                tal emissions at each tested frequency will be permitted
                to exceed the limits of Rule 15.231 by an amount, to
                be determined by Prince but estimated to be 10 dB,
                provided all harmonic and restricted band emissions are
                within FCC limits as set forth in Rule 15.231 at the se—
                lected fundamental levels; this will establish the certifi—
                cation " baseline" for the UGDO such that only funda—


Mr. Greg Czumak
August 19, 1997
Page 3

                mental emissions testing will need to be performed in
                vehicles tested "on site" at an FCC—listed facility.

         b.     All modifications to Prince‘s board design will be
                tested at the Michigan site under the procedures set
                forth above; the fundamental emission level will be
                adjusted so as NOT to exceed the level measured in the
                original "baseline" report, and Prince will ensure that
                all harmonics are within the Rule 15.231 limits. If all
                harmonics are at or below the original levels the modi—
                fication will be considered a Class I change and noth—
                ing further will need to be done. However, if any har—
                monics are above the original "baseline" (but still with—
                in the limits), Prince will conduct an "on site" test in
                one vehicle and file a Class II change report to the
                original certification (see 6 below) with the FCC ——
                the filed test report consisting of the new "baseline"
                test plus the "on site" test. Testing in all vehicle mod—
                els will not be required for modifications tested in this

         For each automobile manufacturer, every model in the manufacturer‘s
         product line will be tested "on site" with the UGDO installed and
         operating at three frequencies (lIow, middle and high). As used here,
         "on site" refers to the testing of an actual vehicle, with UGDO in—
         stalled, on a turntable at a listed site; only fundamental emissions will
         need to be measured "on—site" since compliance of the harmonics and
         restricted bands has already been confirmed by open field measure—
         ments of the UGDO at the Michigan labs; in order to maximize the
         field strength levels outside the vehicle Prince will be allowed to
         adjust the fundamental lev?‘lu:g_‘gny iven duty cycle (via digital
         coding of the UGDO) within Thd'\c?‘fi% cycle range determined in Step
         4 above provided the measured fundamental level does not exceed the
         Rule 15.231 limits. When adjusting the UGDO fundamental level,
         the maximum level established in Step 4 will not be exceeded in any

Fisnx & RIcHKaRDSON P.C.

Mr. Greg Czumak
August 19, 1997
Page 4

  6.   Prince will submit to the FCC labs, the "baseline" test report from the
       University of Michigan labs along with the "on site" test report from
       a selected vehicle model, the combination of which will form the
       certification application to the FCC for the UGDO; all other vehicle
       models from each manufacturer (but not different versions or classes
       within the same model line) will be tested "on site" in the same man—
       ner with the results evaluated by Prince under the permissive change
       rules as either Class I or Class II changes, with any Class II permis—
       sive changes filed with the FCC as required under the Part 2 Rules.

I trust this accurately sets forth the test procedures upon which we agreed. If you
have any comments or corrections to the foregoing, please contact me immediately.
I look forward to your written concutrrence in this matter.                   —

Very truly yours,

Terry G.

©o:    Ed Gibbons, FCC—Ret.
       Paul Duckworth, Prince Corporation


Document Created: 2004-11-19 15:14:00
Document Modified: 2004-11-19 15:14:00

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