XF421EX Manual


Users Manual

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I. INTRODUCTION                                                    2. Connections                                         13
                                                                      2.1 Installation Requirements                       13
1. Using This Manual                                           4      2.2 Connections                                     13
2. Features                                                    4   3. Key Input and Display                               14
   2.1 Transmitter Features                                    4   4. Battery Alarm and Display                           14
   2.2 Receiver Features                                       4   5. Input Mode and Functions                            15
   2.3 Servo Features                                          5      5.1 Normal Display                                  15
   2.4 Servo Layout                                            5      5.2 Mode Types                                      15
3. Specifications                                              6      5.3 System Mode                                     16
   3.1 System Specifications                                   6      5.4 Function Mode                                   16
   3.2 Transmitter Specifications                              6   6. Functions (System Mode)                             17
   3.3 Servo Specifications                                    6      6.1 Data Reset                                      17
   3.4 Receiver Specifications                                 7      6.2 Model Selection                                 18
   3.5 Charger Specifications                                  7      6.3 Wing Type Selection                             19
   3.6 Airborne Battery Pack                                   7      6.4 Model Name Entry                                21
4. Battery Charging                                            8   7. Functions (Function Mode)                           22
   4.1 Transmitter/Receiver                                    8      7.1 Servo Reversing                                 22
   4.2 Charger                                                 8      7.2 Sub-Trim                                        23
5. Trainer System                                              9      7.3 Travel Adjustment                               24
                                                                   8. Data Sheet                                          25
1. Transmitter Controls                                   10       III. IMPORTANT INFORMATION
   1.1 Control Identification and Location                10
   1.2 Receiver Channel Assignment/                                1.   General Notes                                     26
        Transmitter Throttle ALT                           10      2.   Daily Flight Checks                               26
   1.3 Transmitter Rear                                    11      3.   Warranty Coverage                                 27
   1.4 Control Stick Length Adjustment                     11      4.   Repair Service Instructions                       27
   1.5 Direct Servo Control (DSC)                          12      5.   Frequency Chart                                   28
   1.6 Neck Strap Attachment                               12

Thank you for purchasing the JR XF421EX 5-Channel Radio            It’s important that you carefully read this manual before
System. This unit has been designed to provide the                 attempting to operate your system. Please pay particular
modeler with a high quality, user friendly radio system            attention to Page 9, Introduction 4.2 Charging Your
that can be depended upon for years to come.                       XF421EX Radio System.

We strongly encourage all prospective and current R/C              individuals to hold a current AMA membership prior to
aircraft pilots to join the Academy of Model Aeronautics.          operation of their models. For further information you can
The AMA is a non-profit organization that provides                 contact the AMA at:
services to model aircraft pilots. As an AMA member you                  Academy of Model Aeronautics
will receive a monthly magazine entitled Model Aviation, as              5151 East Memorial Drive
well as a liability insurance plan to cover against possible             Muncie, IN 47302
accident or injury. All AMA charter aircraft clubs require               (317) 287-1256

XF421EX MANUAL • Table of Contents                                                                                             3

INTRODUCTION 1: Using This Manual

          The XF421EX is a full feature introductory computer     strongly recommend that you write that information
          radio that can be used for airplanes.                   down on a copy of the data sheet provided. This is to
          A blank data sheet is included at the end of this       insure that, in the rare case of a memory failure, you
          manual. Once you have input all the necessary data      will not lose your data.
          into your transmitter for a particular model, we


          •   Easy-to-read LCD screen                             •   Throttle trim only affects idle position
          •   2 model memory                                      •   Two speed scrolling—Press and hold the
          •   Trainer system compatible with most other JR            appropriate button to scroll quickly or press and
              radios                                                  release to scroll in steps
          •   2 conveniently mounted programming switches         •   Flaperons mixing
          •   Computer designed ergonomically styled case         •   Delta wing mixing
          •   Adjustable stick length                             •   V-tail mixing

          R600 Receiver                                               limiter also prevents servos from random
          • The R600’s extremely compact size allows it to fit        glitching when other transmitters are operating
             easily in limited spaces.                                in close proximity.
          • An independent laboratory ranked the R600             •   The electrical circuitry in the R600 is state-of-the-
             receiver with JR’s patented ABC&W circuitry as           art surface mount technology (SMT). These SMT
             one of the best receivers ever tested in terms of        components draw less current, thus increasing
             3IM, 2IM, adjacent channel rejection, signal-to-         flying time. Flush mounting of these components
             noise ratio, and on-channel capture point.               also reduces the risk of vibration wear and
          • A special “unwanted interference limiter” ignores         damage.
             signals outside of the R600’s band width when        •   The R600 is compatible with all JR FM-
             the receiver is on and the transmitter is off. The       transmitting radios.

4                             XF421EX MANUAL • INTRODUCTION 1: Using This Manual / INTRODUCTION 2: Features

INTRODUCTION 2: Features                         continued

         517 Servo                                           •     Ball bearing supported ouput shaft
         • A .03ms deadband amplifier insures accurate       •     An indirect drive feedback potentiometer gives
            neutral centering.                                     additional protection from vibration.
         • Low current drain.

