R12922855-E11 v2 FCC IC WC REPORT

FCC ID: C3K1867

Test Report

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                 Report Number: R12922855-E11
      Applicant :    Microsoft Corporation
                     One Microsoft Way
                     Redmond, WA 98052-6399

         Model :     1867

         FCC ID :    C3K1867

             IC :    3048A-1867

EUT Description :    Portable Computing Device

Test Standard(s) :   FCC 47 CFR PART 15 SUBPART E
                     ISED RSS-247 ISSUE 2
                     ISED RSS-GEN ISSUE 5

                            Date Of Issue:

                             Prepared by:
                                UL LLC
                           12 Laboratory Dr.
                Research Triangle Park, NC 27709 U.S.A.
                         TEL: (919) 549-1400

REPORT NO: R12922855-E11                                                                        DATE: 2019-09-09
FCC ID: C3K1867                                                                                   IC: 3048A-1867

                                  REPORT REVISION HISTORY

  Ver.      Date                Revisions                                                       Revised By
    1       2019-08-29          Initial Issue                                                   Brian T. Kiewra
                                Added AC power adaptor to support equipment.
    2       2019-09-09                                                                          Brian T. Kiewra
                                Added model similarity explanation to Section 4

                                                 Page 2 of 24
12 Laboratory Dr., RTP, NC 27709; USA                                                         TEL:(919) 549-1400
            This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of UL LLC

REPORT NO: R12922855-E11                                                                                   DATE: 2019-09-09
FCC ID: C3K1867                                                                                              IC: 3048A-1867

                                              TABLE OF CONTENTS

REPORT REVISION HISTORY ..................................................................................................2

TABLE OF CONTENTS .............................................................................................................3

1.    ATTESTATION OF TEST RESULTS ..................................................................................4

2.    TEST METHODOLOGY ......................................................................................................5

3.    FACILITIES AND ACCREDITATION ..................................................................................5

4.    SCOPE OF REPORT...........................................................................................................5

5.    CALIBRATION AND UNCERTAINTY .................................................................................6
            MEASURING INSTRUMENT CALIBRATION ...............................................................6
            SAMPLE CALCULATION .............................................................................................6
            MEASUREMENT UNCERTAINTY ................................................................................6

6.    EQUIPMENT UNDER TEST ................................................................................................7
            EUT DESCRIPTION .....................................................................................................7
            MAXIMUM OUTPUT POWER.......................................................................................7
            DESCRIPTION OF AVAILABLE ANTENNAS ...............................................................7
            SOFTWARE AND FIRMWARE .....................................................................................7
            WORST-CASE CONFIGURATION AND MODE ...........................................................8
            DESCRIPTION OF TEST SETUP.................................................................................8

7.    TEST AND MEASUREMENT EQUIPMENT ........................................................................9

8.    MEASUREMENT METHOD...............................................................................................11

9.    RADIATED TEST RESULTS FOR 5GHz WLAN ...............................................................12
            WORST CASE BELOW 30MHZ .................................................................................14
            WORST CASE 30-1000MHZ ......................................................................................15
            WORST CASE 18-26 GHZ .........................................................................................17
            WORST CASE 26-40 GHZ .........................................................................................19

10. AC LINE CONDUCTED EMISSIONS ................................................................................21

11. SETUP PHOTOS ...............................................................................................................24

END OF TEST REPORT ..........................................................................................................24

                                                         Page 3 of 24
12 Laboratory Dr., RTP, NC 27709; USA                                                                    TEL:(919) 549-1400
                This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of UL LLC

REPORT NO: R12922855-E11                                                                         DATE: 2019-09-09
FCC ID: C3K1867                                                                                    IC: 3048A-1867

COMPANY NAME:                     Microsoft Corporation
                                  One Microsoft Way
                                  Redmond, WA 98052-6399

EUT DESCRIPTION:                  Portable Computing Device

MODEL:                            1867

SERIAL NUMBER:                    See Section 6.4

DATE TESTED:                      2019-08-19 to 2019-08-28

                                         APPLICABLE STANDARDS
                               STANDARD                                                TEST RESULTS
                       CFR 47 Part 15 Subpart E                                            Complies
                         ISED RSS-247 Issue 2                                              Complies
                         ISED RSS-GEN Issue 5                                              Complies

UL LLC tested the above equipment in accordance with the requirements set forth in the above
standards. The test results show that the equipment tested is capable of demonstrating compliance with
the requirements as documented in this report.

