Model 1807 Operational Description_r2

FCC ID: C3K1807

Operational Description

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                                     1807 Operational Description
Model 1807 is a Surface tablet running the Windows operating system.
The device contains an integrated 802.11 a/b/g/n/ac / BT 4.0 radio as well as a WCDMA/LTE cellular radio.

The Wi-fi/BT subsystem is based on the Marvell 88W8897 WLAN/Bluetooth/NFC System-on-Chip (SoC). The SoC utilizes
3.3V and 1.8V voltage supply rails and is designed for both simultaneous and independent operation of the following:

      IEEE 802.11ac compliant, 2x2 MIMO spatial stream multiplexing with data rates up to VHT80 MCS9 2SS (866.7
      Bluetooth 4.0 + EDR/BDR/High speed/Low Energy Dual Mode Controller
      NFC functionality is not implemented in this product

The WLAN subsystem connects to the application processor via a PCIe Gen 2 interface and the Bluetooth subsystem
connects to the application processor via a USB 2.0 interface. The wireless sub-system contains a 32.768 kHz sleep
clock along with an internal 40 MHz crystal oscillator.

WLAN Antennas
The Chain B, MAIN 2.4 GHz WLAN path and the Bluetooth signal path share the same antenna through an RF switch. The
2.4GHz and 5GHz outputs from the module are routed to a diplexer to share the dual band (2.4GHz/5GHz) MAIN antenna.
The product includes two dual band (2.4GHz and 5GHz) antennas. One antenna (MAIN) is used for both WLAN and
Bluetooth functionality while the other (MIMO) is used solely for WLAN. Peak Gains are shown below;

                                           Table 1: WLAN Antenna Gains

                                                Antenna Gain (dBi)       Antenna Gain (dBi)
                         Frequency Band               Path B                  Path A
                                                 Wi-Fi / Bluetooth          Wi-Fi MIMO
                       2400 to 2483.5 MHz               0.2                      2.4
                        5150 to 5250 MHz                2.9                      2.2
                        5250 to 5350 MHz                2.8                      2.5
                        5470 to 5725 MHz                2.8                      1.9
                        5725 to 5850 MHz                1.6                      1.3

       Model 1807 Operational Description                                                                   Page 1 of 24


The WWAN modem subsystem is based on the Qualcomm MDM9250 chipset. This is the multi-chip modem solution
consisting of the 9250 baseband and the WTR5975 transceiver.

LTE Release 11 and W-CDMA Release 8 are supported.
Carrier aggregation is supported in downlink only.

The primary RF consists of the Tx and primary Rx paths. For Tx, the WTR5975 TX_CH0_LB2 port is used for all low-band
Tx and TX_CH1_MB used for all mid-band Tx. TX_CH0_HB1 and TX_CH0_HB2 ports are used for all high-band Tx.

All low-band Tx is routed through the QM78012, with the exception of B13 which is routed through the QM78012 AUX
path and an external duplexer. Tx output from the QM78012 is connected to the low-band antenna through a low-pass
filter and a coupler. An inline RF switch connector is placed near the antenna feed point for calibration and test access.
The coupler provides input to the WTR5975 FBRx for low-band closed-loop power control.

All mid-band Tx is routed through the QM78013, with the exception of B2/B4 (B25/B66) which are routed through an
external quadlexer and the QM78013 TRX3 path. Tx output from the QM78013 is connected to the mid/high-band
antenna through the triplexer. An inline RF switch connector is placed near the antenna feed point for calibration and
test access for both mid- and high-bands. The CPL_OUT and TERM ports of the QM78013 provide input to the WTR5975
FBRx for mid-band closed-loop power control.

All high-band Tx is routed through the QM78035, with the exception of B30 which is routed through an external duplexer
and the QM78035 TRX1 path. Tx output from the QM78035 is connected to the mid/high-band antenna through the
triplexer. The CPL_OUT port of the QM78035 provides input to the WTR5975 FBRx for high-band closed-loop power

        Model 1807 Operational Description                                                                   Page 2 of 24

For primary Rx, all low-band Rx is routed from the low-band antenna through the QM78012 to the QLN1020 LNA module.
As with Tx, B13 is routed through the QM78012 AUX path and an external duplexer. QLN1010 Rx output is connected to
the WTR5975 PRX_LB port, and also to QLN1030 for multi-band CA input to the WTR5975.

