FCC ID: C3K1836

RF Exposure Info

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       MODEL NO. 1836
       FCC ID: C3K1836

Test Report No. S-TR136-FCCSAR-3
      Issue Date: Jun 07, 2018

    FCC CFR 47 PART 2.1093
         IEEE 1528-2013

          Prepared by
    Microsoft EMC Laboratory
       17760 NE 67th Ct,
   Redmond WA, 98052, U.S.A.

        TESTING CERT #3472.01

                                   Report V4.2

                                                                            Model: 1836
                                                                            FCC ID: C3K1836

   1 Record of Revisions
  Revision   Date         Section Page(s)    Summary of Changes             Author/Revised
    1.0      05/23/2018     All       All    First Version                  Wei Sun
                                             Deleted reference to MIMO
    2.0      05/30/2018      6        9                                     Wei Sun
    3.0      06/07/2018     6.4       10     Corrected details for FW and   Wei Sun
                                             driver details of the test

Test Report#: S-TR136-FCCSAR-3       Issued: 06/07/2018                         Page 2 of 32
                                  Microsoft EMC Laboratory

                                                                                Model: 1836
                                                                                FCC ID: C3K1836

                    Test Report Attestation
                                    Microsoft Corporation
                                         Model: 1836

Applicable Standards
         Specification                                 Test Result

FCC CFR 47 PART 2.1093
IEEE 1528-2013

Microsoft EMC Laboratory attests that the product model identified in this report has been
tested to and meets the requirements identified in the above standards. The test results in this
report solely pertains to the specific sample tested, under the conditions and operating modes
as provided by the customer.

This report shall not be used to claim product certification, approval, or endorsement by A2LA
or any agency of any Government. Reproduction, duplication or publication of extracts from
this test report is prohibited and requires prior written approval of Microsoft EMC Laboratory.

This test report replaces the previously issued report #S-TR136-FCCSAR-2 issued by
Microsoft EMC Labs on 05/30/2018.

 Written By: Wei Sun                            Reviewed/ Issued By: Sajay Jose
 SAR Test Engineer                              EMC/RF Compliance Lab Manager

Test Report#: S-TR136-FCCSAR-3        Issued: 06/07/2018                              Page 3 of 32
                                   Microsoft EMC Laboratory

                                                                                                                     Model: 1836
                                                                                                                     FCC ID: C3K1836

Table of Contents
1     Record of Revisions ............................................................................................................... 2
2     Deviations from Standard ...................................................................................................... 6
3     Facilities and Accreditation .................................................................................................... 6
    3.1     TEST FACILITY .............................................................................................................. 6
    3.2     ACCREDITATIONS ........................................................................................................ 6
    3.3     Test Equipment .............................................................................................................. 6
4     Highest Reported SAR Values .............................................................................................. 7
    4.1     SAR Limits ...................................................................................................................... 7
5     Test Equipment List ............................................................................................................... 8
6     Product Description ............................................................................................................... 9
    6.1     TEST CONFIGURATIONS ........................................................................................... 10
    6.2     ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITIONS ............................................................................... 10
    6.3     EQUIPMENT MODIFICATIONS ................................................................................... 10
    6.4     EQUIPMENT UNDER TEST ........................................................................................ 10
    6.5     Supported Air Interfaces and Transmission Configurations ......................................... 10
      6.5.1        Transmission Configurations ................................................................................. 10
7     Test Methodology ................................................................................................................ 11
8     Conducted RF Average Output Power Measurements ....................................................... 12
    8.1     Bluetooth Conducted Output Power Measurements .................................................... 12
    8.2     WLAN Power Measurement Requirements .................................................................. 13
    8.3     Initial Test Configuration for OFDM Configurations ...................................................... 13
    8.4     WLAN 2.4 GHz Conducted Output Power Measurements ........................................... 14
    8.5     WLAN 5 GHz Conducted Output Power Measurements .............................................. 14
      8.5.1        5.2 GHz Conducted Measurements (U-NII-1) ....................................................... 14
      8.5.2        5.3 GHz Conducted Measurements (U-NII-2A) ..................................................... 14
      8.5.3        5.6 GHz Conducted Measurements (U-NII-2C) .................................................... 15
      8.5.4        5.8 GHz Conducted Measurements (U-NII-3) ....................................................... 15
9     Test Configurations .............................................................................................................. 16
    9.1     Evaluation of Required Test Configurations ................................................................. 17
      9.1.1        SAR Test Exclusion Evaluation for antenna-user separation distances less than
      50mm         17
      9.1.2        SAR Test Exclusion Evaluation for antenna-user separation distances greater than
      50mm         18

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                                                   Microsoft EMC Laboratory

                                                                                                                   Model: 1836
                                                                                                                   FCC ID: C3K1836

 9.2       Test Positions ............................................................................................................... 18
10      SAR Test Procedures ...................................................................................................... 19
11      SAR Test Results ............................................................................................................. 21
 11.1      General SAR Testing Notes ......................................................................................... 21
 11.2      WLAN 5 GHz SAR Testing Notes ................................................................................ 22
     11.2.1       WLAN 5.2 GHz SAR Test Results ........................................................................ 22
     11.2.2       WLAN 5.3 GH Main Antenna SAR Test Results ................................................... 22
     11.2.3       WLAN 5.3 GHz Diversity Antenna SAR Test Results ........................................... 22
     11.2.4       WLAN 5.6 GHz Main Antenna SAR Test Results ................................................. 23
     11.2.5       WLAN 5.6 GHz Diversity Antenna SAR Test Results ........................................... 23
     11.2.6       WLAN 5.8 GHz Main Antenna SAR Test Results ................................................. 23
     11.2.7       WLAN 5.8 GHz Diversity Antenna SAR Test Results ........................................... 23
12      SAR System Verification .................................................................................................. 24
 12.1      SAR System Verification Results ................................................................................. 25
13      Tissue-Simulating Liquid Verification ............................................................................... 26
 13.1      Tissue-Simulating Liquid Ingredients and Maintenance ............................................... 27
 13.2      Tissue-Simulating Liquid Measurements ...................................................................... 28
14      System Specification ........................................................................................................ 29
 14.1      SPEAG DASY5 SYSTEM ............................................................................................. 29
15      Measurement Uncertainty ................................................................................................ 30
16      Appendices ...................................................................................................................... 31

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                                                  Microsoft EMC Laboratory

                                                                                 Model: 1836
                                                                                 FCC ID: C3K1836

   2 Deviations from Standard

   3 Facilities and Accreditation
      All test facilities used to collect the test data are located at Microsoft EMC Laboratory:
      17760 NE 67th Ct, Redmond, WA, 98052, USA.

