Test Report part 6 of 6

FCC ID: C3K1797

Test Report

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REPORT NO: 12781776-E3V4                                                                                                  DATE: 5/31/2019
FCC ID: C3K1797                                                                                                            IC: 3048A-1797

                                                    VERTICAL RESULT

Marker   Frequency    Meter    Det   AF T862   Amp/Cbl/Flt   Conversion    Corrected   Peak Limit   PK Margin   Azimuth   Height   Polarity
           (GHz)     Reading         (dB/m)     r/Pad (dB)   Factor (dB)    Reading      (dBm)        (dB)       (Degs)    (cm)
                      (dBm)                                                  EIRP
  1        5.85      -70.18    Pk     35.1       -17.4          11.8        -40.68       26.95       -67.63      150       109        V
  2        5.93      -68.62    Pk     35.2       -17.4          11.8        -39.02        -27        -12.02      150       109        V

* - indicates frequency in CFR47 Pt 15 / IC RSS-Restricted Band
Pk - Peak detector

                                          Page 251 of 280
47173 Benicia Street, Fremont, CA 94538; USA           TEL:(510) 319-4000                                              FAX:(510) 661-0888
This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of UL Verification Services Inc.

REPORT NO: 12781776-E3V4                                                                              DATE: 5/31/2019
FCC ID: C3K1797                                                                                        IC: 3048A-1797


                                         LOW CHANNEL RESULTS



                                          Page 252 of 280
47173 Benicia Street, Fremont, CA 94538; USA           TEL:(510) 319-4000                          FAX:(510) 661-0888
This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of UL Verification Services Inc.

REPORT NO: 12781776-E3V4                                                                                                                                                DATE: 5/31/2019
FCC ID: C3K1797                                                                                                                                                          IC: 3048A-1797

                                                                            RADIATED EMISSIONS
Marker   Frequency    Meter    Det    AF T862 (dB/m)   Amp/Cbl/Fltr/Pa   DC Corr (dB)   Corrected   Avg Limit   Margin   Peak Limit   PK Margin   UNII Non-    PK Margin   Azimuth   Height   Polarity
           (GHz)     Reading                              d (dB)                         Reading    (dBuV/m)     (dB)     (dBuV/m)      (dB)      Restricted     (dB)       (Degs)    (cm)
                     (dBuV)                                                             (dBuV/m)                                                  (dBuV/m)
  1        * 3.83    41.28     PK-U        33               -30              0           44.28         -           -        74         -29.72         -             -       192      203        H
           * 3.83    35.67     ADR         33               -30              .2          38.87        54        -15.13       -            -           -            -        192      203        H
  2       * 1.252    38.52     PK-U       28.9              -34              0           33.42         -           -        74         -40.58         -             -       284      136        H
          * 1.252    28.58     ADR        28.9              -34              .2          23.68        54        -30.32       -            -           -            -        284      136        H
  4        * 3.83    39.93     PK-U        33               -30              0           42.93         -           -        74         -31.07         -             -       159      100        V
           * 3.83    35.61     ADR         33               -30              .2          38.81        54        -15.19       -            -           -            -        159      100        V
  5       * 1.151    39.41     PK-U       27.6              -34              0           33.01         -           -        74         -40.99         -             -       277      163        V
          * 1.152    29.91     ADR        27.6              -34              .2          23.71        54        -30.29       -            -           -            -        277      163        V
  3      * 11.744    27.32     PK-U       38.5             -16.3             0           49.52         -           -        74         -24.48         -             -       311      278        H
         * 11.744    18.44     ADR        38.5             -16.3             .2          40.84        54        -13.16       -            -           -            -        311      278        H
  6      * 11.047    28.27     PK-U       37.8             -16.5             0           49.57         -           -        74         -24.43         -             -       44       118        V
         * 11.049    19.19     ADR        37.8             -16.5             .2          40.69        54        -13.31       -            -           -            -        44       118        V

* - indicates frequency in CFR47 Pt 15 / IC RSS-Restricted Band
PK-U - U-NII: Maximum Peak
ADR - U-NII AD primary method, RMS average

                                          Page 253 of 280
47173 Benicia Street, Fremont, CA 94538; USA           TEL:(510) 319-4000                                                                                      FAX:(510) 661-0888
This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of UL Verification Services Inc.

REPORT NO: 12781776-E3V4                                                                              DATE: 5/31/2019
FCC ID: C3K1797                                                                                        IC: 3048A-1797

                                          MID CHANNEL RESULTS



                                          Page 254 of 280
47173 Benicia Street, Fremont, CA 94538; USA           TEL:(510) 319-4000                          FAX:(510) 661-0888
This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of UL Verification Services Inc.

