test report


Test Report

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EMC Laboratory
92723 M-152, Dowagiac, MI 49047 USA
Phone: (616) 424-7014
                EXHIBIT K: REPORT OF M EASUREMENTS [2.1033(B6)]

                                   Test Report for FCC ID: CB2300NHL3
                           FCC Part 2.1031, Part 15 Subpart C(15.231)
                                                                           Report #20000315F
                                                                               Issued 5/23/00

                TRANSMITTER MODEL CB2300NHL3 OF
                       HOMELINK® III SERIES

Prepared for:                               Mr. Art Vonderwell
                                      Johnson Controls Interiors, LLC
                                            One Prince Center
                                            Holland, MI 49423

                             Test Date(s):         April 25 thru April 27, 2000

data recorded by                                                          witnessed by

Ted Chaffee, NCE                                                          Tony Kalacanic
Test Engineer, AHD

This report prepared by:
                                   Ted Chaffee, NCE
                                   Technical Manager/Test Engineer, AHD

AHD EMC Lab, 92723 M152, Dowagiac, MI 49047, (616) 424-7014                                104881
                                             Exhibit K: Page 1 of 31

Test report #20000315F                             FCC 15.231 for CB2300NHL3                                    FCC ID: CB2300NHL3
                                                      Tested April 27, 2000

EXHIBIT K: Report of Measurements [2.1033(b6)] ............................................................................. 1
    TABLE OF CONTENTS ............................................................................................................... 2
    Statements Concerning this Report............................................................................................... 3
    Manufacturer/Applicant [2.1033(b1)] ............................................................................................ 4
    Measurement/Test Site Facility & Equipment ................................................................................. 4
         Test Site [2.948, 2.1033(b6)] ............................................................................................. 4
         Measurement Equipment Used [2.947(d), 15.31(b)]............................................................... 4
    Tested Configuration /Setup: [2.1033(b8)]..................................................................................... 5
         Support Equipment & Cabling................................................................................................ 5
         Setup Diagram..................................................................................................................... 5
    Summary of Results: ................................................................................................................... 6
         Changes made to achieve compliance ................................................................................... 7
    Standards Applied to Test: [2.1033(b6)] ....................................................................................... 7
    Test Methodology: [2.1033(b6)] ................................................................................................... 7
    Test Data [2.1033(b6)] ...............................................................................................................10
         Modulation Characteristics...................................................................................................10
         Relative Emission Level vs. Supply Voltage [15.31(e)]............................................................12
         Occupied Bandwidth [15.231(c)] ..........................................................................................13
         Restricted Bands: [15.205] ..................................................................................................14
         Radiated Field Strength Measurements: [15.231(b), 15.205] .................................................15
              Field Strength Measurements of Fundamental : [15.231(b)] ............................................17
              Field Strength Measurements of Harmonics: [15.231(b), 15.205]....................................18
              Calculation of Field Strength of Tuning Pulses: [15.231(b)], 15.31(c)]...............................21
    APPENDIX: Tune Pulses - Data Details ..................................................................................26

AHD EMC Lab, 92723 M152, Dowagiac, MI 49047, (616) 424-7014                                                                         104881
                                                      Exhibit K: Page 2 of 31

Test report #20000315F                    FCC 15.231 for CB2300NHL3           FCC ID: CB2300NHL3
                                             Tested April 27, 2000

Statements Concerning this Report
Test Traceability:
The calibration of all measuring and test equipment and the measured data using this equipment
are traceable to the National Institute for Standards and Technology (NIST).

Limitations on results:
The test results contained in this report relate only to the Item(s) tested. Any electrical or
mechanical modification made to the test item subsequent to the test date shall invalidate the
data presented in this report. Any electrical or mechanical modification made to the test item
subsequent to this test date shall require an evaluation to verify continued compliance.

Limitations on copying:
This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written approval of AHD.

Limitations of the report:
This report shall not be used to claim product endorsement by NVLAP, FCC, or any agency of
the US Government.

Statement of Test Results Uncertainty:   Following the guidelines of NAMAS publication
NIS81 and NIST Technical Note 1297, the Measurement Uncertainty at a 95% confidence level
is determined to be: ±3.6 dB

AHD EMC Lab, 92723 M152, Dowagiac, MI 49047, (616) 424-7014                                 104881
                                             Exhibit K: Page 3 of 31

Test report #20000315F                    FCC 15.231 for CB2300NHL3              FCC ID: CB2300NHL3
                                             Tested April 27, 2000

Manufacturer/Applicant [2.1033(b1)]

The manufacturer and applicant:

                 One Prince Center
                 Holland, Michigan 49423

Measurement/Test Site Facility & Equipment
    Test Site [2.948, 2.1033(b6)]
      The AHD test facility is centered on 9 acres of rural property near Sister Lakes, Michigan.
The mailing address is 92723 M-152, Dowagiac, Michigan 49047. This test facility is NVLAP
accredited (LabCode 200129-0). It has been fully described in a report filed with the FCC and
Industry Canada. The report filed with the FCC is, dated November 5, 1996, was accepted by
the FCC in a letter dated January 15, 1997, (31040/SIT 1300F2). The report filed with Industry
Canada, dated August 11, 1998, was accepted via a letter dated September 1, 1998,

   Measurement Equipment Used [2.947(d), 15.31(b)]

    Equipment                                 Model               S/N          Last Cal    Calibration
                                                                                 Date       Interval
    HP EMI Receiver system                    HP 8546A
        RF Filter Section                     HP-85460A           3448A00283   22-Jun-99    12 month
        RF Receiver Section                   HP-85462A           3625A00342   22-Jun-99    12 month
    EMCO BiconiLog Antenna                    3142                1077         07-Sep-99    12 months
    (3-M) Type 129FF Ultra Flex LowLoss       RG58/U              9910-12      29-Oct-99     6 months
    ElectroMetrics Double Ridge Horn          RGA-60              6147         16-Mar-99    12 months

   Measurement Environment

     The tests were performed with the equipment under test, and measurement equipment inside
the all-weather enclosure. Ambient temperature was 22deg.C., the relative humidity 40%.

AHD EMC Lab, 92723 M152, Dowagiac, MI 49047, (616) 424-7014                                     104881
                                             Exhibit K: Page 4 of 31

Test report #20000315F                    FCC 15.231 for CB2300NHL3                            FCC ID: CB2300NHL3
                                             Tested April 27, 2000

Tested Configuration /Setup: [2.1033(b8)]

   Support Equipment & Cabling
 Setup        Description                Model                Serial No. / Part No.   EMC Consideration
  A       [EUT] Universal         [JCI]                                --             FCC ID: CB2300NHL3
          Garage Door Opener      CB2300NHL3
  B       12V DC                  [Kikusui]                   47263914                Located on the turntable base below
          Power Supply            PAB 18-3                                            the EUT table.
  1       Power Supply Cable                --                         --             2 meters, Unshielded, 2-lead lightly
          Harness                                                                     twisted cable harness.

   Setup Diagram

Note: Setup photographs are located in Attached Electronic File, Exhibit L.

                                            BASIC EUT SETUP
                                        (Legend designation is above)

AHD EMC Lab, 92723 M152, Dowagiac, MI 49047, (616) 424-7014                                                     104881
                                             Exhibit K: Page 5 of 31

Test report #20000315F                    FCC 15.231 for CB2300NHL3           FCC ID: CB2300NHL3
                                             Tested April 27, 2000