      The lab is established and follows procedures as outlined in IEC/ISO 17025 and A2LA
      accreditation requirements.

      A2LA Accredited Testing Certificate Number: 3472.01
      Expiration Date: Aug 31, 2019

    3.3 Test Equipment
      The site and related equipment are constructed in conformance with the requirements of
      IEEE 1528-2013 and other equivalent applicable standards.
      The calibrations of the measuring instruments, including any accessories that may affect
      such calibration, are checked frequently to assure their accuracy. Adjustments are
      made and correction factors are applied in accordance with instructions contained in the
      user manual for the measuring equipment.

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                                   Microsoft EMC Laboratory

                                                                            Model: 1836
                                                                            FCC ID: C3K1836

   4 Highest Reported SAR Values

                    Equipment            Mode of                               1-g Reported
     Condition                                             Test Position
                      Class             Operation                               SAR (W/kg)
                      NII              802.11a               Bottom                 0.457
   Reported SAR Values are obtained by scaling the measured SAR values up to the
   maximum allowable output power for each configuration using the following equation:

                                𝑆𝐴𝑅     π‘€πΈπ΄π‘†π‘ˆπ‘…πΈπ· ∗ 10


   SAR = Reported SAR (W/kg)
   MEASURED = Measured SAR (W/kg)
   PMAX = Maximum Conducted Average Output Power (dBm)
   P = Measured Conducted Average Output Power (dBm)

    4.1 SAR Limits
   The following are the relevant SAR limits for FCC and IC based on the recommendations of
   ANSI C95.1-1992:

                    Exposure Condition                  Limit (W/kg)

                    Localized Body SAR                 1.6 (1-g cube)

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                                 Microsoft EMC Laboratory

                                                                              Model: 1836
                                                                              FCC ID: C3K1836

   5 Test Equipment List
  Manufacturer     Description       Model           SN       Identifier    Cal. Due
  Agilent                           N5181A      MY50144778    SAR-051      11/29/2018      1 yr
                 Amplifier +
  PRANA                              UX15        1305-1354    SAR-046         N/A          N/A
  Agilent        Power Meter         1914A      MY50901710    SAR-052      12/4/2018       1 yr
  Agilent        Power Sensor        9304A      MY53040024    SAR-064      12/5/2018       1 yr
  Agilent        Power Sensor        9304A      MY53040018    SAR-063      12/5/2018       1 yr
  Agilent                           E5071C      MY46316847    SAR-002      12/10/2018      1 yr
  Agilent                           85070E      MY44300736    SAR-003         N/A          1 yr
                 Probe Kit
                 DASY Data
  SPEAG          Acquisition         DAE4           1445      SAR-109      11/28/2018      1 yr
                 Dosimetric E-
  SPEAG                             EX3DV4          3999      SAR-108      12/06/2018      1 yr
                 Field Probe
                 SAR Validation
  SPEAG          Dipole, 2450       D2450V2         916       SAR-023      04/11/2019      1 yr
                 SAR Validation
  SPEAG                            D5GHzV2          1158      SAR-015      04/17/2019      1 yr
                 Dipole, 5 GHz
  SPEAG                             ELI V5.0        1217        N/A           N/A          N/A
                 Thermometer        1230N27      150530613    SAR-113       8/4/2018       1 yr
  MadgeTech      THP Monitor      PRHTemp2000      P25366     SAR-091      8/10/2018       1 yr

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                                   Microsoft EMC Laboratory

                                                                        Model: 1836
                                                                        FCC ID: C3K1836

   6 Product Description
 Company Name:             Microsoft Corporation

 Address:                  One Microsoft Way

 City, State, Zip:         Redmond, WA 98052

 Customer Contact:         Pamela Galvan

 Functional Description of
 the EUT:                  Microsoft Wireless Input Device
 RF Exposure Conditions: Body Exposure

 Model:                    1836
 FCC ID:                   C3K1836

 IC ID:                    3048A-1836

 Radio Descriptions:       WLAN 2.4 GHz: 802.11g, 802.11n 20 MHz BW’s
                           WLAN 5 GHz: 802.11a, 802.11n 20MHz BW’s
                           Bluetooth™ (Basic and Enhanced Data Rates)

 Frequency Range of                                2412 – 2462 MHz
 Operation:                WLAN Radio:             5180 – 5825 MHz
                           BT:                     2402 – 2480 MHz
 Modulations:              WLAN: CCK, BPSK, QPSK, 16-QAM, 64-QAM, 256-QAM
                           Bluetooth: GFSK, DQPSK, and 8 DPSK
 Antenna Peak Gains        Radio               Band                  Main     Diversity
 (dBi):                    WLAN/BT             2400 – 2483.5 MHz     4.7      -
                           WLAN                5150 – 5250 MHz       6.2      6.7
                                               5250 – 5350 MHz       6.2      6.0
                                               5470 – 5725 MHz       5.9      6.1
                                               5725 – 5850 MHz       5.6      6.4
 Equipment Design State: Prototype/Production Equivalent

 Equipment Condition:      Good

 Dates of Testing:         05/04/2018 – 05/08/2018

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                                  Microsoft EMC Laboratory

                                                                               Model: 1836
                                                                               FCC ID: C3K1836

       For Bluetooth, measurements were performed with customer-provided test software
       “Combo Tool Ver 2.1509.00, Build Date: 2/26/2015” to program the EUT in continuous
       transmit mode.
       For WLAN, measurements were performed with customer-provided test software “Indium
       QA Tool” (Ver 1.19) to program the EUT in continuous transmit mode.

