12802195-E6V2 FCCIC Test Report WWAN 2G 3G

FCC ID: C3K1876

Test Report

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               Report Number. : 12802195-E6V2
      Applicant :    MICROSOFT CORPORATION
                     ONE MICROSOFT WAY
                     REDMOND, WA 98052, U.S.A

         Model :     1876

         FCC ID :    C3K1876

             IC :    3048A-1876


Test Standard(s) :   FCC CFR47 PART 22H, 24E
                     ISED RSS-132 ISSUE 3, RSS-133 ISSUE 6

                                  Date Of Issue:
                               SEPTEMBER 06, 2019

                                  Prepared by:
                            UL Verification Services Inc.
                               47173 Benicia Street
                            Fremont, CA 94538, U.S.A.
                               TEL: (510) 319-4000
                               FAX: (510) 661-0888

                             NVLAP Lab code: 200065-0

REPORT NO: 12802195-E6V2                                                                             DATE: SEPTEMBER 06, 2019
FCC ID: C3K1876                                                                                                 IC: 3048A-1876

                                                       Revision History
Rev.     Date                Revisions                                                              Revised By
  V1     8/30/2019           Initial Review                                                         --
  V2     9/6/2019            Revised report to address TCB’s questions                              Tina Chu

                                                          Page 2 of 35
UL VERIFICATION SERVICES INC.                                                                              FORM NO: CCSUP4701i
47173 BENICIA STREET, FREMONT, CA 94538, USA                   TEL: (510) 319-4000                            FAX: (510) 661-0888
         This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of UL Verification Services Inc.

REPORT NO: 12802195-E6V2                                                                                               DATE: SEPTEMBER 06, 2019
FCC ID: C3K1876                                                                                                                   IC: 3048A-1876

                                                        TABLE OF CONTENTS
1.   ATTESTATION OF TEST RESULTS ......................................................................................................... 5

2.   TEST METHODOLOGY ............................................................................................................................. 6

3.   FACILITIES AND ACCREDITATION ......................................................................................................... 6

4.   CALIBRATION AND UNCERTAINTY ........................................................................................................ 7
           MEASURING INSTRUMENT CALIBRATION ...................................................................................... 7
           SAMPLE CALCULATION .................................................................................................................... 7
           MEASUREMENT UNCERTAINTY ...................................................................................................... 7

5.   EQUIPMENT UNDER TEST ...................................................................................................................... 8
           DESCRIPTION OF EUT ...................................................................................................................... 8
           MAXIMUM OUTPUT POWER ............................................................................................................. 8
           SOFTWARE AND FIRMWARE ........................................................................................................... 9
           MAXIMUM ANTENNA GAIN ............................................................................................................... 9
           WORST-CASE CONFIGURATION AND MODE.................................................................................. 9
           DESCRIPTION OF TEST SETUP ..................................................................................................... 10

6.   TEST AND MEASUREMENT EQUIPMENT ............................................................................................. 12

7.   RF OUTPUT POWER VERIFICATION ..................................................................................................... 13
           WCDMA ............................................................................................................................................ 13
             WCDMA BAND 5 ....................................................................................................................... 15
             WCDMA BAND 2 ....................................................................................................................... 16

8.   CONDUCTED TEST RESULTS ............................................................................................................... 17
           OCCUPIED BANDWIDTH ................................................................................................................. 17
              WCDMA ..................................................................................................................................... 18
           BAND EDGE AND EMISSION MASK................................................................................................ 19
              WCDMA BAND 5 ....................................................................................................................... 20
              WCDMA BAND 2 ....................................................................................................................... 21
           OUT OF BAND EMISSIONS ............................................................................................................. 22
              WCDMA BAND 5 ....................................................................................................................... 23
              WCDMA BAND 2 ....................................................................................................................... 24
           FREQUENCY STABILITY ................................................................................................................. 25
              WCDMA ..................................................................................................................................... 26
           PEAK-TO-AVERAGE POWER RATIO .............................................................................................. 27
              WCDMA ..................................................................................................................................... 27

9.   RADIATED TEST RESULTS ................................................................................................................... 28
           FIELD STRENGTH OF SPURIOUS RADIATION .............................................................................. 28
               WCDMA BAND 5 ....................................................................................................................... 29
                                                                      Page 3 of 35
UL VERIFICATION SERVICES INC.                                                                                                 FORM NO: CCSUP4701i
47173 BENICIA STREET, FREMONT, CA 94538, USA                                TEL: (510) 319-4000                                  FAX: (510) 661-0888
              This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of UL Verification Services Inc.

REPORT NO: 12802195-E6V2                                                                                         DATE: SEPTEMBER 06, 2019
FCC ID: C3K1876                                                                                                             IC: 3048A-1876

               WCDMA BAND 2 ....................................................................................................................... 31

10.   SETUP PHOTOS .................................................................................................................................. 33

                                                                  Page 4 of 35
UL VERIFICATION SERVICES INC.                                                                                           FORM NO: CCSUP4701i
47173 BENICIA STREET, FREMONT, CA 94538, USA                           TEL: (510) 319-4000                                 FAX: (510) 661-0888
            This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of UL Verification Services Inc.

REPORT NO: 12802195-E6V2                                                                                  DATE: SEPTEMBER 06, 2019
FCC ID: C3K1876                                                                                                      IC: 3048A-1876


                                          MICROSOFT CORPORATION
Applicant Name and Address                ONE MICROSOFT WAY
                                          REDMOND, WA 98052, U.S.A
Model                                     1876
FCC ID                                    C3K1876
IC                                        3048A-1876
EUT Description                           PORTABLE COMPUTING DEVICE
Serial Number                             005767392553, 024266192753, 053697593153
Date Tested                               JULY 02, 2019 to JULY 17, 2019 , AUGUST 29, 2019
                                          FCC CFR 47 Part 22H, 24E
Applicable Standards
                                          ISED RSS-132 ISSUE 3, RSS-133 ISSUE 6
Test Results                              COMPLIES
UL Verification Services Inc. tested the above equipment in accordance with the requirements set forth in the above
standards. The test results show that the equipment tested is capable of demonstrating compliance with the requirements as
documented in this report.

The results documented in this report apply only to the tested sample, under the conditions and modes of operation as
described herein. It is the manufacturer's responsibility to assure that additional production units of this model are
manufactured with identical electrical and mechanical components. All samples tested were in good operating condition
throughout the entire test program. Measurement Uncertainties are published for informational purposes only and were not
taken into account unless noted otherwise.

This document may not be altered or revised in any way unless done so by UL Verification Services Inc. and all revisions are
duly noted in the revisions section. Any alteration of this document not carried out by UL Verification Services Inc. will
constitute fraud and shall nullify the document. This report must not be used by the client to claim product certification,
approval, or endorsement by NVLAP, NIST, any agency of the Federal Government, or any agency of the U.S. government.
Approved & Released By:                     Reviewed By:                                      Prepared By:

Francisco de Anda                           Tina Chu                                          Rolly Alegre
Operation Leader                            Senior Project Handler                            Test Engineer
UL Verification Services Inc.               UL Verification Services Inc.                     UL Verification Services Inc.

                                                               Page 5 of 35
UL VERIFICATION SERVICES INC.                                                                                   FORM NO: CCSUP4701i
47173 BENICIA STREET, FREMONT, CA 94538, USA                        TEL: (510) 319-4000                            FAX: (510) 661-0888
              This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of UL Verification Services Inc.