The results documented in this report apply only to the tested sample, under the conditions and modes of
operation as described herein. It is the manufacturer's responsibility to assure that additional production
units of this model are manufactured with identical electrical and mechanical components. All samples
tested were in good operating condition throughout the entire test program. Measurement Uncertainties
are published for informational purposes only and were not taken into account unless noted otherwise.

This document may not be altered or revised in any way unless done so by UL LLC and all revisions are
duly noted in the revisions section. Any alteration of this document not carried out by UL LLC will
constitute fraud and shall nullify the document. This report must not be used by the client to claim
product certification, approval, or endorsement by NVLAP, NIST, or any agency of the U.S. government.

 Approved & Released                                         Prepared By:
 For UL LLC By:

 Jeffrey Moser                                               Brian T. Kiewra
 Operations Leader                                           Project Engineer
 UL – Consumer Technology Division                           UL – Consumer Technology Division

                                                  Page 4 of 24
12 Laboratory Dr., RTP, NC 27709; USA                                                          TEL:(919) 549-1400
             This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of UL LLC

REPORT NO: R12922855-E11                                                                        DATE: 2019-09-09
FCC ID: C3K1867                                                                                   IC: 3048A-1867

The tests documented in this report were performed in accordance with FCC CFR 47 Part 2,
FCC CFR 47 Part 15, FCC 14-30, FCC KDB 662911 D01 v02r01, FCC KDB 789033 D02
v02r01, ANSI C63.10-2013, FCC 06-96, RSS-GEN Issue 5, and RSS-247 Issue 2.

The test sites and measurement facilities used to collect data are located at 12 Laboratory
Drive, Research Triangle Park, NC 27709, USA and 2800 Perimeter Park Dr., Suite B,
Morrisville, NC 27590, USA. The following table identifies which facilities were utilized for
radiated emission measurements documented in this report. Specific facilities are also
identified in the test results sections.

                                  12 Laboratory Dr.       2800 Perimeter Park Dr.

                                               Site Code: 2180C
                                     Chamber A RTP               North Chamber
                                     Chamber C RTP               South Chamber

UL LLC (RTP) is accredited by NVLAP, Laboratory Code 200246-0

This test report covers the worst-case radiated emissions (Below 1GHz and above 18 GHz) and
line conducted emissions for model 1867 for the 5.2-5.8 GHz bands (FCC ID: C3K1867, IC:
3048A-1867). All other testing is located in test reports R12922855-E5, -E6, -E7, -E8, -E9, and
-E10 (FCC ID: C3K1867, IC: 3048A-1867).

Models 1867 and 1868 are electrically and RF equivalent as they use the same motherboard,
radio module and on-board RF components. Both models share a common WiFi and BT power
table. The radio-related firmware and driver versions are the same for the two models. The peak
antenna gains are in the antenna gain section of the report. Antenna port conducted emissions
measurements are done on model 1868 (FCC ID: C3K1868, IC: 3048A-1868) and the data is
leveraged for model 1867 (FCC ID: C3K1867, IC: 3048A-1867). Highest antenna gain across
the two models in each band has been considered while doing the conducted emissions
measurements. Separate radiated & SAR measurements are done on each model.

                                                 Page 5 of 24
12 Laboratory Dr., RTP, NC 27709; USA                                                         TEL:(919) 549-1400
            This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of UL LLC

REPORT NO: R12922855-E11                                                                        DATE: 2019-09-09
FCC ID: C3K1867                                                                                   IC: 3048A-1867

The measuring equipment utilized to perform the tests documented in this report has been
calibrated in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations, and is traceable to
recognized national standards.

Where relevant, the following sample calculation is provided:
Field Strength (dBuV/m) = Measured Voltage (dBuV) + Antenna Factor (dB/m) + Cable
Loss (dB) – Preamp Gain (dB)
36.5 dBuV + 18.7 dB/m + 0.6 dB – 26.9 dB = 28.9 dBuV/m

Where relevant, the following sample calculation is provided:
Final Voltage (dBuV) = Measured Voltage (dBuV) + Cable Loss (dB) + Limiter Factor (dB) +
LISN Insertion Loss.
36.5 dBuV + 0 dB +10.1 dB+ 0 dB = 46.6 dBuV

Where relevant, the following measurement uncertainty levels have been estimated for tests
performed on the apparatus:

  PARAMETER                                       UNCERTAINTY

  All emissions, conducted                             3.65 dB
  All emissions, radiated                              5.17 dB
  Temperature                                          2.26°C
  Humidity                                              6.79%
  DC Supply voltages                                    1.70%
  Time                                                  3.39%

Uncertainty figures are valid to a confidence level of 95%.