All mid-band and high-band Rx is routed from the mid/high-band antenna through the QM78013 and QM78035 to the
QLN1030 LNA module. As with Tx, B2/B4 (B25/B66) are routed through the QM78013 TRX3 path and the external
quadlexer. B30 is routed through the QM78035 TRX1 path and the external duplexer. QLN1030 mid-band Rx outputs are
connected to the WTR5975 PRX_MB_A and PRX_MB_B ports. QLN1030 high-band Rx output is connected to the
WTR5975 PRX_HB input.

For diversity Rx, all low-band Rx is routed from the low-band diversity antenna through the M552 LNA module. B28 and
B29 are routed through the M552 AUX 1 & 2 paths and through external filters. The M552 Rx output is connected to the
WTR5975 DRX_LB port, and also to M556 for multi-band CA input to the WTR5975. All mid-band and high-band Rx is
routed from the mid/high-band diversity antenna through the M556 LNA module. B39 and B40 are routed through
external filters via the M556 ASM_AUX1 and _AUX2 paths. The M556 mid-band Rx output is connected to the WTR5975
DRX_MB_A and DRX_MB_B ports. High-band Rx output is connected to the WTR5975 DRX_HB port.

WWAN Antennas

                                          Table 2: WWAN Antenna Gains

                      Frequency Band              Antenna Gain (dBi)        Antenna Gain (dBi)
                                                   WWAN Primary               WWAN Primary
                                                       TX/RX               TX/RX Mid/High Band
                                                  Low Band Antenna               Antenna
                Band 2: 1850 to 1910 MHz                    -                       0.5
                Band 4: 1710 to 1755 MHz                    -                       0.4
                 Band 5: 824 to 849 MHz                    0.3                        -
                Band 7: 2500 to 2570 MHz                    -                       0.8
                 Band 12: 699 to 716 MHz                  -0.9                        -
                 Band 13: 777 to 787 MHz                  -0.7                        -
                 Band 26: 814 to 849 MHz                   0.3                        -
                Band 30: 2305 to 2315 MHz                   -                       0.02
                Band 38: 2570 to 2620 MHz                   -                       0.8
                Band 41: 2496 to 2690 MHz                   -                       0.8

       Model 1807 Operational Description                                                              Page 3 of 24

SAR test configurations
Note: SAR was conducted in accordance with KDB Inquiry 999667. See the Appendix of this document for the original
KDB inquiry, follow up inquiry, and FCC responses.

To summarize, this device has two independent power reduction sensors used to comply with SAR requirements.

WLAN Keyboard Position Sensor: This sensor controls WLAN power only. When a keyboard is connected, and the
device is in a Laptop configuration the WLAN is at normal power. When the keyboard is removed or folded back such
that the device is in a Tablet configuration the output power is reduced.

WWAN Capacitive Proximity Sensor: This sensor is located next to the WWAN antennas. When a body is detected
within the trigger distance of the sensor, the WWAN output power is reduced.

When considering simultaneous transmission modes for WLAN and WWAN radios, the following output states were
proposed in KDB inquiry tracking Number 999667 and agreed to in the FCC response.

                          Table 3: WLAN and WWAN Power States versus Sensor States

       Model 1807 Operational Description                                                              Page 4 of 24

Sensors Operation
The Surface Keyboard is a USB device. The sensory logic inside the keyboard works in conjunction with
other logic in the OS Host to conclude the keyboard angle. The SAR monitoring logic uses the keyboard
angles in conjunction with the proximity sensor to determine the appropriate actions as detailed in Table 3.