REPORT NO: 12802195-E6V2                                                                                DATE: SEPTEMBER 06, 2019
FCC ID: C3K1876                                                                                                    IC: 3048A-1876

The tests documented in this report were performed in accordance with FCC CFR 47 Part 2, Part 22, Part 24, FCC KDB
971168 D01 v03r01/ D02 v02r01, KDB 412172 D01 v01r01, ANSI C63.26:2015, IC RSS-132, RSS-133.

The test sites and measurement facilities used to collect data are located at 47173 and 47266 Benicia Street, and 47658
Kato Road, Fremont, California, USA. The following table identifies which facilities were utilized for radiated emission
measurements documented in this report. Specific facilities are also identified in the test results sections.

                       47173 Benicia Street            47266 Benicia Street               47658 Kato Road
                         ☐ Chamber A                     ☐ Chamber D                       ☐ Chamber I
                         ☐ Chamber B                     ☐ Chamber E                       ☒ Chamber J
                         ☐ Chamber C                     ☐ Chamber F                       ☐ Chamber K
                                                         ☐ Chamber G                       ☐ Chamber L
                                                         ☐ Chamber H                       ☐ Chamber M

The above test sites and facilities are covered under FCC Test Firm Registration # 208313. Chambers above are covered
under Industry Canada company address and respective code: 2324A.

UL Verification Services Inc. is accredited by NVLAP, Laboratory Code 200065-0

                                                             Page 6 of 35
UL VERIFICATION SERVICES INC.                                                                                 FORM NO: CCSUP4701i
47173 BENICIA STREET, FREMONT, CA 94538, USA                      TEL: (510) 319-4000                            FAX: (510) 661-0888
            This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of UL Verification Services Inc.

REPORT NO: 12802195-E6V2                                                                                DATE: SEPTEMBER 06, 2019
FCC ID: C3K1876                                                                                                    IC: 3048A-1876


The measuring equipment utilized to perform the tests documented in this report has been calibrated in accordance with
the manufacturer's recommendations, and is traceable to recognized national standards.

                SAMPLE CALCULATION
Where relevant, the following sample calculation is provided:
Field Strength (dBuV/m) = Measured Voltage (dBuV) + Antenna Factor (dB/m) + Cable Loss (dB) – Preamp Gain (dB)
36.5 dBuV + 18.7 dB/m + 0.6 dB – 26.9 dB = 28.9 dBuV/m

Where relevant, the following sample calculation is provided:
Final Voltage (dBuV) = Measured Voltage (dBuV) + Cable Loss (dB) + Limiter Factor (dB) + LISN Insertion Loss.
36.5 dBuV + 0 dB +10.1 dB+ 0 dB = 46.6 dBuV

Where relevant, the following measurement uncertainty levels have been estimated for tests performed on the apparatus:

                  PARAMETER                                    UNCERTAINTY
 Conducted Disturbance, 9KHz to 0.15 MHz                     3.84 dB
 Conducted Disturbance, 0.15 to 30 MHz                       3.65 dB
 Radiated Disturbance, 9KHz to 30 MHz                        2.52 dB
 Radiated Disturbance, 30 to 1000 MHz                        4.88 dB
 Radiated Disturbance,1000 to 18000 MHz                      4.24 dB
 Radiated Disturbance,18000 to 26000 MHz                     4.37 dB
 Radiated Disturbance,26000 to 40000 MHz                     5.17 dB
 Occupied Channel Bandwidth                                  ±0.39 %
 Temperature                                                 ±0.9 °C
 Supply voltages                                             ±0.45 %
 Time                                                        ±0.02 %

Uncertainty figures are valid to a confidence level of 95%.

                                                             Page 7 of 35
UL VERIFICATION SERVICES INC.                                                                                 FORM NO: CCSUP4701i
47173 BENICIA STREET, FREMONT, CA 94538, USA                      TEL: (510) 319-4000                            FAX: (510) 661-0888
            This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of UL Verification Services Inc.

REPORT NO: 12802195-E6V2                                                                                 DATE: SEPTEMBER 06, 2019
FCC ID: C3K1876                                                                                                     IC: 3048A-1876


                   DESCRIPTION OF EUT
The EUT is a portable computing device with 802.11 a/b/g/n/ac 2x2 WLAN, Bluetooth, Bluetooth LE, WCDMA and LTE

                   MAXIMUM OUTPUT POWER


FCC: §2.1046, §22.913, §24.232
IC: RSS132§5.4; RSS133§6.4


ANSI C63.26:2015
KDB 971168 D01 Section 5.6

ERP/EIRP = PMeas + GT − LC
where: ERP/EIRP = effective or equivalent radiated power, respectively (expressed in the same units as PMeas, typically
dBW or dBm);
PMeas = measured transmitter output power or PSD, in dBm or dBW;
GT = gain of the transmitting antenna, in dBd (ERP) or dBi (EIRP);
LC = signal attenuation in the connecting cable between the transmitter and antenna, in dB.

For devices utilizing multiple antennas, KDB 662911 provides guidance for determining the effective array transmit
antenna gain term to be used in the above equation.

The transmitter has a maximum average conducted and ERP / EIRP output powers as follows:


RSS 132 Band 5
 Frequency range                     Conducted (Average)   Antenna Gain     Limit            EIRP            99% BW        Emission
      (MHz)                                (dBm)               (dBi)        (W)     (dBm)         (W)         (kHz)       Designator
                           REL 99            24.0                                    23.19       0.209        4134.8      4M13F9W
   826.4-846.6                                                 -0.80        11.5
                           HSDPA             23.9                                    23.12       0.205        4130.7      4M13F9W
Part 22 Band 5
 Frequency range                     Conducted (Average)   Antenna Gain     Limit            ERP             99% BW        Emission
      (MHz)                                (dBm)               (dBi)        (W)     (dBm)         (W)         (kHz)       Designator
                           REL 99            24.0                                    21.04       0.127        4134.8      4M13F9W
   826.4-846.6                                                 -0.80         7.0
                           HSDPA             23.9                                    20.97       0.125        4130.7      4M13F9W
Part 24 / RSS 133 Band 2
 Frequency range                     Conducted (Average)   Antenna Gain     Limit            EIRP            99% BW        Emission
      (MHz)                                (dBm)               (dBi)        (W)     (dBm)         (W)         (kHz)       Designator
                           REL 99            24.0                                    25.60       0.363        4136.5      4M14F9W
  1852.4-1907.6                                                 1.60         2.0
                           HSDPA             23.9                                    25.50       0.355        4146.6      4M15F9W

                                                              Page 8 of 35
UL VERIFICATION SERVICES INC.                                                                                  FORM NO: CCSUP4701i
47173 BENICIA STREET, FREMONT, CA 94538, USA                       TEL: (510) 319-4000                            FAX: (510) 661-0888
             This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of UL Verification Services Inc.

REPORT NO: 12802195-E6V2                                                                                DATE: SEPTEMBER 06, 2019
FCC ID: C3K1876                                                                                                    IC: 3048A-1876

The EUT firmware installed during testing was version BSP 6300.

                MAXIMUM ANTENNA GAIN

                                         Antenna Gain
        Frequency Range (MHz)
                824 - 849                      -0.8
               1850 - 1910                      1.6

The worst-case is EUT on the highest power. Based on average conducted output power measurement investigations, the
following modes should be considered as worst-case scenario for all other measurements.

Worst-case modes:
•      WCDMA REL 99

The EUT was investigated in different orthogonal orientations X/Y/Z, and 45 degree angle when attached with the
keyboard, with/without AC/DC adapter, cables and accessories. It was determined that 45 degree angle orientation when
attached with the keyboard was the worst-case orientation for 800/1900MHz bands with AC/DC adapter, cables and
All radios that can be transmitted simultaneously have been evaluated for radiated for all possible combinations of
transmission and found to be in compliance.
For simultaneous transmission of any BT/BLE/WLAN (2.4GHz) and WWAN bands or WLAN 5GHz and WWAN bands,
investigation has been performed and no noticeable new emission was found.

