Users manual


Users Manual

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Use & Care Guide
Manual de Uso y Cuidado

Kenmore                               ®

1.5 Cu. Ft., 1000 Watts

1.5 Pies.Cúbicos, 1000 Vatios

111.71519810 - Black / Negro
111.71513810 - Stainless Steel / Acero Inoxidable

Customer Assistance/Asistencia al Cliente
1-844-553-6667 press 2/presione 2

Sears Brands Management Corporation
Hoffman Estates, IL 60179 U.S.A.


At the end of longer cooking cycles it is normal operation for
the fan to continue running to cool the oven electronic system.
After 5 minutes with no further cooking activity the fan will
automatically shut off. However, you can begin a new
cooking cycle even while the fan is running.


(a) Do not attempt to operate this oven with the door open since this can result in harmful
    exposure to microwave energy. It is important not to defeat or tamper with the safety
(b) Do not place any object between the oven front face and the door or allow soil or
    cleaner residue to accumulate on sealing surfaces.
(c) Do not operate this oven if it is damaged. It is particularly important that the oven
    door close properly and that there is no damage to the:
    (1) DOOR (bent) or DOOR METAL SCREEN (cracks or breaks)
    (2) HINGES AND LATCHES (broken or loosened)
(d) The oven should not be adjusted or repaired by anyone except properly qualified
    service personnel.
(e) WARNING : It is hazardous for anyone other than a competent person to carry out
    any service or repair operation that involves the removal of a cover which gives
    protection against exposure to microwave energy.
(f) WARNING : Liquids and other foods must not be heated in sealed containers since
    they are liable to explode.
(g) WARNING : Only allow children to use the oven without supervision when adequate
    instructions have been given so that the child is able to use the oven in a safe way and
    understands the hazards of improper use.
(h) WARNING : When the appliance is operated in the combination mode, children
    should only use the oven under adult supervision due to the temperature generated. (if

 Model:                                 111.71513810 / 111.71519810
 Rated Voltage:                         120V~ 60Hz
 Rated Input Power(Microwave):          1650 W
 Rated Output Power(Microwave):         1000 W
 Grill:                                 1200 W
 Convection:                            1450 W
 Combination:                           1700 W
 Oven Capacity:                         1.5 cu.ft. / 42 L
 Turntable Diameter:                    Ø 13.4 inch / 340 mm
 External Dimensions:                   22.9X22.0X14.9 inch (582X559X379 mm)
 Net Weight:                            Approx. 48.9 Lbs (22.2 kg)

WARNING Toexposure
            reduce the risk of burns, electric shock, fire, injury to persons or
                   to excessive microwave oven energy when using your
                            appliance, follow basic safety precautions, including the following:

1. Read all instructions before using the               8. Use this appliance only for its intended
   appliance.                                              uses as described in this manual. Do
2. Read and follow the specific: "PRECAU-                  not use corrosive chemicals or vapors
   TIONS TO AVOID POSSIBLE EXPOSURE                        in this appliance. This oven is
   TO EXCESSIVE MICROWAVE ENERGY"                          specifically designed to heat or cook
   found on page 1.                                        or dry food. It is not designed for
                                                           industrial or laboratory use.
3. As with most cooking appliances, close
   supervision is necessary to reduce the risk          9. As with any appliance, close
   of a fire in the oven cavity.                           supervision is necessary when used
                                                           by children.
4. To reduce the risk of fire in the oven
   cavity:                                              10. Do not operate this oven if it has a
   i) Do not overcook food. Carefully attend                 damaged cord or plug, if it is not
   the appliance when paper, plastic, or                     working properly or if it has been
   other combustible materials are placed                    damaged or dropped.
   inside the oven to facilitate cooking.               11. This microwave should be serviced
   ii) Remove wire twist-ties and metal                      only by qualifed service personnel.
   handles from paper or plastic containers/            12. Do not cover or block any openings on
   bags before placing them in the oven.                     the oven.
   iii) If materials inside the oven ignite,            13. Do not store or use this appliance
   keep the oven door closed. Turn the                       outdoors.
   oven off, and unplug the appliance.
                                                        14. Do not use this oven near water, for
   Disconnect the power cord, shut off
                                                             example, near a kitchen sink, in a wet
   power at the fuse or circuit breaker panel.
                                                             basement, near a swimming pool, or
   iv) Do not use the oven cavity for storage
                                                             similar locations.
   purposes. Do not leave paper products,
   cooking utensils, or food in the cavity              15. Do not immerse cord or plug in water.
   when not in use.                                     16. Keep cord away from heated surfaces.
   v) Never operate an empty microwave                  17. Do not let cord hang over edge of
   oven. Arcing or sparking in the oven                      table or counter.
   cavity may occur.                                    18. When cleaning surfaces of door and
5. This oven must be grounded. Connect                       oven that come together on closing
   only to properly grounded outlet. See                     the door, use only mild, nonabrasive
   "GROUNDING INSTRUCTIONS" found on                         soaps or detergents applied with a
   page 3.                                                   sponge or soft cloth.
6. Install or locate this oven only in                  19. Do not consume foods immediately after
   accordance with the installation                          the oven finishes cooking. Heated foods,
   instructions provided.                                    especially pizza, may burn your mouth.
7. Some products such as whole eggs                          Allow foods to cool to a safe eating
   and sealed containers-for example,                        temperature.
   closed glass jars- are able to explode               20. This appliance is for private household
   and should not be heated in the oven.                      use only.