       Ambient air temperature of the test site was within the range of 18 ⁰C to 25 ⁰C. Testing
       conditions were within tolerance and any deviations required from the EUT are reported.

       No modifications were made during testing.

                            Serial Number         Internal Lab ID:
               1836        02560002607814       S-136-04262018-01
               1836        02560002237814       S-136-04262018-02
       Radio FW:
       Radio Driver Version: FTDI Driver v2.12.28.0

    6.5 Supported Air Interfaces and Transmission Configurations
       The EUT has three antennas which support the following air interfaces and transmission
       configurations. The antennas are labeled as Main Antenna and Diversity Antenna for
       802.11 WLAN 5GHz, and the third is labeled as Primary Antenna for WLAN 2.4GHz and
                                                              BW (MHz)
                Band          Air Interface
                                                   20                40            80
               WLAN             802.11g             X
               2.4 GH           802.11n             X
               WLAN             802.11a               X
               5 GHz            802.11n               X
              2.4 GHz          Bluetooth                             NA

   6.5.1   Transmission Configurations

                Main Antenna              Diversity Antenna          Primary Antenna
                 WLAN 5 GHz

                                             WLAN 5 GHz

                                                                          WLAN 2.4 GHz


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                                 Microsoft EMC Laboratory

                                                                          Model: 1836
                                                                          FCC ID: C3K1836

   7 Test Methodology
      Test setup and procedure are performed according to IEEE 1528-2013 Recommended
      Practice for Determining the Peak Spatial-Average Specific Absorption Rate (SAR)
      in the Human Head from Wireless Communication Devices: Measurement

      In addition, the following publications were used as guidance-

      For FCC SAR testing and reporting according to FCC standards the following KDBs
      were adhered to:
         ο‚· 447498 D01 General RF Exposure Guidance v06
         ο‚· 865664 D01 SAR Measurement 100 MHz to 6 GHz v01r04
         ο‚· 865664 D02 RF Exposure Reporting v01r02
         ο‚· 248227 D01 802.11Wi-Fi SAR v02r02
         ο‚· 616217 D04 SAR for laptops and tablets v01r02

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                                  Microsoft EMC Laboratory

                                                                          Model: 1836
                                                                          FCC ID: C3K1836

   8 Conducted RF Average Output Power Measurements
Bluetooth and WLAN output power measurements are made with the DUT connected to the
power sensor of a broadband power meter.

     8.1 Bluetooth Conducted Output Power Measurements
                                    Maximum Conducted Average Output Power (dBm)
  Mode      Channel                                     Primary Antenna
                                           Measured                       Max
                0        2402               -2.83                          5
   1DH1        39        2441               -1.79                          5
               78        2480               -1.51                          5
                0        2402                3.77                          5
   1DH3        39        2441                4.78                          5
               78        2480                  5                           5
                0        2402                3.25                          5
   1DH5        39        2441                4.24                          5
               78        2480                 4.5                          5
                0        2402               -5.32                          5
   2DH1        39        2441               -4.31                          5
               78        2480               -4.03                          5
                0        2402                0.56                          5
   2DH3        39        2441                1.57                          5
               78        2480                1.85                          5
                0        2402               -0.09                          5
   2DH5        39        2441                0.94                          5
               78        2480                1.21                          5
                0        2402                -5.3                          5
   3DH1        39        2441               -4.29                          5
               78        2480                 -4                           5
                0        2402               -0.55                          5
   3DH3        39        2441                1.55                          5
               78        2480                1.84                          5
                0        2402               -0.08                          5
   3DH5        39        2441                0.93                          5
               78        2480                1.22                          5

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                                Microsoft EMC Laboratory

                                                                                 Model: 1836
                                                                                 FCC ID: C3K1836

     8.2 WLAN Power Measurement Requirements
According to KDB 248227 v02r02 Section 4, maximum output power must be measured
according to the default power measurement procedures below. When SAR measurement is
required, power measurement is also required to confirm output power settings and to
determine reported SAR. Additional power measurements may be necessary to determine SAR
test reduction for test channels in a transmission mode. If the required power measurement is
not included in the default configuration, it is typically measured immediately before and/or after
the SAR measurement. Otherwise, when power measurement is not required for a
transmission mode, the maximum output power and tune-up tolerance specified for production
units can generally be used to determine SAR test exclusion and reduction.

The default power measurement procedures are:

   1) Power must be measured at each transmit antenna port according to the DSSS and
      OFDM transmission configuration in each standalone and aggregated frequency band.
   2) Power measurement is required for the transmission mode configuration with the highest
      maximum output power specified for production units.
      a) When the same higher maximum output power specification applies to multiple
         transmission modes, the largest channel bandwidth configuration with the lowest
         order modulation and lowest data rate is measured.
      b) When the same highest maximum output power is specified for multiple largest
         channel bandwidth configurations with the same lowest order modulation or lowest
         order modulation and lowest data rate, power measurement is required for all
         equivalent 802.11 configurations with the same maximum output power.
   3) For each transmission mode configuration, power must be measured for the highest and
      lowest channels; and at the mid-band channel(s) when there are at least 3 channels.
      For configurations with multiple mid-band channels, due to an even number of channels,
      both channels should be measured.