In addition to proximity and angles, there is a SW function that determines also whether the LTE and Wi-Fi
are enabled simultaneously. All three such inputs, proximity, keyboard angles and Simultaneous LTE + Wi-
Fi coalesce in the SAR monitoring logic running on the OS Host (processor) to determine final back off action
for each the LTE and Wi-Fi radios. If a communications error or other fault occurs such that the state of the
sensors cannot be determined, low power mode is triggered until such time that the sensor state can be

       Model 1807 Operational Description                                                          Page 5 of 24

WLAN and Bluetooth/Bluetooth LE powers for North American Region
Bluetooth and Bluetooth LE power is 2.5 dBm +/- 1.5 dB.
Tx power values in the table below for WLAN are in dBm with a tolerance of +/- 1.5 dB in Laptop mode,
and +1 / -1.5 dB in Tablet mode.

                                Table 4: WLAN output power for North America

       Model 1807 Operational Description                                                               Page 6 of 24

                             Table 5: WWAN output power for North America Region

Simultaneous Transmission Modes

Laptop & Tablet (WLAN/BT only. WWAN OFF)
These Transmission modes of Wi-Fi & BT are supported;
Path A Wi-Fi 2.4 GHz and Path B Wi-Fi 2.4 GHz
Path A Wi-Fi 5 GHz and Path B Wi-Fi 5 GHz
Path A Wi-Fi 2.4 GHz and Path B Bluetooth
Path A Wi-Fi 5 GHz and Path B Bluetooth

Laptop Mode(WLAN/BT/WWAN)
Path A Wi-Fi 2.4 GHz and Path B Wi-Fi 2.4 GHz and WWAN Low Band
Path A Wi-Fi 2.4 GHz and Path B Wi-Fi 2.4 GHz and WWAN Mid/High Band
Path A Wi-Fi 5 GHz and Path B Wi-Fi 5 GHz and WWAN Low Band
Path A Wi-Fi 5 GHz and Path B Wi-Fi 5 GHz and WWAN Mid/High Band
Path A Wi-Fi 2.4 GHz and Path B Bluetooth and WWAN Low Band
Path A Wi-Fi 2.4 GHz and Path B Bluetooth and WWAN Mid/High Band

       Model 1807 Operational Description                                          Page 7 of 24

Path A Wi-Fi 5 GHz and Path B Bluetooth and WWAN Low Band
Path A Wi-Fi 5 GHz and Path B Bluetooth and WWAN Mid/High Band

       Model 1807 Operational Description                        Page 8 of 24

Tablet Mode (WLAN/BT/WWAN) WLAN Path A is at Reduced Power. WLAN Path B is OFF. Path B Bluetooth is ON
Path A Wi-Fi 2.4 GHz and WWAN Low Band
Path A Wi-Fi 2.4 GHz and WWAN Mid/High Band
Path A Wi-Fi 5 GHz and WWAN Low Band
Path A Wi-Fi 5 GHz and WWAN Mid/High Band
Path A Wi-Fi 2.4 GHz and Path B Bluetooth and WWAN Low Band
Path A Wi-Fi 2.4 GHz and Path B Bluetooth and WWAN Mid/High Band
Path A Wi-Fi 5 GHz and Path B Bluetooth and WWAN Low Band
Path A Wi-Fi 5 GHz and Path B Bluetooth and WWAN Mid/High Band

Active and Passive Channel Scanning

The following tables show the channels used for Active and Passive Scanning. The device does not have software
configuration control which will affect the channel usage.

 Channel       2400 to          5.15 to 5.25 GHz         5.25 to        5.47 to           5.725 to 5.85 GHz
   BW        2483.5 MHz                                 5.35 GHz      5.725 GHz
 20 MHz        Ch. 1-13        Ch. 36, 40, 44, 48                                    Ch. 149, 153, 157, 161, 165

  40 MHz                    36/40 (5190 MHz) 44/48                                      149/153(5755 MHz)
                                  (5230 MHz)                                            157/161(5795 MHz)
  80 MHz                    36/40/44/48(5210 MHz)                                   149/153/157/161(5775 MHz)

