User Manual_Part II


Users Manual

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     Android Auto/Apple CarPlay - option

     Android Auto/Apple CarPlay - option

     ※※ A
         ndroid Auto and Apple CarPlay aren't                  •• Your phone may not be recognised if its battery   •• The following problems may occur due to
        available in some countries.                               is low. Charge your phone then try again.            phone-related issues:
                                                                •• If your phone is shut down due to a defect           [Android Auto]
     What is Android Auto/Apple                                    in the device itself, reset your phone and try        --Intermittent black screens appear when
     CarPlay?                                                      again.                                                  entering Android Auto.
                                                                •• If the USB cable of the Android Auto/Apple            --Differentiation of phones that support
     Securely access your mobile phone while driving.
                                                                   CarPlay device is repeatedly disconnected               Android Auto and those which do not, may
     Various functions of your mobile phone are
                                                                   and reconnected in a short period of time, the          not be possible.
     displayed on and operable from the screen of
                                                                   phone may malfunction. This can also cause a          --Black screens appear in some areas of the
     the multimedia device (e.g. navigation, making a
                                                                   device failure.                                         screen due to app errors.
     call, listening to music etc.)
     When connected, an Android Auto/Apple CarPlay              •• The device recognition time may differ               [Apple CarPlay]
     icon appears on the screen. Available functions               depending on the device type and firmware/OS          --Intermittent black screens appear when
     and operations may differ depending on the                    version.                                                entering Apple CarPlay.
     company model.                                             •• Using the USB cable that came with the phone          --Black screens appear in some areas of the
     For more information, visit the Google or Apple               is recommended. (Using a non-genuine product            screen due to app errors when navigating
     website.                                                      may cause noise or malfunction.)                        between screens in Apple CarPlay.
             --Google:                                                                        --The audio volume control may not operate
                                                                •• Normal operations cannot be guaranteed if the
               androidauto/                                                                                                depending on the status of connected phone.
                                                                   phone is arbitrarily manipulated while Android
             --Apple:                                                                    Apple CarPlay can control the volume on the
                                                                   Auto/Apple CarPlay is active.                           head unit regardless of phone volume. Even if
     Cautions                                                   •• Apple CarPlay cannot be run while making a              the phone volume is set to 0, the sound can be
                                                                   call via Bluetooth.                                     outputted by controlling the volume of head unit.
     •• Android Auto is a registered trademark of Google Inc.
                                                                •• Android Auto or Apple CarPlay may not operate         --The sound output of a call may be cut upon
     •• Apple CarPlay is a registered trademark of
                                                                   normally due to mobile phone issues.                    disconnecting Apple CarPlay during a call via
        Apple Inc.
                                                                                                                           Apple CarPlay.
     •• Android Auto and Apple CarPlay are unavailable          •• Carrier charges may apply when using Android
        if the phone OS is not the latest version or               Auto or Apple CarPlay.                            ※※ If services do not work properly due to
        if the phone cannot be recognized due to a                                                                       problems similar to the specified above,
                                                                ※※ S ome features may not operate normally              check your phone, and if necessary,
        shutdown caused by a failure or defect in the               according to the version of iOS and Android.         reconnect your phone after restarting.
        device itself.

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     Android Auto/Apple CarPlay - option

     Using Android Auto or Apple                         NOTICE-Android Auto                                 NOTICE-Apple CarPlay
     CarPlay                                             •• Bluetooth media features will be disabled when   •• Bluetooth phone/media features will be
                                                            Android Auto is activated. After removing the       disabled when Apple CarPlay is activated. After
     1. Make sure only genuine USB cables are used
                                                            USB cable, these features will be available         removing the USB cable, these features will be
        that were provided by the mobile phone´s
                                                            again.                                              available again.
                                                         •• If Android Auto is not activated even after a    •• If Apple CarPlay is not activated even after a
     2. Enter Android Auto /Apple CarPlay from
                                                            successful connection, follow these steps:          successful connection, follow these steps:
        the home screen or from the submenu [All
        menus].                                            --Check whether an error occurred on the            --Check whether Apple CarPlay is disabled in
                                                             phone.                                              the iPhone´s application settings.
     3. Now the features such as navigation, music
        and phone are ready to be used.                    --Check whether Android Auto has been closed        --Check whether Apple CarPlay is activated in
                                                             on the phone.                                       the [Phone projection] menu.
     NOTICE                                                --Check whether Android Auto is activated in      •• If Apple CarPlay does not work normally even
     •• Before connecting your mobile phone, check           the [Phone projection] menu.                       after a reconnection has been made, visit
        whether Android Auto or Apple CarPlay is         •• If Android Auto does not work normally even         the Apple website
        activated in the [Phone projection] menu.           after a reconnection has been made, visit the       carplay/
     •• After connecting the mobile phone, the phone        Google website
        has to be unlocked and the disclaimers on the       androidauto/
        phone have to be accepted in order to launch
        Android Auto or Apple CarPlay.
     •• The screens and features displayed on the
        multimedia system correspond to the screens
        and features provided by Google or Apple. They
        are subject to changes according to the policy
        of the respective company.