                                                 Page 6 of 24
12 Laboratory Dr., RTP, NC 27709; USA                                                         TEL:(919) 549-1400
            This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of UL LLC

REPORT NO: R12922855-E11                                                                        DATE: 2019-09-09
FCC ID: C3K1867                                                                                   IC: 3048A-1867

                  EUT DESCRIPTION
The EUT is a Portable Computing Device that contains 802.11 a/ac/ax/b/g/n 20/40/80/160MHz
2x2 dual band and BT/BLE radios.

                  MAXIMUM OUTPUT POWER
Refer to Model 1868 (FCC ID: C3K1868, IC: 3048A-1868) reports R12935938-E5, -E6, -E7, -
E8, -E9, and -E10 for output power. Note – Power for Model 1867 is derived from model 1868.


 Frequency Range       Antenna Peak Gain (dBi)              Peak Gain (dBi)
      (GHz)             Type    Chain 0 (Right)              Chain 1 (Left)
                             Model 1867
 2.4 to 2.48                          0.7                           2.6
 5.15 to 5.25                         4.9                           4.4
 5.25 to 5.35           PIFA          6.1                           5.0
 5.47 to 5.72                         7.2                           5.5
 5.725 to 5.85                        9.4                           5.6
                             Model 1868
 2.4 to 2.48                          0.4                           1.0
 5.15 to 5.25                         3.6                           2.2
 5.25 to 5.35           PIFA          5.2                           3.5
 5.47 to 5.72                         6.4                           4.7
 5.725 to 5.85                        7.8                           4.5

The 5 GHz WLAN radio utilizes Chain 0 and chain 1.
NOTE: Antenna 1 = Chain 0
       Antenna 2 = Chain 1

                  SOFTWARE AND FIRMWARE
                       Serial         Radio Test                                                           EUT’s Power
     EUT                                               OS Version         BT Driver Version     Driver
                      Number         Tool Version                                                          Supply (s/n)
R-557-1867-FCC-                       11.1916.0-
                   006438792757                      MTEOS 1.652.0        21.0.19157.20088   0D130P028D596
 RADIATED-08                            09531
R-557-1867-FCC-                       11.1916.0-
                   006439692757                      MTEOS 1.652.0        21.0.19157.20088   0D130P01H1596
 RADIATED-09                            09531

                                                   Page 7 of 24
12 Laboratory Dr., RTP, NC 27709; USA                                                         TEL:(919) 549-1400
            This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of UL LLC

REPORT NO: R12922855-E11                                                                         DATE: 2019-09-09
FCC ID: C3K1867                                                                                    IC: 3048A-1867

This test reports covers worst-case radiated emissions below 1GHz, above 18GHz, and power
line conducted emissions. All other testing located in test reports R12922855-E5, -E6, -E7, -E8,
-E9, and -E10 (FCC ID: C3K1867, IC: 3048A-1867).

The EUT was set to transmit in the worst-case mode and on the worst-case channel based on
power and PSD for model 1867 5.2-5.8 GHz bands, all modes.

The EUT has one intended orientations, X; therefore, all final radiated testing was performed
with the EUT in X orientation.



                                            Support Equipment List
    Description          Manufacturer            Model                          Serial Number                    FCC ID
                                                                              AY2A1904000477 /
     USB Hub               J5 Create                JCA374                                                        N/A
     Earbuds                  Sony             MDR-EX14AP                       Non-Serialized                    N/A
    AC Adaptor              Microsoft               1706                       0D130P01H1596                      N/A
  USB Flash Drive           Kingston          Data Traveler G4                  Non-Serialized                    N/A


                                                    I/O Cable List
                             # of                                              Cable
  Cable                                   Connector
              Port        Identical                         Cable Type         Length                Remarks
   No.                                      Type
                            Ports                                               (m)
    1        Mains            1              12-pin             Mains           <3m                       None
    2        USB-A            1              USB-A              USB             <3m                       None
    3        USB-C            1              USB-C              USB             <3m                       None
    4         Aux             1               Aux                Aux            <3m                       None


The test utility software was located on the EUT during the tests and was used to exercised the


Please refer to 12922855-EP1 for setup diagrams

                                                  Page 8 of 24
12 Laboratory Dr., RTP, NC 27709; USA                                                          TEL:(919) 549-1400
             This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of UL LLC

   REPORT NO: R12922855-E11                                                                         DATE: 2019-09-09
   FCC ID: C3K1867                                                                                    IC: 3048A-1867

   The following test and measurement equipment was utilized for the tests documented in this

   Test Equipment Used - Radiated Disturbance Emissions Test Equipment (Morrisville - North Chamber)

