12805347-E1V1 FCC 15.249 ISED Report_Test Report

FCC ID: C3K1843

Test Report

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       ISED RSS-310 ISSUE 4




      MODEL NUMBER: 1843

         FCC ID: C3K1843
        ISED: 3048A-1843

 REPORT NUMBER: 12805347-E1V1

    ISSUE DATE: APRIL 25, 2019

           Prepared for

  REDMOND, WA 98052-7329, USA

            Prepared by
      47173 BENICIA STREET
    FREMONT, CA 94538, U.S.A.
        TEL: (510) 771-1000
        FAX: (510) 661-0888

      NVLAP LAB CODE 200065-0

REPORT NO: 12805347-E1V1                                                                      DATE: APRIL 25, 2019
FCC ID: C3K1843                                                                                  ISED: 3048A-1843

                                                 Revision History

  Rev.       Date                Revisions                                                            Revised By
   --        04/25/2019          Initial Issue                                                        M. Heckrotte

                                     Page 2 of 21
UL VERIFICATION SERVICES INC.                                        FORM NO: CCSUP4701I
47173 BENICIA STREET, FREMONT, CA 94538, USA     TEL: (510) 771-1000    FAX: (510) 661-0888
   This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of UL Verification Services Inc.

REPORT NO: 12805347-E1V1                                                                                  DATE: APRIL 25, 2019
FCC ID: C3K1843                                                                                              ISED: 3048A-1843

                                              TABLE OF CONTENTS
1.      ATTESTATION OF TEST RESULTS ................................................................................. 4

2.      TEST METHODOLOGY ..................................................................................................... 5

3.      SCOPE OF REPORT.......................................................................................................... 5

4.      REFERENCE DOCUMENTS .............................................................................................. 5

5.      FACILITIES AND ACCREDITATION ................................................................................. 5

6.      CALIBRATION AND UNCERTAINTY ................................................................................ 6
     6.1.     MEASURING INSTRUMENT CALIBRATION .............................................................. 6
     6.2.     SAMPLE CALCULATION ............................................................................................ 6
     6.3.     MEASUREMENT UNCERTAINTY ............................................................................... 6

7.      EQUIPMENT UNDER TEST ............................................................................................... 7
     7.1.     DESCRIPTION OF EUT .............................................................................................. 7
     7.2.     SOFTWARE AND FIRMWARE .................................................................................... 7
     7.3.     WORST-CASE CONFIGURATION .............................................................................. 7
     7.4.     DESCRIPTION OF TEST SETUP ................................................................................ 8
     7.5.     TEST AND MEASUREMENT EQUIPMENT................................................................10

8.      RADIATED EMISSION TEST RESULTS...........................................................................11
     8.1.     LIMITS AND PROCEDURES ......................................................................................11
     8.2. RESULTS ...................................................................................................................14
       8.2.1. APPLICABLE LIMIT .............................................................................................14
       8.2.1. EMISSIONS 40-50 GHz .......................................................................................15
       8.2.2. EMISSIONS FROM 50-75 GHz ...........................................................................16
       8.2.3. EMISSIONS FROM 75-100 (110) GHz ................................................................18

                                     Page 3 of 21
UL VERIFICATION SERVICES INC.                                        FORM NO: CCSUP4701I
47173 BENICIA STREET, FREMONT, CA 94538, USA     TEL: (510) 771-1000    FAX: (510) 661-0888
      This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of UL Verification Services Inc.

