Test report


Test Report

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                                                                                 Test report No.        : 10938437S-A-R3
                                                                                 Page                   : 1 of 33
                                                                                 Issued date            : April 27, 2016
                                                                                 FCC ID                 : BKEP

                              RADIO TEST REPORT
                                Test Report No. : 10938437S-A-R3
        Applicant                             :        Nintendo Co., Ltd.

        Type of Equipment                     :        Bluetooth product

        Model No.                             :        PMC-001

        FCC ID                                :        BKEP

        Test regulation                       :        FCC Part 15 Subpart C: 2015

        Test Result                           :        Complied
           1.   This test report shall not be reproduced in full or partial, without the written approval of UL Japan, Inc.
           2.   The results in this report apply only to the sample tested.
           3.   This sample tested is in compliance with the above regulation.
           4.   The test results in this report are traceable to the national or international standards.
           5.   The opinions and the interpretations to the result of the description in this report are outside
                scopes where UL Japan has been accredited.
           6.   This test report covers Radio technical requirements. It does not cover administrative issues
                such as Manual or non-Radio test related Requirements. (if applicable)
           7.   This report is a revised version of 10938437S-A-R2. 10938437S-A-R2 is replaced with this report.

                Date of test:                                  September 30 to October 9, 2015

                Representative test engineer:
                                                                      Yosuke Ishikawa
                                                                Consumer Technology Division

                Approved by:
                                                                       Akio Hayashi
                                                                Consumer Technology Division

    The testing in which "Non-accreditation" is displayed is outside the accreditation scopes in UL Japan.         RTL02610

    There is no testing item of "Non-accreditation".

UL Japan, Inc.
Shonan EMC Lab.
1-22-3 Megumigaoka, Hiratsuka-shi, Kanagawa-ken, 259-1220 JAPAN
Telephone : +81 463 50 6400
Facsimile : +81 463 50 6401                                                                             13-EM-F0429

                                                                       Test report No.      : 10938437S-A-R3
                                                                       Page                 : 2 of 33
                                                                       Issued date          : April 27, 2016
                                                                       FCC ID               : BKEP

                                  REVISION HISTORY
                             Original Test Report No.: 10959367S-A

Revision        Test report No.      Date                    Page revised        Contents
- (Original)    10938437S-A          January 27, 2016        -                   -
1               10938437S-A-R1       April 11, 2016          - (Full-revision)   Update
2               10938437S-A-R2       April 25, 2016          5                   Update of description for FCC
                                                                                 Part 15.31 (e)
3               10938437S-A-R3       April 27, 2016          5                   Update of description for FCC
                                                                                 Part 15.31 (e)

UL Japan, Inc.
Shonan EMC Lab.
1-22-3 Megumigaoka, Hiratsuka-shi, Kanagawa-ken, 259-1220 JAPAN
Telephone : +81 463 50 6400
Facsimile : +81 463 50 6401

                                                                                               Test report No.            : 10938437S-A-R3
                                                                                               Page                       : 3 of 33
                                                                                               Issued date                : April 27, 2016
                                                                                               FCC ID                     : BKEP

CONTENTS                                                                                                                                PAGE

SECTION 1: Customer information.......................................................................................................4
SECTION 2: Equipment under test (E.U.T.) .........................................................................................4
SECTION 3: Test specification, procedures & results..........................................................................5
SECTION 4: Operation of E.U.T. during testing ..................................................................................7
SECTION 5: Radiated Spurious Emission ............................................................................................8
SECTION 6: Antenna Terminal Conducted Tests ................................................................................9
APPENDIX 1: Test data ........................................................................................................................10
    6dB Bandwidth ................................................................................................................................. 10
    Maximum Peak Output Power .......................................................................................................... 12
    Average Output Power ...................................................................................................................... 13
    Radiated Spurious Emission ............................................................................................................. 15
    Conducted Spurious Emission .......................................................................................................... 26
    Power Density ................................................................................................................................... 27
    99%Occupied Bandwidth ................................................................................................................. 29
APPENDIX 2: Test instruments ...........................................................................................................30
APPENDIX 3: Photographs of test setup .............................................................................................32
    Radiated Spurious Emission ............................................................................................................. 32
    Worst Case Position .......................................................................................................................... 33

UL Japan, Inc.
Shonan EMC Lab.
1-22-3 Megumigaoka, Hiratsuka-shi, Kanagawa-ken, 259-1220 JAPAN
Telephone : +81 463 50 6400
Facsimile : +81 463 50 6401

                                                                        Test report No.      : 10938437S-A-R3
                                                                        Page                 : 4 of 33
                                                                        Issued date          : April 27, 2016
                                                                        FCC ID               : BKEP

SECTION 1: Customer information
Company Name                         :       Nintendo Co., Ltd.
Address                              :       11-1 Hokotate-cho, Kamitoba, Minami-ku, Kyoto 601-8501, Japan
Telephone Number                     :       +81-075-662-9600
Facsimile Number                     :       +81-075-662-9624
Contact Person                       :       Shigenobu Kinoshita

SECTION 2: Equipment under test (E.U.T.)
2.1       Identification of E.U.T.

Type of Equipment                    :       Bluetooth product
Model No.                            :       PMC-001
Serial No.                           :       Refer to Section 4, Clause 4.2
Rating                               :       DC 3 V (Lithium Battery)
Receipt Date of Sample               :       September 30, 2015
Country of Mass-production           :       China
Condition of EUT                     :       Production prototype
                                             (Not for Sale: This sample is equivalent to mass-produced items.)
Modification of EUT                  :       No Modification by the test lab

2.2       Product Description

Model: PMC-001 (referred to as the EUT in this report) is a Bluetooth product.

General Specification

Clock frequency(ies) in the system       :   Xtal: 16MHz

Radio Specification

Radio Type                               :   Transceiver
Frequency of Operation                   :   2402 MHz - 2480 MHz
Modulation                               :   GFSK
Power Supply (radio part input)          :   DC 3V
Antenna type                             :   Inverted-F
Antenna Gain                             :   -4.2 dBi (Maximum, measurement value)

UL Japan, Inc.
Shonan EMC Lab.
1-22-3 Megumigaoka, Hiratsuka-shi, Kanagawa-ken, 259-1220 JAPAN
Telephone : +81 463 50 6400
Facsimile : +81 463 50 6401

                                                                                     Test report No.         : 10938437S-A-R3
                                                                                     Page                    : 5 of 33
                                                                                     Issued date             : April 27, 2016
                                                                                     FCC ID                  : BKEP

SECTION 3:            Test specification, procedures & results

3.1        Test Specification

Test Specification            :   FCC Part 15 Subpart C: 2015, final revised on November 23, 2015
Title                         :   FCC 47CFR Part15 Radio Frequency Device Subpart C Intentional Radiators
                                  Section 15.207 Conducted limits
                                  Section 15.247 Operation within the bands 902-92 8MHz,
                                  2400-2483.5 MHz, and 5725-5850 MHz

*Some parts are effective on and after December 17, 2015 or December 23, 2015. The revision does not affect the test
specification applied to the EUT.

The EUT has been tested for compliance with FCC Part 15 Subpart B. Refer to the test report 10938436S-A.

3.2        Procedures and results

Item                 Test Procedure           Specification              Worst margin                  Results        Remarks
                     FCC: ANSI C63.10-2013 FCC: Section 15.207           -
                     6. Standard test methods                                                               N/A
Conducted Emission                                                                                                               -
                     IC: RSS-Gen 8.8         IC: RSS-Gen 8.8
                     FCC: KDB 558074 D01     FCC: Section 15.247(a)(2)
                     DTS Meas Guidance
  6dB Bandwidth      v03r05                                                                                  -            Conducted
                     IC: -                   IC: RSS-247 5.2(1)
                     FCC: KDB 558074 D01     FCC: Section 15.247(b)(3)
  Maximum Peak       DTS Meas Guidance
                     v03r05                                              See data.                        Complied        Conducted
  Output Power
                     IC: RSS-Gen 6.12        IC: RSS-247 5.4(4)
                     FCC: KDB 558074 D01     FCC: Section 15.247(e)
                     DTS Meas Guidance
   Power Density     v03r05                                                                               Complied        Conducted
                   IC: -                     IC: RSS-247 5.2(2)
                   FCC: KDB 558074 D01       FCC: Section15.247(d)                                                        Conducted
                   DTS Meas Guidance                                     3.3 dB
 Spurious Emission                                                                                                     (below 30 MHz)/
                   v03r05                                                12010.00 MHz, AV, Hori.
  Restricted Band                                                                                         Complied
       Edges       IC: RSS-Gen 6.13          IC: RSS-247 5.5             Tx 2402 MHz                                      Radiated
                                             RSS-Gen 8.9                 S/N: A4-001                                   (above 30 MHz)
                                             RSS-Gen 8.10                                                                    *1)
Note: UL Japan, Inc.’s EMI Work Procedures No. 13-EM-W0420 and 13-EM-W0422.
*1) The test is not applicable since the EUT has no AC mains.
*2) Radiated test was selected over 30 MHz based on section 15.247(d) and KDB 558074 D01 DTS Meas Guidance v03r05
In case any questions arise about test procedure, ANSI C 63.10:2013 is also referred. (ANSI C63.10:2013 is Non-accreditation)

FCC Part 15.31 (e)
Instead of a new battery, DC power supply (DC 3.0 V) was used for the test. The data using the DC power supply (DC
3.0 V) was compared with that of using the new battery and it was confirmed in advance that there was no influence
on the result. Therefore, the EUT complies with the requirement.

