Users Manual

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d                  »   Testing the Future

              LABORATORIES, INC.

                              EXHIBIT E

                          SYSTEM MANUAL

5473A CLOUDS REST « MARIPOSA, CALIFORNIA 95338 « (209) 966—5240 « FAX (209) 966—4257

                             United States Radio and TV Interference Regulations
      Important:                 The Microsoft ActiMates interactive character, the ActiMates TV Pack Transmitter, and
 /\ BePo'                    the ActiMates PC Pack Transmitter comply with Part 15 of the U.S. Federal Communica—
                             tions Commission (FCC) Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1)
                             these devices may not cause harmful interference, and (2) these devices must accept
                             any interference that may cause undesired operation.
              ctronic toy    When used together, the ActiMates character and the Transmitter can radiate radio
              radiare        frequency (RF) energy. If not installed and used in strict accordance with the instruc—
                             tions given in the printed documentation, the ActiMates character and the Transmitter
                             may cayse harmful interference with other radio—operated devices‘ reception. Any
                             cable that is connected to the Transmitter must be a shielded cable that is properly
                             grounded. (The cable supplied with the Transmitter is properiy grounded.)
                             The ActiMates character, the TV Pack Transmitter, and the PC Pack Transmitter have
                             been tested, and they comply with the limits for a Class B computing device in
                             accordance with the specifications in Part 15 of the U.S. FCC rules. These limits are
                             designed to provide reasonable protection against harmfUl RF interference in a
                             residential installation. Thereis, however, no guarantee that RF interference will not
                             occur in a particutar installation.
                             To determine if the ActiMates character or the Transmitter is causing interference to
                             other radio—operated devices (for example, baby monitors, cordless phones, radio—
                             controlled toys, etc.), disconnect the Transmitter from your television and VCR or
                            computen, respectively. If the interference stops, it was probably caused by the
                            If the ActiMates character or the Transmitter cayses interference to other radio—
                             operated devices in your heme, try the following measures to correct the situation:
                            «_     Move the other radio—operated device to another part ofthe room, away from the
                                   ActiMates character and the Transmitter, or move the ActiMates character to a
                                   different part of the room.
                            «_ Move the Transmitter to a different location. For example, put theTV Pack Transmit—
                                   ter on the floor or on a steree cabinet, or put the PC Pack Transmitter farther
                                   away from your computer monitor and the central processing unit. For maximum
                                   range, the Transmitter should be at least one foot away from your television, VCR,
                                   and the computer.
                            +_     Plug the TV Pack Transmitter into a different power outlet so that the Transmitter
                               is on a different circuit than the television, VCR, and computer.
                            +— if necessary, ask an experienced computer or radio—TV technician for more sugges—
                                   tons. You may finc—helptfulinformation in—the booktet"The Interference Handbook"
                                   (1493). published by the FCC. The booktet fsavaitabte from the tS:Government
                                   Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 20402. The stock number is 04—000—00493—1.
                            Note Any cranges or modifications nct expressly approved by Microsoft could vaid the user‘s authority to operate
                            this     sevice
                the         Canadian interference—Causing Equipment Regulations
              tates ane     This Class B digital apparatus meets all reqwrementsof the canadtan Interference—
              only.         Causing Equipment Regutations.                 ~                                           %
                            Cet appareil numérique de la classe B respecte toules les ex»gences du regtement
                            sumte matériel brouiller du Canacda.                   —       .            ,                             .

PCmnINA ces                                                           1                    271398, 9:00 AM                                     i