REPORT NO: 12805347-E1V1                                                                      DATE: APRIL 25, 2019
FCC ID: C3K1843                                                                                  ISED: 3048A-1843

COMPANY NAME:                      MICROSOFT CORP
                                   ONE MICROSOFT WAY
                                   EDMOND, WA 98052-7329, USA

EUT DESCRIPTION:                   24 GHZ SENSOR

MODEL:                             1843

SERIAL NUMBER:                     17829180

DATE TESTED:                       APRIL 5 - 25, 2019

                                           APPLICABLE STANDARDS
                                STANDARD                                                 TEST RESULTS
            SELECTED PORTIONS OF FCC PART 15.249                                                Pass
         SELECTED PORTIONS OF ISED RSS-310 ISSUE 4                                              Pass

UL Verification Services Inc. tested the above equipment in accordance with the requirements
set forth in the above standards. All indications of Pass/Fail in this report are opinions
expressed by UL Verification Services Inc. based on interpretations and/or observations of test
results. Measurement Uncertainties were not taken into account and are published for
informational purposes only. The test results show that the equipment tested is capable of
demonstrating compliance with the requirements as documented in this report.

Note: The results documented in this report apply only to the tested sample, under the
conditions and modes of operation as described herein. This document may not be altered or
revised in any way unless done so by UL Verification Services Inc. and all revisions are duly
noted in the revisions section. Any alteration of this document not carried out by UL Verification
Services Inc. will constitute fraud and shall nullify the document. This report must not be used
by the client to claim product certification, approval, or endorsement by NVLAP, NIST, or any
agency of the Federal Government.

Approved & Released For
UL Verification Services Inc. By:                                Tested By:

MICHAEL HECKROTTE                                               STEVE AGUILAR
PRINCIPAL ENGINEER                                              TEST ENGINEER
UL Verification Services Inc.                                   UL Verification Services Inc.

                                     Page 4 of 21
UL VERIFICATION SERVICES INC.                                        FORM NO: CCSUP4701I
47173 BENICIA STREET, FREMONT, CA 94538, USA     TEL: (510) 771-1000    FAX: (510) 661-0888
   This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of UL Verification Services Inc.

REPORT NO: 12805347-E1V1                                                                      DATE: APRIL 25, 2019
FCC ID: C3K1843                                                                                  ISED: 3048A-1843

The tests documented in this report were performed in accordance with ANSI C63.10-2013,
FCC CFR 47 Part 2, FCC CFR 47 Part 15.249, and ISED RSS-GEN Issue 5 Amendment 1 as
referenced by ISED RSS-310 Issue 4.

This report only covers radiated emissions measurement results from 40 GHz to 100 GHz.

Some data from Microsoft Test Report No. R-TR525-FCCISED-SRD-24G-1 is used in this
report. The Microsoft Laboratory is accredited by A2LA, Testing Cert # 3472.01.

The test sites and measurement facilities used to collect data are located at 47173 Benicia
Street, Fremont, California, USA.

The test sites and measurement facilities used to collect data are located at 47173 and 47266
Benicia Street, Fremont, California, USA. Line conducted emissions are measured only at the
47173 address. The following table identifies which facilities were utilized for radiated emission
measurements documented in this report. Specific facilities are also identified in the test results

    47173 Benicia Street                            47266 Benicia Street                        47658 Kato Rd.
 ☐ Chamber A (ISED:2324B-1)                    ☐   Chamber D (ISED:22541-1)              ☐   Chamber I (ISED: 2324A-5)
 ☐ Chamber B (ISED:2324B-2)                    ☐   Chamber E (ISED:22541-2)              ☐   Chamber J (ISED: 2324A-6)
 ☐ Chamber C (ISED:2324B-3)                    ☐   Chamber F (ISED:22541-3)              ☐   Chamber K (ISED: 2324A-1)
                                               ☐   Chamber G (ISED:22541-4)              ☐   Chamber L (ISED: 2324A-3)
                                               ☐   Chamber H (ISED:22541-5)

The above test sites and facilities are covered under FCC Test Firm Registration # 208313.
Chambers above are covered under Industry Canada company address and respective code

UL Verification Services Inc. is accredited by NVLAP, Laboratory Code 200065-0.

                                     Page 5 of 21
UL VERIFICATION SERVICES INC.                                        FORM NO: CCSUP4701I
47173 BENICIA STREET, FREMONT, CA 94538, USA     TEL: (510) 771-1000    FAX: (510) 661-0888
   This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of UL Verification Services Inc.

