RF exposure info

FCC ID: C3K1864

RF Exposure Info

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"" Microsoft

       RF Exposure Evaluation Report

                MODEL NO. 1864
                FCC ID: C3K1864

          Test Report No. S—176—FCC—SAR—1
            Issue Date: September 9, 2019

             FCC CFR47 Part 2.1093

                     Prepared by
              Microsoft EMC Laboratory
                17760 NE 67th Ct,
            Redmond WA, 98052, U.S.A.

                 TESTING CERT #3472.01

                                            Report V2.0

EM Microsoft

1     Record of Revisions
    Revision   Date         Section   Page(s)       Summary of Changes   Author/Revised
    1.0        09/09/2019   All       All           Version 1.0          2. Gra

Report#: S—176—FCC—SAR—1                    Issued: 09/09/2019               Page 2 of 10
                                      Microsoft EMC Laboratory

 EM Microsoft

Table of Contents
1.      R@COFQ Of R@VIBIONS.................ccllccsvccncemnenmmmemmeenmeenmeenmeenenmeenmeenmeenmeeneemememeenmenmeenmeenees 2
2       POUUGL D@SCTIDNION.............l.lcccscccccencnecmenmenmeenmeenmeenmeenmeemeememeemeemmeenmeenmeenmeenenmeenmeemeces 5
3       DBViHiONS fFOM SIANO@TOS .............scccecsecnnecennmenmmemeenmeenmennmnmennmennmennmennmnnnmnnnmnnmmnnmmnnmenmmenns 5
4       FACiIIItIQ$ @NU ACCI@UN@HNONS...............cclcccscncnnecmmenmenmenmeenmeememmeemmeemmnemeenmnenmnenmeenmeenemeens. 6
     41.     TSE FACIIMY.............ccccncmmenmenmmemmenmmeemenmeenenmeenmeenmemeemeemeemeemeeneeneeneenenmenmmenmens 6
     4.2.    ACGCTEUI@NIONS ..............cclcccscencememmeemmenmemmemeenmeenmeenmeemmemeemeemeemeemmeemmeemmeemmeenenmeennces 6
5       SAR TSb EXCIUSIOM ............scececneennnneenmnmmnnnnnmmnnnnnnnnnennnennnennenmnennennennennnnnnnnnnnnnnnnmnnmmenmenes 7
     5.1      FCC SAR Test Exclusion Criteria............                                                                     .7
        5.1.1       FCC SAR Test Exclusion Evaluation ..
        5.1.2      Simultaneous Transmission Considerations .

Report#: S—176—FCC—SAR—1                             Issued: 09/09/2019                                           Page 3 of 10
                                                Microsoft EMC Laboratory

== Microsoft

                      Test Report Attestation
                                           Microsoft Corporation
                                                Model: 1864
                                              FCC ID: C3K1864

Applicable Standards
            Specification                                                    Test Result

 FCC CFR47 Part 2.1093                                                 Pass

Microsoft EMC Laboratory attests that the product model identified in this report has been tested to and
meets the requirements identified in the above standards. The test results in this report solely pertains to
the specific sample tested, under the conditions and operating modes as provided by the customer.

This report shall not be used to claim product certification, approval, or endorsement by A2LA or any
agency of any Government.
Reproduction, duplication or publication of extracts from this test report requires prior written approval of
Microsoft EMC Laboratory.

  guo* Sray                                                         u22
Written/ Issued By: Zack Gray                                       Reviewed By: Wei Sun
SAR Test Lead                                                       SAR/Radio Test Engineer

Report#: S—176—FCC—SAR—1                    Issued: 09/09/2019                                   Page 4 of 10
                                        Microsoft EMC Laboratory

EM Microsoft

2     Product Description
    Company Name:               Microsoft Corporation
    Address:                    One Microsoft Way
    City, State, Zip:           Redmond, WA 98052—6399
    Customer Contact:           NMike Boucher
    Functional Description of   Portable Computing, VO accessory device with NFC charging
    the EUT:                    capability
    Model:                      1864
    FCC ID:                     C3K1864
    Radio Description:          NFC Charging @ 13.56 MHz

    Frequency Range of          13.56 MHz

    Antenna Type:               Integral Coil

    EUT Classification:         Part 15 Low Power Transmitter
    Equipment Design State:     Production
    Equipment Condition:        Good
    RF Exposure Conditions: Body Exposure

3     Deviations from Standards

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                                       Microsoft EMC Laboratory

EM Microsoft

4     Facilities and Accreditations
4.1     Test Facility
    All test facilities used to collect the test data are located at Microsoft EMC Laboratory,
    17760 NE 67!" Ct, Redmond WA, 98052, USA

4.2 Accreditations
    The lab is established and follows procedures as outlined in IEC/ISO 17025 and AZLA
    accreditation requirements.
    A2LA Accredited Testing Certificate Number: 3472.01