       permise par la législation en vigueur, Microsoft et ses fournisseurs ne sont en
       aucun cas responsables des dommages spéciaux, indirects, accessoires, moraux
       ou exemplaires quetls qu‘ils soient (y compris, mais sans limitation, (a perte ce profits,
       Finterruption des affaires, les dommages corporels, les cdommages résultant du
       défaut de remplir toute obligation, y compris Fobligation de bonne foi ou de soins
       raisonnables, ou résultant de la négligence et toute autre perte pécuniaire ou de
       quetqu‘autre nature), découtant de, ou de quelque facon reliés a, Putilisation ou
       Fimpossibilité d‘utiliser le Matériel Informatique, meme si Microsoft ou ses
       fournisseurs ont été avisés de Féventualité ce tets dommages.
       LCI APPLICABLE. Si vous avez acquis te Matérie! Informatique aux Elats—Unis
       d‘Amérique, ;s iois de {‘Etat de Washington, Etats—Unis, s‘appliquent a cette con—
       vention. Si vous avez acquis te Matériet informatique & extérieur des Etats—Unis
       d‘Amérique, alors les lois locates peuvent s‘appliquer.
       Si vous avez acquis ce produit ay Canada, saut si les lois locates interdisent
       expressément les conditions de cette Garantie Limitée, tes tois en vigueur dans ta
       province d‘Ontario, Canada, régissent cette convention et chacune des parties a la
       présente racon       rrévacablamant la comoétence des tribunaux de la province
       d‘Ontario    onsent a insi.tver tout litige qui pourrait décovler de la présente
       devant les tribunaux situés dans le district judiciaire de York, province d‘Ontario.
       QUESTIONS. Si vous avez des questions, ou si vous désirez communiquer avec
       Microsoft pour avelque raison auve ce soit, vevillez contacter la succursale
       Microsoft desservant votre pays, ou écrire a: Microsoft Sales Information Center,
       One Microsoft Way, Redmond, WA 48052—6344.

PCmniNA pes                    1                             m                 27398 5.00 AM

              quelque nature que ce soit. Puisque certains états ou juridictions ne permettent pas
              ta timitation de ta durée d‘une garantie ou condition légale ou implicite, it est possible
              que la restriction ci—dessus ne vous concerne pas.
              unique recours relativement a tout manquement a cette Garantie Limitée est tel
              auve prévu ci—aprés. A Fexception de tout remboursement que Microsoft pourrait
              Choisin, a sa discrétion, de vous accorder, vous n‘avez droit a aucun dommages, y
              compris, mais sans limitation, les cdommages accessoires. Cette Garantie Limitée
              vous accorde des droits légaux spécifiques. II est possible que vous en ayez
              d‘autres variant d‘un état ou d‘une juridiction a Pautre.
              ENREGISTREMENT. Cette Garantie Limitée est en vigueur méme si vous ne renvoyez
              pas (e carton d‘enregistrement de garantie.
              BENEFICIAIRE. Dans (a mesure permise par la législation en vigueur, cette Garantie
              Limitée ne s‘adresse qu‘a vous, le premier utilisateur du Matérie! Informatique, et
              aucune tierce partie ne peut bénéficier de cette Garantie Limitée. Cette Garantie
              Limitée nest prévue pour, et ne s‘applique a, personne d‘autre {saut tet que requis
              par la loi).
              VOTRE UNIQUE RECOURS. La seule responsabilité de Microsoft et de ses fournisseurs
              et votre unique recours relativement ay Matérie! Informatique sont, ay choix de
              Microsoft, soit (a) le remboursement du prix payé (s‘il y a liew) pour le Matériet
              Informatique, ou (b) la réparation ou le remplacement du Matériet informatique qui
              nest pas conforme & cette Garantie Limitée et qui est retourné a Microsoft avec une              1
              copie de votre recu d‘achat. Vous pouver exercer ce recours sans frais, saut que                 fl@
              vous demeurez responsable de toute dépense encourue a cet égard. Cette Garantie
              Limitée est nulle si la défectvosité du Matérie! Informatique résulte d‘un accident,
              d‘un abus d‘utitisation ou d‘un Uusage non approprié. Tout Matériet Informatique de
              remplacement sera garanti pencant le reste de la période de garantie initiale ou
              pendant trente (30) jours, selon la période la plus longue. Pour exercer votre
              recours, vevillez communiquer avec Microsoft au: aux Etats—Unis, Microsoft Sales
              Information Center, One Microsoft Way, Redmond, WA 48052—6344 et ay Canadia, MS
              Canada Co., 329 Matheson Bivd. West, Mississauga, Ontario, Canada LSR 3R1.
              EXCLUSION DE GARANTIES. La présente Garantie Limitée est la seule garantie
              expresse qui vous est accordée et remplace toute autre garantie expresse (s‘il y a
              tieu) créée par toute documentation ou tout matérie! d‘emballage. Aucune autre
              garantie ou condition n‘est accordée relativement ay Matérie! Informatique par
              auelque personne que ce soit, y compris, mais sans limitation, Microsoft et ses
              fournisseurs. A Fexception de cette Garantie Limitée, et dans toute la mesure
              permise par la tégislation en vigueur, Microsoft et ses fournisseurs fournissent le
              matériet Informatique TEL QUEL et avec tous ses défauts, et, par les présentes,
              excivent toute autre garantie et condition, expresse ou implicite, legale ou
              conventionnelte, écrite ou verbale, y compris, mais sans {imitation (s‘it y a liey),
              toute garantie et condition implicite ou legale de qualité marchande, de conformité
              aux besoins, d‘effort professionnetl et d‘absence de négligence, relativement ay
              Matériet informatique. De plus, it nexiste aucune garantie ou condition de titre,
              d‘avtorité et d‘absence de contrefagon relativement au Matériel informatique.


