FCC ID: BY34339-49SV

Users Manual

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           POLICE CAR                        BANDIT CAR
                                                                                                                                     POLICE CAR

I                            Diagram 1                                                    Diagram 2                                                Diagram 3

                                                                                                                       Turns left and right in forward
                                                                                                                                                                                                                Diagram 4

                                                                                     Reverse                                                                            Turns left and right in reverse
                                                                                                             Diagram 5

                             lignment Lever

                                                                                                                                                                                                             POLICE CAR
                               Diagram 6                                                                           Diagram 7                                                              Diagram 8

    OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS                                                                                               PERFORMANCE TIPS
                                                                                                                         - Do not drive the car on grass, sand or carpet.
    HOW TO INSTALL BATTERIES IN VEHICLES                                                                                 - Do not drive the car through water.
    1. Push the ONfOFF switch to "OFF" positionon the                                                                    - Be sure to rest your vehicie for at least 30 minutes after every 15 minutes of operation.
       underside of the vehicie.                                                                                         - Make sure the ONIOFF switch on your vehicle is at the "OFF" position when it is not in use.
    2. Turn the locking latch to open position.                                                                          - Do not bend the antenna.
    3. Open the battery cover.                                                                                           -  Electrical, CB interference, mobile phones, air conditioning, elevators and steel girders in buildings
    4. Insert the AA batteries by matching the (+) and (-)                                                                 will affect the operation of your vehicie.
       signs as indicated in the battery compartment.                                                                    -  Do not leave the vehicle or transmitter near sources of heat or in direct sunlight tor long periods of time.
    5. Replace the battery cover
                                                                                                                         - Remove the batteries from the vehicle and transmitter when not in use.
                                                                                                                         - Do not mix old and new batteries.
    6. Turn the locking latch to close position.                                                                         -  Do not mix alkaline, standard (carbon-zinc), or rechargeable (Nickel-Cadmium)batteries.
    HOW TO INSTALL BATTERIES IN TRANSMITTERS                                                                             BATTERY CAUTIONS
    1. Unscrew to open the battery cover and install 2 " A A                                                             - Do not charge battery pack that is hot, wet or shows leakage or corrosion.
       batteries by matching the (+)and (-) signs as indicated                                                           - May explode if disposed of in firei
       in the battery compartment.                                                                                       - Do not disassemble the betterv ~ a c k .
    2. Replace the battery cover.                                                                                        - on-recharoeable batteries ark ;lot to be recharoed
                                                                                                                         - ~echargei6lebatteries a r i be removed from ihe toy before oelng charged
                                                                                                                         - Rechargeable batter es are only to be cnarged Lnder a d d supervls on
    1. Build UD the antenna bv insertim the cable into the antenna tube linciudedl comDietelv
                                                                                                                         - Different types of batter es or new and ~ s e batter
                                                                                                                                                                         d      es are not to oe m~xed
                                                                                                   '                     - Only baneiies of the same or equivalent type as recommendedare to be used.
       and p i g the tLbe into ihe both i o l c e car ana band't car securely.'(see ~ i a g r a m
                                                                                                3)                       - Batteriesare to be insertedwith the correct polarity.
    2. Screw tne antenna on the top of the transm,tters ano extend to f, I ength. (see Diagram 4)                        - Exhausted batteries are to be removed from the tov.
                                                                                                                            The suonlv terminals are not to be short-clrculted
    OPERATION                                                                                                            .  ~h~siii;;not lntendeo forih~idrenLnder 3           old
                                                                                                                         - If the battery pack an0 connectors are net, thoroughly d y before charglng
    1. Push the vehicie ONJOFF switch to the " O N position (see Diagram 1)
    2. Operate the police car and bandit car with the transmitter (see Diagram 5)                                        - Overcharging can oamage the battery pack Charge according to recommendedt me
    3. Turn OFF the vehicie and the transmitter after playing and remove ail batteries                                   - This tov a i d ill accessorks must be ~eriodicalkexamined for uotentialhazards, and that potentially
       from the transmitter and the cars.                                                                                   hazardous parts must be repaired and replaced before use.
    4. To aojust steering al.gnment, ad,ust tne Steering A ignment Lever' on tne                                         -  The antenna wires are not to be inserted into socket outlet.
       Jnderside ol the vehicles wnen the venicies ooes not rdn straight lotward (see Diagram 6)
                                                                                                                         ATTENTION PARENTS: IT IS RECOMMENDED THAT THlS TOY AND ALL ACCESSORIES BE
                                                                                                                         PERlODlCALLY EXAMINED FOR POTENTIAL HAZARDS AND THAT ANY POTENTIALLY
    POLICE CHASE                                                                                                         HAZARDOUS PARTS BE REPAIRED OR REPLACED.
    1. Police car and bandit car can be played in one or two-player mode.
       In two players game rnode,one player plays the police car when the other player plays the bandit car.             FCC NOTE:
    2. The player who plays the police car can press the siren button on the transmitter to play                         THE ANTENNA PROVIDED IS A UNIQUE ANTENNA. BY INSTALLATION OF UNAUTHORIZED
       police siren sound. (Diagram 7)                                                                                   ANTENNA TO THlS EQUIPMENT. SUCH UNAUTHORIZED INSTALLATION COULD VOlD THE
    3. To catch the bandit car, police car has to chase after the bandit car and hit its rear bumper                     USER'S AUTHORITY TO OPERATE THE EQUIPMENT.
       (Diagram 8). After the police car hits the rear bumper of the bandit car, an arrestment
       statement will play and the bandit car will be temporarily deactivated; it will resume its                            THE MANUFACTURER IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY RADIO OR N INTERFERENCE
                                                                                                                             CAUSED BY UNAUTHORIZEDMODIFICATIONSTO THlS EQUIPMENT. SUCH MODIFICATIONS
       normal operation in 5 seconds.                                                                                        COULD VOlD THE USER'S AUTHORITY TO OPERATE THE EQUIPMENT.

    If the rear bumper of bandit car hit the wall or other bbstacle, the bandit car wlll be temporarily deactivated.
    This is not defective and the car will resume operation in a few second.

                                                                                                                       EZ-TEC@IS A REGISTERED TRADEMARK OWNED B Y SCIENTIFIC TOYS, LTD.
                                                                                                                                    O 2007 SCIENTIFIC TOYS, LTD., CHAl WAN, HONG KONG.
                                                                                                                                                                                              Visit us at
                                                                                                                                                                                                       PRINTED IN CHINA
                                                                                                                                                                                                             0.1. N0.3895

                                                                                                                  SIZE: 210MM X 148.5MM PN#65-3895-100-0100

Document Created: 2007-07-25 09:29:30
Document Modified: 2007-07-25 09:29:30

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