15_iX12 UserMan r1


Users Manual

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                                                                              Safety precautions                               NSMITTER                FUN
 Allinstructons, warranties and other colateral
 documents are subject t change attsole decretion
                                                            «Alvays ensurallbatteries have been propery charged
                                                             prioto using the model                                     1_JLED
                                                                                                                                                          em 13 Aleron Tim (Mode 1,2)        24   |Switch C
 of Horzen Hobby, LLC. Forupto—date product terature,       «Alvays checicall servos and ther connections prir to                                                                                                                      SPEKTRLIM
 visthorzonhobby.com and clck on the supporttab for          sach t                                                     2_|Right Tim                            Rudder Trim (Wode 3.4)       25   |Switch 8                            IrneSprestSpecuntectnlgy
 this product.                                              «Never operate your model near spectators,parking           3 [Right Knob                        14_|Neck Strap Mount            38 |seb
                                                             areas or any otherarea that could result in infury o       4 [SwichE                            15_|Speaker Gnil                        6                                                                       12—Channel 2.4GHz DSMX® Aircraft System
                                                             people or damage of property                               5_[Swich 6                           16 |Touchscreen LCD             27 |Switch|         L
The foloning terms are usetroughout t product               «Never operate your model during adverse weathor            6 |SmichF                            . , |Rudder Tim (Vose 1.2)      26_| Gimbal travelimfer covers
Iteratire to incleate varous evels of potentalharm when      conditons. Poorvsibiiy can cause disorientation and        ; |Throtle Adusiment (ode 19             Aeron Trim (Mode 3.4)       20 |LeftTim
eperating thisproduct                                        loss of contral of your model.
                                                            «Never pointthe transmiterantenna directy toward the           Thvotte Adustment (Mode 1.3       . Thvotte Adustment (Mode 24|   30| Power Button                      The fist tme you charge the transmiter the charge tme may be 15—20
WARNING: Procedires, which i not propery folowed.
ereatethe probabiiy of roperty damage, colatoral             model. The rdiation pattem from the tofthe antenna         4 |Mode Change, Gimbal                   TvotleAdustment (Mode 24)   |_31_ Antena 1                        hours. Aays charge the transmiter on a heat—resitent surface.
damage, and serious inury OR create a high probabily of      is inherenty ow                                                 Centering Screw                 14 |Blevator Tim (Mode 1,9)     32_|SwtchA
superical nuy
                                                            + at any tme duringthe operation of your model you               Trrott/Aeron (Mode 1)               Throte Trim (Mode 2.4)      38 |Left Lever
GAUTION: Procedires, which i notpropery flowed. create
                                                             cbserve any eratl oabnormal operation,immediately                                                                                                                     1. Connect the pover supply to a power ouet using the appropriate adapter
                                                             stop operation of your model untthe cause of the           4.   |Bevatorleron Mode 2            20 |Moe Change Gimbal           34 |SeriaInterface Port
                                                                                                                                                                                             T Anflakt
the probabity of physicalproparty camage AND a possbity
ofssrous nin:
                                                             problem has been ascertained and corrected.                     Thrott/Ruder (Mode 3)               Centering Sorew                                                      and the Micro USB cable to the charge port o the transmiter as shoum

NOTICE: Procedures,which i not propery folowed. crate
                                                                                                                              efRight Gimbal Stic
                                                                                                                                                                 ElevatorRudder (Mode 1)
                                                                                                                                                                 ThrotieRudder (Mode 2)
                                                                                                                                                                                             36 |Battery Cover                     2. A Blue LED will fesh while charging. Alsoa fast press of the power switch
a possibliy of physcal roperty damage AND a it or no                          Charging Warnings                         !9|Tension Adjustment                21| Revator/Aieron (Mode 3)     g; g‘fixzm”
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      willbingthe Charge Battery icon tothe color touch scren display
possbilty of nun.                                           «Falure to exrcise caution while using this product                                                                                                                    3. When the system is powered ON, charging is complete when the blue
                                                             and comply with the folowing wamings could result n                                                                                                                      flashing LED stops. Dicconnect the USB cable once charging is complete
                                                             product maltinction, electical issues, excessive heat,
                                                                                                                        8o        ue
                                                                                                                         Jossen Adustinent                   33 IotenenMnss
                                                                                                                                                                |LefRight GimbalStck         30
                                                                                                                                                                                             i |Hendlenema2
                                                                                                                                                                                                n      e                              and dsconnectthe power supply rom the pover outet
       WARNING: Reed the ENTRE instructon manval                                                                        L2 |BevatorTim (Mode 2, 4               Tension Adjustment                ooo oc
       to become famifar with the features ofthe product     FRE, and ultimatelInluryand property damage.
before operaing Falure to operate the product corecty       «Read al safety precautions and Iterature priorto use          Throte Trm (Mode 1, 3)            23 |Upidonn Gimbal Sick         41 1USB/Charging port                          CAUTION: Neverleave a charging battery unattended.
can resuln damage tothe product,personal property and        of this product                                                                                     Tension Adjustment                                                         GAUTION: Never change the low votage Imit for L—lon batteries
cause serous inuuy                                          «Never alow minors to charge battery packs                                                                                                                              below 3.3V. Doing so could ove—cischarge the battery and damage
                                                            «Never drop charger or batterics
This s a sophistcated hobby product t mustbe operated       «Never attempt o charge damaged batteries                                                                                                                               both battery and transmiter.
with caition and common sense and reguires some basc                                                                                                                                         3           L 31
mechanical abiit. Falure to aperate his Product in a sate
                                                            «Never attemptt charge a battery pack containing                                                                                                                                CAUTION: Never charge the battery outside ofte transmiter due         ar
and responsible manner could resut in inkry or damage to     diffrent ypes ofbatters
                                                            «Never charge a batteryif the cable has been pinched
                                                                                                                                                                                       36                                     32            to the battey montoring system not reoogmzmgmv                                 8
the product or other propert; This product is notitended     or shorted                                                                                                                                                             charge othe battery when itis not charged ncidethe
for use by chldren wiout direct adut supervsion. Do not     «Never alow batteris or battery packs to come into                                                                                                                      ‘ransmiter.This can cause the system t give false low battery wamings:
attemt diassemlyuse wiy ncompatle components                 contact with mosture at anytime
or e productin any way withoutthe approvalof Horzon                                                                                                                                    37                                 3
                                                            «Never charge batteriesin exremely hot or cold places                                                                                                                   POWERING UP/DOWN THE iX12 TRANSMITTER
Hobby, LC This manval contains instuctons for safet;         recommended between 50—80° F or10—27" ) or
eperation and maintenance.ts essental to read and            place in drect sunlght
folow althe instuctions and warmings in the manval,prior                                                                                                                                                                           The 12 features a push button ONOFF swtch                                                                      v
to assemblysetup or use,in ordert operete coectl and        «Alvays disconnectthe transmiter afte charging, and
avold damage orserious njin.                                 let the charger cool between charges                                                                                                                                   . To poser on the transmiter push and hold the Power butn for severalseconds untl
                                                            «Avays nspect a new battery before charging                                                                                                                               the LCD screen displays the start up soreen. Smiar tother smartdevices, startuptakes
                                                            «Alvays terminate allprocesses and contact Horzon
Age Recommendation: Not for children under 14.               Hoboyi the product maltunctions
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      ~1 minuteatwhich tme the Speitrum Arvare"® app launches avtomaticaly and takes
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      approvimately 1 1/2 minutes to fuly lunch.
This is not a toy.                                          «Alvays keep bateres and charger away from any                                                                             34                                     35
NOTICE: Ths productis onl intended for use with              matenthat could be afected by heat uh as                                                                                                                              2. To pover doun the trnsmiter push and hold the Power buttofor several seconds untl
unmanned, hobby—crade, remote—controled vehices and          ceramic and te, as they can get hot                                                                                                                                      the Power Off / Rebootprompt shows on the screen. Press Poier Of to shutdowin
aireriHorzon Hobty dclaimsal fabity outsde ofthe            «Alvays ond the charging process i the charger or
fnterded purpose and ill not provde warranty service         battey becomes hotto the touch or starts tochange        suons
relted terclo                                                form (svel) during the charge process                    o 2017 ratimeasC                                                                                             Pressingthe Power button once will put the cisplay to seep buttracio wil ontinue to ransminormall. Press the
                                                                                                                      ostit mOSogoSneiun ArHire d h Yerio feiy eg n vadenans
wannanty REcISTRATION                                                                                                 o roitent tds Horion tyLLC Tre Sotun tndenats ind wih                                                        posier button again to wake up the screen
                                                                                                                      pemisinoltctram inss e                                                                                  a0
Vist mimspettume.comfegistatontodayto regster your          Support Videos:                                           Andoidisa tadenaiol Gog nc ieBustaah® wanark nds restt                                                       Double pressing the Powerbutton willopen a window allning you t select RF On/O, LCD On/Oif, orpress and hold
product                                                     For helfuvideos on programingthe Spektrum?® 0012          vadenats oina y Buetah 9G. h. and anuse sch mars o orto fotyis
                                                                                                                      unde fers,The Wbyois egsred tadenarcf P Adarce                                                          41
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   to put both RF and LCD ntosleep mode.
                                                            transmiter and other Spoktrum Transimiters go to          M anervadenats,sevee matl d ogo e povey hi resectinoiers                                                     Itis recommended you use the seep mode ratherthan turning thsystem Off on fying days
                                                            htps:/inmspekttumre.com/                                  EU paort 6007708 Oberpatetserten               Coued i7

 NAVIGATION                                                                    NAVIGATION                                                                                                         CREATING A NEW MODEL
               zra2]    The X12 transmiter is buit on tp                      The Spoktrum Airware""" softvare, which launches                                                                     Create a new model by pressing the on at he top left of w
                        of the Android operatig system and                    evtomatialy when povering on the transmiter has 4                                                                    the dashboard toaccess the Mode! Utites screen. If RF
                        featuresa arge colortouch screen                      main screens that can be quickly accessed by swiping let                                                             is on the system will open a dalogbox o confim RF will    rigntieder        Dursont wnese
                       | doves                                                or ight on the color touch screen display                                                                            be tumed of to enter his menu
                        To navigete around the X12 use your                      Dashiboard: The main screen dieplaying Trims, and     rpmaleminpmem                                              . Press on the expand icon atthe topright comer ofthe

                        fingerto tap, swipe and drag icons and                   Timers as wel the model nameand image                      Deshboard                                               Model Utltes screen. A drop don menu containing
menus found on the dieplay                                                       Monitor: Graphicalrepresentation ofal control nputs                                                               Add a New Model,Import Models, Export Models and
HomeScreen                                                                       Telemety Dashboard‘: Displays telemetryinformation                                                                Sort Model Lis wl appea                                   m_ *
1. APP DRAWNER: Contins appieatons oaded ontothe X12                             for each sensor User selects which tems to deplay on [RE~ 2. 22                                                   Press Add a New Model o create a now model and

                                                                                 this page from the Telemetry setup menu. Addional     |Taim Tok rmugily                         #        =        you willbe prompted to create a model rom Default or        mote ntom        notaseup          SptemSetings
2. BACK: Retur to previus screen.                                                telemety pages are avallable when activated in the      Plan   Te       Pn       Tme            a        =        from a Template. t Default model is selected. you wllbe
                                                                                 telemety setup menu                                                              >              #        &
3. HOME: Return to the home screen                                                                                                                                                                 prompted to selectthe tpefora default madel,then cick       es                Cc
4. OVERVEW: Alows swtching between any of the running                         * Telemety MinMax*: Logs the minimumand maximum                   Revew                   Telemely MinNex            CREATE in the dilogue box that appears
   appiicatons                                                                   alues colected rom each tlemetrysensor                                                                       4. You wl then be prompted to confim yourselectio. The             jo
                                                                              "Only avalable if Telemety is actve                                                                                mode! wilthen be created and will be the actve model         m GremeTemaie
                        Notification Screen                                                                                                                                                   5. Press the Bind buttonto bind your modeto the                                     nornmiose
                        1. Swipe don from the tp ofthe           Pm            SYSTEM SETTINGS                                                                                                   transmitter                                                                      wontorctamelCoun 12. ~
                        sereen onceto ext ful screenmode
                        and bring the home screen navigation                  From any of the main screens,tap on System Setings to              Sytem etings intur *                                                                                                             Oimtre dogiy    Nee ~
                        fcons to the front                                    access System Confquration, Calbration, Manual, and                 sulmiig                                     By pressing on the new model, you are taken to the
                        2. Swipe down a second tme to roll                    ProductInfomation to make changes to                          famam ~Imas               .                       Model Details page where you can access these featres:
                        on the Notfation Screen for quick                     + User Name                  * Serial Number                           .                                        * Reset ModelTimer               * Edit Model Type
                        access t                                              * Inactvily Aarms            «: Low transmittr Battary        P*theme                 wovtt                 f   * Duplicate Model                * Delete Model
* Settings                       + Web                                        * Calbrate                      Narm                                                                            * Reset Model
* Userinfo                       * Bluetooth                                  * Language
* Brightness
Not shown
* Landscape                                                                    MODEL SETUP                                                                                                    1. Tap on the Back Arrow at the top left ofthe Model tup
* Location
                                                                              From any of the main screens, tap on Model Sctup to make                                                           sereen to return tothe Dashboard
* Cast Screen
                                                                              changes to:                                                                                                     2. To setup a model tap on Mode! Adust on the main              SerSevp              >    mMueg                    >
Volume Control                                                        Youme   * Fight Mode                   * Fight Mode Setup            se                 >     Times                 >        Dashboard screen.                                          ouafresandtigo       >    fowadrogammng            >
Press the Voument})icon in the top right comer t any of                       * RX Port Assignment           * Trim Sctup                  aver     ¥e             Euen                       3. A few settings that can be edted in ModelAdust® are          ramen                2 [ssfi                        5
the main screens to change the X12 vaume lvels                                * Warnings                     * Prefight Setup                     s           C                           &
                                                                              * Frame Rate                   * Bind                        Teemay             >    wmigontchsens          >   * Servo Setup                    * Miing                        TeottsGine            >   Sequnce                  >
                                                                                                                                                                                              * Dual Rates! Expo               * Flap Systom
                                                                              * Traier
                                                                              * Chamnel Input
                                                                                                             +* Teemety
                                                                                                                Audio Events
                                                                                                                                           Tecmmit            +) omm                      s   * Throftle Cut                                                  Prchcune             >    Gres                     >
                                                                                                                                           bgtaisnrensenp     > taogetest                 >                                                                   Goranr               >    videom                   >
                                                                                                                                           Autotros           > modasoetitomigs           >
                                                                                                                                                                                              *: For more information on operating the 2412 transmiterthe ful manal can be accessed from
Long Press for OK                                                                                                                                                                                witin System Setings
When you see thicon, ress and hold                                                                                                                                                            *: For more information on using the Android 0S, scan the OR code
for approximately 2 seconds o acceptthe                                                                                                                                                       +. Login to Google Play Store for updates to he Spektrum Ariare""" app.