REPORT NO: 12781776-E3V4                                                                                                                                                DATE: 5/31/2019
FCC ID: C3K1797                                                                                                                                                          IC: 3048A-1797

                                                                            RADIATED EMISSIONS
Marker   Frequency    Meter    Det    AF T862 (dB/m)   Amp/Cbl/Fltr/Pa   DC Corr (dB)   Corrected   Avg Limit   Margin   Peak Limit   PK Margin   UNII Non-    PK Margin   Azimuth   Height   Polarity
           (GHz)     Reading                              d (dB)                         Reading    (dBuV/m)     (dB)     (dBuV/m)      (dB)      Restricted     (dB)       (Degs)    (cm)
                     (dBuV)                                                             (dBuV/m)                                                  (dBuV/m)
  1       * 3.857    39.85     PK-U        33              -29.5             0           43.35         -           -        74         -30.65         -             -       185      234        H
          * 3.857     35.4     ADR         33              -29.5             .2           39.1        54         -14.9       -            -           -            -        185      234        H
  2       * 1.294    39.52     PK-U       29.3             -33.7             0           35.12         -           -        74         -38.88         -             -       18       177        H
          * 1.294     29.2     ADR        29.3             -33.7             .2            25         54          -29        -            -           -            -        18       177        H
  4       * 3.857    39.86     PK-U        33              -29.5             0           43.36         -           -        74         -30.64         -             -       159      100        V
          * 3.857     35.2     ADR         33              -29.5             .2           38.9        54         -15.1       -            -           -            -        159      100        V
  5       * 2.779    36.38     PK-U       32.4             -30.6             0           38.18         -           -        74         -35.82         -             -       123      145        V
          * 2.779    26.17     ADR        32.4             -30.6             .2          28.17        54        -25.83       -            -           -            -        123      145        V
  3      * 11.551    26.58     PK-U       38.3             -16.6             0           48.28         -           -        74         -25.72         -             -       235      140        H
         * 11.551    18.51     ADR        38.3             -16.6             .2          40.41        54        -13.59       -            -           -            -        235      140        H
  6      * 12.507    26.66     PK-U       39.1             -16.1             0           49.66         -           -        74         -24.34         -             -       333      132        V
         * 12.506    18.82     ADR        39.1             -16.1             .2          42.02        54        -11.98       -            -           -            -        333      132        V

* - indicates frequency in CFR47 Pt 15 / IC RSS-Restricted Band
PK-U - U-NII: Maximum Peak
ADR - U-NII AD primary method, RMS average

                                          Page 255 of 280
47173 Benicia Street, Fremont, CA 94538; USA           TEL:(510) 319-4000                                                                                      FAX:(510) 661-0888
This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of UL Verification Services Inc.

REPORT NO: 12781776-E3V4                                                                              DATE: 5/31/2019
FCC ID: C3K1797                                                                                        IC: 3048A-1797

                                         HIGH CHANNEL RESULTS



                                          Page 256 of 280
47173 Benicia Street, Fremont, CA 94538; USA           TEL:(510) 319-4000                          FAX:(510) 661-0888
This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of UL Verification Services Inc.

REPORT NO: 12781776-E3V4                                                                                                                                                DATE: 5/31/2019
FCC ID: C3K1797                                                                                                                                                          IC: 3048A-1797

                                                                            RADIATED EMISSIONS
Marker   Frequency    Meter    Det    AF T862 (dB/m)   Amp/Cbl/Fltr/Pa   DC Corr (dB)   Corrected   Avg Limit   Margin   Peak Limit   PK Margin   UNII Non-    PK Margin   Azimuth   Height   Polarity
           (GHz)     Reading                              d (dB)                         Reading    (dBuV/m)     (dB)     (dBuV/m)      (dB)      Restricted     (dB)       (Degs)    (cm)
                     (dBuV)                                                             (dBuV/m)                                                  (dBuV/m)
  1       * 3.883     40.4     PK-U       33.1             -28.9             0            44.6         -           -        74          -29.4         -             -       195      231        H
          * 3.883    35.97     ADR        33.1             -28.9             .2          40.37        54        -13.63       -            -           -            -        195      231        H
  2       * 2.721    37.75     PK-U       32.4             -31.2             0           38.95         -           -        74         -35.05         -             -       88       156        H
          * 2.721    27.36     ADR        32.4             -31.2             .2          28.76        54        -25.24       -            -           -            -        88       156        H
  4       * 3.883     39.1     PK-U       33.1             -28.9             0            43.3         -           -        74          -30.7         -             -       159      104        V
          * 3.883    34.53     ADR        33.1             -28.9             .2          38.93        54        -15.07       -            -           -            -        159      104        V
  5       * 4.612    34.74     PK-U        34              -28.8             0           39.94         -           -        74         -34.06         -             -       56       256        V
          * 4.612    25.78     ADR         34              -28.9             .2          31.08        54        -22.92       -            -           -            -        56       256        V
  3      * 11.992    27.47     PK-U       38.8             -16.2             0           50.07         -           -        74         -23.93         -             -       233      127        H
         * 11.989    18.57     ADR        38.8             -16.2             .2          41.37        54        -12.63       -            -           -            -        233      127        H
  6      * 11.085    27.05     PK-U       37.8              -17              0           47.85         -           -        74         -26.15         -             -       341      129        V
         * 11.085    18.71     ADR        37.8              -17              .2          39.71        54        -14.29       -            -           -            -        341      129        V