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      Bluetooth® Wireless Technology

     Bluetooth® Wireless Technology

     Before using the Bluetooth                              •• Excessive use or operations while driving may    Pairing and connecting the
                                                                lead to negligent driving practices and be the
     hands-free                                                 cause of accidents. Do not operate the device
                                                                                                                 unit and a Bluetooth phone
                                                                excessively while driving.                       To use the Bluetooth feature, make sure the
     What is Bluetooth Wireless
                                                             •• Viewing the screen for prolonged periods of      Bluetooth on your phone is turned on. Refer to
     Technology?                                                                                                 your phone’s user guide.
                                                                time is dangerous and may lead to accidents.
     •• Bluetooth Wireless Technology refers to a short-        When driving, view the screen only for short
        distance wireless networking technology which           periods of time.                                 When no phones have been paired
        uses a 2402 MHz ~ 2480 MHz frequency to
                                                                                                                    Press [ ] > [All menus] > [Phone]. Or press
        connect various devices within a certain distance.   Cautions upon connecting Bluetooth
     •• Supported within PCs, external devices, Bluetooth                                                           [ ] on the steering wheel remote control.
        phones, PDAs, various electronic devices, and                                                               •• [Cancel]: Cancels Bluetooth connection.
        automotive environments, Bluetooth Wireless          •• Before connecting the head unit with the
                                                                mobile phone, check to see that the mobile       2. In your phone, initiate a search for Bluetooth
        Technology is transmitted at high speeds without
        having to use a connector cable.                        phone supports Bluetooth features.                  devices. (The default vehicle name is
                                                                                                                    HYUNDAI MOTORS.)
     •• Bluetooth hands-free refers to a device which        •• If you do not want automatic connection with
        allows the user to conveniently make phone calls        your Bluetooth device, turn the Bluetooth        3. 1) If the SSP (Secure Simple Pairing) is not
        with Bluetooth mobile phones through the system.        feature off on the Bluetooth device.                   supported, enter the passkey on your
     •• The Bluetooth hands-free feature may not be                                                                    Bluetooth device. (The default passkey
                                                             •• Park the vehicle when pairing the head unit
        supported in some mobile phones.                                                                               is 0000.)
                                                                with the mobile phone.
                                                                                                                     2) If the SSP (Secure Simple Pairing) is
     Precautions for safe driving                            •• Some Bluetooth features may occasionally not
                                                                                                                         supported, press [Yes] on the pop-up
     •• Bluetooth hands-free is a feature that enables          operate properly depending on the firmware
                                                                                                                         screen of your Bluetooth device.
        drivers to practice safe driving. Connecting the        version of your mobile phone. If such features
                                                                                                                        (The pop-up screen may differ from the
        head unit with a Bluetooth phone allows the             can be operated after receiving a S/W upgrade
                                                                                                                          actual information of the Bluetooth device.)
        user to conveniently make calls, receive calls,         from your mobile phone manufacturer, unpair
        and manage the phone book. Before using                 all devices and pair again before use.           4. Bluetooth device is connected.
        Bluetooth Wireless Technology, carefully read                                                               The mobile phone contacts and the calling
        the contents of this owner’s manual.                                                                        list are downloaded.
                                                                                                                    When the connection fails, a failure message
                                                                                                                    is displayed on the screen.


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     Bluetooth® Wireless Technology

     When a phone is already paired                         2) When using [    ] button, press [   ].       5. Bluetooth device is connected.
        Press [ ] > [All menus] > [Phone]. Or press                                                             The mobile phone contacts and the calling
        [ ] on the steering wheel remote control.                                                               list are downloaded.
                                                                                                                When the connection fails, failure message is
     2. Press the device from the Bluetooth device
                                                                                                                displayed on the screen.
        list pop-up screen.
         If you want to pair additional device, press                                                       Notes
         [Add new]. Follow the steps 3-4 of “When                                                           •• For safety reasons, pairing a Bluetooth phone
         no phones have been paired”.                                                                          is not possible when the vehicle is in motion.
                                                        2. 1) Select the device you want to connect.
                                                                                                               Park the vehicle in a safe location to pair a
     When pairing additional device                         2) If there is no device you want to
                                                                                                               Bluetooth phone. It is possible to pair up to 5
                                                               connect, press [Add new].
     1. 1) W
            hen using [SETUP] button, press                                                                   mobile phones. In order to pair new phone, you
           [SETUP] > [Bluetooth] > [Bluetooth           3. In your phone, initiate a search for Bluetooth      must first delete one of the previously paired
           connections].                                   devices. (The default vehicle name is               phones.
                                                           HYUNDAI MOTORS.)
                                                                                                            •• Some functions may not be supported due to
                                                        4. 1) If the SSP (Secure Simple Pairing) is not       limited Bluetooth compatibility.
                                                              supported, enter the passkey on your
                                                                                                            •• When a Bluetooth device is connected, a new
                                                              Bluetooth device. (The default passkey
                                                                                                               device cannot be paired.
                                                              is 0000.)
                                                            2) If the SSP (Secure Simple Pairing) is
                                                               supported, press [Yes] on the pop-up
                                                               screen of your Bluetooth device.
                                                               (The pop-up screen may differ from
                                                               the actual information of the Bluetooth