                                                                                                                       ) Si sD ueI 41
 Alen Aniesungen,Granten und anderen ashorgn Doks—        +Aciten Se stets darait,dass ale Adus ordrungsgoma
 merten ind Anderingzn nach Emessen von Horzon Hotby        qeladen sind,bevarSdas Modell vervendn                 1_|Bintsignale                       Quermadetimmung (Modus       ,,, |AutAb Gimbal—Sick
 LLC votshaten.Advele Produktterai inden Surter           + Kortrliren Si stels ate Senos und dren Verbindungen    2_|Rechistrmmung                 is |42                               Spanmungscinsteling           SPEKTRLIM
 nnhor@ontobiorcom im SupportAbschnit for das Produk.       vor jedeFabt                                           T Nomt                               Setendenrimmung (Modus       21— |scrarer c                    IereunveSprestSprcuntecmlny
                                                          * Lassen SItr Modenemals in unmitbarer Nine von
                  sc                                        Zuschauer ut Parkpltzen odein anderen Boreichen        _AL                              13| Unhngeriemematerang          2t oo                                                                  12—Channel 2.4GHz DSMX® Aircraft System
Drfogende Beqrtfe werden in der gesemProduteratur           fahrenin denen ds au Veretzingen Drter baw 2u          5_|Schater 6                     15| Lavioprechergiter            26. |SchatterD
vervendetum de Gefirdungsstfen m Ungang mitdom              Sechschiden filven komnts
Produkt u detiern:                                        + LassonS tw Model nemals oi Unnettr w unter
                                                        undinstigen Weterdedingunden fatven, Scnectte              6 gz's‘:::wes(t;lung(Mmus\ f 3   favdem
                                                                                                                                                    o                   m                M
                                                                                                                                                                                     $ Ihocka)                 —
WARNUNG: Vefaven koonen bl icht ordnungogemader
Durchiuving wemdgich Schiden an EgentimKolter:          Senivertlnisse kimen 24 Decornterung und zum Verust        "_|Gasemstetung (Mooue 113       .., |Pegrmurerttmint MOWS        pp ombatAueschlagbegrenzer    Das erte Laden des Sendarskann bi 2u 15—20 Stunden davern. Den Sender
alechiden UND scvere Veretungen ODER hichstratschein— der Kontale dber n Fabrecug firen                              Modusandering, Gimbal              Cerdertimmung (Wodus                  :
                                                                                                                                                                                     29 |Uniatimmung               immer aut iner ntcbestandigen Oberfche laden.
hoh abertachiene Vefetingon verusachon.               + Retten Sd Senderantamne nemalsdirkt aut das                * IInfentients                       54)
AGHTUNG: Verfahrenkinnen beinicnt ordrungsqomer                                                                                                                                                                    Laden:
                                                        Model. ie Funkstahling ander Antomnenspizeit von                Gas!averruder (Madus   1)   13 |Geseinstelung (Mogus 2a)     30 FitAussctatter
Durchiming vemdaich Schiden an piysschem Bgentum        Naturaus ied                                                    Hohenruder/Ouernuder            Gaseinstllung (Modus 2, 4)   31 _[Antemne 1                1. Das NetteOber inen geeigneten Adapter mt einer Stackcoss vrtinden und
UND scherVaretungon verusachon.                       +Wenuhvand des Madelbetrts S ctuaige                                                                                                                            ts Mio—USB—Kabelmieinem entsprechenden Adaptewl gezeig, an den
HINWES: Verahren kinnen benent ordrungspomitr                                                                      >   If Nok 2.                        Hohentimmung (Modus 1. 3)    32— SchatterA                    Ladeanschluss des Senders anschledon:
Durchhing vemdaich Schiden an pysschem Egentim
                                                        Unsteighaten oder Aromaltaten bemerien, staen Si den
                                                        Betrebsobrt in bide Uisache des Prolems ornitet
                                                                                                                       tot"                         ** Gastrimmung (Modus 2, 4)      33 |Unker Hobel               2. Eine laue LED binkt wihrend des Ladens, leichfals wirdurch in rasches
UND geinglige ode kae Veretringen venrsachen.           ind abgestelt warde                                            (Modus 4)                    7 |Nodusindering Gmoal—          34 |Arschiuss seriee Schnit      Dricken der Ein~/Austast das Symhal des Akdaladegerts ut dem Farb—
                                                                                                                   10 |VinksRechts Gimbal—Stck          Zentrerschraube                 stole                         Touchscreenangezoit.
        WARNUNG:Losen Sde GESANMTE Bedening—                     Ubuiinpereneent n pelite                             Spannungseinsteling               Hoaberas                     35 |Kinkenstecker             3. Bel eingeschalttem System 2ei9t ein EGechen derbinkenden baven LED an,
        serletung, um sch vr nbetiebnatime miden           * Mangelnde Vosictbaider Berutung deses Podutts und     7; |AutRb Gimbal—Stick               (Modus 1)Gas/Sotentuder      36 _|Adw—Rbdeckung               tss der Ladevorgang volstindy abgeschiossen warde. Das USB—Kabelnach
        Furktinen des Prodults vertut m machen, En niht      Nettbeachting der nachslehenden Warmungen kimen zu                                                                                                       dem volstincigen Laden remnen und das Nettel aus der Steckose zishon
ordrungsgemlleBedning des Procuts amn das Produkt                                                                     Spamungseinstaling            21 |Mots 2)                      37_|RechrHebel
und persalches Egentim schicigen ud schwere Veretungen       Felifunidonen, Problemen mt derBektrcibermatiger                °
                                                                                                                   42 [Rientrimmung (Modus 2, 4)
                                                                                                                                                       Hebenruder/Ouermader (Modus
                                                                                                                                                       3)GastQuerruder (Modus 4)     38 |Schaterh                           VORSICHT: Eien Alda watvend des Ladens nicht unbeautschigt
venusachen.                                                  Ethirung, BRADEN und lettich 2s Veretngen bav                                                                                                                  lassen.
Dls it in hoch entickates Procukt irden Hobbygebrauch
                                                             Sarhochiden firen.                                       Gastrimmung (Modus 1, 3)      23 |Unke/Recits Gimbal—Sick      30°|GiAnteme 2
Es muss m Vosicht und Unsct bedien werden ind ertrdert     * Lesen S ichalenformatonen xi dn                                                           Spannungscinstelng            10| Spoichertarenanschluss             VORSICHT: Die Nederspannongsqrenze derLon—Adus richt unter
einige mechaniche Gunderighaten. Wid das Pocuk ieht          Schethetsworkehrungen sovie de gesamte Dokumentaton                                                                     41|UsAadeanschiuss             3.3 V andem. Dadurch konnte deAs Ubrmalq entaden werden und 2u
sicheind umsichig vemendet, o kiartn Veretrangon ader        vorder Nutrung cleses Prouks circh                                                                                                                     Schiden an Algw und Senderfubren.
Schiden am Prodikt odeanderem Eientum enisishonDeeses      + fhen Sriemals Mnderitigen e AdusPacks                                                                                                                          VORSICHT: Don Aka iemals audertalb des Sendars leden, da
Produkt is ic fir den Gabrauch durch Kindrome drelte         autnladen                                                                                                                                                      andemals das Aduiiberwachungssystem richt das
Aubsicht ies Emachsenon vorschon Versuchen Srcht,          * Lassen ie remals da Ladegeritha ie Adus falen                                                                                                                  Laden des Agus ervennt, wenn deser nintim
das Produkt one Zustmmung von zon Hobby LC 2u              +Versichen Siriemalsbeschidate Baterenautdaden                                                                                                           Sender goladen wird. Das Kann au falschen Warnhinweisen as
zefegen, mit nichtlompatlen Komponenten 24 vemien—         +Versichen e iemal in AdasPack zu laden s aus                                                                                                            einem rledrgen Au durch das Sytem foen.
en oder bletig ui vetbescom Deses Handbuch onthat            versciedenen AlrTypen bestett
Sehethatshimase sow Anltingen 2i Betred und Warting        *Wechsoln Se nlemals en Aldu, wenn das Kabe gequescht                                                                                                    EIN—              UND AUSSCHALTEN DES iX12—SENDERS
Esis untissich,dass Seale Anfatungen ind Wamungen            derkuriesctiosson wurde
in desem Handbuch vodem 2isammentiv,deEnchting             «Vermeiden Seunbecingt jeden ontak deAldus tAdu—                                                                                                        Der12 verfigt ber inen Drucknop! as En—Aus—Schatter
oder deInbertnatime lesen und se bldgen,um eine              Parks mt Fouchttat
toreiteBedening 24 gevabtestan ind Schaden bechnere        +Wchsoln Snlemals l ansathalen ode sor katen                                                                                                            1. Um den Sender enmuschaltenden Ein—Ausochaterfr metrere Sekunden gedrict haten, bs
Vevetingen m vernodden                                       Pltren emplotlen werden Temperaturen awchen 10—27                                                                                                        the LCD—Avzeige den Statbidschim anzeig. Atrich wiebl anderen Smarigeiten davert das
                                                             han.50—807) rach an Ortn mt dreter Someneinsranlung                                                                                                      Hochfahren =1 Minat, dabel ird ie Amvare?®—App statet automatisch und bravcht ungefahr
Altersempfehlung: Nicht farKinder unter 14.
                                                           «Temnen Snach dem Laden se den Sender tom Ladegerit                                                                                                        11/2 Mirten, bis se volstandig gedtint ist
  hes ist kein Spietzeng.
                                                             unlassen Se das Ladegerat mcchen den Ladevoringen                                                                                                     2. Un den Senderabzuschaten den Ein—Ausschatter r mebverSekunden gedrickt haten,
 WNWES: Das Geat it rar2x Nutang miunbemannton,              abihien                                                                                                                                                  his das Daloglenster zumAusschattenNexstart aut dem Bldechim angeragt wird. Zum
 fermgestoverten Hatbalrzsugen bav. Hoobyfuggeriten vage— «Uberprifen i inen necen Adastt vordem Ladn                                                                                                                 Herurterlatven aut Ausschalten dricken
 sehienHorzon Hobey schiedt eofene Hafung im Fale von ncht + BrechenSsale Voainge ab und werden Se sch an
 d Bestimmingsonedk entprechender Niteung aus und wid Horzon Hobby, endas ProcultFohfinktanen autit
 in Zisammenang auch kenen Kundendiens beretstlon.         «Haten SAldas und Ladegerit ts vonalen Materialen                                                                                                       Nt dem einmaligen Drocken wird dAnzoige i den Ruhemocus eschalte, dabewerden Funksigrale wterin normal
canume—RecistrieRUNG                                         fem, ce dirch ie beschadatwrden kinrten(we                                                                                                            (bertragen, Uden Bldechim 24 altveren, infach ermeutaut ie Ein—/Austast drocken
Getin Sie noch heate aut winvspekturre.comfegistatin,        belsieeise Keramic ud Fieser)da ersere sch etitzen                                                                                                    Durch doppetes Dricken deEin—/Austast offnct sich einFenstarin dem SRF On/Of, LCO On/Of auswahlen knen, oder
um IhrProdukt 24 registieren                                 Hanen                                                                                                                                                 the Taste gedrickt haten, um RF und LCO in den Rubemodus au schaten.
Videahitfn:Hilreche Videos ur Proorammirung von            + Beenden Sets den Ladevorgang, wenn das Ladegerit
Speltrum"?" T2 Senderund anderen Spoktrum—Senderm            hn derd dbrend de Ladevorgengs mhir                                                                                                                   E wirdempfohlen, dass Si an Fugtagen den Rubermodus vemtenden statt das Gerit avszuschatten
finden Se unter Mips:/inmspektunrccom‘                       eineBerthrung wird oderantingt, sane Form 2i andemn