Summary of Results:
1.    This test series evaluated the Equipment Under Test to FCC Part 15, SubPart C.
2.    The system tested is compliant to the requirement of CFR 47, FCC Part 15, SubPart C for
      periodic operation in the allowed frequency bands above 70MHz, ( Part 15.231 ).
3.    The equipment under test was received on April 25, 2000 and this test series commenced
      on April 25, 2000.
4.    The line conducted emission testing does not apply to this product. The device is powered
      from a 12 volt automobile source.
5.    The preliminary scan for spurious emissions conducted in a shielded room indicated low
      level spurious signals. These emissions were not observable at the 3-meter OATS.
6.    The frequencies selected for final evaluation include 288MHz, 310MHz, and 418MHz.
      This is in accordance with 47 CFR 15.31(m). The 310MHz was selected as a mid-range
      frequency because it is the predominant frequency used in controlling garage doors. Past
      correspondence with the FCC regarding the selection of frequencies and test setup suggest
      this judgment as appropriate.
7.    Occupied Band Width of the transmitted signal, at the 20dB point, nearest the limit was
      measured to be 510KHz. This measurement occurred with the EUT transmitting at
      288MHz with a pulse modulation of 80% duty cycle. This measurement is within the
      allowed 720KHz bandwidth. The greatest bandwidth measured was 563KHz with the EUT
      transmitting at 418MHz
8.    The field strength level of the fundamental was measured for 288MHz, 310MHz, and
      418MHz. The evaluation showed the emission nearest the limit occurred while operating at
      418MHz with 500Hz pulsed modulation at a 50% duty cycle. The EUT was positioned on
      the ‘end’ and the receive antenna oriented in the vertical polarization. This signal was
      measured to be 0.7dB below the limit of 80.3dBuV/m (10,351uV/m).
9.    The evaluation of the field strength levels of the harmonics showed the emission nearest the
      limit occurred while operating at 418MHz with 500Hz pulsed modulation at 30% duty
      cycle. The EUT was positioned on the ‘end’; and the receive antenna oriented in the
      horizontal polarization. This signal, at 836MHz, was measured to be 3.5dB below the limit
      of 60.3dBuV/m (1035uV/m).
10.   Digital Spurious Emissions: The are no detectable spurious emissions associated with the
      digital portion of the CB2300NHL3.
11.   The average value of the coarse tune pulses over a 100mSec time, nearest the limit,
      occurred at 418MHz. The average measurement was determined to be 5280uV/m which is
      5.8dB below the limit of 10,333uV/m..
12.   The average value of the fine tune pulses over a 100mSec time, nearest the limit, occurred
      at 418MHz. The average measurement was determined to be 1934uV/m which is 14.6dB
      below the limit of 10,333uV/m.

AHD EMC Lab, 92723 M152, Dowagiac, MI 49047, (616) 424-7014                                 104881
                                             Exhibit K: Page 6 of 31

Test report #20000315F                    FCC 15.231 for CB2300NHL3            FCC ID: CB2300NHL3
                                             Tested April 27, 2000

   Changes made to achieve compliance

Standards Applied to Test: [2.1033(b6)]
ANSI C63.4 - 1992, Appendix I
CFR47 FCC Part 2, Part 15, SubPart C, 15.231 Intentional Radiator; SubPart B, Digital Device

Test Methodology: [2.1033(b6)]
The pictures in this report, showing test setups, indicate the agreed upon configuration of testing
for this product-type.

For the testing, the EUT was placed at the center of the table 80cm above the ground plane
pursuant to ANSI C63.4 for stand-alone equipment. The 12volt supply harness was routed to the
edge of the long side of the table then down to the power supply located on the turntable base.

The line conducted emission testing was not performed on this product. In its final configuration
the product is powered from an automobile 12 volt system only.

The transmit PCB was removed from the housing for this evaluation. The reasons for this setup
configuration include the observation that the metal in the housing was creating inconsistent
measurements and depressing the buttons to activate the transmitter was easier without the
housing. For the testing, the flex cable of the EUT was folded to represent the position of the
transmit PCB, flex cable, and user button PCB relative to each other.


The system was placed upon a 1 x 1.5 meter non-metallic table 80cm above the open field site
ground plane in the prescribed setup per ANSI C63.4, Figure 9(c).
The table sits upon a remote controlled turntable. The receiving antenna, located at the
appropriate standards distance of 3 or 10 meters from the table center, is also remote controlled.

The principle settings of the EMI Receiver for radiated testing include:
    IF Bandwidth:           120KHz for frequencies less than 1GHz.
                            1 MHz for frequencies greater than 1GHz.
    Detector Function: Peak Mode
                            The Average levels were determined mathematically based upon the
                            duty cycle of the pulsed modulation of the transmitted signal.

At frequencies up to 1000MHz a BiconiLog broadband antenna was used for measurements.

At frequencies above 1000MHz a double-ridge Horn broadband antenna was used for

AHD EMC Lab, 92723 M152, Dowagiac, MI 49047, (616) 424-7014                                  104881
                                             Exhibit K: Page 7 of 31

Test report #20000315F                    FCC 15.231 for CB2300NHL3          FCC ID: CB2300NHL3
                                             Tested April 27, 2000

During the evaluation the EUT was transmitting continuously.

The turntable was rotated 360 degrees and the receiving antenna height varied from 1 to 4 meters
to search out the highest emissions.

Preliminary tests were done at 288MHz, 310MHz, 360MHz, and 418MHz. The final
measurements were made at a low band frequency (288MHz), a mid band frequency (310MHz),
and a high band frequency (418MHz) pursuant to the requirements of 47CFR 15.31(m). At each
frequency the EUT was placed in three orthogonal positions. At each position a 500Hz pulse
modulation was adjusted to a 30%, 50%, and 80% duty cycle. At each duty cycle, measurements
were taken with the receive antenna in vertical and horizontal positions.

The unit was evaluated up to the tenth harmonic of the fundamental as an intentional radiator,
and up to 1000MHz as a digital device.

The orthogonal positions are:
       Flat                                 Side                       End

THE HP8546A EMI Receiver has stored in memory the antenna and coax correction factors
used in this test. The resultant Field Strength (FS) in dBuV/m presented by the HP8546A is the
summation in decibels (dB) of the Received Level (RF), the Antenna Correction Factor (AF),
and the Cable Loss Factor (CF).

Formula 1:                     FS(dBuV/m) = RF(dBuV) + AF(dB/m) +CF(dB)

The resultant Field Strength measurement is recorded using the peak hold detector of the

AHD EMC Lab, 92723 M152, Dowagiac, MI 49047, (616) 424-7014                               104881
                                             Exhibit K: Page 8 of 31

Test report #20000315F                    FCC 15.231 for CB2300NHL3            FCC ID: CB2300NHL3
                                             Tested April 27, 2000

This recorded peak level is further corrected, by calculation, to an average level by a factor
determined by the duty cycle of the pulsed modulation. The duty cycle factor is determined as
outlined in Appendix I4 of the standard ANSI C63.4:1992.

Formula 2:                Average Level(uV/m) = [ Peak Level(uV/m) ] x [ duty cycle factor ].

Formula 2a:               Average Level(dBuV/m) = Peak Level)dBuV/m) + duty cycle factor(dB).

The duty cycle factor       to apply is determined for the duty cycles of 30%, 50% and 80% as
     For 30% (0.30):         duty cycle factor(dB) = 20*Log(0.3) = -10.46
     For 50% (0.50):         duty cycle factor(dB) = 20*Log(0.5) = -6.02
     For 80% (0.80):         duty cycle factor(dB) = 20*Log(0.8) = -1.94

   A measured peak level of 50% duty cycle pulse modulated signal is 500uV/m.
   Calculated to dBuV/m is 20*Log(500) = 53.98dBuV/m Peak level.
   Applying the duty cycle factor: Avg. Level(dBuV/m) = 53.98 - 6.02dB = 47.96dBuV/m.

AHD EMC Lab, 92723 M152, Dowagiac, MI 49047, (616) 424-7014                                     104881
                                             Exhibit K: Page 9 of 31

Test report #20000315F                    FCC 15.231 for CB2300NHL3          FCC ID: CB2300NHL3
                                             Tested April 27, 2000

Test Data [2.1033(b6)]
  Modulation Characteristics
Typical encoding at 310MHz: Consisting of pulses of differing duty cycles.

310MHz, 500Hz Modulation, 30% duty cycle

AHD EMC Lab, 92723 M152, Dowagiac, MI 49047, (616) 424-7014                              104881
                                            Exhibit K: Page 10 of 31

Test report #20000315F                    FCC 15.231 for CB2300NHL3    FCC ID: CB2300NHL3
                                             Tested April 27, 2000

310MHz, 500Hz Modulation, 50% duty cycle

310MHz, 500Hz Modulation, 80% duty cycle

AHD EMC Lab, 92723 M152, Dowagiac, MI 49047, (616) 424-7014                        104881
                                            Exhibit K: Page 11 of 31

Test report #20000315F                    FCC 15.231 for CB2300NHL3                         FCC ID: CB2300NHL3
                                             Tested April 27, 2000

  Relative Emission Level vs. Supply Voltage [15.31(e)]
The relative emission level as the supply voltage varied is presented in the charts below.

