User Manual


Users Manual

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                                                                                                            Replacing battery in transmitter:
                                                                                                            (Note transmitter comeswith Lithium battery— LR2032 installed)
                                                                          2. Open battery compartment
One‘To One*" Series                                                       by sliding door in direction of   1. To open battery
Caregiver Alert AT—500 (                                                  arrow on door.                    compartment door,
                                                                                                            remove screws in
Instruction Manual     _                                                                                    door using a small
(Actual style of transmitter and receiver may vary from illustrations):                                     Philips head screwdriver.
Your Caregiver Alert includes                                             3. Install the 3 alkaline "AA"
* Battery operated receiver w/ vibration and                              batteries making sure the
  audio alerts                                                                                              2. Carefully slide old
                                                                          batteries are aligned             battery (note battery
*Waterproof transmitter, battery included                                  properly.                        alignment) out and
* Wrist strap & Pendant strap for transmitter                                                               discard as per local codes.
* Belt clip for receiver
                                                                                                            3. Slide new Lithium
Installing batteries in receiver:                                         4. Slide door onto receiver       battery in place in
You‘ll need to buy 3 "AA" batteries for the receiver.                     making sure the door snaps        same alignment as
In typical use alkaline batteries will last up to 6                       into place.                       old battery.
months.                                                                   5. Slide Belt clip onto back of
                                                                          receiver; note that the clip      4. Place battery
                                                                          can be snapped into place in      compartment door on
1. To open the battery _                                                  4 directions 90 of each other.    to transmitter and
compartment, first                                                                                          screw in place.
remove the belt clip by

                                                                                                                                                                             $002 9N¥ 11 G3A1333Y
sliding clip down.
                                                                                                            Test Caregiver Alert by
                                                                                                            pressing button on Transmitter to verify the
                                                                                                            transmitter and receiver function properly.

  Operation                                              operate properly. To change the code, simply            4. Replace the batteries, do not attach the
  Your One to One" Caregiver Alert receiver has the      follow the instructions below.                          compartment doors. Test system by pressing the
  options of vibration,              OFF                                                                         button on the transmitter.
                                                         1. Open the battery compartment door on both the
  sound or both vibration            VIBRATION           receiver and transmitter. Remove the batteries.
  an d sound by y simpl
                     simply          sMQ & SOUND
                                     VIBRATION                                                                   5. If system works then replace the battery
  sliding a switch to your choice.                                                                               compartment doors. If it does not recheck the
  top of the receiver; this switch                                                                               batteries alignment and that the code settings
  also has an OFF position.                                                                                      are the same for both units.
  When the Caregiver Alert is
  not in use the receiver should
  be switched off to extend the                                                                   uv'
  battery life.
                                                                                                                                        Technical Service
                                                         2. Inside both devices you will see a dip switch with                            (Do Not Send Products)                         >
  Function Setting:                                      switches numbered 1 thru 8.                             ff you experience a problem, follow this guide. You may also want to visitour Web
                                                                                                                 site at: if the problem persists, call* for assistance at

  Your Caregiver Alert receiver has two alerting
                                                                                                                 1—800—858—8501, 7:30 AM to 4:30 PM CST (M—F). You may also write" to:
                                                                                                                 DESA Specialty Products"‘*

  methods, one a 6—beep sound and the otheris a                                                                  P.O. Box 90004, 2901 industria! Drive Bowling Green, Kentucky USA42102
                                                                                                                 ATTN: Technical Service Specialty Products
  vibration mode. You can also set the receiver for                                                              * It contacting Technical Service, please have the following information avail—
                                                                                                                 able: Model Number, Date of Purchase, and Place of Purchase.
  both functions simultaneously. These functions can                                                                   No Service Parts Available for this Product
  be set by sliding the switch from the "Off" position                                                                             Regulatory Information
  to the mode of your choice.                                                                                    This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules.Operation is subject
                                                                                                                 to the following two conditions:(1) this device may not cause harmful

  Security Code Settings:                                                                                        interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received,
                                                                                                                 including interference that may cause undesired operation.