 NAVIGATION                                                              NAVIGATION                                                                                                       EIN NEUES MODELL ERSTEL
                                                                     Die Spoktrum Aimare"®"—Software, ie automatch                                                                    1. Ein neues Modal durch Dricken aut as Symbo oben
              4       Der [X12.—Sender wurde aut dem
                      Androit—Betrebsoystem entwickett               startet, wenn der Sender eingeschatet wird, vertigt tber                                                            Inks im Dashboard ertalen, um aut den Bidschrm mit
                      und unfasst einen groBe farbige                4 Heuptschirme,auf l llcht durch Wichen nach ks                                                                     dien Model:Dlenstprogrammen 2uruqreien. WenRF              rightmode 1 Dursont wnese
                      TouchscreenAnzeige                             oder rechtsaut dem Farbiger Touchscreen zugeqrifen                                                                  eingeschalet is, ird as System in Diabgtenster ofen,                          Ts
                                                                                                                                                                                         um d RFAbschaltung 2u bestien, odacsaut leses
                      Nutzen Sie zum Navgiren im 212                 werden kann                                                                                                         Meng ugeqrtfen werden kann                                                     s 46 0
                      thren Finger umaut der Anzeige 2u                  Dastiboard: Der Hauptoidschirm, aut dem Trmmungen                 Dashboard                                     Aut daEnvelterungssymbal.= in der oberen rechen Ecke                           s       80

findends Symbole und Menis anzutippen, 2ustveichen und                   und Timer sowiModalname und dessen Bid angezeigt                                                                es Bidschims der Modell—Dienstrogramme drickon
2uverschicbon                                                            werden                                                                                                          Ein DropdovnMeni mit den Elementenkin nees Modell
Home—Bildschirm                                                          Monitor: Grafsche Autbcretung aler                                                                              hinzufigen, Modell importieren, Modelle 2 exporteren
                                                                        Steverdateneingaben.                                     (Tom "Tam ‘;m”                             :            und Modeliste sorteren erschint                                                notasenp       SptemSetings
1. APP—ABLAGE: Enthl cie auf den 12 instalterten
  Anwendungen                                                        *: Telemetre—Dashbord: Zoint Telemetreinformationen         |mau,, zuy "Guy |ns                        i             Aut Ein neues Modell hinzufigen cricken, um cin neues

                                                                        firjeden Sensoran. Armrender wahien m Telemetie—                         mt                         o             Modell 2 erstelen. Danach werden Sautgetardor, um
2. ZURUCK: Zurick zum vorherigen Bidschirm.                              Setupmentdie gewinschten Elemente 2ur Anzeige                     ols                  Teemelne MinMex           ein Modell nach Standard oder anhand cinr Vortage
3. HOMEZurick zum Home—Bidschirm                                         aut deser Sete aus Wetere Telemetresetn sind im                                                                  1 erstolen. Wnn das Standardmodalausgonitwird
4. UBERBLICICEEmglcht den Wechsel awischen jeder der                     alderten Telemetre—Setupment vertigbar,                                                                          werden Se aulgetrder, den Tfir ein Sndarcimodall
                                                                                                                                                                                          euszuwahien, und datnaut ERSTELLEN im sich nun                                         crchdatme: coono
   leutenden Aniiendungen.                                               Telemetrie Min/Mex®Protokoliercie von jedem                                                                      offrenden Diaogtenster zuklcken                                                   Greme
                                                                         Telemetresensorefassten Mindest— und Hochstwerte        "Nur verfigbar, wenn Telemet aktvert ist
                                                                                                                                                                                          S werden dann 2ur BestitqungIhrer Auswral autgefordert                            nomnose          a

                      Benachrichtigungs—Bildschirm                                                                                                                                        Das Modal wird dann erstalt undis damidas aktve Modell                            wontorctamelCoun 12. ~
                    4 1. Strichen Sie von oben nach unten,               SYSTEMEINSTELLUNGEN                                                                                              Damn aut den Bindungsschatterdricken, um ty Modalan

                      um den Volbidmodus 2u verlasson                                                                                                                                     dn Serder zubindon                                                                Oimtre dogiy    Nee ~
                      und die Navigationssymbole des                 Aut jedem der Hauptbidschirme aut Systemeinstlungen
                      Stertbidschims nach vom 2u bringen.            tpen, um Systemkonfguration, Kalbriering, Manuellund
                   2. Steichen Snach unten,                          Produktinformationen autzuriten und Folgendes 2u andem          Sptencortuton         > Caitaton             >   Durch das Dricien aut das neueMadellgelangen S2Sote
                   um nach unten aut den                             * Nutemame                     * Seriemnummer                                                                    mi den Modelengaben, audaSi aut folgends Funktonen
                                                                                                                                                                                      Zugreen konnen:
                   Benachrchigungsbdschirm mit                       * Indktititsalarme              * Alarm bei niedrigem           se                        Nes                a
                   Zugang 2ufolgendem 2u erangen:                    * Kaliorieren                      Stand des Senderakdwws                                                        * Modellimer zuricsetzen         * Modeliyp bearbeiten
* Einstelungen                * wan                                  * Sprache                                                                                                        * Modellduplizeren               * Moellischen
                                                                                                                                                                                      * Modellunicksetzen
* Nutzerinformationen         * Bluctooth
* Heligkeit                                                                                                                                                                                       ELL       ANPASSEN
Nicht dargestelit
* Querformat
                                                                         MODELLKONFIGURATION                                                                                          1   Tenen Sautden schwarzen Pel oben fnks au dem
                                                                     Aut jedem der Hauptbidschirme aut Systemeinstelungen                                                                 Modelikonquratonshidechim, um zum Dastnoard
* Standort
* Gegossener Bldschirm                                               tiopen, umFolgendes 2u dndem                                                        aoamm *            e             urickevketven
                                                                                                                                                                                      2. For das Setup eines Modals aut Madellanpassen‘aut m               m
Lautstarkeregler                                             Youme   * Flug—Modus                    * Fugmoduscinstelling           ted                  >    Times              >      Heuptidschim tppen                                         pualtatinanttigo        >( fowarthoqamning        >
Das Volumensymbols(}aben in der Ecke rechtsaut cnem                  ue                              * TimmingsenSC00                nooussiqnet          > Favefute              >   3. Einige Enstlungen, ie in Modell anpassen‘beatbotet         mm                      3 lisiin:                 §
belebigen der Hauptbischime dricken, um cie Lautstrke                    Anschlusszumeisung         * Einstelungenvor dem                                                                werden konnen,sind
es DXT2 zu andem                                                     *   Wamhinweise                  Fug                            Teeney               >    AmegSnichseup      >       Servocinstelung             * Kombinationen               Reeck                   *   sw                    &
                                                                     1   en                         y $mois                          Tenscovor            >\   tm                 >   *: Duale Geschwindigheten       .+ Kappensystem               niessee                 x\ [ave                   >
                                                                     *   Trainer                    * Telemetie                                                                          Exponental
                                                                     +   Kenaleingang               * Audioereignisse                outaiserchsaup       >    targetes           >   * Gasabschalting                                              Goraner                 > viseom                  >
                                                                                                                                     Aadotvone            >    modasartiaminge    >
FiirOK lange driicken                                         o
                                                                                                                                                                                      * Fir watere Informationen zum Boticb des X12.Sonders indonSe in der valstandigen Anitung
Wnn Si dieses Symbo!schen, ds fir                                                                                                                                                         unter Sytemeinstolungen
ungefahr 2 Sekunden gedrickt hattn, um die                                                                                                                                            «: 2 weteren nformationen aur Nutzing des Android—etricbssystems scamnen Sie bite den 08.Code
Ausuh anzunehmen                                                                                                                                                                      *: Melden Siim Google Paystorean, um cie Spcktum AitWere"" 24 aktvalsiren

                                                                                                                  Lnut t                         TRANSMETTEUR
 Tosts ies instuctons,qarantes t autes documents ce       «Valez a c que outes es baters soent ouours
 qerante sont ufets a a seul ciscrdian de otzon obby       corectement chargies avant utiser o modlde.            1 DeL                                    "Tim daleron (Mode1, 12                Intermpteur C
 LCNevilez pour un iatire roduts en a jouvster            «Pensez oujours vitfe tous es sevosoturs
 ‘winihorzonhobbycom t lquer sur Fordet e support de       brenchements vant chaque uiisaton                      2_|   im drot                       3 tim de gowemai (Made 34)|            25 Interpteur B                      EEEBST‘RMHFI:!“
 ceprodut                                                 + Ne fates jamai fonctomner vare modile a procinté ce   5_ Bouton de oie                    13| Supporde enirede cou               26 [merupteurd
            Signification de    certains mots               spectteurs,de patings ou de touls autes zoncs o)      4_|imteruptour E                    15_|Grile de haut—pareur                                                                                          12—Channel 2.4GHz DSMX® Aircraft System
                                                           es dommages coporis ou maléels pouraientdre            5_ |Inferupteur 6                   16| Eeran tacile LGD                   &t ‘C"a‘fl;"‘“’;e":} sn
es termes suvants senentdans tote a cocumentatin des       poroquis
                                                                                                                                                                                                    806 08 Imfeur ds course
produts disianer fltsnde bessies ptenteles                 +Nfates jamal fonctomner vore modile par mauvais        6_|interupteur F                         "Tim de gowemal (Mode 1,2)|       2s
lers e Putieatonde on produt:                              temps.Unemauraise vsbité peut entriner une               enmonae on                        7| tim dateron (Mode1,3.4              73 :?‘ad”a"e"e"                    CHARGEME
AVERTISSENENT Prooidires au,siolesne sont pas              (ésorentaton et uneperte d contie e vare modile            s                                  Nustement des gas (Wode                  tim de gauche
                                                                                                                                                                                                          en                  Lorsque vous charge o ransmetour poula premiirfos,1o  — chargement pout
coredementsuves, peinentnvaner ds déots mattres,          «Ns pontez amais Fantemne outansmetear drectement en    * |Aluistoment des gaz (Mode        18 |24                                 30_|Bouton d‘aimentation         prendre de 15 2 20 heures, Vallera oujour charger 1e ransmetiur sur une
demmages coltéralcetdes leswreses 6entielementun           drecton c modl.Lo dagramme de ryonement depuis           13                                   Austement des gaz (Wode             31_[Antemne i                    surace résslante & iachaleur
hors OUcrie un romsedon bessire sportcele.                 is bout de Fanteme estintinstquementfable.             5     vu%ificat::n du mode, Nacele         4                                32_|Interuptour A                Pendant e chargement :
ATTENTION: Prookhres u. s oles ns sort pas coreciment     «5 a lout momentau cours dPutsaton d vore modie,               is ds contrage                           ‘ie                                 m
suviespavententaicrdes déglts matirls ET érntueloment      vous observeun fonctomnementimprévsle ou anomal                        & 1)
                                                                                                                        Gazleron (Mode                15 im
                                                                                                                                                         Tim  eSemtenAets           1.
                                                                                                                                                              des gaz d(Modemade2.4nacaye    33_|Lever%gauche                 1. Raccordez
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  3        alimentaion a une prisa alde de Fadaptatour appropré
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            , ot e
es besures goves                                           meter immédtement io modle hotension usou‘t               nriccmes                            Modiicaton                          94. |Fart dinterice sine            edble mito USB auportdecharge du ransmetew, comme use
RENMARQUE: Procidies ou,siolesne ont pas coreclement       que a cause du proeme l B6 dlable ot comaie            + oo                                20    |Modication du mode, Nacele      |~35~[price augiy                2. Une DEL bleue clanote perdant i charge. De meme, t vous appuyez
sulves, povant bentielemententaier ces décils matirs ET                                                               tm                                  \s de contrage                                                         repidement surle bouton oaimentaton, Iclne de charge de ta baterie
créent in fabl requ debessire                                   Avertissements relatifs au         chargement        Epatnitonmimal Mts                   BeveounComemial
                                                                                                                                                            évateurCGomemall yiouy (Mode 3   2| Hahe ie batiade                  saffehe sur éeran tactle coulur. c
                                                          «Lo mengue de pudence los de Iutisatonde o produt t     % 5?(‘]"2“9'3““9“593"°“”                GezlGomvemal (Mode 2)              37_|tever drote                  3. Lorsaue e systime est sous tension,ts charge esterminée orsqueIa DEL
       AVERTSSENMENT: Lz a TOTRLTE co manvel                                                                        iAustement
                                                                                                                                 detatension _        21| Geaihteron
                                                                                                                                                          Hevateur/Aleron (Mode 3)           38 |Interupreur H                   bieve clgrotarte sandle. Dévranchee i chole USB une ol ia charge
       dfutisaton aln o vosfamilatsrawce e                 1e défeut de se confomer ut averiscoments sents                                                             fod 4                 3 Frnpamunes                        terminde ot débranchez Faimentaton de ta priso.
       coralrstous ou pout nent o b fare onctomer          entriner un djsonctomnement c rodut,des problemes
                                                           dectiques,une cheleurexcessie, un nconde ot, pour i;
                                                                                                                      ever dela nacele heuthas
Uie tlaton ncorece u produt pet avacorme ristat in                                                                **_|Austement e l tension                Tevier dela nacale gauche}        |_40_| Port de ia cate mémoire            ATTENTION : Ne aicsezjamals une bartors en cours d charge sans
                                                           des dommages copores ot matils
endomimagement c prdat—mime, des dégltsmatirels vore
entcierdes bessures gaves.                                *sez totes es mesures ds sécintéeta documentaton              TTim d@évateur(Mode 2, 9|     * |fusfoment deia tension              41_|Portde chargeNe                       antthet.
Ceciestunprodutdelosis perectomns.Idot Bte manpulé         aventutiserce produt.                                  12. im des gaz (Mode 1. 3)                it                                                                         ATTENTION : Ne défiissez Jamalsiabassetensiondes batteres Lon
ae priderco on ses o recviat usls anitades d              «Nlisser as es percomnes minsures charger es packs                                          23 |Levir dia nacalo hautas                                              sur une Imie infiriere a 2.3 . Cola rsqueral de provoquer une décharge
                                                                                                                                                           Ajustement deIa tension                                             excessive de ia bateis otdendommage la bttere ot e ransmetteur
bse l micariqueLincapaotéa manipder ce pout e              d battoics
mane ireetesporsaie poct povaover des Dessres ou des      + Ns fts pas tomber o chargear ou es batteres                                                                                                                                ATTENTION : No chargez jamal a battre on dehors du ransmettour
dommages au pooa dastes bens, e podut nlestpas            «No terteJemais de charger des baters endommagies                                                                                                                            carle sysleme de survailance dets batrs ne
gesind e utles par es enfans cars s supentsondrece        + Ns tertez amais dechargeun pack e baiteres contnant                                                                                                                       reconnat pas ia charge de a bttere lorsouole nst
dfun dute Nessajez pas o maifer o utiser ce pocut           diférents bpes ds batres                                                                                                                                           paschargde dans io ransmatteur.Gela naquerat d fausser es
es descomposarls ncompathles ho desnsructons oumies       «No chargee amals ine batere ile cible est incé ou                                                                                                                   indlateursde charge
pa Harzen Foby LC Ge manielcompote desnstuctons de         concs
dcutd mis on e o lntratan es captal ce o ot
de resoeder ts s nstctons o etssements cu marvel          es batticsne daventjamaientrer en contact ce
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               MISE SOUS            TENSION/HORS TENSION DU TRANSMETTEUR iX12
avantassemagel régage ou utisatonatn de o manpuer
coreclement t@rte es donmages ou s bessves gaies.         + Ne chargez amais es batteres cans des endrots                                                                                                                     Le trnsmetewr 12 est doté un commutateur marche/arct
                                                           extémement chauds ou ids (atempératire                                                                                                                             1. Pour mettele trnsmeteursous tenion, appoyez su 1e boutono‘almentaton t maintenes—o
Age minimum requis : Pas avant 14 ans                      recommandée se sue ente 50 ot 80 °F ou 10 et 27°C et                                                                                                                  enfoncs pendant lusieurs secondes usqu‘a o aue Nécran LCD affcne Itcan de démarrage
Ce prodult mest pas un jouet.                              ne les exposee pas a l kmiee drect ou sle                                                                                                                             Comme pourdatres apparels itigents, e démarrage prend environ 1 minute pour e
 AVIS : Cs rodutestdesind inguementa Bre utisd nc un
                                                          «Dcbrenchez oueurs s ransmetteuraprs qu i st chargé                                                                                                                    lencement avtomatie de lappleaton Spekum Aimare* et e ancement complet rend
                                                            atescz e chargeurretode entre es charges                                                                                                                             entron1 minute et demie
 avio et is wihenes ieommandissans conducear dotpe
 HoopyHerzon Hobby décins out responsabion cas d‘ne       *Avant de charger une nowele batere, nspoctera                                                                                                                      2. Pour metve o ransmetiurhotension, appuyez sur1e bouton d‘aimenttionot maintonz1e
uilaton conare a s forcion luole es dstné t ne
                                                          + nerompetous es proosssus otcontactez HorzanHobby                                                                                                                     erfoncé pendantliseurs secondes uequ‘a o que mte de mi sous tensionredemarage
fourie aurun sonioe d garante srepportant                   sile podut fonctonne mal                                                                                                                                             s‘atfche su éeranAppuyez sur e boutonde mise soustenson pourFrrter
                                                          * Maintenee oupursa écart es bateris otle chargeur de
ENREGISTREMENT DE LA ARANTIE                                tout mati aupourat dafectpaiachaler(comme
Acoider austo winvspattumec.comfepStraton et               12 aéremigue otlestule)cais pouraiont chautfer
envegister voreprodut                                     «Sloppee e processus de chargementsilechargeur ou                                                                                                                   Lorsque vous appuyez sule buton oalmentaton, Faffchage se met on veile mais a redi contnue de iffiser
                                                           ts bateri deventchaud au oucher ou commence a se                                                                                                                   rormalement Appoyez a noweau sur e bouton dalmentation pouraticher écran
Videos:                                                    défomer gonfemen)                                                                                                                                                  Lorsaue yous appuyez deux oi urls bouton d‘alimentaton, une fendresounte ot vous permet deslectonner RF On/OH,
Pourvisonner das vidéos utlessuria programmation ds
transmetteur 12 Spetum"" ot autres ransmetturs
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              LCD OnlO#,Vous pouer éqalement appuyer surle bouton d‘aimentaton et e maintenr enfoncé pour mette RF t LCD en
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              mode velle
Spektrum, consuler o ste Ats:/inmspetturnrc con/
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Durant s Jours de pletage i esrecommandé d‘uliseo made vile ptBt que de metre e systeme horsterson