21. Liquids, such as water, coffee, or tea              22. Oversized foods or oversized metal
    are able to be overheated beyond                        utensils should not be inserted in a
    the boiling point without appearing to                  thicrowave oven as they may create a
    be boiling. Visible bubbling or boiling                 fire or risk of electric shock.
    when the container is                               23. Do not clean with metal scouring pads.
    removed from the microwave oven is not                  Pieces can bum off the pad and touch
    always present. THIS COULD RESULT IN                    electrical parts involving a risk of
    VERY HOT LIQUIDS SUDDENLY BOILING                       electric shock.
    OVER WHEN THE CONTAINER IS                          24. Do not store any materials, other
    DISTURBED OR A SPOON OR OTHER                           than manufacturer's recommended
    UTENSIL IS INSERTED INTO THE LIQUID.                    accessories, in this oven when not in use.
    i) Do not overheat the liquid.                      25. Do not cover racks or any other part of
    ii)	Stir the liquid both before and                    the oven with metal foil. This will cause
          halfway through heating it.                       overtheating of the oven.
    iii)	Do not use straight-sided containers          26. Do not operate the oven without the
          with narrow necks.                                glass tray in place.
    iv)	After heating, allow the container                 Be sure it is properly sitting on the
          to stand in the microwave oven for                rotating base.
          a short time before removing the
    v)	Use extreme care when inserting
          a spoon or other utensil into the

                   SAVE THESE INSTRUCTIONS


                                         This appliance must be grounded. In the event of
DANGER                                   an electrical short circuit, grounding reduces the risk
Electric Shock Hazard                    of electric shock by providing an escape wire for the
Touching some of the internal            electric current. To protect against electrical shock,
components can cause serious             this appliance is equipped with a cord having a 3-
personal injury or death. Do not         prong grounding-type plug for insertion into a proper
disassemble this appliance.              grounding-type receptacle. DO NOT alter the plug
                                         for use in a 2-prong receptacle. DO NOT use a
                                         3-prong adapter to enable the microwave to be
                                         plugged into a 2-prong receptacle. If the plug will
DANGER                                   not fit into a receptacle, have the proper receptacle
Electric Shock Hazard                    installed by a qualified electrician.
An improperly grounded appliance
can result in electric shock. Do         Consult a qualified electrician or serviceman if the
not plug into an outlet until            grounding instructions are not completely understood
appliance is properly installed          or if doubt exists as to whether the appliance is
and grounded.                            properly grounded. If it is necessary to use an
Three-pronged                            extension cord, use only a 3-wire extension cord that
(grounding) plug                         h as a 3-pronged grounding plug, and a 3-slot
                                         receptacle that will accept the plug on the appliance.
                                         The marked rating of the extension cord shall be
                                         equal to or greater than the electrical rating of the

1. A short power-supply cord is provided to reduce the risks resulting from becoming entangled in
   or tripping over a longer cord.
2. Longer cord sets or extension cords are available and may be used if care is exercised in
   their use.
3. If a long cord sets or extension cord is used:
   i)	The marked electrical rating of the cord set or extension marked electrical rating of
         the cord set or extension cord should be at least as great as the electrical rating of the
   ii) The extension cord must be a grounding-type 3-wire cord.
   iii)	The longer cord should be arranged so that it will not drape over the countertop or
         tabletop where it can be pulled on by children or tripped over unintentionally.


This equipment generates and uses ISM frequency energy and if not installed and used
properly, that is in strict accordance with the manufacturer's instructions, may cause interference
to radio and television reception.
It has been type-tested and found to comply with limits for an ISM equipment pursuant to part
18 of FCC rules, which are designed to provide reasonable protection against such interference
in a residential installation.
However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation.
If this equipment does cause interference to radio or television reception, which can be
determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try correct the
interference by one or more of the followings.
• Reorient the receiving antenna of radio or television.
• Relocate the microwave oven with respect to the receiver.
• Move the microwave oven away from the receiver.
• Plug the microwave oven into a different outlet so that microwave oven and receiver are on
   different branch circuits.
THE MANUFACTURER is not responsible for any radio or TV interference caused by
UNAUTHORIZED MODIFICATION to this microwave oven. It is the reponsibility of the user to
correct such interfercnce.