                                                             Page 9 of 35
UL VERIFICATION SERVICES INC.                                                                                 FORM NO: CCSUP4701i
47173 BENICIA STREET, FREMONT, CA 94538, USA                      TEL: (510) 319-4000                            FAX: (510) 661-0888
            This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of UL Verification Services Inc.

REPORT NO: 12802195-E6V2                                                                               DATE: SEPTEMBER 06, 2019
FCC ID: C3K1876                                                                                                   IC: 3048A-1876



                                                  Support Equipment List
             Description                       Manufacturer           Model                       Serial Number FCC ID/DoC
Keyboard                                    Microsoft           N/A                             E2XEV2BB01A00042DoC
AC/DC Adapter                               Microsoft           1706                            0C130J00DMN94 DoC
USB Type C to A adapter                     Amazon Basics       Gen1                            N/A             DoC
Flash Drive                                 SanDisk             SDCZ36-008G                     N/A             DoC
USB Type C to audio aux jack adapter        Amazon Basics       N/A                             N/A             DoC
Earphone                                    Sony                AG1100                          N/A             DoC

I/O CABLES (RF Conducted Test)

                                                        I/O Cable List
                             # of identical                                                           Cable
Cable No         Port                                Connector Type               Cable Type                           Remarks
                                  ports                                                            Length (m)
1          AC                1                  3-prongs                         Shielded          1.5             N/A
2          RF In/Out         1                  Barrel                           N/A               N/A             N/A
3          RF In/Out         1                  SMA                              Shielded          1               N/A
4          Antenna           1                  SMA                              Un-Shielded       0.2             N/A
5          DC                1                  magnetic                         Shielded          1.5             N/A
6          AC                1                  2-prongs                         Shielded          2               N/A

I/O CABLES (RF Radiated Test)

                                                        I/O Cable List
                             # of identical                                               Cable
Cable No         Port                           Connector Type Cable Type                                Remarks
                                  ports                                                Length (m)
1          AC                1                  2-prongs              Shielded         2          To AC mains
2          DC                1                  magnetic              Shielded         1.5        to EUT
3          USB               1                  USB type C to         Shielded         0.09       USB type C to A
                                                type A                                            adapter to Flash drive
4          USB               1                  USB type C to         Shielded         0.07             to earphone
                                                audio aux jack

                                            Page 10 of 35
UL VERIFICATION SERVICES INC.                                                                                FORM NO: CCSUP4701i
47173 BENICIA STREET, FREMONT, CA 94538, USA    TEL: (510) 319-4000                                             FAX: (510) 661-0888
           This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of UL Verification Services Inc.

REPORT NO: 12802195-E6V2                                                                              DATE: SEPTEMBER 06, 2019
FCC ID: C3K1876                                                                                                  IC: 3048A-1876



                                            Page 11 of 35
UL VERIFICATION SERVICES INC.                                                                               FORM NO: CCSUP4701i
47173 BENICIA STREET, FREMONT, CA 94538, USA    TEL: (510) 319-4000                                            FAX: (510) 661-0888
          This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of UL Verification Services Inc.

REPORT NO: 12802195-E6V2                                                                                 DATE: SEPTEMBER 06, 2019
FCC ID: C3K1876                                                                                                     IC: 3048A-1876

The following test and measurement equipment was utilized for the tests documented in this report:
                                                          TEST EQUIPMENT LIST
                      Description                        Manufacturer       Model                    Asset                 Cal Due
                   Highpass Filter, 3GHz                    Micro-Tronics        HPM17543          PRE0181635              5/28/2020
                  Highpass Filter, 1.5 GHz                  Micro-Tronics        HPM50114            T1852                 7/31/2020
                   Highpass Filter, 1.2GHz                  Micro-Tronics        HPM50108          PRE0182423               9/4/2019
                   Highpass Filter, 4GHz                    Micro-Tronics        HPM13351            T1240                 8/31/2019
       Wideband Radio Communication Tester – Call Box    Rohde & Schwarz         CMW500               T953                 2/18/2020
       Wideband Radio Communication Tester – Call Box    Rohde & Schwarz         CMW500               T959                 2/16/2020
       Wideband Radio Communication Tester – Call Box    Rohde & Schwarz         CMW500               T957                 2/14/2020
       Wideband Radio Communication Tester – Call Box    Rohde & Schwarz         CMW500               T268                 2/21/2020
       Wideband Radio Communication Tester – Call Box    Rohde & Schwarz         CMW500               T703                 2/20/2020
                  Spectrum Analyzer – PSA                 Agilent (Keysight)       E440A              T200                 1/28/2020
           Spectrum Analyzer, PXA, 3Hz to 44GHz           Agilent (Keysight)      N9030A              T917                 1/24/2020
                  Spectrum Analyzer – PXA                 Agilent (Keysight)      N3090A             T1450                 1/23/2020
                   EMI TEST RECEIVER                     Rohde & Schwarz          ESW44            PRE0179377              2/15/2020
                   Antenna, Horn 1-18GHz                   ETS-Lindgren            3117            PRE0189055              4/20/2020
                   RF Filter Box, 1-18GHz                  UL(IN HOUSE)            NSN             PRE0181597              5/28/2020
                        RF Amplifier                         AMPLICAL           AMP1G18-35           T1571                 *7/30/2019
                   Temperature Chamber                  Thermotron Industries   SE-600-10-10          T80                  11/13/2019
                       Power Sensor                       Agilent (Keysight)      N1921A             T1225                  3/1/2020
                        Power Meter                       Agilent (Keysight)      N1911A             T1264                 1/31/2020
                       Power Sensor                       Agilent (Keysight)      N1921A             T1226                  2/6/2020
                        Power Meter                       Agilent (Keysight)      N1911A             T1269                 1/31/2020
                     Directional Coupler                      KRYTAR              152610              T922                  6/5/2020
          DC power supply, 8 V @ 3 A or 15 V @ 2 A           Agilent / HP         E3610A              None                       CNR

                    DC power supply 15V                       Sprensen            XT15-4              T463                       CNR

                                                        UL AUTOMATION SOFTWARE
                       CLT Software                              UL                UL RF                Ver 7.6, November 11, 2017
                Power Measurement Software                       UL                UL RF                         Ver 2.7, 2019
                   Radiated test software                        UL                UL RF                     Ver 9.5 June 15, 2019


*Equipment listed above that has a calibration due date during the testing period, the testing is completed before
equipment expiration date.

                                            Page 12 of 35
UL VERIFICATION SERVICES INC.                                                                                     FORM NO: CCSUP4701i
47173 BENICIA STREET, FREMONT, CA 94538, USA    TEL: (510) 319-4000                                                  FAX: (510) 661-0888
             This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of UL Verification Services Inc.

REPORT NO: 12802195-E6V2                                                                                 DATE: SEPTEMBER 06, 2019
FCC ID: C3K1876                                                                                                     IC: 3048A-1876




The transmitter output was connected to the input terminal of Directional Coupler via calibrated coaxial cable. The output
coupling terminal of the Directional Coupler was directly connected to a spectrum analyzer while the output through
terminal connected to the communication test set via calibrated coaxial cable.

The output power was measured with the spectrum analyzer at the low, middle and high channel in each band.
    •    Set the spectrum analyzer span wide enough or greater than the modulated signal BW.
    •    Set a spectrum analyzer at peak detection mode with VBW ≥ RBW.≥ 26dB BW, typically 5MHz.
    •    Set a marker to point the corresponding peak value.