 NAVIGATION                                                               NAVIGATION                                                                                                        CREATION D‘UN MODELE
  s            7732     Le transmetteur X12 a 16 congu                L logicielSpektrum Ainware""" qut démarte
                                                                                                                                                                                        1. Ciéez un madile on appuyantsur odreon hat a gauche
  »            NCS)     pour fonctionner sous ie systeme              automatiquement orsque vous mettel transmetteur                                                                         ds tableau de brd et accédez a écran Equiements c
                        dfexplotation Android t est équipé                                                                                                                                    modle. SRF est actv, o systéme ouire une bote de          Dursont wnese
                      | otun grand écrantectte couewr
                                                                      sous tension, est équiné de 4 écrans principaux qut sont                                                                dfaloque pour conmer a mise hors tension de RF pour
                                                                      feclement accessiblesen balayant vers la gauche ou vers                                                                 acoider a ce menu.
                        Pour naviguer dans o ransmettour              ta drote de écran tactle couleur.                                                                                       Appuyer suI‘ctne de dégloement °=dans e con

                        i12, utliez vote doigt pour tapote            * Tableau de bord : écran pricipaaffchant s tims et              Tebleau de bord                                        supéiwr crot de (dcran Equipements du modle Un
                                                                                                                                                                                              meny déroulant contenant es optons Aluter un noweau
balayer etfareglsserles icdnes et ies menus dispontbles                 les miniteries, insi que lo nom du modle t IImage.
sur Fécran                                                              Monitear : Représentation graphique de toutes es                                                                      modéle, Importer des modéles,Exporter des modéles ct
                                                                                                                                                                                              Trier l iste des modéles safiche
Eeran dacoueit                                                            entrées de commande
                                                                                                                                                                                            . Acouyez sur Ajouterun noureau modéle pour créer un                         notasenp              SptemSetings

                                                                      * Tableau de bord de télémétrie® : aticne les                mm      vaam     m'fi                    m      i           roweau madile ot vous seree nvté a créer un moditepar
   applicatons charges dans is ransmetter 0412                          informations reltves a la tlémétrpour chaque              Plan    Te       Pn Tme                  i      =           défaut ou a partr ‘un modble. SIe modelePar defeut est
                                                                          capteur L‘stlsateur slectionne les dléments qu‘l                                     =           &0     fR          sélectonnd, yous ts nité stlectomner s ype du modle        es               css
2. RETOUR : Permet de revenia ‘Ecran précédent                            souhaiteaticher sur ctte page a parlr c menu de          ue Télémétre
                                                                                                                                         Snict. Ambve"         oi        ts _imke             pardfaut t clquer sur CREER dansta boto de dlogue
3. ACCUEIL : Pormet de revenir a P ran d acouall                          confiquration de tBémétre. Des pages supplémentaires
                                                                                                                                                                Télemétrc min/max             quistafiche.
                                                                          reletves a a téémétre sont cisponibles orsqu‘oles
                                                                                                                                  "Uniquement dsponible i tlémétre est actvée,               ous #tes ensute invté confemer vare stlecton. Le                                    crchdatme: coono

4. APERCU : Pormet de pormuter ent s applications en                      sont actvies dans ls menu de confiqurtion de                                                                       modileest crédot daventio modle aci                                            Greme
   cours d‘exécution:                                                     téémétre.                                                                                                         . Aopuyer sule boston Aflctaion pouraffecer votre modle                         womnose

                      7] Eeran de notification                            Télémétre min/max®: Envegistreles valeurs minimales                                                                 au transmettews

                                                                          et meximalesissues de chaque capteur téémétrique                                                                                                                                                  wontorctamelCoun 12. ~
                        1. Baleyez une fols du haut versle                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Oimtre dogiy    Nee ~
                        Bs de I8cran pour quiteIe mode
                        piein écran ot affcher s icones de                PARAMETRES DU SYSTEME                                                                                         Lorsque vous appuyez sule noweau modl, vous acoédez
                                                                                                                                                                                        A ts page Détails d modle ol vous powvez acoéder a ces
                        navigatiode Iécran d‘accuelau                 A partr denmporte que! écran principal,tapoter su s           m                                                   tonctions
                        premierplen:                                  paremitres du systeme pouracoéder la confiquraton                                                                 * Réinibalisrlo minuteur         + Modiferie tpede
                        2. Balayez une dewiéme fois vers ie           du systéme, au calbrage, manuel, t aux informations
                                                                                                                 ,                    SrenCortunton       >    caibaten
                                                                                                                                                                                          o modile
                                                                                                                                                                                        * Copierls modile
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         * SupprimerIs modile
                        bas pour dérouler ran e notfcation            du produt etapportez des modfcations aux ééments                                                                       Réintialser ts modile
                        et accder rapidement ce qut suit              suvants                                                         Protictnomaton      >    woat               >
* Paramtres
* Infos utlisatour
                                   * WeR
                                   * Bluctooth
                                                                      * Nom d‘utlsateur
                                                                      * Alarmes d‘nactvité
                                                                                                      * Numéro de série
                                                                                                      * Alarme de batterie
                                                                                                                                                                                                 USTEMENT DU MODELE
* Luminosié                                                           * Calbrer                           felble dutransmettour                                                              Tepotez sur a feche nore en hasta geuche de écran de
Non illustré                                                          * Langue                                                                                                               confguration du modpourreveniau tableay de bord
* Paysage                                                                                                                                                                               2. Pour confgurer un modéle, apotez sur Austement du
                                                                                                                                                                                             modéle surran cu taléau debord pincial                     senosenp             >                                >
* Emplacement                                                             CONFIGURATION DU MODELE                                                                                       3. Vot auelques peramitres modifablesdans ‘austement du         DvefetandBwe         >      FovntPogammins            >
* Ecran Cast
                                                                      A parti de nmporte quel écran principal, tapotez su la                             omm               m                 modder:                                                    Tearkeos             >      taptimer                  >

Controle du volume                                            Youme   confiqurtion du modile et apportdes modifications aux                                        it                   * Confiquration du sevo          .+ ArBtdu moteur                                                                     :
                                                                      élements suants                                                 e                   rifsmes                 5     * Double débattement!            * Miage                        meetkcar             *) meke.
Appuyez surIicine du valume=t))dans e coi supériur                    * Mode de vo!                     e vo!                                                                                Expo                        * Creult des volets            prchcure             >      Gror                      >
drot de I‘un des écrans principaux pour modifier lesnveau             * Affectation du port PX        * Confiquration du tim          AFevempnies         2,   ons                *
de volume du ransmettour 12                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Gormncr              > vieom                          >
                                                                      * Avertssements                 * Confiquration avant le        Tlenesy             >    AnioaSetchevp      >
                                                                      * Taucde                          décollage
                                                                        rafraichissement              * Affectation                   Sm oo               2    m                  2
                                                                      * Entaineur                     * Téémétie                      DotalSerchSevp      >    Rurgetes           >
                                                                      * Entrée du canal               * Evénements audio
                                                                                                                                                                                             Pour pus dnformations suleforcionnement du ransmetteur X12,le manuel complet peut tre
Appuyez longuement sur OK.                                                                                                            Autotrous           >    modastattiomings   >          consuté a partr de Paramitres systime
                                                                        Confiquration du made
Lorsque vous voyez cete icdne,appuyer                                                                                                                                                        Pour pus dinformations suI‘uiisaton dusysteme o‘erplataton Androl, scannerl code OR.
dessus et maintenss—enfonate pendant                                                                                                                                                         Connecter—vous au GooglePy Store pour obleni des mises a jourdepplcaton Spektum
environ 2 secondes pour acceptea séletion                                                                                                                                                    Artlare.

                                                                                                                       FUNZIONI DELLA                               MITTENTE
   istizon, garani o ut gtatn documentaccessorsono «Prinadutlzzarei modelo,asscurars sempre chtite
   sogsetl‘a modifche atotledicrezioe ol HorzonHobby,        1e battere sano state accurtamente carcate                Cc
                                                                                                                              13 |Tim alettone (Modaita 1,2)
                                                                                                                                                             24 [Interttore C
   LLG. Poaveruna documentazione aggomat sulprodato, «Primadi ogn! utlzn,verifcare sempre ut i seacomandi                                                                                                                               SPEKTRLIM
   vistr t sto Web winihorzonhobbycom e farecic sula         e iloo colegament                                          2_|   im destro                             TTim timone (Modalié 3, 4)    25_|inferutore 8                      PrevaceSmrantSpncun techningy
   seheda dsupporto per questo podoto                      «Non utlezare mal t proprio modetonele vonarce               3 |Manopola destra                    14_|Support ascia colo              5s Inormen
                                                             d spetator, parcheqgt o i ualsasalra rea in ou                                                                                                                                                                 12—Channel 2.4GHz DSMX® Aircraft System
            Significato di tormini specialistior             peirebnero verifcarslesonale persone 0 danni ale           4     |Interutore E
                                                                                                                        5_ |inferutore 6
                                                                                                                                                              15|   Grgla altoparinte
                                                                                                                                                              16| Schermo LCD touchscreen         $ mwmileL.
 1 sequent termin vengoro ublzzain ut a documentazons «Noutlzzare          mal t proprio modelo in caso d condiont      6_[interutore F                       ; Tim tmone (Wodalé1, 2             u4. |Eopteine limistri corse
 retva al prodato perindicare i elo i ventual dani
 calegatalutizzo oi questo prodato:                          meteardogiche avverse ta scarsa vsita pud causare              Reqolazine moore (Vodalia            ieie +t                          1557 hinenss                             RICA
 AVVERTENZAprocedire che, se nn debtamente sequte,           disorentamento e perdfa dconralo del ropro modelo               7                                   Reqoezione motore (Wodalis
                                                           «on puntare mal ‘antenna dota rasmitente verso               * |Regotazione motore (Modalta        14 |2,4                             30°|Pulsante On/oR              Quendo s carca 1a trasmitente ta prina vot.i tempo t carca pud esere par
 pesson povacare dan materal,damncoleerl e esiont            it modeto.|Idagramma d rediazione dalpurta                                                                                                                           a 15.20 or. Efetuzre sempre ia carica dela rasmitente s un supertcle
 aran 0 comportare unalta probait i esonsperlal.             dellartemna & ntinsecamente basso                                13                                    Regolazione motore (Wodalt    |_31_|Antenna1                  resisente l cabre
 ATTENZIONE: procedureche,so non debtamente soqule,        «e in cualsasimoment,dirante ativazione del ropro            4|Cambo modalta Vie                         24                            32_|Interntore A                In carica:
 pesson provocare dann| fie a oggetiEgreilson‘a              modelo, i dovesse notare un eventuae furtionament                centraggio gimbal                     "Tim elevatre (Modalta 1,3)   38— (Leva smista                  . colegare Falientazione a unpresa t alinentaione uilzzando !doneo
 pecone.                                                     ireqolareo anomlo, nferompere immedatamente                      Motore/Altione (Modalta 1       2 tim motore (Modaita 2.4           34| Pora intefaccia serale          adatatore o l cavo miro USB che va nserto nela porta i caica sula
 AVVISO: procedureche, se non debtamente sequte,             Tutizzo del roprmadelo inala vertica dela causa            q     |Bevatore/Mlttone (Modalta 2)   24. |Vie centraggio gimbal cambio                                       trasmiterte come indeato
 espongonoalrectio d dannale cose Ea un possith              del roblema o alaroluzone delo stesso                         Motore/Timone (Madalit 3)             modalta                          35 |Jeckaudo                        U LED D contersa lampeggaredurant a carca.notre, una pressione
 iminima o rutadilesonporsonal.