CAUTION                                  UTENSILS
Personal injury Hazard                   See the instructions on "Materials you can use in
Tightly-closed utensils                  microwave oven or to be avoided in microwave oven."
could explode. Closed                    There may be certain non-metallic utensils that are not
containers should be opened              safe to use for microwaving. If in doubt, you can test the
and plastic pouches should be            utensil in question following the procedure below.
pierced before cooking.
                                         Utensils Test:
                                         1. Fill a microwave-safe container with 1 cup of cold
                                            water (250ml) along with the utensil in question.
                                         2. Cook on maximum power for 1 minute.
                                         3. Carefully feel the utensil. If the empty utensil is
                                            warm, do not use it for microwave cooking.
                                         4. Do not exceed 1 minute cooking time.


Materials you can use in microwave oven
Utensils           Remarks
Aluminum foil      Shielding only. Small smooth pieces can be used to cover thin parts of
                   meat or poultry to prevent overcooking. Arcing can occur if foil is too
                   close to oven walls. The foil should be at least 1 inch (2.5cm) away from
                   oven walls.
Browning dish      Follow manufacturer’s instructions. The bottom of browning dish must be
                   at least 3/16 inch (5 mm) above the turntable. Incorrect usage may cause
                   the turntable to break.
Dinnerware         Microwave-safe only. Follow manufacturer's instructions. Do not use
                   cracked or chipped dishes.
Glass jars         Always remove lid. Use only to heat food until just warm. Most glass jars
                   are not heat resistant and may break.
Glassware          Heat-resistant oven glassware only. Make sure there is no metallic trim.
                   Do not use cracked or chipped dishes.
Oven cooking       Follow manufacturer’s instructions. Do not close with metal tie. Make
bags               slits to allow steam to escape.
Paper plates       Use for short–term cooking/warming only. Do not leave oven unattended
and cups           while cooking.
Paper towels       Use to cover food for reheating and absorbing fat. Use with supervision
                   for a short-term cooking only.
Parchment          Use as a cover to prevent splattering or a wrap for steaming.
Plastic            Microwave-safe only. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions. Should be
                   labeled "Microwave Safe". Some plastic containers soften as the food
                   inside gets hot. "Boiling bags" and tightly closed plastic bags should be
                   slit, pierced or vented as directed by instructions on package.
Plastic wrap       Microwave-safe only. Use to cover food during cooking to retain
                   moisture. Do not allow plastic wrap to touch food.
Thermometers       Microwave-safe only ( meat and candy thermometers).
Wax paper          Use as a cover to prevent splattering and retain moisture.

Materials to be avoided in microwave oven
Utensils           Remarks
Aluminum tray      May cause arcing. Transfer food into microwave-safe dish.
Food carton with   May cause arcing. Transfer food into microwave-safe dish.
metal handle
Metal or metal-    Metal shields the food from microwave energy. Metal trim may cause
trimmed utensils   arcing.
Metal twist ties   May cause arcing and could cause a fire in the oven.
Paper              May cause a fire in the oven.
Plastic foam       Plastic foam may melt or contaminate the liquid inside when exposed
                   to high temperature.
Wood               Wood will dry out when used in the microwave oven and may split
                   or crack.

Names of oven Parts and Accessories
Remove the oven and all materials from the carton and oven cavity.
Your oven comes with the following accessories:
Glass tray                    1
Turntable ring                1
Use & Care Guide              1
Low Rack                      1                                                       A
High Rack                     1

                                                       E   D       C     B     H

               G                                               A) Control panel
                                                               B) Turntable shaft
                                                               C) Turntable ring
                                                               D) Glass tray
                                                               E) Observation window
                                                               F) Oven Door
                                                               G) Safety interlock system
                                                               H) Rack (*Optional)

Turntable Installation
               Rack (*Optional)        a. Never place the glass tray upside down. The glass
Hub (underside)                           tray should never be restricted.
                                       b. Both glass tray and turntable ring must always be
                                          used during cooking.
                                       c. All food and containers of f ood are always to be
  Glass tray
                                          placed on the glass tray for cooking.
                                       d. If glass tray or turntable ring cracks or breaks, contact
                                          the following customer assistance number:
  Turntable shaft                         1-800-657-6119

                      Turntable ring


  Countertop Installation
  Remove all packing material and accessories.             Cabinet: Remove any protective film found
  Examine the oven for any damage such as                  on the microwave oven cabinet surface.
  dents or broken door. Do not install if oven is          Do not remove the off-white Mica cover
  damaged.                                                 that is attached to the oven cavity to
                                                           protect the magnetron.