Channels used for Passive scanning

  Channel       2400 to        5.15 to      5.25 to 5.35 GHz            5.47 to 5.725 GHz          5.725 to 5.85
    BW        2483.5 MHz      5.25 GHz                                                                 GHz
  20 MHz                                    Ch. 52, 56, 60, 64      Ch. 100, 104, 108, 112, 116,
                                                                         132, 136, 140, 144
  40 MHz                                   52/56 (5190 MHz),            100/104(5510 MHz)
                                           60/64(5310 MHz)              108/112(5550 MHz)
                                                                        116/120(5590 MHz)
                                                                        124/128(5630 MHz)
                                                                        132/136(5670 MHz)
                                                                        140/144(5710 MHz)
  80 MHz                                      52/56/60/64          100/104/108/112(5530 MHz)
                                              (5290 MHz)           116/120/124/128(5610 MHz)
                                                                   132/136/140/144(5690 MHz)

       Model 1807 Operational Description                                                                Page 9 of 24

Frequency Stability

The frequency stability of this device is adequate to ensure that the signal will remain in-band under all normal
operating conditions.

Dynamic Frequency Selection (DFS)
The device meets all DFS requirements for a client device in the DFS bands. DFS bands are only used in infrastructure
mode under control of an authorized Master Device. Per FCC KDB 848637, the client software and associated drivers will
not initiate any transmission on DFS frequencies without initiation by a master. This includes restriction on transmissions
for beacons and support for ad-hoc peer-to-peer modes.

Disable Transmitter in Case of Failure
In the case of either absence of information to transmit or operational failure, the radio will automatically discontinue
transmission. This is accomplished through the Carrier Sense / Clear Channel Assessment (CS/CCA) feature which is part
of the 802.11 protocol.

The information within this section of the Operational Description is to show compliance against the Software Security
Requirements laid out within KDB 594280 D02 U-NII Security.
The information below describes how we maintain the overall security measures and systems so that only:
    1. Authenticated software is loaded and operating on the device
    2. The device is not easily modified to operate with RF parameters outside of the authorization

 General Description
 1. Describe how any software /firmware       Updates to the software and firmware are obtained,
    update will be obtained, downloaded,      downloaded, and installed as part of the Microsoft Windows
    and installed. Software that is           Update procedure. All updates are digitally signed and securely
    accessed through manufacturer’s           delivered over the internet.
    website or device’s management
    system, must describe the different
    levels of security.
 2. Describe all the radio frequency          The radio frequency parameters that are software/firmware
    parameters that are modified by any       modifiable without hardware changes are the following:
    software/firmware without any             calibration related values to adjust for transmit and receive path
    hardware changes.                         variations from device to device; thermal compensation
    Are these parameters in some way          calibration values; maximum transmit power limits per
    limited, such that, it will not exceed    regulatory region; region identifier for the exact product SKU;
    the authorized parameters?                and MAC addresses for the protocol layer.
 3. Describe in detail the authentication     Software and firmware update packages are digitally signed to be
    protocols that are in place to ensure     securely distributed over the internet via the Microsoft Windows
    that the source of the software/          Update procedure. If the software or firmware package
    firmware is legitimate? Describe in       components are modified, Microsoft Windows will fail to load the
    detail show the software is protected     device driver and firmware and a driver authentication error will
    against modification                      be reported in the Device Manager.

       Model 1807 Operational Description                                                                          Page 10 of 24

General Description
4. Describe in detail the verification         Authenticity of the driver software and firmware package is
   protocols in place to ensure that the       managed by the Windows Driver Signing process. Details can be
   software/firmware is legitimate?            found online here:

5. Describe in detail any encryption           Industry leading encryption methods are used as part of the
   methods used to support the use of          Windows Update secure delivery method.
   legitimate software/firmware
6. For a device that can be configured         There are regulatory compliance protections in place for the
   as a master and client (with active or      device operating in both bands in both master and client modes.
   passive scanning), explain how the          Also, while operating in master mode in WFD, DFS channels are
   device ensures compliance for each          excluded as options in the mode.
   mode? In particular if the device acts
   as master in some band of operation
   and client in another; how is
   compliance ensured in each band of