                                  Servo Mounting Flange          Servo Arm Retaining Screw
                                                                                                            Servo Arm/Horn
                                  Rubber Grommets                                                         Servo Output Shaft

                                                                                                                 Servo Case
                                  Servo Eyelet

                                                                                             Servo Lead w/Connector
          Servo Mounting Flange
          Rubber Grommets

                     Top View

XF421EX MANUAL • INTRODUCTION 2: Features                                                                                      5

INTRODUCTION 3: Specifications

                       TYPE                              AIRPLANE

                       SYSTEM NAME              XF421EX
                       TRANSMITTER BODY         XF421EX
                       RECEIVER                 R600
                       CHARGER                  NEC-221
                       AIRBORNE BATTERY         4N-600
                       SERVOS                   NES-517BBX4
                       ACCESSORIES              Mini Switch
                                                12" Aileron Extension
                                                Servo Accessories
                                                Instruction Manual


                       TYPE                              AIRPLANE

                       MODEL NUMBER             XF421EX
                       ENCODER                  5 Channel Computer System
                       RF                       50/53/72 MHz
                       MODULATION               PPM (FM)
                       OUTPUT POWER             Approximately 1 Watt
                       CURRENT DRAIN            200mA
                       POWER SOURCE             1.2Vx8 Nicad (9.6V) 600mah
                       OUTPUT PULSE             1000-2000 (1500 Neutral)

                       TYPE                               517BB

                       TORQUE (oz./in.)         40.3
                       SPEED (sec.)             .25
                       WEIGHT (oz.)             1.47
                       SIZE (in.) (W x L x H)   0.73 x 1.52 x 1.32
                       BB                       YES
                       MOTOR                    3-Pole Ferite

6                                                      XF421EX MANUAL • INTRODUCTION 3: Specifications

INTRODUCTION 3: Specifications                            continued


                             TYPE                                           R600 FM

                             MODEL NUMBER                     NER-600
                             TYPE                             6-Channel/FM-ABC & W/Circuitry
                             FREQUENCY                        50/53/72MHz
                             SENSITIVITY (Microseconds)       5µs Minimum
                             SELECTIVITY                      8KHz/50dB
                             WEIGHT (oz.)                     1 oz.
                             SIZE (in.) (W x L x H)           1.43 x 2.06 x .55
                             RECEIVER ANTENNA                 39" For All Aircraft Frequencies

                             TYPE                                           AIRPLANE

                             MODEL NUMBER                     NEC-211
                             INPUT VOLTAGE                    AC 100-120V
                             OUTPUT CURRENT                   50mAh Tx/50mAh Rx
                             CHARGING TIME                    15 Hours

                             TYPE                                           AIRPLANE

                             MODEL NUMBER                     4N-600
                             VOLTAGE                          4.8V
                             SIZE (in.) (W x L x H)           2.24 x 0.59 x 2.05
                             WEIGHT (oz.)                     3.3

XF421EX MANUAL • INTRODUCTION 3: Specifications                                                  7

INTRODUCTION 4: Battery Charging

          It is imperative that you fully charge both the
          transmitter and the receiver battery packs prior to
                                                                                RIGHT SIDE OF TRANSMITTER
          each day of flying. For the initial charge, leave the
          charger and batteries hooked up for 20-24 hours in
          order to fully charge both battery packs to peak
          capacity. For subsequent charges, leave the charger
          and batteries hooked up overnight (approximately
          16 hours).
          The charger supplied with this system is designed to                                                 PIN IS
          recharge your transmitter battery at a rate of 50mA.
          The receiver battery pack will charge at 50mA for the
          600mAh battery pack.                                                         OUTSIDE IS POSITIVE

                             Transmitter Only                                  CHARGER PIGTAIL FOR TRANSMITTER
              The center pin on all JR remote control systems is                         BLACK TO POSITIVE

              negative. Therefore, the center pin on all JR
              chargers is negative, not positive. This is different
              from any other manufacturers’ chargers and radio
                                                                                             RED TO NEGATIVE
              systems. Beware of improper connections based
              on “color code” wire leads as they do not apply                     CHARGER PIGTAIL FOR RECEIVER
              in this instance. You must make certain that the
              center pin of your JR transmitter is always
              connected to the negative voltage for correct               RED–POSITIVE / BROWN–NEGATIVE / ORANGE–SIGNAL

              polarity hookup.

    4.2   CHARGER

          The pilot lamps should always be on during the              Do not use other manufacturers’ after-market
          charging operation. If they are not, check to make          accessories that plug into the transmitter’s charging
          sure you have turned off both the transmitter and           jack. If you do, any damage that results will not be
          receiver.                                                   covered by warranty. If you are unsure of
                                                                      compatibilities with your radio, seek expert advice
          Do not use the charger for equipment other than JR.         before doing anything to avoid possible damage.
          The charging plug polarity may not be the same and          During the charging operation, the charger’s
          equipment damage may result.                                temperature is slightly elevated. This is normal.

8                                                                 XF421EX MANUAL • INTRODUCTION 4: Battery Charging

INTRODUCTION 5: Trainer System

     5                  TRAINER SYSTEM
                        The XF421EX features a built-in trainer system. The                                            all other current JR radios that have built-in trainer
                        transmitter can be used as either a master (trainer) or                                        systems. An optional trainer cord is needed
                        as a slave (trainee). The XF421EX is compatible with                                           (JRPA130).

                                                                                                                     CORD INPUT

                                      MULTI                    VOLTAGE                                                                                            MULTI                    VOLTAGE
              TRAINER                 DATA                     INDICATOR         AUX.CH.                                                   TRAINER                DATA                     INDICATOR         AUX.CH.
                                      DISPLAY                                                                                                                     DISPLAY
  SCROLL   ENTER                                                                      ENTER   + INCR                           SCROLL   ENTER                                                                     ENTER   + INCR

 CHANNEL                                                                                      - DECR                          CHANNEL                                                                                     - DECR

                                                                                                       TRAINER CORD
           FUNCTION 3-4 1-4                                                FUNCTION 1-2 2-3
                                                                                                         (JRPA130)                      FUNCTION 3-4 1-4                                               FUNCTION 1-2 2-3

                5 CHANNEL MULTI-DATA COMPUTER DISPLAY SYSTEM                                                                                5 CHANNEL MULTI-DATA COMPUTER DISPLAY SYSTEM

                                     MASTER TX                                                                                                                   SLAVE TX
                                  POWER SWITCH ON                                                                                                            POWER SWITCH OFF

                        Operating the Trainer System
                        1. Match the servo reversing, sub-trims, travel                                                4. Test all the control functions on your aircraft with
                           adjust and trims of both radios.                                                               the master radio.
                        2. Plug the optional trainer cord into both                                                    5. Push the trainer button on the master transmitter
                           transmitters.                                                                                  and check all the control functions with the slave
                        3. Turn on the master transmitter. (Note: The slave                                               radio.
                           radio must be left off.)