REL 99

The following tests were completed according to the test requirements outlined in section 5.2 of the 3GPP TS34.121-1
specification. The DUT supports power Class 3, which has a nominal maximum output power of 24 dBm (+1.7/-3.7).

 Mode                           Subtest                                               Rel99
                                Loopback Mode                                         Test Mode 2
                                Rel99 RMC                                             12.2kbps RMC
 WCDMA General Settings
                                Power Control Algorithm                               Algorithm2
                                βc/βd                                                 8/15


The following 4 Sub-tests were completed according to Release 5 procedures in table C.10.1.4 of 3GPP TS 34.121-1
A summary of these settings are illustrated below:

                                            Page 13 of 35
UL VERIFICATION SERVICES INC.                                                                                  FORM NO: CCSUP4701i
47173 BENICIA STREET, FREMONT, CA 94538, USA    TEL: (510) 319-4000                                               FAX: (510) 661-0888
             This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of UL Verification Services Inc.

REPORT NO: 12802195-E6V2                                                                               DATE: SEPTEMBER 06, 2019
FCC ID: C3K1876                                                                                                   IC: 3048A-1876


The following 5 Sub-tests were completed according to Release 6 procedures in table C.11.1.3 of 3GPP TS 34.121-1. A
summary of these settings are illustrated below:


The following 4 Sub-tests for DC-HSDPA were completed according to Release 8 procedures in table C08.1.12 of 3GPP
TS 34.121-1. A summary of subtest settings are illustrated below:

                                            Page 14 of 35
UL VERIFICATION SERVICES INC.                                                                                FORM NO: CCSUP4701i
47173 BENICIA STREET, FREMONT, CA 94538, USA    TEL: (510) 319-4000                                             FAX: (510) 661-0888
           This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of UL Verification Services Inc.

REPORT NO: 12802195-E6V2                                                                                 DATE: SEPTEMBER 06, 2019
FCC ID: C3K1876                                                                                                     IC: 3048A-1876

                      WCDMA BAND 5
 ID:   19498ER           Date:     7/2/2019

                                                             Freq.      MPR      Conducted Average
   Band                   Mode                UL Ch No.
                                                             (MHz)      (dB)       Power (dBm)
                                                 4132        826.4       N/A             23.9
                Rel 99      RMC, 12.2 kbps       4183        836.6       N/A             24.0
                                                 4233        846.6       N/A             24.0
                                                 4132        826.4        0              23.8
                                 Subtest 1       4183        836.6        0              23.9
                                                 4233        846.6        0              23.9
                                                 4132        826.4        0              23.8
                                 Subtest 2       4183        836.6        0              23.8
                                                 4233        846.6        0              23.8
                                                 4132        826.4       0.5             23.4
                                 Subtest 3       4183        836.6       0.5             23.5
                                                 4233        846.6       0.5             23.5
                                                 4132        826.4       0.5             23.3
                                 Subtest 4       4183        836.6       0.5             23.5
                                                 4233        846.6       0.5             23.2
                                                 4132        826.4        0              23.4
                                 Subtest 1       4183        836.6        0              23.5
                                                 4233        846.6        0              23.5
                                                 4132        826.4        2              21.9
                                 Subtest 2       4183        836.6        2              22.0
                                                 4233        846.6        2              22.0
   Band 5
  (850MHz)       HSPA                            4132        826.4        1              22.9
               (HSDPA &          Subtest 3       4183        836.6        1              23.0
                HSUPA)                           4233        846.6        1              23.0
                                                 4132        826.4        2              21.9
                                 Subtest 4       4183        836.6        2              22.0
                                                 4233        846.6        2              22.0
                                                 4132        826.4        0              23.2
                                 Subtest 5       4183        836.6        0              23.4
                                                 4233        846.6        0              23.4
                                                 4132        826.4        0              23.8
                                 Subtest 1       4183        836.6        0              23.8
                                                 4233        846.6        0              23.8
                                                 4132        826.4        0              23.8
                                 Subtest 2       4183        836.6        0              23.8
                                                 4233        846.6        0              23.8
                                                 4132        826.4       0.5             23.4
                                 Subtest 3       4183        836.6       0.5             23.5
                                                 4233        846.6       0.5             23.5
                                                 4132        826.4       0.5             23.3
                                 Subtest 4       4183        836.6       0.5             23.5
                                                 4233        846.6       0.5             23.3

                                            Page 15 of 35
UL VERIFICATION SERVICES INC.                                                                                  FORM NO: CCSUP4701i
47173 BENICIA STREET, FREMONT, CA 94538, USA    TEL: (510) 319-4000                                               FAX: (510) 661-0888
             This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of UL Verification Services Inc.

REPORT NO: 12802195-E6V2                                                                                 DATE: SEPTEMBER 06, 2019
FCC ID: C3K1876                                                                                                     IC: 3048A-1876

                      WCDMA BAND 2
 ID:   19498ER            Date:    7/2/2019

                                                             Freq.       MPR     Conducted Average
   Band                    Mode               UL Ch No.
                                                             (MHz)       (dB)      Power (dBm)
                                                 9262       1852.4       N/A             24.0
                 Rel 99      RMC, 12.2 kbps      9400       1880.0       N/A             23.9
                                                 9538       1907.6       N/A             23.6
                                                 9262       1852.4         0             23.9
                                  Subtest 1      9400       1880.0         0             23.7
                                                 9538       1907.6         0             23.5
                                                 9262       1852.4         0             23.9
                                  Subtest 2      9400       1880.0         0             23.7
                                                 9538       1907.6         0             23.5
                                                 9262       1852.4        0.5            23.5
                                  Subtest 3      9400       1880.0        0.5            23.3
                                                 9538       1907.6        0.5            23.1
                                                 9262       1852.4        0.5            23.5
                                  Subtest 4      9400       1880.0        0.5            23.3
                                                 9538       1907.6        0.5            23.1
                                                 9262       1852.4         0             23.8
                                  Subtest 1      9400       1880.0         0             23.7
                                                 9538       1907.6         0             23.5
                                                 9262       1852.4         2             22.0
                                  Subtest 2      9400       1880.0         2             21.8
                                                 9538       1907.6         2             21.5
   Band 2
 (1900MHz)       HSPA                            9262       1852.4         1             23.0
               (HSDPA &           Subtest 3      9400       1880.0         1             22.9
                HSUPA)                           9538       1907.6         1             22.6
                                                 9262       1852.4         2             21.9
                                  Subtest 4      9400       1880.0         2             21.8
                                                 9538       1907.6         2             21.6
                                                 9262       1852.4         0             23.9
                                  Subtest 5      9400       1880.0         0             23.7
                                                 9538       1907.6         0             23.5
                                                 9262       1852.4         0             23.9
                                  Subtest 1      9400       1880.0         0             23.7
                                                 9538       1907.6         0             23.5
                                                 9262       1852.4         0             23.9
                                  Subtest 2      9400       1880.0         0             23.7
                                                 9538       1907.6         0             23.5
                                                 9262       1852.4        0.5            23.5
                                  Subtest 3      9400       1880.0        0.5            23.3
                                                 9538       1907.6        0.5            23.1
                                                 9262       1852.4        0.5            23.5
                                  Subtest 4      9400       1880.0        0.5            23.3
                                                 9538       1907.6        0.5            23.1

                                            Page 16 of 35
UL VERIFICATION SERVICES INC.                                                                                  FORM NO: CCSUP4701i
47173 BENICIA STREET, FREMONT, CA 94538, USA    TEL: (510) 319-4000                                               FAX: (510) 661-0888
             This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of UL Verification Services Inc.