     8.3 Initial Test Configuration for OFDM Configurations
*The Initial Test Configuration was chosen according to KDB 248227 v02r02 Section 5.3 from
the mode with the highest maximum output power including tune-up tolerances, the highest
channel bandwidth among those modes, the lowest order modulation, and the lowest data rate.
The channel with the highest output power in that mode is chosen as the initial test channel. If
multiple test channels have the same measured maximum output power, the channel chosen for
SAR measurement is chosen by the following (applicable to subsequent test configuration as

   1) The channel closest to mid-band frequency is selected for SAR measurement.
   2) For channels with equal separation from mid-band frequency, for example, high and low
      channels or two mid-band channels, the higher frequency (number) channel is selected
      for SAR measurement.

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                                    Microsoft EMC Laboratory

                                                                            Model: 1836
                                                                            FCC ID: C3K1836

    8.4 WLAN 2.4 GHz Conducted Output Power Measurements
                                     Maximum Conducted Average Output Power (dBm)
  Mode       Channel                                     Primary Antenna
                                            Measured                        Max
                 1        2412                5.57                          6.5
                 6        2437                5.45                          6.5
                11        2462                 5.8                          6.5
 802.11n         1        2412                5.16                          6.5
  HT20           6        2437                5.02                          6.5
  MCS0          11        2462                5.44                          6.5

    8.5 WLAN 5 GHz Conducted Output Power Measurements
   8.5.1   5.2 GHz Conducted Measurements (U-NII-1)
                                    Maximum Conducted Average Output Power (dBm)
  Mode      Channel                      Main Antenna              Diversity Antenna
                                    Measured         Max         Measured         Max
               36        5180         8.82           9.5           9.04           9.5
 802.11a       40        5200          8.7           9.5           8.91           9.5
  6Mbps        44        5220         8.58           9.5           8.87           9.5
               48        5240         8.41           9.5           8.67           9.5
               36        5180         8.25           9.5           8.58           9.5
               40        5200         8.14           9.5           8.47           9.5
               44        5220         8.13           9.5           8.29           9.5
               48        5240           8            9.5           8.26           9.5

   8.5.2   5.3 GHz Conducted Measurements (U-NII-2A)
                                    Maximum Conducted Average Output Power (dBm)
  Mode      Channel                      Main Antenna              Diversity Antenna
                                    Measured         Max         Measured         Max
               52        5260         8.02           9.5           8.32           9.5
 802.11a       56        5280          7.9           9.5           8.22           9.5
  6Mbps        60        5300         7.74           9.5           8.07           9.5
               64        5320         7.71           9.5           8.07           9.5
               52        5260         7.45           9.5           7.76           9.5
               56        5280         7.38           9.5           7.66           9.5
               60        5300         7.39           9.5            7.7           9.5
               64        5320         7.25           9.5           7.55           9.5

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                                 Microsoft EMC Laboratory

                                                                     Model: 1836
                                                                     FCC ID: C3K1836

   8.5.3   5.6 GHz Conducted Measurements (U-NII-2C)
                                  Maximum Conducted Average Output Power (dBm)
  Mode      Channel                    Main Antenna         Diversity Antenna
                                   Measured        Max    Measured         Max
              100       5500         8.52          9.5      8.71           9.5
              104       5520         8.42          9.5      8.58           9.5
              108       5540         8.27          9.5      8.53           9.5
              112       5560         8.12          9.5      8.46           9.5
              116       5580         8.03          9.5      8.51           9.5
              120       5600         7.03          9.5      8.16           9.5
              124       5620         7.77          9.5      8.11           9.5
              128       5640         8.84          9.5      8.92           9.5
              132       5660         8.39          9.5       8.8           9.5
              136       5680         8.14          9.5      8.65           9.5
              140       5700         7.84          9.5       8.4           9.5
              100       5500         8.04          9.5       8.2           9.5
              104       5520         7.95          9.5      8.19           9.5
              108       5540          7.8          9.5      8.15           9.5
              112       5560         7.73          9.5      8.08           9.5
 802.11n      116       5580         7.62          9.5      7.98           9.5
  HT20        120       5600         7.51          9.5      7.77           9.5
  MCS0        124       5620         7.57          9.5      7.73           9.5
              128       5640         7.97          9.5      8.39           9.5
              132       5660         7.83          9.5      8.26           9.5
              136       5680         7.77          9.5      8.28           9.5
              140       5700         7.54          9.5      7.83           9.5

   8.5.4   5.8 GHz Conducted Measurements (U-NII-3)
                                  Maximum Conducted Average Output Power (dBm)
  Mode      Channel                    Main Antenna         Diversity Antenna
                                   Measured        Max    Measured         Max
              149       5745         8.12          9.5      8.83           9.5
              153       5765         8.38          9.5      8.79           9.5
              157       5785         8.88          9.5      8.74           9.5
              161       5805         7.57          9.5       7.8           9.5
              165       5825          8.1          9.5      8.36           9.5
              149       5745         8.05          9.5      8.43           9.5
 802.11n      153       5765           8           9.5      8.28           9.5
  HT20        157       5785         7.88          9.5      8.23           9.5
  MCS0        161       5805          7.5          9.5      7.59           9.5
              165       5825         7.77          9.5      7.88           9.5

Test Report#: S-TR136-FCCSAR-3    Issued: 06/07/2018                    Page 15 of 32
                               Microsoft EMC Laboratory

                                                                              Model: 1836
                                                                              FCC ID: C3K1836

   9 Test Configurations
The standalone SAR test exclusion equations (KDB 447498 D01 4.3.1) are used to determine
which device edges and faces require testing for a given antenna and air interface technology.
From KDB 616217 D04 v01r02 (SAR for laptop and tablets) section 4.3, the SAR test exclusion
threshold from KDB 447498 can be applied to determine SAR test exclusion for adjacent edge
configurations. The closest distance from the antenna to an adjacent edge is used to determine
if SAR testing is required for the adjacent edges.

   1)    For antenna to edge separation distances ≤ 50mm, the 1-g SAR test exclusion
        threshold can be determined by evaluating whether the following is true:

                                                 ∗ 𝑓       3.0

   ο‚·    Pmax = maximum possible average conducted power of transmitter, including tolerances,
        rounded to the nearest mW.

