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Users Manual

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TyreWiz         TyreWiz       TyreWiz
User Manual     User Manual   User Manual
TyreWiz         TyreWiz       TyreWiz
User Manual     User Manual   User Manual
TyreWiz         TyreWiz       TyreWiz
User Manual     User Manual   User Manual

                                            95-XXXX-XXX-XXX Rev X
                                                 © 2018 SRAM, LLC

Tools and Supplies                                                                                    5
Werkzeuge und Material            Herramientas y accesorios         Ferramentas e Produtos a Usar
Herramientas y accesorios         Strumenti e forniture             ツールおよび付属品
                                  Gereedschap en benodigdheden      工具和用品

Battery                                                                                               6
Batterie                          Pile                              Bateria
Pila                              Batteria                          電池
                                  Batterij                          电池

Parts Preparation                                                                                     7
Parts Preparation                 Parts Preparation                 Parts Preparation
Parts Preparation                 Parts Preparation                 Parts Preparation
                                  Parts Preparation                 Parts Preparation

Installation                                                                                          9
Installation                      Installation                      Installation
Installation                      Installation                      Installation
                                  Installation                      Installation

Tubeless Sealant Installation                                                                       12
Tubeless Sealant Installation     Tubeless Sealant Installation     Tubeless Sealant Installation
Tubeless Sealant Installation     Tubeless Sealant Installation     Tubeless Sealant Installation
                                  Tubeless Sealant Installation     Tubeless Sealant Installation

TyreWiz™ Smart Device Apps                                                                          13
TyreWiz Smart Device Apps         TyreWiz Smart Device Apps         TyreWiz Smart Device Apps
TyreWiz Smart Device Apps         TyreWiz Smart Device Apps         TyreWiz Smart Device Apps
                                  TyreWiz Smart Device Apps         TyreWiz Smart Device Apps

Garmin® Head Unit Display                                                                           13
Garmin Head Unit Display          Garmin Head Unit Display          Garmin Head Unit Display
Garmin Head Unit Display          Garmin Head Unit Display          Garmin Head Unit Display
                                  Garmin Head Unit Display          Garmin Head Unit Display

Wahoo Fitness® Head Unit Display                                                                    14
Wahoo Fitness Head Unit Display   Wahoo Fitness Head Unit Display   Wahoo Fitness Head Unit Display
Wahoo Fitness Head Unit Display   Wahoo Fitness Head Unit Display   Wahoo Fitness Head Unit
                                  Wahoo Fitness Head Unit Display    Display
                                                                    Wahoo Fitness Head Unit

TyreWiz™ Usage                                                                                      15
TyreWiz Usage                     TyreWiz Usage                     TyreWiz Usage
TyreWiz Usage                     TyreWiz Usage                     TyreWiz Usage
                                  TyreWiz Usage                     TyreWiz Usage


TyreWiz™ Light                                                    16
TyreWiz Light         TyreWiz Light         TyreWiz Light
TyreWiz Light         TyreWiz Light         TyreWiz Light
                      TyreWiz Light         TyreWiz Light

Battery Replacement                                               17
Battery Replacement   Battery Replacement   Battery Replacement
Battery Replacement   Battery Replacement   Battery Replacement
                      Battery Replacement   Battery Replacement

Maintenance                                                       18
Maintenance           Entretien             Manutenção
Mantenimiento         Manutenzione          メンテナンス
                      Onderhoud             保养


          SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS                             CONSIGNES DE SÉCURITÉ                         INSTRUÇÕES DE SEGURANÇA
You must read and understand the Safety         Vous devez lire et comprendre le document        Tem que ler e compreender o documento
Instructions document included with your        consacré aux instructions de sécurité livré      de Instruções de Segurança, incluído com
product before proceeding with installation.    avec votre produit avant de procéder à son       o seu produto, antes de proceder com
Improperly installed components are             installation. Des composants installés de        a instalação. Os componentes instalados
extremely dangerous and could result in         manière inappropriée sont extrêmement            de forma incorrecta são extremamente
severe and/or fatal injuries. If you have any   dangereux et peuvent provoquer des               perigosos e poderão resultar em lesões
questions about the installation of these       blessures graves, voire mortelles. Pour toute    graves e/ou fatais. Se tiver quaisquer
components, consult a qualified bicycle         question concernant l’installation de ces        perguntas sobre a instalação destes
mechanic. This document is also available       composants, consultez un mécanicien vélo         componentes, consulte um mecânico de
on                                professionnel. Ce document est également         bicicletas qualificado. Este documento
                                                disponible sur                     também está disponível em

           SICHERHEITSHINWEISE                            ISTRUZIONI DI SICUREZZA                       安全にお使いいただくために
Bevor Sie mit der Installation beginnen,        L'utente deve leggere e comprendere              取り付けを開始する前に、製品に付属してい
müssen Sie die Ihrem Produkt beiliegenden       il documento di Istruzioni di sicurezza          る安全に関する記述を必ず読み、内容を理解
Sicherheitshinweise gelesen und verstanden      accluso al prodotto, prima di procedere          してください。    コンポーネントを間違って取り
haben. Falsch montierte Komponenten             all’installazione. I componenti, se installati   付けると、非常に危険な状態になり、     その結
stellen eine erhebliche Gefahr dar und          in modo improprio, sono estremamente             果、重度または致命的な障害を引き起こすこ
könnten zu schweren und/oder tödlichen          pericolosi e potrebbero essere all’origine di    とがあります。    これらのコンポーネントの取り
Verletzungen führen. Wenn Sie Fragen            ferite gravi e/o mortali. In caso di domande     付けに関して質問がある場合は、正規の自転
zur Montage dieser Komponenten haben,           sull’installazione di questi componenti,         車整備士にご相談ください。     このマニュアルは
wenden Sie sich an einen qualifizierten         consultare un meccanico per biciclette           www.sram.comにも掲載されています。
Fahrradmechaniker. Dieses Dokument steht        qualificato. Il presente documento è
auch unter zur Verfügung.          disponibile anche sul sito

     INSTRUCCIONES DE SEGURIDAD                           VEILIGHEIDSINSTRUCTIES                              安全说明
Antes de proceder a la instalación de           Lees en begrijp het document met                 进行安装之前,您必须阅读并理解产品随附的
este producto, es necesario que lea             veiligheidsinstructies dat met uw product        安全说明书。    部件安装不当是极为危险的,可
y entienda perfectamente el documento           is meegeleverd voordat u met de                  能导致严重甚至致命的人身伤害。    如果您对部
de instrucciones de seguridad que lo            installatie begint. Verkeerd geïnstalleerde      件安装有任何疑问,请咨询专业自行车技工。
acompaña. Unos componentes mal                  componenten kunnen buitengewoon                  本文件也发布在
instalados suponen un enorme peligro            gevaarlijk zijn en kunnen leiden tot             www.sram.com上。
y pueden ocasionar lesiones graves              ernstige en/of fatale verwondingen. Als
o incluso mortales. Si tiene alguna             u vragen hebt over de installatie van deze
pregunta acerca de la instalación de estos      componenten, raadpleeg een vakbekwame
componentes, consulte con un mecánico de        fietsenmaker. Dit document is tevens
bicicletas cualificado. Este documento está     beschikbaar op
disponible también en la dirección