XF421EX MANUAL • INTRODUCTION 5: Trainer System                                                                                                                                                                                    9

 CHAPTER 1: Transmitter Controls



                                                                                      LCD SCREEN
                                                                                      ELEVATOR TRIM

             INPUT KEY
                                                                                      GEAR SWITCH

                                                                                      INPUT KEY

THROTTLE/RUDDER STICK                                                                 AILERON/ELEVATOR STICK


          RUDDER TRIM                                                                 AILERON TRIM

                                                                                      POWER SWITCH

             1.   THRO Throttle Channel          Transmitter Throttle ALT
             2.   AILE Aileron Channel           The throttle ALT function makes the throttle stick
             3.   ELEV Elevator Channel          trim active only when the throttle stick is less than
             4.   RUDD Rudder Channel            half throttle. This gives easy, accurate idle
             5.   GEAR Gear Channel              adjustments without affecting the high throttle

 10                                            XF421EX MANUAL • CHAPTER 1: Transmitter Controls

CHAPTER 1: Transmitter Controls                               continued

          Note: Your transmitter has a 5-year lithium battery                 your data resets to the factory defaults, return your
          to protect your pre-programmed data against main                    transmitter to Horizon Service Center (see page 28)
          transmitter battery failure. If your system reads 0.0               for lithium battery replacement.
          volts, or has an unfamiliar display (service mode) or

                                                BATTERY CONNECTOR
                                                Use caution when disconnecting/removing the
                                                transmitter battery pack as if the connector is not
                                                properly disconnected, damage to the connector
                                                and/or the radio system can result.

          To adjust the control stick length, use a 2mm Allen
          wrench to unlock the set screw located inside the                                           SET SCREW
          end of the control stick. Turn the set screw
          counterclockwise to loosen it, then turn the knurled
          portion of the stick to adjust the length.
          Counterclockwise will lengthen the stick and
          clockwise will shorten it. After the control stick(s) has                                          LOOSEN
          been adjusted to suit your flying style, tighten the set
          screw.                                                                              TIGHTEN

XF421EX MANUAL • CHAPTER 1: Transmitter Controls                                                                                  11

CHAPTER 1: Transmitter Controls continued

       For proper DSC hook-up and operation:                     2. The DSC function allows you to make final
       1. Leave the transmitter power switch off. The               adjustments to your airplane or helicopter
           transmitter will not transmit any radio                  without transmitting any radio signals.
           frequency (RF) in this position.                         Therefore, if another pilot is flying on your
       2. Plug the optional DSC cord (JRPA132) into the             frequency, you can still adjust your aircraft and
           DSC port in the rear of the transmitter.                 not interfere with the other aircraft.
       3. The encoder section of the transmitter will now
           be operational and the LCD display will be lit.           Note: Under no circumstances should you
       4. Plug the other end of the DSC cord into the                attempt to fly your aircraft with the DSC cord
           receiver charge receptacle. Turn on the switch            plugged in! This feature is for bench checking
           harness.                                                  your aircraft only.

           Note: When installing the optional charging
           jack (JRPA024) be sure to hook the charging jack
                                                                                      A - Charge Cord/DSC Receptacle
           receptacle securely into the switch harness                                B - Switch Harness Lead
           charge cord.                                                               C - Charger/DCS Cord

       Why you should use the DSC function:
       1. The DSC enables you to check the control
          surfaces of your airplane without drawing the
          fully operational 200mAh from your transmitter
          battery pack. Instead, you will only draw 70mAh                 B
          when using the DSC function.                                         A

           Note: You will need to purchase (separately)
           both the DSC cord (JRPA132) and the JR Deluxe
           Switch Harness (JRPA001) to make use of the
           XP652 DSC function.

       There is an eye hook on the front of the transmitter    so that the transmitter will be perfectly balanced when
       for attaching an optional neck strap (JRPA023). The     a neck strap is used.
       eye hook is precisely positioned (see Section 1.1)

12                                                            XF421EX MANUAL • CHAPTER 1: Transmitter Controls

CHAPTER 2: Connections

         It is important to correctly install the radio system in                                     do not impede servo travel. A stalled servo will
         your model. Please read and carefully follow the                                             drain the battery pack within a few minutes.
         suggestions listed below.                                                                 5. Before installing servo output arms, make sure
                                                                                                      the servo is in its neutral position.
         1. For added protection, wrap the Rx and the Rx                                           6. In the case of gas-powered model aircraft, mount
            Nicad in foam rubber that is at least 1/4” thick.                                         the receiver power switch on the side of the
         2. Run the Rx antenna through the fuselage and                                               fuselage opposite the muffler to protect the
            make sure it is fully extended. Never cut or                                              switch from exhaust residue. With other types of
            bundle your Rx antenna — this will decrease                                               models, mount the switch in the most convenient
            range and performance.                                                                    place. Make sure that the switch operates freely
         3. Rubber servo grommets are included with your                                              and is capable of traveling its full distance.
            radio system and should be installed in the servo                                      7. With your model sitting on the ground and the
            flanges. The servos should then be mounted on                                             transmitter antenna collapsed, check that your
            either hardwood rails or a plywood tray with the                                          system works at a distance of 75 to 100 feet.
            mounting screws provided. Do not overtighten
            the mounting screws. The flange of the brass                                              If your system stops functioning at a distance that
            eyelets should face down (toward the wood).                                               is shorter than listed above, please contact the
         4. All servos must be able to move freely over the                                           Horizon Service Center for further information
            full range of their travel. Make sure the linkages                                        prior to flying your model.


