Users Manual

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BATTERY LOADING                                                                                                                                                                 DRIVING TIPS
(FOR MAXIMUM PERFORMANCE, USE                       HOW TO PLAY                                                      TRANSMITTER                                                1. Operate only on smooth (but not sii
ALKALINE BATTERIES)                                 VEHICLE                                                          D. Push the control button, cat will either go forward        surface. Carpets are not recommer
REMEMBER TO TAKE OUT ALL BATTERIES                  A. Slide the ON/OFF switch located in bottom of car                  or turns in reverse.                                      does not provide suitable traction a
FROM CAR AND TRANSMITTER AFTER                         to the ‘ON‘ position.                                         E. Keep pushing the control button if you want the            may damage vehicle.
PLAYING.                                            8. Place the car onto the floor. The car should stand                car to keep to samedirection at all time. Release      2. Running vehicle for consecutive per
VEHICLE                                                                                                                  control button and push again, the car will               or more may cause excessive batte
                                                       still If it does not, then thereis outside interter—
                                                       ence in the area. So move to another location.                    change direction.                                      3. Metal contacts in battery compartmi
1. Open battery compartment door at bottom of
                                                    C. After playing siide the ON/OFF switch of car to               F. Car will stapit the control button is released.            fit batteries correctly. With continuot
   vehicle and insert 4 ‘AA‘ size battery as
   indicated, following engraved instructions for      the ‘OFFposition.                                             G. In case if you have released the contral button            transportation, sometimes the metal
                                                                                                                        and still want the car to keep the original direc—         become loose. If this should occur, 1
   correct polarity. (See Diagram 1)
                                                                                                                        tion, press the control button twice.                      slightly so batteries will make good (
2. Snap close battery door.
                                                                                                                                                                                   contact may also result due to batte)
                                                                                                                                                                                   oxidized, clean them with a cloth.
3. On back of control unit, open battery com—
   partment and insert ong ©06P size battery
   following label for correct polarity.
   (See Diagram 2)
4. Replace battery cover.                                                                                                                                                        * DO NOT MIX OLD AND NEW
                                                                                                                                                                                 * DO NOT MIX ALKALINE, ST.
                                                                                                                                                                                   OR RECHARGEABLE (NICK!

           4 CAA"                sack panet o
        size battery             mansurten                                                         EoRWaARG On   >                                           push contror          IMPORTANT!
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                                                                             \             11    surron car                   7 ne                         rusk controu
                                                            ;                1               |   nuns Emven                    | Comma.                    surron can Runs
                                                            4              )               i     rorwarp on                    1
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                                                                                                                                                           ENTHER FORWARD
                                                                                                                                                           OR REVERSE & TURN
                                                                         /        [>———i, aéeverse a turh


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                                               DRIVING TIPS                                                                 TROUBLE CHECKLIST
TTER                                           1. Operate only on smooth (but not slippery) dry and clean
control button, car will either go forward        surface. Carpets are not recommended since carpet
n reverse.                                                                                                                  PROBLEM                                              CHECK OR DO
                                                  does not provide suitable traction and lint from carpet
hing the control button if you want the           may damage vehicle.
rp to same direction at all time. Release                                                                                   SLOW RESPONSE                                        Replace transmitter batteries
                                               2. Running vehicle for consecutive periods of 20 minutes
ition and push again, the car will                or more may cause excessive battery drain.                                SLUGGISH                                             Replace vehicle battery
hrection.                                      3. Metal contacts in battery compartments are adjusted to
op if the contral buttonis released.              fit batteries correctly. With continuous usage or during                  INTERFERENCE OR
you have released the control button                                                                                        LIMITED RANGE                                        Change Location
                                                  transportation, sometimes the metal contacts will
vant the car to keep the original direc—          become laose. If this should occur, bend metalcontacts
s the control button twice.                       slightly so batteries will make good contact. Poor                        DOES NOT MOVE                                        Replaceall batteries
                                                  contact may also result due to battery contacts dirty or                                                                       Incorrectly installed batteries
                                                  oxidized, clean them with a cloth.                                                                                             Check polarity
                                                                                                                                                                                 Dirty or Loose contacts between unit and
                                                                                                                                                                                 battery, clean or tighten contacts.

                                                * DO NOT MIX OLD AND NEW BATTERIES.                                                                       FCC NOTE : THE MANUFACTURER IS NOT AESPONSIBLE FOR ANY RADIO OR
                                                *« DO NOT MIX ALKALINE, STANDARD (CARBON—ZINC),                                                                      TV INTERFERENCE CAUSED BY UNAUTHORIZED MODIFICATIONS
                                                                                                                                                                     TO THIS EQUIPMENT, SUCH MODIFICATIONS COULD YOID THE
                                                   OR RECHARGEABLE (NICKEL—CADMIUM) BATTERIES.                                                                       USER‘S AUTHORITY TO OPERATE THE EQUIPMENT.

  stor                     pusH CoNTROL          IMPORTANT!
                           sutron car RuNs        6n vou know?
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iournou                   surron car auNs
sitron                    eiwen romwaro
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                                                                                              DON‘T leave car meach ON
                                                                                              when nat i uae. Aaysturn
                                                                                              OFF to conserm. battey
             ©        .                           Aveys hols (6            Use: tesezers io   powne and to prevent ie car
                                                  aramiter a               remove. toreign    from operatng t aiver CB      DON‘T opereie near con—           DON‘T run car in water or
             L/                                   waist tevel for          maner hrom car     equpment is beng usea         creie mats wtien may daturn       sand. Aays proct msce          DON‘T run car over tmek
             L                                    best tanmsson        1   wneele.            neaty                         vaneming                          eresis rom wate and sand       carous

Document Created: 2001-07-17 19:46:26
Document Modified: 2001-07-17 19:46:26

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