* - indicates frequency in CFR47 Pt 15 / IC RSS-Restricted Band
PK-U - U-NII: Maximum Peak
ADR - U-NII AD primary method, RMS average

                                          Page 257 of 280
47173 Benicia Street, Fremont, CA 94538; USA           TEL:(510) 319-4000                                                                                      FAX:(510) 661-0888
This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of UL Verification Services Inc.

REPORT NO: 12781776-E3V4                                                                                                  DATE: 5/31/2019
FCC ID: C3K1797                                                                                                            IC: 3048A-1797

1TX Antenna 2 MODE


                                                HORIZONTAL RESULT

Marker   Frequency    Meter    Det   AF T862   Amp/Cbl/Flt   Conversion    Corrected   Peak Limit   PK Margin   Azimuth   Height   Polarity
           (GHz)     Reading         (dB/m)     r/Pad (dB)   Factor (dB)    Reading      (dBm)        (dB)       (Degs)    (cm)
                      (dBm)                                                  EIRP
  1       5.725      -65.45    Pk      35        -18.5          11.8        -37.15       26.99       -64.14      133       145        H
  2       5.639      -65.15    Pk      35        -18.6          11.8        -36.95        -27         -9.95      133       145        H

* - indicates frequency in CFR47 Pt 15 / IC RSS-Restricted Band
Pk - Peak detector

                                          Page 258 of 280
47173 Benicia Street, Fremont, CA 94538; USA           TEL:(510) 319-4000                                              FAX:(510) 661-0888
This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of UL Verification Services Inc.

REPORT NO: 12781776-E3V4                                                                                                  DATE: 5/31/2019
FCC ID: C3K1797                                                                                                            IC: 3048A-1797

                                                    VERTICAL RESULT

Marker   Frequency    Meter    Det   AF T862   Amp/Cbl/Flt   Conversion    Corrected   Peak Limit   PK Margin   Azimuth   Height   Polarity
           (GHz)     Reading         (dB/m)     r/Pad (dB)   Factor (dB)    Reading      (dBm)        (dB)       (Degs)    (cm)
                      (dBm)                                                  EIRP
  1       5.725       -70.9    Pk      35        -18.5          11.8         -42.6       26.99       -69.59      200       151        V
  2       5.647      -67.53    Pk     35.1       -18.6          11.8        -39.23        -27        -12.23      200       151        V

* - indicates frequency in CFR47 Pt 15 / IC RSS-Restricted Band
Pk - Peak detector

                                          Page 259 of 280
47173 Benicia Street, Fremont, CA 94538; USA           TEL:(510) 319-4000                                              FAX:(510) 661-0888
This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of UL Verification Services Inc.

REPORT NO: 12781776-E3V4                                                                                                  DATE: 5/31/2019
FCC ID: C3K1797                                                                                                            IC: 3048A-1797


                                                HORIZONTAL RESULT

Marker   Frequency    Meter    Det   AF T862   Amp/Cbl/Flt   Conversion    Corrected   Peak Limit   PK Margin   Azimuth   Height   Polarity
           (GHz)     Reading         (dB/m)     r/Pad (dB)   Factor (dB)    Reading      (dBm)        (dB)       (Degs)    (cm)
                      (dBm)                                                  EIRP
  1        5.85      -68.17    Pk     35.1       -17.4          11.8        -38.67       26.95       -65.62      186       110        H
  2       5.926       -67.5    Pk     35.2       -17.4          11.8         -37.9        -27         -10.9      186       110        H

* - indicates frequency in CFR47 Pt 15 / IC RSS-Restricted Band
Pk - Peak detector

                                          Page 260 of 280
47173 Benicia Street, Fremont, CA 94538; USA           TEL:(510) 319-4000                                              FAX:(510) 661-0888
This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of UL Verification Services Inc.