  1.      Select a level surface that provide              (3) Blocking the intake or outlet vent openings
          enough open space for the intake                     can damage the oven.
          and/or outlet vents.                             (4) Place the oven as far away from
                                                               radios and TV as possible.
3.0 inches (7.5cm)
                     12 inches (30cm)                          Operation of microwave oven may
                                                               cause interference to your radio or TV
3.0 inches (7.5cm)
                                                           2. Plug your oven into a standard household
                                                               outlet. Be sure the voltage and the
                                                               frequency is the same as the voltage
                                                               and the frequency on the rating label.

                                                           WARNING: Do not install oven over a
  A minimum clearance of 3.0 inches                        range cooktop or other heat-producing
  (7.5cm) is required between the oven and                 appliance. If installed near or over a heat
  any adjacent walls. One side must be open.               source, the oven could be damaged and the
  (1) Leave a minimum clearance of 12                      warranty would be void.
      inches (30cm) above the oven.
  (2) Do not remove the legs from the
      bottom of the oven.


Control Panel and Features


                          (3)                              (5)


                          (7)                              (8)



                         (11)                              (12)

(1)    Auto Menu (Auto Reheat, Auto Cook, Auto Bake, Auto Roast, Popcorn, Beverage)
       Auto Menu items allow you to easily program cooking time based on food
(2)    Defrost : Defrost time calculated by entered weight and category of item.
(3)    Micro - Press for Microwave only cooking
(4)    Grill - Press for Grill only cooking
(5)    Conv - Press for Convection only cooking
(6)    Micro + Conv - Press for combined Microwave + Convection cooking
(7)    Power Level
(8)    Timer / Clock
(9)    Number Pads
(10)   ONE TOUCH START Pads (1-6)
(11)   START / ADD 30 SEC
(12)   STOP / Hold 3sec : Before cooking starts, press to clear all previous settings.
       During cooking, press once to stop oven; press twice to stop oven and clear all
       Press pad for 3 seconds to lock or unlock display
(13)   Display Window


When the microwave oven is plugged into an outlet, " : 0" will display.
(1) Press Timer/Clock once, "12H" will appear in the display.
(2) Press the number pads and enter the current clock time. For example, if the time is now 8:30,
   press "8, 3, 0" in order. The numbers will flash in the display.
(3) Press Timer/Clock to finish clock setting, ":" will flash and the numbers will appear as a clock
   time in the display.
Note: (1) If you make a number entry mistake while in the process of setting clock, press
            to start over.
      (2) This is a 12 hour clock. If the numbers entered are not within the range between 1:00
            to 12:59, the setting will not be accepted until valid numbers are entered.

(1) Press Timer/Clock twice, " : 0" and TIMER indicator "v" will appear in the display window.
(2) Press the number pads to enter the time amount. The maximum amount of time that can be
   enter is 99 minutes 99 seconds.
(3) Press        to confirm setting.
(4) When the time amount elapses, the control panel will beep 3 times.
Note: The Timer setting is different from the Clock setting; it is simply a timer.

(1) Press Micro, " : 0" and MICRO (Microwave) indicator "v" will appear in the display window.
(2) Press number pads to enter the cooking time; the maximum cooking time is 99 minutes and
   99 seconds.
(3) Press Power Level ; PL10 will display. This is the default power level of 100%. Press number
   pads 0 through 9 to select a different power level if desired. See the Power Level table
(4) Press        to start cooking.
   Example: To cook the food with 50% microwave power for 15 minutes.
   a. P ress the Time Cook, " : 0" and M/W (Microwave) indicator "v" will appear in the
      display window.
   b. Press "1, 5, 0, 0" in order for 15:00 to appear in the display.
   c. Press Power Level, then press "5" to select 50% microwave power.
   d. Press         to start cooking.
   Note: In the process of setting, if the       pad is pressed, the display will return to standby


At the end of Grill / Convection / Combi cooking cycles it is normal operation for the fan to
continue running to cool the oven electronic system. After 5 minutes with no further cooking
activity the fan will automatically shut off. However, you can begin a new cooking cycle even
while the fan is running.

"Standing time" means that after the timed cooking period ends, food should be allowed to
stand either inside or outside the oven to completely finish cooking. Outside oven standing time
will allow the oven to be available for other use.

Ten power levels are available.
Power level 0 is also available if you want to program a timed in-oven standing time.
After entering Time Cook digits and prior to starting operation, press Power Level and "PL10"
will display. Adjust the power by pressing a number pad as indicated in the table below.