                                                                                                                           Hlevetore/Timone (Modalta 4)          Hevatommone      mogany 7        26| Copercho battene                ranida delintertitore dalimentaione ora vsualzzareIcona d carca
                                                                                                                                           »                       levatore/Timone (Wodalta                                           hateria sulieply a color touchscreen
 a iot raan d phaks                                                        Avvertenze sulla ricarica                    ikramermng                            4. |Motore‘Tmone (Modaita 2)        $ Imalets                         . Quando l itema & almental, a carica & complta qvando l LED blu smette
         e prenderefamilarta con is caraterstche del                                                                              n tensone stck —               Hvatore/Aletone Modalta 3)|      |_3_|nterutore R
                                                                                                                        ; i|Redolzione

                                                           «Durants   Tuttzzo i avesto prodott,ianorerl necessarie                                               Motore/Alttone (Modalta 4)_|                                         d lampequire. Scaleqare aio USB quando la carca 6 state compltata o
         prodat,pria dfaro funianare. S irodoto non          eaitel e non ossenr e sequentl anertence porcbbe                 cimbalato/basso                                                     [3 Manighamntema2                   scalegare Falmentaione dala resa dialmentarioe.
   utlzzato n medo coreto porebbero vericasdannal            comporare l matinzonamento del rodot e determinare                —                    —               Regolazione tensione stick    |_40_|Porta memoryA card
 prodato, l persone o ale cose, caisando gravileson.         problemdinaturaelettica, alore eccessbo, NCENDe in               Tim elvatore (Modalt@ 2. 4)     22.    oimbal siistraidest                                                    ATTENZIONE: nonlasciare mal una battera in carca senca
 Questo & un slitcato modato d hobbistca,Esso deve           detitva lesiono dann‘ ale proprets                         12_|mim motore (Modalta 1,3)              ns
                                                                                                                                                              23 |Regolazone tensione stick
                                                                                                                                                                                                  41_|Porta UsB/carica                      soneglanca.
 essere manipoato cancautl e glido e rchede qualche        «Prina i utlzzare questo prodoto, leagere uto
 canoscene di basedimeccanieaSI prodato non &                precauziont dsurezen e a documentione                                                                  gimbalatoasso                                                         ATTENZIONE: non modifeare malis sogla minima po o battere Lon
 ulezato in maniera scura e responsable patebbero verfears +Ale persone miotenn| non deve mai essere consentto                                                                                                                     al dsato di 3.34 in tal caso l bateria potebbe scarcarsecoessvamente,
 lesonio dannal podato steso 0 ad atre proprich. Questo      rearcare pacchbatterie                                                                                                                                                danneaslando s ta bateriache a vasnitente.
 prodato non & concenito per essers usat dabarbin sonea «on famalcaderl carcabatteo e bateie                                                                                                                                                   ATTENZIONE: non caricare maila battera l i uordela rasmitente
 12 dretta superisione di un adulto.Nontertre in nessun    «on ertare mal i carcare battrdannegate                                                                                                                                             l momentoche in tal modo I sitema 6 montoraggio
 caso i smontae rodat,utlzzato con componerti              «on cortare maldiicarcare un paccobattere che                                                                                                                                       ddela bateria non & in rado di reonoscere a carca dala
 non compatl o i polendaro senca revi anprmeazime            comprende dversi ichbatre                                                                                                                                                barteria avando non vene carcata allintemo dela rasmitont.
 d Horeon Hobby, LLC. Questo manvale contene struzion      «on cercare mai i caicare una batera se cavo stato                                                                                                                         6 pud determinarefals aweriment reltva Iwelo nsuticente dela batera da part destema,
 relate seirerea ullzz e manvterdione de prodoto             plezcato o cotocrcutato
 E fondamentle eggere sequre tite io shuzon o e            + Non lasciare mal ohe ts batere 0| pacchbattere entrino
 anertere nel manvale pima d montare, metterea purto 0       in contatoin qualsiasmomento,con umita
 usari pdato,afnedusero corettamente o i evire             «No carcare maie batteri n luoghestemamente cald 0                                                                                                                           OME ACCENDERE E SPEGNERE LA TRASMITT
 danni o lesionigrav.                                        Iredd(s consigia una temperatira compresa ta 10 °C e
                                                             27 °0e ran espore malala uce drett solare                                                                                                                            La tasmitente X12 dipone i un internitore ONOFF a ulsante
Eta consigliata:non per bambini al di sotto del 14         «Scolegare se a rasmitentdopo lcarice lasciare                                                                                                                         1. Poraccenderelatasmitente, premere e tenere premutiplsante i accensione po divers
anni.                                                        che i carcabaters raftedditra uncarca e latta                                                                                                                             secondifno a qvando o schermo LCO visualiza 1a schermata d awo. n mado simie ad
Questo prodotto non é un giocattolo.                       + epezionare sempre una baiteia nuova prima dcarcara                                                                                                                        altdipostiv smart, awto rehlede crca 1 mincto, momento n ouTapplcazione Spektum
 AVWISO: utizzo di questo prodato & previsto               «5iL    prodoto presenta mallirinament,iterompere                                                                                                                           Almvare?® si inaitomaticamente e fchiede ica 1 minuto e mezzo pe propro anto
                                                             semore qualsasi procedira e contatre Horzon Hobby
 eaclusvamente pevicalo aorel pr madelismo,comandatl «Tenere sompr l battei o 1| carcabattrie ortanda                                                                                                                             2. Por spegnerela traeittente,promere e enere premuto i pulante oi acconsione per divers
 a distanea,senza plota, Horzon Hobby decina qualsias        ualsasi materile che poteble isntre de cabre (ad                                                                                                                          second!froa qvandola richiesta Pover OflReboot GpegnimentoRawc)apparesulo schemo.
 responsabiita pe utlzzn al l uon delo scopo prevsto e       esemplo coramica e piastrle)dal momento che esi                                                                                                                           Premere Pover Of (Gpeqnimento) er o speqnimento.
 non orca servzio ol garanz in rlazone a k utlzzo            potrebbero dventare caldi
REGISTRAZIONE DELLA GARANZIA                               «Terminare sermpri procedura oi carica se i caricabattrie                                                                                                               ems
Per regirar l vosto prodat, visitats i pagina Web mne        o ia bateria dientano caldal torco o se inizano a                                                                                                                    Premendo una vota i puiarte i accensioe, l diepay entrra in modalta riposo,ma i rciocomando contiuera
spoktumrcconregistaton                                       carmbare forma (gonars) durant a provedura dicarca                                                                                                                   rormalmente a rasmettre, Premere nuovamente i pulsantd accensione perratvare o schermo
Video di supporto:                                                                                                                                                                                                                Premeredue voe i pulsntei accensons per apre unfnesra che permettera oi seleaonare RF Ow/Of, LCD On/Off
gervdeo ul ala progremmazione dela tasniterte                                                                                                                                                                                     (fecensionaspoqnimentoRF Accensione/spegnimento LGD), premeree tenare remuto i pularte per calocare in modalta
Spoitrum"® i1 e d alte tasnitent Spektun, vstari                                                                                                                                                                                  fposo sa i calegamento RF che io schermo LCD.
sto hips—/innspokinmrccort                                                                                                                                                                                                        Nelglrin ousi effetuano vl. t consigla oi utlzzare la modalta iposo piitosto che spegnere isktema.

                                                                                                                                                                                          CREAZIONE Di UN NUOVO MODELL
              zr32]     Lapplcazione dela tasmitente C126                 1 softare Spoktum Aimare!", ches anfa avtomatcamente
                                                                                                                                                                                            sehermata Modelutites (Utita modell, e i calegamento Om
                                                                                                                                                                                         1. Creare un nuovo madelo premendo Ncona sivata nela
                        costrita sul sstema operatho Andraid              qvando saccendta taomterte, presenta 4 schormate                                                                  partesuperiorsinsradel ruscoto per acoedere ala
                        e dispone di un grande displaya colort            princnala cul & possble accedere rapidaments facondo                                                                                                                   rightmode 1 Dursont wnese
                        touchscreen                                       scorer e ita snista o a destrasulfoply a ooo                                                                        RF acceso,iIsitema apia una casola d dalogo per                                    &
                                                                          touchscreen                                                                                                         confermare chei colegamento RF vent spento per accedere      * . .  <                                               0
                        Por navigare nellapplicaione D12,                    Dashboard (Criscoto: a schermata rincipale che                                                                   a questo menu.                                               4
                       utlzzare ts proprie dtaper selezionare                vistalzza I Tim i Tmer come pure i nome e limmagine                                                              Premere sulicons :=     Espandnel‘angob n ato a desta        ; 14.

far scortere e trascinare icone & menu presenti sul isplay.                  el modelo                                                Dashboard                                               dela schermata Model Uilts (tita madelo, Apparca
HomeScreen (Schermata iniziale)                                              Monitor: rappresentazione rafea diutl |comandi                                                                   un menu a dscesa che comprende Add a New Model             n .. a
                                                                             Telemety Dashboard® (Cruscot telemetia} vsvalzza                                                                 (Ragiungi un nuovo modeli),Import Models (mporta                                        o       o
1. APP DRAWER (CASSETTO APPLICAZION: contione                                1e informaziond telemetia per ciasoun sencor, Uutente                                                            modeli], Export Models (Esporta modell c Sort Model               mote ntom            notasenp          SptemSetings
   appicazioni carcate sull12.                                               scegle qualelement vivallzare su questa agina dal     fex ie tr@eeige                               J  Z         List (Ordina elenco modeli)
                                                                             menTelemety setup (mpostazone telemeta. Padine |mou,,     "su     "Zue  [z                          fo &         PremereAdd a New Model per reare un nuovo modelo

2. BACK (NDIETRO): per tomare alla schermata precedente.                     eagiuntverelatveala elemelia sonocispontilquando      fm    lk      aek Tike                        a  mt        e sara recessaro soegiere se creare un modelo da un
                                                                             attvatenl menyimpostazione telemetia                  es ewice incine amine                     anice in                                                                           es                   css
3. HOME: petomare ala schermata intlale                                     Telemety Min/Max®(alor minimi/massimtlemeta:
                                                                                                                                                                                              modelo Default Predefitooopure da un Template. Ss
                                                                            regitra i valominime massimi dtlemetia reccoll da
                                                                                                                                              Telemetra            Telemety MinMex            seleiona l moelo Deful, i dorra oi sceglere l tpo oi
4. OVERVEW (PANORAMICA ): permette i spostarsitra una
   qualsiasdele applicazion in esecuzione.
                                                                            ciascun sensore i tolemeta                               "Disponible sose iatelmetia & attva.                     modelo predelint, uindfare cic su CREATE (Crea reta
                                                                                                                                                                                              casela d llogo che sar vivalzzata
                                                                                                                                                                                             . Sart quindi necessario confermare i propriascota. 1
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               fap:—                   Greme
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            crchdatme: coono

                                                                           IMPOSTAZIONI D1 SISTEMA

                        Notification Screen (Schermata                                                                                                                                         modelo sarainine creto dventorai modelo atvo                                            womnose
                        notifiche)                                                                                                                                                            Premere i pulsante Bind (Comessione) pr cometere                                         wontorctamelCoun 12. ~