                          Description              Manufacturer           Model Number           Last Cal.    Next Cal.
0.009-30MHz (Loop Ant.)
   AT0059             Active Loop Antenna          ETS-Lindgren                 6502            2019-07-30   2020-07-30
30-1000 MHz
                       Hybrid Broadband           Sunol Sciences
   AT0074                                                                        JB3            2019-07-16   2020-07-16
                           Antenna                    Corp.
18-40 GHz
                       Horn Antenna, 18-
   AT0076                                               ARA                MWH-1826/B           2018-11-08   2019-11-08
                       Horn Antenna, 26-
   AT0077                                               ARA                MWH-2640/B           2018-11-08   2019-11-08
Gain-Loss Chains
                   Gain-loss string: 0.009-
   N-SAC01                                             Various                Various           2019-05-02   2020-05-02
                    Gain-loss string: 25-
   N-SAC02                                             Various                Various           2019-05-02   2020-05-02
                    Gain-loss string: 18-
   N-SAC04                                             Various                Various           2018-09-30   2019-09-30
Receiver & Software
   SA0026             Spectrum Analyzer                Agilent                N9030A            2019-03-19   2020-03-19
                      Spectrum Analyzer                Agilent                N9030A            2019-05-15   2020-05-15
(18-40GHz RSE)
  SOFTEMI                EMI Software                    UL                 Version 9.5              NA          NA
Additional Equipment used
s/n 181474341        Environmental Meter          Fisher Scientific         15-077-963          2018-07-27   2020-07-27

     1. For equipment listed above that was calibrated during the testing period, please note the
        equipment was used for testing after calibration.
     2. For equipment listed above that has a calibration due date during the testing period, the testing
        was completed before the equipment expiration date.

                                                     Page 9 of 24
   12 Laboratory Dr., RTP, NC 27709; USA                                                          TEL:(919) 549-1400
                This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of UL LLC

  REPORT NO: R12922855-E11                                                                          DATE: 2019-09-09
  FCC ID: C3K1867                                                                                     IC: 3048A-1867

  Test Equipment Used - Line-Conducted Emissions – Voltage (Morrisville – Conducted 1)

                          Description             Manufacturer          Model Number             Last Cal.    Next Cal.
                   Coax cable, RG223, N-
  CBL087                                            Pasternack          PE3W06143-240          2019-05-29    2020-05-29
                   male to BNC-male, 20-ft.
s/n 181562858        Environmental Meter          Fisher Scientific        14-650-118          2018-09-04    2020-09-04
                   LISN, 50-ohm/50-uH, 2- Fischer Custom               FCC-LISN-50-25-2-
  LISN003                                                                                2018-08-21          2019-08-21
                       conductor, 25A          Com.                        01-550V
   75141           EMI Test Receiver 9kHz-    Rohde &
                                                                              ESCI 7           2018-08-22    2019-08-22
(PRE0101521)                7GHz              Schwarz
                   Transient Limiter, 0.009-
   TL001                                     Com-Power                      LIT-930A           2019-05-29    2020-05-29
   PS214               AC Power Source                  Elgar                                       NA           NA
                                                                        (s/n 1523A02396)
  SOFTEMI                EMI Software                    UL               Version 9.5               NA           NA
  MM0168                   Multi-meter                 Agilent               U1232A            2018-10-12    2019-10-31

    1. For equipment listed above that was calibrated during the testing period, please note the
       equipment was used for testing after calibration.
    2. For equipment listed above that has a calibration due date during the testing period, the testing
       was completed before the equipment expiration date.

                                                    Page 10 of 24
  12 Laboratory Dr., RTP, NC 27709; USA                                                           TEL:(919) 549-1400
                This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of UL LLC

REPORT NO: R12922855-E11                                                                        DATE: 2019-09-09
FCC ID: C3K1867                                                                                   IC: 3048A-1867

Unwanted emissions in restricted bands: KDB 789033 D02 v02r01, Section II G.3, G.4, G.5, and

Unwanted emissions in non-restricted bands: KDB 789033 D02 v02r01, Section II G.3, G.4, and

AC Power Line Conducted Emissions: ANSI C63.10-2013, Section 6.2.

                                                Page 11 of 24
12 Laboratory Dr., RTP, NC 27709; USA                                                         TEL:(919) 549-1400
            This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of UL LLC

REPORT NO: R12922855-E11                                                                        DATE: 2019-09-09
FCC ID: C3K1867                                                                                   IC: 3048A-1867


FCC §15.205 and §15.209 – Restricted bands
FCC §15.407(b)(1-4) – Unrestricted bands
RSS-GEN, Section 8.9 and 8.10.