REPORT NO: 12781776-E3V4                                                                                                  DATE: 5/31/2019
FCC ID: C3K1797                                                                                                            IC: 3048A-1797

                                                    VERTICAL RESULT

Marker   Frequency    Meter    Det   AF T862   Amp/Cbl/Flt   Conversion    Corrected   Peak Limit   PK Margin   Azimuth   Height   Polarity
           (GHz)     Reading         (dB/m)     r/Pad (dB)   Factor (dB)    Reading      (dBm)        (dB)       (Degs)    (cm)
                      (dBm)                                                  EIRP
  1        5.85      -71.44    Pk     35.1       -17.4          11.8        -41.94       26.95       -68.89      151       195        V
  2       5.973      -68.73    Pk     35.2       -17.3          11.8        -39.03        -27        -12.03      151       195        V

* - indicates frequency in CFR47 Pt 15 / IC RSS-Restricted Band
Pk - Peak detector

                                          Page 261 of 280
47173 Benicia Street, Fremont, CA 94538; USA           TEL:(510) 319-4000                                              FAX:(510) 661-0888
This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of UL Verification Services Inc.

REPORT NO: 12781776-E3V4                                                                              DATE: 5/31/2019
FCC ID: C3K1797                                                                                        IC: 3048A-1797


                                         LOW CHANNEL RESULTS



                                          Page 262 of 280
47173 Benicia Street, Fremont, CA 94538; USA           TEL:(510) 319-4000                          FAX:(510) 661-0888
This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of UL Verification Services Inc.

REPORT NO: 12781776-E3V4                                                                                                                                             DATE: 5/31/2019
FCC ID: C3K1797                                                                                                                                                       IC: 3048A-1797

                                                                            RADIATED EMISSIONS
Marker   Frequency    Meter    Det    AF T862 (dB/m)   Amp/Cbl/Fltr/Pa   DC Corr (dB)   Corrected   Avg Limit   Margin   Peak Limit   PK Margin   UNII Non-    PK Margin   Azimuth   Height   Polarity
           (GHz)     Reading                              d (dB)                         Reading    (dBuV/m)     (dB)     (dBuV/m)      (dB)      Restricted     (dB)       (Degs)    (cm)
                     (dBuV)                                                             (dBuV/m)                                                  (dBuV/m)
  1        * 3.83     40.6     PK-U        33               -30              0            43.6         -           -        74          -30.4         -            -        280      301        H
           * 3.83    35.82     ADR         33               -30              .2          39.02        54        -14.98       -            -          -            -         280      301        H
  2       * 1.296    38.48     PK-U       29.3             -33.7             0           34.08         -           -        74         -39.92         -            -        173      241        H
          * 1.297    29.08     ADR        29.3             -33.7             .2          24.88        54        -29.12       -            -          -            -         173      241        H
  4        2.402      38.9     PK-U        32              -31.8             0            39.1         -           -         -             -        68.2        -29.1       80       110        V
  5        * 3.83    41.06     PK-U        33               -30              0           44.06         -           -        74         -29.94         -            -        116      105        V
           * 3.83    35.67     ADR         33               -30              .2          38.87        54        -15.13       -            -          -            -         116      105        V
  3      * 11.155    27.24     PK-U       37.9             -16.5             0           48.64         -           -        74         -25.36         -            -        28       144        H
         * 11.154    18.84     ADR        37.8             -16.5             .2          40.34        54        -13.66       -            -          -            -         28       144        H
  6      * 11.893     27.8     PK-U       38.7             -16.6             0            49.9         -           -        74          -24.1         -            -        237      320        V
         * 11.895    19.27     ADR        38.7             -16.6             .2          41.57        54        -12.43       -            -          -            -         237      320        V

* - indicates frequency in CFR47 Pt 15 / IC RSS-Restricted Band
PK-U - U-NII: Maximum Peak
ADR - U-NII AD primary method, RMS average

                                          Page 263 of 280
47173 Benicia Street, Fremont, CA 94538; USA           TEL:(510) 319-4000                                                                                      FAX:(510) 661-0888
This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of UL Verification Services Inc.

REPORT NO: 12781776-E3V4                                                                              DATE: 5/31/2019
FCC ID: C3K1797                                                                                        IC: 3048A-1797

                                          MID CHANNEL RESULTS



                                          Page 264 of 280
47173 Benicia Street, Fremont, CA 94538; USA           TEL:(510) 319-4000                          FAX:(510) 661-0888
This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of UL Verification Services Inc.

REPORT NO: 12781776-E3V4                                                                                                                                                DATE: 5/31/2019
FCC ID: C3K1797                                                                                                                                                          IC: 3048A-1797