                         1.. Far scorrere una vota te ita verso                                                                                                                               propo modelo ala tasnitente
                         it basso dall parte superiore dela
                      ‘I schermata por usoire dala modalta
                                                                          Da une qualiasdele schermate principal, slezionare
                                                                          System Setings (mpostazion dsistema) per accedere
                                                                          a System Confiquration(Confgurazione delsistema)
                                                                                                                                       SssA                                                                                                                                            Oimtre dogiy    Nee ~
                                                                                                                                         Sren Contguntin     >    Caibaten
                         schermo intero e portare in avantie              Calibation (Calbrazine}, menvale e a Product Information
                                                                                                                                         Protictnfornaton    >    Moval              >
                                                                                                                                                                                         Premendo sul nuoto madelo,s passert ala pagina
                         icone di navigazione dele schermata              {nformazioni prodotper ffetuare mocifche a:                                                                    Model Detals (Detaalmadelo) i cui 6 possile accedere a
                         inttale.                                                                                                                                                        queste furtion:
                                                                          * Nome utente                  * Numero di serie
                                                                                                                                                                                         * Reset Model Timer (Reimpostai timer modelo)                  +. Edit Mode! Type (Modifa ! tpo ot modelo)
                 2.. Farscorere is cita una seconda                       * Alarminattita                + Alarmelvelo batterie                                                             Duplcate Medel (Duplica modelo)                             «: Delete Model (Cancelait modelo)
      votperfascendere Ia Schermate notfiche porun                        + Calbrazione                    basso trasmittente                                                            «: Reset Model (Reimpostai! modello
      rapido accessoa                                                     + Lingua
+ Settngs (mpostazion)
* User info (formaziont
                                    +« Brghtnes (Lurinosi®
                                    + Wer                                                                                                                                                      EGOLAZIONE MODELL
   utente)                          + Bluetooh                             IMPOSTAZIONI MODELLO
Non illustrato                                                            Da una qualsasdele schermate pincipal,selezionare Model                                                        ien
                                                                                                                                                                                         pertomarealDastboard (Crcatt)
«: Landscape (Paesagoio)            + Cast Screen Schermata               Setup (impostazion modelo)per effetuare modiiche a                                                                                                                                   Semosens                 >   murs                      >
* Location Posizone)                  lencio)                                                                                                                                        >   2. Per impostare un modelo,selionare Model Adust
                                                                          * Modalit divolo               * impostazione della            Be                  8    c                           (Regolazonmodelo) sula schermata pincipale de                    bualraterand io          >   rowartPogammng            >
                                                                          * Assegnazione porta              modalita di volo             Auvort Asignnent    >    famefare           >        Dashboard (Cuscott)
Controllo volume                                                  Youme     ricevente                    *: imposta tim                                                                  3. Acure dele impostaion che passono essere modicate in               ———"*"*"                 2 e
Premere Nicona del vlume })nelfangoloin ato a destra ci                   + Anvertenze                   *: Impostazione pre—volo        7*"=@               >    Ambstetchtews      >        HModel Adjust flegolazone modelo}"sono:                          TeotieGive               >   Stavmcer                  >
une qualsiasi dele schermate principall per mocifcare i iveli             * Tessdiframe                  * Connessione                   Tene oott           >    Tane               >   * imposta serv
                                                                                                                                                                                         * Doppirate/Esponenziall
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            * Miscelaziont
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            .+ Sistema flp                     Pooure                   ilhics
d volume della 12                                                         * Traier                       * Telemetria
                                                                                                                                                                                         * Blocco accelerazione                                                Goune                    > im                          §
                                                                          +. Ingresso canale             * Eventi audo                   Betweasese          2.   imton              3
                                                                                                                                         Autobrens           >    motaSuatitonings   >
                                                                                                                                                                                         «: Per uterorinformazion| sufuntinamento dele rasnitents X12, & posible accedereal manuale
Premere a lungo per confermare                                                                                                                                                              completo da Impostazioni dsstema.
Quando sivede questa icona, premere e tenere                       a                                                                                                                     «: Per uteror inormazion susitema aperatvo Android, efetuare l scansione del cocice OR.
premutoper itc2 secondiper confermare                                                                                                                                                    «: Accedere a GooglePlay Stre peagplomamentdelappicasione SpektumAitWare"®
1a selione

                                        iX12 Air Radio System with Receiver/Transmitter                                                                                                                 SPM12000
     SEEKTRLIT].                        Warranty,Service and Compliance Information/ Garanti,Service und Rechitiche Informationen /
     Eroreen Sectantremaney             Garantie, Réparations etInformations de conformité / Garania, Assistenza e Informaziont sulla conformita
[Z]] 1—Year Limited Warranty
    Whatthis Warranty Covers                                                                              enabl Harzon to bete ansver your questons and serice yon the en that you may need ny assstance.For
    Horeon Hotby; LC, Harzenwarantsto he nn%\na\ puctsserththepoductprchased e SPridact) wil i             (iestons o asistnce,please vst urvebsteat n horeontobycomsubmt a Procict               Inuing o cal
    fre fom dfecsin materalsand vorkmanstpo a pered of1 years fom the dats o urchase                      the toes tephone rumberrelernced in the Warany and SericeContctnfomaton sectont spel wiha
    Whatis Not Covered                                                                                    Podi Sippotrepesentale.
    This wareny is rot tansabl and does not coveO oosnetc damene. ) damage dhe toacsof Gadaocidet   Inspection orServices
    useabice, reaigence,commerialus,or ie to mproperus,insalaton, aperan or melntnance, )           1 hiProdict neadstohe inspected osaviod and is complantin thcounty jou e and use the roductin
    modicaton oor o any pat o the roduc. M atempled se b anjone oltertran a otean Hooby autoreed    g\ease se thHorzen Onine Serice Recues slsn proossfound on ourwebste orcllHoremn o colana
    sevice center ()Prodictrot purchasadfom an authrzed Horzon des tProuctnotcomplant wih applcatle etum Mectandise Aiboreaton RMY rumber Pack he Poduc secure usng shipping caton Pease rele
    technca requtons,oi) use tht ols any appleabe lans, esorrequlatons                              tratorginalboves may bs ncluded,butar rot dasgned o ithstnd he orso shppng wiot aditonl
    OmE Th e Beress wanawim ARoveHonzon vakes No ordea wireziry on Represeitztoh, procton. Stip va a cater at rovides tackng and nsiranc o stor damaed proas,as Horeon is not
    ANo Heres Dso.us Al RVo ALL eUeo wReznTs Nouons wiRout uitknoh, tMPLED                          responsil for merthandis urit amves and s accepted at ourlacily An Orine Seice Request s avalatl t
    wargwites or Noiefceven, VeroimAnD Fiiess rora Reou.2R Pureose. The                             Fi: hnhoraornobtycomantensevie:corterrendersericecete youd rot havnlemet acoes,
    PuRCHeen RomoitENgEs Tar mhey aLove HAve Derertined tearTe PRonucr wl surRexy NeET please contct Horzon Product Sipoorttocbian a NA number along w insruclonsfr submting your poduct
    ThE REQURENVENTS Of TPIRCHASeRRTEMED Use                                                        To sevics When clin Horuon jou wl e asted o povd yourcorplte ame. stectaddres,emal address
    Purchaser‘s Remedy                                                                                    and phone numberuhare you can e reached durng busness hous. ihen sendna poducto Rorem,lease
    Horeon‘s e oblgaton and prchasars sand exchsiv remedy shal bthat Horton wil.ats coton,ather           ircudeyour RNA numbera istofhe ncluded fems,and a bref smmany o throblem, A cary oyour ongnal
    Asevice, m)fiem or i redlae,any Productdetenned by Horzmn o be defecve, Horzan resenastit to           selerecapt mistbe incided fr warany consderatoBe sure yourname, acdress, and RMA number receary
    irepect anand al Poducls mbed n a warany clim.Senice,senice ando refacement decisonsarat h            wirtien on e utsde o the shpingcaton
    ol decreten of Horon Preat o purcase i reaured o l warant cime. SERVCE REPAR OR RERLACENVENT          NOTIGE: Do notsti ihumbateres t Harze. 1 youhav any ssue wih athum battey leasconacthe
    AS PROVDED UNDER ThS WARRANI s Te PuRCseRSoLE AND Cse REVEDY                                          epproprate Horzen PrdictSupport ofice
    Limitation of Labiity                                                                                 Waranty Requirements
    Honzon srAu, Nor be Uheve ror seeont. Norecr Noneira. on consequaim, navacestoss                      For Warranty   consideration,     mustinclude your     originalsalesreceint   veiyng   the      proot—af—
    o EoT or Propucton on coniERcn. Loss nlRln Wat ReceroLeSs on WrETERSIOH QAMS                          purchase % Proided Wa"ayfloi;‘mndmms ha’ve{oeen m youProduct wfl%em" or lemd ies
    BGeD N CoMAcr Warawin Tort NesusevceStriet Lxaury on alr omeR meory or uasur                          hage. Senvce orreplacement decisons reathe sadecrton t oreon
    EvBIIF RORZON HAS BEEN RDVISD 0rT: POSsLTY OF SUCH DAVAGS:Futherin no evntshal he                     Non—Warranty Service
    Teniy of Horzen eved he indudiel ie of he Product on ich fabity i assated As Horaon s no contl        Should your sevice not be covered by warranty,servce wil be completed and payment wil he
    everuse,sotp,fral assemly modifcatonuse or miuse, o loily shl be assumed noraccentd for ny            required without noification o estimate o the expense unless the expense exceeds 50% of the retal
    resutng damage o nwy By hact t usslup orasseti; the usraccept al resin laiy you asthe                  urchase cast By somiting h fem forservceyou re agveemg To pammental h senice wihoctrolicaton
    purchasoror use arenoprepared o aept h labiy ascocated wih thuse o the Redictpurchases advsed    ies estmales re malable uon reguest You mustnclads ts request wth you fem subrnted forsorice
    torim he Podictimmedatal in naw andunised condiin o he pace f purchase.                       Nor:waranticestinates wilbe leda mininum o ) heur f abo in ackin you ult l for um
    Law                                                                                           fraght Horzon aconts money ordas and ashrs cheoi,as wel as Vie,easteCardAmercan Bpressand
    Thesetems are goiemed by inw (ctregard to conticto wpincpals. Tiwarrany ahes you specfe Disore        cards By subemting an fem toHoramnfor envceyou reagreang t HatzansTems and Condbons
    legelnahis, and you mey o have oherfuh whch vay fm sate to sete. Horzonesenes heigt t hange found on our ebste hip:im oraontably comcontntSevicecerterrendrsevcecontr
    o modly tis warany at ay ie wihoctroice                                                       ATTENTION: Horizon service s imied t Product compliant in the country of use and ownership.If
    WaRRANTY SERVICES                                                                             received, a non—compliant Product will not be servced, Furthethe sender willbe responsible for
    Questions, Assistance,and Services                                                            arranging  retum shipment o the un—serviced Product, through a carier ofthe sender‘s choice and at
                                                                                                  the sender‘s expense.Horizon will hld non—compliant Product for a perid of 0 days from notficaion,
    Nour calhobby soe anor plece o urchase camat rovide varant support o cce Oroe assonbly        atter which it wil be discarded withoutabiityto Hoizon.
    seuporuseofthe Product has been stated you mustcontct yourocal dtractor orHoraon dreiy. Thwil                                                                                                                       1015
    Warranty and Service Contact Information                                                                         CAUTION:Cranges o medifeatons not enress) agproved by he pary responsileforcomplance
                                                                                                                     coud vod th users authorly o perteth equpment
    Ens               T                   Contact Information               s
                                                                                                          This prductcontinsarclo ransmiter wih iess echnolog wheh has beentesed and foind o e compfant
                   Horaon ServceCener [serjcecenirhoznhtbbycont|                                          wih the applcatl requtins goveming araci tansmitein t2 4006z to 24835z fequenoy range
                (Renais and RepaRequest)|     Reasesfom‘                                                  Ts equipment h beentetedand foundto comol with h ino Part 15 ofthe FCC mies. These is cre
    Unted Sates) Horem ProductSupport       ioaabyrem            |et05 Fetisorerd                         esqned o rovid reasorebl protcton aqanst harmunerlranc in a resdentalinstalaton Thequpment
                                                                                                          generlesuses and can rdils c feguzncy energy and, i noinstaled and used in accordance wih e
     of Amerca ProdictTechicaAssstance|—     OOten               ———Champaign,tinas, 61022 USA            instuctons,mey cause hamflnerlrence ardio communicatons.
                            Siks            websales@hortonhotbycom                                       Homeverthre s no guraniee ht nerlrence wilt occarin a partcierinsalaton. is equiment docs cause
                                            200355asso                                                    Parmfl nferference t rado oteison receplon, uhch canbe determined byuringthequpment of and n,
                                                                                                          the userisenenuraged to y t corect the inarrence by one ormoreof he foloing measires
         2y       Forn eemecerSenice |_senfce@noreomoonice |Ferslampin09                                    * Reotentor rdocate th receting artema
                  Saes Horon Hotey Gmh |_+190 4121 2650 100 |D 22885 Bersbittl Germany                     * bereass h separaton beteen heeavioment and recover
    Compliance Information for the European Union                                                          * Comeetthe equpment t an outet n creut ifrentfom tht o which hereosveis comected
    c € EV Complance Statement:
                                                                                                          Ts dovce comples wit part 15 of he FGC mies. Operaton is ubject o thfoloning io conditons: (1 Ths darce
                                                                                                          may notcalse hamfl ntrerence,ad (2i devce mustacoetany rerlrenc recevednclidng nference
        Horeon Hotby LLC herebydecrestts product i in complance wth th escental                           that maycaise undesied cportton
                 requrements and oherrevant rofiions o tRED Drecive
    Acapy ofhe EU Deceraton t Cntomniy is aalate onine at                                                  NONGE Nadfcatons t hi prodic il id h useuthort t perieths ecuipment                         20 om
    Htphwihoreonnootycomortentsippotrendecomplance                                                        Antenna Separation Distance
                   Instructions fordisposal of WEEE by users in the European Union                        \When aoeraing your Spoktum ransniter pease be ure tomeintin a searaiondtance
                   Ts poduct mst notb depased of wih oer vask.Insteadts the users responsiilyto           of ateast5 om between yourbody (excluding fngers, handsurits, ardes and esand te
                     diepase ofharvast eaipmentby handng it ovr t a desgraled colectons pointfrhe         artema o meet RF exposire saley regurements as deteminadby FCO requlatons.
                     resising o wasl electica and eectonlc equpment The separcle colcton and reouing      The ustatons show he anpraimats 20 om RFexposire areaand Aplca hand pacoment
                     ofyour veste equiomentath tmeo dsposawilhep t consone natualresources and            wihen praing yourSpcktum tansnitec
                     ersure Bat ts reorded n a mamer t rofectshuman heath andthemvronment For more
    BR n iomncton ctoutihereyoucan oo of Jour waste ecuipment trejcin, ease corect                        1C Information
     your acal y offos yourhousehold vaste deposalservzeor here you pirchased te prouct
                                                                                                          1C: 6157A—DC12,Contains : 6157A—ANTK1Z, Contains IC;6157A—AMRIC1O
    ECC Information                                                                                       Thisdevice complies withIndusty Canada leense—exempt RSS standard(s)