   Frequency Range             Field Strength Limit            Field Strength Limit
         (MHz)                    (uV/m) at 3 m                  (dBuV/m) at 3 m
      0.009-0.490              2400/F(kHz) @ 300 m                       -
      0.490-1.705              24000/F(kHz) @ 30 m                       -
       1.705 - 30                   30 @ 30m                             -
        30 - 88                         100                             40
        88 - 216                        150                            43.5
       216 - 960                        200                             46
       Above 960                        500                             54

After January 01, 2019 for Outside of the Restricted Bands Emissions

RSS 247 Issue 2 Sections (for 5150-5250 MHz band) (for 5250-5350 MHz band) (for 5470-5600 MHz and 5650-5725 MHz bands) (for 5725-5850 MHz band)

NCC LP0002 §2.7 and §2.8

   Frequency Range             Field Strength Limit            Field Strength Limit
         (MHz)                    (uV/m) at 3 m                  (dBuV/m) at 3 m
        30 - 88                         100                             40
        88 - 216                        150                            43.5
       216 - 960                        200                             46
      Above 960                         500                             54


The EUT is placed on a non-conducting table 80cm above the ground pland for mesurements
below 1GHz and at 1.5 m above the ground plane for measurements above 1GHz. The antenna
to EUT distance is 3 meters. The EUT is configured in accordance with ANSI C63.10. The EUT
is set to transmit in a continuous mode.

For measurements below 1 GHz the resolution bandwidth is set to 200 Hz for measurements
from 9kHz to 150kHz, 9kHz for measurements from 150kHz to 30 MHz and 100 kHz for peak
detection measurements or 120 kHz for quasi-peak detection measurements from 30-1000
MHz. Peak detection is used unless otherwise noted as quasi-peak.

For pre-scans above 1 GHz the resolution bandwidth is set to 1 MHz; the video bandwidth is set
to 30 KHz for peak measurements.

                                                Page 12 of 24
12 Laboratory Dr., RTP, NC 27709; USA                                                         TEL:(919) 549-1400
            This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of UL LLC

REPORT NO: R12922855-E11                                                                        DATE: 2019-09-09
FCC ID: C3K1867                                                                                   IC: 3048A-1867

For final measurements above 1 GHz the resolution bandwidth is set to 1 MHz; the video
bandwidth is set to 3 MHz for peak measurements and as applicable for average
measurements. Detector used was RMS average detector.

The spectrum below 1GHz and above 18GHz is investigated with the transmitter set to the mode
and channel with the highest output power and PSD.

The frequency range of interest is monitored at a fixed antenna height and EUT azimuth. The
EUT is rotated through 360 degrees to maximize emissions received. The antenna is scanned
from 1 to 4 meters above the ground plane to further maximize the emission. Measurements are
made with the antenna polarized in both the vertical and the horizontal positions.

3D antenna use - For below 30MHz testing, investigation was done on three antenna
orientations (parallel, perpendicular, and ground-parallel).

KDB 414788 Open Field Site(OFS) and Chamber Correlation Justification
Base on FCC 15.31 (f) (2): measurements may be performed at a distance closer than that
specified in the regulations; however, an attempt should be made to avoid making
measurements in the near field.

OFS and chamber correlation testing had been performed and chamber measured test result is
the worst case test result.

Note: All frequencies were marked at the maximum emissions within the restricted band. This
was due to the observed margins of the emissions to the non-restricted limit.

General Note - This section covers the worst-case radiated emissions (Below 1GHz and above
18 GHz) for model 1867 for the 5.2-5.8 GHz bands (FCC ID: C3K1867, IC: 3048A-1867). All
other radiated testing is located in test reports R12922855-E5, -E6, -E7, -E8, -E9, and -E10
(FCC ID: C3K1867, IC: 3048A-1867).

                                                Page 13 of 24
12 Laboratory Dr., RTP, NC 27709; USA                                                         TEL:(919) 549-1400
            This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of UL LLC

      REPORT NO: R12922855-E11                                                                             DATE: 2019-09-09
      FCC ID: C3K1867                                                                                        IC: 3048A-1867

                         WORST CASE BELOW 30MHZ

      Note: All measurements were made at a test distance of 3 m. The measured data was
      extrapolated from the test distance (3m) to the specification distance (300 m from 9-490 kHz
      and 30 m from 490 kHz – 30 MHz) to clearly show the relative levels of fundamental and
      spurious emissions and demonstrate compliance with the requirement that the level of any
      spurious emissions be below the level of the intentionally transmitted signal. The extrapolation
      factor for the limits were 40*Log (test distance / specification distance).