                                                                            RADIATED EMISSIONS
Marker   Frequency    Meter    Det    AF T862 (dB/m)   Amp/Cbl/Fltr/Pa   DC Corr (dB)   Corrected   Avg Limit   Margin   Peak Limit   PK Margin   UNII Non-    PK Margin   Azimuth   Height   Polarity
           (GHz)     Reading                              d (dB)                         Reading    (dBuV/m)     (dB)     (dBuV/m)      (dB)      Restricted     (dB)       (Degs)    (cm)
                     (dBuV)                                                             (dBuV/m)                                                  (dBuV/m)
  1       * 3.857    39.28     PK-U        33              -29.5             0           42.78         -           -        74         -31.22         -             -       150      100        H
          * 3.857    34.88     ADR         33              -29.5             .2          38.58        54        -15.42       -            -           -            -        150      100        H
  2       * 1.348    38.57     PK-U       29.3             -33.6             0           34.27         -           -        74         -39.73         -             -       150      197        H
          * 1.348    28.82     ADR        29.3             -33.6             .2          24.72        54        -29.28       -            -           -            -        150      197        H
  4       * 3.857    38.51     PK-U        33              -29.4             0           42.11         -           -        74         -31.89         -             -       64       120        V
          * 3.857    32.75     ADR         33              -29.5             .2          36.45        54        -17.55       -            -           -            -        64       120        V
  5       * 1.397    38.96     PK-U       29.1             -33.4             0           34.66         -           -        74         -39.34         -             -       213      101        V
          * 1.396    28.67     ADR        29.1             -33.4             .2          24.57        54        -29.43       -            -           -            -        213      101        V
  3       * 15.52    25.34     PK-U       40.1             -13.6             0           51.84         -           -        74         -22.16         -             -       144      135        H
          * 15.52    17.38     ADR        40.1             -13.6             .2          44.08        54         -9.92       -            -           -            -        144      135        H
  6      * 12.141    26.24     PK-U       38.9             -16.7             0           48.44         -           -        74         -25.56         -             -       291      208        V
         * 12.138    18.15     ADR        38.9             -16.7             .2          40.55        54        -13.45       -            -           -            -        291      208        V

* - indicates frequency in CFR47 Pt 15 / IC RSS-Restricted Band
PK-U - U-NII: Maximum Peak
ADR - U-NII AD primary method, RMS average

                                          Page 265 of 280
47173 Benicia Street, Fremont, CA 94538; USA           TEL:(510) 319-4000                                                                                      FAX:(510) 661-0888
This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of UL Verification Services Inc.

REPORT NO: 12781776-E3V4                                                                              DATE: 5/31/2019
FCC ID: C3K1797                                                                                        IC: 3048A-1797

                                         HIGH CHANNEL RESULTS



                                          Page 266 of 280
47173 Benicia Street, Fremont, CA 94538; USA           TEL:(510) 319-4000                          FAX:(510) 661-0888
This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of UL Verification Services Inc.

REPORT NO: 12781776-E3V4                                                                                                                                                DATE: 5/31/2019
FCC ID: C3K1797                                                                                                                                                          IC: 3048A-1797

                                                                            RADIATED EMISSIONS
Marker   Frequency    Meter    Det    AF T862 (dB/m)   Amp/Cbl/Fltr/Pa   DC Corr (dB)   Corrected   Avg Limit   Margin   Peak Limit   PK Margin   UNII Non-    PK Margin   Azimuth   Height   Polarity
           (GHz)     Reading                              d (dB)                         Reading    (dBuV/m)     (dB)     (dBuV/m)      (dB)      Restricted     (dB)       (Degs)    (cm)
                     (dBuV)                                                             (dBuV/m)                                                  (dBuV/m)
  1       * 3.884    37.28     PK-U       33.1             -28.9             0           41.48         -           -        74         -32.52         -             -       294      293        H
          * 3.883    26.72     ADR        33.1             -28.9             .2          31.12        54        -22.88       -            -           -            -        294      293        H
  2       * 1.296    38.45     PK-U       29.3             -33.7             0           34.05         -           -        74         -39.95         -             -       166      135        H
          * 1.296    28.47     ADR        29.3             -33.7             .2          24.27        54        -29.73       -            -           -            -        166      135        H
  4       * 3.883    39.35     PK-U       33.1             -28.9             0           43.55         -           -        74         -30.45         -             -       91       305        V
          * 3.883    34.37     ADR        33.1             -28.9             .2          38.77        54        -15.23       -            -           -            -        91       305        V
  5       * 1.342    38.27     PK-U       29.3             -33.7             0           33.87         -           -        74         -40.13         -             -       137      273        V
          * 1.342    29.05     ADR        29.3             -33.7             .2          24.85        54        -29.15       -            -           -            -        137      273        V
  3      * 11.145    27.66     PK-U       37.9             -16.4             0           49.16         -           -        74         -24.84         -             -       290      100        H
         * 11.144    18.24     ADR        37.9             -16.4             .2          39.94        54        -14.06       -            -           -            -        290      100        H
  6      * 11.544    27.34     PK-U       38.3             -16.6             0           49.04         -           -        74         -24.96         -             -       211      121        V
         * 11.541    18.37     ADR        38.3             -16.7             .2          40.17        54        -13.83       -            -           -            -        211      121        V

* - indicates frequency in CFR47 Pt 15 / IC RSS-Restricted Band
PK-U - U-NII: Maximum Peak
ADR - U-NII AD primary method, RMS average

                                          Page 267 of 280
47173 Benicia Street, Fremont, CA 94538; USA           TEL:(510) 319-4000                                                                                      FAX:(510) 661-0888
This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of UL Verification Services Inc.

