Exhibit E Test Measurement Report per 2 1033 b6

FCC ID: BJ4-4700

Test Report

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                              Engineering Test Report No. 1802692-01

      Measurement of RF Emissions from a
        LED Decorative Fixture with RF
         Model No. 4700 Transmitter

For                  HeathCo LLC
                     2445 Nashville Rd
                     Bowling Green, KY 42102

P.O. Number          M001849
Date Tested          July 23 and 24, 2018
Test Personnel       Richard King
Test Specification   FCC "Code of Federal Regulations" Title 47, Part 15,
                     Subpart C, Section 15.249 for Digital Modulation
                     Intentional Radiators Operating within the bands
                     Industry Canada RSS-GEN
                     Industry Canada RSS-210

Test Report By:
                     Richard King
                     EMC Engineer

Requested By:        Jeff Bessinger
                     HeathCo LLC

Approved By:
                     Raymond J. Klouda
                     Registered Professional
                     Engineer of Illinois - 44894

                                                                                                      Engineering Test Report No. 1802692-01

                                                            TABLE OF CONTENTS
PARAGRAPH                                             DESCRIPTION OF CONTENTS                                                                        PAGE NO.
1.  Introduction ................................................................................................................................................... 5
     1.1.        Scope of Tests ..................................................................................................................................... 5
     1.2.        Purpose ............................................................................................................................................... 5
     1.3.        Deviations, Additions and Exclusions .................................................................................................. 5
     1.4.        EMC Laboratory Identification ............................................................................................................. 5
     1.5.        Laboratory Conditions.......................................................................................................................... 5
2.       Applicable Documents.................................................................................................................................. 5
3.       EUT Setup and Operation ............................................................................................................................ 6
     3.1.     General Description ............................................................................................................................. 6
        3.1.1.    Power Input ................................................................................................................................. 6
        3.1.2.    Grounding ................................................................................................................................... 6
     3.2.        Operational Mode ................................................................................................................................ 6
     3.3.        EUT Modifications................................................................................................................................ 6
4.       Test Facility and Test Instrumentation ......................................................................................................... 6
     4.1.        Shielded Enclosure .............................................................................................................................. 6
     4.2.        Test Instrumentation ............................................................................................................................ 6
     4.3.        Calibration Traceability ........................................................................................................................ 6
     4.4.        Measurement Uncertainty ................................................................................................................... 6
5.       Test Procedures ........................................................................................................................................... 7
     5.1.     Powerline Conducted Emissions ......................................................................................................... 7
        5.1.1.    Requirements .............................................................................................................................. 7
        5.1.2.    Procedures .................................................................................................................................. 7
        5.1.3.    Results ........................................................................................................................................ 8
     5.2.     99% Bandwidth .................................................................................................................................... 8
        5.2.1.    Requirement................................................................................................................................ 8
        5.2.2.    Procedures .................................................................................................................................. 8
        5.2.3.    Results ........................................................................................................................................ 8
     5.3.     Duty Cycle Factor Measurements ....................................................................................................... 8
        5.3.1.     Requirements .............................................................................................................................. 8
        5.3.2.     Procedures .................................................................................................................................. 8
        5.3.3.     Results ........................................................................................................................................ 9
     5.4.     Radiated Spurious Emissions Measurements ..................................................................................... 9
        5.4.1.     Requirements .............................................................................................................................. 9
        5.4.2.     Procedures .................................................................................................................................. 9
        5.4.3.     Results ...................................................................................................................................... 10
     5.5.     Band Edge Compliance ..................................................................................................................... 10
        5.5.1.     Requirement.............................................................................................................................. 10
        5.5.2.     Procedures ................................................................................................................................ 10
    Full Band Edge ..................................................................................................................... 10
        5.5.3.     Results ...................................................................................................................................... 11
6.       Other Test Conditions ................................................................................................................................ 11


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                                                                                                    Engineering Test Report No. 1802692-01

                                        TABLE OF CONTENTS
PARAGRAPH                         DESCRIPTION OF CONTENTS                                                                        PAGE NO.
  6.1. Test Personnel and Witnesses .......................................................................................................... 11
     6.2.      Disposition of the EUT ....................................................................................................................... 11
7.     Conclusions ................................................................................................................................................ 11
8.     Certification................................................................................................................................................. 11
9.     Equipment List ............................................................................................................................................ 12


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                                            Engineering Test Report No. 1802692-01

                         REVISION HISTORY

Revision      Date                           Description
  —        10 AUG 2018                      Initial release

                             Page 4 of 34

                                                                     Engineering Test Report No. 1802692-01

                        Measurement of RF Emissions from a
      LED Decorative Fixture with RF Communication, Model No. 4700 Transmitter


    1.1. Scope of Tests
This report represents the results of the series of radio interference measurements performed on a HeathCo
LLC LED Decorative Fixture with RF Communication, Model No. 4700 transmitter (hereinafter referred to as
the EUT). The EUT is a digital modulation transmitter. The transmitter was designed to transmit in the 902-928
MHz band using an internal antenna. The EUT was manufactured and submitted for testing by HeathCo LLC
located in Bowling Green, KY.