PCimnNA pes                                                      2713,98. 9:00 AM                          I

      ware Device AS IS and with all faults, and hereby disclaim all other warranties and
      conditions, either express, implied or statutory, including but not limited to any (if
      any) implied warranties or conditions of merchantability, of fitness for a particular
      purpose, and of lack of negligence or lack of workmanlike effort, all with regard to
      the Hardware Device. Also, there is no warranty or concition of title, authority, or
      noninfringement in the Hardware Device.
      maximum extent permitted by applicable law, in no event shall Microsoft orits
      suppliers be liable for any special, incidental or consequential damages whatsoever
     {including but not limited to damages for loss of profits, for business interruption, for
     personal injury, for failure to meet any duty including of good faith or of reasonable
     care, for negligence, and for any other pecuniary or other loss whatsoever), arising
     out of or in any way related to the use of or inability to use the Hardware Device,
     even if Microsoft or any supplier has been advised of the possibility of such dam—
     GOVERNING LAW. if you acquired the Hardware Device in the United States of America,
     the taws of the State of Washington, U.S.A., will apply to this contract. If you acquired
     this Hardware Device outside of the United States of America, then local law may

      f you acau red tais product in Canada, except where expressly prohibited by local
     ‘aw, the laws in force in the Province of Ontario, Canada will apply to this contract
     and each s? the parties hereto irrevocably attorns to the jurisdiction of the courts of

     the Province of Cntario and further agrees to commence any litigation which may
     arise hereunder in the courts located in the Judicial District of York, Province of
     QUESTIONS. Should you have any questions , or if you desire to contact Microsoft for
     any reason, please contact the Microsoft subsidiary serving your country, or write:
     Microsc® Sates ‘~formation Centen, One Microsoft Way, Redmond, WA 98052—6349.
     GARANTIE LIMITEE. Microsoft garantit aue, d la date de réception du Matériel
      afornmat          andant une période de quatre—vingl (40: Jours a compter de cette
     date, dans des concitions normalss ¢‘utilisation et d‘entratien, (a) le Matérie!
     informatiaue sera, pour lessentiel, exempt de défaut de matériay et de vice de
     fabrication, et (b! tous les Services d‘assistance fournis par Microsoft seront, pour
     Cessentiet, tels ave décrits dans la documentation écrite applicable qui vous a été
     fournie par Microsoft, et que tes spécialistes en assistance de Microsoft feront des
     efforts ra sonnables, d‘un po‘nt de vue commercial, pour résoudre les problemes
     Vous béné‘ciez dgatement d‘vne garantie et/ou condition légale ou implicite, mais
     uniquement en ce qui concerne les défauts découverts pendant la durée de cette
     Garantie Limitée, et uniquement si une garantie ou condition légale ou implicite est
     créée par les tois de votre état/juridiction et que tes lois fédérates ou provinciales
     interdisent d‘y renoncer. En ce qui concerne les défauts découverts apres la
     période de quatre—vingt (10) Jours, it nexiste aucune garantie ou condition de