                                     TX OUTPUT vs. Voltage LEVEL
                               DUT= CB2300NHL3, 310MHz, 80%duty cycle
                                   Volt In                 TX OutPut
                                                           Pk dBuV/m
                                      6                      no-op
                                      7                       74.2
                                      8                       73.9
                                      9                       73.9
                                     10                       73.9
                                     11                       74.0
                                     12                       73.9
                                     13                       73.8
                                     14                       73.8
                                     15                       73.8
                                     16                       73.8
                                     17                       73.7
                                     18                       73.7

                                  OUTPUT FIELD STRENGTH vs INPUT VOLTAGE
                               [Tuned to 310MHz; Modulated at 500Hz, 80% Duty Cycle]










                6   7    8       9        10        11        12    13      14         15    16     17     18


AHD EMC Lab, 92723 M152, Dowagiac, MI 49047, (616) 424-7014                                              104881
                                               Exhibit K: Page 12 of 31

Test report #20000315F                    FCC 15.231 for CB2300NHL3              FCC ID: CB2300NHL3
                                             Tested April 27, 2000

   Occupied Bandwidth [15.231(c)]
The maximum allowed 20dB bandwidth is determined pursuant to 15.23(c). For fundamental
signals between 70MHz and 900MHz the bandwidth allowed is 0.25% of the fundamental.

Formula 2:                Allowed bandwidth = [ Fundamental ] x [ .0025 ]

             Fundamental        Duty Cycle          Measured          LIMIT
                (MHz)                            20dB Bandwidth Fundamental * .0025
                 288                30%             450 KHz          720 KHz
                  “                 50%             488 KHz          720 KHz
                  “                 80%             510 KHz          720 KHz
                 310                30%             518 KHz          775 KHz
                  “                 50%             525 KHz          775 KHz
                  “                 80%             480 KHz          775 KHz
                 418                30%             563 KHz         1045 KHz
                  “                 50%             503 KHz         1045 KHz
                  “                 80%             495 KHz         1045 KHz

                         This chart shows a typical measured bandwidth signal.

AHD EMC Lab, 92723 M152, Dowagiac, MI 49047, (616) 424-7014                                  104881
                                            Exhibit K: Page 13 of 31

Test report #20000315F                    FCC 15.231 for CB2300NHL3           FCC ID: CB2300NHL3
                                             Tested April 27, 2000

   Restricted Bands: [15.205]

The following frequency bands are restricted. Only spurious emissions are permitted at levels
limited by 15.209:

          MHz                            MHz                       MHz                GHz
       0.090-0.110                  16.42-16.423                399.9-410           4.5-5.25
       0.490-0.510               16.69475-16.69525                608-614          5.35-5.46
     2.1735-2.1905               16.80425-16.80475               960-1240          7.25-7.75
       4.125-4.128                    25.5-25.67                1300-1427          8.025-8.5
    4.17725-4.17775                   37.5-38.25               1435-1626.5           9.0-9.2
    4.20725-4.20775                     73-74.6               1645.5-1646.5          9.3-9.5
       6.215-6.218                     74.8-75.2                1660-1710          10.6-12.7
    6.26775-6.26825                  108-121.94               1718.8-1722.2       13.25-13.4
    6.31175-6.31225                     123-138                 2200-2300         14.47-14.5
       8.291-8.294                  149.9-150.05                2310-2390         15.35-16.2
       8.362-8.366              156.52475-156.52525            2483.5-2500         17.7-21.4
    8.37625-8.38675                  156.7-156.9                2655-2900        22.01-23.12
    8.41425-8.41475               162.0125-167.17               3260-3267          23.6-24.0
      12.29-12.293                  167.72-173.2                3332-3339          31.2-31.8
   12.51975-12.52025                    240-285                3345.8-3358        36.43-36.5
   12.57675-12.57725                  322-335.4                 3600-4400        Above 38.6

LIMIT @ 3meter: [15.209(a)]

30-88MHz                   100uV/m          40dBuV/m
88-216MHz                  150uV/m          43.5dBuV/m
216-960MHz                 200uV/m          46dBuV/m
above 960MHz               500uV/m          54dBuV/m

Verification of no capability to tune within the Restricted Bands.

The unit is designed capable of tuning from 285MHz to 420MHz. Except that the Homelink® III
firmware prevents the possibility of tuning to the restricted regions of 322-325.4MHz, 399.9-
410MHz, and 240-285MHz.

An exercise which attempted to train the units into the restricted bands demonstrated how well
the firmware functioned. The unit could not be trained any closer to the restricted band area
than 1MHz outside the restricted bands edges.

The spurious emissions observed in the restricted bands did not exceed the allowed limits for the
restricted bands.

AHD EMC Lab, 92723 M152, Dowagiac, MI 49047, (616) 424-7014                                    104881
                                            Exhibit K: Page 14 of 31

Test report #20000315F                    FCC 15.231 for CB2300NHL3        FCC ID: CB2300NHL3
                                             Tested April 27, 2000

   Radiated Field Strength Measurements: [15.231(b), 15.205]

A scan of the CB2300NHL3 was made in a shielded room to study the emission profile of the
EUT. These scans indicate there are low level spurious emissions from the unit other than the
fundamental and its associated harmonics. These emission were not measureable at the 3-meter
open area test site.

The following three charts show the spectrum pattern of the EUT emissions. The levels indicated
are not calibrated levels.

The are no measureable spurious emissions associated with the digital portion of the

AHD EMC Lab, 92723 M152, Dowagiac, MI 49047, (616) 424-7014                              104881
                                            Exhibit K: Page 15 of 31

   2] ts 97 apn 27. coap
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Test report #20000315F                    FCC 15.231 for CB2300NHL3               FCC ID: CB2300NHL3
                                             Tested April 27, 2000

    Field Strength Measurements of Fundamental : [15.231(b)]
1. The EUT was trained to one of the three test frequencies.
2. The EUT was trained to one of the three test duty cycles.
3. The EUT was setup to one of the three orthogonal positions.
4. Steps 1-3 were repeated to cover all positions, duty cycles, and frequencies.

DUT Tuned to transmit at 288MHz

 Freq.    DUT Ant.         Corrected Duty Duty Calculated FCC     Margin               Cable +Ant.
         position Pol.       Data      Cycle Cycle Average  Limit                        Factor
                         Peak Detector       Factor  Level
 MHz                       dBuV/m       %     dB    dBuV/m dBuV/m  dB                   dB+dB/m
 288       side      H         82.3         30% -10.46         71.8     73.8     2.0      14.29
  “          “       “         77.2         50% -6.02          71.2     73.8     2.6        “
  “          “       “         71.5         80% -1.94          69.6     73.8     4.2        “

DUT Tuned to transmit at 310MHz

 Freq.    DUT Ant.          Corrected      Duty Duty Calculated         FCC     Margin Cable +Ant.
         position Pol.        Data         Cycl Cycle Average           Limit            Factor
                              Peak           e Factor  Level
 MHz                        dBuV/m           %       dB       dBuV/m   dBuV/m    dB     dB+dB/m
  310      side      H         82.7         30% -10.46         72.2     75.3     3.1      14.94
   “         “       “         78.6         50% -6.02          72.6     75.3     2.7        “
   “         “       “         75.3         80% -1.94          73.4     75.3     1.9        “

DUT Tuned to transmit at 418MHz

 Freq.    DUT Ant.          Corrected      Duty Duty Calculated         FCC     Margin Cable +Ant.
         positio Pol.         Data         Cycl Cycle Average           Limit            Factor
            n                 Peak          e Factor   Level
 MHz                        dBuV/m           %       dB       dBuV/m   dBuV/m    dB     dB+dB/m
  418      end       V         89.6         30% -10.46         79.1     80.3     1.2      17.44
   “        “        “         85.6         50% -6.02          79.6     80.3     0.7        “
   “        “        “         80.6         80% -1.94          78.7     80.3     1.6        “

AHD EMC Lab, 92723 M152, Dowagiac, MI 49047, (616) 424-7014                                   104881
                                            Exhibit K: Page 17 of 31

Test report #20000315F                     FCC 15.231 for CB2300NHL3            FCC ID: CB2300NHL3
                                              Tested April 27, 2000