    1.2. Purpose
The test series was performed to determine if the EUT meets the conducted and radiated RF emission
requirements of the FCC "Code of Federal Regulations" Title 47, Part 15, Subpart C, Sections 15.207 and
15.249 for Intentional Radiators. The test series was also performed to determine if the EUT meets the
conducted RF emission requirements of the Industry Canada Radio Standards Specification, RSS-Gen,
Section 7.2.4 and the radiated RF emission requirements of the Industry Canada Radio Standards
Specification, RSS-210, Annex 8 for transmitters. Testing was performed in accordance with ANSI C63.4-

    1.3. Deviations, Additions and Exclusions
There were no deviations, additions to, or exclusions from the test specification during this test series.

    1.4. EMC Laboratory Identification
This series of tests was performed by Elite Electronic Engineering Incorporated of Downers Grove, Illinois. The
laboratory is accredited by The American Association for Laboratory Accreditation (A2LA). A2LA Certificate
Number: 1786.01.

    1.5. Laboratory Conditions
The temperature at the time of the test was 23.5oC and the relative humidity was 35%.

The following documents of the exact issue designated form part of this document to the extent specified
         - Federal Communications Commission "Code of Federal Regulations", Title 47, Part 15, Subpart C

        -   ANSI C63.4-2014, "American National Standard for Methods of Measurement of Radio-Noise
            Emissions from Low-Voltage Electrical and Electronic Equipment in the Range of 9 kHz to 40

        -   Federal Communications Commission Office of Engineering and Technology Laboratory Division
            Guidance for Performing Compliance Measurements on Digital Transmission Systems (DTS)
            Operating Under Section 15.247, October 4, 2012

        -   Industry Canada Radio Standards Specification, RSS-Gen, “General Requirements for
            Compliance of Radio Apparatus”, Issue 5, April 2018

        -   Industry Canada Radio Standards Specification, RSS-210, “License-Exempt Radio Apparatus:
            Category I Equipment”, Issue 9, November 2017

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                                                                      Engineering Test Report No. 1802692-01


    3.1. General Description
The EUT is a HeathCo LLC LED Decorative Fixture with RF Communication, Model No. 4700. A block
diagram of the EUT setup is shown as Figure 1. A photograph of the EUT is shown as Figure 2.

      3.1.1.Power Input
The EUT obtained 115V 60Hz power via a 2-wire, 2m, unshielded power cord.

The EUT was ungrounded during the tests.

    3.2. Operational Mode
For all tests, the EUT was placed on an 80cm high non-conductive stand. The EUT was energized. The unit
was programmed to operate in one of the following modes:
         - Transmit at 915MHz

Normal Operation – The EUT is powered on and set to transmit at 915MHz. The lightbulb on the unit was not

    3.3. EUT Modifications
No modifications were required for compliance to the FCC "Code of Federal Regulations" Title 47, Part 15,
Subpart C, Sections 15.207 and 15.249.


    4.1. Shielded Enclosure
All tests were performed in a 32ft. x 20ft. x 18ft. hybrid ferrite-tile/anechoic absorber lined test chamber. With
the exception of the floor, the reflective surfaces of the shielded chamber are lined with ferrite tiles on the walls
and ceiling. Anechoic absorber material is installed over the ferrite tile. The floor of the chamber is used as
the ground plane. The chamber complies with ANSI C63.4-2014 for site attenuation.

    4.2. Test Instrumentation
The test instrumentation and auxiliary equipment used during the tests are listed in Table 9-1.

Conducted and radiated emission measurements were performed with a spectrum analyzer. This receiver
allows measurements with the bandwidths and detector functions specified by the FCC.

    4.3. Calibration Traceability
Test equipment is maintained and calibrated on a regular basis with a calibration interval not greater than two
years. All calibrations are traceable to the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST).

    4.4. Measurement Uncertainty
All measurements are an estimate of their true value. The measurement uncertainty characterizes, with a
specified confidence level, the spread of values which may be possible for a given measurement system.