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     Bluetooth® Wireless Technology

     Disconnecting the connected phone               Deleting Bluetooth devices                          Making a call by entering
     1. Press [SETUP] > [Bluetooth] > [Bluetooth     If you do not need to use a phone any longer,       phone number
        connections].                                you can delete it. Note that deleting a Bluetooth
                                                     device will delete all calling list and contact     Connect your unit and Bluetooth phone before
     2. Select the connected phone.                                                                      making a call.
                                                     1. Press [SETUP] > [Bluetooth] > [Bluetooth         1. Enter the phone number using the keypad on
                                                          connections] > [Delete devices].                  the phone screen.
                                                                                                         2. Press [ ] on the phone screen or [          ] on
                                                                                                            the steering wheel remote control.

                                                                                                         If you press the wrong number, press [        ] to
                                                                                                         delete one digit of the entered number.

     3. Press [Yes].
                                                                                                         Making a call by redialling
     Note                                                                                                Press and hold [ ] on the phone screen or [       ]
     If you want to connect the disconnected phone   2. Select the desired devices, then press           on the steering wheel remote control.
     again, select the disconnected phone.              [Delete] > [Yes].
                                                         •• [Mark all]: Marks all items.                 Note
                                                         •• [Unmark all]: Unmarks all items.             Redialling is not possible when there is no
                                                                                                         number in the dialled calls list.


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     Bluetooth® Wireless Technology

     Answering/Rejecting a call                                 As shown below, the call is switched to the   Using the menu during a
                                                                mobile phone.
     1. If there is an incoming call, a pop-up                                                                phone call
        message will appear.                                                                                  When making a call, you can use the following
     2. Press [Accept] in the pop-up message or                                                               menu items.
        [ ] on the steering wheel remote control.
         To reject a call, select [Reject] in the
         pop-up message or [ ] on the steering                                                                                                       E
         wheel remote control.
     •• If the Call-ID service is available, the caller’s   2. If you want to switch the call to the car                A                  B         C
        phone number is displayed.                             hands-free while talking on the mobile
     •• If caller’s phone number is saved in the phone         phone, press [Use hands-free] on the screen
        book, the caller’s name is displayed on the unit.      or press and hold [ ] on the steering wheel       Position              Description
     •• Upon receiving a call, the [Reject] function           remote control.
                                                                                                               A            Switches a voice call from the
        may not be supported in some mobile phones.             The call is switched to the car hands-free.                 car hands-free to the mobile
     Switching call to the mobile                           Ending a call                                      B            Ends a call.
     phone                                                  1. To end a call, press [ ] on the phone
     1. If you want to switch the call to the mobile           screen or [ ] on the steering wheel             C            Moves to a screen for
        phone while talking on the car hands-free,                                                                          entering ARS numbers.
                                                               remote control.
        press [Use private] on the screen or press          2. The call is ended.                              D            Sets the microphone volume.
        and hold [ ] on the steering wheel remote
        control.                                                                                               E            Displays the contacts list.


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     Bluetooth® Wireless Technology

     Calling list                                            Downloading call history                         Contacts
                                                             You can download the call history information
     Making a call from calling list                         from your mobile phone.                          Making a call from contacts
     1. Press [     ] on the phone screen.                   1. Press [ ] on the phone screen.                1. Press [ ] on the phone screen.
                                                             2. Press [Menu] > [Download] > [Yes].               The contacts are displayed on the screen.

     2.	Press [All], [Dialled], [Received] or [Missed].
         •• [All]: Displays all calling list.                                                                 2.	Select the contact you want to call from the
                                                             Notes                                                list of contacts.
         •• [Dialled]: Displays the outgoing calling list.   •• Up to 50 received, dialled, and missed call
         •• [Received]: Displays the incoming calling           history lists can be downloaded.
            list.                                            •• The download feature may not be supported
         •• [Missed]: Displays the missed calling list.         in some mobile phones. Check to see that
     3.	Press the entry you want to call.                      the Bluetooth device supports the download
     The calling list may not be saved in some mobile


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     Bluetooth® Wireless Technology

     Downloading mobile phone contacts                Searching by name or number                      Favourites
     You can download contacts from your mobile       You can search contacts for the name or number
     phone.                                           that you enter.                                  Calling favourites
     1. Press [ ] on the phone screen.                1. Press [ ] > [Menu] > [Search] on the          If the phone number has already been stored in
     2. Press [Menu] > [Download] > [Yes].                phone screen.                                the favourites, it can be easily called by tapping
                                                                                                       on it.
                                                                                                       First of all, add the phone number in the
                                                                                                       favourites. (Refer to the “Adding as a favourite”
                                                                                                       on page 50.)
                                                                                                       1. Press [     ] on the phone screen.