                                                                                        RECEIVER BATTERY


                                                                            ON/OFF SWITCH HARNESS



                                           NEW ABC & W SYSTEM
                                           6 CHANNEL RECEIVER
                                                                            B AT T
                                          6 CH 72MHz FM RECEIVER
                                                                            AUX 1   1

                                            ABC&W INTERFERENCE
                                             PROTECTION SYSTEM
                                                                            GEAR                                                      ELEVATOR
                                                 NER-226X                   A IAILE
                                            JAPAN REMOTE CONTROL CO., LTD
                                                    MADE IN JAPAN            THRO

                                             R600   RECEIVER



XF421EX MANUAL • CHAPTER 2: Connections                                                                                                             13

CHAPTER 3: Key Input and Display

         Two input keys are located at the upper right and left
         face of the XF421EX transmitter. The keys are used to
         access and program the transmitter. Each key can be
         moved up or down using your thumbs.

                                        TRAINER                                       AUX.CH.
                            SCROLL   ENTER                                                 ENTER   + INCR

                           CHANNEL                                                                 - DECR

         Left button up........SCROLL — Used to advance           Right button up........+INCR — Increses value or
                               through the menus.                                        changes setting (e.g., Reverse
         Left button down...CHANNEL — Used to advance                                    Normal).
                               through the channels or features   Left button down......-DECR — Decreses value or
                               in a given function.                                      changes setting. (e.g., Reverse

CHAPTER 4: Battery Alarm and Display


         When the transmitter battery drops below 9.0 volts,
         the display will start to flash BAT and an audible
         alarm will sound for 8 beeps. These warnings mean
         you should land your aircraft immediately.                                      BAT                  FLASHING

             Note: During the period that the battery alarm
                   is flashing, the input buttons will not
                   function. If you are currently in the
                   function mode, the transmitter will exit
                   automatically and return to the normal
                   display (see Section 5.1).

14                   XF421EX MANUAL • CHAPTER 3: Key Input and Display / CHAPTER 4: Battery Alarm and Display

CHAPTER 5: Input Mode and Functions

          When the power switch is turned on the
          screen will read as shown here in the                       MDI                MODEL NAME

          diagram. This screen is referred to as the
          normal display.
                                                                   I0.4V                 BATTERY VOLTAGE

 5.2     MODE TYPES
         The XF421EX features two type of programming              Function Mode includes programming that is more
         paths. System Setup Mode includes programming             frequently changed, sometimes at the flying field.
         functions that are initially adjusted when the model      Function Modes include:
         is first set up, like selecting wing type or the model,       SERVO REVERSING
         and is seldom accessed after the initial set up.              SUB-TRIM
         System Modes include:                                         TRAVEL ADJUST
              MODEL RESET
              MODEL SELECT
              WING TYPE MIXING
              V-TAIL MIXING
              MODEL NAME

XF421EX MANUAL • CHAPTER 5: Input Mode and Functions                                                                15

CHAPTER 5: Input Mode and Functions                                         continued

       To enter the System Mode, press the SCROLL and +INCR buttons up
       simultaneously while you turn on the transmitter. You can now select                       RST
                                                                                                          DATA RESET
       any of four system mode functions shown here in the flow chart. To                                 Page 18
       exit the System Mode, press the SCROLL and +INCR buttons
       simultaneously or turn off the transmitter. Press up the SCROLL
       button to move through the System Mode functions. Information for                       MDL
       each function is located on the page number listed next to the                                     MODEL SELECTION
                                                                                                          Page 19
       function name.
                                                                                                          WING TYPE
       Programming Button                                      Programming Button        MIX
                                                                                               WNG        SELECTION
                                                                                                          FPR FLAPERON

                   ENTER                     RST               AUX.CH.
                                                                    ENTER     + INCR
                                                                                                  OF      DELTA
                                                                                                          Page 20–21

                                                  I                           - DECR

                                                                                               MDI        MODEL NAME ENTRY

                                                  To enter Systen Setup Mode
                                                  press both programming
                                                                                                      I   Page 22

                            Power Switch
                                                  buttons up and turn on the
                                                  Power Switch

       To enter the Function Mode, turn on the transmitter. Press the
       SCROLL and +INCR buttons up simultaneously until a beep is heard.                          THR
                                                                                                          SERVO REVERSING
       The display will change accordingly and show the last active function.               REV•NORM      Page 23

       Press the SCROLL button up to scroll down through the functions one
       by one as shown in the flowchart at left. Once the appropriate
       function is selected, use the CHANNEL button to select the                       SB-TRIM
                                                                                                  THR     SUB-TRIM
       appropriate channel. Use the INCREASE and DECREASE buttons to
       adjust the values displayed on the screen.                                                     0   Page 24

       Programming Button                                      Programming Button
                                                                                        TRV ADJ
                                                                                                  THR     TRAVEL ADJUSTMENT

                                                                                        +I00          %   Page 25

                      TRAINER                                  AUX.CH.
          SCROLL   ENTER                                            ENTER     + INCR

                                           REV•NORM                           - DECR

                                                  To enter Function Mode
                                                  turn on the Power Switch
                            Power Switch
                                                  and then press both
                                                  programming buttons up

16                                                            XF421EX MANUAL • CHAPTER 5: Input Mode and Functions

CHAPTER 6: Functions (System Mode)

 6.1     DATA RESET • System Mode
         The data reset function allows you to reset all the           and select the desired model number (1 or 2) for
         programming in the selected model (1 or 2) to the             which you want to reprogram to the factory settings.
         factory settings. Before using the data reset function        The model selection function is described in
         it’s important to enter the model selection function          Section 6.2.