   ο‚·    d = closest intended separation distance between transmitting antenna and edge / face
        of device (mm) (5mm at the least)

   ο‚·    f = frequency of the transmitter for that power level in GHz

   2) For antenna to edge separation distances > 50mm, the SAR test exclusion threshold is
      determined according to the following:
      a) [Power allowed at numeric threshold for 50 mm in step 1) + (test separation distance
         - 50 mm)ꞏ( f(MHz)/150)] mW, at 100 MHz to 1500 MHz
      b) [Power allowed at numeric threshold for 50 mm in step 1) + (test separation distance
         - 50 mm)ꞏ10] mW at > 1500 MHz and ≤ 6 GHz

Test Report#: S-TR136-FCCSAR-3          Issued: 06/07/2018                        Page 16 of 32
                                    Microsoft EMC Laboratory

                                                                                       Model: 1836
                                                                                       FCC ID: C3K1836

     9.1 Evaluation of Required Test Configurations
The following table shows the maximum frequency of each transmitter in GHz and the maximum
output power levels including tolerances rounded to the nearest mW:

 Parameters used                                          Air Interface
 to Evaluate SAR
                            WLAN 2.4 GHz                  WLAN 5 GHz                      BT
  Test Exclusion
 Max Freq. (GHz)                2.462                        5.825                       2.48
 Max Power (mW)                  4.47                         8.91                       3.16

   9.1.1   SAR Test Exclusion Evaluation for antenna-user separation distances less
           than 50mm
SAR evaluation is not required when the values below are ≤ 3.0 (numeric threshold). These
values are calculated from each frequency (GHz), output power (mW), and antenna-user
separation distance less than 50mm.

 Standalone SAR
                    WLAN Main Antenna        WLAN Diversity Antenna         WLAN/BT Primary Antenna
  Test Exclusion
                                Calculated                 Calculated
                   Separation                Separation                   Separation   Calculated Value
                                  Value                      Value
   Device Side      Distance                  Distance                     Distance
                     (mm)        WLAN 5        (mm)         WLAN 5          (mm)        WLAN
                                  GHz                        GHz                       2.4 GHz
     Top Face         9.8         0.72           9.8          2.19           9.8        0.72      0.51
   Bottom Face         6          3.58            6           3.58            6         1.17      0.83
    Left Edge        > 50           -           > 50            -            3.5         1.4      1.00
   Bottom Edge       > 50           -            26           0.83           33         0.21      0.15
    Right Edge       > 50           -           > 50            -           > 50          -         -
    Top Edge         > 50           -           > 50            -           > 50          -         -
See attachments for antenna locations diagram.

           SAR Testing Performed
           SAR Testing Not Required

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                                    Microsoft EMC Laboratory

                                                                                       Model: 1836
                                                                                       FCC ID: C3K1836

   9.1.2   SAR Test Exclusion Evaluation for antenna-user separation distances greater
           than 50mm
The SAR exclusion thresholds calculated from each frequency (GHz) and antenna-user
separation distance greater than 50mm are shown below. SAR testing is not required for the
given edge / face and frequency combination when the maximum output power is less than the
exclusion threshold shown here.

 Standalone SAR
                      WLAN Main Antenna       WLAN Diversity Antenna      WLAN/BT Primary Antenna
  Test Exclusion
                                  Exclusion                 Exclusion                     Exclusion
                    Separation    Threshold   Separation    Threshold   Separation        Threshold
    Device Side      Distance       (mW)       Distance       (mW)       Distance           (mW)
                      (mm)         WLAN 5       (mm)        WLAN 5        (mm)          WLAN
                                    GHz                      GHz                       2.4 GHz
    Top Edge            60           162         105           612          84           436      435
    Left Edge           79           352          79           352         < 50           -        -
   Bottom Edge         < 50           -           70           262         < 50           -        -
    Right Edge         207          1632         207          1632         284          2436     2435
See attachments for antenna locations diagram.

           SAR Testing Performed
           SAR Testing Not Required

     9.2 Test Positions
See previous section for justification of test positions for this configuration.

                                                                                   Test Setup Photo
  Exposure Condition             Phantom Used          DUT Test Position
                                                                                    (See Appendix)
                              Flat Section (SAM,
           Body                                            Bottom 0mm                  Photo 1
                              ELI, or Triple-Flat)

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                                      Microsoft EMC Laboratory

                                                                                Model: 1836
                                                                                FCC ID: C3K1836

   10 SAR Test Procedures
The SAR Evaluation was performed in the following steps:

   o   Power Reference Measurement.
       The Power Measurement and Power Drift Measurements are for monitoring the power
       drift of the device under test. The minimum distance of probe sensors to surface
       determines the closest measurement point to phantom surface. The minimum distance
       of probe sensors to surface is set to 2mm for the EX3DV4 probe as recommended by
       SPEAG. The Power Reference Measurement is taken at a point close to the antenna
       whose output is being measured in order to maximize SNR, thus minimizing drift error.

   o   Area Scan
       The Area Scan is used as a fast scan in two dimensions to find the areas of high field
       values (or hot spots), before doing a fine measurement around the hotspot. The
       sophisticated interpolation routines implemented in DASY5 software can find the
       maximum locations even in relatively coarse grids. When an Area Scan has measured
       all reachable points, it computes the field maxima found and lists all maxima found in the
       scan area within a certain range of the global maximum. A 2 dB range is required by
       IEEE STD 1528. Zoom scans need only be performed on all secondary maxima within
       this range when the absolute maximum found is under 2 dB less than the SAR limit in
       question (i.e., less than 1 W/kg for the 1.6 W/kg SAR limit). Otherwise, the zoom scan is
       only performed at the highest maxima found in the area scan.