REPORT NO: 12805347-E1V1                                                                      DATE: APRIL 25, 2019
FCC ID: C3K1843                                                                                  ISED: 3048A-1843

The measuring equipment utilized to perform the tests documented in this report has been
calibrated in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations, and is traceable to
recognized national standards.

   6.2.          SAMPLE CALCULATION
Where relevant, the following sample calculation is provided:
      Field Strength (dBuV/m) = Measured Voltage (dBuV) + Antenna Factor (dB/m) +
      Cable Loss (dB) – Preamp Gain (dB)
      36.5 dBuV + 18.7 dB/m + 0.6 dB – 26.9 dB = 28.9 dBuV/m

Where relevant, the following measurement uncertainty levels have been estimated for tests
performed on the apparatus:

                   PARAMETER                                  UNCERTAINTY
  Radiated RF power (above 40 up to 110 GHz)                       ±5.4 dB

Uncertainty figures are valid to a confidence level of 95%.

                                     Page 6 of 21
UL VERIFICATION SERVICES INC.                                        FORM NO: CCSUP4701I
47173 BENICIA STREET, FREMONT, CA 94538, USA     TEL: (510) 771-1000    FAX: (510) 661-0888
   This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of UL Verification Services Inc.

REPORT NO: 12805347-E1V1                                                                      DATE: APRIL 25, 2019
FCC ID: C3K1843                                                                                  ISED: 3048A-1843

   7.1.          DESCRIPTION OF EUT
See Microsoft Test Report No. R-TR525-FCCISED-SRD-24G-1.

   7.2.          SOFTWARE AND FIRMWARE

Calvin tool
Version 2.243.139
Firmware version 5.9.139


The EUT was placed in a test mode for Radiated Emissions testing. Both Horizontal and
Vertical polarization was used to find the worst case emissions detected.

                                     Page 7 of 21
UL VERIFICATION SERVICES INC.                                        FORM NO: CCSUP4701I
47173 BENICIA STREET, FREMONT, CA 94538, USA     TEL: (510) 771-1000    FAX: (510) 661-0888
   This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of UL Verification Services Inc.

REPORT NO: 12805347-E1V1                                                                       DATE: APRIL 25, 2019
FCC ID: C3K1843                                                                                   ISED: 3048A-1843

   7.4.              DESCRIPTION OF TEST SETUP


                            PERIPHERAL SUPPORT EQUIPMENT LIST
           Description          Manufacturer   Model #      Serial # if applicable
            USB Hub                   Kingwin                   --                        --
          Optical Mouse                  --                     --                        --
          USB Keyboard                SIGG Inc.         JK-US0312-S1                      --


                                                    I/O Cable List
  Cable       Port           # of       Connector        Cable Type   Cable Length (m)
   No                     identical       Type                                                   Remarks
   1          AC              1          3-Prong         Unshielded          1.5                     --
   2          USB            1                USB         Shielded           1.5                    Hub
   3          USB            1                USB         Shielded           1.5                 Keyboard
   4          USB            1                USB         Shielded           1.5                  Mouse

The EUT was placed in a test mode which transmits the 24 GHz sensor signal continuously.

                                     Page 8 of 21
UL VERIFICATION SERVICES INC.                                        FORM NO: CCSUP4701I
47173 BENICIA STREET, FREMONT, CA 94538, USA     TEL: (510) 771-1000    FAX: (510) 661-0888
   This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of UL Verification Services Inc.

REPORT NO: 12805347-E1V1                                                                      DATE: APRIL 25, 2019
FCC ID: C3K1843                                                                                  ISED: 3048A-1843


                                                                               USB Keyboard
                                                      USB Hub

                                                                                USB Mouse


                                             MAINS POWER SOURCE

Lines and devices in dotted lines are not part of the EUT. Items used for placing EUT into test

                                     Page 9 of 21
UL VERIFICATION SERVICES INC.                                        FORM NO: CCSUP4701I
47173 BENICIA STREET, FREMONT, CA 94538, USA     TEL: (510) 771-1000    FAX: (510) 661-0888
   This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of UL Verification Services Inc.