Values of Expanded Measurement Uncertainty (95% Confidence) are presented below:

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                                                                    Engineering Test Report No. 1802692-01

                                   Measurement Type                                           Measurement
 Conducted disturbance (mains port) (150 kHz – 30 MHz)                                             2.7
 Radiated disturbance (electric field strength on an open area test site or alternative
 test site) (30 MHz – 1000 MHz)
 Radiated disturbance (electric field strength on an open area test site or alternative
 test site) (1 GHz – 6 GHz)
 Radiated disturbance (electric field strength on an open area test site or alternative
 test site) (6 GHz – 18 GHz)


    5.1. Powerline Conducted Emissions

Per the FCC "Code of Federal Regulations" Title 47, Part 15, Subpart C, Per 15.207(a) and Industry Canada
RSS-Gen section 7.2.4, all radio frequency voltages on the power lines of a transmitter shall be below the
values shown below when using a quasi-peak or average detector:

                  Frequency                                         Conducted Limit (dBuV)
                     MHz                                 Quasi-peak                         Average
                                                     66 decreasing with               56 decreasing with
                  0.15 – 0.5
                                                 logarithm of frequency to 56     logarithm of frequency to 46
                    0.5 – 5                                    56                               46
                      5 – 30                                    60                         50
Note 1: The lower limit shall apply at the transition frequencies.
Note 2: If the levels measured using the QP detector meet both the QP and the Average limits, the EUT is
considered to have met both requirements and measurements do not need to be performed using the Average

The interference on each power lead of the EUT was measured by connecting the measuring equipment to the
appropriate meter terminal of the Line Impedance Stabilization Network (LISN). The meter terminal of the LISN
not under test was terminated with 50 ohms.
          1) The EUT was operated in the Normal Operation mode.
          2) Measurements were first made on the 120VAC high line.
          3) The frequency range from 150 kHz to 30 MHz was broken up into smaller frequency sub-bands.
          4) Conducted emissions measurements were taken on the first frequency sub-band using a peak
          5) The data thus obtained was then searched by the computer for the highest levels. Any
             emissions levels that were within 10dB of the average limit were then measured again using
             both a quasi-peak detector and an average detector. (If no peak readings were within 10dB of
             the average limit, quasi-peak and average readings were taken on the highest emissions levels
             measured during the peak detector scan.)

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                                                                   Engineering Test Report No. 1802692-01

          6) Steps (4) and (5) were repeated for the remainder of the frequency sub-bands until the entire
             frequency range from 150kHz to 30MHz was investigated. The peak trace was automatically
             plotted. The plot also shows quasi-peak and average readings that were taken on discrete
             frequencies. A table showing the quasi-peak and average readings was also generated. This
             tabular data compares the quasi-peak and average conducted emissions to the applicable
             conducted emissions limits.
          7) Steps (3) through (6) were repeated on the 120VAC neutral line.

The plots and tabular data of the peak, quasi-peak, and average conducted voltage levels acquired from each
input power line with the EUT operated in the Normal Operation mode are shown on pages 18 through 21. All
power line conducted emissions measured from the EUT were within the specification limits.

Photographs of the test configuration which yielded the highest or worst case, conducted emission levels are
shown in Figure 3.

    5.2. 99% Bandwidth

The 99% bandwidth for devices operating above 900MHz shall be within the 902-928MHz band.

The EUT was setup inside the chamber. The EUT was allowed to transmit continuously. The transmit channel
was set separately to low, middle, and high channels. The resolution bandwidth (RBW) was set to 100kHz and
the span was set to greater than the RBW.

The 'Max-Hold' function was engaged. The analyzer was allowed to scan until the envelope of the transmitter
bandwidth was defined. The analyzer's display was plotted using a 'screen dump' utility.

The plot on page 22 shows that the 99% bandwidth was measured to be 397.6kHz, which is within the 902-
928MHz band.

    5.3. Duty Cycle Factor Measurements

Unless otherwise specified, when the radiated emission limits are expressed in terms of the average value of
the emission, and pulsed operation is employed, the measurement field strength shall be determined by
averaging over one complete pulse train, including blanking intervals, as long as the pulse train does not
exceed 0.1 seconds. As an alternative (provided the transmitter operates for longer than 0.1 seconds) or in
cases where the pulse train exceeds 0.1 seconds, the measured field strength shall be determined from the
average absolute voltage during a 0.1 second interval during which the field strength is at its maximum value.
The exact method of calculating the average field strength shall be submitted with any application for
certification or shall be retained in the measurement data file for equipment subject to notification or

    1)   The EUT was placed on the non-conductive stand and set to transmit continuously.
    2)   A double ridged waveguide antenna was positioned at a 3 meter distance from the EUT. The output of
         the antenna was connected to the input of a spectrum analyzer.
    3)   The center frequency of the spectrum analyzer was set to the transmit frequency of the EUT.
    4)   The frequency span of the spectrum analyzer was set to 0Hz so that the time domain trace of the
         transmitted pulse of the EUT was displayed on the spectrum analyzer.
    5)   The sweep time of the spectrum analyzer was adjusted so that the beginning and end of a single

