Test report


Test Report

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Test Report:                                      4W27178.1

Applicant:                                        Desa Specialty LLC
                                                  P.O. Box 90004, 2901 Industrial Avenue,
                                                  Bowling Green, KY.
                                                  42102, USA

Equipment Under Test:                             400TX Door Chime Transmitter

FCC ID:                                           BJ4-400TX

In Accordance With:                               FCC Part 15, Subpart C, 15.231

Tested By:                                        Nemko Canada Inc.
                                                  303 River Road, R.R. 5
                                                  Ottawa, Ontario K1V 1H2

Authorized By:
                                                  Kevin Carr, EMC/EMI/Wireless Specialist

Date:                                             30 July 2004

Total Number of Pages:                            16

Master:PT15-Sub-C-15231 Date: November 12, 2001

Nemko Canada Inc.                                                          FCC PART 15, SUBPART C, 15.231
                                                                                 PROJECT NO.: 4W27178.1
EQUIPMENT: 400TX Door Chime Transmitter

                                          Table of Contents

Section 1.   Summary of Test Results ...................................................................................3

Section 2.   Equipment Under Test .......................................................................................5

Section 3.   Transmission Requirements ..............................................................................6

Section 4.   Radiated Emissions.............................................................................................8

Section 5.   Occupied Bandwidth ........................................................................................13

Section 6.   Block Diagram...................................................................................................15

Section 7.   Test Equipment List ..........................................................................................16

                                                                                                           Page 2 of 16

Nemko Canada Inc.                                                                FCC PART 15, SUBPART C, 15.231
                                                                                       PROJECT NO.: 4W27178.1
EQUIPMENT: 400TX Door Chime Transmitter

Section 1.                     Summary of Test Results

All measurements are traceable to national standards.

These tests were conducted on a sample of the equipment for the purpose of demonstrating
compliance with Part 15, Subpart C. All tests were conducted using measurement procedure
ANSI C63.4-1992. Radiated emissions are made on an open area test site. A description of the
test facility is on file with the FCC.


                                                See “ Summary of Test Data”.

TESTED BY: ______________________________                                        DATE: 30 July 2004
                    Chris Maidens, EMC Specialist

Nemko Canada Inc. authorizes the above named company to reproduce this report provided it is reproduced in its entirety and for
use by the company’s employees only.

Any use which a third party makes of this report, or any reliance on or decisions to be made based on it, are the responsibility of
such third parties. Nemko Canada Inc. accepts no responsibility for damages, if any, suffered by any third party as a result of
decisions made or actions based on this report.

This report applies only to the items tested.

This report shall not be reproduced except in full without the written approval of the testing laboratory.

                   Nemko Canada Inc., a testing laboratory, is accredited by the Standards Council of Canada.
                          The tests included in this report are within the scope of this accreditation.

                                                                                                                Page 3 of 16

Nemko Canada Inc.                                        FCC PART 15, SUBPART C, 15.231
                                                               PROJECT NO.: 4W27178.1
EQUIPMENT: 400TX Door Chime Transmitter

Summary Of Test Data

 Name of Test                                       Para. Number                Results
 Transmission Requirements                            15.231(a)                Complied
 Radiated Emissions                                   15.231(b)                Complied
 Occupied Bandwidth                                   15.231(c)                Complied
 Frequency Tolerance                                  15.231(d)                 N/A (1)
 Periodic Alternate Field Strength Requirements       15.231(e)                 N/A (2)
 Power line Conducted Emissions                        15.207                   N/A (3)

Justification of N/A’s

   (1) The EUT does not operate in the frequency range of 40.66 – 40.70 MHz.
   (2) The EUT does not periodically transmit at predetermined intervals.
   (3) The EUT is battery powered.

Test Conditions:

Indoor                         Temperature: 24° C
                               Humidity:    48 %

Outdoor                        Temperature: 27° C
                               Humidity:    58%

                                                                                Page 4 of 16

Nemko Canada Inc.                                   FCC PART 15, SUBPART C, 15.231
                                                          PROJECT NO.: 4W27178.1
EQUIPMENT: 400TX Door Chime Transmitter

Section 2.            Equipment Under Test

General Equipment Information
Manufacturer:                             Desa Specialty LLC

Company Number:                           3984A

Model No.:                                400TX

Serial No.:                               None

Date Received In Laboratory:              July 28, 2004

Nemko Identification No.:                 Item no. 1

Test Voltage                              12V (single battery powered)

Frequency Range (or fixed frequency):     315 MHz, Fixed

Field Strength (distance):                67.7dBuV/m @ 3m

Occupied Bandwidth (99% BW):              22.3kHz

Type of Modulation:                       PCM

Emission Designator (TRC-43:)             22K3L1D

                                                                         Page 5 of 16

Nemko Canada Inc.                                        FCC PART 15, SUBPART C, 15.231
                                                               PROJECT NO.: 4W27178.1
EQUIPMENT: 400TX Door Chime Transmitter

Section 3.             Transmission Requirements

Para. No.: 15.231(a)

 Test Performed By: Chris Maidens                           Date of Test: July 29, 2004

Minimum Standard:          15.231(a) Continuous transmissions such as voice, video or data
                           transmissions are not permitted.