REPORT NO: 12805347-E1V1                                                                       DATE: APRIL 25, 2019
FCC ID: C3K1843                                                                                   ISED: 3048A-1843

The following test and measurement equipment was utilized for the tests documented in this

                                              Test Equipment List
           Description                 Manufacturer                 Model             S/N or Local ID      Cal Due
 PXA Signal Analyzer 50 GHz               Aglient                 N9030A                  T313            1/25/2020
      PSG Analog Signal                  Keysight                 E8257D                  T1839           8/13/2019
   .01 – 26.5 GHz Amplifier              Agilent                83006A                   12020            9/25/2019
  Horn antenna, 33-50 GHz                 CMI                   HO22R                      --                CNR
       LNA, 40-50 GHz                 Spacek Labs            SL4510-33-4W                14J05            9/24/2019
       50-75 GHz Horn                     CMI                   HO15R                    H15-1            9/20/2019
       50-75 GHz LNA                    Vivatech           VTLNBA-15-6018-FB            2014051           9/24/2019
  50-75 GHz Downconverter                 OML                   C15H1DC01             PRE0180075             CNR
      75-110 GHz Horn                     CMI                     HO10R                 H10-1             9/20/2019
      LNA, 75-110 GHz                    Spacek                  SLW-22-5               15J04                CNR
   50-80 GHz Smart Mixer                 Agilent                M1970V-002               T994             2/19/2020
   75-110 GHz Smart Mixer                Agilent                 M1970W                  T993             2/19/2020

All horn antennas at and above the 33-50 GHz band are standard gain horns. In accordance with ANSI
C63.10 clause 4.4.3 (a) Standard gain horns need not be periodically recalibrated, unless damage or
deterioration is suspected or known to have occurred. If a standard gain horn is not periodically
recalibrated, then its critical dimensions (see IEEE Std 1309-2005) shall be verified and documented on
an annual basis.

UL measures the critical dimensions on an annual basis and checks for damage and deterioration before
each test.

                                     Page 10 of 21
UL VERIFICATION SERVICES INC.                                        FORM NO: CCSUP4701I
47173 BENICIA STREET, FREMONT, CA 94538, USA     TEL: (510) 771-1000    FAX: (510) 661-0888
    This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of UL Verification Services Inc.

REPORT NO: 12805347-E1V1                                                                      DATE: APRIL 25, 2019
FCC ID: C3K1843                                                                                  ISED: 3048A-1843

   8.1.          LIMITS AND PROCEDURES

§15.33 Frequency range of radiated measurements

(2) If the intentional radiator operates at or above 10 GHz and below 30 GHz: to the fifth
harmonic of the highest fundamental frequency or to 100 GHz, whichever is lower

§15.209 Radiated emission limits; general requirements.

     (a) Except as provided elsewhere in this subpart, the emissions from an intentional
radiator shall not exceed the field strength levels specified in the following table:

 Frequency (MHz)          Field strength (microvolts/meter)                Measurement distance (meters)
    0.009-0.490                         2400/F(kHz)                                           300
    0.490-1.705                        24000/F(kHz)                                            30
    1.705-30.0                                 30                                              30
         30-88                               100**                                              3
      88-216                                 150**                                              3
      216-960                                200**                                              3
    Above 960                                 500                                               3

                                     Page 11 of 21
UL VERIFICATION SERVICES INC.                                        FORM NO: CCSUP4701I
47173 BENICIA STREET, FREMONT, CA 94538, USA     TEL: (510) 771-1000    FAX: (510) 661-0888
   This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of UL Verification Services Inc.