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                                                                      Engineering Test Report No. 1802692-01

        pulse could be seen on the display of the spectrum analyzer.
    6) The single sweep function of the spectrum analyzer was used multiple times to determine the
        maximum pulse width of the EUT.
    7) The maximum pulse width display of the spectrum analyzer was recorded and then plotted using a
        'screen dump' utility.
    8) The sweep time of the spectrum analyzer was then adjusted to 100msec.
    9) The single sweep function of the spectrum analyzer was used multiple times to determine the
        maximum number of transmitted pulses that occurred in a 100msec time period.
    10) The maximum number of pulses transmitted in a 100msec time period was recorded and then plotted
        using a ‘screen dump’ utility.
    11) The duty cycle correction was calculated using the following equation:

                 Duty Cycle Correction Factor (dB) = D.C. (dB)
                 D.C. (dB) = 20 x log [((pulse width (msec)) x (#pulses in a 100msecperiod)) / 100msec]

Duty cycle plots are shown on pages 23 and 24. The EUT transmits a 7.2mS pulse followed by a 2.9mS pulse
every 16mS (word). Since the word is less than 100msec long, the duty cycle factor was computed over the
word interval. This results in a duty cycle correction factor of -4.0dB.

    5.4. Radiated Emissions Measurements

Per section 15.249(a), the field strength of emissions from intentional radiators operated within these
frequency bands shall comply with the following:

            Frequency                     Field Strength of Fundamental           Field Strength of Harmonics
               MHz                               (millivolts/meter)                    (microvolts/meter)
           902-928 MHz                                   50                                   500
         2400-2483.5 MHz                                 50                                   500
          5725-5875 MHz                                  50                                   500
          24.0-24.25 GHz                                250                                   250

All tests were performed in a 32ft. x 20ft. x 18ft. hybrid ferrite-tile/anechoic absorber lined test chamber. The
walls and ceiling of the shielded chamber are lined with ferrite tiles. Anechoic absorber material is installed
over the ferrite tile. The floor of the chamber is used as the ground plane. The chamber complies with ANSI
C63.4-2014 for site attenuation.

The shielded enclosure prevents emissions from other sources, such as radio and TV stations from interfering
with the measurements. All powerlines and signal lines entering the enclosure pass through filters on the
enclosure wall. The powerline filters prevent extraneous signals from entering the enclosure on these leads.

Preliminary radiated emissions tests were performed to determine the emission characteristics of the EUT. For
the preliminary test, a broadband measuring antenna was positioned at a 3 meter distance from the EUT. The
entire frequency range from 30MHz to 10.0GHz was investigated using a peak detector function.

The final emission tests were then manually performed over the frequency range of 30MHz to 10.0GHz.

1) For all emissions, the following procedure was used:
   a) The field strengths of all emissions below 1 GHz were measured using a bi-log antenna. The bi-log
       antenna was positioned at a 3 meter distance from the EUT. A peak detector with a resolution
       bandwidth of 100 kHz was used on the spectrum analyzer.
   b) The field strengths of all emissions above 1 GHz were measured using a double-ridged waveguide

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                                                                   Engineering Test Report No. 1802692-01

       antenna. The waveguide antenna was positioned at a 3 meter distance from the EUT. A peak detector
       with a resolution bandwidth of 1 MHz was used on the spectrum analyzer.
    c) To ensure that maximum or worst case emission levels were measured, the following steps were
       taken when taking all measurements:
       i) The EUT was rotated so that all of its sides were exposed to the receiving antenna.
       ii) Since the measuring antenna is linearly polarized, both horizontal and vertical field components
            were measured.
       iii) The measuring antenna was raised and lowered for each antenna polarization to maximize the
       iv) In instances where it was necessary to use a shortened cable between the measuring antenna
            and the spectrum analyzer, the measuring antenna was not raised or lowered to ensure
            maximized readings. Instead the EUT was rotated through all axes to ensure the maximum
            readings were recorded for the EUT.
    d) For all radiated emissions measurements below 1 GHz, if the peak reading is below the limits listed in
       15.249(a), no further measurements are required. If however, the peak readings exceed the limits
       listed in 15.249(a), then the emissions are remeasured using a quasi-peak detector.
    e) For all radiated emissions measurements above 1 GHz, the peak readings must comply with the
       15.35(b) limits. 15.35(b) states that when average radiated emissions measurements are specified,
       there also is a limit on the peak level of the radiated emissions. The limit on the peak radio frequency
       emissions is 20 dB above the maximum permitted average emission limit applicable to the equipment
       under test. Therefore, all peak readings above 1 GHz must be no greater than 20 dB above the limits
       specified in 15.249(a).
    f) Next, for all radiated emissions measurements above 1GHz, the resolution bandwidth was set to
       1MHz. Since the emission is pulsed, the reading were adjusted by the “duty cycle correction factor”
       derived from 20*log(on time/100msec). These readings must be no greater than the limits specified in

Preliminary radiated emissions plots with the EUT transmitting at 915MHz are shown on pages 25 through 30.
Final radiated emissions data are presented on data pages 31 and 32. As can be seen from the data, all
emissions measured from the EUT were within the specification limits.