    Level        10         9    8      7      6       5       4      3        2      1         0
   Power      100% 90%          80%    70%    60%     50%    40%     30%     20%     10%       0%
   Display     PL10    PL-9     PL-8   PL-7   PL-6    PL-5   PL-4    PL-3    PL-2    PL- 1     PL-0

(1) Instant cooking at 100% power level and 1 to 6 minutes cooking time can be started by
   pressing number pads 1 to 6.
(2) Instant cooking at 100% power level and 30 seconds cooking time can be started by
   pressing        . Each repeated press will increase cooking time by 30 seconds.
   The maximum cooking time is 99 minutes, 99 seconds.
Note: T ime can also be added in 30 second increments by pressing          during Microwave


(1) Press Weight Defrost, "dEF1" and DEF. indicator "v" will appear in the display window.
   Press the same pad repeatedly, "dEF1", "dEF2", "dEF3" will display in order.
  LED display       dEF1        dEF2         dEF3
     Food           Meat       Poultry       Fish

(2) Press number pads to enter the weight to be defrosted.
   Input the weight range between 0.2 to 6.0 lbs.
   The lb indicator "'v" will flash in the display window.
   If the weight input is not between 0.2 to 6.0 lbs, the input will be invalid. The oven will not
   operate until valid numbers are entered.
(3) Press       to start defrosting and the cooking time remaining will be displayed.
Note: D
       uring the Defrost cycle, the oven will beep to remind you to turn over the food. Turn over
      food, close door and press         to resume defrost cycle.


(1) Press Auto Cook, "Ac-1" will display.
(2) Press Auto Cook repeatedly to choose the menu. See Auto Cook table below.
(3) Press number pad to enter weight or portions.
(4) Press          to start cooking.

Auto Cook Menu:
            Food               Display                      Weight / Portion
                                          8 oz / 16 oz / 24 oz / 32 oz
            Potato              Ac-1
                                          (1 ea / 2 ea / 3 ea / 4 ea)
     Fresh Vegetable            Ac-2      4 oz / 8 oz / 12 oz / 16 oz
   Frozen Vegetable             Ac-3      4 oz / 8 oz / 10 oz / 12 oz / 16 oz
      Ground Meat               Ac-4      8 oz / 12 oz / 16 oz / 24 oz
      Fish/Seafood              Ac-5      8 oz / 12 oz / 16 oz / 24 oz

         Food                              Serving Amount and Recommendations
                       Serving size is 1 to 4 medium sized potatoes, about 8 to 10 oz. (225 to 280
                       g) each.
 1      Potato
                       Pierce each potato several times with a fork and place around the edge of
                       the oven tray, at least 1 in.(2.5cm) apart.
                       Serving size is 1 to 4 cups (250 ml to 1L).
                       Place moist vegetables in a microwavable container.
        Fresh          Add 2 to 4 tablespoons (30 to 60 ml) water.
      Vegetable        Cover with plastic wrap and vent*.
                       Most vegetables need stirring and 2 to 3 minutes standing time after
                       Serving size is t to 4 cups (250 ml to 1L).
                       Remove from package and place vegetables in a microwavable container.
       Frozen          Add 2 to 4 tablespoons (30 to 60 ml) water.
      Vegetable        Cover with plastic wrap and vent*.
                       Most vegetables need stirring and 2 to 3 minutes standing time after
                       Serving size is 8 to 24oz. (1/2 to 1.5lbs.)
                       Crumble meat into a microwave-safe container.
       Ground          Season and cover with plastic wrap.
        Meat           Vent cover for well-done meat.
                       Cover dish for medium cooked meat (such as meat to be used in another dish
                       and cooked further).
                       Serving size is 8 to 24oz. (1/2 to 1.5lbs.)
        Fish/          Place the food around the sides of a microwave-safe container. Season and
       Seafood         add 1/4 to 1/2cup (60 to 125 ml) liquid (wine, water, salsa, etc.) if desired.
                       Cover with plastic wrap and vent*.
*Fold back one corner of the plastic wrap to vent excess steam.

(1) Press Auto Reheat, "rH-1" will display.
(2) Press Auto Reheat repeatedly to choose the menu. See Auto Reheat table below.
(3) Press number pad to enter weight or portions.
(4) Press          to start cooking.

Auto Reheat Menu:
            Food               Display                        Weight / Portion
       Dinner Plate             rH-1      10 oz / 12 oz / 16 oz
       Soup/Sauce               rH-2      1 cup / 2 cups / 3 cups / 4 cups
        Casserole               rH-3      1 cup / 2 cups / 3 cups / 4 cups

               Food                           Serving Amount and Recommendations
                               Serving size is about 10 to 16 oz (280 to 450 g).
   1        Dinner Plate       Place food to be heated on a dinner plate or similar dish.
                               Cover with plastic wrap and vent*.
                               Serving size is 1 to 4 cups (250 ml to 1L).
   2        Soup/Sauce         Place food to be heated in a casserole dish.
                               Cover with plastic wrap and vent*.
                               Serving size is 1 to 4 cups (250 ml to 1L).
   3         Casserole         Place food to be heated in a casserole dish.
                               Cover with plastic wrap and vent*.
*Fold back one corner of the plastic wrap to vent excess steam.