    FGC D: BRWTZ, Contains FCC 1: BRWDANTT2, Contains FGC 1: BRWDASAX20                                   Operation is subject to thefaloving two conditons:
    ‘Thi device comples wih pat 15 ofthe FOC ries. Operaton is sbject t h faloving ro oonditons           (1) ths device may not cause interference, and (2)ths device must accept any
      1. Thi davce mayrot caie hamly nererence.                                                           Interference, ncludininteference that may cause undesid operaton ofthe device.
      2. Thi dace mst aoeptany inerfrence recevec,incluing inlerrene at mycause undesred perton                                                                                                           E328
[oT3 Garantie und Service Informationen
    Wamung                                                                                                \WeSals Kéute rictbert sid, dese Bestinmungen im 2usammenang mi deBenutung des Poulces
    En fegestuetes Model is ein Spereuy Es Kamn,wennasfalch eineset wird2i eebichen Vertzingen            aalgepteren,werden Se arbele, dassProduk i underutem 2usland n der Orgaternackung volsidig bel
     oi sbsnesen und eschiqungon anSechoitem itven Beten Se y RCModal nuutirin Pazen ind                  dem Vatermiticeugsten
    beadhien Se aleHinieis der Bedencngsanlatungdas Modals we auch deFerstouzring                         Sichertoitshinneise
    Garantezotiraum                                                                                       Disss it an recnariges Hotby Procuk und en Spetzeuy Es mss mt Vosicht und Unscht singeset werden
    Euie Gereie —Hotzon Hobby LC (oteongarantrtdassdas pteutt Procukt e von Metera: und                   und efordat anige mecrantne wauch mentle Fagheten. n Versagon, das Produkt scherund umschtg
    Mortagtetiem it Der Grantzntrum enlsrcht dan gessichen Bestinmung des Landes, in dem das P            @aibereben Fann s Veferingen vo Lebeirsen und Sxchbescadgungen endbichen Ausmalsen
    enioten wurd.n Devschland betagt derGaranterairaum6 Movale und der Gavetrisngsretram 16               Dless Produkt it ht frden Getraich darch Kinda oine de Afscnt anes Ervehingsberchtaten vorgschon
    Monete rach dom Goraniczsiraum                                                                        Di Anltung enthat Schetnetitinusse und Voracifen some Hinelsfor i Werting und den Bren ies
    Einschrinkungen der Garantie                                                                          Produbtes ES s unabdindtar es Himwesevada erten nbetianahine c esenund o vetahen. Nurskarn
    (a Die Garante ied rur dem Ertauter(€Gufe) genit und kam rcht dberragen werden Do Anspuch des         e fache Ungang vetindet und Unale mt Veferingen und Reschadqungen vermieden werden
        Kiife bestort n der Renartur odecam Tavsch im Ratmen deser Grante ie Grnie estvect sch            Fragen, Hife und Reporaturen
        asschiedich au Produe, i beenem avtrserten on Handerentoten nurden. Vadaule n dte                 ik Factande und l Vetauiele amen ene Garantabetiung one Rlcisprache mt Horean niht
       ierden von eserGaranie nent gedec. Garanlcarspiche verdin ruangerommen, wen en gilige              durchtitren, Diqitaich irGrantereparaturen Destalbkartadxen Sin srem solchen Fll den inddar
        Keuiectwels atvecht id Horean eb h dasht vardese Granttestimmungen otne Ancindqung                sich mHorzan lar chleden i. um onesachqerecht Enchading au filen, deen schnolst moplch it
        au ander oder medituren und idernt danbesiende Garanicbestmmungn                                  Wartung und Reparatur
    (6) Rotzon Ubemimrt kene Garantsfor i Verutbarkades Produkds,cieFaigeaten und e Fiess des             }A—{AUSS inProdik govarltoderepart werden, wenden S ic entvedaran IvenFactninder oderk an
       Netrauchers firsinen bestinemlen Encatrareck des Produtes. DorKéufer alan is dai verantworich 24    brem
       prifen, o0 ds Produkt seinen Forigreten und dem vogescnen Ensatzaveckelsprcht                      Ricsendingen / Reparahren werden numt iner von Horzonverasbenen RNA Nummer beathotet Dase
    (6Anspriche ds KBufes Es feat aschledic im Emesson von otzon, ob ds Produl,becem on                   Nummerematen Se odaiFochnndlr vom technischen Sevice Matv nfomatinen dau on Se im
       Gaontefal esloeselt urde,repanert odeavsgelvscnt ic. is snd ie eidusven Anspriche des Kuters       Senicepotalurterviry Horeontabibyde odertelelonch bldem techischenSerice von Horzon.
       wvean in Dea fesestalwrd                                                                           Pacien Se das Produkt sfi in Beactten Sss dr Ongiakarton n derRegerint ausracht, um
    Horeon btilt sch vor ale ondesotten Komponantn au prife, e n dn Grentefal inbezngon nerden kinnen     beim Veand ieht bescadgt 2s werden,Venterdan Se ainen Faetdenstaster meinerTeclingFunition
    De Entsdwewjun? aar Reparatuoder am Astauschfegt urbe Harzon Di Grante schledresnelsche               und Veichenng,da Horzon s zrAnratne kineVeranbierting frden Vand des Procultes thermimmt
    Deflteoder Delaltehenvrgendendirch htereGenal, dsche Bevanding des Produls, falcher Ensalr das        Bite legen Se demProcukt snen Keulbsey bt,.sovi inautirche Feh\em%chre\hun? und aneLk aler
    Produbteskormertelen Ensal oder Modfietonen pondnelcherAt s                                      engesendelenEreatomponenten Yetetin bendtoon wir e valsindige Aresse, one Ttmnummertr
    Di Gaante schiedt Scdenddurch fachen Enbas,fache Handhung,Unfale,Betib, Senvce oder              Riodragzn,sovi ane Emal Acresse
    Reporatinesuehednent von Hotzon ausoolitwurden aus
    Ausgeschocsen sind auch Fle ie bedingt durch ) enNutzing snd, dgooen aatendes Recht, Geceve oder Garanti und Reparaturen
    Reqularenvestolenhaben. Ricksendungen drch den éulerdrekt an Horzon oderene saner Landeserteting Granteantagen verden rur beatitct, wewn on Ofgiauthleg von enem avtoseten Factinder boileg,
                                                                                                          aus dm derKiufrund tes Keotdtum hfirvmgem, Satl sch an Garanblal bestaigen wid das Produkt eparert
    beciten dr Schntomm                                                                                   oderaslt. Dese Entchaiding obieaty Rorzon odby
    Schadensheschrinkung                                                                                  Kostenptichtig Re
    Horzon t ht irdreéeode indroteFolgescden, Enkommensauslil odekormeraile Veruso,                       Liegt ane osterefichge Reperaur voetalen viinen Kosemoranschla, dan uiPrem Hinder Ubomit.
    d inigendrem Zusammennang m¥ dem Procukt then venbworich, inabningi ab n Arspruch m                   Di Repartur id es vogerommen, wenn vir e Fregabe ds Handrsetaten.DerPri i de Reparatust
    Aimammentang msinem Vertaq,der Garande odederGenalvlasung ethoben werden. otzan vid daber             bea hm Ainder m entrcin Be fostraflctoen Reparatren werden mindestans 30 Mnvten Wersateat und
    tireusbeine Anspriche aus enem Gxantefal lzepteren,de therden nduslen We des Podutes hnas             (ieRiclvrcandkosten in Rechwing qetat.Slten i rach 90 Tagen keineEnvertandnseidaring 2Reportur
      hen Foron hat kmen Enfss ut den Enbaut de Verwenflungender e Watung des Podutes oderotveige          verfegen haber, betalen wiuns vo das Produt 2 verichien ode andertvaty 2 vemteten
        uldanbiralonen,dvam Kaer gevant weden. Horaon themimit eine Gxrante und alepbrt ie
    Anspriche furn deroge autrelends Varetngenoder Beschciqungan. i erVenvenduing und dem Enbau des       ACHTUNG: Knmpffichfig:lnq)smnm netmen wir nufir Hetronit und Motoren vor Mechanische
    Produltasclzeptert deKuteral ulpeliven Gereniebestmmungen oine Ensclraringen und Vorishate            Reparaturen,besonders Hubschraubem und RC—Cars sind extrem autwendig und misson deshalb
                                                                                                          vom Kéufer selbstvorgenommen werden.                                                                        10186