Tools and Supplies                            Herramientas y accesorios                      Ferramentas e Produtos a Usar
Werkzeuge und Material                        Strumenti e forniture                          ツールおよび付属品
Herramientas y accesorios                     Gereedschap en benodigdheden                   工具和用品

Highly specialized tools and supplies are     Des outils et accessoires hautement            São necessárias ferramentas altamente
required for the installation of your SRAM®   spécialisés sont nécessaires pour              especializadas e produtos específicos para
components. We recommend that you have        l’installation de vos composants SRAM.         a instalação dos seus componentes SRAM.
a qualified bicycle mechanic install your     Nous vous recommandons de faire installer      Recomendamos que mande um mecânico
SRAM components.                              vos composants SRAM par un mécanicien          de bicicletas qualificado instalar os seus
                                              vélo qualifié.                                 componentes SRAM.

Für den Einbau Ihrer SRAM-Komponenten         Sono necessari strumenti e forniture           SRAM コンポーネントの取り付けには、非
werden Spezialwerkzeuge und spezielles        altamente specializzati per l’installazione    常に特殊なツールおよび付属品が必要です。
Material benötigt. Es wird empfohlen, den     dei componenti SRAM. Consigliamo di            当社では、SRAM コンポーネントの取り付
Einbau Ihrer SRAM-Komponenten von             far installare i componenti SRAM da un         けは、専門の自転車整備士に依頼すること
einem qualifizierten Fahrradmechaniker        meccanico per biciclette qualificato.          を推奨しています。
durchführen zu lassen.

Para instalar los componentes SRAM se         Hooggespecialiseerd gereedschap en             安装 SRAM 组件需要非常专业的工具和用
necesitan herramientas y accesorios muy       benodigdheden zijn nodig voor de installatie   品。我们建议您让专业的自行车技工安装
especializados. Recomendamos que confíe       van uw SRAM-componenten. We bevelen            SRAM 组件。
la instalación de sus componentes SRAM a      aan om uw SRAM-componenten door
un mecánico de bicicletas cualificado.        een vakbekwame fietsenmaker te laten


Battery                                        Pile                                               Bateria
Batterie                                       Batteria                                           電池
Pila                                           Batterij                                           电池

    For recycling and environmental                   Pour obtenir des informations                    Para reciclagem
compliance, please visit                       sur le recyclage et le respect de                  e conformidade ambiental, visite              l’environnement, veuillez consulter le site
               ⚠WARNING                                    ⚠AVERTISSEMENT                                         ⚠AVISO
Never dispose of batteries in a fire.          Ne jetez jamais les piles dans les flammes.        Nunca descarte baterias/pilhas atirando-as
                                                                                                  para um fogo.
Do not use sharp or conductive objects to      N’utilisez pas d’objet pointu ou électro-
remove the battery.                            conducteur pour retirer la pile.                   Não use quaisquer objectos aguçados nem
                                                                                                  objectos condutores para retirar a bateria.
Keep the battery out of reach of children.     Maintenez la pile hors de la portée des
                                               enfants.                                           Mantenha a bateria fora do alcance das
Do not put the battery in your mouth.
If ingested, seek medical attention            Ne mettez jamais la pile dans votre
immediately.                                   bouche. En cas d’ingestion, consultez              Não meta a bateria na sua boca. Se
                                               immédiatement un médecin.                          a ingerir, busque imediatamente cuidados
Do not disassemble, damage, or puncture
the battery.                                   Ne démontez, n’endommagez et ne percez             médicos.
                                               jamais la pile.                                    Não desmonte, danifique nem perfure
Consult the battery manufacturer for safe
handling instructions.                         Pour une utilisation en toute sécurité,            a bateria.
                                               consultez les instructions du fabricant de         Consulte o fabricante da bateria para obter
                                               la pile.                                           instruções de manejo seguro.

    Hinweise zum Recycling und                       Per il riciclaggio e la conformità              リサイクリングと環境に関する順守事項
Umweltschutz finden Sie auf                    ai requisiti ambientali, visitare il sito            については、                      environment を参照してください。

               ⚠WARNUNG                                      ⚠AVVERTENZA                                   ⚠警告
Batterien dürfen keinesfalls verbrannt         Non gettare le batterie nel fuoco.                 電池は、決して焼却処分しないでください。
                                               Non utilizzare alcun oggetto appuntito o
Verwenden Sie keine spitzen oder leit-         conduttivo per rimuovere la batteria.
fähigen Gegenstände, um die Batterie
                                               Tenere la batteria al di fuori della portata dei
Bewahren Sie die Batterie außerhalb der
                                               Non mettere in bocca la batteria. In caso di
Reichweite von Kindern auf.
                                               ingestione consultare immediatamente un
Nehmen Sie die Batterie nicht in den Mund.     medico.
Falls Sie die Batterie verschlucken, suchen
                                               Non smontare, danneggiare o perforare la
Sie sofort einen Arzt auf.
Die Batterie darf nicht zerlegt, beschädigt
                                               Consultare il produttore della batteria per
oder durchstochen werden.
                                               istruzioni per una manipolazione sicura.
Falls Sie Fragen zur sicheren Handhabung
von Batterien haben, wenden Sie sich an
den Batteriehersteller.

     Puede encontrar información                    Voor meer informatie over recycling en           有关回收利用和环保合规信息,请访问
sobre reciclaje y cumplimiento de la           bescherming van het milieu, ga naar         。
normativa medioambiental en la página vironment
               ⚠ATENCIÓN                                   ⚠WAARSCHUWING                                  ⚠警告
No tire nunca una batería al fuego.            Gooi batterijen nooit in vuur.                     请勿把电池丢入火中。
No utilice objetos punzantes ni conductores    Gebruik geen scherpe of geleidende                 请勿使用尖锐物体或导电物体卸除电池。
para retirar la pila.                          voorwerpen om de batterij te verwijderen.

Mantenga la pila fuera del alcance de los      Houd de batterij uit de buurt van kinderen.
                                               Steek de batterij niet in uw mond. Indien
No se introduzca la pila en la boca. En caso   ingeslikt, raadpleeg onmiddellijk een arts.
de ingestión, consiga atención médica de
                                               De batterij niet uit elkaar halen, beschadigen
                                               of doorboren.
No desmonte, deteriore ni perfore la pila.
                                               Neem contact op met de fabrikant van de
Consulte las instrucciones de seguridad        batterij hoe deze op een veilige manier te
sobre el manejo de la pila indicadas por su    gebruiken.