       The following x-y grid spacings for the given transmitter frequency ranges are used for
       area scans in accordance with FCC KDB 865664 D01 SAR Measurement 100 MHz to 6

       700 MHz – 2 GHz: ≤ 15 mm
       2 GHz – 4 GHz: ≤ 12 mm
       4 GHz – 6 GHz: ≤ 10 mm

   o   Zoom Scan
       Zoom Scans are used to assess the peak spatial SAR values within a cubic averaging
       volume containing 1g or 10g of simulated tissue. When the measurement is done, the
       Zoom Scan evaluates the averaged SAR for 1g and 10g and displays these values next
       to the job’s label. The sides of the zoom scan cube should be parallel to the edges of
       the EUT when possible. The dimensions of a Zoom Scan and spacing between
       measurement points vary by frequency according to FCC KDB 865664 D01 SAR
       Measurement 100 MHz to 6 GHz, shown in Table 2 below:

   Table 2: Zoom Scan Dimensions

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                                                                                Model: 1836
                                                                                FCC ID: C3K1836

        Transmitter           Cube             x-y coordinate         z coordinate
        Frequency Range       Dimensions       spatial resolution     spatial resolution
        700 MHz – 2 GHz       ≥ 30 mm          ≤ 8 mm                 ≤ 5 mm
        2 GHz – 3 GHz         ≥ 28 mm          ≤ 5 mm, *≤ 8 mm        ≤ 4 mm
        3 – 4 GHz             ≥ 25 mm          ≤ 5 mm, *≤ 7 mm        ≤ 3 mm
        4 – 6 GHz             ≥ 22 mm          ≤ 4 mm, *≤ 5 mm        ≤ 2 mm
       *optional x-y coordinate spatial resolution when Area Scan SAR ≤ 87.5% of applicable
       SAR limit

   o   Power Drift Measurement
       The Power Drift Measurement measures the field at the same location as the most
       recent power reference measurement within the same procedure, and with the same
       settings. The Power Drift Measurement gives the field difference in dB from the reading
       conducted within the last Power Reference Measurement. The absolute value of this
       difference must be ≤ 0.21 dB; if it is not, the entire test is repeated or the difference
       accounted for.

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                                   Microsoft EMC Laboratory

                                                                                Model: 1836
                                                                                FCC ID: C3K1836

   11 SAR Test Results
       11.1 General SAR Testing Notes
   o    From KDB 447498 D01 General RF Exposure Guidance v06, the following test
        channel reduction was applied to each test position of an exposure condition in each
        wireless mode and configuration. Initial testing for each test position for each band was
        performed on the middle required test channel (or required test channel with the highest
        measured power for WLAN modes). Testing of other required channels within the
        operating mode of a frequency band is not required when the reported 1-g or 10-g SAR
        for the mid-band or highest output power channel is:
        ο‚· ≤ 0.8 W/kg or 2.0 W/kg, for 1-g or 10-g respectively, when the transmission band is ≤
             100 MHz
        ο‚· ≤ 0.6 W/kg or 1.5 W/kg, for 1-g or 10-g respectively, when the transmission band is
             between 100 MHz and 200 MHz

   o    All WLAN measurements were made with the device transmitting at 100% duty cycle.
   o    Tissue-simulating liquid temperature was maintained within +/- 2°C of that which was
        measured during liquid verification.

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                                    Microsoft EMC Laboratory

                                                                                 Model: 1836
                                                                                 FCC ID: C3K1836

       11.2 WLAN 5 GHz SAR Testing Notes
In accordance with KDB 248227 D01 v02r02 Section 5:

   o    When the initial test channel had a reported SAR below 0.8 W/kg, further SAR
        measurement on the channel with next highest power was not needed.
   o    U-NII-1:
           o SAR is not required for U-NII-1 band since the same maximum output power is
               specified for both U-NII-1, U-NII-2A bands and the highest reported SAR for U-
               NII-2A band is below 1.2 W/kg.
   o    U-NII-2A:
           o 802.11a was used as the initial test configuration since it has the same specific
               maximum power as 802.11n HT20 but a lower data rate.
   o    U-NII-2C:
           o 802.11a was used as the initial test configuration since it has the same specific
               maximum power as 802.11n HT20 but a lower data rate.
   o    U-NII-3:
           o 802.11a was used as the initial test configuration since it has the same specific
               maximum power as 802.11n HT20 but a lower data rate.

   11.2.1 WLAN 5.2 GHz SAR Test Results
According to KDB 248227 v02r02 Section 5.3.1:

When the same maximum output power is specified for both U-NII-1 and U-NII-2A bands, begin
SAR measurement in U-NII-2A band by applying the OFDM SAR requirements. If the highest
reported SAR for a test configuration is ≤ 1.2 W/kg, SAR is not required for U-NII-1 band for that

Since the highest reported SAR in U-NII-2A is ≤ 1.2 W/kg SAR testing was not performed in U-

   11.2.2 WLAN 5.3 GH Main Antenna SAR Test Results
                                                             Avg.     Max.                Reported
             BW                                     Freq.                       1g
 Mode                   Ant.     Position    Ch.             Pwr.     Pwr.                 1g SAR
            (MHz)                                   (MHz)                      SAR
                                                             (dBm)   (dBm)                 (W/kg)
              20       Main       Bottom      52    5260     8.02      9.5     0.201        0.283
6 Mbps

   11.2.3 WLAN 5.3 GHz Diversity Antenna SAR Test Results
                                                             Avg.     Max.                Reported
             BW                                     Freq.                       1g
 Mode                   Ant.     Position    Ch.             Pwr.     Pwr.                 1g SAR
            (MHz)                                   (MHz)                      SAR
                                                             (dBm)   (dBm)                 (W/kg)
802.11a                                                                                     0.329
              20        Div.      Bottom      52    5260     8.32      9.5     0.251
6 Mbps                                                                                     (Plot 1)

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                                    Microsoft EMC Laboratory

                                                                        Model: 1836
                                                                        FCC ID: C3K1836