3rd Party Access Control
1. Explain if any third parties have the       Once the device is programmed at the factory to operate on
   capability to operate a US sold device      the US, it cannot be changed.
   on any other regulatory domain,
   frequencies, or in any manner that is
   in violation of the certification.
2. What prevents third parties from            The multiple levels of driver and firmware authenticity gates.
   loading non-US versions of the
   software/firmware on the device?
   Describe in detail how the device is
   protected from “flashing” and the
   installation of third-party firmware such
   as DD-WRT.
3. For Certified Transmitter modular           The device is not modular. The radio solution is physically
   devices, describe how the module            integrated into the PCBA.
   grantee       ensures        that   hosts
   manufactures fully comply with these
   software security requirements for U-
   NII devices. If the module is controlled
   through driver software loaded in the
   host, describe how the drivers are
   controlled and managed such that the
   modular transmitter parameters are
   not modified outside the grant of

     Model 1807 Operational Description                                                                          Page 11 of 24

1. To whom is the UI accessible? (Professional           The UI is generically enabled as part of the standard
   installer, end user, other.)                          Windows 10 UI. The Windows environment allows for
                                                         different levels of users (administrators, etc.)
    a) What parameters are viewable to the               Regulatory parameters are not viewable within the User
      professional installer/end-user?                   Interface. Current operating channel information can be
                                                         accessed via advanced features such as the command line
                                                         application “netsh wlan show all”
    b) What parameters are accessible or                 Only user level configuration and monitoring parameters are
      modifiable to the professional installer?          accessible and modifiable to the professional installer.
                                                         Regulatory features are neither accessible nor modifiable by
                                                         even the professional installer.
      (1) Are the parameters in some way                 Regulatory parameters cannot be modified.
        limited, so that the installers will not enter
        parameters that exceed those
      (2) What controls exist that the user cannot       See above.
        operate the device outside its
        authorization in the U.S.?
    c) What configuration options are available to       The UI is generically enabled as part of the standard
      the end-user?                                      Windows 10 UI. The Windows environment allows for
                                                         different levels of users (administrators, etc.)
      (1) Are the parameters in some way                 Regulatory parameters cannot be modified.
        limited, so that the installers will not enter
        parameters that exceed those
      (2) What controls exist that the user cannot       See above.
        operate the device outside its
        authorization in the U.S.?
   d) Is the country code factory set? Can it be         The country code is (and can only be set) in the factory. It
      changed in the UI?                                 cannot be changed in the UI.
      (1) If so, what controls exist to ensure that      N/A
        the device can only operate within its
        authorization in the U.S.?
   e) What are the default parameters when the           This depends on the region/country code that is
      device is restarted?                               programmed at the factory.
 2. Can the radio be configured in bridge or             The device supports Wi-Fi Direct and the feature is gated by
    mesh mode? If yes, an attestation may be             the same regulatory compliance protections in normal client
    required. Further information is available in        mode.
    KDB Publication 905462 D02.
3. For a device that can be configured as a              This is enabled as part of the Wi-Fi Direct and its control
   master and client (with active or passive             functions. See General Description Item 6 for more detail.
   scanning),if this is user configurable,
   describe what controls exist, within the UI, to
   ensure compliance for each mode. If the
   device acts as a master in some bands and
   client in others, how is this configured to
   ensure compliance?

      Model 1807 Operational Description                                                                                Page 12 of 24

4. For a device that can be configured as           N/A – The antennas are integrated in the device and there
   different types of access points, such as        are RF connections accessible on the device.
   point-to-point or point-to-multipoint, and use
   different types of antennas, describe what
   controls exist to ensure compliance with
   applicable limits and the proper antenna is
   used for each mode of operation. (See
   Section 15.407(a))

     Model 1807 Operational Description                                                                     Page 13 of 24

                              KDB inquiry tracking Number 999667

Model 1807 Operational Description                                 Page 14 of 24

                       Microsoft Corporation        Tel 425 se2 8080
                       One Microsoft Way            Faxa2s 706 7329
                       Redmand, WA 98052—6399       ww

E® Microsoft


       July 25, 2017
                                                Confidential Treatment Requested

       Hello OET Reviewer,

       Thank you for the previous response. We would like to make an update on the details of this device.
       The proximity sensor does not cover the WLAN Main antenna as was previously shown and deseribed.
       This requires a change in the WLAN Main transmitter state in the second to last row of Table 1 as shown
       on the next page.