Parts Preparation                                  Parts Preparation                                     Parts Preparation
Parts Preparation                                  Parts Preparation                                     Parts Preparation
Parts Preparation                                  Parts Preparation                                     Parts Preparation

Make sure there is at            Make sure there is at               Make sure there is at least 6
least 6 mm of valve stem         least 6 mm of valve stem            mm of valve stem extending
extending above the              extending above the                 above the rim, not including
rim, not including the           rim, not including the              the valve core, for adequate
valve core, for adequate         valve core, for adequate            clearance.
clearance.                       clearance.

Make sure there is at            Make sure there is at               Make sure there is at least 6
least 6 mm of valve stem         least 6 mm of valve stem            mm of valve stem extending                                 ≥ 6 mm
extending above the              extending above the                 above the rim, not including
rim, not including the           rim, not including the              the valve core, for adequate
valve core, for adequate         valve core, for adequate            clearance.
clearance.                       clearance.

Make sure there is at            Make sure there is at               Make sure there is at least 6
least 6 mm of valve stem         least 6 mm of valve stem            mm of valve stem extending
extending above the              extending above the                 above the rim, not including
rim, not including the           rim, not including the              the valve core, for adequate
valve core, for adequate         valve core, for adequate            clearance.
clearance.                       clearance.

                                                   Unthread then depress               Unthread then depress              Unthread then depress
                                                   the Presta valve to release         the Presta valve to release        the Presta valve to release

                                                   the air pressure. Hold              the air pressure. Hold             the air pressure. Hold
                                                   the valve stem and use              the valve stem and use             the valve stem and use
                                                   the Presta valve tool to            the Presta valve tool to           the Presta valve tool to
                                                   remove the valve core.              remove the valve core.             remove the valve core.

                                                   Unthread then depress               Unthread then depress              Unthread then depress
                                                   the Presta valve to release         the Presta valve to release        the Presta valve to release
                                                   the air pressure. Hold              the air pressure. Hold             the air pressure. Hold
                                                   the valve stem and use              the valve stem and use             the valve stem and use
                                                   the Presta valve tool to            the Presta valve tool to           the Presta valve tool to
                                                   remove the valve core.              remove the valve core.             remove the valve core.
                                                   Unthread then depress               Unthread then depress              Unthread then depress
                                                   the Presta valve to release         the Presta valve to release        the Presta valve to release
                                                   the air pressure. Hold              the air pressure. Hold             the air pressure. Hold
                                                   the valve stem and use              the valve stem and use             the valve stem and use
                                                   the Presta valve tool to            the Presta valve tool to           the Presta valve tool to
                                                   remove the valve core.              remove the valve core.             remove the valve core.

        Measure       Mesurer     Medir                     Adjust         Régler       Ajustar                   Remove/Loosen Retirer/Desserrer      Retirar/Desapertar
                                                                           Afstellen    调节
                                                                                                                  Entfernen/Lösen Rimuovere/Allentare 取り外し/ 緩める
                                                                                                                  Quitar/Aflojar   Verwijderen/Losmaken 拆卸/旋松                7

Unthread the keeper          Unthread the keeper          Unthread the keeper
nut and o-ring from the      nut and o-ring from the      nut and o-ring from the
TyreWiz™ valve extender,
and pull the extender from
                             TyreWiz valve extender,
                             and pull the extender from
                                                          TyreWiz valve extender,
                                                          and pull the extender from
the TyreWiz body.            the TyreWiz body.            the TyreWiz body.

Unthread the keeper          Unthread the keeper          Unthread the keeper
nut and o-ring from the      nut and o-ring from the      nut and o-ring from the
TyreWiz valve extender,      TyreWiz valve extender,      TyreWiz valve extender,
and pull the extender from   and pull the extender from   and pull the extender from
the TyreWiz body.            the TyreWiz body.            the TyreWiz body.

Unthread the keeper          Unthread the keeper          Unthread the keeper
nut and o-ring from the      nut and o-ring from the      nut and o-ring from the
TyreWiz valve extender,      TyreWiz valve extender,      TyreWiz valve extender,
and pull the extender from   and pull the extender from   and pull the extender from
the TyreWiz body.            the TyreWiz body.            the TyreWiz body.                4


Installation                                             Installation                                       Installation
Installation                                             Installation                                       Installation
Installation                                             Installation                                       Installation

Apply grease to the lower          Apply grease to the lower            Apply grease to the lower
threads of the TyreWiz™            threads of the TyreWiz               threads of the TyreWiz
extender.                          extender.                            extender.

Hold the valve stem with           Hold the valve stem with             Hold the valve stem with one
one hand and use the               one hand and use the                 hand and use the Presta valve
Presta valve tool to tighten       Presta valve tool to tighten         tool to tighten the extender
the extender until it is           the extender until it is             until it is finger-tight.
finger-tight.                      finger-tight.                                                                            5
Apply grease to the lower          Apply grease to the lower            Apply grease to the lower
threads of the TyreWiz             threads of the TyreWiz               threads of the TyreWiz
extender.                          extender.                            extender.

Hold the valve stem with           Hold the valve stem with             Hold the valve stem with one
one hand and use the               one hand and use the                 hand and use the Presta valve
Presta valve tool to tighten
the extender until it is
                                   Presta valve tool to tighten
                                   the extender until it is
                                                                        tool to tighten the extender
                                                                        until it is finger-tight.                           6
finger-tight.                      finger-tight.

Apply grease to the lower          Apply grease to the lower            Apply grease to the lower
threads of the TyreWiz             threads of the TyreWiz               threads of the TyreWiz
extender.                          extender.                            extender.

Hold the valve stem with           Hold the valve stem with             Hold the valve stem with one
one hand and use the               one hand and use the                 hand and use the Presta valve
Presta valve tool to tighten       Presta valve tool to tighten         tool to tighten the extender
the extender until it is           the extender until it is             until it is finger-tight.
finger-tight.                      finger-tight.


Install the TyreWiz body onto the TyreWiz               Install the TyreWiz body onto the TyreWiz         Install the TyreWiz body onto the TyreWiz
extender so that the splines are aligned.               extender so that the splines are aligned.         extender so that the splines are aligned.

Install the TyreWiz body onto the TyreWiz               Install the TyreWiz body onto the TyreWiz         Install the TyreWiz body onto the TyreWiz
extender so that the splines are aligned.               extender so that the splines are aligned.         extender so that the splines are aligned.

Install the TyreWiz body onto the TyreWiz               Install the TyreWiz body onto the TyreWiz         Install the TyreWiz body onto the TyreWiz
extender so that the splines are aligned.               extender so that the splines are aligned.         extender so that the splines are aligned.