                                             RST                  INDICATES DATA RESET FUNCTION

                                                                  MODEL NUMBER TO RESET

                                        TRAINER                                              AUX.CH.
                            SCROLL   ENTER                                                        ENTER   + INCR


                                                                      I                                   - DECR

                            In System Setup Mode                     Press the CHANNEL button down and
                         press the SCROLL button up                     +INCR button up simultaneously
                             until RST appears on                     to reset the data (a beep will sound)
                                    the screen

         Accessing the Data Reset Function
         1. Press the SCROLL and +INCR buttons up                         the selected model's programming has been
            simultaneously and hold.                                      reset, a beep will sound and model number
         2. Turn on the transmitter to enter the                          momentarily disappear from the screen.)
            System Mode.                                               5. Press the SCROLL button to access the model
         3. Press the SCROLL button up until RST appears                  select function.
            on the screen.                                             6. To exit, press the SCROLL and +INCR buttons
         4. Press the CHANNEL and INCREASE buttons                        up simultaneously.
            simultaneously to reset the data. (To confirm that

XF421EX MANUAL • CHAPTER 6: Functions (System Mode)                                                                      17

CHAPTER 6: Functions (System Mode)                       continued

 6.2   MODEL SELECTION • System Mode
       The XF421EX has memory for two models.

                                          MDL            INDICATES MODEL SELECTION FUNCTION

                                           I             MODEL NUMBER 1 OR 2

                                TRAINER                                      AUX.CH.
                    SCROLL   ENTER                                                ENTER   + INCR

                   CHANNEL                                                                - DECR

                 In System Setup Mode                             Press the +INCR or -DECR
                press the SCROLL button                      button to select model number 1 or 2
                  until MDL appears on
                        the screen

       Accessing the Model Selection Function
       1. Press the SCROLL and +INCR buttons up            4. Press the INCREASE or DECREASE button to
          simultaneously and hold.                            select model number 1 OR 2.
       2. Turn on the transmitter to enter the             5. Press the SCROLL button to access the wing type
          System Mode.                                        entry function.
       3. Press the SCROLL button until MDL                6. To exit, press the SCROLL and +INCR buttons
          appears on the screen.                              up simultaneously.

18                                                XF421EX MANUAL • CHAPTER 6: Functions (System Mode)

CHAPTER 6: Functions (System Mode)                                        continued

 6.3     WING TYPE SELECTION • System Mode
         Flaperon, V-tail and Delta mixing are available for                 V-Tail
         specialty aircraft that require those functions. The                V-Tail mixing requires two servos. Connect the left
         flaperon feature mixes flaps with ailerons so the                   tail servo to channel #3 (Elev) and the right tail servo
         ailerons can be drooped for takeoffs and landings                   to channel #4 (Rudd) in the receiver. Individual
         while still functioning fully as ailerons. V-tail mixing            functions (e.g., servo reversing, sub-trims, etc.) are
         combines rudder and elevator for V-tail operations.                 available for each servo. Use sub-trims for individual
         The Delta wing function allows the aileron to also act              neutral adjustments described in Section 7.2. V-Tail
         as the elevator, while retaining independent use of                 elevator travel is adjusted by elevator and rudder
         both functions. The Delta wing function allows the                  travel adjust.
         ailerons to also act as the elevator, while retaining
         independent use of both functions.                                  Delta Wing Mixing
                                                                             Delta, or elevon mixing as it is commonly known, is
         Flaperon Setup                                                      the final wing mixing selection in your XF421EX. This
         When using flaperon mixing, two servos (one for                     style of aircraft also employs two wing servos.
         each aileron) must be used. Connect the left aileron                However, in essence, there is not an elevator present.
         servo to channel #5 (Gear) and the right aileron servo              Instead, at an elevator stick input, the two wing
         to channel #2 (Aile) in the receiver. Individual                    servos function in conjunction with one another in
         functions (e.g., servo reversing, sub-trims, etc.) are              the same direction to create an up/down movement
         still available for each of the channels. Use sub-trims             of the aircraft. Also, when an aileron control is given,
         for individual neutral adjustment.                                  the two wing servos move in opposite directions to
                                                                             function as ailerons as well.

                                                                   INDICATES WING TYPE FUNCTION
                                                                   FPR = FLAPERON
                                                                   VTL = V-TAIL

                                                                   DLT = DELTA
                                                                   WNG = WING TYPE SELECTION
                                                                   OF = OFF
                                                                   ON = ON

                                                                    MIX                       AUX.CH.
                         SCROLL    ENTER                                                           ENTER   + INCR


                                                                    OF                                     - DECR

                Press the SCROLL            Press the CHANNEL               Press the +INCR or -DECR
                  button until MIX             button to select      button to turn the flaperon (FPR), Delta (DLT)
                 WNG appears on               Wing Type (WNG) or            or V-tail (VTL) mixing on or off
                    the screen               V-tail (VTL) mixing

         Accessing the Wing Type Selection Function
         1. Press the SCROLL and +INCR buttons up                           4. Press the channel button to select either the
            simultaneously and hold.                                           wing type (WNG) or V-tail (VTL) mode.
         2. Turn on the transmitter to enter the System                     5. Press the SCROLL button to access the model
            Mode.                                                              name function.
         3. Press the SCROLL button until the MIX WNG                       6. To exit, press the SCROLL and +INCR buttons
            appears on the screen.                                             up simultaneously.