   11.2.4 WLAN 5.6 GHz Main Antenna SAR Test Results
                                                      Avg.      Max.              Reported
           BW                                Freq.                       1g
 Mode               Ant.    Position   Ch.            Pwr.      Pwr.               1g SAR
          (MHz)                              (MHz)                      SAR
                                                      (dBm)    (dBm)               (W/kg)
            20      Main    Bottom     128   5640     8.84      9.5    0.335        0.39
6 Mbps

   11.2.5 WLAN 5.6 GHz Diversity Antenna SAR Test Results
                                                      Avg.      Max.              Reported
           BW                                Freq.                       1g
 Mode               Ant.   Position    Ch.            Pwr.      Pwr.               1g SAR
          (MHz)                              (MHz)                      SAR
                                                      (dBm)    (dBm)               (W/kg)
802.11a                                                                             0.427
            20      Div.    Bottom     128   5640     8.92      9.5    0.374
6 Mbps                                                                             (Plot 2)

   11.2.6 WLAN 5.8 GHz Main Antenna SAR Test Results
                                                      Avg.      Max.              Reported
           BW                                Freq.                       1g
 Mode               Ant.    Position   Ch.            Pwr.      Pwr.               1g SAR
          (MHz)                              (MHz)                      SAR
                                                      (dBm)    (dBm)               (W/kg)
            20      Main    Bottom     149   5745     8.12      9.5     0.295       0.405
            20      Main    Bottom     157   5785     8.88      9.5    0.345        0.398
6 Mbps
            20      Main    Bottom     165   5825        8.1    9.5    0.289        0.399

   11.2.7 WLAN 5.8 GHz Diversity Antenna SAR Test Results
                                                      Avg.      Max.              Reported
           BW                                Freq.                       1g
 Mode               Ant.    Position   Ch.            Pwr.      Pwr.               1g SAR
          (MHz)                              (MHz)                      SAR
                                                      (dBm)    (dBm)               (W/kg)
            20      Main    Bottom     149   5745     8.83      9.5    0.392
                                                                                   (Plot 3)
6 Mbps      20      Main    Bottom     157   5785     8.74      9.5    0.383        0.456
            20      Main    Bottom     165   5825     8.36      9.5    0.347        0.451

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                              Microsoft EMC Laboratory

                                                                              Model: 1836
                                                                              FCC ID: C3K1836

   12 SAR System Verification
System Verifications were performed in accordance with IEEE 1528-2013 and KDB 865664
D01 v01r04. Verifications were performed for each frequency band and within the valid range
of each probe calibration point required for testing the device. The same SAR probe(s) and
tissue-equivalent liquid combinations used with each SAR system for system verification were
used for device testing. Verifications were performed before each series of SAR measurements
using the same calibration point and tissue-equivalent medium and every three days thereafter
when necessary.

The test setup diagram is shown below. A CW signal is created by a signal generator and fed
through a power amplifier with directional coupler outputs. The forward output power is
adjusted to 20 dBm while the coupled output power is normalized to 0dB for easy monitoring.
When the forward power is attached to the dipole, the power is then adjusted if necessary so
that the coupled channel again reads 0 dB on the power meter. Tissue-simulating liquid depth
in the phantom is maintained to be at least 15 cm for frequencies below 3 GHz and 10 cm for
frequencies above 5 GHz.

                                                                              Robotic Arm

                                       Data Acquisition

             Signal Generator
                                       Dosimetric Probe

                                                          Flat Phantom

           Power Amplifier /                        Validation
          Directional Coupler                        Dipole


                                                                         20 dBm CW
       Power Meter

                        System Verification Setup

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                                  Microsoft EMC Laboratory

                                                                             Model: 1836
                                                                             FCC ID: C3K1836

     12.1 SAR System Verification Results
All verifications are performed with a 100 mW (20 dBm) input to the dipole. The resultant
measured SAR is normalized to 1 W (30 dBm) for comparison to calibrated dipole targets. All
normalized SAR system verification results were within 10% of the respective dipole target

                                                                   Norm.    Dipole       Dev.
           Tissue-                                                  1-g     Target       from
                     Probe                      Freq.      1-g
  Date      Sim.                   Dipole                           SAR      1-g        Target
                      SN                        (MHz)      SAR
           Liquid                                                  (W/kg)    SAR       1-g SAR
                                                                            (W/kg)        (%)
5/7/2018     MSL      3999    D5GHzV2/1158       5250      7.6      76       75
                                                                                       (Plot 4)
5/7/2018     MSL      3999    D5GHzV2/1158       5600      7.87     78.7     80.5
                                                                                       (Plot 5)
5/7/2018     MSL      3999    D5GHzV2/1158       5750      7.49     74.9     76.7
                                                                                       (Plot 6)

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                                  Microsoft EMC Laboratory

                                                                                Model: 1836
                                                                                FCC ID: C3K1836

   13 Tissue-Simulating Liquid Verification
(KDB 854664 D01 v01r04 Section 2.4) The tissue dielectric parameters of tissue-equivalent
media used for SAR measurements must be characterized within a temperature range of 18°C
to 25°C, measured with calibrated instruments and apparatuses, such as network analyzers and
temperature probes. The temperature of the tissue-equivalent medium during SAR
measurement must also be within 18°C to 25°C and within ± 2°C of the temperature when the
tissue parameters are characterized. The tissue dielectric measurement system must be
calibrated before use. The dielectric parameters must be measured before the tissue-equivalent
medium is used in a series of SAR measurements. The parameters should be re-measured
after each 3 – 4 days of use; or earlier if the dielectric parameters can become out of tolerance;
for example, when the parameters are marginal at the beginning of the measurement series.