        Grease        Lubrifier      Massa lubrificante            Install        Installer      Instalar
                                                                                               安装                                                     9

            8                                                                                 Direction of
                                                                                              wheel rotation
                                                                                                                  Direction of
                                                                                                                  wheel rotation
                                                                                                                                      Direction of
                                                                                                                                      wheel rotation

                                                                                              Direction of        Direction of        Direction of
                    ≤ 20°                                                                     wheel rotation      wheel rotation      wheel rotation

                                                                                              Direction of        Direction of        Direction of
                                                                                              wheel rotation      wheel rotation      wheel rotation

TyreWiz™ should be installed as close to          TyreWiz should be installed as close to inline     TyreWiz should be installed as close to inline
inline with the spokes as possible and            with the spokes as possible and opposite           with the spokes as possible and opposite
opposite the direction of wheel rotation. The     the direction of wheel rotation. The installed     the direction of wheel rotation. The installed
installed TyreWiz assembly and valve can          TyreWiz assembly and valve can be rotated          TyreWiz assembly and valve can be rotated
be rotated up to 20 degrees to the desired        up to 20 degrees to the desired position.          up to 20 degrees to the desired position.

               ⚠CAUTION                                          ⚠CAUTION                                           ⚠CAUTION
Damage to the TyreWiz, the rim, or frame          Damage to the TyreWiz, the rim, or frame           Damage to the TyreWiz, the rim, or frame
may result if TyreWiz is not properly aligned     may result if TyreWiz is not properly aligned      may result if TyreWiz is not properly aligned
with the spokes. On higher spoke count            with the spokes. On higher spoke count             with the spokes. On higher spoke count
wheels it is acceptable for TyreWiz to slightly   wheels it is acceptable for TyreWiz to slightly    wheels it is acceptable for TyreWiz to slightly
overlap with the spoke.                           overlap with the spoke.                            overlap with the spoke.

TyreWiz should be installed as close to inline    TyreWiz should be installed as close to inline     TyreWiz should be installed as close to inline
with the spokes as possible and opposite          with the spokes as possible and opposite           with the spokes as possible and opposite
the direction of wheel rotation. The installed    the direction of wheel rotation. The installed     the direction of wheel rotation. The installed
TyreWiz assembly and valve can be rotated         TyreWiz assembly and valve can be rotated          TyreWiz assembly and valve can be rotated
up to 20 degrees to the desired position.         up to 20 degrees to the desired position.          up to 20 degrees to the desired position.

               ⚠CAUTION                                          ⚠CAUTION                                           ⚠CAUTION
Damage to the TyreWiz, the rim, or frame          Damage to the TyreWiz, the rim, or frame           Damage to the TyreWiz, the rim, or frame
may result if TyreWiz is not properly aligned     may result if TyreWiz is not properly aligned      may result if TyreWiz is not properly aligned
with the spokes. On higher spoke count            with the spokes. On higher spoke count             with the spokes. On higher spoke count
wheels it is acceptable for TyreWiz to slightly   wheels it is acceptable for TyreWiz to slightly    wheels it is acceptable for TyreWiz to slightly
overlap with the spoke.                           overlap with the spoke.                            overlap with the spoke.

The installed TyreWiz assembly and valve          The installed TyreWiz assembly and valve           The installed TyreWiz assembly and valve
can be rotated up to 20 degrees to the            can be rotated up to 20 degrees to the             can be rotated up to 20 degrees to the
desired position. TyreWiz should be as close      desired position. TyreWiz should be as close       desired position. TyreWiz should be as close
to inline with the spokes as possible.            to inline with the spokes as possible.             to inline with the spokes as possible.

               ⚠CAUTION                                          ⚠CAUTION                                           ⚠CAUTION
Damage to the TyreWiz, the rim, or frame          Damage to the TyreWiz, the rim, or frame           Damage to the TyreWiz, the rim, or frame
may result if TyreWiz is not properly aligned     may result if TyreWiz is not properly aligned      may result if TyreWiz is not properly aligned
with the spokes. On higher spoke count            with the spokes. On higher spoke count             with the spokes. On higher spoke count
wheels it is acceptable for TyreWiz to slightly   wheels it is acceptable for TyreWiz to slightly    wheels it is acceptable for TyreWiz to slightly
overlap with the spoke.                           overlap with the spoke.                            overlap with the spoke.

        Install      Installer    Instalar                Adjust       Régler       Ajustar                    Measure     Mesurer        Medir
                                                                                                                                          测量           10

Install the o-ring and              Install the o-ring and                Install the o-ring and the
the keeper nut onto the             the keeper nut onto the               keeper nut onto the TyreWiz
TyreWiz™ valve extender             TyreWiz valve extender                valve extender until it is finger-
until it is finger-tight. Do not    until it is finger-tight. Do not      tight. Do not overtighten.
overtighten.                        overtighten.                                                                       9
         NOTICE                              NOTICE                                 NOTICE
Never use any tool to               Never use any tool to                 Never use any tool to tighten
tighten the keeper nut onto         tighten the keeper nut onto           the keeper nut onto the
the extender.                       the extender.                         extender.

Install the o-ring and              Install the o-ring and                Install the o-ring and the
the keeper nut onto the             the keeper nut onto the               keeper nut onto the TyreWiz
TyreWiz valve extender              TyreWiz valve extender                valve extender until it is finger-
until it is finger-tight. Do not    until it is finger-tight. Do not      tight. Do not overtighten.
overtighten.                        overtighten.

         NOTICE                              NOTICE                                 NOTICE
Never use any tool to               Never use any tool to                 Never use any tool to tighten
tighten the keeper nut onto         tighten the keeper nut onto           the keeper nut onto the
the extender.                       the extender.                         extender.

Install the o-ring and              Install the o-ring and                Install the o-ring and the
the keeper nut onto the             the keeper nut onto the               keeper nut onto the TyreWiz
TyreWiz valve extender              TyreWiz valve extender                valve extender until it is finger-
until it is finger-tight. Do not    until it is finger-tight. Do not      tight. Do not overtighten.
overtighten.                        overtighten.

         NOTICE                              NOTICE                                 NOTICE
Never use any tool to               Never use any tool to                 Never use any tool to tighten
tighten the keeper nut onto         tighten the keeper nut onto           the keeper nut onto the
the extender.                       the extender.                         extender.

Inflate the tire to the desired     Inflate the tire to the desired       Inflate the tire to the desired
air pressure and tighten the        air pressure and tighten the          air pressure and tighten the
Presta valve.                       Presta valve.                         Presta valve.

Inflate the tire to the desired     Inflate the tire to the desired       Inflate the tire to the desired
air pressure and tighten the        air pressure and tighten the          air pressure and tighten the
Presta valve.                       Presta valve.                         Presta valve.

Inflate the tire to the desired     Inflate the tire to the desired       Inflate the tire to the desired
air pressure and tighten the        air pressure and tighten the          air pressure and tighten the
Presta valve.                       Presta valve.                         Presta valve.