XF421EX MANUAL • CHAPTER 6: Functions (System Mode)                                                                               19

CHAPTER 6: Functions (System Mode)                                          continued

 6.3   WING TYPE SELECTION • System Mode (continued)

       To Activate Flaperon (FPR) Mixing (Wing Type Mode)

                                           WNG                AUX.CH.
                                                                   ENTER      + INCR
          CHANNEL                                                             - DECR

                                                                                                                   OF = MIX OF
           1. In System Setup Mode
                                                                                                                   ON = MIX ON
              press the SCROLL button
              until MIX WNG appears               2. Press the +INCR button to
              on the screen                          activate Flaperon mixing

       To Activate Delta Wing (DLT) Mixing (Wing Type Mode)


           SCROLL   ENTER
                                     MIX                      AUX.CH.
                                                                   ENTER      + INCR

          CHANNEL                                                             - DECR

           1. In System Setup Mode
              press the SCROLL button
              until MIX WNG appears                2. Press the -DECR button to
                                                                                                                   DELTA WING
              on the screen                            activate Delta wing mixing                   MIX
                                                                                                                   MIX ON


       To Activate V-Tail (VTL) Mixing

                                     MIX                       AUX.CH.
           SCROLL                                                              + INCR

          CHANNEL                                                              - DECR

         1. In System Setup
            Mode press the
            SCROLL button until     2. Press the CHANNEL                         3. Next press either
            MIX WNG appears
            on the screen
                                       button once to access
                                       the V-tail mixing screen
                                                                                    the +INCR or
                                                                                    -DECR buttons

                                                                                    once to activate
        Note: It is also possible to activate both the flaperon (FPR)               V-tail mixing
        and V-tail functions (VTL) to work simultaneously.

20                                                            XF421EX MANUAL • CHAPTER 6: Functions (System Mode)

CHAPTER 6: Functions (System Mode)                                        continued

 6.4     MODEL NAME ENTRY • System Mode
         The XF421EX allows a 3 digit name to be input for                          is useful to help identify different aircraft types or
         each of the 2 models available. The current model                          model setups.
         will be displayed in the normal display. This feature

                                                                                                            Flashing Character includes
                                                                                                              character to be adjusted
                                TRAINER                                   AUX.CH.
                    SCROLL   ENTER                                             ENTER     + INCR


                                                            I                            - DECR


          In System Setup Mode
          press the SCROLL
                                          Press the CHANNEL button
                                          to select the character to be
                                                                             Press the +INCR or -DECR
                                                                             buttons to select the desired
          button until MD1 appears        changed (flashing)                 character (A-Z, 1-9, etc.)                  CURRENT MODEL
          on the screen                                                                                                     NUMBER

         Accessing the Model Name Entry Function
         1. Press the SCROLL and +INCR buttons up                               5. To adjust the remaining 2 characters, press the
            simultaneously and hold.                                               CHANNEL button until the desired character to
         2. Turn on the transmitter to enter the System                            be adjusted is flashing.
            Mode.                                                               6. Press the SCROLL button to access the
         3. Press the SCROLL button until MD1 appears on                           modulation select function.
            the screen.                                                         7. To exit, press the SCROLL and +INCR buttons
         4. Press the INCREASE or DECREASE buttons to                              up simultaneously.
            select the correct letter/number for the first
            character (flashing).

XF421EX MANUAL • CHAPTER 6: Functions (System Mode)                                                                                          21

CHAPTER 7: Functions (Function Mode)

 7.1   SERVO REVERSING • Function Mode

       Servo reversing is a very convenient function used in       corresponding stick movement. Servo reversing is
       the setup of a new aircraft. It is used to change the       available for all channels.
       direction of servo rotation in relation to the

                                        THR                    CHANNEL
                                                                  1         THR : THROTTLE
                                    REV◆NORM                      2         AIL : AILERON
                                                                  3         ELE : ELEVATOR
                                                                  4         RUD : RUDDER
                                                                  5         GER : LANDING GEAR

                                       TRAINER                                            AUX.CH.
                           SCROLL   ENTER                                                      ENTER    + INCR

                          CHANNEL                                                                       - DECR

               Press the SCROLL           Press the                   Press the +INCR or -DECR
                   button until       CHANNEL button             button to change the servo direction
                  REV◆NORM             until the desired
                 appears on the       channel appears
                    screen              on the screen

       Accessing the Servo Reversing Function
       1. Turn on the transmitter.                                 5. Press the INCREASE or DECREASE button to
       2. Press the SCROLL and +INCR buttons up                       change the servo direction.
          simultaneously to enter the Function Mode.               6. Press the SCROLL button to access the sub-trim
       3. Press the SCROLL button until REV NORM                      function.
          appears on the screen.                                   7. To exit, press the SCROLL and +INCR buttons
       4. Press the CHANNEL button until the desired                  up simultaneously.
          channel appears on the screen.

22                                                         XF421EX MANUAL • CHAPTER 7: Functions (Function Mode)

CHAPTER 7: Functions (Function Mode)                                   continued

 7.2     SUB-TRIM • Function Mode
         Sub-trim is an electronic trim that is available for           with this radio system. Sub-trim can also allow
         each of the 5 channels. Sub-trim is particularly useful        additional trim travel when mechanical trims do not
         as it allows the mechanical trim levers to be returned         provide enough movement.
         to their neutral positions by adjusting /changing the
         servo’s neutral position electronically, without the           Note: It is recommended to use as little sub-trim as
         need to mechanically adjust the specific control               possible for adjustment. If more that 20–30 points
         linkage. This allows the same mechanical trim lever            are required, is it suggested that a mechanical
         settings between the two models you can control                linkage adjustment be performed.

                                INDICATES THE
                                SUB -TRIM FUNCTION
                                                                        1       THR : THROTTLE
                                                                        2       AIL : AILERON
                                                THR                     3
                                                                                ELE : ELEVATOR
                                                                                RUD : RUDDER
                                                                        5       GER : LANDING GEAR

                                                  0                     SUB -TRIM VALUE ( ±125)

                                           TRAINER                                              AUX.CH.
                               SCROLL   ENTER                                                        ENTER     + INCR

                              CHANNEL                                                                          - DECR

                     Press the SCROLL               Press the                 Press the +INCR or -DECR
                         button until           CHANNEL button           button to adjust the sub-trim value
                          SB-TRIM                until the desired
                       appears on the           channel appears
                           screen                 on the screen

         Accessing the Sub-Trim Function
         1. Turn on the transmitter.                                    5. Press the +INCR or -DECR button to establish
         2. Press the SCROLL and +INCR buttons up                          the desired amount of sub-trim.
            simultaneously to enter the Function Mode.                  6. Press the SCROLL button to access the travel
         3. Press the SCROLL button until SB-Trim appears                  adjustment function.
            on the screen.                                              7. To exit, press the SCROLL and +INCR buttons
         4. Press the CHANNEL button until the desired                     up simultaneously.
            channel appears on the screen.