REPORT NO: 12802195-E6V2                                                                                DATE: SEPTEMBER 06, 2019
FCC ID: C3K1876                                                                                                    IC: 3048A-1876


                OCCUPIED BANDWIDTH


FCC: §2.1049
IC: RSS132; RSS133§2.3


For reporting purposes only.


The transmitter output was connected to a calibrated coaxial cable and coupler, the other end of which was connected to
a spectrum analyzer. The occupied bandwidth was measured with the spectrum analyzer at the middle channel in each
band. The 99% and -26dB bandwidths was also measured and recorded.


There is no limit required and power is the same for low, middle and high channel; therefore, only middle channel was


                                                                                                         -26dB BW
    Band           Modulation                Channel                f(MHz)         99% BW (MHz)
                      REL 99                                                            4.1348             4.707
   BAND 5                                      4408                  836.6
                      HSDPA                                                             4.1307             4.720
                      REL 99                                                            4.1365             4.706
   BAND 2                                      9800                 1880.0
                      HSDPA                                                             4.1466             4.710

                                            Page 17 of 35
UL VERIFICATION SERVICES INC.                                                                                 FORM NO: CCSUP4701i
47173 BENICIA STREET, FREMONT, CA 94538, USA    TEL: (510) 319-4000                                              FAX: (510) 661-0888
            This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of UL Verification Services Inc.

REPORT NO: 12802195-E6V2                                                                              DATE: SEPTEMBER 06, 2019
FCC ID: C3K1876                                                                                                  IC: 3048A-1876


                WCDMA Band 5 Rel 99 Middle Channel                            WCDMA Band 5 HSDPA Middle Channel

                WCDMA Band 2 Rel 99 Middle Channel                            WCDMA Band 2 HSDPA Middle Channel

                                            Page 18 of 35
UL VERIFICATION SERVICES INC.                                                                               FORM NO: CCSUP4701i
47173 BENICIA STREET, FREMONT, CA 94538, USA    TEL: (510) 319-4000                                            FAX: (510) 661-0888
          This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of UL Verification Services Inc.

REPORT NO: 12802195-E6V2                                                                                DATE: SEPTEMBER 06, 2019
FCC ID: C3K1876                                                                                                    IC: 3048A-1876



FCC: §2.1051, §22.917, §24.238
IC: RSS132§5.5; RSS133§6.5


FCC: §22.917, §24.238
The power of any emission outside of the authorized operating frequency ranges must be attenuated below the
transmitting power (P) by a factor of at least 43 + 10 log (P) dB.

Mobile and base station equipment shall comply with the limits in (i) and (ii) below.
   (i)     In the first 1.0 MHz band immediately outside and adjacent to each of the sub-bands specified in Section 5.1,
           the power of emissions per any 1% of the occupied bandwidth shall be attenuated (in dB) below the
           transmitter output power P ( dBW) by at least 43 + 10 log10p (watts).
   (ii)    After the first 1.0 MHz immediately outside and adjacent to each of the sub-bands, the power of emissions in
           any100 kHz bandwidth shall be attenuated (in dB) below the transmitter output power P (dBW) by at least43 +
           10 log10 p (watts). If the measurement is performed using 1% of the occupied bandwidth, power integration
           over 100 kHz is required.

Equipment shall comply with the limits in (i) and (ii) below.
   (i)     In the 1.0 MHz bands immediately outside and adjacent to the equipment’s operating frequency block, the
           emission power per any 1% of the emission bandwidth shall be attenuated (in dB) below the transmitter
           output power P (dBW) by at least 43 + 10 log10p(watts).
   (ii)    After the first 1.0 MHz, the emission power in any 1 MHz bandwidth shall be attenuated (in dB) below the
           transmitter output power P (dBW) by at least 43 + 10 log10p (watts). If the measurement is performed using
           1% of the emission bandwidth, power integration over 1.0 MHz is required.


The transmitter output was connected to a R&S CMW500 Test Set and configured to operate at maximum power. The
band edge emissions were measured at the required operating frequencies in each band on the Spectrum Analyzer.
For each band edge measurement:
    • Set the spectrum analyzer span to include the block edge frequency.
    • Set a marker to point the corresponding band edge frequency in each test case.
    • Set display line at -13 dBm
    • Set resolution bandwidth to at least 1% of emission bandwidth.


                                            Page 19 of 35
UL VERIFICATION SERVICES INC.                                                                                 FORM NO: CCSUP4701i
47173 BENICIA STREET, FREMONT, CA 94538, USA    TEL: (510) 319-4000                                              FAX: (510) 661-0888
            This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of UL Verification Services Inc.

REPORT NO: 12802195-E6V2                                                                              DATE: SEPTEMBER 06, 2019
FCC ID: C3K1876                                                                                                  IC: 3048A-1876

                   WCDMA BAND 5

                 WCDMA Band 5 Rel 99 Low Channel                                WCDMA Band 5 Rel 99 High Channel

                 WCDMA Band 5 HSDPA Low Channel                                WCDMA Band 5 HSDPA High Channel

                                            Page 20 of 35
UL VERIFICATION SERVICES INC.                                                                               FORM NO: CCSUP4701i
47173 BENICIA STREET, FREMONT, CA 94538, USA    TEL: (510) 319-4000                                            FAX: (510) 661-0888
          This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of UL Verification Services Inc.

REPORT NO: 12802195-E6V2                                                                              DATE: SEPTEMBER 06, 2019
FCC ID: C3K1876                                                                                                  IC: 3048A-1876

                   WCDMA BAND 2

                 WCDMA Band 2 Rel 99 Low Channel                                WCDMA Band 2 Rel 99 High Channel

                 WCDMA Band 2 HSDPA Low Channel                                WCDMA Band 2 HSDPA High Channel

                                            Page 21 of 35
UL VERIFICATION SERVICES INC.                                                                               FORM NO: CCSUP4701i
47173 BENICIA STREET, FREMONT, CA 94538, USA    TEL: (510) 319-4000                                            FAX: (510) 661-0888
          This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of UL Verification Services Inc.

REPORT NO: 12802195-E6V2                                                                                DATE: SEPTEMBER 06, 2019
FCC ID: C3K1876                                                                                                    IC: 3048A-1876

                OUT OF BAND EMISSIONS


FCC: §2.1051, §22.917, §24.238
IC: RSS132§5.5; RSS133§6.5


FCC: §22.917, §24.238
The minimum permissible attenuation level of any spurious emissions is 43 + 10 log (P) dB where transmitting power (P)
in Watts.

RSS132§5.5, RSS133§6.5
The minimum permissible attenuation level of any spurious emissions is 43 + 10 log (P) dB where transmitting power (P)
in Watts.


The RF output of the transmitter was connected to a spectrum analyzer through a calibrated coaxial cable. Sufficient
scans were taken to show the out-of-band Emissions, if any, up to 10th harmonic. Multiple sweeps were recorded in
maximum hold mode using a peak detector to ensure that the worst-case emissions were caught.

For each out of band emissions measurement:
    • Set display line at -13 dBm
    • Set RBW & VBW to 100 kHz for the measurement below 1 GHz, and 1 MHz for the measurement above 1 GHz.
       (NOTE: Worst case set RBW/VBW to 1MHz/3MHz)


                                            Page 22 of 35
UL VERIFICATION SERVICES INC.                                                                                 FORM NO: CCSUP4701i
47173 BENICIA STREET, FREMONT, CA 94538, USA    TEL: (510) 319-4000                                              FAX: (510) 661-0888
            This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of UL Verification Services Inc.