                                                      2. Enter the name or number, then press [OK].
                                                      3. Select the contact you want to call.
     •• Upon downloading mobile phone contacts, the
        previous data is deleted.
     •• This feature may not be supported in some
        mobile phones.
                                                                                                                      <Favourites screen>
                                                                                                       2.	Select the desired favourite.


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     Bluetooth® Wireless Technology

     Adding as a favourite                          Note                                                Phone settings
     Up to 10 contacts can be added to favourites   If the phone numbers have already been stored
                                                                                                        This menu describes phone settings.
     menu.                                          in the favourites, you can add or delete them by
                                                    pressing [Menu] > [Edit].                           1. Press [    ] on the phone screen.
     1. Press [    ] > [Add new] on the phone
                                                                                                        2. For details, refer to the “Bluetooth” on page
        screen.                                     Deleting favourites                                    53.
                                                    1. Press [    ] on the phone screen.
                                                    2. Press [Menu] > [Delete items].

     2.	Select one of the contacts.

                                                    3. Select the desired item, then press [Delete] >
                                                        •• [Mark all]: Marks all items.
                                                        •• [Unmark all]: Unmarks all items.

     3. Press [    ] > [Close] > [     ].


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     [Settings] menu overview                     Sound                                               •• [Equaliser]: This menu allows you to set
                      [Settings] menu             This menu is used to adjust the sound effects for
                                                                                                          --Press [-]/[+] to control
                                                  the whole system. (It may vary depending on the           [BASS]/[MID][TREBLE] settings.
                  Sound                           type of vehicle.)
                                                                                                          --Drag the slide bar to control
                  Display                         1. Press [SETUP] > [Sound].                               [BASS]/[MID][TREBLE] settings.
                  Bluetooth                                                                               --Press [Centre] to initialize the settings.
                  Phone projection                                                                    •• [Volume ratio]:
                  Custom button                                                                           --[Navigation prioritised]: Lowering of all
                                                                                                            other audio volumes during playback of
                  Date/Time                                                                                 navigation prompts.
                  Language                                                                                --[Reverse warning priority]: Lowering of
                  Keyboard                                                                                  audio volumes when the shift lever is set
                                                                                                            to reverse.
                                                                                                          --[Volume limitation on startup]: If the
                  Advanced                                                                                  audio volume is exceeding the defined
                  System info                     2. Select the desired items.                              maximum upon vehicle start, it is lowered
                                                      •• [Position]: This menu allows you to set            accordingly.
                                                         the sound position. For example, you can
                                                         set the sound close to the driver-seat so
                                                         that the volume is relatively lower in the
                                                         passenger or rear seats.
                                                         --Drag and drop the dot to a desired place
                                                           to adjust the sound position.
                                                         --Press [ ]/[ ]/[ ]/[ ] to control
                                                           the sound positioning.
                                                         --Press [ ] to concentrate the sound in
                                                           the centre of the vehicle.


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         •• [Advanced]:                                  Display                                              •• [Brightness]:
            --[SDVC]: This menu allows you to control                                                             --Press [-]/[+] to set display brightness
              automatically the audio volume according   This menu is used to change the display
                                                         environment settings.                                      for daylight or night mode.
              to the speed of the vehicle.
                                                         1. Press [SETUP] > [Display].                         --Drag the slide bar to control the display
         •• [Default]: Resets the sound settings to
            factory default.                                                                                     brightness settings.
         •• [Beep]: This menu allows you to play a                                                             --Press [Centre] to initialize the settings.
            beep sound whenever you operate the                                                               •• [Adjust]: This menu can be set in video
            touch screen. Press [Beep].                                                                          mode.
                                                                                                                 --Press [-]/[+] to control [Brightness]/
                                                                                                                   [Contrast]/[Saturation] settings.
                                                                                                               --Drag the slide bar to control [Brightness]
                                                                                                                 /[Contrast]/[Saturation] settings.
                                                                                                               --Press [Centre] to initialize the settings.
                                                         2. Select the desired items.
                                                                                                              •• [Ratio]: Sets the display ratio according
                                                            •• [Dimming]: Sets the display brightness            to mode changes. This menu can be set in
                                                               according to mode changes.                        video mode.
                                                               --[Auto-illumination]: Adjusts the                --[Normal]: Adjusts the screen to 4:3.
                                                                 brightness automatically according to
                                                                 surrounding brightness.                         --[Full]: Adjusts the screen to full screen
                                                               --[Daylight]: Always keeps the brightness
                                                                 high regardless of surrounding brightness.      --[Wide]: Adjusts the screen to 16:9.
                                                               --[Night]: Always keeps the brightness low     •• [Default]: Resets the display settings to
                                                                 regardless of surrounding brightness.           factory default.
                                                                                                              •• [Display Off]: Press [Display Off] to turn
                                                                                                                 the screen off. Press the screen itself
                                                                                                                 again to turn the screen on.