         Install       Installer     Instalar                    Torque           Serrage          Momento de torção
                                                                 Par de apriete
                                                                                  Aandraaimoment   扭紧                       11

Tubeless Sealant Installation                                  Tubeless Sealant Installation                      Tubeless Sealant Installation
Tubeless Sealant Installation                                  Tubeless Sealant Installation                      Tubeless Sealant Installation
Tubeless Sealant Installation                                  Tubeless Sealant Installation                      Tubeless Sealant Installation

                                                                        NOTICE                           NOTICE                            NOTICE
                                                               The TyreWiz™ assembly            The TyreWiz assembly must        The TyreWiz assembly must
                                                               must be removed from the         be removed from the Presta       be removed from the Presta
                                                               Presta valve stem prior to       valve stem prior to installing   valve stem prior to installing or
                                                               installing or adding tubeless    or adding tubeless sealant       adding tubeless sealant to the
                                                               sealant to the tire through      to the tire through the valve    tire through the valve stem.
                                                               the valve stem.                  stem.

                                                                        NOTICE                           NOTICE                            NOTICE
                                                               The TyreWiz assembly must        The TyreWiz assembly must        The TyreWiz assembly must
                                                               be removed from the Presta       be removed from the Presta       be removed from the Presta
                                                               valve stem prior to installing   valve stem prior to installing   valve stem prior to installing or
                                                               or adding tubeless sealant       or adding tubeless sealant       adding tubeless sealant to the
                                                               to the tire through the valve    to the tire through the valve    tire through the valve stem.
                                                               stem.                            stem.

                                                                        NOTICE                           NOTICE                            NOTICE
                                                               The TyreWiz assembly must        The TyreWiz assembly must        The TyreWiz assembly must
                                                               be removed from the Presta       be removed from the Presta       be removed from the Presta
                                                               valve stem prior to installing   valve stem prior to installing   valve stem prior to installing or
                                                               or adding tubeless sealant       or adding tubeless sealant       adding tubeless sealant to the
                                                               to the tire through the valve    to the tire through the valve    tire through the valve stem.
                                                               stem.                            stem.

     Remove/Loosen Retirer/Desserrer      Retirar/Desapertar
     Entfernen/Lösen Rimuovere/Allentare 取り外し/ 緩める
     Quitar/Aflojar   Verwijderen/Losmaken 拆卸/旋松                                                                                                                      12

TyreWiz™ Smart Device Apps                       TyreWiz Smart Device Apps                        TyreWiz Smart Device Apps
TyreWiz Smart Device Apps                        TyreWiz Smart Device Apps                        TyreWiz Smart Device Apps
TyreWiz Smart Device Apps                        TyreWiz Smart Device Apps                        TyreWiz Smart Device Apps

During your ride, TyreWiz will measure tire     During your ride, TyreWiz will measure tire     During your ride, TyreWiz will measure tire
pressure and display it in the TyreWiz app,     pressure and display it in the TyreWiz app,     pressure and display it in the TyreWiz app,
available for free in the app stores.           available for free in the app stores.           available for free in the app stores.

During your ride, TyreWiz will measure tire     During your ride, TyreWiz will measure tire     During your ride, TyreWiz will measure tire
pressure and display it in the TyreWiz app,     pressure and display it in the TyreWiz app,     pressure and display it in the TyreWiz app,
available for free in the app stores.           available for free in the app stores.           available for free in the app stores.

During your ride, TyreWiz will measure tire     During your ride, TyreWiz will measure tire     During your ride, TyreWiz will measure tire
pressure and display it in the TyreWiz app,     pressure and display it in the TyreWiz app,     pressure and display it in the TyreWiz app,
available for free in the app stores.           available for free in the app stores.           available for free in the app stores.

Garmin® Head Unit Display                        Garmin Head Unit Display                         Garmin Head Unit Display
Garmin Head Unit Display                         Garmin Head Unit Display                         Garmin Head Unit Display
Garmin Head Unit Display                         Garmin Head Unit Display                         Garmin Head Unit Display

The TyreWiz Connect IQ™ app can be              The TyreWiz Connect IQ™ app can be              The TyreWiz Connect IQ™ app can be installed
installed onto a compatible device through      installed onto a compatible device through      onto a compatible device through the Garmin
the Garmin Connect IQ Store or the Garmin       the Garmin Connect IQ Store or the Garmin       Connect IQ Store or the Garmin Connect™
Connect™ smartphone app, availble from the      Connect™ smartphone app, availble from the      smartphone app, availble from the app stores.
app stores.                                     app stores.
                                                                                                Visit for a list of compatible
Visit for a list of compatible   Visit for a list of compatible   devices.
devices.                                        devices.

The TyreWiz Connect IQ™ app can be              The TyreWiz Connect IQ™ app can be              The TyreWiz Connect IQ™ app can be installed
installed onto a compatible device through      installed onto a compatible device through      onto a compatible device through the Garmin
the Garmin Connect IQ Store or the Garmin       the Garmin Connect IQ Store or the Garmin       Connect IQ Store or the Garmin Connect™
Connect™ smartphone app, availble from the      Connect™ smartphone app, availble from the      smartphone app, availble from the app stores.
app stores.                                     app stores.
                                                                                                Visit for a list of compatible
Visit for a list of compatible   Visit for a list of compatible   devices.
devices.                                        devices.

The TyreWiz Connect IQ™ app can be              The TyreWiz Connect IQ™ app can be              The TyreWiz Connect IQ™ app can be installed
installed onto a compatible device through      installed onto a compatible device through      onto a compatible device through the Garmin
the Garmin Connect IQ Store or the Garmin       the Garmin Connect IQ Store or the Garmin       Connect IQ Store or the Garmin Connect™
Connect™ smartphone app, availble from the      Connect™ smartphone app, availble from the      smartphone app, availble from the app stores.
app stores.                                     app stores.
                                                                                                Visit for a list of compatible
Visit for a list of compatible   Visit for a list of compatible   devices.
devices.                                        devices.


Wahoo Fitness® Head Unit                    Wahoo Fitness Head Unit Display             Wahoo Fitness Head Unit Display
Wahoo Fitness Head Unit Display             Wahoo Fitness Head Unit Display             Wahoo Fitness Head Unit Display
Wahoo Fitness Head Unit Display             Wahoo Fitness Head Unit Display             Wahoo Fitness Head Unit Display

The TyreWiz air pressure reading can be    The TyreWiz air pressure reading can be    The TyreWiz air pressure reading can be
added to a compatible Wahoo Fitness head   added to a compatible Wahoo Fitness head   added to a compatible Wahoo Fitness head
unit through the Wahoo Companion App™.     unit through the Wahoo Companion App™.     unit through the Wahoo Companion App™.

Visit for a list of   Visit for a list of   Visit for a list of
compatible devices.                        compatible devices.                        compatible devices.