Photographs of the test configuration which yielded the highest, or worst case, radiated emission levels are
shown in Figures 4 and 5.

    5.5. Band Edge Compliance

Emissions radiated outside of the specified frequency bands, except for harmonics, shall be attenuated by at
least 50 dB below the level of the fundamental or to the general radiated emission limits in §15.209, whichever
is the lesser attenuation.


      Full Band Edge
            1)  The EUT was setup inside the test chamber on a non-conductive stand.
            2)  A broadband measuring antenna was placed at a test distance of 3 meters from the EUT.
            3)  The EUT was set to transmit continuously.
            4)  The EUT was maximized for worst case emissions at the measuring antenna. The maximum
                peak meter reading was recorded.
            5) To determine the band edge compliance, the peak total in dBuV/m was compared to the QP
                total limit is dBuV/m.
            6) A plot of the emission as compared to the operational band is show with the following settings:
                     a) Center frequency = transmitter frequency.
                     b) Span = Wide enough to capture the peak level of the emission operating on the

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                                                                    Engineering Test Report No. 1802692-01

                       channel closest to the band-edges, as well as any modulation products which fall
                       outside of the authorized band of operation.
                    c) The 'Max-Hold' function was engaged. The analyzer was allowed to scan until the
                       envelope of the transmitter bandwidth was defined.
                    d) The marker was set on the peak of the in-band emissions. A display line was placed
                       20dB down from the peak of the in-band emissions. The display line is only shown for
                       reference. All emissions which fall outside of the authorized band of operation must be
                       50dB down or to the general limit.
                    e) The analyzer's display was plotted using a 'screen dump' utility.

Pages 33 and 34 show the radiated band-edge compliance results. As can be seen from data, the emissions
at the low end band-edge and the high end band-edge are within the general limits.


    6.1. Test Personnel and Witnesses
All tests were performed by qualified personnel from Elite Electronic Engineering Incorporated. The test series
was witnessed by HeathCo LLC personnel.

    6.2. Disposition of the EUT
The EUT and all associated equipment were returned to HeathCo LLC upon completion of the tests.

It was determined that the HeathCo LLC LED Decorative Fixture with RF Communication, Model No. 4700
digital modulation transmitter did fully meet the conducted and radiated emission requirements of the FCC
"Code of Federal Regulations" Title 47, Part 15, Subpart C, Sections 15.207 and 15.249 for Intentional
Radiators Operating within the 902-928 MHz band, when tested per ANSI C63.4-2014.

It was also determined that the HeathCo LLC LED Decorative Fixture with RF Communication, Model No.
4700 digital modulation transmitter did fully meet the conducted and radiated RF emission requirements of the
Industry Canada Radio Standards Specification, RSS-Gen Section 7.2.4 and RSS-210 Annex 8, for
transmitters, when tested per ANSI C63.4-2014.

Elite Electronic Engineering Incorporated certifies that the information contained in this report was obtained
under conditions which meet or exceed those specified in the test specifications.

The data presented in this test report pertains to the EUT at the test date as operated by HeathCo LLC
personnel. Any electrical or mechanical modification made to the EUT subsequent to the specified test date
will serve to invalidate the data and void this certification.

This report must not be used to claim product certification, approval, or endorsement by NVLAP, NIST or any
agency of the Federal Government.

                                                 Page 11 of 34

                                                                      Engineering Test Report No. 1802692-01

Table 9-1 Equipment List

 Eq ID   Equipment Description        Manufacturer      Model No.       Serial No.   Frequency Range   Cal Date    Due Date
 APW10   PREAMPLIFIER                     PMI                          PL9609/1139    1GHZ-20GHZ       4/5/2018    4/5/2019
 NTA3    BILOG ANTENNA                   TESEQ            6112D          32853         25-1000MHz      9/11/2017   9/11/2018
 NWQ0                                 ETS LINDGREN        3117           66657        1GHZ-18GHZ       5/31/2018   5/31/2020
 PLF2    CISPR16 50UH LISN               ELITE         CISPR16/70A         002          .15-30MHz      5/7/2018    5/7/2019

 PLF4    CISPR16 50UH LISN               ELITE         CISPR16/70A         003          .15-30MHz      5/7/2018    5/7/2019

 RBG2    EMI ANALYZER               ROHDE & SCHWARZ      ESW44           101591        2HZ-44GHZ       2/23/2018   2/23/2019

 RBJ2    EMI RECEIVER               ROHDE & SCHWARZ       ESW8           100987         2HZ-8GHZ       1/18/2018   1/18/2019

 T1E1    10DB 25W ATTENUATOR           WEINSCHEL         46-10-43        AU1883         DC-18GHZ       6/28/2018   6/28/2020
 XPQ2    HIGH PASS FILTER            K&L MICROWAVE                          3           1.8-10GHZ      9/12/2017   9/12/2019

I/O: Initial Only
N/A: Not Applicable
Note 1: For the purpose of this test, the equipment was calibrated over the specified frequency range, pulse
rate, or modulation prior to the test or monitored by a calibrated instrument.