FCC Part 15.203
It is impossible for end users to replace the antenna, because the antenna is mounted inside of the EUT. Therefore, the
equipment complies with the antenna requirement.

3.3        Addition to standard
Item                       Test Procedure      Specification             Worst margin           Results              Remarks
99% Occupied               IC: RSS-Gen 6.6     IC: -                     N/A                    -                    Conducted
Other than above, no addition, exclusion nor deviation has been made from the standard.

UL Japan, Inc.
Shonan EMC Lab.
1-22-3 Megumigaoka, Hiratsuka-shi, Kanagawa-ken, 259-1220 JAPAN
Telephone : +81 463 50 6400
Facsimile : +81 463 50 6401

                                                                                            Test report No.             : 10938437S-A-R3
                                                                                            Page                        : 6 of 33
                                                                                            Issued date                 : April 27, 2016
                                                                                            FCC ID                      : BKEP

3.4         Uncertainty

The following uncertainties have been calculated to provide a confidence level of 95 % using a coverage factor k = 2.
Shonan EM C Lab.
                   Item                          Frequency range                           Uncertainty (+/-)
                                                                       No. 1 SAC / SR      No. 2 SAC / SR          No. 3 SAC / SR
Conducted emission (AC M ains) LISN              150 kHz-30 M Hz           3.6 dB              3.4 dB                  3.4 dB
Radiated emission                                  9 kHz-30 M Hz           3.7 dB              3.5 dB                  3.5 dB
(M easurement distance: 3 m)                    30 M Hz-300 M Hz           4.9 dB              4.9 dB                  4.7 dB
                                                 300 M Hz-1 GHz            5.0 dB              5.0 dB                  4.8 dB
                                                   1 GHz-13 GHz            4.9 dB              4.9 dB                  4.9 dB
Radiated emission                                 13 GHz-18 GHz            5.7 dB              5.7 dB                  5.7 dB
(M easurement distance: 1 m)                      18 GHz-40 GHz            4.5 dB              4.3 dB                  4.3 dB
SAC=Semi-Anechoic Chamber
SR= Shielded Room is applied besides radiated emission

                     Antenna terminal test                             Uncertainty (+/-)
Power M easurement above 1 GHz (Average Detector)_SPM -06                  0.76 dB
Power M easurement above 1 GHz (Peak Detector)_SPM -06                     0.79 dB
Power M easurement above 1 GHz (Average Detector)_SPM -07                  0.74 dB
Power M easurement above 1 GHz (Peak Detector)_SPM -07                     1.08 dB
Spurious emission (Conducted) below 1GHz                                   1.5 dB

Radiated emission test
The data listed in this test report has enough margin, more than the site margin.

3.5         Test Location

UL Japan, Inc. Shonan EM C Lab.
1-22-3, M egumigaoka, Hiratsuka-shi, Kanagawa-ken 259-1220 JAPAN
Telephone: +81 463 50 6400, Facsimile: +81 463 50 6401
JAB Accreditation No. RTL02610
                                                                                                               M aximum
                          IC Registration   Width x Depth x        Size of reference ground plane (m) /
Test site                                                                                                      measurement
                          Number            Height (m)             horizontal conducting plane
No.1 Semi-anechoic
                          2973D-1           20.6 x 11.3 x 7.65     20.6 x 11.3                                 10 m
No.2 Semi-anechoic
                          2973D-2           20.6 x 11.3 x 7.65     20.6 x 11.3                                 10 m
No.3 Semi-anechoic
                          2973D-3           12.7 x 7.7 x 5.35      12.7 x 7.7                                  5m
No.4 Semi-anechoic
                          -                 8.1 x 5.1 x 3.55       8.1 x 5.1                                   -
No.1 Shielded room        -                 6.8 x 4.1 x 2.7        6.8 x 4.1                                   -
No.2 Shielded room        -                 6.8 x 4.1 x 2.7        6.8 x 4.1                                   -
No.3 Shielded room        -                 6.3 x 4.7 x 2.7        6.3 x 4.7                                   -
No.4 Shielded room        -                 4.4 x 4.7 x 2.7        4.4 x 4.7                                   -
No.5 Shielded room        -                 7.8 x 6.4 x 2.7        7.8 x 6.4                                   -
No.6 Shielded room        -                 7.8 x 6.4 x 2.7        7.8 x 6.4                                   -
No.8 shielded room        -                 3.45 x 5.5 x 2.4       3.45 x 5.5                                  -
No.1 M easurement
                          -                 2.55 x 4.1 x 2.5       -                                           -

3.6         Test data, Test instruments, and Test set up

Refer to APPENDIX.

UL Japan, Inc.
Shonan EMC Lab.
1-22-3 Megumigaoka, Hiratsuka-shi, Kanagawa-ken, 259-1220 JAPAN
Telephone : +81 463 50 6400
Facsimile : +81 463 50 6401

                                                                           Test report No.        : 10938437S-A-R3
                                                                           Page                   : 7 of 33
                                                                           Issued date            : April 27, 2016
                                                                           FCC ID                 : BKEP

SECTION 4: Operation of E.U.T. during testing

4.1       Operating Mode(s)

 Mode                                                Remarks*
 Bluetooth Low Energy                                PN9
 *Transmitting duty was 100 % on all tests.
 *The worst condition was determined based on the test result of Maximum Peak Output Power (s/n:B3-003, Low
 *Power of the EUT was set by the software as follows;
 Power settings: Fixed
 Software: Connection Manager version 3.0.8

*The details of Operating mode(s)
 Test Item                                               Operating Mode           Tested frequency
 Spurious Emission, 6dB Bandwidth                        Bluetooth Low Energy     2402 MHz, 2440 MHz, 2480 MHz
 Maximum Peak Output Power
 Power Density, 99% Occupied Bandwidth

4.2       Configuration and peripherals

                       A: EUT                                      B

                                                                                  DC 3 V

* Cabling and setup(s) were taken into consideration and test data was taken under worse case conditions.

Description of EUT and support equipment
 No.            Item            Model number                      Serial number                Manufacturer      Remarks
       Bluetooth product     PMC-001                         A4-002, B3-003 *1)              Nintendo            EUT
 A                                                           A4-001, B3-001 *2)
 B     Jig Board                -                            -                               -                   -
*1) Used for Antenna Terminal conducted test
*2) Used for Radiated Emission test

List of cables used
 No.             Name                   Length (m)                        Shield                            Remarks
                                                                  Cable           Connector
 1      Signal Cable               0.1                       Unshielded         Unshielded           -
 2      DC Cable                   0.15+1.0                  Unshielded         Unshielded           -

Accessory and model differences
The difference between mode A (X’tal A) and mode B (X’tal B) is that the mode A has crystal part number
DSX221G and Mode B has crystal part number FA-20H. The two crystals are compatible and are electrically
identical having same radio parameters.

UL Japan, Inc.
Shonan EMC Lab.
1-22-3 Megumigaoka, Hiratsuka-shi, Kanagawa-ken, 259-1220 JAPAN
Telephone : +81 463 50 6400
Facsimile : +81 463 50 6401

                                                                         Test report No.      : 10938437S-A-R3
                                                                         Page                 : 8 of 33
                                                                         Issued date          : April 27, 2016
                                                                         FCC ID               : BKEP

SECTION 5: Radiated Spurious Emission
Test Procedure

It was measured based on "11.0 Emissions in non-restricted frequency bands" of "558074 D01 DTS Meas Guidance

Below 1 GHz
EUT was placed on a platform of nominal size, 0.5 m by 0.5 m, raised 0.8 m above the conducting ground plane.
The table is made of Styrofoam and covered with polyvinyl chloride. That has very low permittivity.
Above 1 GHz
EUT was placed on a urethane platform of nominal size, 0.5 m by 0.5 m, raised 1.5 m above the conducting ground

The height of the measuring antenna varied between 1 m and 4 m and EUT was rotated a full revolution in order to
obtain the maximum value of the electric field strength.
The measurements were performed for both vertical and horizontal antenna polarization with the Test Receiver, or the
Spectrum Analyzer. The measurements were made with the following detector function of the test receiver and the
Spectrum analyzer (in linear mode).
The test was made with the detector (RBW/VBW) in the following table.
When using Spectrum analyzer, the test was made with adjusting span to zero by using peak hold.

Test Antennas are used as below;
   Frequency          30 MHz to 300 MHz          300 MHz to 1 GHz         Above 1 GHz
   Antenna Type       Biconical                  Logperiodic              Horn

In any 100 kHz bandwidth outside the restricted band in which the spread spectrum intentional radiator is operating,
the radio frequency power that is produced by the intentional radiator confirmed 20 dB below that in the 100 kHz
bandwidth within the band that contains the highest level of the desired power, based on a radiated measurement.

20 dBc was applied to the frequency over the limit of FCC 15.209 / Table 4 of RSS-Gen 8.9(IC) and outside the
restricted band of FCC15.205 / Table 6 of RSS-Gen 8.10 (IC).
   Frequency            Below 1 GHz         Above 1 GHz                             20 dBc
   Instrument used      Test Receiver       Spectrum Analyzer                       Spectrum Analyzer
   Detector             QP                  PK               AV *2)                 PK
   IF Bandwidth         BW 120 kHz          RBW: 1 MHz RBW: 1 MHz                   RBW: 100 kHz
                                            VBW: 3 MHz VBW: 3 MHz                   VBW: 300kHz
                                                             Power Averaging (RMS)
                                                             Trace: 100 traces
   Test Distance        3m                  3 m (below 13 GHz),                     3 m (below 13 GHz),
                                            1 m *1) (above 13 GHz)                  1 m *1) (above 13 GHz)
*1) Distance Factor: 20 x log (3.0 m / 1.0 m) = 9.5 dB
*2) Average Power Measurement was performed based on 6.0 & of "KDB 558074 D01 DTS Meas Guidance

The carrier level and noise levels were confirmed at each position of X, Y and Z axes of EUT to see the position of
maximum noise, and the test was made at the position that has the maximum noise.
 Antenna                Carrier     Spurious             Spurious             Spurious             Spurious
 polarization                       (Below 1 GHz)        (1 GHz-13 GHz)       (13 GHz-18 GHz) (18 GHz-25 GHz)
 Horizontal             Z           X                    Z                    X                    X
 Vertical               Y           X                    Y                    X                    X

The test results and limit are rounded off to one decimal place, so some differences might be observed.