           *   Tablet configuration + simultaneous TX + proximity not triggered —> WLAN Main OFF (instead of
               WLAN Main ON at reduced power as was indicated in the previous submission).

       Sincethis is a more conservative change, we do not think there will be an issue with it. We just wanted
       to update the record here so that the inquiry information matches the certification submission details
       when it is time for the PAG review. Let us know if there are any issues with this change.

       Thank you and best regards,
       Mike Boucher — Sr. Compliance Engineer, Microsoft
       Zack Gray — SAR Test Engineer, Microsoft

                                                                                                      Page 1 of 2

                       Microsoft Corporation       Tela2s sez sos0
                       One Microsoft Way           Faxazs 7os 7329
                       RedmandWA 98052—6399        ww

E® Microsoft


                   20           |       State of Sensors                             TX Output Power
                                       Keyboard       Proximity          WWAN            WLAN Main       WLan Mimo
             Mode                       Position        Sensor
      Wi—Fi Only                    Laptop Mode            >                >             Full Power |  Full Power
      Wi—Fi Only                ]   Tablet Mode            —                —         | Reduced power Reduced power
                                |                         Not                         |
      Cellular Only                 Laptop Mode       ragared           Full Power            —                 —
      Cellular Only:                Laptop Mode       Triggered       Reduced Power I         —                 —
                                |                         Not
      Cellular Only:                Tablet Mode          ; 9            Full Power            =                 &
      Cellular Only                 Tablet Mode       Triggered       Reduced Power           —                 —
      Simultaneous: Wi—Fi                                Not
      & Cellular                    Laptop Mode       Friggered         Full Power        Full Power       Full Power

      einullansens: Wih             Laptop Mode       Triggered       Reduced Power       Full Power       Full Power
      & Cellular                      P                 99
      Simultaneous: Wi—Fi                                Not                            Reduced—Power
      & Celluler                    Tablet Mode       Triggered         Full Power           ort         Reduced Power

      Simultaneous: Wi—Fi                               .
                                    Tablet Mode       Triggered       Reduced Power          OFF         Reduced Power
      & Cellular
                             Table 1 rev1: WLAN and WWAN Power States vs. Sensor States

                                                                                                          Page 2 of 2

Model 1807 Operational Description   Page 17 of 24

                    Microsoft Corporation       Tel 425 se2 8080
                    One Microsoft Way           Faxa2s 706 7329
                    Redmand, WA 98052—6399      ww microsoftcom

E® Microsoft


        June 7, 2017

                                              Confidential Treatment Requested

         Hello OET Reviewer,
         n previous KDB Inquiry #328639 we received approval for a radio output power back off schemefor a
         tablet PC with a detachable keyboard. That device would only have high WLAN output power when the
         detachable keyboard was attached at an angle that would facilitate a laptop use case, and would back
         off WLAN power in tablet use ease configurations. That WLAN only device has received approval
         without further update to that inquiry as the final RF power back offs did not exceed the estimates of
         that inquiry.

         We are developing another model of this device with a 3G / 46 WWAN radio added, see Fig. 1. and Fig. 2
         for device dimensions and antennalayout. The WWAN radio utilizes a low band TX antenna which
         transmits from 698— 960 MHz and a high band TX antenna which transmits from 1710 — 2670 MHz, only
         one of which can transmit at a given time. The antennas of the 3G/4G radio will be covered by a
         capacitive proximity sensor to be compliant with SAR requirements in tablet use scenarios. The
         keyboard sensing mechanism described in the previous KDBinquiry will not affect the WWAN radio
         power; WWAN TX radio power will only depend on the state of the proximity detection.