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                                                               Engineering Test Report No. 1802692-01

Anechoic Ferrite Chamber



                                             Receive Antenna

                             Hpib cbl

         Turn Table & Mast
             Controller        Computer



                        FIGURE 1 BLOCKDIAGRAM OF TEST SETUP

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                    Engineering Test Report No. 1802692-01

    Figure 2

Photograph of EUT

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                           Engineering Test Report No. 1802692-01

             Figure 3

Test Setup for Conducted Emissions

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                                                Engineering Test Report No. 1802692-01

                                 Figure 4

Test Setup for Radiated Emissions, 30MHz to 1GHz – Horizontal Polarization

 Test Setup for Radiated Emissions, 30MHz to 1GHz – Vertical Polarization

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                                              Engineering Test Report No. 1802692-01

                               Figure 5

Test Setup for Radiated Emissions, 1 to 10GHz – Horizontal Polarization

 Test Setup for Radiated Emissions, 1 to 10GHz – Vertical Polarization

                            Page 17 of 34

Ets                                                               Engineering Test Report No. 1802692—01

          FCC Part 15 Subpart B Conducted Emissions Test
                                   Significant Emissions Data
                                                                                 VBRS8 04/23/2015

Manufacturer           : HeathCo
Model                  : 4700
Serial Number          : #8
DUT Mode               : _Tx @ 915MH2z
Line Tested            L1
Scan Step Time [ms]    : 30
Meas. Threshold [dB]   : —1
Notes                  : FULL
Test Engineer          : R. King
Limit                  : Class B
Test Date              : Jul 23, 2018 10:49:53 AM
Data Filter            : Up to 80 maximum levels detected with 6 dB level excursion threshold over 1 dB
                        margin below Iimit

                                                Page 18 of 34

           ‘                                                          Enginering Test Report No. 1002502.01
                     FCC Part 15 Subpart B Conducted Emissions Test
                                                 Cumulative Data

  Manfacturer                    HeathCo
  Moel                           4700
  Seral Number                   #3
  DUT Mode                       Ts @ orsune
  Line Tested                    u1
  Scan Step Time (ms]            30
  Meas. Threshold [8G)           —1
  Notes                          ruu.
  Test Engineer                  R. King
  Linik                          Class 8
  Test Date                      Jul 23, 2ota 10.40.59 AM
                                        ELTTE ELECTRONTC ENGTNEERING Trc.
               1« ws   mvesous                 Donere Srave, Tt 315                    ree his se c
                                                                             un Linis
                                                                             —ve Linis
                                                                              + 07 Meossresent
               tee                                                            * Ave Messursnant
                                                                                Pack Trace

VoTdage sou0

                28 antneacmoesmaintnbmtturaintinevnieniiatintinnd


        strt = a.is                                    Fraquancy ic                               srom = 30

  Emissions Mest QP Limt
  Emissions Mect Ave Linit

                                                       Fage 19 of 3

Ets                                                               Engineering Test Report No. 1802692—01

          FCC Part 15 Subpart B Conducted Emissions Test
                                      Significant Emissions Data
                                                                                 VBRS8 04/23/2015

Manufacturer           :   HeathCo
Model                  :   4700
Serial Number          :   #8
DUT Mode               :   _Tx @ 915MH2z
Line Tested            :   L2
Scan Step Time [ms]    :   30
Meas. Threshold [dB]   :   —1
Notes                  :   FULL
Test Engineer          : R. King
Limit                  : Class B
Test Date              : Jul 23, 2018 10:43:25 AM
Data Filter            : Up to 80 maximum levels detected with 6 dB level excursion threshold over 1 dB
                           margin below Iimit

                                                Page 20 of 34

           ‘                                                          Enginering Test Report No. 1002502.01
                     FCC Part 15 Subpart B Conducted Emissions Test
                                                 Cumulative Data

  Manfacturer                    HeathCo
  Moel                           4700
  Seral Number                   #3
  DUT Mode                       Ts @ orsune
  Line Tested                    e
  Scan Step Time (ms]            30
  Meas. Threshold [8G)           —1
  Notes                          ruu.
  Test Engineer                  R. King
  Linik                          Class 8
  Test Date                      Jul 23, 2ote 10.29.25 AM
                                        ELTTE ELECTRONTC ENGTNEERING Trc.
               1« ws   mvesous                 Donere Srave, Tt 315                    ree his se c
                                                                             un Linis
                                                                             —ve Linis
                                                                              + 07 Meossresent
               tee                                                            * Ave Messursnant
                                                                                Pack Trace