Garantie und Service Kontaktinformationen                                                                              Anvicisungen zur Entsorgung von Elektro—und Elektronit—Algeratenfir Bonutzor in
                                                                                                                     \der Europaischen Union
Eemces                                                                                                               Dlees Proddarf nicht ammen mit anderem Abfal ensorgt nerdenSatdessen t
8 Horeon Technischer Sertce sentne@hortion hobbyde Henskempring 9                                                    der Beruterdalirveantrorich, urbraichbare Gerie dirch Agabebaianer spevelen
  Sales: HorizonHooby Gmoi +490 4121 2050 100 D 22885 BarsbitelGermany                                               Semmaltale irdas Recyolng vounbraicivren leaschen ind lscrorischen Geten21
                                                                                                                     ertsorge. Di separatSemming d das Recyoing vounbraucheren Gerdten am t.
Rechtliche Informationen fir die Européische Union                                                     NNNR oice Erisccung hietiricheRessouroenm bevalven und scherstelen,dass Gerite
             EU Konformititsertdarung                                                                  au inWse wiedervemerlet verden,betde ie mensctiee Gesundat und ie Ungeschut werden
             HorzonLC erdirt hermt,dass iess Produkt konfor 2 den essentelen Anfordaringen der         Welere nformatioen dan, uo Se unbraichbareGerte um Reycing abysben kimnen,en Se ba lkeen
             RED Oredie it                                                                             Antem, bldeMalebRor Haushatsmsovie dar, w Se das Produk gecaut raben
             Ene Kople deKorlormtiiserdinng t onin urter lgenderAdesse veighar
             fit hnhorzonhobbycomortentsupportrendecomplance
cArAimE LimitEe
C qutest couvert para garantie                                                                         SERVICES DEGARAN“E .
Garamwe ecuse Hflflmfl Fkkoy be. Harzen garantt ve s Produat achels i « Podut» sra certotde dleuts                                     ratins
imofebrcaton sa dtedache prl                   La dire d geante corespond ourdopostonses               Sore rvendearbca
                                                                                                                  speaah’seep:'/m 1e poit devetsne pomentefecher un estimaton déigbité fappicaton
c paysdansequd o roduta d ccmis,La crte e geanie es de masts cire cfobigaton d garante do              d a gurant ns aorconsutd onS vous e commence d asserblrige o tise pocut,concter
18msa\‘wumflan d pérede o gonte:                                                                        dreomentHorkon Cl vou parmetr on un égence us raid al de sotomervare pobleme Por
Ce quiest Comert                                                                                       peservosquestons conte s sonion tacriqus Horzon Heby devate pais Vousboaverez das nfomatons sur
Cate goante nestpas tanemiesl ot n coure pases oigits cosndtousses dégls castspaes                     bste ww mwvmtmm
celesiopnes rarelesacaderis marase ulissionaixs,nidigane, tieclon commercle t ne marlenance            Maintenance ourépar
ircoreci ) sle rodut u se déments on subces modicatons,( es reparatonsefectutes pordes                 Stote Pmdunflu[falm  Tobt dune maiienance,acressessous a Horamn Hebypour tfiun numio d rtvur
pesannisn antas Taorsaton duSevce lchue Horzon obt es procutsachels allurs oue chez in                 produt Enbale sognesement s rodat dans un catn. olz queabote doignecprodut dot Brencuse
revendeu Herzen Fotpy ccevn in Pmdun ren coriome aurégementators miarev\Dculententl                    mais ol nlet pas concue pousippote es contarts n emol sans un rolecton actomale Un emvapar
SNlPLLS 0e LA GARRITE Forv20. orseu5, HORzon Ne BA ALcune AUTre NWV                                    un Fansporear vous pemetdesunre o omprand une assrance on cas ce pare oucarmage l ooCoerndart
represeniatoyE1 De/eNt PM UA rréSeuie Toutes G¥veimes euouees \N(‘ALLANTSflNS UiTRnon                   Herven estas responsable des cols avenuis narmbent t soent anoeplis dans s ue Concle b sonce
LBs G¥RwiTes NPLouErsoe Noh nrraCron vaetR coutferoi ETAPTIIOES P                                      clent Horeenpourctenivae numio d reour prt meidspour emoje e cus.I veus sraderendé :
effhcuuer Uhoeeteum econiwit oue LUl seu. ADEonE QUE LE PRODUT REVPLRA CONVEN&BLEMBH                   vwre romvote adressepeside woteadress mal t un rumir de idéphone ol vas es orae acurnée
LES BdGeNCS De 5OUnSATot PeRSoNELIE                                                                    Ovand vous emojee un pota oraonweule ndquer vore umiro deretou, unse is BEments oumisot
Sohrion pour Facheleur                                                                                 tre exicaton d s pame.Uneonl e wore reavedlachatdat Sre mofrliement nclse pour ou 2 qaante
Uobigaton is Horuoneti suton unaue t ercusve de fachleaseooramn fee,suventsn cho                       umBre prie en consdiraton.Valez ndauersur s caron lemn varerom,vore acress ts umderelor
fa repatamnoi fenrelen ou )l remplecement d ot podut ons                     parHoreoHorzense              v
tlsene e drat dnspacer s ou es oirécertant e appieato de n gaante                                      REMARmENe ammmmmmwmlmaummm Sivous avez une question
iss dec\sms c raralon,denttn o ds remplecement on n ssul diceten Matzo La roune dlchat                                          Lium,veuilez contacter is sorvice technique Horzon.
extcbioaoreopmr leatecomendtece geante LA RePNATONeXred ou ue ReveAcevit couie
Pfiw Conromvevent A certe Gxhanme ESr a souumolluvouer 5.0usve D: LACKETRUR                                                  d la garantie vous devez fourniune     copiede la resve o‘achat orignale
          ce Responsabiite                                                                             indquantla date dfachat S es condions parmetentTappicato ds 2 gaantevote podut serepart ou
HORiZON h SAiRAT ETre Teresrovsta ne poyink6rs consEovens precrs ou norects0                           echangs glamr\amem Lesdéssons doréperatonon de nsmp\acamsmsorta l ceul dorton Horemn
Perfes be ReveNs ou ne Pertis ContyERGRESuis ouetoue nalicre oue c Sor AUProoLrt                       Hovs rante
C \NDEPENDAMMENT 0V FNTOU       U PECXLRS PuSce      ForEN reAnoh AlEC t contiat                         wa              e           ie e prodult sera réparé ot un paement sera exigé lo montant ds
tA Giewite 0      ]%                E. Dt NEcuocle, ResroNSNaute sthite Ou NE AUTRE                    répurahons ne flépnssem pas      du prx fachat du prodult, &n enoyartamc\e aisenice echnqwe
Treche D RESFONSAB\U MEME      8 HOR\ZONA   nEORNE e LA PossuTe e TeLs potiAs                          ‘ous des daccord se s prementdes iparatons sns notfcaton Un devs s rEparatonsest depantles
Par aleirHoreon nlacocterapaslesrecous esus dn cas e geante oneue o rcous               e              demende,Vous dz ndauercatedemende on enojan s u.o sarefacuredune dom‘haurede main
vale unfare ts Produt orvon nce avcine infunce sur\‘a&emblagefal utisstoni mantenance,                 deare. Do ises as de m pourlretorseatlacris,Hortonacrepl pour s egement s chirues t
ies medifeatonsou une es utleatondu procut c produt, Horzo ne pend on corl aucare gaante               les paements pacate Via, NMestrcrdetc En erijart un podat o sovce Heeon, vou es acooaveo
et acrepl avcun ecsurs pour es bessres o es dommages powrnt onrsuter En utican, on rigant o on         lsfermes o condors dForeon Hetby sls su i te it hn Porntobbycomvconint.svcecortr_
aesenblens rodut, achleur acveie sarsrestclon nrésene lodes s dspostons ies a n quante                 readersonicconlr
Tarantdens s prisant dooment Svous ns pas i on art uRchelracorplr ces                es enreaton       ATTEATION: t service Horizon estimité au Produit conforme a son pays utlisaion otachat En cas
aTutieato du Produt nousvous recommandns derestierau vendalr s roda complt, on uietans                 d récepton un       produitnon—conforme, calu—one sera as prs en considératin.De plus, vous devrez
comebalage doigne                                                                                      payer 1e fals dereexpédibon d Prodult par ransporteu:Horzan gardera le Produitnon—conforme
                                                                                                       dpu!da"m;‘nmflljwrsamd!h notfication, aprés quo!itsera diminé sans engagerla responsalilté
Cesterm%sommng&s selona o e [inoi. Cotegranta vousdame es crols Eguut ow ous posez
asst i daires ts cvarentdBat en at orzon s risene s crat dechengeroumodircate garante A                                                                                                                1015
‘eat momentsans pvenc
Informations de contact pour garantie et réparation                                                    Informations de conformité pour I‘Union européenne
Pays d‘achat        Horizon Hobby           dsn                                    Adresse                            Déctaration de conformité de 1‘Union européenne :
                                                                                                                      Herzon tyLC décar par l prisent que ce poduit est on contomt avee es rgerces
                Horeon Teciniscer Sevice          senice@horzomnotbjea          Henstemping 9                         escenteles es autesdepostonsde a Drectve ED
                Stes:Horeon Hobby Gmbk            40 0) 4121 2ess 100      D 22805 Bershitel. Gomeny                  Une coned a idraton de conformié EurpSeme st ispontiea
Information IG                                                                                                        ht hnmihorzonhobny comcontentsoenderconplance
                                                                                                                       Elimination dans I‘Union Européenne
1C: 61578—DX12, Comprend 1C: G157—AVTX12, Comprend IC:6157A—AMRX1O
                                                                                                                       e rodt ne dat as redimin ave les rdires ménagbres. es e responsabité de
Le présent apparel es confome ae CNRdIndustieCanada appleabls aux apparels d exempls de                                Tutisalerderemetve e pout un pant d colecofi des dicels duipements
Teence, Uoplotaton es atorste au desx condiions suvantes:                                                              dectiqursCpronidire ermet d garant e respoctdeFomiomement o ue malcre
(1) Tepparelne dot pas procurede rouilage, t (Tuticater de Fapparel dotacceptertutbrouitage                            gesfonds ressorons natieles Ee protige e lus is enAre d a commurat tumaine
rediodectique sub\ méme is broulage est Susoeptbl en comprometrels fnctomnement                                        Posr pusdinformatons quant ediminalons es chets dequpements dectrques
                                                                                                                       vous pownecontactervaremaire ou e sovice oc deratementdes orckres ménagires
Periodo di garanzia                                                                                    Indicazionidisicurezza
L gerantexcusne — Hotzon Fobby LLC, Hotzon) erantice che prodo] acqustl t Prodoto) cono prid           Guesto & un podato solslcalo dhobbstca e ron un gocato.Exso deve escere maniolto on cautsa,
d dietireatv amaleral edevntial oi d morm?qm IIperado d garani & confomeale degosijont                 congudizo rehieds dele conoscoreebaslar i meacznic e dale facots menta l ase.S ipodato nen
legaldelposse nelquele i prodoto tlo acnistto fae perodo i geranta ammonta a 6 mesi s estrde           verra meniplto in mariera cara e responsable poteoaro risuere dal esonl,dal grai dann a pesonc,
ad aln 18 mesidopo ttomine.                                                                            al podeto o allamblrte oreosnte. Guesto podato ron & concento peessreusalo daonsova una
Limit dell garanzia                                                                                    drete supentisione dun adulo. 1 manga\e d podato contene s twiondscureza, dAunvonamento
(8) La gerand d imtalallacqurent ornle Aouirento nan cedba trz. Lecqurents ha i drto a for             d maniterzone delprodoto stoso fondamentle eagereo soquretute e stzono o enel
    fearare o frsontiire ts merochranti porodo t uesta cerant.La gerazin oopre o quel rodoti           mandledpflma d metr in unzonei prodoto. $oo coss evtera un utzn erato e s prveramo nodent,
   seaistal pesso un mendioreavtotzao Horzen Alveransdondtere prt ronsaro copere da questa             Eesonlo dami
   cerencLa prove d acquiso & necessara prfar vaee dito gearve. hore,Horzon s reena i dto              Domande, assitenza e riparaziont
   d cambire o modifear termnidiquesta geranca soea lown preawon c esdudere ut s are geante            Ivest negozo ocale elo uogo i actito npossonofomre geranddasssterza o iparazone seree
   glesstont                                                                                           prevo colexuio con Horzan. Guesto vae anche nelsigarzionin garani. Cuidi n k casbeog
(6)Hotzon non i assume aeunagerenta por a deponbitdeprodatpor adqatere donstdal                        inerpolare un fvendior.,che s mettera n contato scbto can Horaon peprendre ina amedes possa
   prodoto a parfedar prevsl dnt. C col reponsabit dalecqurente I ato i vrfcare sei rodto 0            atare nelpilbrev lempo possble
   adato agi soolda ul revi                                                                            Menutenzione e iparazione
(6 Rchesta dallacpurents —spotcotena Horeona popra decrezone rherre o soctire qualias                  e fprodoto dove essere epedarato o irati prega oi ogesad un riendtore specalzato o
                                                                                                       dretamentead Horwon, I prodoto deve essere mbalito oo cir, Bsouna o nolare che box oognal
   prodot consderto dfetoso che rinta ne termindgrande. Quessono i unchriase a cu                      seltemente non saro adatoo efetuare una spedlone serva subire un damo. Bsoyneofetuare una
   Teequrente s pud anpelirese un podoto & dfstow                                                      spediione va ortere chefomisce una bacoial o un asscurazons n cuarto Horeon non s assume
Horzon i rsanvai dito dcontolare auaisascomponentsutizatochevene comato nola ie                        deinaresponsabiia in relroneals spedizone del prodoto. nserr i rodoto in urabusta asseme ad ura
gerani Lo doosonreethe als conluene o ala V?Javazlme soro a decrezne i Horzon. Ouesta gaenda           desotzene detlets degl ror e ad naidti sngal componentspodt. hotr abbamo beagno diun
en copre daldannsuperlilo dannper cause ofrra maggere usoarato eprodoto,unuzn chevo                    indezzncompll, d un rumero i flelono per chiedaruleran domande e i unindizn &mal
qualsas eape,reqoementazone o deposizone applcable, nelienze, uso l n commerdal, o unqualses           Garanzia e iparazione
modfca a @uasias pare del rodato                                                                       Le rehest in gerant veramo eaborat sse& resente unaprove olecquito in orgile provenirte
Cvesta grarvia on eapre dn dowtad un Instalazone oral,adun fdonamentooreload una                       a un mendiore speciakzzto adorizato,nelaauals & en vsoie i dat d acqustoS a erarda vene
manctinzone o un tentalio i fparazone ran idone a cr oi sogget dvers da HotzonLa resfuzone del         confemmats,alor l rodoto vera fperto o sostito. Quesi deciione spote escusvemente a Horemn Hobby.
prodato a cirdellacnurente, 0 da un srappresentanle,deve esser approvta per serto dala Horzon          Riperazionia pagamento
Limit di danno                                                                                         Sebsogra eflel\uare urarparazne a pagamentlfetiereme un prevetvo che vera inotrloa vesto
Hoteon non i tert reponsable por am speca, dretindretl o conseqvenziat perda d ofto o h                ivendior.Lariparndone verd efetuatedeno Faulozazone da partedevesto mendiore. La comma peria
produzon prda commercide comessaal rodoto, ndendentements dalfatochei rchiesasbasa                     fearadone doir essere paoata al vosto mindoreLAparzlona pagamento airamo un costminimo i 30
su un contato o sula garanas.Inolrearesponsabit oi Horzon non supera mal in ressun cas pezo            mnut d evoe i fafura includranno s spesed esturone. OualSasrporazone non pagala e ronrchiesta
d acguist derodato pei ale s chede a responsabite, Hotzonnon ha lccontralsal mortango,                 ento 90 gomvera consderta abbendonats e vert gestla consoquerza
sulluizn o sula mandterzene deprodato i combinaon oi vaprodotl uinHotzan non accete                    ATTERZIONE:     igarazionta pagamento sono di             Jo sullsetronica e sui motor. e
ressuneresponsabitt perdannio esonl deriant da tal crostarce. Con utlzm i montagao del rodato          viparazion|a Ivelo meocanico, soprattutt per l elcoter c is vettre RC, sono molto costase e
Tutents acronsente a tite i condilon, imtzionooool rarda ofat in questa sede                           devono essereeffetuate autonomamente dalfacquirente.                                        wmis
CuslorTtents ronfosse prontoad assumers e responsaila assocate alluso elprodoto,s sugpersce d
resifure rocoto inatomal usal e immedetamente pesso i vendtor:
Garanzia e Assistenza — Informazioni per i contatti                                                                    Istruzioni del RAEE perIo smaltimento da parte di utentidelfUnione Europea
                                                                                                                       Questo prodottonon deve essere smaltto assieme aiifuti domest. Al contari,
 Eo               e               Telsonondirzzo e—mail                            hy                                  Tutente & responsable delo smaltmento i talrfutiche devono essere portalin
                      Horaon Tectnischer Senice     senicedhorwonhatbyde        Hensemping9                            un centro dracoote designato per | rcidaga d ut eletiee appareechiature
                      Saes zen oblby GmeH!_|         +49 0)4121 2005 100   0 22885 Bsbitel Germany                     eletroniche. La raccolta cifereniata e l reidagglo d tal rifuti provenient da
                                                                                                                       apparecchiature nel momento delo smalimento alteranno a presenvare is nsorse
Informazioni sulla conformita per I‘Unione Europea                                                     BBR ncuciic gorentirnno un rcicegoioadattoa proteggere i benessere dalluomo e
                                                                                                       dellarmbiente. Per maggioinformazioni sul entn diraccotta, contatare l propro uticlocale,
e iss        Horeon MbyULC con s resentdctiara che i prodato 8 contome alrequst ecsoill o ad
             alre dspostionrleent dola ED dretie
             Un copdeladeharazone i confornt peUnine Eropee & deponbie
                                                                                                       servzio i smalimento rifut o i negozio pressoi quale & stto acquistat prodatto

                                                                                                       57297      SPMT2000
                                                                                                       © 2017 HorzonHobby, LC
                                                                                                       The Spekrum trademark is used wth permission of Bachmann Industres, Inc.

Document Created: 2019-07-16 20:34:45
Document Modified: 2019-07-16 20:34:45

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