      Field Strength Measurements of Harmonics: [15.231(b), 15.205]
DUT Tuned to transmit at 288MHz
 Freq. DUT Ant. Corrected Duty Duty Calculated FCC                    Margin          Cable +Ant.
       position Pol.      Data     Cycle Cycle Average          Limit                   Factor
                      Peak Detector 6 Factor         Level
 MHz                    dBuV/m       %     dB      dBuV/m dBuV/m       dB              dB+dB/m
  576      flat      H         58.1         30%    -10.46      47.6    53.8    6.2       21.0
   “         “       “         50.3         50%     -6.02      44.3    53.8    9.5        “
   “         “       “         42.9         80%     -1.94      41.0    53.8   12.8        “
  864      flat      H         39.5         30%    -10.46      29.0    53.8   24.8       24.8
   “         “       “         33.2         50%     -6.02      27.2    53.8   26.6        “
   “         “       “         29.1         80%     -1.94      27.2    53.8   26.6        “
 1152      flat      H         38.2         30%    -10.46      27.7    54.0   26.3       26.2
   “         “       “         35.1         50%     -6.02      29.1    54.0   24.9        “
   “       side      “         34.0         80%     -1.94      32.1    54.0   21.9        “
 1440      flat      H         45.7         30%    -10.46      35.2    54.0   18.8       27.1
   “         “       “         43.9         50%     -6.02      37.9    54.0   16.1        “
   “         “       “         41.8         80%     -1.94      39.9    54.0   14.1        “
 1728      flat      H         41.4         30%    -10.46      30.9    54.0   23.1       30.2
   “         “       “         39.7         50%     -6.02      33.7    54.0   20.3        “
   “         “       “         39.5         80%     -1.94      37.6    54.0   16.4        “
 2016      flat      H         41.3         30%    -10.46      30.8    54.0   23.2       33.0
   “         “       “         40.3         50%     -6.02     <34.3    54.0   >19.7       “
   “         -       “         39.5         80%     -1.94     <37.6    54.0   >16.4       “
                             Noise Floor
 2304        -       H         40.8         30% -10.46        <30.3    54.0   >23.7      32.1
                             Noise Floor
   “         -       “         40.2         50% -6.02         <34.2    54.0   >19.8       “
                             Noise Floor
   “         -       “         40.3         80% -1.94         <38.4    54.0   >15.6       “
                             Noise Floor
 2592        -       H         41.7         30% -10.46        <31.2    54.0   >22.8      32.2
                             Noise Floor
   “         -       “         40.6         50% -6.02         <34.6    54.0   >19.4       “
                             Noise Floor
   “         -       “         41.0         80% -1.94         <39.1    54.0   >14.9       “
                             Noise Floor
 2880        -       H         42.0         30% -10.46        <31.5    54.0   >22.5      33.5
                             Noise Floor
   “         -       “         41.3         50% -6.02         <35.3    54.0   >18.7       “
                             Noise Floor
   “         -       “         41.4         80% -1.94         <39.5    54.0   >15.5       “
                             Noise Floor
The are no detectable spurious emissions associated with the digital portion of the CB2300NHL3.

AHD EMC Lab, 92723 M152, Dowagiac, MI 49047, (616) 424-7014                                   104881
                                            Exhibit K: Page 18 of 31

Test report #20000315F                     FCC 15.231 for CB2300NHL3            FCC ID: CB2300NHL3
                                              Tested April 27, 2000

DUT Tuned to transmit at 310MHz
 Freq. DUT Ant. Corrected Duty Duty Calculated FCC        Margin                      Cable +Ant.
      position Pol.      Data    Cycl Cycle Average Limit                               Factor
                    Peak Detector e Factor   Level
 MHz                   dBuV/m     %    dB   dBuV/m dBuV/m  dB                          dB+dB/m
  620      flat      H         54.9         30%    -10.46      44.4    55.3   10.9       21.7
   “       side      “         47.3         50%     -6.02      41.3    55.3   14.0        “
   “         “       “         45.6         80%     -1.94      43.7    55.3   11.6        “
  930      flat      H         39.6         30%    -10.46      29.1    55.3   26.2       25.3
   “       side      V         32.3         50%     -6.02      26.3    55.3   29.0        “
   “       flat      “         30.9         80%     -1.94      29.0    55.3   26.3        “
 1240      flat      H         34.1         30%    -10.46      23.6    54.0   30.4       26.5
   “       end       “         33.2         50%     -6.02      27.2    54.0   26.8        “
   “         “       “         33.4         80%     -1.94      31.5    54.0   22.5        “
 1550      flat      H         44.6         30%    -10.46      34.1    54.0   19.9       28.0
   “         “       “         42.5         50%     -6.02      36.5    54.0   17.5        “
   “         “       “         40.3         80%     -1.94      38.4    54.0   15.6        “
 1860      side      H         40.1         30%    -10.46      29.6    55.3   25.7       31.6
   “       flat      “         40.0         50%     -6.02      34.0    55.3   21.3        “
   “         -       “         38.0         80%     -1.94     <36.1    55.3   >19.2       “
                             Noise Floor
 2170      side      H         39.6         30% -10.46        29.1     55.3   26.2       32.4
   “         -       “         39.4         50% -6.02         33.4     55.3   21.9        “
                             Noise Floor
   “         -       “         38.5         80% -1.94         <36.6    55.3   >18.7        “
                             Noise Floor
 2480        -       H         36.0         30% -10.46        <25.5    55.3   >29.8      31.8
                             Noise Floor
   “         -       “         38.0         50% -6.02         <32.0    55.3   >23.3        “
                             Noise Floor
   “         -       “         36.2         80% -1.94         <34.3    55.3   >21.0        “
                             Noise Floor
 2790        -       H         41.3         30% -10.46        <30.8    54.0   >23.2      33.1
                             Noise Floor
   “         -       “         40.2         50% -6.02         <34.2    54.0   >19.8        “
                             Noise Floor
   “         -       “         40.7         80% -1.94         <38.8    54.0   >15.2        “
                             Noise Floor
 3100        -       H         41.2         30% -10.46        <30.7    54.0   >23.3      34.2
                             Noise Floor
   “         -       “         40.3         50% -6.02         <28.3    54.0   >25.7        “
                             Noise Floor
   “         -       “         40.3         80% -1.94         <38.4    54.0   >15.6        “
                             Noise Floor
The are no detectable spurious emissions associated with the digital portion of the CB2300NHL3.

AHD EMC Lab, 92723 M152, Dowagiac, MI 49047, (616) 424-7014                                    104881
                                            Exhibit K: Page 19 of 31

Test report #20000315F                     FCC 15.231 for CB2300NHL3            FCC ID: CB2300NHL3
                                              Tested April 27, 2000

DUT Tuned to transmit at 418MHz
 Freq. DUT Ant. Corrected Duty Duty Calculated FCC        Margin                      Cable +Ant.
      position Pol.      Data    Cycl Cycle Average Limit                               Factor
                    Peak Detector e Factor   Level
 MHz                   dBuV/m     %    dB   dBuV/m dBuV/m  dB                          dB+dB/m
  836      end       H         67.3         30%    -10.46     56.8     60.3    3.5       24.6
   “       side      V         60.1         50%     -6.02      54.1    60.3    6.2        “
   “       end       H         48.6         80%     -1.94      46.7    60.3   13.6        “
 1254      flat      H         45.6         30%    -10.46      35.1    54.0   18.9       26.5
   “         “       “         40.3         50%     -6.02      34.3    54.0   19.7        “
   “       end       “         38.3         80%     -1.94      36.4    54.0   17.6        “
 1672      flat      H         49.0         30%    -10.46      38.5    54.0   15.5       29.5
   “         “       “         43.0         50%     -6.02      37.0    54.0   17.0        “
   “         “       “         41.7         80%     -1.94      39.8    54.0   14.2        “
 2090      flat      H         46.2         30%    -10.46      35.7    60.3   24.6       32.7
   “         “       “         43.0         50%     -6.02      37.0    60.3   23.3        “
   “         “       “         42.4         80%     -1.94      40.5    60.3   19.8        “
 2508      end       H         41.2         30%    -10.46     30.7     60.3   29.6       31.8
   “         “       “         39.2         50%     -6.02      33.2    60.3   27.1        “
   “         -       “          39          80%     -1.94     <37.1    60.3   >23.2       “
                             Noise Floor
 2926        -       H          41          30% -10.46        <30.5    60.3   >29.8      33.7
                             Noise Floor
   “         -       “          40          50% -6.02         <34.0    60.3   >26.3        “
                             Noise Floor
   “         -       “          40          80% -1.94         <38.1    60.3   >22.2        “
                             Noise Floor
 3344        -       H          42          30% -10.46        <31.5    60.3   >28.8      34.8
                             Noise Floor
   “         -       “          42          50% -6.02         <36.0    60.3   >24.3        “
                             Noise Floor
   “         -       “          42          80% -1.94         <40.1    60.3   >20.2        “
                             Noise Floor
 3762        -       H          43          30% -10.46        <32.5    54.0   >21.5      35.8
                             Noise Floor
   “         -       “          42          50% -6.02         <36.0    54.0   >18.0        “
                             Noise Floor
   “         -       “          42          80% -1.94         <40.1    54.0   >13.9        “
                             Noise Floor
 4180        -       H          43          30% -10.46        <32.5    54.0   >21.5      36.1
                             Noise Floor
   “         -       “          42          50% -6.02         <36.0    54.0   >18.0        “
                             Noise Floor
   “         -       “          42          80% -1.94         <40.1    54.0   >13.9        “
                             Noise Floor
The are no detectable spurious emissions associated with the digital portion of the CB2300NHL3.