                           15.231(a)(1) A manually operated transmitter shall employ a switch
                           that will automatically deactivate the transmitter within not more
                           than 5 seconds after being released.

                           15.231(a)(2) A transmitter activated automatically shall cease
                           transmission within 5 seconds of activation.

                           15.231(a)(3) Periodic transmissions at regular pre-determined
                           intervals are not permitted. However polling or supervisory
                           transmissions to determine system integrity of transmitters used in
                           security or safety applications are allowed if the periodic rate of
                           transmission does not exceed one transmission of not more than one
                           second duration per hour for each transmitter.

                           15.231(a)(4) Intentional radiators, which are employed for radio
                           control purposes during emergencies involving fire, security of
                           goods, and safety of life, when activated to signal an alarm, may
                           operate during the pendency of the alarm.

Test Results:              Complied

Test Data:                 Compliance was determined by verification of              technical
                           specifications and a functional test on the equipment.

                                                                               Page 6 of 16

Nemko Canada Inc.                                      FCC PART 15, SUBPART C, 15.231
                                                             PROJECT NO.: 4W27178.1
EQUIPMENT: 400TX Door Chime Transmitter

Rationale for Compliance with Transmission Requirements

15.231(a)       N/A – The EUT does not transmit voice, video or data.

15.231(a)(1):   Complied – Instantaneously shuts off upon release of button

15.231(a)(2):   N/A- The EUT is not activated automatically

15.231(a)(3):   N/A – The EUT does not periodically transmit at predetermined intervals

15.231(a)(4):   N/A – The EUT is not used for radio control purposes for emergency
                including fire, security or safety of life.

                                                                              Page 7 of 16

Nemko Canada Inc.                                                 FCC PART 15, SUBPART C, 15.231
                                                                        PROJECT NO.: 4W27178.1
EQUIPMENT: 400TX Door Chime Transmitter

Section 4.                Radiated Emissions
Para. No.: 15.231(b)

 Test Performed By: Chris Maidens                                   Date of Test: July 29, 2004

Minimum Standard:

    Fundamental Frequency         Field Strength of Fundamental        Field Strength of Spurious Emissions
           (MHz)                           (µV/m @ 3m)                            (µV/m @ 3m)
        40.66 - 40.70                          2,250                                  225
            70-130                            1, 250                                  125
           130-174                       1,250 to 3,750*                           125 to 375
       174-260 (note 1)                       3,750                                   375
       260-470 (note 1)                  3,750 to 12,500*                         375 to 1,250
         Above 470                            12,500                                 1,250

                                      Restricted Band Limits
         Frequency                      Field Strength                           Field Strength
            (MHz)                       (µV/m @ 3m)                             (dBµV/m @ 3m)
            30 - 88                           100                                     40.0
           88 - 216                           150                                     43.5
          216 - 960                           200                                     46.0
         Above 960                            500                                     54.0

Test Results:                 Complied

Test Data:                    As per attached tabulated data.

                                                                                          Page 8 of 16

         Nemko Canada Inc.                                                     FCC PART 15, SUBPART C, 15.231
                                                                                     PROJECT NO.: 4W27178.1
         EQUIPMENT: 400TX Door Chime Transmitter

         Radiated Emissions Test Data:
Test Date: July 29, 2004
Engineer’s Name: Chris Maidens
Temperature (C°): 27                                                        Humidity : 58 %

Tested as per Table Top
Test Distance (meters): 3                                                   Range: A
                                RCVD        Ant.     Amp.     Duty Cycle     Cable      Field
   Freq.        Ant.    Pol.                                                                        Limit         Margin
                                Signal     Factor    Gain       Corr.        Loss      Strength                               Amp.
  (MHz)                 V/H                                                                       (dBµV/m)         (dB)
                               (dBµV)       (dB)     (dB)       (-dB)        (dB)     (dBµV/m)
 315.0000      ED3       V       49.2      19.1        0          -8.2        2.3       62.4           75.6        13.2        None
 315.0000      ED3       H       54.5      19.1        0          -8.2        2.3       67.7           75.6         7.9        None
 630.0000      LP2       V       35.3      20.9        0          -8.2        3.1       51.1           55.6         4.5        None
 630.0000      LP2       H       32.0      21.3        0          -8.2        3.1       48.2           55.6         7.4        None
 945.0000      LP2       V       81.5      23.7       55.0        -8.2        4.0       46.0           55.6         9.6      500-1000
 945.0000      LP2       H       83.5      24.6       55.0        -8.2        4.0       48.9           55.6         6.7      500-1000