Marker    Frequency     Meter    Det    AT0059    Cbl    Dist.     Corrected      FCC         FCC         FCC      Worst-   Azimuth
            (MHz)      Reading          (dB/m)   (dB)    Corr.      Reading    15.209 QP   15.209 AV   15.209 PK    Case     (Degs)
                       (dBuV)                           Factor     dB(uV/m)      Limit       Limit       Limit     Margin
                                                         (dB)                  (dBuV/m)    (dBuV/m)    (dBuV/m)     (dB)
  1        .55535       36.17     Pk     10.4     .1      -40         6.67      32.71          -           -       -26.04   0-360
  7        .60805       36.07     Pk     10.4     .1      -40         6.57      31.93          -           -       -25.36   0-360
  4         .8336       32.93     Pk     10.4     .1      -40         3.43      29.19          -           -       -25.76   0-360
  5        .88841       32.16     Pk     10.4     .2      -40         2.76      28.63          -           -       -25.87   0-360
  8       1.10554       30.25     Pk     10.6     .2      -40         1.05      26.73          -           -       -25.68   0-360
  2       1.23623       28.65     Pk     10.6     .2      -40         -.55      25.76          -           -       -26.31   0-360
  3       25.50985      14.7      Pk      9.2     .9      -40        -15.2      29.54          -           -       -44.74   0-360
  6       25.73541      13.26     Pk      9.2     .9      -40       -16.64      29.54          -           -       -46.18   0-360
  9       26.24344      14.73     Pk       9      .9      -40       -15.37      29.54          -           -       -44.91   0-360

      Pk - Peak detector

                                                           Page 14 of 24
      UL LLC
      12 Laboratory Dr., RTP, NC 27709; USA                                                              TEL:(919) 549-1400
                      This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of UL LLC

REPORT NO: R12922855-E11                                                                        DATE: 2019-09-09
FCC ID: C3K1867                                                                                   IC: 3048A-1867

               WORST CASE 30-1000MHZ



                                                Page 15 of 24
12 Laboratory Dr., RTP, NC 27709; USA                                                         TEL:(919) 549-1400
            This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of UL LLC

REPORT NO: R12922855-E11                                                                          DATE: 2019-09-09
FCC ID: C3K1867                                                                                     IC: 3048A-1867

30-1000MHz DATA

Marker Frequency Meter      Det    AT0066 AF     Cbl/Amp   Corrected   QPk Limit    Margin   Azimuth   Height   Polarity
          (MHz)  Reading            (dB/m)                  Reading    (dBuV/m)      (dB)     (Degs)    (cm)
                 (dBuV)                                    (dBuV/m)
  5      75.1892  44.13     Pk        12.2        -31.2      25.13        40        -14.87    0-360     101        V
  1      149.966  48.21     Pk        16.9        -30.6      34.51       43.52       -9.01    0-360     199        H
  6     154.8123  42.97     Pk        16.6        -30.5      29.07       43.52      -14.45    0-360     101        V
  2     288.0114  41.76     Pk         18         -29.6      30.16       46.02      -15.86    0-360     101        H
  7     288.0114  40.05     Pk         18         -29.6      28.45       46.02      -17.57    0-360     198        V
  3     320.0156  43.58     Pk        18.7        -29.6      32.68       46.02      -13.34    0-360     101        H
  8     320.0156  39.75     Pk        18.7        -29.6      28.85       46.02      -17.17    0-360     198        V
  9     352.0198  37.76     Pk        19.2        -29.3      27.66       46.02      -18.36    0-360     101        V
  4     360.0208  40.66     Pk        19.4        -29.5      30.56       46.02      -15.46    0-360     101        H

Pk - Peak detector

                                                  Page 16 of 24
12 Laboratory Dr., RTP, NC 27709; USA                                                           TEL:(919) 549-1400
              This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of UL LLC

REPORT NO: R12922855-E11                                                                        DATE: 2019-09-09
FCC ID: C3K1867                                                                                   IC: 3048A-1867

               WORST CASE 18-26 GHZ



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12 Laboratory Dr., RTP, NC 27709; USA                                                         TEL:(919) 549-1400
            This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of UL LLC

REPORT NO: R12922855-E11                                                                                      DATE: 2019-09-09
FCC ID: C3K1867                                                                                                 IC: 3048A-1867