AHD EMC Lab, 92723 M152, Dowagiac, MI 49047, (616) 424-7014                                    104881
                                            Exhibit K: Page 20 of 31

Test report #20000315F                    FCC 15.231 for CB2300NHL3             FCC ID: CB2300NHL3
                                             Tested April 27, 2000

       Calculation of Field Strength of Tuning Pulses: [15.231(b)], 15.31(c)]

The tuning pulses are generated each time the CB2300NHL3 is activated.

The tuning pulse sequence is: During the first 100mSec of activation two pulses of a ‘coarse’
tune. During the second 100mSec of activation are nine pulses of a ‘fine’ tune. At
approximately 200mSec after activation the encoded transmission begins.

The signal levels of the tuning pulses were maximized by maximizing the signal levels of the
pulse modulated transmission. The antenna height and turntable azimuth for maximum emission
levels were adjusted while measuring the field strength of the pulse modulated transmissions.

A typical tuning pulse sequence is presented in this figure below.

To determine level of the tuning pulses for comparison to the limits, the following procedure was

1. The EUT was trained to each of the three test frequencies at 30% duty cycle of the 500Hz
   modulating pulse.
2. The HP8456A EMI Receiver was adjusted to a fundamental frequency and set at 0Hz span,
   with 1MHz IF Bandwidth.
3. The trigger level was adjusted to capture the pulses of interest.
4. The EUT was activated and a single trace recorded on the Receiver in order to capture the
   tuning pulses.
5. The captured trace was digitally stored. The stored data points (400 data points for a full
   screen trace) were then used in calculations to determine the levels of the pulses.

AHD EMC Lab, 92723 M152, Dowagiac, MI 49047, (616) 424-7014                                 104881
                                            Exhibit K: Page 21 of 31

Test report #20000315F                                         FCC 15.231 for CB2300NHL3                                            FCC ID: CB2300NHL3
                                                                  Tested April 27, 2000


Pursuant to 47 CFR 15.35(c), the field strength is determined by averaging over ONE complete
pulse train up to 100mSec, including blanking intervals.

1.               First was determined the number of data points captured which represented 100mSec span
                  of time. There are 400 data points stored for one complete trace. The scan rate of the
                  HP8546A receiver was set to capture the tuning pulses.

                      Therefore: Number of data points per 100mSec
                                      = 100mSec * (400pts/scan) / (No. of mSec/scan).
                   Example: If the scan rate is set at 240mSec, then the number of data points per 100mSec
                   is 100mSec * (400pts / 240mSec) = 167 pts.

2.                 The AVERAGE field strength level (uV/m) within the 100mSec is then determined by
                   dividing SUM of the levels (uV/m) of all data points by the number of data points.

                          Formula 3: Average Field Intensity
                                                       no. of data pts

                                                       ∑ (Leveln)uV/m
                                      Avg. F.I. =
                                                             (number of data points)

The charts that follow are the reproduction of the coarse tune pulse traces using number of data
points representing 100mSec sweep time from the screen display of the HP8546A EMI receiver.
                                                       C o a rs e T u n e P u l s e s , 2 8 8 M H z f u n d a m e n ta l
                                                                               L in ea r S ca le

                 1 80 00 .00

                 1 60 00 .00

                 1 40 00 .00

                 1 20 00 .00
     Peak uV/m

                 1 00 00 .00

                  8 00 0.0 0

                  6 00 0.0 0

                  4 00 0.0 0

                  2 00 0.0 0

                       0 .0 0
                               1 30      1 40   1 50          1 60           1 70            1 80           1 90           2 00   2 10    2 20    2 30
                                                                                            m Sec

AHD EMC Lab, 92723 M152, Dowagiac, MI 49047, (616) 424-7014                                                                                      104881
                                                                  Exhibit K: Page 22 of 31

Test report #20000315F                                   FCC 15.231 for CB2300NHL3                                            FCC ID: CB2300NHL3
                                                            Tested April 27, 2000

                                                 C o a rs e T u n e P u l s e s , 3 1 0 M H z f u n d a m e n ta l
                                                                         L in ea r S ca le

              2 00 00 .00

              1 80 00 .00

              1 60 00 .00

              1 40 00 .00

              1 20 00 .00
  Peak uV/m

              1 00 00 .00

               8 00 0.0 0

               6 00 0.0 0

               4 00 0.0 0

               2 00 0.0 0

                    0 .0 0
                            1 10   1 20   1 30          1 40           1 50            1 60           1 70           1 80   1 90    2 00    2 10
                                                                                      m Sec

                                                 C o a rs e T u n e P u l s e s , 4 1 8 M H z f u n d a m e n ta l
                                                                         L in ea r S ca le

              3 50 00 .00

              3 00 00 .00

              2 50 00 .00
  Peak uV/m

              2 00 00 .00

              1 50 00 .00

              1 00 00 .00

               5 00 0.0 0

                    0 .0 0
                             0     10     20             30             40              50             60            70     80      90      1 00
                                                                                      m Sec

AHD EMC Lab, 92723 M152, Dowagiac, MI 49047, (616) 424-7014                                                                                104881
                                                              Exhibit K: Page 23 of 31

Test report #20000315F                                FCC 15.231 for CB2300NHL3                                           FCC ID: CB2300NHL3
                                                         Tested April 27, 2000

                                                F i n e T u n e P u l s e s , 2 8 8 M H z f u n d a m e n ta l
                                                                       L in ea r S ca le

              1 80 00 .00

              1 60 00 .00

              1 40 00 .00

              1 20 00 .00
  Peak uV/m

              1 00 00 .00

               8 00 0.0 0

               6 00 0.0 0

               4 00 0.0 0

               2 00 0.0 0

                    0 .0 0
                             90   1 00   1 10        1 20            1 30            1 40           1 50         1 60   1 70    1 80    1 90
                                                                                    m Sec

                                                F i n e T u n e P u l s e s , 3 1 0 M H z f u n d a m e n ta l
                                                                       L in ea r S ca le

              2 00 00 .00

              1 80 00 .00

              1 60 00 .00

              1 40 00 .00

              1 20 00 .00
  Peak uV/m

              1 00 00 .00

               8 00 0.0 0

               6 00 0.0 0

               4 00 0.0 0

               2 00 0.0 0

                    0 .0 0
                             90   1 00   1 10        1 20            1 30            1 40           1 50         1 60   1 70    1 80    1 90
                                                                                    m Sec

AHD EMC Lab, 92723 M152, Dowagiac, MI 49047, (616) 424-7014                                                                            104881
                                                         Exhibit K: Page 24 of 31

Test report #20000315F                                 FCC 15.231 for CB2300NHL3                                                  FCC ID: CB2300NHL3
                                                          Tested April 27, 2000

                                                 F i n e T u n e P u l s e s , 4 1 8 M H z f u n d a m e n ta l
                                                                        L in ea r S ca le

              3 00 00 .00

              2 50 00 .00

              2 00 00 .00
  Peak uV/m

              1 50 00 .00

              1 00 00 .00

               5 00 0.0 0

                    0 .0 0
                            1 35   1 45   1 55        1 65            1 75            1 85           1 95         2 05        2 15       2 25    2 35
                                                                                     m Sec

The raw data used in calculating the average field intensity of the tuning pulses are presented in
the Appendix of this test report.