VoTdage sou0

                28 sc

        strt = a.is                                    Fraquancy ic                               srom = 30

  Emissions Mest QP Limt
  Emissions Mect Ave Linit

                                                       Fage 21 o 3

                                                         Engineering Test Report No. 1802692-01

TEST ITEM      :   LED Decorative Fixture with RF Communication
MODEL NUMBER   :   4700
TEST MODE      :   Normal Operation – 915MHz
               :   99% BW = 397.6kHz


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                                                          Engineering Test Report No. 1802692-01

TEST ITEM       :   LED Decorative Fixture with RF Communication
MODEL NUMBER    :   4700
TEST MODE      :    Normal Operation – 915MHz
               :    ON Time = 7.2mS+(13.0-10.1)= 10.1mS
               :    Word = 16mS
               :    Duty Cycle = 20*log((7.2mS+2.9mS)/16mS) = -3.99 dB


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                                                          Engineering Test Report No. 1802692-01

TEST ITEM       :   LED Decorative Fixture with RF Communication
MODEL NUMBER    :   4700
TEST MODE      :    Normal Operation – 915MHz
               :    ON Time = 7.2mS+(13.0-10.1)= 10.1mS
               :    Word = 16mS
               :    Duty Cycle = 20*log((7.2mS+2.9mS)/16mS) = -3.99 dB


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                Engineering Test Report No. 1802692-01

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                Engineering Test Report No. 1802692-01

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                Engineering Test Report No. 1802692-01

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                Engineering Test Report No. 1802692-01

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                Engineering Test Report No. 1802692-01

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                Engineering Test Report No. 1802692-01

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                                                                Engineering Test Report No. 1802692-01

                                          DATA PAGE

Manufacturer          : HeathCo LLC
Test Item             : LED Decorative Fixture with RF Communication
Model No.             : 4700
Mode                  : Normal Operation – Transmit at 915MHz
Test Specification    : FCC-15.249, RSS-210 Radiated Spurious Emissions - Harmonics
Date                  : July 23, 2018

                                                                  QP/Peak   QP/Peak    QP/Peak
                       Meter              CBL     Ant    Pre       Total      Total       Limit
  Freq.         Ant   Reading             Fac    Fac    Amp       dBuV/m     uV/m        uV/m      Margin
  MHz           Pol   (dBuV)    Ambient   (dB)   (dB)   (dB)       at 3m     at 3 m      at 3 m     (dB)
915.000          H     58.6               1.6    27.0     0.0       87.2     22922.1    50000.0        -6.8
915.000          V     64.0               1.6    27.0     0.0       92.6     42486.9    50000.0        -1.4
1830.000         H     49.5        *      2.2    31.1   -41.1       41.8      122.8      5000.0        -32.2
1830.000         V     49.5        *      2.2    31.1   -41.1       41.8      123.0      5000.0        -32.2
2745.000         H     51.7        *      2.8    33.7   -40.9       47.4      233.8      5000.0        -26.6
2745.000         V     53.9        *      2.8    33.7   -40.9       49.6      300.5      5000.0        -24.4
3660.000         H     49.4        *      3.3    34.6   -40.3       46.9      220.6      5000.0        -27.1
3660.000         V     50.0        *      3.3    34.6   -40.3       47.6      238.6      5000.0        -26.4
4575.000         H     54.2               3.6    36.2   -40.6       53.5      471.3      5000.0        -20.5
4575.000         V     51.0        *      3.6    36.2   -40.6       50.2      325.3      5000.0        -23.7
5490.000         H     49.6        *      3.9    36.8   -40.1       50.2      325.0      5000.0        -23.7
5490.000         V     48.8        *      3.9    36.8   -40.1       49.4      296.4      5000.0        -24.5
6405.000         H     49.1        *      4.3    38.0   -40.2       51.2      363.7      5000.0        -22.8
6405.000         V     49.1        *      4.3    38.0   -40.2       51.2      362.0      5000.0        -22.8
7320.000         H     50.6        *      4.7    38.1   -40.3       53.0      448.9      5000.0        -20.9
7320.000         V     48.7        *      4.7    38.1   -40.3       51.2      362.7      5000.0        -22.8
8235.000         H     48.4        *      4.9    38.6   -40.4       51.5      377.6      5000.0        -22.4
8235.000         V     48.2        *      4.9    38.6   -40.4       51.3      367.3      5000.0        -22.7
9150.000         H     47.7        *      5.0    38.9   -40.3       51.3      365.8      5000.0        -22.7
9150.000         V     47.5        *      5.0    38.9   -40.3       51.0      355.4      5000.0        -23.0
1039.500         H     54.2               1.7    29.0   -42.3       42.7      135.9      5000.0        -31.3
1039.500         V     61.2               1.7    29.0   -42.3       49.6      303.1      5000.0        -24.3