XF421EX MANUAL • CHAPTER 7: Functions (Function Mode)                                                                     23

CHAPTER 7: Functions (Function Mode)                                  continued

 7.3   TRAVEL ADJUSTMENT • Function Mode
       The amount of servo travel is adjustable for each               depends on the position of the stick or switch (e.g.,
       direction for each of the 5 channels individually. The          flap switch, gear switch). This function is useful either
       adjustment range is from 0% to 150%. Travel                     to maximize control surface travel, or to reduce travel
       adjustment is factory set at 100% for all channels.             to eliminate servo binding without the need for
       The travel adjustment value displayed on the screen             mechanical adjustment.

                              INDICATES THE TRAVEL
                              ADJUSTMENT FUNCTION
                                                                      1        THR : THROTTLE
                                                                      2        AIL : AILERON
                          TRV ADJ.
                                              THR                     3
                                                                               ELE : ELEVATOR
                                                                               RUD : RUDDER
                                                                      5        GER : LANDING GEAR

                               + I00%                                  TRAVEL ADJUSTMENT VALUE

                                 SERVO OPERATING DIRECTION

                                         TRAINER                                               AUX.CH.
                            SCROLL    ENTER                                                         ENTER   + INCR

                           CHANNEL                                                                          - DECR

                   Press the SCROLL               Press the                     Press the +INCR or -DECR
                       button until           CHANNEL button            button to adjust the travel adjustment value
                        TRV ADJ.               until the desired
                     appears on the           channel appears
                         screen                 on the screen

       Accessing the Travel Adjustment Function
       1. Turn on the transmitter.                                        the +INCR or -DECR button to achieve the
       2. Press the SCROLL and +INCR buttons up                           desired travel. Move the stick in the opposite
          simultaneously to enter the Function Mode.                      direction to adjust the travel in the opposite
       3. Press the SCROLL button until TRV ADJ. appears                  direction.
          on the screen.                                               6. The same may be done for all channels.
       4. Press the CHANNEL button until the desired                   7. Press the SCROLL button to access the Servo
          channel appears on the screen.                                  Reverse function.
       5. Move the selected channel stick or switch in the             8. To exit, press the SCROLL and +INCR buttons
          direction that you want to adjust the travel. Press             up simultaneously.

24                                                             XF421EX MANUAL • CHAPTER 7: Functions (Function Mode)

CHAPTER 8: Data Sheet

  8      DATA SHEET
         Model Number _____________________
         Model Name ______________________

           CHANNELS                    THRO (1)       AIL (2)         ELE (3)         RUDD (4)      GER (5)

                                         NORM         NORM            NORM             NORM         NORM
          REVERSE SW                       •            •               •                •            •
                                          REV          REV             REV              REV          REV

          SUB TRIM

          TRAVEL ADJUST            +            % +             % +             % +           % +          %

          (TRV ADJ.)               +            % +             % +             % +           % +          %

                WING TYPE                  FLAPERON

                  V-TAIL                   ON • OFF

XF421EX MANUAL • CHAPTER 8: Data Sheet                                                                         25


         Radio controlled models are a great source of                 • Do not fly your model near spectators, parking
         pleasure. Unfortunately, they can also pose a potential         areas, or at any other area that could result in
         hazard if not maintained and operated properly. It is           injury to people or damage of property.
         imperative that you install your radio control system         • Do not fly during adverse weather conditions.
         correctly. Additionally, your level of piloting                 Poor visibility can cause disorientation and loss
         competency must be high enough to ensure that you               of control of your aircraft. Strong winds can cause
         are able to control your aircraft under all conditions. If      similar problems.
         you are a newcomer to radio controlled flying, please
         seek help from an experienced pilot or your local             • Do not fly unless your frequency is clear.
         hobby shop.                                                     Warning: Only one transmitter at a time can
                                                                         operate on a given frequency. If you turn on your
         Listed below are some safety Dos and Don’ts that                transmitter while someone else is operating a
         must be followed by all pilots:                                 model on your frequency, both pilots will lose
         • Ensure that your batteries have been properly                 control of their models. Only one person can use a
           charged prior to initial flight.                              given frequency at a time. It does not matter if it is
         • Keep track of the time that the system is turned              AM, FM or PCM — only one frequency at a time.
           on so that you will have an idea of how long you            • Do not point the transmitter antenna directly
           can safely operate your system.                               toward the model. The radiation pattern from the
         • Perform a ground range check prior to the initial             tip of the antenna is inherently low.
           flight of the day. See the “Daily Flight Checks”            • Do not take chances. If at any time during flight
           Section below for information on how to do so.                you observe any erratic or abnormal operation,
         • Check all control surfaces prior to each takeoff.             land immediately and do not resume flight until
                                                                         the cause of the problem has been ascertained
         • Use frequency flags.                                          and corrected.