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     Bluetooth                                        D [Add new]: Registers a new Bluetooth           Auto connection priority
                                                        device.                                        If auto connection priority is turned on,
     This menu describes Bluetooth phone settings.
                                                      E [Delete devices]: Moves to "Delete devices".   a Bluetooth device will automatically be
     Bluetooth connections                            F [Help]: Switches to the Bluetooth connection   connected according to the option setting when
                                                        help screen.                                   the car ignition is turned on.
     This menu is used to pair and connect the head
     unit and a Bluetooth phone.                                                                       1. Press [SETUP] > [Bluetooth] > [Auto
                                                                                                            connection priority].
     Press [SETUP] > [Bluetooth] > [Bluetooth


           A                       BC

                D                     E
                                                                                                       2. Select the desired items.
     A Paired device list: Displays the paired                                                         Note
       Bluetooth device list. When selecting from                                                      If there is no phone selected, the previously
       the list, the device is either connected or                                                     connected phone will be automatically connected.
       disconnected.                                                                                   If there are no previously connected phones, the
     B Bluetooth audio connection status: An icon                                                      system will try to connect to devices in the list in
       appears when you make a Bluetooth audio                                                         order.
     C Bluetooth hands-free connection status: An
       icon appears when you make a Bluetooth
       hands-free connection.


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     System Bluetooth info                         Passkey                                             Phone projection
                                                   You can change the passkey used for Bluetooth       This menu describes phone projection settings.
     Vehicle name                                  device authentication.
                                                                                                       1. Press [SETUP] > [Phone projection].
     You can change the Bluetooth device name of   1. Press [SETUP] > [Bluetooth] > [System
     the vehicle.                                     Bluetooth info] > [Passkey].
     1. Press [SETUP] > [Bluetooth] > [System
        Bluetooth info] > [Vehicle name].

                                                                                                       2. Press the desired items.
                                                                                                           •• [Android Auto]: If Android Auto is checked,
                                                   2. Enter the passkey using the keypad, then
                                                                                                              you can use the functions of your Android
                                                      press [OK].
                                                                                                              device with a USB cable connected.
     2. Enter the desired name using the keypad,   Note
        then press [OK].                                                                                   •• [Apple CarPlay]: If Apple CarPlay is
                                                   The passkey is a 4-digit authentication code used          checked, you can use the functions of your
                                                   for a Bluetooth connection between the mobile              iPhone with a USB cable connected.
                                                   phone and car system. The default passkey is set
     The default vehicle name is set to HYUNDAI
                                                   to 0000.                                            Note
                                                                                                       This [Phone projection] menu cannot be
                                                   Default                                             operated if any USB device, iPod or Android
                                                   This menu is used to reset the Bluetooth settings   Auto/Apple CarPlay device has been connected
                                                   to factory default.                                 to the system.
                                                   Press [SETUP] > [Bluetooth] > [Default] > [Yes].


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     Custom button                                      Date/Time                                            Language
     You can assign a function to custom button.        This menu describes date and clock settings.         This menu is used to set the language of the
     1. Press [SETUP] > [Custom button].                1. Press [SETUP] > [Date/Time].                      system.
                                                                                                             1. Press [SETUP] > [Language].

     2. Select the desired function.                    2. Select the desired items.
                                                            •• [GPS time]: Displays time according to the    2. Select the desired language.
     Note                                                      received GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite
     After setting a desired function, press and hold          System) time.
     [ ] on the head unit to move to the [Custom
                                                            •• [24-hour]: Switches to 12 hour or 24 hour.
     button settings] menu.
                                                            •• [Daylight savings time]: Turns the daylight
                                                               savings time on or off. When daylight
                                                               savings time is turned on, the clock is
                                                               moved forward one hour.