REPORT NO: 12802195-E6V2                                                                              DATE: SEPTEMBER 06, 2019
FCC ID: C3K1876                                                                                                  IC: 3048A-1876

                   WCDMA BAND 5

                 WCDMA Band 5 Rel 99 Low Channel                               WCDMA Band 5 HSDPA Low Channel

                WCDMA Band 5 Rel 99 Middle Channel                            WCDMA Band 5 HSDPA Middle Channel

                 WCDMA Band 5 Rel 99 High Channel                              WCDMA Band 5 HSDPA High Channel

                                            Page 23 of 35
UL VERIFICATION SERVICES INC.                                                                               FORM NO: CCSUP4701i
47173 BENICIA STREET, FREMONT, CA 94538, USA    TEL: (510) 319-4000                                            FAX: (510) 661-0888
          This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of UL Verification Services Inc.

REPORT NO: 12802195-E6V2                                                                              DATE: SEPTEMBER 06, 2019
FCC ID: C3K1876                                                                                                  IC: 3048A-1876

                   WCDMA BAND 2

                 WCDMA Band 2 Rel 99 Low Channel                               WCDMA Band 2 HSDPA Low Channel

                WCDMA Band 2 Rel 99 Middle Channel                            WCDMA Band 2 HSDPA Middle Channel

                 WCDMA Band 2 Rel 99 High Channel                              WCDMA Band 2 HSDPA High Channel

                                            Page 24 of 35
UL VERIFICATION SERVICES INC.                                                                               FORM NO: CCSUP4701i
47173 BENICIA STREET, FREMONT, CA 94538, USA    TEL: (510) 319-4000                                            FAX: (510) 661-0888
          This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of UL Verification Services Inc.

REPORT NO: 12802195-E6V2                                                                                DATE: SEPTEMBER 06, 2019
FCC ID: C3K1876                                                                                                    IC: 3048A-1876



FCC: §2.1055, §22.355, §24.235
IC: RSS132§5.3; RSS133§6.3


FCC §22.355
The carrier frequency shall not depart from the reference frequency in excess of ±2.5 ppm for mobile stations.

FCC §24.235
The frequency stability shall be sufficient to ensure that the fundamental emission stays within the authorized frequency

The carrier frequency shall not depart from the reference frequency in excess of ±2.5 SRSP for mobile stations and±1.5
ppm for base stations.
In lieu of meeting the above stability values, the test report may show that the frequency stability is sufficient to ensure
that the occupied bandwidth stays within each of the sub-bands (see Section 5.1) when tested to the temperature and
supply voltage variations specified in RSS-Gen.

The carrier frequency shall not depart from the reference frequency, in excess of ±2.5 ppm for mobile stations and±1.0
ppm for base stations.
In lieu of meeting the above stability values, the test report may show that the frequency stability is sufficient to ensure
that the emission bandwidth stays within the operating frequency block when tested to the temperature and supply voltage
variations specified in RSS-Gen.


Use CMW 500 with Frequency Error measurement capability.
   • Temp. = −30°C to +50°C
    •    Voltage = (85% - 115%)
         Low voltage, 6.4VDC, Normal, 7.6VDC and High voltage, 8.7VDC.
         End Voltage, 5.1VDC.

Frequency Stability vs Temperature:
The EUT is place inside a temperature chamber. The temperature is set to 20ºC and allowed to stabilize. After sufficient
soak time, the transmitting frequency error is measured. The temperature is increased by 10 degrees, allowed to stabilize
and soak, and then the measurement is repeated. This is repeated until +50ºC is reached.

Frequency Stability vs Voltage:
The peak frequency error is recorded (worst-case).


See the following pages.

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UL VERIFICATION SERVICES INC.                                                                                 FORM NO: CCSUP4701i
47173 BENICIA STREET, FREMONT, CA 94538, USA    TEL: (510) 319-4000                                              FAX: (510) 661-0888
            This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of UL Verification Services Inc.

REPORT NO: 12802195-E6V2                                                                                  DATE: SEPTEMBER 06, 2019
FCC ID: C3K1876                                                                                                      IC: 3048A-1876

  ID:     19498 ER          Date:         8/29/19


               Limit                       824               849
                                        F low @          F high @                       Frequency
          Condition                                                         Delta
                                        -13dBm            -13dBm                         Stability
   Temperature          Voltage          (MHz)             (MHz)                          (ppm)
Normal (20C)                            824.0667          848.9167
Extreme (40C)                           824.0667          848.9167           -5.1           -0.01
Extreme (30C)                           824.0667          848.9167           -4.4           -0.01
Extreme (10C)            Normal         824.0667          848.9167           -4.8           -0.01
Extreme (0C)                            824.0667          848.9167           -5.3           -0.01
Extreme (-10C)                          824.0667          848.9167           -5.2           -0.01
Extreme (-20C)                          824.0667          848.9167           -5.0           -0.01

                          15%           824.0667          848.9167          -10.3           -0.01
        20C               -15%          824.0667          848.9167          -11.0           -0.01
                       End Point        824.0667          848.9167           -9.8           -0.01


               Limit                      1850              1910
                                        F low @          F high @                       Frequency
          Condition                                                         Delta
                                        -13dBm            -13dBm                         Stability
   Temperature          Voltage          (MHz)             (MHz)                          (ppm)
Normal (20C)                           1850.0774         1909.9233
Extreme (40C)                          1850.0774         1909.9233           8.6            0.00
Extreme (30C)                          1850.0774         1909.9233           9.6            0.01
Extreme (10C)            Normal        1850.0774         1909.9233           9.3            0.00
Extreme (0C)                           1850.0774         1909.9233           8.3            0.00
Extreme (-10C)                         1850.0774         1909.9233           8.6            0.00
Extreme (-20C)                         1850.0774         1909.9233           9.8            0.01

                          15%          1850.0774         1909.9233          -12.3           -0.01
        20C               -15%         1850.0774         1909.9233          -14.0           -0.01
                       End Point       1850.0774         1909.9233          -11.0           -0.01
**EUT shuts down at temperature -30C and +50C, and no frequency error is reported at these two

                                            Page 26 of 35
UL VERIFICATION SERVICES INC.                                                                                   FORM NO: CCSUP4701i
47173 BENICIA STREET, FREMONT, CA 94538, USA    TEL: (510) 319-4000                                                FAX: (510) 661-0888
              This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of UL Verification Services Inc.

REPORT NO: 12802195-E6V2                                                                                DATE: SEPTEMBER 06, 2019
FCC ID: C3K1876                                                                                                    IC: 3048A-1876



In addition, the peak-to-average power ratio (PAPR) of the transmitter shall not exceed 13 dB for more than 0.1% of the
time and shall use a signal corresponding to the highest PAPR during periods of continuous transmission.


The results from all CCDF plots are passed with 13dB peak-to-average power ratio criteria.

   ID:     19498ER         Date:         7/8/19


                  WCDMA Band 5 Rel 99 Middle Channel                            WCDMA Band 5 HSDPA Middle Channel

                  WCDMA Band 2 Rel 99 Middle Channel                            WCDMA Band 2 HSDPA Middle Channel

                                            Page 27 of 35
UL VERIFICATION SERVICES INC.                                                                                 FORM NO: CCSUP4701i
47173 BENICIA STREET, FREMONT, CA 94538, USA    TEL: (510) 319-4000                                              FAX: (510) 661-0888
            This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of UL Verification Services Inc.

REPORT NO: 12802195-E6V2                                                                                DATE: SEPTEMBER 06, 2019
FCC ID: C3K1876                                                                                                    IC: 3048A-1876




FCC: §2.1053, §22.917
IC: RSS132§5.5; RSS133§6.5


FCC: §22.917(a), §24.238(a)
The power of any emission outside of the authorized operating frequency ranges must be attenuated below the
transmitting power (P) by a factor of at least 43 + 10 log (P) dB.