The TyreWiz air pressure reading can be    The TyreWiz air pressure reading can be    The TyreWiz air pressure reading can be
added to a compatible Wahoo Fitness head   added to a compatible Wahoo Fitness head   added to a compatible Wahoo Fitness head
unit through the Wahoo Companion App™.     unit through the Wahoo Companion App™.     unit through the Wahoo Companion App™.

Visit for a list of   Visit for a list of   Visit for a list of
compatible devices.                        compatible devices.                        compatible devices.

The TyreWiz air pressure reading can be    The TyreWiz air pressure reading can be    The TyreWiz air pressure reading can be
added to a compatible Wahoo Fitness head   added to a compatible Wahoo Fitness head   added to a compatible Wahoo Fitness head
unit through the Wahoo Companion App™.     unit through the Wahoo Companion App™.     unit through the Wahoo Companion App™.

Visit for a list of   Visit for a list of   Visit for a list of
compatible devices.                        compatible devices.                        compatible devices.


TyreWiz™ Usage                                   TyreWiz Usage                                    TyreWiz Usage
TyreWiz Usage                                    TyreWiz Usage                                    TyreWiz Usage
TyreWiz Usage                                    TyreWiz Usage                                    TyreWiz Usage

Basic TyreWiz usage:                             Basic TyreWiz usage:                             Basic TyreWiz usage:

TyreWiz™ must be on to connect to the app.       TyreWiz™ must be on to connect to the app.       TyreWiz™ must be on to connect to the app.
Turn the wheel one rotation to turn TyreWiz      Turn the wheel one rotation to turn TyreWiz      Turn the wheel one rotation to turn TyreWiz
on.                                              on.                                              on.

TyreWiz will turn off automatically when idle    TyreWiz will turn off automatically when idle    TyreWiz will turn off automatically when idle
for 10 minutes.                                  for 10 minutes.                                  for 10 minutes.

TyreWiz™ does not have to be connected to        TyreWiz™ does not have to be connected to        TyreWiz™ does not have to be connected to
the TyreWiz App while riding.                    the TyreWiz App while riding.                    the TyreWiz App while riding.

Tire pressure data is not saved by the TyreWiz   Tire pressure data is not saved by the TyreWiz   Tire pressure data is not saved by the
app.                                             app.                                             TyreWiz app.

Basic TyreWiz usage:                             Basic TyreWiz usage:                             Basic TyreWiz usage:

TyreWiz™ must be on to connect to the app.       TyreWiz™ must be on to connect to the app.       TyreWiz™ must be on to connect to the app.
Turn the wheel one rotation to turn TyreWiz      Turn the wheel one rotation to turn TyreWiz      Turn the wheel one rotation to turn TyreWiz
on.                                              on.                                              on.

TyreWiz will turn off automatically when idle    TyreWiz will turn off automatically when idle    TyreWiz will turn off automatically when idle
for 10 minutes.                                  for 10 minutes.                                  for 10 minutes.

TyreWiz™ does not have to be connected to        TyreWiz™ does not have to be connected to        TyreWiz™ does not have to be connected to
the TyreWiz App while riding.                    the TyreWiz App while riding.                    the TyreWiz App while riding.

Tire pressure data is not saved by the TyreWiz   Tire pressure data is not saved by the TyreWiz   Tire pressure data is not saved by the
app.                                             app.                                             TyreWiz app.

Basic TyreWiz usage:                             Basic TyreWiz usage:                             Basic TyreWiz usage:

TyreWiz™ must be on to connect to the app.       TyreWiz™ must be on to connect to the app.       TyreWiz™ must be on to connect to the app.
Turn the wheel one rotation to turn TyreWiz      Turn the wheel one rotation to turn TyreWiz      Turn the wheel one rotation to turn TyreWiz
on.                                              on.                                              on.

TyreWiz will turn off automatically when idle    TyreWiz will turn off automatically when idle    TyreWiz will turn off automatically when idle
for 10 minutes.                                  for 10 minutes.                                  for 10 minutes.

TyreWiz™ does not have to be connected to        TyreWiz™ does not have to be connected to        TyreWiz™ does not have to be connected to
the TyreWiz App while riding.                    the TyreWiz App while riding.                    the TyreWiz App while riding.

Tire pressure data is not saved by the TyreWiz   Tire pressure data is not saved by the TyreWiz   Tire pressure data is not saved by the
app.                                             app.                                             TyreWiz app.


TyreWiz™ Light                              TyreWiz Light                                    TyreWiz Light
TyreWiz Light                               TyreWiz Light                                    TyreWiz Light
TyreWiz Light                               TyreWiz Light                                    TyreWiz Light

The LED lights up to indicate TyreWiz and   The LED lights up to indicate TyreWiz and         The LED lights up to indicate TyreWiz and
tire pressure status.                       tire pressure status.                             tire pressure status.

The LED lights up to indicate TyreWiz and   The LED lights up to indicate TyreWiz and         The LED lights up to indicate TyreWiz and
tire pressure status.                       tire pressure status.                             tire pressure status.

The LED lights up to indicate TyreWiz and   The LED lights up to indicate TyreWiz and         The LED lights up to indicate TyreWiz and
tire pressure status.                       tire pressure status.                             tire pressure status.

                                            Slow red flashing:              Slow red flashing:              Slow red flashing:
                                            Low tire pressure is detected. Low tire pressure is detected. Low tire pressure is detected.

                                            Slow red flashing:              Slow red flashing:              Slow red flashing:
                                            Low tire pressure is detected. Low tire pressure is detected. Low tire pressure is detected.

                                            Slow red flashing:              Slow red flashing:              Slow red flashing:
                                            Low tire pressure is detected. Low tire pressure is detected. Low tire pressure is detected.

                                            Fast red flashing:              Fast red flashing:              Fast red flashing:
                                            High tire pressure is detected. High tire pressure is detected. High tire pressure is detected.

                                            Fast red flashing:              Fast red flashing:              Fast red flashing:
                                            High tire pressure is detected. High tire pressure is detected. High tire pressure is detected.

                                            Fast red flashing:              Fast red flashing:              Fast red flashing:
                                            High tire pressure is detected. High tire pressure is detected. High tire pressure is detected.

                                            Slow green flashing:            Slow green flashing:            Slow green flashing:
                                            Tire pressure is within normal/ Tire pressure is within normal/ Tire pressure is within normal/
                                            suggested range.                suggested range.                suggested range.

                                            Slow green flashing:            Slow green flashing:            Slow green flashing:
                                            Tire pressure is within normal/ Tire pressure is within normal/ Tire pressure is within normal/
                                            suggested range.                suggested range.                suggested range.

                                            Slow green flashing:            Slow green flashing:            Slow green flashing:
                                            Tire pressure is within normal/ Tire pressure is within normal/ Tire pressure is within normal/
                                            suggested range.                suggested range.                suggested range.