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     Keyboard                                                                                              2. Select the desired items.
     This menu is used to configure the keyboard                                                               •• [Media change notifications]: If the box is
     layout for each language.                                                                                    checked, the notification pop-up for media
                                                                                                                  information will be shown on the top of the
     1. Press [SETUP] > [Keyboard].
                                                                                                                  screen, whenever a content changes.
     2. Select the keyboard type.
                                                                                                               •• [Steering whl mode button]: Selects the
                                                                                                                  desired feature when you press
                                                                                                                  [ (MODE)] on the steering wheel to
                                                                                                                  toggle media modes.
                                                        2. Select the desired item.
                                                                                                               •• [Auto comfort control]: This menu allows
                                                           •• [Digital]: The digital clock and date is
                                                                                                                  you to set [Steering wheel warmer] or
                                                                                                                  [Seat heating/vent].
                                                           •• [Analogue]: The analogue clock and date is
                                                              displayed.                                        --[Steering wheel warmer]: If the
                                                                                                                  box is checked, the steering wheel
                                                           •• [None]: Nothing is displayed.
                                                                                                                  heating temperature will be adjusted
         •• [Default keyboard]: Select [Latin], or
            [Cyrillic].                                                                                           automatically.
         •• [Keyboard type]: Select [QWERTY],                                                                   --[Seat heating/vent]: If the box is checked,
                                                        This menu describes advanced settings.                    the driver’s seat heat / ventilation will be
            [QWERTZ], [AZERTY] or [ABCD].
                                                        1. Press [SETUP] > [Advanced].                            controled automatically.
     This menu is used to select the screen displayed
     when the screen or power is turned off.
     1. Press [SETUP] > [Screensaver].


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     System info                                         Notes                                              Default
                                                         •• This product requires regular updates for       This menu is used to reset all settings specified
     Version info                                           software corrections, new functions and map     by the user.
     You can view software version and firmware             updates. Updating may require up to 1 hour
                                                            depending on the data size.                     1. Press [SETUP] > [System info] > [Default].
                                                         •• Turning off the power or ejecting the SD card   2. Press [Default] > [Yes].
     Press [SETUP] > [System info] > [Version info].
                                                            during the update process may result in data
     Update                                                 loss.                                           Note
                                                                                                            This [Default] menu cannot be operated if any
     For system’s software security, new function        •• Please use only the SD card that was included
     addition, and map update, you need an update.                                                          USB device, iPod or Android Auto/Apple CarPlay
                                                            with the vehicle purchase.                      device has been connected to the system.
     1. Press [SETUP] > [System info] > [Version         •• The use of a separately purchased SD card
        info].                                              may result in damage due to heat related
                                                         •• Product malfunctions caused by the use of
                                                            separately purchased SD cards shall not be
                                                            covered within the product warranty.
                                                         •• Repeatedly connecting/disconnecting the
                                                            SD card in a short period of time may cause
                                                            damage to the device.

     2. Insert the SD card with latest file downloaded
        into the SD card slot.
     3. Press [Update] > [OK].
         Once updating is completed, the system will
         automatically restart.


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Using rear view monitor - option                                                                                                 Befo

     Using rear view monitor - option

     About rear view monitor
     Rear view monitor is an option for the customers                     C
     who selected the option.                                                               B
     Rear view monitor is parking guide system, when
     the ignition switch is on and a car start-up with                                   A
     being in R position of a transmission lever.
     •• Rear view monitor has an optical lens to secure
        wide view, so there is a little difference in the   A Driving direction lines (yellow)
        distance shown on the screen. For safety, make      B These lines show the directions of the
        sure to check the rear, left, and right view by       vehicle according to the steering angle.
                                                            C Neutral direction lines (blue)
     •• The colour of the parking guide line on the           These lines indicate your vehicle’s
        screen may differ from reality.
                                                              expected path with the steering wheel
                                                              in the neutral position. It can help you
                                                              determine whether the vehicle is in the
                                                              correct position in a parking space and
                                                              prevent you from parking too close to
                                                              the next vehicle.
                                                            D Crash warning lines (red)
                                                              These lines are to prevent a collision.


PIO_LX2 LNM1981NMLX_LNM1980NMLX.CIS ENG.indd 58                                                          2018-12-21   12:00:58

Before thinking there is a product defect

     Before thinking there is a product defect

     The current car position as shown on                   •• When the tire pressure for the 4 tires are       •• A route guidance signaling for a U-turn may
     the navigation may differ from the                        different.                                          occur in some no U-turn intersections.
     actual position under the following                    •• When the replacement tire is worn or used        •• Route guidance signaling entrance into a no-
     conditions.                                               (Especially studless tires having passed a          entry zone may occur (no-entry zone, road
     •• When driving on Y-shaped roads with narrow             second season).                                     under construction, etc.).
        angles the current position may be displayed in     •• When driving near high-rise buildings.           •• Guidance may be given to a position that is
        the opposite direction.                             •• When a roof carrier has been installed.             not the actual destination if roads to reach
     •• Within city streets, the current position may be    •• When a long distance route is calculated            the actual destination do not exist or are too
        displayed on the opposite side or on an off-           while driving on an expressway, in such cases,      narrow.
        road position.                                         continued driving will automatically enable      •• Faulty voice guidance may be given if the
     • When changing the zoom level from maximum
      •                                                        the system to conduct map matching or use           vehicle breaks away from the designated
        to a different level, the current position may be      updated GNSS information to provide the             route. (e.g. if a turn is made at an intersection
        displayed on a different road.                         current position (In such cases, up to several      while the navigation provided guidance to go
     •• If the vehicle is loaded onto a ferry or a car         minutes may be required).                           straight.)
        transport vehicle, the current position may be      Correct route guidance may not occur                These situations may occur after
        stalled on the last position prior to loading.      due to search conditions or driving                 conducting route calculation. The
     •• When entering a road after passing an               position. The following occurrences are             following occurrences are not
        underground parking structure, building parking     not malfunctions:                                   malfunctions:
        structure, or roads with many rotations.
                                                            •• Guidance to go straight may be given while       •• Guidance may be given to a position differing
     • When driving in heavy traffic with frequent
      •                                                        driving on a straight road.                         from the current position when turning at an
        starts and stops.                                                                                          intersection.
                                                            •• Guidance may not be given even when turning
     • When driving under slippery conditions, such as
      •                                                        onto an intersection.                            •• When driving in high speeds, route recalculation
        heavy sand, snow, etc..                                                                                    may take a longer period of time.
                                                            •• There are certain intersections in which
     •• When the tires have recently been replaced             guidance may not occur.
        (Especially upon use of spare or studless tires).
     •• When using tires of improper size.