         1. Check the battery voltage on both the transmitter         • Do not extend the transmitter antenna at this
            and the receiver battery packs. Do not fly below            time. Turn the transmitter “on.”
            9.0 volts on the transmitter or below 4.7 volts on        • Turn the model “on.”
            the receiver. To do so can cause a crash of your
            aircraft.                                                 • Slowly walk away from the model while moving
                                                                        the control surfaces. The aircraft should function
         Note: When you check these batteries, ensure that              properly at a distance of 75–100 feet.
            you have the polarities correct on your expanded
            scale voltmeter.                                          5. Just prior to starting your aircraft, turn “off” your
                                                                         transmitter and then turn it back “on.” Do this
         2. Check all hardware (linkages, screws, nuts, bolts)           each time you start your aircraft. If any critical
            prior to each day’s flight. Be sure that binding             switches are on without your knowledge, the
            does not occur and that everything is properly               transmitter alarm will warn you at this time.
                                                                      6. Ensure that all trim levers are in the proper
         3. Ensure that all surfaces are moving in the proper            location.
                                                                      7. Check to be sure that all servo pigtails and switch
         4. Perform a ground range check before each day’s               harness plugs are secured in the receiver. Also,
            flying session. The range check should be as                 make sure that the switch harness moves
            follows:                                                     completely in both directions.

26                                                                      XF421EX MANUAL • IMPORTANT INFORMATION


Important Note: Be sure to keep your original dated sales receipt in a safe place as you will be required to provide proof-of-purchase
date for the equipment to be serviced under warranty.

            Your new JR Remote Control Radio System is                       damaged in a crash, or to any unit which has been
            warranted to the original purchaser against                      repaired or altered by any unauthorized agencies.
            manufacturer defects in material and workmanship                 Under no circumstances will the buyer be entitled to
            for one year from the date of purchase. During this              consequential or incidental damages. This limited
            period, Horizon Service Center will repair or replace,           warranty gives you specific legal rights; you also have
            at our discretion and at no cost to the purchaser, any           other rights which may vary from state to state. As
            component that is found to be factory defective. This            with all fine electronic equipment, do not subject
            warranty is limited to the original purchaser of the             your radio system to extreme temperatures, humidity
            unit and is not transferable.                                    or moisture. Do not leave it in direct sunlight for
                                                                             long periods of time.
            This warranty does not apply to any unit which has
            been improperly installed, mishandled, abused, or

            In the event that your JR radio needs service, please            5. Include your name, mailing address, and a phone
            follow the instructions listed below:                               number where you can be reached during the
                                                                                business day.
            1. Check all on/off switches to be sure they are off.
               This will speed the repair process of checking                6. Warranty Repairs. To receive warranty service, you
               battery condition.                                               must include your original dated sales receipt to
                                                                                verify your proof-of-purchase date. Providing that
            2. Return your system components only (transmitter,
                                                                                warranty conditions have been met, your radio will
               receiver, servos, etc). Do not return your system
                                                                                be repaired without charge.
               installed in a model aircraft.
                                                                             7. Normal Non-Warranty Repairs. Should your repair
            3. Preferably, use the original carton/packaging
                                                                                cost exceed 50% of the retail purchase cost, you will
               (molded foam container), or equivalent, to ship
                                                                                be provided with an estimate advising you of your
               your system. Do not use the system carton itself as
               a shipping carton. You should package the system
               carton within a sturdy shipping container using               Within your letter, advise us of the payment method
               additional packing material to safeguard against              you prefer to use. Horizon Service Center accepts
               damage during transit. Include complete name                  VISA or MasterCard. Include your card number and
               and address information inside the carton, as                 expiration date. Horizon Service Center also accepts
               well as clearly writing it on the outer label/return          money orders.
               address area.
            4. Include detailed information explaining your                  Mail your system to:
               operation of the system and problem(s)                               Horizon Service Center
               encountered. Provide an itemized list of equipment                   4105 Fieldstone Road
               enclosed and identify any particular area/function                   Champaign, IL 61822
               which may better assist our technicians in                           Phone: (217) 355-9511
               addressing your concerns. Date your                                  www.horizonhobby.com
               correspondence, and be sure your complete name
               and address appear on this enclosure.

XF421EX MANUAL • WARRANTY AND SERVICE IMFORMATION                                                                                   27


         72 MHz requires no special license to operate.
         50/53 MHz requires the operator to have an FCC
             amateur radio license (Ham).

                    72 MHz                        72 MHz                    50MHz

           CH.NO.     FREQUENCY          CH.NO.     FREQUENCY      CH.NO.     FREQUENCY
             15        72.090                36           72.510     00        50.800
             16        72.110                37           72.530     01        50.820
             17        72.130                38           72.550     02        50.840
             18        72.150                39           72.570     03        50.860
             19        72.170                40           72.590     04        50.880
             20        72.190                41           72.610     05        50.900
             21        72.210                42           72.630     06        50.920
             22        72.230                43           72.650     07        50.940
             23        72.250                44           72.670     08        50.960
             24        72.270                45           72.690     09        50.980
             25        72.290                46           72.710
             26        72.310                47           72.730
                                                                                     53 MHZ
             27        72.330                48           72.750
                                                                   CH. NO.     FREQUENCY      FLAG COLOR
             28        72.350                49           72.770
                                                                     A1             53.100    Black/Brown
             29        72.370                50           72.790
                                                                     A2             53.200     Black/Red
             30        72.390                51           72.810
                                                                     A3             53.300    Black/Orange
             31        72.410                52           72.830
                                                                     A4             53.400    Black/Yellow
             32        72.430                53           72.850
                                                                     A5             53.500    Black/Green
             33        72.450                54           72.870
                                                                     A6             53.600     Black/Blue
             34        72.470                55           72.890
                                                                     A7             53.700    Black/Purple
             35        72.490                56           72.910
                                                                     A8             53.800     Black/Gray
                                             57           72.930
                                             58           72.950
                                             59           72.970
                                             60           72.990
         *Channels 11–14 are not available

28                                                                    XF421EX MANUAL • FREQUENCY CHART





            © 1999 Horizon Hobby Distributors, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Document Created: 1999-10-11 17:54:47
Document Modified: 1999-10-11 17:54:47

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