POmeNA o8                                                                    277398.9.00 AM

 D This M.crosoft product     LIMITED WARRANTY. Microsoft warrants that on the day you receive the
   comes with a 30—day        Hardware Device and for the next 40 days thereafter, under normal use and service,
      quarantee. If you are   (a) the Hardware Device will be substantially free from defects in materiats and
                              workmanship, and (b) any Support Services provided by Microsoft shall be substan—
                              tially as described in applicable written materials provided to you by Microsoft, and
      produ            ;      Microsoft support engineers will make commercially reasonable efforts to solve any
      return t ‘or aful
      relund. For more        problem issues.
      i           . call      You aiso have an implied warranty and/or condition, but only as to defects discov—
                              ered during the period of this Limited Warranty, and only if an implied warranty or
                              condition is created by your state/jurisdiction and federal or state/provincial law
                              prohibits disclaimer of it. As to any defects discovered after the 10 day period, there
                              is no warranty or condition of any kind. Some states and jurisclictions do not allow
                              timitations on duration of an imptied warranty or condition, so the above limitation
                              may not apply to you.
                              LIMITATION ON REMEDIES; NO CONSEQUENTIAL OR OTHER DAMAGES. Your exclusive
                              remedy for any breach of this Limited Warranty is as set forth below. Except for any
                              refund elected by Microsoft, you are not entitled to any damages, including but not
                              timited to consequential damages. This Limited Warranty gives you specific legal
                              rights. You may have others, which vary from state/jurisdiction to state/jurisdiction.
                              REGISTRATION. You need not return the warranty registration card for this Limited
                              Warranty to be effective.
                              BENEFICIARY. To the extent allowed by applicable law, this Limited Warranty is only
                              mace to you, the first user of the Hardware Device, and there are no third party
                              beneficiaries of this Limited Warranty. It is not intended for and does not apply to
                              anyone else {except as required by law).
                              YOUR EXCLUSIVE REMEDY. Microsoft‘s and its suppliers‘ entire liabitity and your
                              excl sive remedy with respect to the Hardware Device shall be, at Microsoft‘s option,
                              eithen (a) return of the price paid (if any) for or (5‘ resair or remiacement of the
                              Kardware Device that does not meet this Limited Warranty and which is returned to
                              Microsoft with a copy of your receipt of purchase. You may exercise this remedy
                              without charge, except that you are responsible for any expenses you may incur. This
                              Limited Warranty is volid if failure of the Hardware Device has resulted from accident,
                              abuse, or misapplication. Any replacement Hardware Device will be warranted for the
                              remainder of the original warranty period or thirty (30) days, whichever is longer. To
                              exercise your remedy, contact Microsoft at: Microsoft Sales Information Center, One
                              Microsoft Way, Redmond, WA 48052—6349.
                              DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTIES. The Limited Warranty herein is the only express war—
                              ranty made to you and is provided in liew of any other express warranties (if any)
                              created by any cocumentation or packaging. No other warranties or conditions are
                              made with respect to the Hardware Device by any person, including but not timited to
                              Microsoft and its suppliers. Except for the Limited Warranty, and to the maximum
                              extent permitted by applicable law, Microsoft and its suppliers provide the Hard—

PCmaitvA oss                                                                    2:358, 9 00 Av