                                                 Checked BY                                        :

                                                                    Richard E. King

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                                                                     Engineering Test Report No. 1802692-01

                                                  DATA PAGE

Manufacturer                  : HeathCo LLC
Test Item                     : LED Decorative Fixture with RF Communication
Model No.                     : 4700
Mode                          : Normal Operation – Transmit at 915MHz
Test Specification            : FCC-15.249, RSS-210 Radiated Spurious Emissions – Averages
Date                          : May 17, 2018

                                                                          Average   Average   Average
                      Meter                CBL     Ant    Pre     Duty     Total     Total      Limit
 Freq.     Ant       Reading               Fac    Fac    Amp      Cycle   dBuV/m     uV/m      uV/m      Margin
 MHz       Pol       (dBuV)     Ambient    (dB)   (dB)   (dB)     (dB)     at 3m     at 3 m    at 3 m     (dB)
1830.00     H         49.5         *       2.2    31.1   -41.1    -4.0     37.8      77.5       500.0        -16.2
1830.00     V         49.5         *       2.2    31.1   -41.1    -4.0     37.8      77.7       500.0        -16.2
2745.00     H         51.7         *       2.8    33.7   -40.9    -4.0     43.4      147.7      500.0        -10.6
2745.00     V         53.88        *       2.8    33.7   -40.9    -4.0     45.6      189.8      500.0        -8.4
3660.00     H         49.35        *       3.3    34.6   -40.3    -4.0     42.9      139.4      500.0        -11.1
3660.00     V         50.03        *       3.3    34.6   -40.3    -4.0     43.6      150.7      500.0        -10.4
4575.00     H         54.24                3.6    36.2   -40.6    -4.0     49.5      297.7     500.0         -4.5
4575.00     V         51.02        *       3.6    36.2   -40.6    -4.0     46.3      205.5      500.0        -7.7
5490.00     H         49.58        *       3.9    36.8   -40.1    -4.0     46.2      205.3     500.0         -7.7
5490.00     V         48.78        *       3.9    36.8   -40.1    -4.0     45.4      187.2      500.0        -8.5
6405.00     H         49.13        *       4.3    38.0   -40.2    -4.0     47.2      229.7     500.0         -6.8
6405.00     V         49.09        *       4.3    38.0   -40.2    -4.0     47.2      228.7      500.0        -6.8
7320.00     H         50.55        *       4.7    38.1   -40.3    -4.0     49.1      283.5     500.0         -4.9
7320.00     V         48.7         *       4.7    38.1   -40.3    -4.0     47.2      229.1      500.0        -6.8
8235.00     H         48.42        *       4.9    38.6   -40.4    -4.0     47.5      238.5     500.0         -6.4
8235.00     V         48.18        *       4.9    38.6   -40.4    -4.0     47.3      232.0      500.0        -6.7
9150.00     H         47.72        *       5.0    38.9   -40.3    -4.0     47.3      231.1     500.0         -6.7
9150.00     V         47.47        *       5.0    38.9   -40.3    -4.0     47.0      224.5      500.0        -7.0
1039.50     H         54.21                1.7    29.0   -42.3    -4.0     38.7      85.8      500.0         -15.3
1039.50     V         61.18                1.7    29.0   -42.3    -4.0     45.6      191.5      500.0        -8.3

                                                         Checked BY                                      :

                                                                          Richard E. King

                                                  Page 32 of 34

                                                         Engineering Test Report No. 1802692-01

TEST ITEM      :   LED Decorative Fixture with RF Communication
MODEL NUMBER   :   4700
TEST MODE      :   Normal Operation – 915MHz


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                                                                Engineering Test Report No. 1802692-01

                                          DATA PAGE

Manufacturer          : HeathCo LLC
Test Item             : LED Decorative Fixture with RF Communication
Model No.             : 4700
Mode                  : Normal Operation – Transmit at 915MHz
Test Specification    : FCC-15.249, RSS-210 Band-edge Compliance
Date                  : May 17, 2018
                      : Peak reading met the quasi-peak limit

                                                                  QP/Peak   QP/Peak    QP/Peak
                       Meter              CBL     Ant    Pre       Total      Total       Limit
  Freq.         Ant   Reading             Fac    Fac    Amp       dBuV/m     uV/m        uV/m      Margin
  MHz           Pol   (dBuV)    Ambient   (dB)   (dB)   (dB)       at 3m     at 3 m      at 3 m     (dB)
902.000          V     16.5        *      1.5    26.8     0.0       44.8      173.7      200.0         -1.2
930.000          V     16.4        *      1.6    27.3     0.0       45.3      183.4      200.0         -0.8

                                                 Checked BY                                        :

                                                                    Richard E. King

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Document Created: 2019-09-11 07:56:37
Document Modified: 2019-09-11 07:56:37

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