letter of authorization


Cover Letter(s)

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06/10/990   THU 08:50 FAX 2069367409                                     US LEGAL                         Goos
               Microsoft Corporation                Tel 206 882 8080
               One Microsoft Way                    Telex 160820
               Redmond, WA 98052—6399               Fax 206936 7329

            June 8, 1999                                                                Micresoft

            Desmond A. Fraser, President
            Rhein Tech Laboratories Inc.
            360 Hemdon Parkway, Suite 1400
            Hemdon, VA 20170

            Dear Mr. Fraser,

            This letter confitms our agreement that Rhein Tech Laboratories Inc. is authorized as an
            agent for Microsoft Corporation, One Microsoft Way, Redmond, Washington, to sign
            applications before the Federal Communications Commission ("FCC") on Microsoft‘s
            behalf, and to receive and exchange data between Microsoft Corporation and the FCC in
            connection with the certification of the following Microsoft Corporation Product(s)
            pursuant to Parts 2 and 15 of the Rules and Regulations of the FCC:


            In this regard, we hereby certify you, and authorize you to certify to the Commission on
            our behalf, that neither Microsoft Corporation nor any officer, director or holder of 5% or
            more of Microsoft‘s outstanding voting and/or non—voting stock is subject to denial of
            federal benefits pursuant to Section 5301 of the Anti—Drug Abuse Act of 1988, 21 U.S.C.
            Section 862. Microsoft will observe FCC due diligence standards in ensuring that such
            parties inform Microsoft of any change in this status, which will be promptly brought to
            your attention.

            This authorization will expire on December 31, 2001 or upon earlier written notice from
            Microsoft Corporation.


            Assistart Corporate Secretary
            Microsoft Corporation

               Microsoft Corporation is an equal opportunity employer.

Document Created: 2019-06-16 03:02:12
Document Modified: 2019-06-16 03:02:12

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