                           R=] ||

      if your question isn‘t urgent
            Send e—mail to a Microsoft Technical Support engineer
            you can subm‘t questions 24 hours a day and will receive a response from an
            engineer with‘n one business day. To submit your question, go to http://
            s .oport.micrcsoft.com,‘support and select Web Response. Web Response is
            availabis for 2soth Standard No—Charge Support (amount varies as described
            acove) and Pay—Per Incldent Support {fees vary as described above}.
      If you need text telephone (TTY/TDD) services
            in the United States, dlal (425) 635—4448, 6:00 A.M. — 6:00 RM. Pacific time, Monday —
            Friday, excluding holidays or in Canada, dial (405) 568—4641, 8:00 A.M. — 8:00 PM.
            eastern time, Monday — Friday, excluding holidays.
     if you need support outside the United States and Canada
            The support cations described here are available in the United States and Canada
            only. For information on support available in other countries, contact the
            Microsoft subsidiary nearest you. A listing of Microsoft worldwide subsidiaries
            is available at http://www.microsoft.com/support/.
            Tne services and prices listed here are available in the United States and Canada.
            Support outs de the United Sates and Canada may vary. Microsoft‘s support
            services are subject to Microsoft‘s then—current prices, terms, and conditions,
            wnich are sublect to change without notice.


PCmmA pos                        ?
                                                              —@—                23398. 9:00 aM

               If you have a technical question, you can get your question answered quickly
               through one of several options.

             If you have a simple question
               Qvuickly find answers yourself online
               Use Support Online to find information you need online. Innovative wizards
               provide step—by—step guidance so you can diagnose and solve problems yourself.
               To begin your search, go to hitp://support.microsoft.com/support.

             if your question is urgent and more complex
               Telephone Microsoft Technical Support
               Receive assistance directly from a support engineer to soive your issue.

               Standard No—Charge Support — for help during regular business hours
               The amount of no—charge support for which your product is eligible varies as
               described betow. Please call one of the following numbers.
               In the U.S.; (425) 635—5043            In Canada: (405) 568—3503
               6:00 A.M. — 6:00 RM. Pacific time,     8:00 A.M. — 8:00 RM. eastern time,
               Monday — Friday, excluding holidays    Monday — Friday, excluding holidays
               For questions about the ActiMates character; the TV Pack transmitter, or the PC
               Pack transmitter, you are eligible for 10 days of Standard No—Charge Support
               which begins the first time you speak with an engineer. (For example, if the
               ActiMates character is not making any sound, or if you have the ActiMates TV Pack      O
               or PC Pack, but the ActiMates character is not responding to cues from the
               ActiMates—compatible video or CD—ROM.}
               For questions about ActiMates—compatible software, you are eligible for untimited
               Standard no—Charge Support. (For example, if you can‘t install your software, or
               can‘t hear sound from the software.)

               Pay—Per—Incident Support — for help after hours
               if you need help after hours, or if you have used up your Standard No—Charge
               Support, you can purchase Pay—Per—Incident Support. The fees for Pay—Per—incident
               support will vary depending on the type of question you have. Support fees for
               the (300)« calts will be billed to your VISA, MasterCard, or American Express card.
               Support fees for the (900)# calts will appear on your telephone bill.
               For questions about the ActiMates character, TV Pack, or PC Pack:
               in the U.S for 535 US per incident    in Canada for s45 CDN + tax per incident
               (800) a36—5700 or (400) 555—2000       (800) 668—7975
               24 hours a day, seven days a week      8:00 A.M. — 8:00 PM. eastern time,
               including holidays                     Monday — Friday, excluding holidays
               For questions about ActiMates—compatible soi vare:
               In the U.S for 5i5 US per incident   In Canada for $45 CDN + tax per incident
               (800) 436—5600 or (400) 555—2400       (800) 668—7975
               24 hours a day, seven days a week      $:00 A.M. — 8:00 PM. eastern time,
               including hotidays                     Monday — Friday, excluding holidays


PCmniNA 63     s                                             211398, 900 AM                          DC

              If the computer is on, but the yellow light on the Transmitter is not lit:
             *    The Transmitter is not getting power. Make sure the Transmitter‘s game port
                  connector is connected securely to the MIDI/game port on your computer.
             +    if you connected a game controlier to the Transmitter‘s Pass—through port,
                  the Transmitter may be incompatible with the game controlier. unplug the
                  game controller while using the ActiMates character with the computer.
                                               u «np‘ug the controller ‘romthe Transmitter‘s Pass—through port.
             If the software is plagmg on the screen, but the ActiMates character isn‘t                           * Look for Actitfates—
             talking along:                                                                                          compatible software
                                                                                                                     titles. Check the
             & Make sure the software title is ActiMates—compatible.                                                 CD—ROM‘s package
             *    Squeeze one of the character‘s hands to make sure it‘s turned on.                                  for this symbol.