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     Before thinking there is a product defect

     1. Errors which occur during the operation or installation of the device may be mistaken as a malfunction of the actual device.
     2. If you are having problems with the device, try the suggestions listed below.
     3. If the problems persist, contact your authorised Hyundai dealer.

                       Problem                                                                    Possible Cause
      There are small red, blue, or green dots    Because the LCD is manufactured with technology requiring high point density, a pixel or lighting deficiency
      on the screen                               may occur within 0.01% of total pixels.
      The sound or image is not working           •• Has the switch for the vehicle been turned to [ACC] or [ON]?
                                                  •• Has the system been turned off?
      The screen is being displayed but sound     •• Has the volume been set to a low level?
      is not working                              •• Has the volume been muted?
      When the power is turned on, the corners •• The display appearing somewhat dark after prolonged periods of use is normal with LCD panels. It is not a
      of the screen are dark                      malfunction.
                                               •• If the screen is very dark, contact your nearest authorised Hyundai dealer for assistance.
      Sound is working from only one speaker      Are the positions of fader or balance sound controls adjusted to only one side?
      The external device is not working          Is the external device connected with a standard connector cable?
      When turning power on, the most recent      Within modes that play files by reading external sources, such as USB, iPod, or Bluetooth® streaming mode, the
      mode screen is not displayed                most recently played mode screen prior to turning off power may not properly load.
                                                  •• If the corresponding device is not connected, the mode operated prior to the most recent mode will operate.
                                                  •• If the previous mode still cannot be properly played, the mode operated prior to that will operate.


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             Problem                       Possible Cause                                                    Countermeasure
      The power does not     The fuse is disconnected.                   •• Replace with a suitable fuse.
      turn on.                                                           •• If the fuse is disconnected again, please contact your authorised Hyundai dealer.

                             Device is not properly connected.           Check to see that the device has been properly connected.
      The system does not    The vehicle battery is low.                 Charge the battery if the problem persists, contact your authorised Hyundai dealer.
      The image colour/      The brightness, saturation, and contrast    Properly adjust the brightness, saturation, and contrast levels through display setup.
      tone quality is low.   levels are not set properly.
      Sound does not         The volume level is set to the lowest level. Adjust the volume level.
                             The connection is not proper.               Check to see that the device has been properly connected.
                             The device is currently fast-forwarding,    The sound will not work when the device is fast-forwarding, rewinding, scanning, or
                             rewinding, scanning, or playing in slow     playing in slow mode.


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            Problem                           Possible Cause                                                   Countermeasure
      The sound or image     Vibration is occurring from where the conversion The sound may be short circuited and the image distorted if the device vibrates.
      quality is low.        switch has been installed.
                             Image colour/tone quality is low.                 The device will return to normal once vibrations stop.
      The USB does not       USB memory is damaged.                            Please use after formatting the USB into FAT 16/32, exFAT or NTFS format.
                             USB memory has been contaminated.                 Remove any foreign substances on the contact surface of the USB memory and
                                                                               multimedia terminal.
                             A separately purchased USB hub is being used.     Directly connect the USB memory with the multimedia terminal on the vehicle.

                             A USB extension cable is being used.              Directly connect the USB memory with the multimedia terminal on the vehicle.

                             A USB which is not a metal cover type USB         Use standard USB memory.
                             memory is being used.
                             An HDD type, CF, SD memory is being used.         Use standard USB memory.
                             There are no music files which can be played.     Only MP3, WMA, OGG, FLAC and WAV file formats are supported. Please use
                                                                               only the supported music file formats.
      The iPod is not        There are no titles which can be played.          Use iTunes to download and save MP3 files into the iPod.
      recognised even
                             The iPod firmware version has not been properly Use iTunes to update the firmware version and reconnect the iPod with the
      though it has been
                             updated.                                        device.
                             The iPod device does not recognise downloads.     Reset the iPod and reconnect with the device.