REPORT NO: 12805347-E1V1                                                                                   DATE: APRIL 25, 2019
FCC ID: C3K1843                                                                                               ISED: 3048A-1843


        (a) Except as provided in paragraph (b) of this section, the field strength of emissions from intentional radiators operated
within these frequency bands shall comply with the following:

Fundamental frequency Field strength of fundamental (millivolts/meter) Field strength of harmonics (microvolts/meter)

       902-928 MHz                                    50                                                    500

    2400-2483.5 MHz                                   50                                                    500

     5725-5875 MHz                                    50                                                    500

     24.0-24.25 GHz                                  250                                                   2500

§15.249 ( d ) Emissions radiated outside of the specified frequency bands, except for
harmonics, shall be attenuated by at least 50 dB below the level of the fundamental or to the
general radiated emission limits in §15.209, whichever is the lesser attenuation.

(e) As shown in § 15.35(b), for frequencies above 1000 MHz, the field strength limits in
paragraphs (a) and (b) of this section are based on average limits. However, the peak field
strength of any emission shall not exceed the maximum permitted average limits specified
above by more than 20 dB under any condition of modulation.

RSS-GEN Clause 6.13.2 (b)

(b) If the equipment operates at or above 10 GHz and below 30 GHz: to the fifth harmonic of the
highest fundamental frequency or to 100 GHz, whichever is lower.

RSS-310 Clause 3.10 Band 24-24.25 GHz

Emissions radiated outside the specified frequency band shall be attenuated by at least 50 dB
below the level of the fundamental or to the general field strength limits listed in RSS-Gen,
whichever is the less stringent.

The peak field strength of any emission shall not exceed the maximum permitted average limit
specified above by more than 20 dB under any condition of modulation.

                                     Page 12 of 21
UL VERIFICATION SERVICES INC.                                        FORM NO: CCSUP4701I
47173 BENICIA STREET, FREMONT, CA 94538, USA     TEL: (510) 771-1000    FAX: (510) 661-0888
     This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of UL Verification Services Inc.

REPORT NO: 12805347-E1V1                                                                      DATE: APRIL 25, 2019
FCC ID: C3K1843                                                                                  ISED: 3048A-1843


ANSI C63.10

47 CFR 15.35 ( c )

(c) Unless otherwise specified, e.g., §15.255(b), and 15.256(l)(5), when the radiated emission
limits are expressed in terms of the average value of the emission, and pulsed operation is
employed, the measurement field strength shall be determined by averaging over one complete
pulse train, including blanking intervals, as long as the pulse train does not exceed 0.1 seconds.
As an alternative (provided the transmitter operates for longer than 0.1 seconds) or in cases
where the pulse train exceeds 0.1 seconds, the measured field strength shall be determined
from the average absolute voltage during a 0.1 second interval during which the field strength is
at its maximum value.


External harmonic mixers or downconverters with Standard Gain horn antennas are utilized.

                                     Page 13 of 21
UL VERIFICATION SERVICES INC.                                        FORM NO: CCSUP4701I
47173 BENICIA STREET, FREMONT, CA 94538, USA     TEL: (510) 771-1000    FAX: (510) 661-0888
   This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of UL Verification Services Inc.

REPORT NO: 12805347-E1V1                                                                      DATE: APRIL 25, 2019
FCC ID: C3K1843                                                                                  ISED: 3048A-1843

   8.2.          RESULTS

       8.2.1. APPLICABLE LIMIT

Fundamental field strength is referenced from the Microsoft report.

The field strength of the fundamental is 94.41 dBuV/m at 3 meters, average.
An attenuation of 50 dB yields 44.41 dBuV/m at 3 meters.

The §15.209 average limit above 960 MHz is 500 uV/m at 3 meters, equivalent to 54 dBuV/m at
3 meters.

The field strength of the fundamental is 96.89 dBuV/m at 3 meters, peak.
An attenuation of 50 dB yields 46.89 dBuV/m at 3 meters.