Note 1: Antenna Legend: BC = Biconical, BL = Bilog, LP = Log-Periodic, Horn = Horn, ED = EMCO Dipole
Notes:                    All emissions to the 10th harmonic were searched, no emissions were detected above 945MHz.
                          Receiver bandwidth of 100KHz was used below 1GHz & 1MHz bandwidth above 1GHz. In
                          both cases a peak detector was used. Emissions were measured at the Ottawa Facility. The EUT
                          was tested with a fresh new 12volt battery..

                                                                                                              Page 9 of 16

Nemko Canada Inc.                         FCC PART 15, SUBPART C, 15.231
                                                PROJECT NO.: 4W27178.1
EQUIPMENT: 400TX Door Chime Transmitter

                        692 µSec Pulse

                                                           Page 10 of 16

Nemko Canada Inc.                         FCC PART 15, SUBPART C, 15.231
                                                PROJECT NO.: 4W27178.1
EQUIPMENT: 400TX Door Chime Transmitter

692uSec x 56 pulses =38.75mSec
Duty Cycle = 20Log(38.75/100) = -8.2dB

                                                           Page 11 of 16

Nemko Canada Inc.                         FCC PART 15, SUBPART C, 15.231
                                                PROJECT NO.: 4W27178.1
EQUIPMENT: 400TX Door Chime Transmitter

Radiated Emission Setup photo:

                                                           Page 12 of 16

Nemko Canada Inc.                                      FCC PART 15, SUBPART C, 15.231
                                                             PROJECT NO.: 4W27178.1
EQUIPMENT: 400TX Door Chime Transmitter

Section 5.             Occupied Bandwidth

Para. No.: 15.231(c)

 Test Performed By: Chris Maidens                         Date of Test: July 29, 2004

Minimum Standard:          15.231(c) The bandwidth of the emission shall be no wider than
                           0.25% of the center frequency for devices operating above 70 MHz
                           and below 900 MHz. For devices operating above 900 MHz, the
                           emission shall be no wider than 0.5% of the center frequency.
                           Bandwidth is determined at the points 20 dB down from the
                           modulated carrier.

Test Results:              Complied

Test Data:                 See attached graphs.

                                                                            Page 13 of 16

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Nemko Canada Inc.                                             FCC PART 15, SUBPART C, 15.231
                                                                    PROJECT NO.: 4W27178.1
EQUIPMENT: 400TX Door Chime Transmitter

Section 6.               Block Diagram

Outdoor Test Site For Radiated Emissions

                                      3 METERS

                                      SEARCH ANTENNA

                   EUT                                                           HEIGHT (1 TO 4 m)
  0.8 METER


                                                                        TO TEST RECEIVER/SPECTRUM

The spectrum was searched up to the 10th harmonic of the fundamental frequency of operation.

                                                                                      Page 15 of 16

Nemko Canada Inc.                                                FCC PART 15, SUBPART C, 15.231
                                                                       PROJECT NO.: 4W27178.1
EQUIPMENT: 400TX Door Chime Transmitter

Section 7. Test Equipment List

CAL         Equipment                 Manufacturer      Model No.    Asset/Serial   Last Cal.     Next Cal.
Cycle                                                                No.
1 Year      Spectrum Analyzer         Hewlett-Packard   8564E        FA001367       June 28/04    June 28/05
1 Year      Dipole Antenna Set        EMCO #1           3121C        FA000814       April 21/04   April 21/05
1 Year      Horn Antenna #1           EMCO              3115         FA000649       Dec. 18/03    Dec. 18/04
1 Year      Log Periodic Antenna #2   EMCO              3148         FA001355       May. 05/04    May. 05/05
COU         500MHz to 1GHz            Miteq             AM-4A-       FA001495       COU           COU
            Amplifier                                   0510
1 Year      1.0 – 2.0 GHz Amplifier   JCA               12-400       FA001498       June. 18/04   June. 18/05
1 Year      2.0 – 4.0 GHz Amplifier   JCA               24-600       FA001496       June. 18/04   June. 18/05

Note:    N/A = Not Applicable, NCR = No Cal Required, COU = CAL On Use, OUT = Out For CAL/Repair

                                                                                        Page 16 of 16

Document Created: 2004-08-05 15:57:04
Document Modified: 2004-08-05 15:57:04

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