Report#: S—176—FCC—SAR—1                  Issued: 09/09/2019                               Page 6 of 10
                                       Microsoft EMC Laboratory

EM Microsoft

5     SAR Test Exclusion
5.1        FCC SAR Test Exclusion Criteria
The full FCC standalone SAR test exclusion criteria from KDB 447498 DO1 are as follows.

      a)    For 100 MHz to 6 GHz and fest separation distances < 50 mm, the 1—g and 10—g SAR test
            exclusion thresholds are determined by the following:
            [(max. power of channel, including tune—up tolerance, mW) / (min. test separation distance, mm)]
            " [INf(GHz)] < 3.0 for 1—g SAR, and <7.5 for 10—g extremity SAR, where
                 * f(GHz) is the RF channel transmit frequency in GHz
                 * Power and distance are rounded to the nearest mW and mm before calculation
                 * The result is rounded to one decimal place for comparison
                 * The values 3.0 and 7.5 arereferred to as nuneric thresholds in step b) below
            The test exclusions are applicable only when the minimum test separation distance is = 50 mm,
            and for transmission frequencies between 100 MHz and 6 GHz. When the minimum fest
            separation distance is < 5 mm, a distance of 5 mm according to 4. 1 f) is applied to determine
            SAR test exclusion.

      b)    For 100 MHz to 6 GHz and fest separation distances > 50 mm, the 1—g and 10—g SAR test
            exclusion thresholds are determined by the following (also illustrated in Appendix B)
            1)   {[Power allowed at nwneric threshold for 50 mm in step a)] + [(test separation distance — 50
                 mm)—(F(MHz)/150)]} mW for 100 MHz to 1500 MHz
            2)   {[Power allowed at nwneric threshold for 50 mm in step a)] + [(test separation distance — 50
                 mm)—10]} mW, for > 1500 MHz and < 6 GHz

      c)    For frequencies below 100 MHz, the following may be considered for SAR test exclusion (also
            illustrated in Appendix C)
             1) For test separation distances > 50 mm and < 200 mm, the powerthreshold at the
                 corresponding test separation distance at 100 MHz in step b) is multiplied by [1 +
            2) For test separation distances < 50 mm, the power threshold determined by the equation in c)
               1) for 50 mm and 100 MHz is multiplied by 14
            3) SAR measurement procedures are not established below 100 MHz.

Report#: S—176—FCC—SAR—1                       Issued: 09/09/2019                                Page 7 of 10
                                           Microsoft EMC Laboratory

EM Microsoft

5.1.1     FCC SAR Test Exclusion Evaluation
Since the transmitter frequency is 13.56 MHz to be used with a separation distance s 50mm,
step c)2 is applicable. This calls for making the calculation in four parts:

                1   Calculate the power allowed at the numeric threshold in step a) for 100 MHz and
                    a 50mm separation distance.

                    P (mW) <
                    P (mW) < 474.34 mW
                    Calculate the test exclusion threshold for 100 MHz and a 50mm separation
                    distance using step b)1 with the previous result from step a).

                    474.34 mW + (50mm — 5Omm) * (100 MHz / 150) = 474.34 mW

                    Perform step c)1 on the result found from step b)1 for the 13.56 MHz frequency.

                    474.34 mW * [1 + log(100/13.56)] = 885.94 mW

                    Perform step c)2 on the result found from step c)1.

                    0.5 * 885.94 mW = 443 mW

The SAR test exclusion level for a 13.56 MHz transmitter used closer than 50mm from the body
is thus 443 mW. The maximum powerdelivered to the transmit coil in the EUT is 330 mW.

Thus, the EUT is excluded from routine SAR evaluation measurements since the SAR test
exclusion criteria are met.

  Frequency          Maximum      Maximum      Separation     SAR Test           Result
    (MHz)             Output       Output       Distance      Exclusion
                       Power        Power         (mm)           Power
                       (dBm)        (mW)                      Threshold
                                                                             SAR Testing
        13.56           25.2         330            0          443 mW          Excluded

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                                        Microsoft EMC Laboratory

EM Microsoft

5.1.2   Simultaneous Transmission Considerations

The shortest separation distance between the EUT‘s NFC coil and any of the antennas in the
host device is greater than 20cm due to the host—EUT operating configurations.

In addition to showing standalone SAR test exclusion eligibility, SAR measurements were
attempted. All measurements showed SAR levels at the measurement system‘s noise floor.

In combination this information shows that the contribution of the NFC transmitter to the host‘s
SAR levels would be negligible, and the EUT‘s NFC transmitter can thus be excluded from
simultaneous transmission analysis. This was agreed on through KDB inquiry.

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                                    Microsoft EMC Laboratory

EM Microsoft

                           End of Report

Report#: S—176—FCC—SAR—1      Issued: 09/09/2019      Page 10 of 10
                           Microsoft EMC Laboratory

Document Created: 2019-10-02 17:33:41
Document Modified: 2019-10-02 17:33:41

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