Measurement range              : 30 M - 25 GHz
Test data                      : APPENDIX
Test result                    : Pass
UL Japan, Inc.
Shonan EMC Lab.
1-22-3 Megumigaoka, Hiratsuka-shi, Kanagawa-ken, 259-1220 JAPAN
Telephone : +81 463 50 6400
Facsimile : +81 463 50 6401

                                                                                          Test report No.           : 10938437S-A-R3
                                                                                          Page                      : 9 of 33
                                                                                          Issued date               : April 27, 2016
                                                                                          FCC ID                    : BKEP

SECTION 6: Antenna Terminal Conducted Tests
Test Procedure

The tests were made with below setting connected to the antenna port.

Test                   Span                        RBW            VBW            Sweep      Detector          Trace           Instrument used
6dB Bandwidth          10 MHz                      100 kHz        300 kHz        Auto       Peak              Max Hold        Spectrum Analyzer
99% Occupied           Enough width to display     1 to 5 %       Three times    Auto       Peak              Max Hold        Spectrum Analyzer
Bandwidth *1)          emission skirts             of OBW           of RBW
Maximum Peak           -                           -              -              Auto       Peak/             -               Power Meter
Output Power                                                                                Average *2)                       (Sensor: 50 MHz BW)
Peak Power Density      1.5 times the             3 kHz           9.1 kHz       Auto        Peak              Max Hold        Spectrum Analyzer
                        6dB Bandwidth                                                                                         *3)
Conducted Spurious 9kHz to 150kHz                 200 Hz          620 Hz        Auto        Peak              Max Hold        Spectrum Analyzer
Emission *4)            150kHz to 30MHz           10 kHz          30 kHz
*1) Peak hold was applied as Worst-case measurement.
*2) Reference data
*3) Section 10.2 Method PKPSD (peak PSD) of "KDB 558074 D01 DTS Meas Guidance v03r05".
*4) In the frequency range below 30MHz, RBW was narrowed to separate the noise contents.
    Then, wide-band noise near the limit was checked separately, however the noise was not detected as shown in the chart.
      (9 kHz - 150 kHz: RBW = 200 Hz, 150 kHz - 30 MHz: RBW = 9.1 kHz)

The test results and limit are rounded off to two decimals place, so some differences might be observed.

Test data                             : APPENDIX
Test result                           : Pass

UL Japan, Inc.
Shonan EMC Lab.
1-22-3 Megumigaoka, Hiratsuka-shi, Kanagawa-ken, 259-1220 JAPAN
Telephone : +81 463 50 6400
Facsimile : +81 463 50 6401

                                                                     Test report No.   : 10938437S-A-R3
                                                                     Page              : 10 of 33
                                                                     Issued date       : April 27, 2016
                                                                     FCC ID            : BKEP

APPENDIX 1: Test data
                                                6dB Bandwidth

                    Test place                Shonan EMC Lab. No.1 Measurement Room
                    Report No.                10938437S-A-R3
                    Date                      October 9, 2015
                    Temperature / Humidity    25 deg. C / 44 % RH
                    Engineer                  Yosuke Ishikawa
                    Mode                      Tx BT LE

                                    S/N      Frequency 6dB Bandwidth     Limit
                                               [MHz]       [MHz]         [kHz]
                                  A4-002           2402          0.771      > 500
                                                   2440          0.756      > 500
                                                   2480          0.753      > 500
                                   B3-003          2402          0.756      > 500
                                                   2440          0.760      > 500
                                                   2480          0.771      > 500

UL Japan, Inc.
Shonan EMC Lab.
1-22-3 Megumigaoka, Hiratsuka-shi, Kanagawa-ken, 259-1220 JAPAN
Telephone : +81 463 50 6400
Facsimile : +81 463 50 6401

                                                                  Test report No.   : 10938437S-A-R3
                                                                  Page              : 11 of 33
                                                                  Issued date       : April 27, 2016
                                                                  FCC ID            : BKEP

                                                6dB Bandwidth

                      S/N A4-002                                           S/N B3-003
                      2402 MHz                                             2402 MHz

                       2440 MHz                                            2440 MHz

                       2480 MHz                                            2480 MHz

UL Japan, Inc.
Shonan EMC Lab.
1-22-3 Megumigaoka, Hiratsuka-shi, Kanagawa-ken, 259-1220 JAPAN
Telephone : +81 463 50 6400
Facsimile : +81 463 50 6401

                                                                              Test report No.       : 10938437S-A-R3
                                                                              Page                  : 12 of 33
                                                                              Issued date           : April 27, 2016
                                                                              FCC ID                : BKEP

                                           Maximum Peak Output Power

                    Test place                    Shonan EMC Lab. No.1 Measurement Room
                    Report No.                    10938437S-A-R3
                    Date                          October 9, 2015
                    Temperature / Humidity        25 deg. C / 44 % RH
                    Engineer                      Yosuke Ishikawa
                    Mode                          Tx BT LE

             S/N A4-002
               Freq. Reading       Cable     Atten.         Result               Limit          Margin
                                   Loss      Loss
              [MHz]     [dBm]      [dB]      [dB]      [dBm]      [mW]      [dBm]     [mW]       [dB]
               2402     -11.22     1.04      9.98      -0.20       0.95     30.00     1000      30.20
               2440     -11.30     1.04      9.98      -0.28       0.94     30.00     1000      30.28
               2480     -11.48     1.05      9.98      -0.45       0.90     30.00     1000      30.45

             S/N B3-003
               Freq. Reading       Cable     Atten.         Result               Limit          Margin
                                   Loss      Loss
              [MHz]     [dBm]      [dB]      [dB]      [dBm]      [mW]      [dBm]     [mW]       [dB]
               2402     -11.21     1.04      9.98      -0.19       0.96     30.00     1000      30.19
               2440     -11.41     1.04      9.98      -0.39       0.91     30.00     1000      30.39
               2480     -11.54     1.05      9.98      -0.51       0.89     30.00     1000      30.51

             Sample Calculation:
             Result = Reading + Cable Loss (including the cable(s) customer supplied) + Attenuator Loss

             *The equipment and cables were not used for factor 0 dB of the data sheets.

UL Japan, Inc.
Shonan EMC Lab.
1-22-3 Megumigaoka, Hiratsuka-shi, Kanagawa-ken, 259-1220 JAPAN
Telephone : +81 463 50 6400
Facsimile : +81 463 50 6401

                                                                                 Test report No.       : 10938437S-A-R3
                                                                                 Page                  : 13 of 33
                                                                                 Issued date           : April 27, 2016
                                                                                 FCC ID                : BKEP

                                               Average Output Power
                                                 (Reference data)

                     Test place                   Shonan EMC Lab. No.1 Measurement Room
                     Report No.                   10938437S-A-R3
                     Date                         October 9, 2015
                     Temperature / Humidity       25 deg. C / 44 % RH
                     Engineer                     Yosuke Ishikawa
                     Mode                         Tx BT LE

         S/N A4-002
           Freq. Reading       Cable     Atten.         Result           Duty            Result
                               Loss      Loss       (Frame power)       factor        (Burst power)
          [MHz]     [dBm]      [dB]      [dB]      [dBm]     [mW]        [dB]       [dBm]      [mW]
          2402      -11.64     1.04      9.98      -0.62      0.87      0.00        -0.62       0.87
          2440      -11.78     1.04      9.98      -0.76      0.84      0.00        -0.76       0.84
          2480      -11.93     1.05      9.98      -0.90      0.81      0.00        -0.90       0.81

         S/N B3-003
           Freq. Reading       Cable     Atten.         Result           Duty            Result
                               Loss      Loss       (Frame power)       factor        (Burst power)
          [MHz]     [dBm]      [dB]      [dB]      [dBm]     [mW]        [dB]       [dBm]      [mW]
          2402      -11.66     1.04      9.98      -0.64      0.86      0.00        -0.64       0.86
          2440      -11.82     1.04      9.98      -0.80      0.83      0.00        -0.80       0.83
          2480      -11.98     1.05      9.98      -0.95      0.80      0.00        -0.95       0.80

         Sample Calculation:
         Result (Frame power) = Reading + Cable Loss (including the cable(s) customer supplied) + Attenuator
         Result (Burst power) = Frame power + Duty factor

         *The equipment and cables were not used for factor 0 dB of the data sheets.

