FCC ID: C3K1776

RF Exposure Info

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    RF Exposure Evaluation Report

             MODEL NO. 1776
             FCC ID: C3K1776
             IC ID: 3048A-1776

    Test Report No. R-TR423-FCCISED-MPE-2
            Issue Date: May 24, 2017

            FCC CFR47 Part 2.1093
Innovation, Science and Economic Development
            Canada RSS-102 Issue 5

                  Prepared by
           Microsoft EMC Laboratory
              17760 NE 67th Ct,
          Redmond WA, 98052, U.S.A.

              TESTING CERT #3472.01

                                            Report V2.0

1 Record of Revisions
 Revision   Date         Section Page(s)      Summary of Changes         Author/Revised By:

 1.0        05/17/2017   All     All          Version 1.0                  Nisha Nandakumar
 2.0        05/24/2017   6.1.1   9            Added a note regarding test Nisha Nandakumar
                                              separation distance used for
                                              the evaluation.

Report#: R-TR423-FCCISED-MPE-2         Issued: 5/24/2017                          Page 2 of 11
                                 Microsoft EMC Laboratory

Table of Contents
1     Record of Revisions ............................................................................................................... 2
2     Deviations from Standards .................................................................................................... 5
3     Facilities and Accreditations .................................................................................................. 5
    3.1     Test Facility .................................................................................................................... 5
    3.2     Accreditations ................................................................................................................. 5
4     Product Description ............................................................................................................... 6
    4.1     Test Configurations ........................................................................................................ 6
5     Peak Conducted Output Power Measurements .................................................................... 7
    5.1     Test Method .................................................................................................................... 7
    5.2     Test Equipment List ........................................................................................................ 7
    5.3     Test Results .................................................................................................................... 8
6     SAR Test Exclusion ............................................................................................................... 9
    6.1     FCC ................................................................................................................................ 9
      6.1.1        SAR Test Exclusion Criteria .................................................................................... 9
      6.1.2        FCC SAR Test Exclusion Evaluation ...................................................................... 9
    6.2     ISED ............................................................................................................................. 10
      6.2.1        SAR Test Exclusion Criteria .................................................................................. 10
      6.2.2        ISED SAR Test Exclusion Evaluation ................................................................... 10

Report#: R-TR423-FCCISED-MPE-2                            Issued: 5/24/2017                                                     Page 3 of 11
                                                    Microsoft EMC Laboratory

                      Test Report Attestation
                                           Microsoft Corporation
                                                Model: 1776
                                             FCC ID: C3K1776
                                             IC ID: 3048A-1776

Applicable Standards
         Specification                                                                  Test Result
 RF Exposure requirements from:                              Complies
 FCC CFR47 Part 2.1093
 Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada RSS-102
 Issue 5

Microsoft EMC Laboratory attests that the product model identified in this report has been tested to and
meets the requirements identified in the above standards. The test results in this report solely pertains to
the specific sample tested, under the conditions and operating modes as provided by the customer.

This report shall not be used to claim product certification, approval, or endorsement by A2LA or any
agency of any Government.
Reproduction, duplication or publication of extracts from this test report requires prior written approval of
Microsoft EMC Laboratory.
This report replaces the previously issued report #R-TR423-FCCISED-MPE-1 issued by Microsoft EMC
Labs on 05/17/2017.

 Written By: Nisha Nandakumar                                     Reviewed/ Issued By: Sajay Jose
 Radio Test Engineer                                              EMC/RF Compliance Lab Manager

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                                        Microsoft EMC Laboratory

2 Deviations from Standards
3 Facilities and Accreditations
3.1 Test Facility
 All test facilities used to collect the test data are located at
 Microsoft EMC Laboratory,
 17760 NE 67th Ct,
 Redmond WA, 98052, USA

3.2 Accreditations
 The lab is established and follows procedures as outlined in IEC/ISO 17025 and A2LA
 accreditation requirements.
 A2LA Accredited Testing Certificate Number: 3472.01

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                                     Microsoft EMC Laboratory

4 Product Description
  Company Name:                             Microsoft Corporation

  Address:                                  One Microsoft Way

  City, State, Zip:                         Redmond, WA 98052-6399

  Customer Contact:                         Sahithi Kandula

  Functional Description of the EUT:        Wireless input accessory device

  Model:                                    1776
  FCC ID:                                   C3K1776

  IC ID:                                    3048A-1776

  Radio Description:                        BT LE (2402- 2480 MHz)

  Modulation:                               GFSK

  Antenna Type and Gain:                    Internal
                                            Gain: +1.87 dBi
  EUT Classification:                       DTS

  Equipment Design State:                   Prototype/Production Equivalent

  Equipment Condition:                      Good

  Test Sample Details:                      RF Conducted Test Sample SN(s): 0222672710674

  RF Exposure Conditions:                   Extremity Exposure, Body Exposure

4.1 Test Configurations
EUT was preprogrammed to transmit in low, mid and high channels of Bluetooth LE mode.
The device can operate in only GFSK modulation. Channel numbers 0, 19 and 39 were used as
Low, Mid and High Channels respectively.