Mobile and base station equipment shall comply with the limits in (i) and (ii) below.
   (i)     In the first 1.0 MHz band immediately outside and adjacent to each of the sub-bands specified in Section 5.1,
           the power of emissions per any 1% of the occupied bandwidth shall be attenuated (in dB) below the
           transmitter output power P ( dBW) by at least 43 + 10 log10p (watts).
   (ii)    After the first 1.0 MHz immediately outside and adjacent to each of the sub-bands, the power of emissions in
           any100 kHz bandwidth shall be attenuated (in dB) below the transmitter output power P (dBW) by at least43 +
           10 log10 p (watts). If the measurement is performed using 1% of the occupied bandwidth, power integration
           over 100 kHz is required.

Equipment shall comply with the limits in (i) and (ii) below.
   (i)     In the 1.0 MHz bands immediately outside and adjacent to the equipment’s operating frequency block, the
           emission power per any 1% of the emission bandwidth shall be attenuated (in dB) below the transmitter
           output power P (dBW) by at least 43 + 10 log10p(watts).
   (ii)    After the first 1.0 MHz, the emission power in any 1 MHz bandwidth shall be attenuated (in dB) below the
           transmitter output power P (dBW) by at least 43 + 10 log10p (watts). If the measurement is performed using
           1% of the emission bandwidth, power integration over 1.0 MHz is required.


KDB 971168 D01 v03r01/D02 v02/r01
TIA-603-E, Section 2.2.12.


                                            Page 28 of 35
UL VERIFICATION SERVICES INC.                                                                                 FORM NO: CCSUP4701i
47173 BENICIA STREET, FREMONT, CA 94538, USA    TEL: (510) 319-4000                                              FAX: (510) 661-0888
            This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of UL Verification Services Inc.

REPORT NO: 12802195-E6V2                                                                                                      DATE: SEPTEMBER 06, 2019
FCC ID: C3K1876                                                                                                                          IC: 3048A-1876

                               WCDMA BAND 5
Company:             Microsoft
Project #:           12802195
Date:                7/16/19
Test Engineer:       19480 BS
Configuration:       EUT + Support Equipment
Mode                 REL 99 Mode
Chamber #:           Chamber J

Marker   Frequency    Meter     Det       AF       Amp/Cbl (dB)   Amp/Cbl (dB)   Corrected   Limit   PK Margin   Azimuth   Height   Polarity
           (GHz)     Reading          PRE0189055                                  Reading               (dB)      (Degs)    (cm)
                      (dBm)             (dB/m)                                     (dBm)
  1      1.65078     -60.93     Pk      25.7         -35.8           12.4        -58.63      -13     -45.63      0-360     149        H
  2      2.47953     -64.86     Pk      29.9         -35.5           11.7        -58.76      -13     -45.76      0-360     149        H
  3      3.30456     -65.11     Pk      31.5         -34.5           11.9        -56.21      -13     -43.21      0-360     149        H
  4       1.6545     -65.24     Pk      25.7         -35.8           11.3        -64.04      -13     -51.04      0-360     149        V
  5      2.47528     -65.56     Pk      29.9         -35.5           11.5        -59.66      -13     -46.66      0-360     149        V
  6      3.30031     -66.81     Pk      31.5         -34.5           11.7        -58.11      -13     -45.11      0-360     149        V
  1       1.6715     -59.62     Pk      25.8         -35.8           12.2        -57.42      -13     -44.42      0-360     148        H
  2      2.51353     -64.55     Pk       30          -35.5           11.9        -58.15      -13     -45.15      0-360     148        H
  3      3.34866     -66.51     Pk      31.2         -34.4           11.9        -57.81      -13     -44.81      0-360     148        H
  4      1.67416     -65.86     Pk      25.8         -35.8           11.8        -64.06      -13     -51.06      0-360     148        V
  5      2.50928     -65.41     Pk       30          -35.5           11.7        -59.21      -13     -46.21      0-360     148        V
  6      3.34759     -67.02     Pk      31.2         -34.4           11.7        -58.52      -13     -45.52      0-360     148        V
  1      1.69488     -60.06     Pk      25.9         -35.8           11.4        -58.56      -13     -45.56      0-360     148        H
  2      2.53903     -66.03     Pk      30.2         -35.4           12.6        -58.63      -13     -45.63      0-360     148        H
  3      3.39116      -66.1     Pk      30.9         -34.4           11.7         -57.9      -13      -44.9      0-360     148        H
  4      1.69594     -66.06     Pk      25.9         -35.8           12.5        -63.46      -13     -50.46      0-360     148        V
  5      2.53372     -66.16     Pk      30.2         -35.4           11.6        -59.76      -13     -46.76      0-360     148        V
  6      3.39169     -66.57     Pk      30.9         -34.4           11.9        -58.17      -13     -45.17      0-360     148        V

                                            Page 29 of 35
UL VERIFICATION SERVICES INC.                                                                                                        FORM NO: CCSUP4701i
47173 BENICIA STREET, FREMONT, CA 94538, USA    TEL: (510) 319-4000                                                                     FAX: (510) 661-0888
                 This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of UL Verification Services Inc.

REPORT NO: 12802195-E6V2                                                                                                     DATE: SEPTEMBER 06, 2019
FCC ID: C3K1876                                                                                                                         IC: 3048A-1876

Company:             Microsoft
Project #:           12802195
Date:                7/16/19
Test Engineer:       19480 BS
Configuration:       EUT + Support Equipment
Mode                 HSDPA Mode
Chamber #:           Chamber J

Marker   Frequency    Meter    Det       AF       Amp/Cbl (dB)   Amp/Cbl (dB)   Corrected   Limit   PK Margin   Azimuth   Height   Polarity
           (GHz)     Reading         PRE0189055                                  Reading               (dB)      (Degs)    (cm)
                      (dBm)            (dB/m)                                     (dBm)
  1      1.65025      -60.9    Pk      25.7         -35.8           12.4         -58.6      -13      -45.6      0-360     149        H
  2      2.48378     -66.15    Pk      29.9         -35.5           11.7        -60.05      -13     -47.05      0-360     149        H
  3      3.30563     -67.21    Pk      31.4         -34.5           11.9        -58.41      -13     -45.41      0-360     149        H
  4      1.65025     -64.93    Pk      25.7         -35.8           11.2        -63.83      -13     -50.83      0-360     149        V
  5      2.48113     -65.78    Pk      29.9         -35.5           11.2        -60.18      -13     -47.18      0-360     149        V
  6       3.3035     -66.51    Pk      31.5         -34.5           11.6        -57.91      -13     -44.91      0-360     149        V
  1      1.67097     -59.72    Pk      25.8         -35.8           12.2        -57.52      -13     -44.52      0-360     148        H
  2      2.50663     -65.39    Pk       30          -35.5           12.1        -58.79      -13     -45.79      0-360     148        H
  3      3.34122     -66.45    Pk      31.3         -34.5           11.7        -57.95      -13     -44.95      0-360     148        H
  4      1.66725     -63.41    Pk      25.8         -35.8           11.4        -62.01      -13     -49.01      0-360     148        V
  5      2.50663     -64.56    Pk       30          -35.5           11.6        -58.46      -13     -45.46      0-360     148        V
  6      3.34653     -65.97    Pk      31.3         -34.4           11.7        -57.37      -13     -44.37      0-360     148        V
  1      1.69434     -60.86    Pk      25.9         -35.8           11.4        -59.36      -13     -46.36      0-360     148        H
  2      2.54328     -66.09    Pk      30.2         -35.4           12.4        -58.89      -13     -45.89      0-360     148        H
  3      3.38903     -66.68    Pk      30.9         -34.4           11.6        -58.58      -13     -45.58      0-360     148        H
  4      1.69116     -64.78    Pk      25.9         -35.8           12.4        -62.28      -13     -49.28      0-360     148        V
  5      2.53638     -66.06    Pk      30.2         -35.4           11.5        -59.76      -13     -46.76      0-360     148        V
  6      3.38584     -66.15    Pk       31          -34.4           11.7        -57.85      -13     -44.85      0-360     148        V

                                            Page 30 of 35
UL VERIFICATION SERVICES INC.                                                                                                       FORM NO: CCSUP4701i
47173 BENICIA STREET, FREMONT, CA 94538, USA    TEL: (510) 319-4000                                                                    FAX: (510) 661-0888
                 This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of UL Verification Services Inc.