UL Japan, Inc.
Shonan EMC Lab.
1-22-3 Megumigaoka, Hiratsuka-shi, Kanagawa-ken, 259-1220 JAPAN
Telephone : +81 463 50 6400
Facsimile : +81 463 50 6401

                                                                            Test report No.           : 10938437S-A-R3
                                                                            Page                      : 14 of 33
                                                                            Issued date               : April 27, 2016
                                                                            FCC ID                    : BKEP

                                                Burst rate confirmation

                       Test place                 Shonan EMC Lab. No.3 Semi Anechoic Chamber
                       Report No.                 10938437S-A-R3
                       Date                       September 30, 2015
                       Temperature / Humidity     27 deg. C / 50 % RH
                       Engineer                   Yosuke Ishikawa
                       Mode                       Tx

                         S/N A4-001                                                  S/N B3-001
   Tx on / (Tx on + Tx off) =                     1.000        Tx on / (Tx on + Tx off) =                        1.000
   Tx on / (Tx on + Tx off) * 100 =               100.0 %      Tx on / (Tx on + Tx off) * 100 =                  100.0 %
   Duty factor = 20 * log (100 / 100) =            0.00 dB     Duty factor = 20 * log (100 / 100) =               0.00 dB

UL Japan, Inc.
Shonan EMC Lab.
1-22-3 Megumigaoka, Hiratsuka-shi, Kanagawa-ken, 259-1220 JAPAN
Telephone : +81 463 50 6400
Facsimile : +81 463 50 6401

                                                                                                       Test report No.              : 10938437S-A-R3
                                                                                                       Page                         : 15 of 33
                                                                                                       Issued date                  : April 27, 2016
                                                                                                       FCC ID                       : BKEP

                                                                 Radiated Spurious Emission

                 Test place                                   Shonan EMC Lab. No.3 Semi Anechoic Chamber
                 Report No.                                   10938437S-A-R3
                 Date                                         September 30, 2015    October 4, 2015
                 Temperature / Humidity                       27 deg. C / 50 % RH   22 deg. C / 56 % RH
                 Engineer                                     Yosuke Ishikawa       Yasumasa Owaki
                                                              (1-18 GHz)            (30-1000 MHz, 18-25
                 Mode                                         Tx BT LE 2402 MHz, S/N: A4-001

                          (* P K: P eak, AV: Average, QP : Quasi-P eak)
Polarity    Frequency      Detector       Reading        Ant.Fac.         Loss   Gain    Distance     Result     Limit    Margin     Height    Angle    Remark
              [MHz]                       [dBuV]         [dB/m]           [dB]   [dB]   Factor [dB] [dBuV/m]   [dBuV/m]    [dB]       [cm]     [deg]
Hori.              160.000 QP               22.8        15.2         8.0     32.1        0.0         13.9        43.5        29.6        200        0
Hori.              320.000 QP               21.8        14.5         8.8     31.9        0.0         13.2        46.0        32.8        100        0
Hori.              480.000 QP               21.8        17.5         9.5     31.9        0.0         16.9        46.0        29.1        100        0
Hori.             2390.000 PK               45.5        27.8       13.7      41.0        3.5         49.5        73.9        24.4        191      216
Hori.             4804.000 PK               47.1        31.4         5.7     39.6        3.5         48.1        73.9        25.8        111      176
Hori.             7206.000 PK               45.3        36.9         7.1     40.1        3.5         52.7        73.9        21.2        100        0
Hori.             9608.000 PK               45.0        38.5         8.2     39.6        3.5         55.6        73.9        18.3        100        0
Hori.           12010.000 PK                47.3        39.7         9.3     39.3        3.5         60.5        73.9        13.4        100        0
Hori.             2390.000 AV               36.5        27.8       13.7      41.0        3.5         40.5        53.9        13.4        191      216
Hori.             4804.000 AV               39.1        31.4         5.7     39.6        3.5         40.1        53.9        13.8        111      176
Hori.             7206.000 AV               36.5        36.9         7.1     40.1        3.5         43.9        53.9        10.0        100        0
Hori.             9608.000 AV               36.6        38.5         8.2     39.6        3.5         47.2        53.9         6.7        100        0
Hori.           12010.000 AV                37.4        39.7         9.3     39.3        3.5         50.6        53.9         3.3        100        0
Vert.              640.000 QP               22.1        19.7       10.1      31.9        0.0         20.0        46.0        26.0        100        0
Vert.              800.000 QP               21.5        21.0       10.6      31.5        0.0         21.6        46.0        24.4        100        0
Vert.              960.000 QP               21.0        23.0       11.2      30.5        0.0         24.7        46.0        21.3        100        0
Vert.             2390.000 PK               46.3        27.8       13.7      41.0        3.5         50.3        73.9        23.6        118      254
Vert.             4804.000 PK               48.1        31.4         5.7     39.6        3.5         49.1        73.9        24.8        126      143
Vert.             7206.000 PK               45.7        36.9         7.1     40.1        3.5         53.1        73.9        20.8        100        0
Vert.             9608.000 PK               46.5        38.5         8.2     39.6        3.5         57.1        73.9        16.8        100        0
Vert.           12010.000 PK                46.6        39.7         9.3     39.3        3.5         59.8        73.9        14.1        100        0
Vert.             2390.000 AV               36.4        27.8       13.7      41.0        3.5         40.4        53.9        13.5        118      254
Vert.             4804.000 AV               40.3        31.4         5.7     39.6        3.5         41.3        53.9        12.6        126      143
Vert.             7206.000 AV               36.6        36.9         7.1     40.1        3.5         44.0        53.9         9.9        100        0
Vert.             9608.000 AV               36.5        38.5         8.2     39.6        3.5         47.1        53.9         6.8        100        0
Vert.           12010.000 AV                36.9        39.7         9.3     39.3        3.5         50.1        53.9         3.8        100        0
Result = Reading + Ant.Fac. + Loss (Cable+(Attenuator or Filter)(below 18 GHz)) - Gain(Amprifier) + Distance factor
Distance factor : 1 GHz - 13 GHz : 20log (4.48 m / 3.0 m) = 3.5 dB
                  13 GHz - 40 GHz : 20log (1.0 m / 3.0 m) = -9.5 dB

20 dBc Data S heet        (RBW 100 kHz, VBW 300 kHz)
Polarity    Frequency      Detector Reading  Ant.Fac.                     Loss   Gain    Distance     Result     Limit    Margin    Remark
              [MHz]                 [dBuV]   [dB/m]                       [dB]   [dB]   Factor [dB] [dBuV/m]   [dBuV/m]    [dB]
Hori.             2402.000 PK               87.4        27.8       13.7      41.0        3.5         91.4           -           - Carrier
Hori.             2400.000 PK               42.1        27.8       13.7      41.0        3.5         46.1        71.3        25.2
Vert.             2402.000 PK               84.8        27.8       13.7      41.0        3.5         88.8           -           - Carrier
Vert.             2400.000 PK               39.5        27.8       13.7      41.0        3.5         43.5        68.7        25.2
Result = Reading + Ant.Fac. + Loss (Cable+(Attenuator or Filter)(below 18 GHz)) - Gain(Amprifier) + Distance factor
Distance factor : 1 GHz - 13 GHz : 20log (4.48 m / 3.0 m) = 3.5 dB
                  13 GHz - 40 GHz : 20log (1.0 m / 3.0 m) = -9.5 dB

UL Japan, Inc.
Shonan EMC Lab.
1-22-3 Megumigaoka, Hiratsuka-shi, Kanagawa-ken, 259-1220 JAPAN
Telephone : +81 463 50 6400
Facsimile : +81 463 50 6401

                                                                     Test report No.   : 10938437S-A-R3
                                                                     Page              : 16 of 33
                                                                     Issued date       : April 27, 2016
                                                                     FCC ID            : BKEP

                                       Radiated Spurious Emission
                                      (Reference Plot for band-edge)

            Test place                Shonan EMC Lab. No.3 Semi Anechoic Chamber
            Report No.                10938437S-A-R3
            Date                      September 30, 2015
            Temperature / Humidity    27 deg. C / 50 % RH
            Engineer                  Yosuke Ishikawa
                                      (1-18 GHz)
            Mode                      Tx BT LE 2402 MHz, S/N: A4-001

           Restricted-band band-edge Plot                         Authorized-band band-edge Plot

               Trace Green : Peak Plot                                        20dBc Plot
             Trace Purple : Average Plot

           Restricted-band band-edge Plot                         Authorized-band band-edge Plot

              Trace Green : Peak Plot                                         20dBc Plot
            Trace Purple : Average Plot
* Final result of restricted band edge was shown in tabular data.

UL Japan, Inc.
Shonan EMC Lab.
1-22-3 Megumigaoka, Hiratsuka-shi, Kanagawa-ken, 259-1220 JAPAN
Telephone : +81 463 50 6400
Facsimile : +81 463 50 6401

                                                                                                       Test report No.              : 10938437S-A-R3
                                                                                                       Page                         : 17 of 33
                                                                                                       Issued date                  : April 27, 2016
                                                                                                       FCC ID                       : BKEP

                                                                 Radiated Spurious Emission

                 Test place                                   Shonan EMC Lab. No.3 Semi Anechoic Chamber
                 Report No.                                   10938437S-A-R3
                 Date                                         September 30, 2015    October 4, 2015
                 Temperature / Humidity                       27 deg. C / 50 % RH   22 deg. C / 56 % RH
                 Engineer                                     Yosuke Ishikawa       Yasumasa Owaki
                                                              (1-18 GHz)            (30-1000 MHz, 18-25
                 Mode                                         Tx BT LE 2440 MHz, S/N: A4-001