             +)   Make sure the ActiMates character has fresh batteries installed. If the
                  character has trouble communicating with the computer and its movements
                  slow down or stop completely, then its batteries need to be replaced.
             &    Make sure the Transmitter cable is securely fastened to the computer.
             & Make sure the ActiMates character is within 15 feet (4.6 meters) of the                               When the ActiMates
               Transmitten                                                                                           character‘s batteries
                                                                                                                     get low, its meve—
             If the ActiMates character‘s speech is broken up or missing words, or if a                              ments will sow down,
             software error message indicates that the character can‘t be found:                                     its speech wil          —@—
             * Move the character closer to the Transmitter or a few feet to the right or                            become siurred or        ‘
                                                                                                                     stuitered, andthe
                  teft. The character should be tess than 15 feet (4.6 meters) from the Trans—                       radio range tothe
                  mitter, and the Transmiier should be at least 1 foot {0.3 meters) from the                         Transmitter wl
                  computer, monitor, and speakers.                                                                   decrease, Before
                                                                                                                     you call Micresoit
             +/   Try moving the Transmitter to a different location.                                                Technical Support,
             *    Make sure the Transmitier‘s cable is fully extended.
                                                                                                                     make sure you‘ve
                                                                                                                     tried instalingnew
             + Change the frequency (crnannel} of your cordless phone. If you‘re using a                             batteries!
                  cordless phone waue the ActiMates character is Interacting with the soft—
                  ware, there may be interference between the phone and the Transmitter.
             +    Turn off other radio—operated devices while the ActiMates character is
                  interacting with the software. Other radio—operated electronic devices may
                  also cause interference with the Transmitter (For example, baby monitors,
                  garage door opena"s burglar alarms, radio controlled toys, or certain
                  types of appliances with electric motors.)
             If you‘ve tried all of these tips, but the ActiMates character still isn‘t
             |nt°rac'.|ng with the software:
                     : ihe Trovbiesnacting section of the PC Pack Help file. To start PC Pack
                    ip. click the Wincows Start button, point to Programs, point to either
                  Microsoft Barney Software 07 Microsoft Arthur Software, and then click
                  PC Pack Help.

PCmaNa ces


                    Your child uses a mouse or other pointing device to play the software activi—
                    ties, just as she would with traditional learning software. However, when the
                    software is used with an ActiMates character and the ActiMates PC Pack,
                    squeezing one of character‘s sensors makes special things happen!
                  Use ActiMates Barney with the Barney software activities
                    +   Cover Barney‘s eyes—Barney will play peekaboo and the on—screen charac—
                        ter will play atong!
                    +   Squeeze Barney‘s hand—In levets 1—3, Barney will take a break from the
                        game on the screen and present a short lesson that reinforces the specific
                        {earning concepts of the game. In the "Explore Mode" creative activities,
                        Barney will take a turn adding something to your child‘s creation.
                    +   Squeeze Barney‘s middle toe—Barney and the on—screen character will sing
                        a song that reinforces the curriculum being presented in the on—screen

                  Use ActiMates Arthur or D.W. with the Arthur software activities
                    + Squeeze Arthur‘s or D.W‘s ear—ActiMates Arthur or D.W. will offer a hint
0—                      about how to get the right answer in the current software activity.                                     —@—
                    + Squeeze Arthur‘s or D.W‘s hand—ActiMates Arthur or D.W. will take a turn to
                      demonstrate the activity.
                    + Squeeze Arthur‘s or D.W‘s watch—ActiMates Arthur or D.W. will ask the host
                      character in the current software activity what time it is.
                    +   Squeeze Arthur‘s or D.W‘s foot—ActiMates Arthur or D.W. or one of the on—
                        screen characters will tell a knock—knock joke.

                    Note: if you have both Act‘Mates Arthur and D.W., only one Actites character at a time will work with the
                    Arthur software. It is not pessible to switch from one character to another during a session. To switch
                    characters, you must restart the Arthur software.