COARSE TUNE PULSES, Calculated average over 100mSec

  TX                   SUM of the levels of all data Number of Data points                            Average            LIMIT       MARGIN
 Freq.                  points in 100mSec span         in 100mSec span                                SUM/N
 (MHz)                            (uV/m)                      N                                        (uV/m)            (uV/m)       (dB)
  288                            260,140                     160                                        1,626             4917         9.6
  310                            444,030                     160                                        2,775             5833         6.5
  418                            844,847                     160                                        5,280            10333         5.8

FINE TUNE PULSES, Calculated average over 100mSec

  TX                   SUM of the levels of all data Number of Data points                            Average            LIMIT       MARGIN
 Freq.                  points in 100mSec span         in 100mSec span                                SUM/N
 (MHz)                            (uV/m)                      N                                        (uV/m)            (uV/m)       (dB)
  288                            112,565                     160                                         704              4917        16.9
  310                            145,607                     160                                         910              5833        16.1
  418                            309,479                     160                                        1,934            10333        14.6

AHD EMC Lab, 92723 M152, Dowagiac, MI 49047, (616) 424-7014                                                                                     104881
                                                          Exhibit K: Page 25 of 31

Test report #20000315F                 FCC 15.231 for CB2300NHL3                  FCC ID: CB2300NHL3
                                          Tested April 27, 2000
APPENDIX:             Tune Pulses - Data Details

        COARSE TUNE Pulse; Fundamental Frequency = 288MHz

                 Level                        Level                     Level                  Level
      mSec       uV/m              mSec       uV/m            mSec      uV/m         mSec      uV/m

  1     130      58.68              155       59.02             180     1581.25        205     48.98
  2   130.625    52.84            155.625     59.16           180.625   1577.61      205.625   50.18
  3   131.25     47.75            156.25      56.10           181.25    1559.55      206.25    60.33
  4   131.875    53.15            156.875     50.99           181.875   1531.09      206.875   50.70
  5    132.5     56.23             157.5      53.70            182.5    1531.09       207.5    58.21
  6   133.125    49.89            158.125     57.61           183.125   1510.08      208.125   50.87
  7   133.75     50.29            158.75      53.03           183.75    1518.80      208.75    66.30
  8   134.375    60.33            159.375     54.14           184.375   1497.96      209.375   49.89
  9     135      60.05              160       48.47             185     1494.51        210     50.47
 10   135.625    49.77            160.625     53.27           185.625   1474.01      210.625   59.29
 11   136.25     53.27            161.25      52.00           186.25    1497.96      211.25    58.21
 12   136.875    53.46            161.875     50.06           186.875   1470.62      211.875   52.84
 13    137.5     54.33             162.5      52.00            187.5    1465.55       212.5    53.58
 14   138.125    51.76            163.125     55.21           188.125   1470.62      213.125   50.99
 15   138.75    2728.98           163.75      51.46           188.75    1462.18      213.75    56.36
 16   139.375   5956.62           164.375    2880.71          189.375    54.33       214.375   50.18
 17     140     13474.11            165      3601.64            190      62.52         215     64.19
 18   140.625   16846.12          165.625    4830.59          190.625    52.60       215.625   52.30
 19   141.25    13772.09          166.25     7236.02          191.25     49.49       216.25    51.29
 20   141.875   7603.26           166.875    13693.04         191.875    55.34       216.875   52.84
 21    142.5    5727.96            167.5     16884.96          192.5     50.47        217.5    53.27
 22   143.125   4841.72           168.125    14927.94         193.125    60.33       218.125   51.29
 23   143.75    4315.19           168.75     9705.10          193.75     60.53       218.75    51.88
 24   144.375   3949.12           169.375    6501.30          194.375    62.66       219.375   58.34
 25     145     3706.81             170      4909.08            195      49.77         220     57.15
 26   145.625   3503.48           170.625    3894.93          195.625    50.47       220.625   52.84
 27   146.25    3361.24           171.25     3280.95          196.25     54.89       221.25    55.34
 28   146.875   3247.13           171.875    2851.02          196.875    64.34       221.875   50.87
 29    147.5    3155.00            172.5     2552.70           197.5     56.10        222.5    48.47
 30   148.125   3072.56           173.125    2352.34          198.125    55.34       223.125   59.29
 31   148.75    3006.08           173.75     2170.20          198.75     53.58       223.75    55.78
 32   149.375   2934.27           174.375    2055.89          199.375    53.89       224.375   54.33
 33     150     2890.68             175      1940.89            200      50.87         225     50.47
 34   150.625   2857.59           175.625    1887.99          200.625    58.55       225.625   52.42
 35   151.25    2798.98           176.25     1809.26          201.25     63.68       226.25    63.53
 36   151.875    49.09            176.875    1747.83          201.875    51.11       226.875   46.72
 37    152.5     55.02             177.5     1715.93           202.5     61.80        227.5    52.42
 38   153.125    62.66            178.125    1665.33          203.125    51.64       228.125   67.38
 39   153.75     54.01            178.75     1629.30          203.75     48.87       228.75    53.15
 40   154.375    66.45            179.375    1616.22          204.375    54.14       229.375   51.11

AHD EMC Lab, 92723 M152, Dowagiac, MI 49047, (616) 424-7014                                            104881
                                            Exhibit K: Page 26 of 31

Test report #20000315F                      FCC 15.231 for CB2300NHL3              FCC ID: CB2300NHL3
                                               Tested April 27, 2000
        COARSE TUNE Pulse; Fundamental Frequency = 310MHz

                 Level                        Level                      Level               Level
      mSec       uV/m              mSec       uV/m            mSec       uV/m      mSec      uV/m

  1     110      164.82             135      11694.99           160     6745.28      185     199.53
  2   110.625    161.25           135.625    8560.52          160.625   8790.23    185.625   179.47
  3   111.25     160.51           136.25     7202.78          161.25    12691.12   186.25    177.21
  4   111.875    176.60           136.875    6426.88          161.875   18030.18   186.875   179.06
  5    112.5     183.23            137.5     5861.38           162.5    19054.61    187.5    189.67
  6   113.125    182.60           138.125    5533.50          163.125   17947.34   188.125   191.65
  7   113.75     158.67           138.75     5182.03          163.75    14774.06   188.75    178.03
  8   114.375    179.47           139.375    5000.35          164.375   11953.64   189.375   173.38
  9     115      176.20             140      4825.03            165     9885.53      190     178.65
 10   115.625    156.68           140.625    4736.96          165.625   8443.06    190.625   171.59
 11   116.25     208.21           141.25     4607.87          166.25    7516.23    191.25    200.68
 12   116.875    169.82           141.875    4544.65          166.875   6839.12    191.875   189.67
 13    117.5     173.38            142.5     4451.43           167.5    6258.93     192.5    168.85
 14   118.125    162.18           143.125    4390.36          168.125   5895.22    193.125   207.73
 15   118.75     188.58           143.75     4370.19          168.75    5559.04    193.75    174.38
 16   119.375    194.76           144.375    4335.11          169.375   5388.90    194.375   168.85
 17     120      166.15             145      4236.43            170     5193.98      195     188.15
 18   120.625    175.79           145.625     214.78          170.625   5017.65    195.625   162.55
 19   121.25     213.55           146.25      190.77          171.25    4875.28    196.25    207.25
 20   121.875    184.71           146.875     194.76          171.875   4825.03    196.875   189.23
 21    122.5     173.38            147.5      164.44           172.5    4720.63     197.5    172.98
 22   123.125    159.22           148.125     172.98          173.125   4645.15    198.125   173.98
 23   123.75     179.06           148.75      163.12          173.75    4661.22    198.75    177.21
 24   124.375    193.87           149.375     163.12          174.375   4597.27    199.375   174.38
 25     125      185.57             150       166.53            175     4534.19      200     180.72
 26   125.625    163.49           150.625     154.35          175.625   4523.76    200.625   193.20
 27   126.25     173.98           151.25      195.43          176.25    4508.17    201.25    180.30
 28   126.875    176.20           151.875     166.53          176.875   4487.45    201.875   178.03
 29    127.5     172.98            152.5      160.51           177.5    4451.43     202.5    177.62
 30   128.125    177.21           153.125     190.11          178.125   4425.88    203.125   184.08
 31   128.75     169.82           153.75      169.82          178.75    4380.26    203.75    213.55
 32   129.375    193.87           154.375     184.71          179.375   4380.26    204.375   179.47
 33     130      184.08             155       168.85            180     4370.19      205     201.60
 34   130.625    210.14           155.625     167.49          180.625   4390.36    205.625   177.21
 35   131.25     174.78           156.25      186.21          181.25    4370.19    206.25    193.20
 36   131.875    223.61           156.875     177.62          181.875   4370.19    206.875   181.13
 37    132.5    7063.18            157.5      184.08           182.5    4405.55     207.5    211.84
 38   133.125   14157.94          158.125     177.21          183.125    175.79    208.125   167.88
 39   133.75    19098.53          158.75     4255.98          183.75     176.60    208.75    165.77
 40   134.375   18238.96          159.375    5321.08          184.375    181.13    209.375   172.58