                          (* P K: P eak, AV: Average, QP : Quasi-P eak)
Polarity    Frequency      Detector       Reading        Ant.Fac.         Loss   Gain    Distance     Result     Limit    Margin     Height    Angle    Remark
              [MHz]                       [dBuV]         [dB/m]           [dB]   [dB]   Factor [dB] [dBuV/m]   [dBuV/m]    [dB]       [cm]     [deg]
Hori.              160.000 QP               22.9        15.2         8.0     32.1        0.0         14.0        43.5        29.5        200        0
Hori.              320.000 QP               21.9        14.5         8.8     31.9        0.0         13.3        46.0        32.7        100        0
Hori.              480.000 QP               21.8        17.5         9.5     31.9        0.0         16.9        46.0        29.1        100        0
Hori.             4880.000 PK               46.3        31.7         5.8     39.5        3.5         47.8        73.9        26.1        100       30
Hori.             7320.000 PK               45.7        36.9         7.2     40.2        3.5         53.1        73.9        20.8        100        0
Hori.             9760.000 PK               45.7        38.5         8.2     39.5        3.5         56.4        73.9        17.5        100        0
Hori.           12200.000 PK                44.7        39.6         9.4     39.4        3.5         57.8        73.9        16.1        100        0
Hori.             4880.000 AV               38.7        31.7         5.8     39.5        3.5         40.2        53.9        13.7        100       30
Hori.             7320.000 AV               36.2        36.9         7.2     40.2        3.5         43.6        53.9        10.3        100        0
Hori.             9760.000 AV               35.8        38.5         8.2     39.5        3.5         46.5        53.9         7.4        100        0
Hori.           12200.000 AV                35.7        39.6         9.4     39.4        3.5         48.8        53.9         5.1        100        0
Vert.              640.000 QP               22.1        19.7       10.1      31.9        0.0         20.0        46.0        26.0        100        0
Vert.              800.000 QP               21.5        21.0       10.6      31.5        0.0         21.6        46.0        24.4        100        0
Vert.              960.000 QP               21.1        23.0       11.2      30.5        0.0         24.8        46.0        21.2        100        0
Vert.             4880.000 PK               47.3        31.7         5.8     39.5        3.5         48.8        73.9        25.1        100       32
Vert.             7320.000 PK               45.9        36.9         7.2     40.2        3.5         53.3        73.9        20.6        100        0
Vert.             9760.000 PK               44.7        38.5         8.2     39.5        3.5         55.4        73.9        18.5        100        0
Vert.           12200.000 PK                45.4        39.6         9.4     39.4        3.5         58.5        73.9        15.4        100        0
Vert.             4880.000 AV               39.8        31.7         5.8     39.5        3.5         41.3        53.9        12.6        100       32
Vert.             7320.000 AV               36.2        36.9         7.2     40.2        3.5         43.6        53.9        10.3        100        0
Vert.             9760.000 AV               35.5        38.5         8.2     39.5        3.5         46.2        53.9         7.7        100        0
Vert.           12200.000 AV                35.6        39.6         9.4     39.4        3.5         48.7        53.9         5.2        100        0
Result = Reading + Ant.Fac. + Loss (Cable+(Attenuator or Filter)(below 18 GHz)) - Gain(Amprifier) + Distance factor
Distance factor : 1 GHz - 13 GHz : 20log (4.48 m / 3.0 m) = 3.5 dB
                  13 GHz - 40 GHz : 20log (1.0 m / 3.0 m) = -9.5 dB

UL Japan, Inc.
Shonan EMC Lab.
1-22-3 Megumigaoka, Hiratsuka-shi, Kanagawa-ken, 259-1220 JAPAN
Telephone : +81 463 50 6400
Facsimile : +81 463 50 6401

                                                                                                       Test report No.              : 10938437S-A-R3
                                                                                                       Page                         : 18 of 33
                                                                                                       Issued date                  : April 27, 2016
                                                                                                       FCC ID                       : BKEP

                                                                 Radiated Spurious Emission

                 Test place                                   Shonan EMC Lab. No.3 Semi Anechoic Chamber
                 Report No.                                   10938437S-A-R3
                 Date                                         September 30, 2015    October 4, 2015
                 Temperature / Humidity                       27 deg. C / 50 % RH   22 deg. C / 56 % RH
                 Engineer                                     Yosuke Ishikawa       Yasumasa Owaki
                                                              (1-18 GHz)            (30-1000 MHz, 18-25
                 Mode                                         Tx BT LE 2480 MHz, S/N: A4-001

                          (* P K: P eak, AV: Average, QP : Quasi-P eak)
Polarity    Frequency      Detector       Reading        Ant.Fac.         Loss   Gain    Distance     Result     Limit    Margin     Height    Angle    Remark
              [MHz]                       [dBuV]         [dB/m]           [dB]   [dB]   Factor [dB] [dBuV/m]   [dBuV/m]    [dB]       [cm]     [deg]
Hori.              160.000 QP               22.9        15.2         8.0     32.1        0.0         14.0        43.5        29.5        200        0
Hori.              320.000 QP               21.8        14.5         8.8     31.9        0.0         13.2        46.0        32.8        100        0
Hori.              480.000 QP               21.9        17.5         9.5     31.9        0.0         17.0        46.0        29.0        100        0
Hori.             2483.500 PK               48.6        27.9       13.7      41.0        3.5         52.7        73.9        21.2        183      201
Hori.             4960.000 PK               47.7        32.0         5.8     39.4        3.5         49.6        73.9        24.3        104       78
Hori.             7440.000 PK               44.4        37.0         7.2     40.4        3.5         51.7        73.9        22.2        100        0
Hori.             9920.000 PK               44.5        38.4         8.2     39.4        3.5         55.2        73.9        18.7        100        0
Hori.           12400.000 PK                44.1        39.5         9.6     39.6        3.5         57.1        73.9        16.8        100        0
Hori.             2483.500 AV               38.5        27.9       13.7      41.0        3.5         42.6        53.9        11.3        183      201
Hori.             4960.000 AV               41.0        32.0         5.8     39.4        3.5         42.9        53.9        11.0        104       78
Hori.             7440.000 AV               35.9        37.0         7.2     40.4        3.5         43.2        53.9        10.7        100        0
Hori.             9920.000 AV               34.9        38.4         8.2     39.4        3.5         45.6        53.9         8.3        100        0
Hori.           12400.000 AV                34.9        39.5         9.6     39.6        3.5         47.9        53.9         6.0        100        0
Vert.              640.000 QP               22.1        19.7       10.1      31.9        0.0         20.0        46.0        26.0        100        0
Vert.              800.000 QP               21.6        21.0       10.6      31.5        0.0         21.7        46.0        24.3        100        0
Vert.              960.000 QP               21.1        23.0       11.2      30.5        0.0         24.8        46.0        21.2        100        0
Vert.             2483.500 PK               47.2        27.9       13.7      41.0        3.5         51.3        73.9        22.6        100      212
Vert.             4960.000 PK               47.8        32.0         5.8     39.4        3.5         49.7        73.9        24.2        103       66
Vert.             7440.000 PK               45.0        37.0         7.2     40.4        3.5         52.3        73.9        21.6        100        0
Vert.             9920.000 PK               44.9        38.4         8.2     39.4        3.5         55.6        73.9        18.3        100        0
Vert.           12400.000 PK                44.4        39.5         9.6     39.6        3.5         57.4        73.9        16.5        100        0
Vert.             2483.500 AV               37.3        27.9       13.7      41.0        3.5         41.4        53.9        12.5        100      212
Vert.             4960.000 AV               41.2        32.0         5.8     39.4        3.5         43.1        53.9        10.8        103       66
Vert.             7440.000 AV               36.6        37.0         7.2     40.4        3.5         43.9        53.9        10.0        100        0
Vert.             9920.000 AV               34.9        38.4         8.2     39.4        3.5         45.6        53.9         8.3        100        0
Vert.           12400.000 AV                34.7        39.5         9.6     39.6        3.5         47.7        53.9         6.2        100        0
Result = Reading + Ant.Fac. + Loss (Cable+(Attenuator or Filter)(below 18 GHz)) - Gain(Amprifier) + Distance factor
Distance factor : 1 GHz - 13 GHz : 20log (4.48 m / 3.0 m) = 3.5 dB
                  13 GHz - 40 GHz : 20log (1.0 m / 3.0 m) = -9.5 dB

UL Japan, Inc.
Shonan EMC Lab.
1-22-3 Megumigaoka, Hiratsuka-shi, Kanagawa-ken, 259-1220 JAPAN
Telephone : +81 463 50 6400
Facsimile : +81 463 50 6401

                                                                     Test report No.   : 10938437S-A-R3
                                                                     Page              : 19 of 33
                                                                     Issued date       : April 27, 2016
                                                                     FCC ID            : BKEP

                                       Radiated Spurious Emission
                                      (Reference Plot for band-edge)

            Test place                Shonan EMC Lab. No.3 Semi Anechoic Chamber
            Report No.                10938437S-A-R3
            Date                      September 30, 2015
            Temperature / Humidity    27 deg. C / 50 % RH
            Engineer                  Yosuke Ishikawa
                                      (1-18 GHz)
            Mode                      Tx BT LE 2480 MHz, S/N: A4-001

                                       Restricted-band band-edge Plot

                                           Trace Green : Peak Plot
                                         Trace Purple : Average Plot

                                       Restricted-band band-edge Plot

                                       Trace Green : Peak Plot
                                     Trace Purple : Average Plot
* Final result of restricted band edge was shown in tabular data.