The target parameters for the tissue-simulating liquids are obtained from the following table from
KDB 865664 D01:

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                                   Microsoft EMC Laboratory

                                                                                   Model: 1836
                                                                                   FCC ID: C3K1836

     13.1 Tissue-Simulating Liquid Ingredients and Maintenance
The Tissue-simulating liquids were manufactured by SPEAG. The following information on the
maintenance of

MSL 2450 Ingredients: Water, DGBE

MBBL 3500 – 5800 Ingredients: Water, Mineral Oil, Emulsifiers, Sodium Chloride

DGBE is easily dissolved in water. Given a DGBE-water mixture, mainly water will evaporate,
however DGBE will evaporate to a smaller percentage. For the frequency liquids around 2.5
GHz, no NaCl is contained and should therefore not be added for any corrections.
Evaporated water can be replaced and will mainly increase the permittivity, and to a small
extent the conductivity, typically as follows:

HSLxxxxV2: permittivity 0.8 to 1.0 per % of water, conductivity 0 to 0.1 per % of water

MSLxxxxV2: permittivity 0.8 per % of water, conductivity 0 to 0.01 per % of water

Oil based liquids are an emulsion of a complex mixture of ingredients. Their appearance is
yellow or brown transparent or slightly opaque / milky in most cases. Some older liquids may
show a non-transparent upper zone with a creamy appearance after some time without stirring.
Before using or handling the liquid, it must therefore be stirred to become entirely
homogeneous. An opaque appearance is possible but will not influence the dielectric
parameters if it is homogeneous during the measurement at the probe surface.
Evaporated water can be replaced and will increase the permittivity, and to a smaller extent the

The sensitivities to water addition (% parameter increase per weight% water added) of oil
based SPEAG broadband tissue simulating liquids at the frequencies of interest are typically in
the following range:

HBBL3500-5800V5       at 3.5 GHz:    permittivity 0.79, conductivity 0.14
                      at 5.5 GHz:    permittivity 0.83, conductivity 0.41

MBBL3500-5800V5       at 3.5 GHz:    permittivity 0.44, conductivity 0.00
                      at 5.5 GHz:    permittivity 0.48, conductivity 0.18

The temperature gradients shall be observed especially during conductivity measurement:

HBBL3500-5800V5       at 3.5 GHz:    permittivity -0.07, conductivity -0.43 %/°C
                      at 5.5 GHz:    permittivity -0.23, conductivity -0.96 %/°C

MBBL3500-5800V5       at 3.5 GHz:    permittivity -0.35, conductivity -1.14 %/°C
                      at 5.5 GHz:    permittivity -0.08, conductivity -1.52 %/°C

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                                    Microsoft EMC Laboratory

                                                                        Model: 1836
                                                                        FCC ID: C3K1836

     13.2 Tissue-Simulating Liquid Measurements
             Tissue-               Rel.                   ε'r   Cond.   Target      σ
                        Freq.              Target
 Date      Simulating             Perm.                 Dev.      σ       σ       Dev.
                        (MHz)                ε'r
             Liquid                 ε’r                   %     (S/m)   (S/m)       %
           MBBL 600-    5250      47.18     48.95       -3.62   5.445    5.36      1.59
              6000      5260      47.13      48.9       -3.62   5.449    5.37      1.47
            160204-3    5320      46.91     48.85       -3.97   5.568    5.44      2.35
             22.5 °C    5350      46.97     48.82       -3.78   5.598    5.47      2.34
           MBBL 600-    5500      47.82     48.61       -1.63    5.45    5.65     -3.54
              6000      5600      47.64     48.47       -1.71   5.595    5.77     -3.03
             22.4 °C    5700      47.46     48.34       -1.82   5.743    5.88     -2.33
           MBBL 600-    5725      47.75      48.2       -0.93   5.802    5.91     -1.83
              6000      5800      47.64      48.2       -1.16   5.906      6      -1.57
                        5825      47.57     48.17       -1.25   5.946    6.03     -1.39
             22.5 °C

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                                Microsoft EMC Laboratory

                                                                            Model: 1836
                                                                            FCC ID: C3K1836

   14 System Specification
      DASY 5 system performing SAR testing contains the following items, which are
      illustrated in the figure below.
           ο‚· 6-axis robot (model: TX90XL) with controller and teach pendant.
           ο‚· Dosimetric E-field probe.
           ο‚· Light beam unit which allows automatic “tooling” of the probe.
           ο‚· The electro-optical convertor (EOC) which is mounted on the robot arm.
           ο‚· The data acquisition electronics (DAE).
           ο‚· Elliptical Phantom
           ο‚· Device holder.
           ο‚· Remote control.
           ο‚· PC.
           ο‚· DASY5 software.
           ο‚· Validation dipole.

                                  DASY5 System Setup

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                                 Microsoft EMC Laboratory

                                                                            Model: 1836
                                                                            FCC ID: C3K1836

   15 Measurement Uncertainty
KDB 865664 D01 v01r04 section 2.8.2 says:

Extensive SAR measurement uncertainty analysis is required in SAR reports only when the
highest measured SAR in a frequency band is ≥ 1.5 W/kg for 1-g SAR.

The highest measured 1-g SAR in this report is 0.392 W/kg. Therefore, SAR measurement
uncertainty analysis is not required for this report.

Overall SAR system measurement uncertainty is less than 30% with a confidence factor k=2 in
order to meet standard requirements.

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                                 Microsoft EMC Laboratory

                                                             Model: 1836
                                                             FCC ID: C3K1836

   16 Appendices
The following are contained in the attached appendices:

   ο‚·   Highest SAR Test and SAR System Verification Plots
   ο‚·   SAR Test Setup Photos
   ο‚·   Calibration Report Documents for:
           o Validation Dipole D5GHzV2-1158_April18
           o Dosimetric Probe EX3-3999_Dec17

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                                  Microsoft EMC Laboratory

                                                        Model: 1836
                                                        FCC ID: C3K1836

                        End of Test Report

Test Report#: S-TR136-FCCSAR-3   Issued: 06/07/2018        Page 32 of 32
                             Microsoft EMC Laboratory

Document Created: 2018-06-07 16:50:36
Document Modified: 2018-06-07 16:50:36

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