18 – 26GHz DATA
                          Meter     AT0076         Corrected Average          Peak          UNII Non- PK
          Frequency                        Amp/Cbl                   Margin          Margin                   Azimuth Height
Marker                   Reading Det AF             Reading   Limit           Limit         Restricted Margin                Polarity
            (GHz)                            (dB)                      (dB)            (dB)                    (Degs) (cm)
                         (dBuV)     (dB/m)         (dBuV/m) (dBuV/m)        (dBuV/m)        (dBuV/m) (dB)
  1      * ** 18.70459    44.69 Pk 32.4     -39.1    37.99     54    -16.01    74    -36.01      -        -     0-360 249       H
  2      * ** 19.49278    45.43 Pk 32.8     -39.6    38.63     54    -15.37    74    -35.37      -        -     0-360 299       H
  4      * ** 23.84313    44.94 Pk    34      -39    39.94     54    -14.06    74    -34.06      -        -     0-360 102       H
  5      * ** 20.09867    47.1 Pk 32.7      -39.7     40.1     54     -13.9    74     -33.9      -        -     0-360 152       V
  6      * ** 21.26135    45.86 Pk 33.1     -39.6    39.36     54    -14.64    74    -34.64      -        -     0-360 202       V
  8      * ** 23.87949     46    Pk   34      -39      41      54       -13    74       -33      -        -     0-360 299       V
  3         23.28068      46.44 Pk 33.9     -39.3    41.04      -         -     -         -    68.2    -27.16 0-360 299         H
  7         21.82852      45.54 Pk 33.4     -39.4    39.54      -         -     -         -    68.2    -28.66 0-360 102         V

* - indicates frequency in CFR47 Pt 15 / IC RSS-Restricted Band
** - indicates frequency in Taiwan NCC LP0002 Restricted Band
Pk - Peak detector

                                                            Page 18 of 24
12 Laboratory Dr., RTP, NC 27709; USA                                                                       TEL:(919) 549-1400
                   This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of UL LLC

REPORT NO: R12922855-E11                                                                        DATE: 2019-09-09
FCC ID: C3K1867                                                                                   IC: 3048A-1867

               WORST CASE 26-40 GHZ



                                                Page 19 of 24
12 Laboratory Dr., RTP, NC 27709; USA                                                         TEL:(919) 549-1400
            This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of UL LLC

REPORT NO: R12922855-E11                                                                                      DATE: 2019-09-09
FCC ID: C3K1867                                                                                                 IC: 3048A-1867

26-40GHz DATA
                          Meter     AT0077         Corrected Average          Peak          UNII Non- PK
          Frequency                        Amp/Cbl                   Margin          Margin                   Azimuth Height
Marker                   Reading Det AF             Reading   Limit           Limit         Restricted Margin                Polarity
            (GHz)                            (dB)                      (dB)            (dB)                    (Degs) (cm)
                         (dBuV)     (dB/m)         (dBuV/m) (dBuV/m)        (dBuV/m)        (dBuV/m) (dB)
  2      * ** 31.27483    42.44 Pk 36.7     -35.8    43.34     54    -10.66    74    -30.66      -        -     0-360 299       H
  3      * ** 36.43539    41.58 Pk 37.6     -34.7    44.48     54     -9.52    74    -29.52      -        -     0-360 299       H
  6      * ** 31.57859    42.9 Pk 36.8      -36.2     43.5     54     -10.5    74     -30.5      -        -     0-360 299       V
  7      * ** 36.48168    42.37 Pk 37.8     -34.9    45.27     54     -8.73    74    -28.73      -        -     0-360 299       V
  1         27.54243      46.33 Pk 35.8       -37    45.13      -        -      -        -     68.2    -23.07 0-360 102         H
  4         37.12006      43.95 Pk 37.9     -34.3    47.55      -        -      -        -     68.2    -20.65 0-360 299         H
  5         28.33028      44.12 Pk 36.3     -36.8    43.62      -        -      -        -     68.2    -24.58 0-360 152         V
  8         37.07473      43.66 Pk 37.9     -34.1    47.46      -        -      -        -     68.2    -20.74 0-360 299         V

* - indicates frequency in CFR47 Pt 15 / IC RSS-Restricted Band
** - indicates frequency in Taiwan NCC LP0002 Restricted Band
Pk - Peak detector

                                                            Page 20 of 24
12 Laboratory Dr., RTP, NC 27709; USA                                                                       TEL:(919) 549-1400
                   This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of UL LLC

REPORT NO: R12922855-E11                                                                        DATE: 2019-09-09
FCC ID: C3K1867                                                                                   IC: 3048A-1867



FCC §15.207 (a)

RSS-Gen 8.8


The EUT is placed on a non-conducting table 40 cm from the vertical ground plane and 80 cm
above the horizontal ground plane. The EUT is configured in accordance with ANSI C63.10.