                                                                                15.8 mm
                                         =* 2. 95 Mn
                                 165Rmmi mmuitc 2X* mm     Lo
                                                     ..é—ACL,         71.5 mm      _____93.6mm

                                                                WIAN Mai                  wwwan rx WWANiRX
                                                                par     _ WIBNIIMO (wa/tigh. (LowBard]
                                                 a/nigh Band)                              td

                    201 mm
                                             191.rmm       (DiSP!@Y S19E)       j9jJoory

                                                                Bottom Edge

                                                                      292 mm

                                     Fig. 1 — Tablet Dimensions and Antenna Locations

                                                                                                             Page 1 of 7

               Mictosoft Corporation          Tel42s ae» soso
               One Microsoft Way              Faxazs 7os 7a29
               RedmandWA 98052—6399           wawmicrosoftcom

E® Microsoft


                                                 Device Top
               C           _            mm                      mam
                Cellutr    Celluter    WiAN                     WiAN
               tow Band   High Band    Main                     MIMD

                                                   Side Up




                           Fig. 2 — Device Dimensions with Keyboard Attached

                                                                                  Page 2 of 7

                     Microsoft Corporation       Tel 425 se2 8080
                     One Microsoft Way           Faxa2s 706 7329
                     Redmand, WA 98052—6399      ww

E® Microsoft


        WLAN output power would again depend primarily on whether the keyboard is attached at an angle
        that would facilitate laptop use conditions. Details of the keyboard sensing mechanism are again shown
        at the end of this inquiry. Due to the relatively short distance between the WLAN Main antenna and the
        WWAN anteninas, the WLAN main antenna will either be shut off or have its power reduced when the
        device is in a tablet configuration and WWAN + WLAN radios are simultaneously transmitting.       It can be
        seen in Fig. 1 that the proximity sensor also covers the WLAN main antenna. We plan to use the
        proximity sensor to distinguish when a user is near the WLAN main antennain order to keep the WLAN
        main antenna on when in simultaneous TX configurations and when the proximity sensor hasn‘t been

            *   Tablet configuration + simultaneous TX + proximity triggered —> WLAN Main OFF, no
                simultancous TX for WLAN Main and WWAN. Only WLAN MIMO will be on.
            *   Tablet configuration + simultaneous TX + proximity not triggered —> WLAN Main ON at reduced
                     ©     Simultaneous TX between either WWAN antenna and the WLAN Main antenna would
                           be evaluated as the sum of reported SAR values for each as measured with the test
                           separation distance determined by the proximity sensor trigger distance procedure (ie,
                     ©     Since the WLAN MIMO antenna is not covered by the proximity sensor, its SAR would be
                           measured with a test separation distance of Omm. Simultancous evaluation would use
                           the WLAN MIMO Omm measurement and either WLAN Main or WWAN antennas with
                           SAR measured at the proximity trigger distance.

        Table 1 shows all transmitter power states vs. both keyboard detection and proximity detection states
        on the next page.

        is it acceptable to use the proximity sensor to detect a user near only one WLAN antenna so that the
        WLAN Main antenna would have SAR measured at the trigger distance separation (15—20mm) while the
        WLAN MIMO antenna would have SAR measured at Omm separation? This would only be for tablet use
        conditions when in in WWAN + WLAN simultaneous TX

        If this is not acceptable, we would shut the WLAN Main antenna off in all WWAN + WLAN simultaneous
        TX tablet use scenarios. In either case, the WLAN Main antenna would change its power state based
        upon two triggers: the keyboard state and WWAN + WLAN simultaneous TX state. Since this radio
        power will depend on two different triggering mechanisms, will a PAG be required?

        Thank you and best regards,

        Mike Boucher — Sr. Compliance Engineer, Microsoft

        Zack Gray — SAR Test Engineer, Microsoft

                                                                                                        Page 3 of 7

                        Mictosoft Corporation       Tel42s ae» soso
                        One Microsoft Way           Faxazs 7os 7a29
                        RedmandWA 98052—6399        wawmicrosoftcom

E® Microsoft


      These are the intended output power states based upon the proximity sensor and keyboard sensing

                                         State of Sensors                            TX Output Power
      | Transmission
                                       Keyboard          Proximity       WWAN           WLAN Main         WLAN MIMO
                Mode                    Position           Sensor
      | Wi—Fi Only                   Laptop Mode              —             —            Full Power        Full Power
      [ wiri Only                     Tablet Mode             +             >          Reduced power     Reduced power
       Cellular Only                  Laptop Mode        Triggered      Full Power           —                  —

      | Cellular Only                 Laptop Mode        Triggered    Reduced Power          &                  6