  Your Caregiver Alert system has up to 128                                                                      The user is cautioned that changes or modifications not expressly approved
                                                                                                                 by the party responsible for regulatory compliance could void the user‘s

  selectable Security codes available. The code is                                                               authority to operate the equipment.

~ factory set and does not need to be changed unless     3. Slide any one or more of the switches on the
  you are using more than one system or there is         receiver to the ON position. Slide the corresponding

                                                                                                                                                                                                     $00% 9N¥ i1 @3139 3y
  outside interference. Other wireless products may      switch on the transmitter to the ON position, making
  cause interference and the Caregiver Alert may not     sure that both devices have matching settings.

Warning: Changes or modifications to this unit not                               ONE YEAR LIMITED WARRANTY
expressly approved by the party responsible for                This is a "Limited Warranty" which gives you specific legal rights. You may
                                                               also have otherrights which vary from state to state or province to province.
compliance could void the user‘s authority to operate          For a period of one year from the date of purchase, any malfunction
the equipment.                                                caused by factory defective parts or workmanship will be corrected at no
                                                              charge to you. Batteries are not covered. To obtain a refund or a
                                                               replacement, return the product to the place of purchase.
                                                               Not Covered — Repair service, adjustment and calibration due to misuse,
NOTE: This equipment has been tested and found to             abuse or negligence, light bulbs and other expendable items are not
comply with the limits for a Class B digital device,          covered by this warranty. Unauthorized service or modification of the
                                                              product or of any furnished component will void this warranty in its antiraty.
pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are        This warranty does not include reimbursementfor inconvenience,instal—
designed to provide reasonable protection against             Jation, setup time, loss of use, or unauthorized service.
                                                              This warranty covers only DESA Specialty Products"" assembled prod—
harmful interference in a residential installation. This      ucts and is not extended to other equipment and components that a
equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio               customer uses in conjunction with our products.
                                                              THIS WARRANTY IS EXPRESSLY IN LIEEU OF ALL OTHER WARRAN—
frequency energy and, if not installed and used in            TIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING ANY WARRANTY,
                                                              AEPRESENTATION OR CONDITION OF MERCHANT ABILITY OR
accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful           THAT THE PRODUCTS ARE FIT FOR ANY PARTICULAR PURPOSE
interference to radio communications.                         OR USE, AND SPECIFICALLY IN L{EU OF ALL SPECIAL, INDIRECT,
                                                              INCIDENTAL, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES.
However, there is no guarantee that interference will         REPAIR OR REPLACEMENT SHALL BE THE SOLE AEMEDY OF THE
not occur in a particular installation. it this equipment     CUSTOMER AND THERE SHALL 8E NO LIABILITY ON THE PART OF
                                                              DESA SPECIALTY PRODUCTS"" FOR ANY SPECIAL, INDIRECT, INCI—
does cause harmful interference to radio or                   DENTAL, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, INCLUDING BUT NOT
television reception, which can be determined by              LIMITED TO ANY LOSS OF BUSINESS OR PROFITS, WHETHER OR
                                                              NOT FORESEEABLE. Some states or provinces do not allow the exclusion
turning the equipment off and on, the user is encour—         or limi       of incidental or consequential damages,  so the above limitation
aged to try to correct the interference by one or             or exclusion may not apply to you, Retain receipt for warranty claims.

more of the following measures:                             DESA Specialty Products"" reserves the right to discontinue and to change
                                                            specifications at any time without notice without incurring any obligation to
                                                            incorporate new features in previously sold products.
[ Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
C Increase the separation between the equipment and
 (Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit
different from that to which the receiver is connected.
 CConsult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV
technician for help.

                                                                                                                                               5007 NY 11 0O3A1193H
                                                                     ©2005 DESA Specialty, LLC Bronx, NY 10461

Document Created: 2005-08-22 12:30:57
Document Modified: 2005-08-22 12:30:57

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