REPORT NO: 12781776-E3V4                                                                                                                                                      DATE: 5/31/2019
FCC ID: C3K1797                                                                                                                                                                IC: 3048A-1797

                 9.2. WORST CASE BELOW 30MHZ


                                    ANTENNA- TWO ORIENTATIONS FACE ON/FACE OFF

Below 30MHz Data
Marker     Frequenc       Meter          Det      Loop       Cables w/       Dist    Corrected      Peak          Margin        Avg Limit     Margin     Peak     Margin     Avg Limit   Margin   Azimuth
               y         Reading                Antenna      PRE0186        Corr      Reading       Limit          (dB)         (dBuV/m)       (dB)      Limit     (dB)      (dBuV/m)     (dB)     (Degs)
             (MHz)       (dBuV)                  (ACF)         650          300m     (dBuVolts    (dBuV/m)                                             (dBuV/m)

  1        .01614        25.49           Pk      59.5         -31.9         -80       -26.91       63.43          -90.34         43.43        -70.34       -        -            -         -      0-360

  2        .17611        21.21           Pk      56.1         -32.1         -80       -34.79         -              -               -            -       42.7     -77.49       22.7      -57.49   0-360

  4        .01218        19.77           Pk          60       -31.8         -80       -32.03       65.87          -97.9          45.87        -77.9        -        -            -         -      0-360

  5        .16579        20.31           Pk      56.1         -32.2         -80       -35.79         -              -               -            -      43.23     -79.02      23.23      -59.02   0-360

Pk - Peak detector

Marker       Frequency        Meter            Det         Loop          Cables w/    Dist Corr      Corrected              QP Limit        Margin     Azimuth
               (MHz)         Reading                      Antenna        PRE01866     30m (dB)        Reading              (dBuV/m)          (dB)       (Degs)
                             (dBuV)                        (ACF)            50         40Log         (dBuVolts)

   3           .74322            18.49         Pk          56.3            -32.1          -40            2.69               30.19           -27.5       0-360

   6           .86138            19.16         Pk          56.3            -32.1          -40            3.36               28.91           -25.55      0-360

   7          1.20722            29.58         Pk          45.3            -32.1          -40            2.78               25.99           -23.21      0-360

   8           2.4145            24.28         Pk           40              -32           -40            -7.72               29.5           -37.22      0-360

   9          1.20812            27.15         Pk          45.3            -32.1          -40              .35              25.98           -25.63      0-360

  10           2.4145            21.52         Pk           40              -32           -40            -10.48              29.5           -39.98      0-360

Pk - Peak detector

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47173 Benicia Street, Fremont, CA 94538; USA           TEL:(510) 319-4000                                                                                                  FAX:(510) 661-0888
This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of UL Verification Services Inc.

REPORT NO: 12781776-E3V4                                                                              DATE: 5/31/2019
FCC ID: C3K1797                                                                                        IC: 3048A-1797

          9.3. WORST CASE BELOW 1 GHZ



                                          Page 269 of 280
47173 Benicia Street, Fremont, CA 94538; USA           TEL:(510) 319-4000                          FAX:(510) 661-0888
This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of UL Verification Services Inc.

REPORT NO: 12781776-E3V4                                                                                                               DATE: 5/31/2019
FCC ID: C3K1797                                                                                                                         IC: 3048A-1797

Below 1GHz DATA
Marker   Frequency      Meter      Det             AF         Amp/Cbl (dB)    Corrected        QPk Limit        Margin      Azimuth      Height   Polarity
           (MHz)       Reading                 PRE0184052                      Reading         (dBuV/m)          (dB)        (Degs)       (cm)
                       (dBuV)                    (dB/m)                       (dBuV/m)
  1      * 119.9958    32.12       Pk             19.6           -30.8         20.92            43.52            -22.6       0-360        199        H
  4        52.8709     37.66       Pk             13.1           -31.3         19.46             40             -20.54       0-360        100        V
  2      * 268.0088    41.94       Pk              19            -29.9         31.04            46.02           -14.98       0-360        100        H
  3      * 329.5168     44.1       Pk             19.9           -29.6          34.4            46.02           -11.62       0-360        100        H
  5      * 268.0088    50.55       Pk              19            -29.9         39.65            46.02            -6.37       0-360         99        V
  6       478.6362     41.09       Pk             23.6           -29.2         35.49            46.02           -10.53       0-360         99        V

* - indicates frequency in CFR47 Pt 15 / IC RSS-Restricted Band
Pk - Peak detector

Radiated Emissions
Marker    Frequency       Meter          Det          AF            Amp/Cbl        Corrected         QPk Limit           Margin       Azimuth     Height     Polarity
            (MHz)        Reading                  PRE0184052         (dB)           Reading          (dBuV/m)             (dB)         (Degs)      (cm)
                         (dBuV)                     (dB/m)                         (dBuV/m)
  5       * 268.0956       44.89         Qp              19           -29.9            33.99            46.02            -12.03        350         183          V

* - indicates frequency in CFR47 Pt 15 / IC RSS-Restricted Band
Qp - Quasi-Peak detector

                                          Page 270 of 280
47173 Benicia Street, Fremont, CA 94538; USA           TEL:(510) 319-4000                                                         FAX:(510) 661-0888
This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of UL Verification Services Inc.