REPORT NO: 12802195-E6V2                                                                                                      DATE: SEPTEMBER 06, 2019
FCC ID: C3K1876                                                                                                                          IC: 3048A-1876

                               WCDMA BAND 2
Company:             Microsoft
Project #:           12802195
Date:                7/16/19
Test Engineer:       19480 BS
Configuration:       EUT + Support Equipment
Mode                 REL 99 Mode
Chamber #:           Chamber J

Marker   Frequency    Meter     Det       AF       Amp/Cbl (dB)   Amp/Cbl (dB)   Corrected   Limit   PK Margin   Azimuth   Height   Polarity
           (GHz)     Reading          PRE0189055                                  Reading               (dB)      (Degs)    (cm)
                      (dBm)             (dB/m)                                     (dBm)
  1      3.70778     -66.96     Pk      30.5         -33.4           12.1        -57.76      -13     -44.76      0-360     148        H
  2      5.54431     -69.47     Pk      34.1         -30.4           12.2        -53.57      -13     -40.57      0-360     148        H
  3      7.41325     -70.32     Pk      37.7         -27.8           11.9        -48.52      -13     -35.52      0-360     148        H
  4      3.70725     -67.01     Pk      30.5         -33.4           11.9        -58.01      -13     -45.01      0-360     148        V
  5      5.55919     -69.47     Pk      34.1         -30.5           11.9        -53.97      -13     -40.97      0-360     148        V
  6      7.40847     -72.23     Pk      37.7         -27.8            12         -50.33      -13     -37.33      0-360     148        V
  1      3.75825     -67.03     Pk      30.7         -33.3           11.7        -57.93      -13     -44.93      0-360     148        H
  2      5.62931     -69.68     Pk       34          -30.6           12.4        -53.88      -13     -40.88      0-360     148        H
  3      7.52163     -72.25     Pk      37.5         -27.9            12         -50.65      -13     -37.65      0-360     148        H
  4        3.754     -66.93     Pk      30.7         -33.3           11.7        -57.83      -13     -44.83      0-360     148        V
  5      5.64472     -69.69     Pk       34          -30.4           12.2        -53.89      -13     -40.89      0-360     148        V
  6       7.5195      -71.8     Pk      37.5         -27.9           11.8         -50.4      -13      -37.4      0-360     148        V
  1       3.8135     -66.76     Pk      31.1          -33            11.2        -57.46      -13     -44.46      0-360     148        H
  2      5.73078     -69.05     Pk      34.1         -30.3           12.1        -53.15      -13     -40.15      0-360     148        H
  3      7.61088     -70.68     Pk      37.3         -27.6           12.3        -48.68      -13     -35.68      0-360     148        H
  4      3.81297     -66.98     Pk      31.1          -33            11.5        -57.38      -13     -44.38      0-360     148        V
  5      5.72813     -69.93     Pk      34.1         -30.3            12         -54.13      -13     -41.13      0-360     148        V
  6      7.63531     -72.38     Pk      37.3         -27.6            12         -50.68      -13     -37.68      0-360     148        V

                                            Page 31 of 35
UL VERIFICATION SERVICES INC.                                                                                                        FORM NO: CCSUP4701i
47173 BENICIA STREET, FREMONT, CA 94538, USA    TEL: (510) 319-4000                                                                     FAX: (510) 661-0888
                 This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of UL Verification Services Inc.

REPORT NO: 12802195-E6V2                                                                                                     DATE: SEPTEMBER 06, 2019
FCC ID: C3K1876                                                                                                                         IC: 3048A-1876

Company:             Microsoft
Project #:           12802195
Date:                7/16/19
Test Engineer:       19480 BS
Configuration:       EUT + Support Equipment
Mode                 HSDPA Mode
Chamber #:           Chamber J

Marker   Frequency    Meter    Det       AF       Amp/Cbl (dB)   Amp/Cbl (dB)   Corrected   Limit   PK Margin   Azimuth   Height   Polarity
           (GHz)     Reading         PRE0189055                                  Reading               (dB)      (Degs)    (cm)
                      (dBm)            (dB/m)                                     (dBm)
  1      3.70991     -66.61    Pk      30.5         -33.4           12.1        -57.41      -13     -44.41      0-360     148        H
  2      5.54378     -67.84    Pk      34.1         -30.4           12.2        -51.94      -13     -38.94      0-360     148        H
  3      7.41856     -71.54    Pk      37.7         -27.8           11.9        -49.74      -13     -36.74      0-360     148        H
  4      3.70194     -66.94    Pk      30.5         -33.5           11.7        -58.24      -13     -45.24      0-360     148        V
  5      5.56663     -69.56    Pk      34.1         -30.6            12         -54.06      -13     -41.06      0-360     148        V
  6      7.40209     -72.29    Pk      37.8         -27.8            12         -50.29      -13     -37.29      0-360     148        V
  1      3.75666     -66.92    Pk      30.7         -33.3           11.7        -57.82      -13     -44.82      0-360     148        H
  2      5.62559     -69.37    Pk       34          -30.6           12.1        -53.87      -13     -40.87      0-360     148        H
  3      7.53969      -72.1    Pk      37.5         -27.9            12          -50.5      -13      -37.5      0-360     148        H
  4       3.7625       -66     Pk      30.7         -33.3           11.8         -56.8      -13      -43.8      0-360     148        V
  5      5.63622     -70.65    Pk       34          -30.5           12.3        -54.85      -13     -41.85      0-360     148        V
  6      7.51206     -72.11    Pk      37.5         -27.9            12         -50.51      -13     -37.51      0-360     148        V
  1      3.81934     -66.27    Pk      31.2         -33.1           11.2        -56.97      -13     -43.97      0-360     148        H
  2      5.73344     -69.21    Pk      34.1         -30.4           12.1        -53.41      -13     -40.41      0-360     148        H
  3      7.62416     -72.55    Pk      37.3         -27.6           12.3        -50.55      -13     -37.55      0-360     148        H
  4      3.81244     -67.64    Pk      31.1          -33            11.5        -58.04      -13     -45.04      0-360     148        V
  5      5.73291     -69.44    Pk      34.1         -30.4           12.1        -53.64      -13     -40.64      0-360     148        V
  6      7.63053     -71.89    Pk      37.3         -27.6           12.1        -50.09      -13     -37.09      0-360     148        V

                                            Page 32 of 35
UL VERIFICATION SERVICES INC.                                                                                                       FORM NO: CCSUP4701i
47173 BENICIA STREET, FREMONT, CA 94538, USA    TEL: (510) 319-4000                                                                    FAX: (510) 661-0888
                 This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of UL Verification Services Inc.

Document Created: 2019-10-02 20:01:04
Document Modified: 2019-10-02 20:01:04

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