UL Japan, Inc.
Shonan EMC Lab.
1-22-3 Megumigaoka, Hiratsuka-shi, Kanagawa-ken, 259-1220 JAPAN
Telephone : +81 463 50 6400
Facsimile : +81 463 50 6401

                                                                                                       Test report No.              : 10938437S-A-R3
                                                                                                       Page                         : 20 of 33
                                                                                                       Issued date                  : April 27, 2016
                                                                                                       FCC ID                       : BKEP

                                                                 Radiated Spurious Emission

                 Test place                                   Shonan EMC Lab. No.3 Semi Anechoic Chamber
                 Report No.                                   10938437S-A-R3
                 Date                                         September 30, 2015    October 4, 2015
                 Temperature / Humidity                       27 deg. C / 50 % RH   22 deg. C / 56 % RH
                 Engineer                                     Yosuke Ishikawa       Yasumasa Owaki
                                                              (1-18 GHz)            (30-1000 MHz, 18-25
                 Mode                                         Tx BT LE 2402 MHz, S/N: B3-001

                          (* P K: P eak, AV: Average, QP : Quasi-P eak)
Polarity    Frequency      Detector       Reading        Ant.Fac.         Loss   Gain    Distance     Result     Limit    Margin     Height    Angle    Remark
              [MHz]                       [dBuV]         [dB/m]           [dB]   [dB]   Factor [dB] [dBuV/m]   [dBuV/m]    [dB]       [cm]     [deg]
Hori.              160.000 QP               22.9        15.2         8.0     32.1        0.0         14.0        43.5        29.5        200        0
Hori.              320.000 QP               21.9        14.5         8.8     31.9        0.0         13.3        46.0        32.7        100        0
Hori.              480.000 QP               21.9        17.5         9.5     31.9        0.0         17.0        46.0        29.0        100        0
Hori.             2390.000 PK               46.1        27.8       13.7      41.0        3.5         50.1        73.9        23.8        189      211
Hori.             4804.000 PK               46.7        31.4         5.7     39.6        3.5         47.7        73.9        26.2        113       93
Hori.             7206.000 PK               46.1        36.9         7.1     40.1        3.5         53.5        73.9        20.4        100        0
Hori.             9608.000 PK               45.7        38.5         8.2     39.6        3.5         56.3        73.9        17.6        100        0
Hori.           12010.000 PK                47.0        39.7         9.3     39.3        3.5         60.2        73.9        13.7        100        0
Hori.             2390.000 AV               36.6        27.8       13.7      41.0        3.5         40.6        53.9        13.3        189      211
Hori.             4804.000 AV               39.6        31.4         5.7     39.6        3.5         40.6        53.9        13.3        113       93
Hori.             7206.000 AV               36.8        36.9         7.1     40.1        3.5         44.2        53.9         9.7        100        0
Hori.             9608.000 AV               37.0        38.5         8.2     39.6        3.5         47.6        53.9         6.3        100        0
Hori.           12010.000 AV                37.1        39.7         9.3     39.3        3.5         50.3        53.9         3.6        100        0
Vert.              640.000 QP               22.2        19.7       10.1      31.9        0.0         20.1        46.0        25.9        100        0
Vert.              800.000 QP               21.8        21.0       10.6      31.5        0.0         21.9        46.0        24.1        100        0
Vert.              960.000 QP               21.0        23.0       11.2      30.5        0.0         24.7        46.0        21.3        100        0
Vert.             2390.000 PK               45.9        27.8       13.7      41.0        3.5         49.9        73.9        24.0        122      234
Vert.             4804.000 PK               47.3        31.4         5.7     39.6        3.5         48.3        73.9        25.6        100      215
Vert.             7206.000 PK               45.9        36.9         7.1     40.1        3.5         53.3        73.9        20.6        100        0
Vert.             9608.000 PK               45.9        38.5         8.2     39.6        3.5         56.5        73.9        17.4        100        0
Vert.           12010.000 PK                45.9        39.7         9.3     39.3        3.5         59.1        73.9        14.8        100        0
Vert.             2390.000 AV               36.9        27.8       13.7      41.0        3.5         40.9        53.9        13.0        122      234
Vert.             4804.000 AV               38.0        31.4         5.7     39.6        3.5         39.0        53.9        14.9        100      215
Vert.             7206.000 AV               37.0        36.9         7.1     40.1        3.5         44.4        53.9         9.5        100        0
Vert.             9608.000 AV               36.6        38.5         8.2     39.6        3.5         47.2        53.9         6.7        100        0
Vert.           12010.000 AV                37.3        39.7         9.3     39.3        3.5         50.5        53.9         3.4        100        0
Result = Reading + Ant.Fac. + Loss (Cable+(Attenuator or Filter)(below 18 GHz)) - Gain(Amprifier) + Distance factor
Distance factor : 1 GHz - 13 GHz : 20log (4.48 m / 3.0 m) = 3.5 dB
                  13 GHz - 40 GHz : 20log (1.0 m / 3.0 m) = -9.5 dB

20 dBc Data S heet        (RBW 100 kHz, VBW 300 kHz)
Polarity    Frequency      Detector Reading  Ant.Fac.                     Loss   Gain    Distance     Result     Limit    Margin    Remark
              [MHz]                 [dBuV]   [dB/m]                       [dB]   [dB]   Factor [dB] [dBuV/m]   [dBuV/m]    [dB]
Hori.             2402.000 PK               86.4        27.8       13.7      41.0        3.5         90.4           -           - Carrier
Hori.             2400.000 PK               41.4        27.8       13.7      41.0        3.5         45.4        70.4        25.0
Vert.             2402.000 PK               85.3        27.8       13.7      41.0        3.5         89.3           -           - Carrier
Vert.             2400.000 PK               39.9        27.8       13.7      41.0        3.5         43.9        69.3        25.4
Result = Reading + Ant.Fac. + Loss (Cable+(Attenuator or Filter)(below 18 GHz)) - Gain(Amprifier) + Distance factor
Distance factor : 1 GHz - 13 GHz : 20log (4.48 m / 3.0 m) = 3.5 dB
                  13 GHz - 40 GHz : 20log (1.0 m / 3.0 m) = -9.5 dB

UL Japan, Inc.
Shonan EMC Lab.
1-22-3 Megumigaoka, Hiratsuka-shi, Kanagawa-ken, 259-1220 JAPAN
Telephone : +81 463 50 6400
Facsimile : +81 463 50 6401

                                                                     Test report No.   : 10938437S-A-R3
                                                                     Page              : 21 of 33
                                                                     Issued date       : April 27, 2016
                                                                     FCC ID            : BKEP

                                       Radiated Spurious Emission
                                      (Reference Plot for band-edge)

            Test place                Shonan EMC Lab. No.3 Semi Anechoic Chamber
            Report No.                10938437S-A-R3
            Date                      September 30, 2015
            Temperature / Humidity    27 deg. C / 50 % RH
            Engineer                  Yosuke Ishikawa
                                      (1-18 GHz)
            Mode                      Tx BT LE 2402 MHz, S/N: B3-001

           Restricted-band band-edge Plot                         Authorized-band band-edge Plot

               Trace Green : Peak Plot                                        20dBc Plot
             Trace Purple : Average Plot

           Restricted-band band-edge Plot                         Authorized-band band-edge Plot

              Trace Green : Peak Plot                                         20dBc Plot
            Trace Purple : Average Plot
* Final result of restricted band edge was shown in tabular data.

UL Japan, Inc.
Shonan EMC Lab.
1-22-3 Megumigaoka, Hiratsuka-shi, Kanagawa-ken, 259-1220 JAPAN
Telephone : +81 463 50 6400
Facsimile : +81 463 50 6401

                                                                                                       Test report No.              : 10938437S-A-R3
                                                                                                       Page                         : 22 of 33
                                                                                                       Issued date                  : April 27, 2016
                                                                                                       FCC ID                       : BKEP

                                                                 Radiated Spurious Emission

                 Test place                                   Shonan EMC Lab. No.3 Semi Anechoic Chamber
                 Report No.                                   10938437S-A-R3
                 Date                                         September 30, 2015    October 4, 2015
                 Temperature / Humidity                       27 deg. C / 50 % RH   22 deg. C / 56 % RH
                 Engineer                                     Yosuke Ishikawa       Yasumasa Owaki
                                                              (1-18 GHz)            (30-1000 MHz, 18-25
                 Mode                                         Tx BT LE 2440 MHz, S/N: B3-001

