users manual


Users Manual

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                                                                                                                                                                                                             cenme courrestex
                                                                       =     Do not charge the batley pack that is hot, wet or shous                                    worores
     THE RECHARGEABLE NI—CD BATTERY PACK Is NoT                              leakageocorosion                                                                           mox‘e                 mrom
     charoep. PLEASE CHARGE IT FoR 4 HouRs PRIOR                       .     Mayeiplodeifeiasedotin rel
                                                                       —     Donotdsassenitiethebattoy pack.                                                                    <|>
                                                                                                                                                                    omne \ &                  stems     rouvro
                                                                                                                                                                    ="     5
     To ust.
                                                                       lafliry Installation: Vehicle                                                                                                                             M     romato
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          oimcnam e
     Battery Charging                                                        Locatedthe ONVOFFsnitch isthetalgaterunk, Rulto open
           Plughe walpack batery chargerinto walloutet                       the talgate untONOFF suilch is nside, Make surethe
                                                                             ONOPFavtchisatthe"OFF postion,(SeeDon 2)
                                                                                                                                                                       t                                     eerme courra stex

           Connoct the cablesleading hom the batery pack and the       2.    Tum the id stopperin an ant—clochnise drectonto pon the
           hargertoguthr by snapning thejack and the sockettogother          batteryid, (See ogam )
           tighty. Chargeationt dhours. SoeDagram )                    3.    Litthe battey i to open and placethe battry pack inside           sueetoceen
           To dsconnectthe cables,press doun on the cipand pul apart                                                                          oiacnam s
s w os o

           (GeeDagant)                                                 4.
                                                                             Mugthe jack ofthebatery pack ito the societ ofthe batery                                                                   ssonmeo
           ue chargng, the batey wil be waim. This condion in
           nermalforKilychargedbateies                                       compartment, (SeeDagran)                                     Battery Installation: Transmitter                                                  S serrse
           If the speed o the vahicle ows doin sudden, itis tmeto      s.                     id and tum the id stopper in a clochnise    1. Side the batery compartment cover on the back of the                       vianam o
           recharge.                                                         drecientociose                                                  Remote Contrl unit and inset four AX bateies aceording o
           Aber each usethe bttoy pack wil b het! Alow the batery
                                                                                                                                             the dagraminthebattey compatment (Se« Ongon )                       a—_~
           pack to cool fr at least 20 minutes before rechargns                                              Agnon                        2. Replacethsbaterycompartmantcover
           Rechargng a warm o ho bitery pack wil grealy shortenthe                                           e
           usefiHetthe baty                                                                                                               Vehicle Operation
                              2. wences                                                                                                      Screnthe anterna otothetopofthatransmiterandestendto
                                                                                                                                             Aillengh. GeeOogunc)
                 evien        N                                                                                                           8. Pass te cabletrough the antena fube provided and plug
                 curcen                                                cucer dn      <                                                       jntohevehiceighty (Gee Diagram 7)
                                                  —smcs                        oiaanam 2                                                  C. Li up to apen the taigate tunk, side the ONOFF sutch to
                                                     errenmien                                                                               the "ONpostion (Gee Dapam )
                           viaanam 1                                    ressuure                                                                                                                             nenicrame
                                                                       warine                                                                                               cas
     Battery Pack Care
      — Make sure the baterypack and connactorsofthe charger are                                                                                       wrunanee               :
         dhy beforerectarging.
      «: Batry packs can becharged for much longerpriods wthout
         harm. Howeve we recommnend unplugging the battay packif
           w batipack vilnotbeusedforseveraldays.                                                         tosarren    estemito
       e Puament
                         net moroniroin
                                    aulemanor    racurncecums
                                              SoNmrcren   mt                                                     viaanam a                                                        piacnam 7                             oiaanam 11 **
           REWRBSIRIINT        eltreconed

      ForwaRo                                                                                                                             sreonmiomce                                        moue
      D. Push the DRIVING CONTROL sick ecward (nay hom you)                       Tratetretesimartaignatsound
         (GeeDagan)                                                           — thebrakelightvil"ON" whenthevaiclestops
      iN                                                                   Ronrsional.                                                        nco
      E. Pull the DRIVING CONTROL stck back towards you) (See                > tsignaigh wl fasting hnthevehiceturnsoorrght
         Dagane)                                                                                                                              use
                                                                           worn                                                               focren
      sreeane                                                                — press the HORN button on he Remete Conte to actvate
         Ifthe vehice does notrunsraight faward. adustthe LEVER                thevehileshorn(See Dagram )                                                                                mur
         fo stifactoy algnment n tunderside ohveici o                                                                                                                                      roi
         It the vehice rins toward let, tum the STEERNG                       >us ihe UGHT buton on the Remote Contalto actvate                                                          ranrocces

         AUGNMENTvertowards.                                                      hictshondight. Seeon )
      H. If the vehicle runs tovad right tum the STEERNG
         AUGNMENTvertowardst7.                                             cear
                                                                             — thee 3 lavelof spands fom slow to fast slecid ty               > pelteapee ineAnctanal rotdeas andworking seatbats
                                                                               pressing the GEAR button on the Remote Control (Seo              atthe fontseat. See D
            To make let o ngnthand urmswhile civing fnward, un th              begane                                                                                   nteangine.(SeeDapran 12)
            STEERING CONTROL sick to lt o right whils pushing the            the speed incleatrightsupwit a ciferent clortoidently            — Huptoopenthetalgatetrunkc See Dagan 12)
            BRIVING sicidonardatthe samtime. (SeeDagrun 10)                    thespaed(SeeDapon2; RED— SLON
            To tam let orright while chvingrevese, turnthe STEERNG                                      veriow — ueoum
            CONTROL sicktolet o ightwhile pulingthe DRIVING sick                                        creen — rast                          —enoughtaftyour 12inch datloraciveiqure
            backwardathasametime. S Dagram 1)
                                                                                     the ALARM butn on the Remate Contolto setthe         Performance Tips
      K. Releaseboth CONTROL sicksto topthevehice.                             securty alam(SeoDgrm 5)                                      Do notivecar on gass, sand or carpat
                                                                             —the alrm infeato wilfashing whilo thsecurty systam is       . Donetivecarthroughirate.
                                                                               "ON" (see Dlagon 12)                    be locked. Pross   < Be sureto est yourveticle frat loast 20 mintes ater evey
                                                                               theALARMbutona                                               18 minutesofoparaion.
      Foature Detail
                                                                             iyouickup ormovehe vehiclth alarm sirenwilgo oft             > Make sure the ONORE sutch on your vehice meore
                                                                             — prossthe ALARIMbuttn can stop the alarm srenatonce           postionvhon tisnot nuse.
            = diferent speeds hom slow t fistby prossing the GEAR                                                                         — Doretberdheantenna
              buton on the Remote Gontral. See datainsection ‘GEAR®                                                                       — Electieal, CB intrfrence, malble condiioning
               idingsounds                                                                                                                  alavator andstoa dars in bulcingswil affctthe operaicn
            — e brakelightwil"0N" whonthevehiclestops                                                                                       atyourv
                                                                                                                                          — Donet
                                                                                                                                          — Remove the bateries fom the vahicle and ransrriter when

Document Created: 2019-11-17 16:00:03
Document Modified: 2019-11-17 16:00:03

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