(1) Press Auto Bake, "Ab-1" will display.
(2) Press Auto Bake repeatedly to choose the menu. See Auto Bake table below.
(3) Press number pad to enter weight or portions. For Ab-4, press number pad 1 through 3 to
   choose weight. For Ab-1, Ab-2, Ab-3, You do not need to press number pad to choose a
   weight or portion.
(4) Press          to start cooking.

Auto Bake Menu:
            Food               Display                         Weight / Portion
       Frozen Pizza             Ab-1       10~12inch thin crust frozen pizza
         Muffins                Ab-2       6cup muffin (With preheat function)
   Biscuit/Dinner Roll
                                Ab-3       1 pan (With preheat function)
      /Bread Stick
  Frozen French Fries           Ab-4       8 oz / 12 oz / 16 oz
          o not consume foods immediately after oven finishes cooking. Heated foods,
              especially pizza, may burn your mouth. Allow foods to cool to a safe eating
              When using the convection function, only place the grill pan on the glass tray.

                Food                           Serving Amount and Recommendations
                               For best results, a pizza pan is not required. Use a 10~12-inch thin-
                               crust frozen pizza. If baking a rising-crust pizza, add an additional
   1        Frozen Pizza
                               10 to 20 minutes' baking time on convection cook at 450°F(230°C).
                               Place the frozen pizza directly on the high rack.
                               Use 1 package of a muffin mix. Place the low rack on the turntable.
   2           Muffins
                               After PREHEAT, use 6-cup muffin pan; place pan on rack.
                               For best results, bake one pan of biscuits, dinner rolls, or breadsticks
            Biscuit/Dinner     at a time.
   3             Roll          After PREHEAT, place the biscuits 1-2 in. (2.5-5 cm) apart on a
             /Bread Stick      greased pizza pan or cookie sheet on the low rack.
                               Cool on the rack for 10 minutes after cooking.
                               Use frozen, prepared French fries. Do not overlap or layer potatoes.
                               For crispier potatoes, use MORE to add additional cooking time.
            Frozen French
   4                           Spread the french fries on a pizza pan or cookie sheet. Place the
                               pan on the high rack.
                               Weight range: 8 to16 oz. (225 to 450 g).


(1) Press Auto Roast, "Ar-1" will display.
(2) Press Auto Roast repeatedly to choose the menu. See Auto Roast table below.
(3) Press number pad to enter weight.
(4) Press          to start cooking.

            Food               Display                        Weight / Portion
        Roast Beef              Ar-1       2 lb ~ 4 lb
       Roast Chicken            Ar-2       2.4 lb ~ 6 lb
    Roast Pork Chop             Ar-3       1 lb ~ 4 lb
       Roast Potato             Ar-4       1 lb ~ 2 lb
CAUTION: When using the convection function, only place the grill pan on the glass tray.

                Food                          Serving Amount and Recommendations
                               Weigh roast and pat dry with paper towels. Place a microwave-
                               safe/heatproof plate on turntable to catch drippings. Place roast on
                               low rack.
   1         Roast Beef
                               After cooking, loosely tent roast beef with aluminum foil and let stand
                               for 5 to 10 minutes.
                               Weight range: 2 to 4 lbs. (1 to 2 kg)
                               Weigh whole chicken. Remove giblets and neck and discard.
                               Thoroughly wash inside and outside of chicken with cold water. Pat
                               chicken dry with paper towels. Secure the legs with kitchen twine.
                               Brush outside of chicken with melted butter or margarine. Place a
   2        Roast Chicken
                               microwavesafe/heatproof plate on turntable to catch drippings.
                               Place chicken breast side up on low rack. After cooking, loosely tent
                               roast chicken with aluminum foil and let stand for 10minutes.
                               Weight range: 2.4 to 6lbs. (1 to 3 kg)
                               Weigh roast and pat dry with paper towels. Place a microwave-
                               safe/heatproof plate on turntable to catch drippings. Place roast on
             Roast Pork        low rack.
               Chop            After cooking, loosely tent roast with aluminum foil and let stand for
                               5 to 10minutes.
                               Weight range: 1 to 4lbs. (450g to 2 kg)
                               Wash and dry the potatoes thoroughly. Cut potatoes into even sized
                               pieces and season. Place potatoes in microwave-safe/heatproof
   4        Roast Potato
                               plate. Place on high rack.
                               Weight range: 1 to 2lbs. (450g to 1 kg)


COMBINATION FUNCTION (Microwave + Convection)
(1) Press Micro + Conv, " : 0" and MICRO and CONV indicator "v" will appear in the display
(2) Press number pads 0 through 9 to choose cooking temperature. Temperature selections (°F):
    0 = 425, 1=100, 2 = 200, 3 = 250, 4 = 275, 5 = 300, 6 = 325, 7 = 350
    8 = 375, 9 = 400. MICRO and CONV Indicator "v", "F" and the corresponding temperature
    will display.
(3) Press number pads to enter the cooking time. The maximum cooking time is 99 minutes, 99
(4) Press       to start cooking. The remaining cook time will display. You can check the selected
    temperature by pressing MICRO + CONV during cooking.
Note: When using the convection function, you should place grill pan on the glass tray.