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                                  Microsoft EMC Laboratory

5 Peak Conducted Output Power Measurements
5.1 Test Method
Antenna port conducted measurements were performed on a bench-top setup consisting of a
spectrum analyzer, power meter (as necessary), splitters/combiners (as necessary),
attenuators, and pre-characterized RF cables.

Measurements were performed according to the procedure defined in KDB 558074 - Guidance
for Performing Compliance Measurements on Digital Transmission Systems (DTS) Operating
Under §15.247 V04 and ANSI C63.10 2013.

Spectrum Analyzer settings:
Peak Power:
RBW= 1 MHz
VBW= 3 MHz
Trace Mode= Peak Detector (Max Hold)
Sweep time= Auto Couple
Span= 3 MHz

EIRP was calculated based on the following formula:

            . . . .

5.2 Test Equipment List
  Manufacturer        Description           Model #            Asset #        Calibration Due

     Agilent           Spectrum             N9030A             EMC-605          7/21/2017

                  Fig.1. Test setup for antenna port conducted measurements

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                                    Microsoft EMC Laboratory

5.3 Test Results

                    Measured Peak       Peak         Maximum
Frequency                                                         E.I.R.P.    E.I.R.P.
             Mode     Conducted      Conducted        Antenna
  (MHz)                                                           (dBm)        (mW)
                     Power (dBm)       Power         Gain (dBi)
   2402      BTLE        1.61           1.45           1.87        3.48         2.23
   2440      BTLE        1.55           1.43           1.87        3.42         2.19
   2480      BTLE        1.22           1.32           1.87        3.09         2.04

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                            Microsoft EMC Laboratory

6 SAR Test Exclusion
6.1 FCC

6.1.1 SAR Test Exclusion Criteria
According to FCC KDB 447498 D01 General RF Exposure Guidance v06 (Oct 2015) Section
4.3.1, the 1-g and 10-g SAR test exclusion thresholds for 100 MHz to 6 GHz at test separation
distances ≤ 50 mm is defined as

                 .                ,                           ,
                                                                    [√f(GHz)] ≤ 3.0
                              .                    ,


• f(GHz) is the RF channel transmit frequency in GHz
• Power and distance are rounded to the nearest mW and mm before calculation
• The result is rounded to one decimal place for comparison

When the minimum test separation distance is < 5 mm, a distance of 5 mm is applied to
determine SAR test exclusion.

6.1.2 FCC SAR Test Exclusion Evaluation
The EUT was excluded from routine SAR evaluation measurements, since the SAR test
exclusion criteria were met.

                        Peak             Peak
                     Conducted        Conducted                     SAR
   Frequency                                          SAR
                      Output           Output                     Exclusion           Result
     (MHz)                                         Exclusion
                       Power            Power                       Limit
                       (dBm)            (mW)
                                                                                SAR Test Not
        2402           1.61             1.45           0.46         <3.0

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                                      Microsoft EMC Laboratory

6.2 ISED

6.2.1 SAR Test Exclusion Criteria
For limb worn devices, with a separation distance <5mm, SAR evaluation is exempt for
transmitters operating with an output power < 10mW at 2450 MHz (RSS-102 Table 1).

6.2.2 ISED SAR Test Exclusion Evaluation
The EUT was excluded from routine SAR evaluation measurements, since the SAR test
exclusion criteria were met.

              Peak      Peak
           Conducted Conducted Antenna
 Frequency                             E.I.R.P E.I.R.P Exclusion
            Output    Output    Gain                                                   Result
   (MHz)                               (dBm) (mW)        Limit
             Power     Power    (dBi)
             (dBm)     (mW)
    2402         1.61          1.45        1.87      3.48     2.23        10       Test Not

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                                  Microsoft EMC Laboratory

                          End of Report

Report#: R-TR423-FCCISED-MPE-2   Issued: 5/24/2017     Page 11 of 11
                            Microsoft EMC Laboratory

Document Created: 2017-10-23 21:25:55
Document Modified: 2017-10-23 21:25:55

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