       Cellular Only                  Tablet Mode           o           Full Power           >                  s
      | Cellular Only                 Tablet Mode        Triggered    Reduced Power          —                  —
       Simultaneous: Wi—Fi                                  Not
       & Cellutar                     Laptop Mode        Triggered      Full Power       Full Power        Full Power

       Sinyilancous: WhHti            Laptop Mode        Triggered    Reduced Power      Full Power        Full Power
       & Cellular                       pce                90
       Simulta    : Wi—Fi                                   Not
        ue            on              Tablet Mode          . °          Full Power     Reduced Power     Reduced Power
       & Cellular                                        Triggered
       Simulta    : Wi—Fi
       ;gsumr;uus     6               Tablet Mode        Triggered    Reduced Power         OFF          Reduced Power

                              Table 1: WLAN and WWAN Power States vs. Sensor States

                                                                                                      Page 4 of 7

                   Microsoft Corporation      Tel 425 se2 8080
                   One Microsoft Way          Faxa2s 706 7329
                   Redmand, WA 98052—6309     wwmicrosoftcom

E® Microsoft


                                Power Back Off Functionality Relative to Keyboard

       When the keyboard is not attached, WLAN output power is always low. When the keyboard is attached,
       there is a function in the keyboard code which uses XYZ coordinates from both the device and keyboard
       accelerometers to give the angle between the device and the keyboard. The powerwill only be
       transmitted at the higher levels when this function can be called and returns an acceptable angle as
       shown in Fig.3 and Table 2 below. The cutoff is approximately 225°.

       WWAN output power always depends on the capacitive proximity sensorstate (proximity triggered =
       low power,proximity not triggered = high power.) The WWAN radio power does depend on this
       keyboard function.

       These are estimated levels of WLAN power back off which will be required:

               2.4 GHz WLAN: 6 dBm power reduction

              5 GHz WLAN: ~7 dB power reduction

                             Fig. 3 — WLAN Output Power Relative to Keyboard Angle

                                                                                                     Page 5 of 7

               Microsoft Corporation     Tel 425 se2 8080
               One Microsoft Way         Faxa2s 706 7329
               Redmand, WA 98052—6399    wwmicrosoftcom

E® Microsoft


                   WLAN Power Reduction State vs. Angle between Device and Keyboard

                            Output Power State                                    Output Power State




                                                      360° (Keyboard folded
                                                      back for tablet use case)

                      Table 2: WLAN Power State vs. Attached Keyboard Angle

                                                                                              Page 6 of 7

                   Microsoft Corporation     Tel 425 se2 8080
                   One Microsoft Way         Fax 425 706 7329
                   Redmand, WA 98052—6399    wwmicrosoftcom

E® Microsoft


                                                                Tablet Test requirements apply.
                                                                Device edges and back Body SAR required.

                                                                WLAN Radio will operate in low power

                                                                Cellular radio power dependent on
                                                                capacitive proximity sensor state:
                                                                Prox. untriggered = high power mode
                                                                Prox. triggered = low power mode
         Fig 4: Keyboard Disconnected —Tablet Mode
                                                                WWAN + WLAN Simultaneous TX: WLAN
                                                                Main transmitter shuts off only when prox.
                                                                is triggered. When prox. is not triggered,
                                                                WLAN Main antenna SAR is evaluated at
                                                                trigger distance, WLAN MIMO antenna SAR
                                                                is evaluated at Omm.

                                                                Laptop test requirements apply.

                                                                WLAN Radio will operate in high power

                                                                Cellular radio power dependent on
                                                                capacitive proximity sensor state:
                                                                Prox. untriggered = high power mode
        Fig 5: Keyboard connected and at an angle for           Prox. triggered = low power mode
        typical laptop use— Laptop Mode

                                                                Tablet test requirements apply.
                                                                WLAN Radio will operate in low power

                                                                Cellular Radio would operate in low power

        Fig 6: Keyboard folded around back of display —
        Tablet Mode

                                                                                                      Page 7 of 7

Document Created: 2017-10-02 16:52:06
Document Modified: 2017-10-02 16:52:06

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