AHD EMC Lab, 92723 M152, Dowagiac, MI 49047, (616) 424-7014                                       104881
                                             Exhibit K: Page 27 of 31

Test report #20000315F                      FCC 15.231 for CB2300NHL3              FCC ID: CB2300NHL3
                                               Tested April 27, 2000
        COARSE TUNE Pulse; Fundamental Frequency = 418MHz

                 Level                        Level                      Level              Level
      mSec       uV/m              mSec       uV/m            mSec       uV/m      mSec     uV/m

  1      0       85.70               25       71.04             50       79.43       75     8128.31
  2    0.625     99.88             25.625     81.56           50.625     78.34     75.625   8063.06
  3    1.25      81.28              26.25     78.52            51.25     81.10      76.25   7970.76
  4    1.875     80.26             26.875     83.56           51.875     82.22     76.875   7843.32
  5     2.5      94.08              27.5      85.70            52.5      65.99      77.5    7906.79
  6    3.125     80.08             28.125     79.43           53.125     70.15     78.125   7735.71
  7    3.75      80.45              28.75     95.06            53.75     74.13      78.75   7735.71
  8    4.375     84.53             29.375     77.00           54.375     74.13     79.375   7612.02
  9      5       82.22               30       80.91             55       71.78       80     7612.02
 10    5.625     82.60             30.625     79.16           55.625     62.73     80.625   7638.36
 11    6.25      75.16              31.25     74.13            56.25     76.38      81.25   7550.92
 12    6.875     83.85             31.875    9817.48          56.875     77.45     81.875   7473.09
 13     7.5      78.98              32.5     24294.05          57.5      70.47      82.5    7490.31
 14    8.125     77.45             33.125    31296.80         58.125     64.27     83.125   7396.05
 15    8.75      85.70              33.75    31153.01          58.75     83.85      83.75   7396.05
 16    9.375     80.26             34.375    23604.78         59.375     68.23     84.375   7353.60
 17      10      80.63               35      17885.46           60       66.91       85      75.60
 18   10.625     93.11             35.625    15014.12         60.625    11762.51   85.625    89.43
 19    11.25     86.10              36.25    13787.96          61.25    12246.16    86.25    90.36
 20   11.875     80.08             36.875    13228.18         61.875    14504.41   86.875    81.94
 21    12.5      88.92              37.5     12912.19          62.5     19860.95    87.5     78.34
 22   13.125     85.90             38.125    12779.09         63.125    27164.39   88.125    81.28
 23    13.75     84.53              38.75    12779.09          63.75    31153.01    88.75    77.18
 24   14.375     71.45             39.375    12705.74         64.375    31477.48   89.375    90.89
 25      15      85.41               40      12676.52           65      30095.39     90      85.21
 26   15.625     95.61             40.625    12705.74         65.625    25882.13   90.625    77.89
 27    16.25     85.41              41.25    12647.36          66.25    21330.45    91.25    81.75
 28   16.875     86.60             41.875    12676.52         66.875    17823.79   91.875    85.21
 29    17.5      85.70              42.5     12705.74          67.5     15310.87    92.5     85.90
 30   18.125     79.80             43.125    12705.74         68.125    13489.63   93.125    79.62
 31    18.75     78.16              43.75    12749.70          68.75    12175.87    93.75    74.99
 32   19.375     78.16             44.375    12749.70         69.375    11168.63   94.375    80.26
 33      20      85.21               45      12779.09           70      10387.24     95      73.96
 34   20.625     80.26             45.625     85.90           70.625    9851.45    95.625    83.27
 35    21.25     87.50              46.25     69.34            71.25    9484.18     96.25    80.63
 36   21.875     80.08             46.875     83.85           71.875    9067.76    96.875    81.28
 37    22.5      87.10              47.5      69.90            72.5     8830.80     97.5     77.00
 38   23.125     77.18             48.125     69.18           73.125    8600.03    98.125    81.28
 39    23.75     77.89              48.75     67.69            73.75    8443.06     98.75    82.60
 40   24.375     77.00             49.375     77.62           74.375    8241.38    99.375    71.61

AHD EMC Lab, 92723 M152, Dowagiac, MI 49047, (616) 424-7014                                      104881
                                             Exhibit K: Page 28 of 31

Test report #20000315F                       FCC 15.231 for CB2300NHL3              FCC ID: CB2300NHL3
                                                Tested April 27, 2000
             FINE TUNE Pulses; Fundamental Frequency = 288MHz

                 Level                         Level                     Level                Level
      mSec       uV/m              mSec        uV/m            mSec      uV/m       mSec      uV/m

  1     90        49.09              115        57.48            140     15258.08    165       50.18

  2    90.625     47.81            115.625      53.27          140.625    51.76     165.625    49.26

  3    91.25      55.46             116.25      57.15           141.25    59.29     166.25     50.06

  4    91.875     50.18            116.875      58.34          141.875    56.23     166.875    48.47

  5     92.5      52.84             117.5       55.21           142.5     54.14      167.5     54.01

  6    93.125     62.30            118.125     11534.53        143.125    54.76     168.125    56.56

  7    93.75      48.47             118.75      57.48           143.75    55.78     168.75     53.27

  8    94.375     57.28            119.375      55.21          144.375    50.87     169.375    54.01

  9     95        58.08              120        54.01            145      53.27      170       55.65

 10    95.625     48.87            120.625      46.34          145.625    49.49     170.625    54.33

 11    96.25     4897.79            121.25      51.46           146.25    53.03     171.25     50.29

 12    96.875    4897.79           121.875      52.42          146.875    54.33     171.875    53.70

 13     97.5      52.84             122.5       52.00           147.5     49.77      172.5    5308.84

 14    98.125     50.06            123.125      51.29          148.125    50.70     173.125   4869.68

 15    98.75      57.94             123.75      59.57           148.75    60.81     173.75     59.29

 16    99.375     56.10            124.375      58.55          149.375    55.21     174.375    50.47

 17     100       56.10              125        49.49            150      60.33      175       52.00

 18   100.625     57.61            125.625      50.70          150.625   10387.24   175.625    53.70

 19    101.25     56.82             126.25      61.66           151.25   8026.02    176.25     49.26

 20   101.875     52.84            126.875      60.33          151.875    56.69     176.875    54.33

 21    102.5      58.34             127.5       51.76           152.5     55.02      177.5     47.37

 22   103.125     55.21            128.125      66.30          153.125    52.30     178.125    49.26

 23    103.75     49.89             128.75      50.06           153.75    51.29     178.75     60.81

 24   104.375     61.80            129.375     16710.91        154.375    56.36     179.375    54.58

 25     105       54.89              130        57.02            155      50.99      180       51.88

 26   105.625     59.29            130.625      61.80          155.625    57.15     180.625    50.58

 27    106.25     58.08             131.25      55.46           156.25    55.78     181.25     58.68

 28   106.875     57.02            131.875      53.89          156.875    54.76     181.875    50.47

 29    107.5     7379.04            132.5       55.78           157.5     54.33      182.5     50.87

 30   108.125     60.19            133.125      51.46          158.125    51.76     183.125    53.46

 31    108.75     53.15             133.75      54.76           158.75    48.70     183.75    4340.10

 32   109.375     52.72            134.375      58.21          159.375    54.33     184.375   4168.69

 33     110       58.08              135        55.34            160      54.58      185       54.76

 34   110.625     53.70            135.625      52.84          160.625    55.21     185.625    46.24

 35    111.25     54.14             136.25      70.39           161.25    57.02     186.25     56.56

 36   111.875     56.10            136.875      56.56          161.875   6768.62    186.875    53.15