     PGmaNA pés     a                                                          21398, 240 PM

              Important Turr :"your computer before you connect the Transmitter| Connecting the Transmitter without                      ‘Ai,'/aystumy:)ur
              first powering cff yc ur computer can permarently damage the Transmitter, your computer, or your sound card                computer off before
                                                                                                                                         yeu connect or
              To connect the Transmitter to your computer                                                                                disconnect the
              1   Turn off your computer.                                                                                                     smifter ic or from
                                                                                                                                         tre MIDV‘game port
              2 Plug the Transmitter‘s game port connector into the 15—pin MiDl/game port
                                                                                                                                         on your computer, or
                  on your computer, generally located on your computer‘s sound card. (MIQl                                               before you comnector
                  devices and game devices use the same port.) The following figure shows                                                M”’W"%agame
                  what this cort might look like on the back of your computer.                                                           gevice to or fram the
                                                                                                                                          ransmitter‘s Pass—
                                                                                                                                         through port.
                                                     ]— Lire Out               F Ling In
                         zm     t                                                            Note: Your sound card will always
                         B s @ @  O @                                                        have Line In/Line Out ports likethe
                      [‘L—*——l\————-[—                                                       ones shown here. Make sure you
                                                                                             don‘t accidently plug the Transmitter
                           Dlzame    po           x Ou             4                         ;           .
                          MIDLgame port       — Sex Cat           Mic In                     into a 15—pin port on a network card!

                  The Transmitter draws its power from the MIDI/gama gort and is on when
                  the computer is on. There is no On/Off Switch. If connected property, the
                  yellow light on the front of the Transmitter will be {it when the computer is
              3   Tightan the screws on the Transmilter‘s connector so thatit is securely

                  connected io the MIDi, game rort.

              Nete If you have a [oystick or game         oad. it may already be plugged into your MIDUgame port. In that case,      i
              the Transmitter‘s casie has a ‘Pass—t"rougn" port that allows you to plug beth devicesinto your computer at            *~ Mest game devices
              orce. T.:           mputer, unglug ‘"e game device. plug the Transmitter into the MIDU/game port on your                   ars compatiole with
              computer                          sevice into the Pass—through port on the Transmitter‘s caole.                               Transmitter‘s
                                                                                                                                              <through port,
                                                                                                                                              ver some game
                                                   —~ Pass—through port                                                                  cevices are not, Ifthe
                                                                                                                                          ransmitter‘s yellow
                                                                                                                                               ces out when
                                                     quoue m               ;      é ——» To computer‘s MID{/game port                             e devce s
                                                            —[                  _                                                        conrected tothe
                                                                 ‘n                                                                      Pass—through port,
                                                                       j                                                                 the Transmitter is not
                                                                                                                                         compatible with your
                                                                                                                                         game device.

PGme:NA pes                               3                                                                    21398, 9.00 M

                              Before your child begins playing on the computer with the ActiMates character,
                              we encourage you to let your child play with the character for a while as a
                              stand—alone toy. For example, squeeze the sensors in the character‘s hands and
                              feet and see what happens. The character will respond to these same actions
     softw       s.           while the software game is running, so the software experience with the
     ActiMates Arthur and     ActiMates character may be more meaningful and fun if your child has had a
                              chance to get to know the character first.
                              To get started using the ActiMates character with your computer
                              1.   Make sure the ActiMates character has fresh batteries installed. For
                                   instructions, see the Getting Started manual that came in the box with the
                                   ActiMates character.
                              2 Connect the Transmitter to your computer, as described on the following
                                   page. Make sure you turn off your computer before you connect the
                                   Transmitter Connecting the Transmitter without first powering off your
                                   computer can permanently damage the Transmitter, your computer, or your
                                   sound card.
                              3 Setup the ActiMates software on your computer. For instructions, see the
                                   booklet inside the CD—ROM case.
                              4 Make sure the ActiMates character is within 15 feet (4.6 meters) of the
                                Transmitter.                                                                          —@—
                              5 Squeeze the character‘s hand to make sure it‘s turned on.
                              6 If necessary, adjust the volume of the speakers attached to your computer,
                                   so your child can hear both the ActiMates character and the software
                                   characters on—screen.
                              7 Start the software title and begin playing along with the ActiMates