REPORT NO: 12781776-E3V4                                                                              DATE: 5/31/2019
FCC ID: C3K1797                                                                                        IC: 3048A-1797

          9.4. WORST CASE 18-26 GHZ



                                          Page 271 of 280
47173 Benicia Street, Fremont, CA 94538; USA           TEL:(510) 319-4000                          FAX:(510) 661-0888
This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of UL Verification Services Inc.

REPORT NO: 12781776-E3V4                                                                                     DATE: 5/31/2019
FCC ID: C3K1797                                                                                               IC: 3048A-1797

18 – 26GHz DATA
Marker   Frequency    Meter    Det       AF      Amp/Cbl   Dist Corr    Corrected   Avg Limit   Margin   Peak Limit   PK Margin   Polarity
           (GHz)     Reading         PRE018218    (dB)       (dB)        Reading    (dBuV/m)     (dB)    (dBuV/m)       (dB)
                     (dBuV)           8 (dB/m)                         (dBuVolts)
  1       18.805     70.38     Pk      33.2       -58.4      -9.5        35.68         54       -18.32      74         -38.32        H
  2       22.695     69.82     Pk       34        -57.7      -9.5        36.62         54       -17.38      74         -37.38        H
  3       24.755     69.06     Pk      34.9       -55.5      -9.5        38.96         54       -15.04      74         -35.04        H
  4       18.628     70.82     Pk      32.9       -58.7      -9.5        35.52         54       -18.48      74         -38.48        V
  5       20.767     69.74     Pk      33.4       -56.8      -9.5        36.84         54       -17.16      74         -37.16        V
  6       23.82       69.8     Pk      34.5       -57.2      -9.5         37.6         54        -16.4      74          -36.4        V

Pk - Peak detector

                                          Page 272 of 280
47173 Benicia Street, Fremont, CA 94538; USA           TEL:(510) 319-4000                                FAX:(510) 661-0888
This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of UL Verification Services Inc.

REPORT NO: 12781776-E3V4                                                                              DATE: 5/31/2019
FCC ID: C3K1797                                                                                        IC: 3048A-1797

          9.5. WORST CASE 26-40 GHZ



                                          Page 273 of 280
47173 Benicia Street, Fremont, CA 94538; USA           TEL:(510) 319-4000                          FAX:(510) 661-0888
This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of UL Verification Services Inc.

REPORT NO: 12781776-E3V4                                                                                    DATE: 5/31/2019
FCC ID: C3K1797                                                                                              IC: 3048A-1797

26 – 40GHz DATA
Marker   Frequency    Meter    Det   T90 AF    Amp/Cbl    Dist Corr    Corrected   Avg Limit   Margin   Peak Limit   PK Margin   Polarity
           (GHz)     Reading         (dB/m)     (dB)        (dB)        Reading    (dBuV/m)     (dB)    (dBuV/m)       (dB)
                     (dBuV)                                           (dBuVolts)
  1       26.77      69.89     Pk    35.3       -56.7       -9.5        38.99         54       -15.01      74         -35.01        H
  2       31.084     68.89     Pk    35.9       -54.1       -9.5        41.19         54       -12.81      74         -32.81        H
  3       34.843     69.62     Pk    37.2       -54.5       -9.5        42.82         54       -11.18      74         -31.18        H
  4       27.283     68.98     Pk    35.6       -55.6       -9.5        39.48         54       -14.52      74         -34.52        V
  5       33.526     67.44     Pk    37.1       -53.3       -9.5        41.74         54       -12.26      74         -32.26        V
  6       35.71      68.83     Pk    37.3       -55.3       -9.5        41.33         54       -12.67      74         -32.67        V

Pk - Peak detector

                                          Page 274 of 280
47173 Benicia Street, Fremont, CA 94538; USA           TEL:(510) 319-4000                               FAX:(510) 661-0888
This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of UL Verification Services Inc.

REPORT NO: 12781776-E3V4                                                                              DATE: 5/31/2019
FCC ID: C3K1797                                                                                        IC: 3048A-1797



FCC §15.207 (a)

RSS-Gen 8.8


The EUT is placed on a non-conducting table 40 cm from the vertical ground plane and 80 cm
above the horizontal ground plane. The EUT is configured in accordance with ANSI C63.10.