The §15.209 peak limit above 960 MHz is 5000 uV/m at 3 meters, equivalent to 74 dBuV/m at 3

The §15.209 limits correspond to the lesser attenuation, for both peak and average emissions.

                                     Page 14 of 21
UL VERIFICATION SERVICES INC.                                        FORM NO: CCSUP4701I
47173 BENICIA STREET, FREMONT, CA 94538, USA     TEL: (510) 771-1000    FAX: (510) 661-0888
   This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of UL Verification Services Inc.

REPORT NO: 12805347-E1V1                                                                      DATE: APRIL 25, 2019
FCC ID: C3K1843                                                                                  ISED: 3048A-1843

       8.2.1. EMISSIONS 40-50 GHz




No emissions detected above the noise floor at 1.5 meters; marker indicates frequency of
second harmonic.

                                     Page 15 of 21
UL VERIFICATION SERVICES INC.                                        FORM NO: CCSUP4701I
47173 BENICIA STREET, FREMONT, CA 94538, USA     TEL: (510) 771-1000    FAX: (510) 661-0888
   This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of UL Verification Services Inc.

REPORT NO: 12805347-E1V1                                                                      DATE: APRIL 25, 2019
FCC ID: C3K1843                                                                                  ISED: 3048A-1843

       8.2.2. EMISSIONS FROM 50-75 GHz




Except for third harmonic, no emissions detected above the noise floor at 1.0 meters.

                                     Page 16 of 21
UL VERIFICATION SERVICES INC.                                        FORM NO: CCSUP4701I
47173 BENICIA STREET, FREMONT, CA 94538, USA     TEL: (510) 771-1000    FAX: (510) 661-0888
   This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of UL Verification Services Inc.

REPORT NO: 12805347-E1V1                                                                                              DATE: APRIL 25, 2019
FCC ID: C3K1843                                                                                                          ISED: 3048A-1843


The only emission detected in this band is the third harmonic. The worst-case polarization is
Horizontal. The worst-case frequency is 72.597 GHz. Peak detection measurements are
corrected by the duty cycle relative to the specified 100 ms observation period, to calculate the
worst-possible-case average emissions levels.

Duty Cycle Correction Factor for 100 ms observation interval = -2.48 dB, reference Microsoft

  Frequency    Meas.     Meas.   Pre-Amp   Rx Ant.   Downconv.     Total       EIRP      Duty Cycle                   FCC/ISED   FCC/ISED
              Peak Pwr   Dist.    Gain      Gain      + IF Gain   Rx Gain      Pwr         Factor     Conversion to    Limit     Margin     Detector   Polarity
    (GHz)      (dBm)      (m)      (dB)     (dBi)       (dB)       (dB)     (dBm EIRP)      (dB)      dBuV/m @ 3m     dBuV/m       (dB)
  72.597      -48.542    1.5       17      23.4       10.24       50.64      -26.00                      69.20          88       -18.80      Peak        H
  72.597                                                                                   -2.48         66.72          68        -1.28     Average      H


                                     Page 17 of 21
UL VERIFICATION SERVICES INC.                                        FORM NO: CCSUP4701I
47173 BENICIA STREET, FREMONT, CA 94538, USA     TEL: (510) 771-1000    FAX: (510) 661-0888
    This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of UL Verification Services Inc.

REPORT NO: 12805347-E1V1                                                                      DATE: APRIL 25, 2019
FCC ID: C3K1843                                                                                  ISED: 3048A-1843

       8.2.3. EMISSIONS FROM 75-100 (110) GHz




No emissions detected above the noise floor at 0.5 meters.

                                     Page 18 of 21
UL VERIFICATION SERVICES INC.                                        FORM NO: CCSUP4701I
47173 BENICIA STREET, FREMONT, CA 94538, USA     TEL: (510) 771-1000    FAX: (510) 661-0888
   This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of UL Verification Services Inc.

Document Created: 2019-05-15 18:35:58
Document Modified: 2019-05-15 18:35:58

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