                            Placement and Range

                              The Transmitter communicates with the ActiMates character by means of a
                              radio link. As with most AM/FM radios, the Transmitter is influenced by its
                              placement and proximity to metal. The Transmitter is designed to operate at a
                              maximum of 15 feet (%.6 meters) from the character but this distance can vary
                              depending on where the Transmitter is placed.
                              For best results, the Transmitter should be placed on the work surface, at least
                              one foot (0.3 meters) from the computer, monitor, and speakers. Do not place
                              the Transmitter on top of the monitor, directly on or next to the computer, on or
                              near the speakers, or on a metal syrface. If the Transmitter is placed in such a
                              tocation, the operating distance to the ActiMates character may be reduced.

PomaiNa oes                   2                            a               21398.   oo anm                        $

           Congratulations on your purchase of the Microsoft ActiMates"" PC Pack, which                                                   Minimum computer
           includes:                                                                                                                      requirements:
                                                                                                                                          * 486/66MHzCPU
           Transmitter with 15—pin MIDI/game port connector cable: Connects to the                                                        * 8 MB RAM and
                                                                                                                                            Windows® 95 or
           MIDl;game port on your computer, allowing Microsoft ActiMates characters to                                                      later (16 MB RAM
           interact with ActiMates—compatible software titles by means of radio link.                                                       recommended)
           Multimedia CD—ROM: Inclucdes four ActiMates—compatible software activities.                                                      16 MB RANM
                                                                                                                                            and Windows NTP

            * You can use ActiMates Arthur‘" or ActiMates D.W."" with the following                                                         version 4.0 or later
              Arthor activitios: Pronelia, Cueen of the Jung.s and Muffy‘s Word—O—Matic.                                                    2 MB harddisk
eoai        « You can use ActiMales Barney"" with the following Barney activities:
              Professor Tinkerputt‘s Dive Site and Baby Bop‘s Chicken Coop.
                                                                                                                                            Double—speed (2x)
                                                                                                                                            CO—ACM diive
                     e beokist inside the CD—ACM case for software setup instructions and descriptions of the
                                                                                                                                            {4x CD—ROM drive
                e actvities                                                                                                                16—bit sound card
                                                                                                                                           with external MIDV
                                                                                                                                            game port
                                                                                                                                            Super VGA dispiay
           when you use your ActiMates character with the PC Pack Transmitter anc                                                          card and menitor . Tm U
           ActiMates—compatible software, the ActiMates character becomes your child‘s                                                     capable cf 800x Cl
           computer learning buddy. The ActiMates character offers hints and sugges—                                                       €00 resclution in 256
           tions, takes turns in the software activities, and motivates your child with
                                                                                                                                          * ULfisted computer
           encouraging words.                                                                                                                                      —0—

           You can use the PC Pack with the following Microsoft ActiMates characters:
           Microsoft ActiMates Barney"" When used with the PC Pack, ActiMates Barney                                                  * Look for ActiMates—
           can interact with ActiMates—compatible Barney software titles. in addition to                                                compatible sofware
                                                                                                                                        titles. Checx the CD—
           the Barney activities included on the PC Pack CD—ROM, there are four Barney
                                                                                                                                        ROM‘s package for
           software titles available from Microsoft, each sold separately.                                                              this symeci.
           Microsoft ActiMates Arthur‘" or Microsoft ActiMates D.W." When used with
           the PC Pack,. ActiMates Artnur and 0.W. can interact with ActiMates—compatible
           Arthur software titles and the Arthur Web site at hito:/, www.pbs.org/arthur
           In addition to the Arthur activities included on the PC Pack CO—ROM, there are
           three Arthur software titles available from Microsoft, each sold separately.
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                                                                                                           27398, 9.00 AM

Document Created: 2001-06-11 09:12:51
Document Modified: 2001-06-11 09:12:51

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