The receiver is set to a resolution bandwidth of 9 kHz. Peak detection is used unless otherwise
noted as quasi-peak or average.

Line conducted data is recorded for both NEUTRAL and HOT lines.


                                          Page 275 of 280
47173 Benicia Street, Fremont, CA 94538; USA           TEL:(510) 319-4000                          FAX:(510) 661-0888
This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of UL Verification Services Inc.

REPORT NO: 12781776-E3V4                                                                                        DATE: 5/31/2019
FCC ID: C3K1797                                                                                                  IC: 3048A-1797

         10.1.1.         AC Power Line Host

                                                   LINE 1 RESULTS

 Range 1: Line-L1 .15 - 30MHz
Marker   Frequency    Meter     Det   LISN L1   LC Cables   Limiter   Corrected     CFR 47     QP Margin     CFR 47      Av(CISPR)
           (MHz)     Reading                     C1&C3        (dB)     Reading     Part 15        (dB)       Part 15      Margin
                     (dBuV)                                             dBuV      Class B QP               Class B Avg     (dB)
  1       .24225     28.51      Qp      0          0         10.1      38.61       62.02        -23.41          -            -
  2       .2445      12.07      Ca      0          0         10.1      22.17          -            -         51.94        -29.77
  3        .627      24.84      Qp      0          0         10.1      34.94         56         -21.06          -            -
  4        .627      14.06      Ca      0          0         10.1      24.16          -            -           46         -21.84
  5       1.4775       12       Qp      0          .1        10.1       22.2         56          -33.8          -            -
  6       1.4775      2.72      Ca      0          .1        10.1      12.92          -            -           46         -33.08
  7      2.02425      11.9      Qp      0          .1        10.1       22.1         56          -33.9          -            -
  8      2.02425      2.47      Ca      0          .1        10.1      12.67          -            -           46         -33.33
  9       5.5455     11.78      Qp      0          .2        10.1      22.08         60         -37.92          -            -
 10       5.5455      3.53      Ca      0          .2        10.1      13.83          -            -           50         -36.17
 11      14.25075    23.85      Qp      .1         .3        10.2      34.45         60         -25.55          -            -
 12      14.25075    11.99      Ca      .1         .3        10.2      22.59          -            -           50         -27.41

Qp - Quasi-Peak detector

Ca - CISPR average detection

                                          Page 276 of 280
47173 Benicia Street, Fremont, CA 94538; USA           TEL:(510) 319-4000                                  FAX:(510) 661-0888
This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of UL Verification Services Inc.

REPORT NO: 12781776-E3V4                                                                                        DATE: 5/31/2019
FCC ID: C3K1797                                                                                                  IC: 3048A-1797

                                                   LINE 2 RESULTS

 Range 2: Line-L2 .15 - 30MHz
Marker   Frequency    Meter     Det   LISN L2   LC Cables   Limiter   Corrected     CFR 47     QP Margin     CFR 47      Av(CISPR)
           (MHz)     Reading                     C2&C3        (dB)     Reading     Part 15        (dB)       Part 15      Margin
                     (dBuV)                                             dBuV      Class B QP               Class B Avg     (dB)
 13       .24225     28.61      Qp      0          0         10.1      38.71       62.02        -23.31          -            -
 14       .2445      14.84      Ca      0          0         10.1      24.94          -            -         51.94         -27
 15        .627      27.98      Qp      0          0         10.1      38.08         56         -17.92          -            -
 16        .627      20.09      Ca      0          0         10.1      30.19          -            -           46         -15.81
 17       1.4775     17.02      Qp      0          .1        10.1      27.22         56         -28.78          -            -
 18       1.4775      9.18      Ca      0          .1        10.1      19.38          -            -           46         -26.62
 19       2.0445     16.86      Qp      0          .1        10.1      27.06         56         -28.94          -            -
 20       2.0445      9.24      Ca      0          .1        10.1      19.44          -            -           46         -26.56
 21      5.52525     16.13      Qp      0          .1        10.1      26.33         60         -33.67          -            -
 22       5.523       8.96      Ca      0          .1        10.1      19.16          -            -           50         -30.84
 23      14.2485     24.02      Qp      .1         .3        10.2      34.62         60         -25.38          -            -
 24      14.2485     16.23      Ca      .1         .3        10.2      26.83          -            -           50         -23.17

Qp - Quasi-Peak detector

Ca - CISPR average detection

                                          Page 277 of 280
47173 Benicia Street, Fremont, CA 94538; USA           TEL:(510) 319-4000                                  FAX:(510) 661-0888
This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of UL Verification Services Inc.

Document Created: 2019-06-09 20:23:28
Document Modified: 2019-06-09 20:23:28

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