                          (* P K: P eak, AV: Average, QP : Quasi-P eak)
Polarity    Frequency      Detector       Reading        Ant.Fac.         Loss   Gain    Distance     Result     Limit    Margin     Height    Angle    Remark
              [MHz]                       [dBuV]         [dB/m]           [dB]   [dB]   Factor [dB] [dBuV/m]   [dBuV/m]    [dB]       [cm]     [deg]
Hori.              160.000 QP               22.8        15.2         8.0     32.1        0.0         13.9        43.5        29.6        200        0
Hori.              320.000 QP               21.8        14.5         8.8     31.9        0.0         13.2        46.0        32.8        100        0
Hori.              480.000 QP               21.8        17.5         9.5     31.9        0.0         16.9        46.0        29.1        100        0
Hori.             4880.000 PK               45.2        31.7         5.8     39.5        3.5         46.7        73.9        27.2        100       32
Hori.             7320.000 PK               45.5        36.9         7.2     40.2        3.5         52.9        73.9        21.0        100        0
Hori.             9760.000 PK               46.0        38.5         8.2     39.5        3.5         56.7        73.9        17.2        100        0
Hori.           12200.000 PK                44.5        39.6         9.4     39.4        3.5         57.6        73.9        16.3        100        0
Hori.             4880.000 AV               38.0        31.7         5.8     39.5        3.5         39.5        53.9        14.4        100       32
Hori.             7320.000 AV               36.2        36.9         7.2     40.2        3.5         43.6        53.9        10.3        100        0
Hori.             9760.000 AV               35.1        38.5         8.2     39.5        3.5         45.8        53.9         8.1        100        0
Hori.           12200.000 AV                35.9        39.6         9.4     39.4        3.5         49.0        53.9         4.9        100        0
Vert.              640.000 QP               22.2        19.7       10.1      31.9        0.0         20.1        46.0        25.9        100        0
Vert.              800.000 QP               21.9        21.0       10.6      31.5        0.0         22.0        46.0        24.0        100        0
Vert.              960.000 QP               20.9        23.0       11.2      30.5        0.0         24.6        46.0        21.4        100        0
Vert.             4880.000 PK               47.1        31.7         5.8     39.5        3.5         48.6        73.9        25.3        100       59
Vert.             7320.000 PK               47.9        36.9         7.2     40.2        3.5         55.3        73.9        18.6        100        0
Vert.             9760.000 PK               44.6        38.5         8.2     39.5        3.5         55.3        73.9        18.6        100        0
Vert.           12200.000 PK                46.0        39.6         9.4     39.4        3.5         59.1        73.9        14.8        100        0
Vert.             4880.000 AV               39.0        31.7         5.8     39.5        3.5         40.5        53.9        13.4        100       59
Vert.             7320.000 AV               36.1        36.9         7.2     40.2        3.5         43.5        53.9        10.4        100        0
Vert.             9760.000 AV               36.0        38.5         8.2     39.5        3.5         46.7        53.9         7.2        100        0
Vert.           12200.000 AV                35.5        39.6         9.4     39.4        3.5         48.6        53.9         5.3        100        0
Result = Reading + Ant.Fac. + Loss (Cable+(Attenuator or Filter)(below 18 GHz)) - Gain(Amprifier) + Distance factor
Distance factor : 1 GHz - 13 GHz : 20log (4.48 m / 3.0 m) = 3.5 dB
                  13 GHz - 40 GHz : 20log (1.0 m / 3.0 m) = -9.5 dB

UL Japan, Inc.
Shonan EMC Lab.
1-22-3 Megumigaoka, Hiratsuka-shi, Kanagawa-ken, 259-1220 JAPAN
Telephone : +81 463 50 6400
Facsimile : +81 463 50 6401

                                                                                                       Test report No.              : 10938437S-A-R3
                                                                                                       Page                         : 23 of 33
                                                                                                       Issued date                  : April 27, 2016
                                                                                                       FCC ID                       : BKEP

                                                                 Radiated Spurious Emission

                 Test place                                   Shonan EMC Lab. No.3 Semi Anechoic Chamber
                 Report No.                                   10938437S-A-R3
                 Date                                         September 30, 2015    October 4, 2015
                 Temperature / Humidity                       27 deg. C / 50 % RH   22 deg. C / 56 % RH
                 Engineer                                     Yosuke Ishikawa       Yasumasa Owaki
                                                              (1-18 GHz)            (30-1000 MHz, 18-25
                 Mode                                         Tx BT LE 2480 MHz, S/N: B3-001

                          (* P K: P eak, AV: Average, QP : Quasi-P eak)
Polarity    Frequency      Detector       Reading        Ant.Fac.         Loss   Gain    Distance     Result     Limit    Margin     Height    Angle    Remark
              [MHz]                       [dBuV]         [dB/m]           [dB]   [dB]   Factor [dB] [dBuV/m]   [dBuV/m]    [dB]       [cm]     [deg]
Hori.              160.000 QP               22.8        15.2         8.0     32.1        0.0         13.9        43.5        29.6        200        0
Hori.              320.000 QP               21.8        14.5         8.8     31.9        0.0         13.2        46.0        32.8        100        0
Hori.              480.000 QP               21.9        17.5         9.5     31.9        0.0         17.0        46.0        29.0        100        0
Hori.             2483.500 PK               47.7        27.9       13.7      41.0        3.5         51.8        73.9        22.1        146      218
Hori.             4960.000 PK               49.9        32.0         5.8     39.4        3.5         51.8        73.9        22.1        100       94
Hori.             7440.000 PK               44.8        37.0         7.2     40.4        3.5         52.1        73.9        21.8        100        0
Hori.             9920.000 PK               44.0        38.4         8.2     39.4        3.5         54.7        73.9        19.2        100        0
Hori.           12400.000 PK                43.7        39.5         9.6     39.6        3.5         56.7        73.9        17.2        100        0
Hori.             2483.500 AV               38.4        27.9       13.7      41.0        3.5         42.5        53.9        11.4        146      218
Hori.             4960.000 AV               44.0        32.0         5.8     39.4        3.5         45.9        53.9         8.0        100       94
Hori.             7440.000 AV               37.4        37.0         7.2     40.4        3.5         44.7        53.9         9.2        100        0
Hori.             9920.000 AV               35.0        38.4         8.2     39.4        3.5         45.7        53.9         8.2        100        0
Hori.           12400.000 AV                34.6        39.5         9.6     39.6        3.5         47.6        53.9         6.3        100        0
Vert.              640.000 QP               22.2        19.7       10.1      31.9        0.0         20.1        46.0        25.9        100        0
Vert.              800.000 QP               21.8        21.0       10.6      31.5        0.0         21.9        46.0        24.1        100        0
Vert.              960.000 QP               21.0        23.0       11.2      30.5        0.0         24.7        46.0        21.3        100        0
Vert.             2483.500 PK               48.5        27.9       13.7      41.0        3.5         52.6        73.9        21.3        115      248
Vert.             4960.000 PK               47.9        32.0         5.8     39.4        3.5         49.8        73.9        24.1        100      145
Vert.             7440.000 PK               45.4        37.0         7.2     40.4        3.5         52.7        73.9        21.2        100        0
Vert.             9920.000 PK               45.1        38.4         8.2     39.4        3.5         55.8        73.9        18.1        100        0
Vert.           12400.000 PK                44.4        39.5         9.6     39.6        3.5         57.4        73.9        16.5        100        0
Vert.             2483.500 AV               38.3        27.9       13.7      41.0        3.5         42.4        53.9        11.5        115      248
Vert.             4960.000 AV               41.0        32.0         5.8     39.4        3.5         42.9        53.9        11.0        100      145
Vert.             7440.000 AV               35.8        37.0         7.2     40.4        3.5         43.1        53.9        10.8        100        0
Vert.             9920.000 AV               34.9        38.4         8.2     39.4        3.5         45.6        53.9         8.3        100        0
Vert.           12400.000 AV                34.8        39.5         9.6     39.6        3.5         47.8        53.9         6.1        100        0
Result = Reading + Ant.Fac. + Loss (Cable+(Attenuator or Filter)(below 18 GHz)) - Gain(Amprifier) + Distance factor
Distance factor : 1 GHz - 13 GHz : 20log (4.48 m / 3.0 m) = 3.5 dB
                  13 GHz - 40 GHz : 20log (1.0 m / 3.0 m) = -9.5 dB

UL Japan, Inc.
Shonan EMC Lab.
1-22-3 Megumigaoka, Hiratsuka-shi, Kanagawa-ken, 259-1220 JAPAN
Telephone : +81 463 50 6400
Facsimile : +81 463 50 6401

                                                                     Test report No.   : 10938437S-A-R3
                                                                     Page              : 24 of 33
                                                                     Issued date       : April 27, 2016
                                                                     FCC ID            : BKEP

                                       Radiated Spurious Emission
                                      (Reference Plot for band-edge)

            Test place                Shonan EMC Lab. No.3 Semi Anechoic Chamber
            Report No.                10938437S-A-R3
            Date                      September 30, 2015
            Temperature / Humidity    27 deg. C / 50 % RH
            Engineer                  Yosuke Ishikawa
                                      (1-18 GHz)
            Mode                      Tx BT LE 2480 MHz, S/N: B3-001

                                       Restricted-band band-edge Plot

                                           Trace Green : Peak Plot
                                         Trace Purple : Average Plot

                                       Restricted-band band-edge Plot

                                       Trace Green : Peak Plot
                                     Trace Purple : Average Plot
* Final result of restricted band edge was shown in tabular data.

UL Japan, Inc.
Shonan EMC Lab.
1-22-3 Megumigaoka, Hiratsuka-shi, Kanagawa-ken, 259-1220 JAPAN
Telephone : +81 463 50 6400
Facsimile : +81 463 50 6401

                                                                                    Test report No.            : 10938437S-A-R3
                                                                                    Page                       : 25 of 33
                                                                                    Issued date                : April 27, 2016
                                                                                    FCC ID                     : BKEP

                                                      Radiated Spurious Emission
                                                        (Plot data, Worst case)

                           Test place                Shonan EMC Lab. No.3 Semi Anechoic Chamber
                           Report No.                10938437S-A-R3
                           Date                      September 30, 2015    October 4, 2015
                           Temperature / Humidity    27 deg. C / 50 % RH   22 deg. C / 56 % RH
                           Engineer                  Yosuke Ishikawa       Yasumasa Owaki
                                                     (1-18 GHz)            (30-1000 MHz, 18-25
                           Mode                      Tx BT LE 2402 MHz, S/N B3-001



                           60                                                                                         QP Limit
         Result [dBμV/m]

                                                                                                                      PK Limit
                                                                                                                      AV Limit
                           40                                                                                         Hori./QP

                           20                                                                                         Vert./QP
                           10                                                                                         Vert./AV

                                10             100             1000             10000                 100000
                                                        Frequency [MHz]

*These plots data contains sufficient number to show the trend of characteristic features for EUT.