(1) Press Grill, " : 0" and GRILL indicator "v" will appear in the display window.
(2) Press number pads to enter the cooking time; the maximum cooking time is 99 minutes and
    99 seconds.
(3) Press        to start cooking.

(1) Press Conv., " : 0" and CONV indicator "v" will appear in the display window.
(2) Press number pads 0 through 9 to select cooking temperature if desired. Temperature
    selections (°F):
    0 = 425, 1=100, 2 = 200, 3 = 250, 4 = 275, 5 = 300, 6 = 325, 7 = 350
    8 = 375, 9 = 400. "Conv", "F" and the corresponding temperature will display.
(3) Press        to start preheating. Selected temperature, "F" and "PrEH" are alternately
    displayed. CONV indicator "v" will display, and PREH indicator "v" will flash. When the oven
    preheats to the selected cooking temperature, PREH indicator "v" stops flashing and the oven
    will beep to remind you, and selected temperature, "F" will flash in the display to remind
    you to place food in oven and set the cook time. If no cook time is entered within 15 minutes,
    the oven will return to display " : 0" or the clock time.
Note: G rill Pan - Only for use with Convection cooking. Only place grill pan on glass tray.
       will return to display the clock time.
(4) Press number pads to enter the cooking time. The maximum cooking time is 99 minutes, 99
(5) Press        to start cooking. The remaining cook time will display. "Conv" will display and
    you can check selected temperature by pressing CONV during cooking.
Note: 1) If no preheat is needed, follow step 1 and 2 above and then skip to step 4.
		 2) If preheating, do not place food into oven until cooking temperature is reached.
		 3) If Convection Cooking without preheating, place food into oven at the start of cooking.
		 4) When using the convection function, only place grill pan on the glass tray.

(1) Press Popcorn repeatedly until the number you wish appears in the display, "3.2", "3.0" ,
    "1.75" will appear in the display in order.
    Press Once: Popcorn 3.2 oz
    Press Twice: Popcorn 3.0 oz
    Press 3 Times: Popcorn 1.75 oz
(2) Press       to start cooking. Cook time for size chosen appears in the display. Oven beeps 3
    times when cooking is finished.

(1) Press Beverage repeatedly until the number you wish appears in the display, "1", "2", "3"
    cup will display in order.
(2) Press       to start cooking. Cook time for number chosen appears in the display. Oven
    beeps 3 times when cooking is finished.

     Food          Amount                                  Comments
                               Use only with prepackaged microwave popcorn weighing 1.75,
                               3.0,3.2 ounces.
    Popcorn       3.0oz.
                               Do not use this feature twice in succession on the same food
                               portion –it may result in severely overcooked or burnt food.
                               Do not cover.
                   1cup        Drinks heated with the Beverage feature may be very hot.
                   2cups       Remove the container with care.
                   3cups       Do not use this feature twice in succession on the same food
                               portion –it may result in severely overcooked or burnt food.


At most 2 stages can be set for cooking.
Note: ONE TOUCH COOK, ONE TOUCH START and SENSOR COOK cannot be used in multi-
stage cooking.
Example: 80% Power Level for 5 minutes followed by 60% Power Level for 10 minutes;
a. Press Time Cook once, then press "5", "0" and "0" to set first stage cook time.
b. Press Power Level once, then press "8" to choose 80% first stage cooking power.
c. Press Time Cook again, then press "1", "0", "0" and "0" to set second stage cook time.
d. Press Power Level again, then press "6" to choose 60% second stage cooking power.
e. Press      to immediately start multi-stage cooking.

To lock the microwave so that it cannot be operated by children or other unintended users,
press      pad for 3 seconds. You will hear a long beep and "Loc" and LOCK indicator "v" will
appear in the display window.
To Unlock, press      for 3 seconds, You will hear a long beep and the LOCK indicator "v" will
disappear in the display window.

The oven will beep 3 times to alert the user that cooking time has ended. "End" will display.
The time of day will display by opening the door or pressing         pad.

WARNING - If you see arcing, press STOP/CLEAR pad and correct the problem.
Arcing is the microwave term for sparks in the oven. Arcing is caused by :
a) Metal or foil touching the side of the oven.
b) Foil not molded to food (upturned edges act like antennas).
c) Metal such as twist-ties, poultry pins, or gold rimmed dishes in the microwave.
d) Recycled paper towels containing small metal pieces being used in the microwave.


