RF Exposure Info


RF Exposure Info

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REPORT NO: 32LE152-SH-A-R1                                                        DATE: AUGUST 27, 2012


§1.1310 The criteria listed in Table 1 shall be used to evaluate the environmental impact of
human exposure to radio-frequency (RF) radiation as specified in §1.1307(b), except in the case
of portable devices which shall be evaluated according to the provisions of §2.1093 of this

                                              Page 115 of 121
UL Japan, Inc. Shonan EMC Lab.
1-22-3 Megumigaoka, Hiratsuka-shi, Kanagawa-ken, 259-1220 JAPAN
TEL: +81 463 50 6400     FAX: +81 463 50 6401
      This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of UL Japan, Inc.

Report o smets2siARt                                                       nate: aueust 27, 2012
reelp: exvireizora
1C Safety Code 6, Section 2.2.1 (a) A person ather than an RF and ricrowave exposed warker
shallnot be expased to electromagnetic radiation in a frequency band lsted in Column 1 cf
Table 5 ifthe field srength exceeds the value gven in Colurm2 ar 3 of Table 5, when
averaged spatialy and over tme, ori the power densi exceeds t value given in Colurm4 of
Table 5, when averaged spatialy and over time
Table 5
Exposure Limits for Persons Not Classed As RF and Microwave Ex—
posed Workers (Including the General Public)
         1                   2              s                a               5
     Frequency..      Electric Field. MagneticField        Power         Averaging
       (Miz)          Strength; rms Strength; ims         Density          Time
                          (Vim             (Am)           (Wim‘)            (min)
                           280             210                                s
                          2e0(f           2100                                s
                           2s             2100                                s
                           2s             o73                2                s
                         1.5857°°       0.00427""          yi150              s
                           o1«             o.sa              10
   15 000150 000           on«             o.1s              10
  150000—300 000         0159795      agtx t0]°°.          667x 10°7

   Power density limi is applicable at requencies areater than 100 MItz
 Notes: 1. Frequency, /, is in MItz
        2. A power density of 10 Wine is equialent to 1 mW en
         3. A magnetic feld streneth of I A/mcorresponds to1.257    microtesta (T)
            or 12.57 millzauss (mG)

                                         Page ts or t21
U Japan, o. Shonan ENC Lab.
11229 veaumaaoie, Hratsuke30. Konanare—ien, 20— 220 1APAN
TE s dno 50 edod nc sor oo t cath
     This report shallnotbe reprocticed exceptin fl, wthout the writen approvalof UL Japen, :.

REPORT NO: 32LE152-SH-A-R1                                                       DATE: AUGUST 27, 2012


Power density is given by:

         S = EIRP / (4 * Pi * D^2)
         S = Power density in W/m^2
         EIRP = Equivalent Isotropic Radiated Power in W
         D = Separation distance in m

Power density in units of W/m^2 is converted to units of mWc/m^2 by dividing by 10.

Distance is given by:

         D = SQRT (EIRP / (4 * Pi * S))
         D = Separation distance in m
         EIRP = Equivalent Isotropic Radiated Power in W
         S = Power density in W/m^2

In the table(s) below, Power and Gain are entered in units of dBm and dBi respectively and
conversions to linear forms are used for the calculations.


From FCC §1.1310 Table 1 (B), the maximum value of S = 1.0 mW/cm^2

From IC Safety Code 6, Section 2.2 Table 5 Column 4, S = 10 W/m^2


   Band        Mode      Separation     Output     Antenna      IC Power     FCC Power
                          Distance       Power       Gain       Density        Density
                             (m)         (dBm)       (dBi)      (W/m^2)      (mW/cm^2)
 2.4 GHz     Bluetooth       0.20        -0.61       2.00        0.0027         0.0003

                                             Page 117 of 121
UL Japan, Inc. Shonan EMC Lab.
1-22-3 Megumigaoka, Hiratsuka-shi, Kanagawa-ken, 259-1220 JAPAN
TEL: +81 463 50 6400     FAX: +81 463 50 6401
     This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of UL Japan, Inc.

Document Created: 2019-11-14 11:05:50
Document Modified: 2019-11-14 11:05:50

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