 37    112.5      50.47             137.5       61.31           162.5     61.02      187.5     59.70

 38   113.125     56.36            138.125      60.53          163.125    49.26     188.125    60.81

 39    113.75     55.02             138.75      58.08           163.75    54.89     188.75     50.18

 40   114.375     49.09            139.375      52.60          164.375    54.01     189.375    53.89

AHD EMC Lab, 92723 M152, Dowagiac, MI 49047, (616) 424-7014                                            104881
                                              Exhibit K: Page 29 of 31

Test report #20000315F                      FCC 15.231 for CB2300NHL3              FCC ID: CB2300NHL3
                                               Tested April 27, 2000
          FINE TUNE Pulses; Fundamental Frequency = 310MHz

                 Level                        Level                      Level               Level
      mSec       uV/m              mSec       uV/m            mSec       uV/m      mSec      uV/m

  1      90      187.07             115       179.06            140      171.99      165      188.58
  2   90.625     173.98           115.625     198.38          140.625    178.03    165.625    160.88
  3    91.25     165.20           116.25      179.47          141.25     180.30    166.25     173.38
  4   91.875     162.55           116.875     185.57          141.875   18685.30   166.875    171.59
  5    92.5      171.20            117.5      191.21           142.5     183.23     167.5     190.77
  6   93.125     190.77           118.125     181.76          143.125    173.98    168.125    182.18
  7    93.75     181.76           118.75      171.59          143.75     187.07    168.75     161.25
  8   94.375     181.76           119.375    14076.67         144.375    191.65    169.375    187.72
  9      95      204.88             120       165.77            145      231.21      170      190.11
 10   95.625     185.57           120.625     203.94          145.625    186.21    170.625    180.30
 11    96.25    7970.76           121.25      181.76          146.25     164.82    171.25     191.65
 12   96.875    8100.28           121.875     171.20          146.875    228.03    171.875    177.62
 13    97.5      184.71            122.5      164.82           147.5     167.88     172.5     192.75
 14   98.125     183.23           123.125     199.07          148.125    159.22    173.125    197.47
 15    98.75     189.67           123.75      163.87          148.75     153.11    173.75     207.73
 16   99.375     180.72           124.375     170.61          149.375    196.34    174.375    166.53
 17     100      174.38             125       195.88            150      185.57      175      166.53
 18   100.625    184.71           125.625     178.03          150.625    178.03    175.625   7825.28
 19   101.25     163.49           126.25      168.46          151.25     164.82    176.25     211.35
 20   101.875    182.18           126.875     172.98          151.875    173.98    176.875    160.51
 21    102.5     174.78            127.5      207.25           152.5     179.47     177.5     173.38
 22   103.125    180.72           128.125     154.35          153.125   16462.66   178.125    202.77
 23   103.75     185.57           128.75      172.58          153.75     159.22    178.75     170.61
 24   104.375    186.64           129.375     171.59          154.375    193.87    179.375    179.06
 25     105      186.64             130       178.03            155      178.65      180      205.59
 26   105.625    182.18           130.625    17741.89         155.625    179.47    180.625    174.78
 27   106.25     170.61           131.25      169.24          156.25     177.21    181.25     180.30
 28   106.875    175.39           131.875     202.77          156.875    192.75    181.875    181.13
 29    107.5     179.47            132.5      173.98           157.5     180.30     182.5     176.60
 30   108.125   10641.43          133.125     171.59          158.125    177.21    183.125    160.51
 31   108.75     199.07           133.75      201.60          158.75     185.14    183.75     183.65
 32   109.375    209.17           134.375     202.30          159.375    226.20    184.375    204.41
 33     110      165.77             135       169.24            160      164.82      185      163.49
 34   110.625    175.79           135.625     168.46          160.625    171.99    185.625    180.30
 35   111.25     184.71           136.25      168.85          161.25     176.20    186.25     170.61
 36   111.875    189.23           136.875     171.59          161.875    187.07    186.875   6784.22
 37    112.5     172.58            137.5      175.79           162.5     168.85     187.5     184.08
 38   113.125    159.22           138.125     170.61          163.125    196.34    188.125    182.18
 39   113.75     193.20           138.75      192.31          163.75     159.22    188.75     175.79
 40   114.375    209.17           139.375     191.65          164.375   10150.79   189.375    185.14

AHD EMC Lab, 92723 M152, Dowagiac, MI 49047, (616) 424-7014                                       104881
                                             Exhibit K: Page 30 of 31

Test report #20000315F                      FCC 15.231 for CB2300NHL3              FCC ID: CB2300NHL3
                                               Tested April 27, 2000
          FINE TUNE Pulses; Fundamental Frequency = 418MHz

                 Level                        Level                      Level                Level
      mSec       uV/m              mSec       uV/m            mSec       uV/m      mSec       uV/m

  1     135      96.38              160       81.10             185      78.98       210      73.96
  2   135.625    86.10            160.625     84.53           185.625    81.56     210.625    79.16
  3   136.25    22855.99          161.25      69.02           186.25     74.39     211.25     80.91
  4   136.875   22987.94          161.875     72.95           186.875    88.21     211.875    79.62
  5    137.5     79.43             162.5      77.18            187.5     88.00      212.5     81.56
  6   138.125    81.56            163.125    28740.88         188.125    91.31     213.125    80.63
  7   138.75     80.63            163.75      79.16           188.75     75.16     213.75     78.80
  8   139.375    86.60            164.375     99.88           189.375    85.02     214.375    81.75
  9     140      77.00              165       97.27             190     29444.22     215      85.21
 10   140.625    88.72            165.625     78.16           190.625    79.80     215.625    73.37
 11   141.25     79.62            166.25      79.62           191.25     80.63     216.25    27321.21
 12   141.875    90.16            166.875     78.80           191.875    76.38     216.875   27321.21
 13    142.5     78.34             167.5      78.34            192.5     80.45      217.5     82.22
 14   143.125    81.10            168.125     84.72           193.125    81.75     218.125    85.41
 15   143.75     80.26            168.75      88.72           193.75     81.10     218.75     82.41
 16   144.375    75.34            169.375     85.70           194.375    70.88     219.375    80.91
 17     145      89.95              170       79.43             195      83.85       220      71.29
 18   145.625    88.92            170.625     78.80           195.625    89.23     220.625    78.98
 19   146.25     99.08            171.25      73.79           196.25     76.21     221.25     73.20
 20   146.875    75.34            171.875     100.69          196.875    94.84     221.875    76.38
 21    147.5     78.16             172.5      78.98            197.5     77.89      222.5     93.33
 22   148.125    76.56            173.125     92.58           198.125    84.72     223.125    78.80
 23   148.75     78.80            173.75      70.88           198.75     95.83     223.75     76.21
 24   149.375    84.53            174.375     74.56           199.375    82.60     224.375    81.56
 25     150     26091.56            175       76.38             200      78.34       225      78.98
 26   150.625    81.28            175.625     77.00           200.625    81.94     225.625    74.73
 27   151.25     85.02            176.25     29207.88         201.25     86.60     226.25     77.89
 28   151.875    86.10            176.875    29275.21         201.875    77.89     226.875    81.28
 29    152.5     75.60             177.5      85.21            202.5     77.45      227.5     75.34
 30   153.125    83.27            178.125     83.27           203.125   28906.80   228.125    79.16
 31   153.75     81.75            178.75      73.37           203.75     72.03     228.75     80.91
 32   154.375    88.72            179.375     73.37           204.375    84.72     229.375    88.00
 33     155      82.89              180       79.80             205      88.72       230     25147.80
 34   155.625    85.02            180.625     73.79           205.625    99.43     230.625    79.80
 35   156.25     86.40            181.25      72.95           206.25     87.30     231.25     80.26
 36   156.875    85.21            181.875     73.37           206.875    81.94     231.875    77.45
 37    157.5     87.80             182.5      85.90            207.5     77.89      232.5     70.71
 38   158.125    84.53            183.125     84.04           208.125    85.70     233.125    84.04
 39   158.75     86.60            183.75      90.36           208.75     91.62     233.75     71.29
 40   159.375    83.08            184.375     80.08           209.375    83.85     234.375    78.80

AHD EMC Lab, 92723 M152, Dowagiac, MI 49047, (616) 424-7014                                        104881
                                             Exhibit K: Page 31 of 31

Document Created: 2000-06-14 21:22:31
Document Modified: 2000-06-14 21:22:31

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