Check your problem by using the chart below and try the solutions for each problem. If the
microwave oven still does not work properly, contact the following number for customer
assistance: 1-800-657-6119.

      TROUBLE                   POSSIBLE CAUSE                     POSSIBLE REMEDY
                          a. Electrical cord for oven is      a. Plug into the outlet.
                             not plugged in.                  b. Close the door and try again.
 Oven will not start
                          b. Door is open.                    c. Check instructions.
                          c. Wrong operation is set.
                          a. Materials to be avoided in       a. Use microwave-safe cookware
                             microwave oven were used.           only.
                          b. The oven is operated when        b. Do not operate with oven
 Arcing or sparking
                             empty.                              empty.
                          c. Spilled food remains in the      c. Clean cavity with wet towel.
                          a. Materials to be avoided in       a. Use microwave-safe cookware
                             microwave oven were used.           only.
                          b. Food is not defrosted            b. Completely defrost food.
 Unevenly cooked
                             completely.                      c. Use correct cooking time,
                          c. Cooking time, power level           power level.
                             is not suitable.                 d. Turn or stir food.
                          d. Food is not turned or stirred.
                          Cooking time, power level is not    Use correct cooking time, power
 Overcooked foods
                          suitable.                           level.
                          a. Materials to be avoided in       a. Use microwave-safe cookware
                             microwave oven were used.           only.
                          b. Food is not defrosted            b. Completely defrost food.
                             completely.                      c. Check to see that oven venti-
 Undercooked foods
                          c. Oven vents are blocked or           lation ports are not restricted.
                             restricted.                      d. Use correct cooking time,
                          d. Cooking time, power level is        power level.
                             not suitable.
                          a. Materials to be avoided in       a. Use microwave-safe cookware
                             microwave oven were used.            only.
 Improper defrosting      b. Cooking time, power level is     b. Use correct cooking time,
                             not suitable.                        power level.
                          c. Food is not turned or stirred.   c. Turn or stir food.
                          a. Cover or lid on food not         a. Cover or lid over food must
                             vented.                              contain vent hole for escaping
                          b. Door opened before                   steam.
 Sensor cooked foods
                             sensordetected cooking time      b. Do not open door to stir or turn
 not properly cooked
                             appears in display.                  food before sensordetected
                                                                  cooking time appears in

FOR ONE YEAR from the date of sale this appliance is warranted against
defects in material or workmanship when it is correctly installed,
operated and maintained according to all supplied instructions.
WITH PROOF OF SALE a defective appliance will be replaced free of
charge. For warranty coverage details to obtain free replacement,
visit the web page:
This warranty does not cover the oven cavity light bulb, which is an
expendable part that can wear out from normal use within the
warranty period.
This warranty is void if this appliance is ever used for other than private
household purposes.
This warranty gives you specific legal rights, and you may also have
other rights which vary from state to state.
Sears Brands Management Corporation, Hoffman Estates, IL 60179

DURANTE UN AÑO a partir de la fecha de venta, este
electrodoméstico, posee garantía contra defectos en los materiales
o en la mano de obra cuando se instale, opere y mantenga
 correctamente de acuerdo con todas las instrucciones provistas.
CON EL COMPROBANTE DE VENTA, un electrodoméstico
defectuoso será reemplazado gratuitamente.
 Para ver los detalles de cobertura de la garantía a fin de obtener
un reemplazo gratis, visite la página web:
Esta garantía no cubre la bombilla dentro del horno, que es una
pieza consumible que se puede desgastar con el uso normal dentro
del periodo de garantía.
Esta garantía se anula si este electrodoméstico se usa para
cualquier propósito que no sea el uso doméstico privado.
Esta garantía le otorga derechos legales específicos, y es posible
que tenga también otros derechos, los cuales varían de un estado
a otro.
Sears Brands Management Corporation, Hoffman Estates, IL 60179


                                                               (주) 신광씨링
                                                       광주광역시 서구 하남대로
                                                              502번길 14

담      당       김지수 님
브 랜 드          Kenmore                  언 어                   영어
F.MODEL        Kenmore KOC15 모델 사용자 매뉴얼
               111.71519810 - Black / Negro
               111.71513810 - Stainless Steel / Acero Inoxidable
M E M O        총 23p (140 x 210)

18.07.17-1p (7p _ 일러스트 그림 하 작업 2 cut )
18.07.24-총 23p (1~23p _ ① 신규 작업, ② 일러스트 호환 작업 1 cut)
18.07.26-7p (4p, 5p, 9p, 12p, 17p, 18p, 19p)
18.08.06-4p (1p, 7p, 9p, 16p)
18.08.08-1p (1p)


Document Created: 2018-08-08 09:45:01
Document Modified: 2018-08-08 09:45:01

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