                                            Fast orange flashing:           Fast orange flashing:            Fast orange flashing:
                                            TyreWiz is updating firmware/   TyreWiz is updating firmware/    TyreWiz is updating firmware/
                                            bootloader.                     bootloader.                      bootloader.

                                            Fast orange flashing:           Fast orange flashing:            Fast orange flashing:
                                            TyreWiz is updating firmware/   TyreWiz is updating firmware/    TyreWiz is updating firmware/
                                            bootloader.                     bootloader.                      bootloader.

                                            Fast orange flashing:           Fast orange flashing:            Fast orange flashing:
                                            TyreWiz is updating firmware/   TyreWiz is updating firmware/    TyreWiz is updating firmware/
                                            bootloader.                     bootloader.                      bootloader.


Battery Replacement                                 Battery Replacement                                               Battery Replacement
Battery Replacement                                 Battery Replacement                                               Battery Replacement
Battery Replacement                                 Battery Replacement                                               Battery Replacement

 1                                                                   2                                                  3

Rotate the battery cover 20 degrees counter-        Rotate the battery cover 20 degrees counter-                      Rotate the battery cover 20 degrees
clockwise and remove the cover and battery.         clockwise and remove the cover and battery.                       counter-clockwise and remove the cover
Do not use any tools to remove or install the       Do not use any tools to remove or install the                     and battery.
battery cover.                                      battery cover.                                                    Do not use any tools to remove or install
                                                                                                                      the battery cover.
Remove the battery from the cover. It may be        Remove the battery from the cover. It may be
necessary to tap the cover on a hard surface        necessary to tap the cover on a hard surface                      Remove the battery from the cover. It may
to dislodge the battery.                            to dislodge the battery.                                          be necessary to tap the cover on a hard
                                                                                                                      surface to dislodge the battery.
Install a new CR1632 battery into the cover         Install a new CR1632 battery into the cover
with the + (plus) sign facing the cover.            with the + (plus) sign facing the cover.                          Install a new CR1632 battery into the cover
                                                                                                                      with the + (plus) sign facing the cover.
Install the cover into the TyreWiz™ and rotate it   Install the cover into the TyreWiz and rotate it
20 degrees clockwise to secure.                     20 degrees clockwise to secure.                                   Install the cover into the TyreWiz and rotate
                                                                                                                      it 20 degrees clockwise to secure.

Rotate the battery cover 20 degrees counter-        Rotate the battery cover 20 degrees counter-                      Rotate the battery cover 20 degrees
clockwise and remove the cover and battery.         clockwise and remove the cover and battery.                       counter-clockwise and remove the cover
Do not use any tools to remove or install the       Do not use any tools to remove or install the                     and battery.
battery cover.                                      battery cover.                                                    Do not use any tools to remove or install
                                                                                                                      the battery cover.
Remove the battery from the cover. It may be        Remove the battery from the cover. It may be
necessary to tap the cover on a hard surface        necessary to tap the cover on a hard surface                      Remove the battery from the cover. It may
to dislodge the battery.                            to dislodge the battery.                                          be necessary to tap the cover on a hard
                                                                                                                      surface to dislodge the battery.
Install a new CR1632 battery into the cover         Install a new CR1632 battery into the cover
with the + (plus) sign facing the cover.            with the + (plus) sign facing the cover.                          Install a new CR1632 battery into the cover
                                                                                                                      with the + (plus) sign facing the cover.
Install the cover into the TyreWiz and rotate it    Install the cover into the TyreWiz and rotate it
20 degrees clockwise to secure.                     20 degrees clockwise to secure.                                   Install the cover into the TyreWiz and rotate
                                                                                                                      it 20 degrees clockwise to secure.

Rotate the battery cover 20 degrees counter-        Rotate the battery cover 20 degrees counter-                      Rotate the battery cover 20 degrees
clockwise and remove the cover and battery.         clockwise and remove the cover and battery.                       counter-clockwise and remove the cover
Do not use any tools to remove or install the       Do not use any tools to remove or install the                     and battery.
battery cover.                                      battery cover.                                                    Do not use any tools to remove or install
                                                                                                                      the battery cover.
Remove the battery from the cover. It may be        Remove the battery from the cover. It may be
necessary to tap the cover on a hard surface        necessary to tap the cover on a hard surface                      Remove the battery from the cover. It may
to dislodge the battery.                            to dislodge the battery.                                          be necessary to tap the cover on a hard
                                                                                                                      surface to dislodge the battery.
Install a new CR1632 battery into the cover         Install a new CR1632 battery into the cover
with the + (plus) sign facing the cover.            with the + (plus) sign facing the cover.                          Install a new CR1632 battery into the cover
                                                                                                                      with the + (plus) sign facing the cover.
Install the cover into the TyreWiz and rotate it    Install the cover into the TyreWiz and rotate it
20 degrees clockwise to secure.                     20 degrees clockwise to secure.                                   Install the cover into the TyreWiz and rotate
                                                                                                                      it 20 degrees clockwise to secure.

        Adjust       Régler       Ajustar                   Remove/Loosen Retirer/Desserrer      Retirar/Desapertar           Install      Installer     Instalar
                                                            Entfernen/Lösen Rimuovere/Allentare 取り外し/ 緩める
                                                            Quitar/Aflojar   Verwijderen/Losmaken 拆卸/旋松
                                                                                                                                                         安装           17

Maintenance                                    Entretien                                      Manutenção
Maintenance                                    Manutenzione                                   メンテナンス
Mantenimiento                                  Onderhoud                                      保养

Clean TyreWiz™ with a damp cloth to wipe off   Clean TyreWiz™ with a damp cloth to wipe off   Clean TyreWiz™ with a damp cloth to wipe off
dirt and debris.                               dirt and debris.                               dirt and debris.
                 NOTICE                                             AVIS                                    NOTIFICAÇÃO
Do not use a pressure washer to clean.         N’utilisez jamais de nettoyeur haute-          Não utilize uma lavadora de água sob
                                               pression.                                      pressão para a limpeza.
Do not use acidic or grease dissolving
agents. Chemical cleaners and solvents can     N’utilisez jamais de détergents acides         Não use produtos ácidos nem os que
cause permanent damage to the electronics.     ou dissolvant la graisse. Les détergents       dissolvem massa lubrificante. Os produtos
                                               chimiques et les solvants peuvent              de limpeza e solventes químicos podem
                                               endommager irréversiblement les                causar danos permanentes à electrónica.
                                               composants électroniques de l’appareil.