The receiver is set to a resolution bandwidth of 9 kHz. Peak detection is used unless otherwise
noted as quasi-peak or average.

Line conducted data is recorded for both Line 1 and Line 2.

                                                Page 21 of 24
12 Laboratory Dr., RTP, NC 27709; USA                                                         TEL:(919) 549-1400
            This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of UL LLC

REPORT NO: R12922855-E11                                                                               DATE: 2019-09-09
FCC ID: C3K1867                                                                                          IC: 3048A-1867


                                                  Range 1: Line-L1 .15 - 30MHz
                       Meter                                          Corrected
          Frequency                                  Cbl/Limiter                  QP Limit   Margin   Average Limit   Margin
 Marker               Reading   Det   LISN VCF (dB)                    Reading
            (MHz)                                        (dB)                     (dBuV)      (dB)       (dBuV)        (dB)
                      (dBuV)                                             dBuV
   1        .1605      43.01    Qp          .2            10             53.21     65.44     -12.23        -             -
   2         .153      26.54    Av          .2            10             36.74       -          -        55.84         -19.1
   3         .183      47.38    Pk          .2            10             57.58     64.35      -6.77        -             -
   4          .18      24.09    Av          .2            10             34.29       -          -        54.49         -20.2
   5        4.173      27.18    Pk           0           10.2            37.38      56       -18.62        -             -
   6        4.173      8.63     Av           0           10.2            18.83       -          -         46          -27.17
   7         8.85      28.6     Pk          .1           10.3             39        60         -21         -             -
   8         8.85      -1.29    Av          .1           10.3            9.11        -          -         50          -40.89
   9       10.818      22.33    Pk          .1           10.3            32.73      60       -27.27        -             -
   10      10.818      -1.01    Av          .1           10.3            9.39        -          -         50          -40.61
   11       13.56      23.46    Pk          .1           10.4            33.96      60       -26.04        -             -
   12       13.56      12.96    Av          .1           10.4            23.46       -          -         50          -26.54

Pk - Peak detector
Av - Average detection
Qp - Quasi-Peak detector

                                                       Page 22 of 24
12 Laboratory Dr., RTP, NC 27709; USA                                                                 TEL:(919) 549-1400
              This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of UL LLC

REPORT NO: R12922855-E11                                                                               DATE: 2019-09-09
FCC ID: C3K1867                                                                                          IC: 3048A-1867


                                                  Range 2: Line-L2 .15 - 30MHz
                       Meter                                          Corrected
          Frequency                                  Cbl/Limiter                  QP Limit   Margin   Average Limit   Margin
 Marker               Reading   Det   LISN VCF (dB)                    Reading
            (MHz)                                        (dB)                     (dBuV)      (dB)       (dBuV)        (dB)
                      (dBuV)                                             dBuV
   13       .156       48.26    Pk          .2            10             58.46     65.67      -7.21        -             -
   14       .159       23.31    Av          .2            10             33.51       -          -        55.52        -22.01
   15       .183       47.06    Pk          .2            10             57.26     64.35      -7.09        -             -
   16        .18       20.76    Av          .2            10             30.96       -          -        54.49        -23.53
   17       4.236      22.74    Pk           0           10.2            32.94      56       -23.06        -             -
   18       4.239      8.69     Av           0           10.2            18.89       -          -         46          -27.11
   19       6.069      17.14    Pk          .1           10.2            27.44      60       -32.56        -             -
   20       6.051      4.92     Av          .1           10.2            15.22       -          -         50          -34.78
   21      11.082      23.02    Pk          .1           10.3            33.42      60       -26.58        -             -
   22      11.082       7.1     Av          .1           10.3            17.5        -          -         50           -32.5
   23       13.56      27.62    Pk          .1           10.4            38.12      60       -21.88        -             -
   24       13.56      13.55    Av          .1           10.4            24.05       -          -         50          -25.95

Pk - Peak detector
Av - Average detection
Qp - Quasi-Peak detector

                                                       Page 23 of 24
12 Laboratory Dr., RTP, NC 27709; USA                                                                 TEL:(919) 549-1400
              This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of UL LLC

REPORT NO: R12922855-E11                                                                        DATE: 2019-09-09
FCC ID: C3K1867                                                                                   IC: 3048A-1867

Please refer to R12922855-EP1 for setup photos

                                       END OF TEST REPORT

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12 Laboratory Dr., RTP, NC 27709; USA                                                         TEL:(919) 549-1400
            This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of UL LLC

Document Created: 2019-10-03 05:31:14
Document Modified: 2019-10-03 05:31:14

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