UL Japan, Inc.
Shonan EMC Lab.
1-22-3 Megumigaoka, Hiratsuka-shi, Kanagawa-ken, 259-1220 JAPAN
Telephone : +81 463 50 6400
Facsimile : +81 463 50 6401

                                                                     Test report No.   : 10938437S-A-R3
                                                                     Page              : 26 of 33
                                                                     Issued date       : April 27, 2016
                                                                     FCC ID            : BKEP

                                       Conducted Spurious Emission

                    Test place                Shonan EMC Lab. No.1 Measurement Room
                    Report No.                10938437S-A-R3
                    Date                      October 9, 2015
                    Temperature / Humidity    25 deg. C / 44 % RH
                    Engineer                  Yosuke Ishikawa
                    Mode                      Tx BT LE 2402 MHz, S/N B3-003

                   9 kHz - 150 kHz                                      150 kHz - 30 MHz

UL Japan, Inc.
Shonan EMC Lab.
1-22-3 Megumigaoka, Hiratsuka-shi, Kanagawa-ken, 259-1220 JAPAN
Telephone : +81 463 50 6400
Facsimile : +81 463 50 6401

                                                                                 Test report No.   : 10938437S-A-R3
                                                                                 Page              : 27 of 33
                                                                                 Issued date       : April 27, 2016
                                                                                 FCC ID            : BKEP

                                                      Power Density

                     Test place                     Shonan EMC Lab. No.1 Measurement Room
                     Report No.                     10938437S-A-R3
                     Date                           October 9, 2015
                     Temperature / Humidity         25 deg. C / 44 % RH
                     Engineer                       Yosuke Ishikawa
                     Mode                           Tx

   S/N A4-002
      Freq.   Reading          Cable       Atten.      Result      Limit         Margin
                               Loss        Loss
      [MHz]       [dBm]        [dB]        [dB]        [dBm]       [dBm]          [dB]
     2402.00      -28.19       1.04        9.98        -17.17       8.00         25.17
     2440.00      -28.23       1.04        9.98        -17.21       8.00         25.21
     2480.00      -27.95       1.05        9.98        -16.92       8.00         24.92

   S/N B3-003
      Freq.   Reading          Cable       Atten.      Result      Limit         Margin
                               Loss        Loss
      [MHz]       [dBm]        [dB]        [dB]        [dBm]       [dBm]          [dB]
     2402.00      -28.11       1.04        9.98        -17.09       8.00         25.09
     2440.00      -28.13       1.04        9.98        -17.11       8.00         25.11
     2480.00      -28.14       1.05        9.98        -17.11       8.00         25.11

   Sample Calculation:
   Result = Reading + Cable Loss (including the cable(s) customer supplied) + Attenuator

   *The equipment and cables were not used for factor 0 dB of the data sheets.

UL Japan, Inc.
Shonan EMC Lab.
1-22-3 Megumigaoka, Hiratsuka-shi, Kanagawa-ken, 259-1220 JAPAN
Telephone : +81 463 50 6400
Facsimile : +81 463 50 6401

                                                                  Test report No.   : 10938437S-A-R3
                                                                  Page              : 28 of 33
                                                                  Issued date       : April 27, 2016
                                                                  FCC ID            : BKEP

                                                Power Density

                      S/N A4-002                                           S/N B3-003
                      2402 MHz                                             2402 MHz

                       2440 MHz                                            2440 MHz

                       2480 MHz                                            2480 MHz

UL Japan, Inc.
Shonan EMC Lab.
1-22-3 Megumigaoka, Hiratsuka-shi, Kanagawa-ken, 259-1220 JAPAN
Telephone : +81 463 50 6400
Facsimile : +81 463 50 6401

                                                                       Test report No.   : 10938437S-A-R3
                                                                       Page              : 29 of 33
                                                                       Issued date       : April 27, 2016
                                                                       FCC ID            : BKEP

                                             99%Occupied Bandwidth
                    Test place                  Shonan EMC Lab. No.1 Measurement Room
                    Report No.                  10938437S-A-R3
                    Date                        October 9, 2015
                    Temperature / Humidity      25 deg. C / 44 % RH
                    Engineer                    Yosuke Ishikawa
                    Mode                        Tx

                      S/N A4-002                                                S/N B3-003
                      2402 MHz                                                  2402 MHz

                       2440 MHz                                                 2440 MHz

                       2480 MHz                                                 2480 MHz

UL Japan, Inc.
Shonan EMC Lab.
1-22-3 Megumigaoka, Hiratsuka-shi, Kanagawa-ken, 259-1220 JAPAN
Telephone : +81 463 50 6400
Facsimile : +81 463 50 6401

                                                                      Test report No.         : 10938437S-A-R3
                                                                      Page                    : 30 of 33
                                                                      Issued date             : April 27, 2016
                                                                      FCC ID                  : BKEP

APPENDIX 2: Test instruments

Test equipment
 Control No.       Instrument          Manufacturer        Model No   Serial No         Test Item    Calibration Date
SAF-06         Pre Amplifier      TOYO Corporation TPA0118-3          1440491       RE              2015/05/27 * 12
SCC-G04        Coaxial Cable      Junkosha         J12J102207-        JUN-12-14 RE                  2015/06/08 * 12
                                                   00                 -018
SCC-G23        Coaxial Cable      Suhner           SUCOFLEX           297342/4 RE                   2015/05/19 * 12
SHA-03         Horn Antenna       Schwarzbeck      BBHA9120           9120D-739 RE                  2015/08/11 * 12
SOS-05         Humidity Indicator A&D              AD-5681           4062518        RE              2014/10/30 * 12
SSA-02         Spectrum Analyzer Agilent           E4448A            MY48250        RE              2015/03/26 * 12
SJM-15         Measure              ASKUL                -           -              RE              -
SAEC-03(SV     Semi-Anechoic        TDK                  SAEC-03(S 3                RE              2015/08/28 * 12
SWR)           Chamber                                   VSWR)
COTS-SEMI-     EMI Software         TSJ                  TEPTO-DV -                 RE              -
1                                                        (RE,CE,RFI,
SAT10-05       Attenuator(above1G   Agilent              8493C-010 74864            RE              2014/11/21 * 12
SFL-02         Highpass Filter MICRO-TRONICS HPM50111 051                           RE              2014/11/21 * 12
SHA-04         Horn Antenna    ETS LINDGREN       3160-09    LM3640                 RE              2015/03/17 * 12
SAF-08         Pre Amplifier   TOYO Corporation HAP18-26 00000019                   RE              2015/03/23 * 12
SCC-G15      Coaxial Cable     Suhner             SUCOFLEX 32703/2                  RE              2015/03/11 * 12
KSA-08       Spectrum Analyzer Agilent            E4446A     MY46180                RE              2015/03/23 * 12
SAEC-03(NS Semi-Anechoic       TDK                SAEC-03(N 3                       RE              2015/07/16 * 12
A)           Chamber                              SA)
SBA-03       Biconical Antenna Schwarzbeck        BBA9106    91032666               RE              2014/10/18 * 12
SLA-03       Logperiodic       Schwarzbeck        UHALP910 UHALP                    RE              2014/10/18 * 12
             Antenna                              8A         9108-A
SAT6-08      Attenuator        HIROSE             AT-406(40) -                      RE              2015/08/31 * 12
SCC-C1/C2/C Coaxial Cable&RF Fujikura/Fujikura/S 8D2W/12D -/0901-271                RE              2015/04/17 * 12
3/C4/C5/C10/ Selector          uhner/Suhner/Suhne SFA/141PE/ (RF
SRSE-03                        r/Suhner/TOYO      141PE/141P Selector)
SAF-03       Pre Amplifier     SONOMA             310N       290213                 RE              2015/02/18 * 12
STR-06       Test Receiver     Rohde & Schwarz ESCI          101259                 RE              2015/03/24 * 12

UL Japan, Inc.
Shonan EMC Lab.
1-22-3 Megumigaoka, Hiratsuka-shi, Kanagawa-ken, 259-1220 JAPAN
Telephone : +81 463 50 6400
Facsimile : +81 463 50 6401

                                                                     Test report No.       : 10938437S-A-R3
                                                                     Page                  : 31 of 33
                                                                     Issued date           : April 27, 2016
                                                                     FCC ID                : BKEP

Test equipment
Control No. Instrument              Manufacturer         Model No    Serial No     Test Item    Calibration Date *
SRENT-05       Spectrum Analyzer KEYSIGHT                E4440A    MY46187 AT                   2015/10/05 * 12
SCC-G12        Coaxial Cable        Suhner               SUCOFLEX 30790/2  AT                   2015/03/11 * 12
SAT10-05       Attenuator(above1G   Agilent              8493C-010 74864   AT                   2014/11/21 * 12
SPM-06         Power Meter          Anritsu              ML2495A     0850009       AT           2015/04/07 * 12
SPSS-03        Power sensor         Anritsu              MA2411B     0917063       AT           2015/04/07 * 12
SOS-09         Humidity Indicator   A&D                  AD-5681     4061484       AT           2014/12/24 * 12
STS-05         Digital Hitester     Hioki                3805-50     080997828     AT           2014/11/11 * 12

The expiration date of the calibration is the end of the expired month.
All equipment is calibrated with valid calibrations. Each measurement data is traceable to the national or
international standards.

As for some calibrations performed after the tested dates, those test equipment have been controlled by means
of an unbroken chains of calibrations.

Test Item:          RE: Radiated Emission test
                    AT: Antenna Terminal Conducted test

UL Japan, Inc.
Shonan EMC Lab.
1-22-3 Megumigaoka, Hiratsuka-shi, Kanagawa-ken, 259-1220 JAPAN
Telephone : +81 463 50 6400
Facsimile : +81 463 50 6401

Document Created: 2016-04-27 10:40:17
Document Modified: 2016-04-27 10:40:17

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