Clean TyreWiz™ with a damp cloth to wipe off   Clean TyreWiz™ with a damp cloth to wipe off   Clean TyreWiz™ with a damp cloth to wipe
dirt and debris.                               dirt and debris.                               off dirt and debris.
                HINWEIS                                           AVVISO                              注意事項
Verwenden Sie zur Reinigung keinen             Non utilizzare un pulitore a pressione.        清浄時には勢いよく水をかけないでください。
                                               Non utilizzare agenti acidi o in grado di
Verwenden Sie keine sauren oder fettl-         sciogliere il grasso. L'uso di detergenti      ださい。
ösenden Mittel. Chemische                      chimici e solventi può causare danni           恒久的な損傷を与える可能性があります。
Reinigungsmittel und Lösungsmittel             permanenti ai componenti elettronici.
können Kunststoffkomponenten dauerhaft

Clean TyreWiz™ with a damp cloth to wipe off   Clean TyreWiz™ with a damp cloth to wipe off   Clean TyreWiz™ with a damp cloth to wipe
dirt and debris.                               dirt and debris.                               off dirt and debris.
                  AVISO                                      MEDEDELING                                注意
No utilice máquinas de lavado a presión        Gebruik geen hogedrukreiniger om schoon        切勿使用高压清洗器。
para su limpieza.                              te maken.
No utilice disolventes grasos o acídicos.      Gebruik geen vetoplossende                     剂和溶剂可能永久损坏电子设备。
Los disolventes o limpiadores químicos         of zuurreinigers. Chemische
pueden provocar daños irreparables a los       reinigingsmiddelen en oplosmiddelen
componentes electrónicos.                      kunnen de elektronica onherstelbaar


iOS® is a registered trademark of Cisco       iOS est une marque commerciale déposée             iOS é uma marca comercial registada de
Technology, Inc.                              de Cisco Technology, Inc.                          Cisco Technology, Inc.
Android® is a registered trademark of         Android est une marque commerciale                 Android é uma marca comercial registada
Google Inc.                                   déposée de Google Inc.                             de Google Inc.
Garmin® is a registered trademark of Garmin   Garmin® is a registered trademark of Garmin        Garmin® is a registered trademark of Garmin
International, Inc.                           International, Inc. Garmin Connect™, and           International, Inc. Garmin Connect™, and
                                              Connect IQ™, are trademarks of Garmin              Connect IQ™, are trademarks of Garmin
Wahoo Fitness® is a registered trademark of
                                              International, Inc.                                International, Inc.
Wahoo Fitness, LLC.
                                              Le nom Bluetooth et ses logos sont des             A palavra da marca Bluetooth e os
The Bluetooth® word mark and logos
                                              marques commerciales déposées détenues             logótipos são marcas comerciais registadas
are registered trademarks owned by the
                                              par the Bluetooth SIG, Inc. et toute utilisation   que são propriedade da Bluetooth SIG,
Bluetooth SIG, Inc. and any use of such
                                              de ces marques par SRAM se fait sous               Inc. e qualquer uso de tais marcas por
marks by SRAM® is under license.
                                              licence. Les autres marques commerciales           SRAM é feito sob licença. Outras marcas
Other trademarks and trade names are          déposées et noms de marque appartiennent           comerciais e nomes comerciais são os dos
those of their respective owners.             à leurs propriétaires respectifs.                  seus respectivos proprietários.

iOS ist eine eingetragene Marke von Cisco     iOS è un marchio registrato di Cisco               iOS はCisco Technology, Inc.の登録商標
Technology, Inc.                              Technology, Inc.                                   です。
Android ist eine eingetragene Marke von       Android è un marchio registrato di Google          AndroidはGoogle Inc.の登録商標です。
                                                                                                 Garmin® is a registered trademark
Google Inc.                                   Inc.
Garmin® is a registered trademark of Garmin   Garmin® is a registered trademark of Garmin        of Garmin International, Inc. Garmin
International, Inc. Garmin Connect™, and      International, Inc. Garmin Connect™, and           Connect™, and
Connect IQ™, are trademarks of Garmin         Connect IQ™, are trademarks of Garmin              Connect IQ™, are trademarks of Garmin
International, Inc.                           International, Inc.                                International, Inc.
Die Wortmarke Bluetooth und                   Il marchio e i loghi Bluetooth sono marchi         Bluetoothのワードマークおよびロゴは
entsprechende Logos sind eingetragene         registrati di proprietà di Bluetooth SIG, Inc.     Bluetooth SIG, Inc.が所有する登録商標であ
Marken von Bluetooth SIG, Inc. und die        e qualsiasi utilizzo di tali marchi da parte di    り、SRAMによるかかるマークの使用はすべて
Nutzung dieser Marken durch SRAM              SRAM è sotto licenza. Altri marchi e nomi          許可を受けています。         その他の商標および商
erfolgt unter Lizenz. Andere Marken und       commerciali sono di proprietà dei rispettivi       品名は、   それぞれの所有者に属しています。
Handelsnamen sind das Eigentum der            titolari.
jeweiligen Inhaber.

iOS es marca registrada de Cisco              iOS is een geregistreerd handelsmerk van           iOS 是 Cisco Technology, Inc. 的注册商标。
                                                                                                 Android 是 Google Inc. 的注册商标。
Technology, Inc.                              Cisco Technology, Inc.

                                                                                                 Garmin® is a registered trademark
Android es marca registrada de Google Inc.    Android is een geregistreerd handelsmerk
                                                                                                 of Garmin International, Inc. Garmin
                                              van Google Inc.
Garmin® is a registered trademark of Garmin
International, Inc. Garmin Connect™, and      Garmin® is a registered trademark of Garmin        Connect™, and
Connect IQ™, are trademarks of Garmin         International, Inc. Garmin Connect™, and           Connect IQ™, are trademarks of Garmin
International, Inc.                           Connect IQ™, are trademarks of Garmin              International, Inc.
                                                                                                 Bluetooth 字标和徽标是 Bluetooth SIG,
                                              International, Inc.
Los logotipos y la palabra de marca
Bluetooth son marcas registradas propiedad    Het Bluetooth woordmerk en logo’s                  Inc. 拥有的注册商标。  SRAM 在使用这些标志
de Bluetooth SIG, Inc. Todo uso de dichas     zijn geregistreerde handelsmerken die              前已取得许可。     其它商标和商号均分别归属于
marcas por parte de SRAM está sujeto          eigendom zijn van Bluetooth SIG, Inc. en           其各自的所有者。
a licencia. Otras marcas comerciales y        elk gebruik van deze merken door SRAM
marcas registradas son propiedad de sus       is onder licentie. Andere handelsmerken
respectivos titulares.                        en handelsnamen zijn eigendom van hun
                                              respectieve eigenaars.



SRAM Taiwan                                 SRAM LLC                                            SRAM Europe
No. 1598-8 Chung Shan Road        1000 W. Fulton Market, 4th Floor                          Paasbosweg 14-16
Shen Kang Hsiang, Taichung City       Chicago, Illinois 60607                                  3862ZS Nijkerk
Taiwan R.O.C.                                  USA                                                          20
                                                                                              The Netherlands

Document Created: 2018-04-09 09:40:12
Document Modified: 2018-04-09 09:40:12

© 2025
This site is not affiliated with or endorsed by the FCC