PIO_LX2 LNM1981NMLX_LNM1980NMLX.CIS ENG.indd 62                                                                                                    2018-12-21    12:00:58

       Trademarks and licenses

     Trademarks and licenses

     Bluetooth® Wireless Technology                      DivX®

     The Bluetooth Wireless Technology word mark
     and logos are registered trademarks owned by        This DivX Certified® device can play DivX® HD
     Bluetooth Wireless Technology SIG, Inc.             video files (including .avi, .divx).
                                                         Download free software at to
                                                         create, play and stream digital videos.
     iPod® is a registered trademark of Apple Inc.
                                                         DivX®, DivX Certified® and associated logos
     OPEN SOURCE SOFTWARE NOTICE                         are trademarks of DivX, LLC and are used under
     To obtain the source code under GPL, LGPL,
                                                         Covered by one or more of the following U.S.
     MPL and other open source licenses, that is
                                                         patents: 8,731,369; 9,369,687; RE45,052.
     contained in this product, please visit http://
     In addition to the source code, all referred
     license terms, warranty disclaimers and copyright
     notices are available for download.
     LG Electronics will also provide open source code
     to you on CD-ROM for a charge covering the
     cost of performing such distribution (such as the
     cost of media, shipping and handling) upon email
     request to This offer is
     valid for three (3) years from the date on which
     you purchased the product.


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                      Power supply            DC 14.4 V                                            AM
                      Operating power         DC 9 V ~ DC 16 V                                     Tuning range              522 kHz ~ 1620 kHz
                      Current consumption     Maximum 14 A                                         Usable sensitivity        35 dBuV
                      Dark current            Maximum 1 mA                                         Signal-to-noise ratio     Minimum 45 dB
      Common                                                                                       FM
                      Operating temperature -20 °C ~ +65 °C
                                                                                                   Tuning range              87.50 MHz ~ 108.00 MHz
                      Storage temperature     -30 °C ~ +75 °C                                      Usable sensitivity        10 dBuV
                      Dimensions              222.5 mm (W) Χ 157.4 mm (H)                          Signal-to-noise ratio     Minimum 50 dB
                      (Head unit)             Χ 182.5 mm (D)
                                                                                                                             203.2 mm (8 inches)
                      Weight (Head unit)      1.72 kg                                              Screen size               176.4 (W) x 99.36 (H) mm
                                              HFP 1.6, A2DP 1.2,                                                             (Active area)
                      Supported profile
                                              AVRCP 1.5, PBAP 1.1
                                                                                  TFT-LCD          Resolution                384,000 pixel
                      Supported Bluetooth
                                              3.0                                                  Operating method          TFT (Thin Film Transistor)
      Bluetooth                                                                                    Viewing angle             R/L/U/D 89 (Typ)
                      Frequency range         2402 MHz ~ 2480 MHz
                                                                                                   Internal lighting         LED
                      Output power
                                              4.0 dBm                            •• Designs and specifications are subject to change without prior notice.
                      (Max, Class2)
                      Number of channels      79


PIO_LX2 LNM1981NMLX_LNM1980NMLX.CIS ENG.indd 64                                                                                                    2018-12-21   12:00:58

                                                                    LIMITED WARRANTY  
                                                  ORIGINAL NAVIGATION HEAD UNIT SUPPLIED BY VEHICLE DEALER

     Product :
     Product No. :

     1. V
         ehicle Dealer Shop (“Dealer”) warrants to you that the Hardware will be free from defects in workmanship and materials under normal use (“Defects”)
        for a period of three (3) years/60,000km from the date that the Hardware was first installed by DEALER (“Warranty Period”). During the Warranty Period
        the Hardware will be repaired or replaced at DEALER’s choice (“Limited Warranty”) without charge to you for either parts or labor. This Limited Warranty
        covers the replacement of the head unit including of the Hardware only.

     2. The
         Limited Warranty does not apply to normal wear and tear, does not apply when the Hardware is opened or repaired by someone not authorized by
        DEALER and does not cover repair or replacement of any Hardware or part thereof damaged by: misuse, moisture liquids, proximity or exposure to heat
        and accident, abuse, non-compliance with the instructions supplied with the Hardware, neglect or misapplication. The Limited Warranty does not cover
        physical damage to the surface of the Hardware. This Limited Warranty does not cover any software that may accompany or be installed on the Hardware.
        The Limited Warranty does not cover the installation, removal or maintenance of the Hardware or any costs related herewith.

     3. In
         order to make a claim of a Defect, you must contact DEALER. If a defect arises and a valid claim under this Limited Warranty is received by DEALER
        after the first 3yrs/60,000km of the Warranty Period, DEALER is entitled to charge you for any reasonable shipping and handling costs made in connection
        with the repair or replacement of the Hardware. You must comply with any other return procedures stipulated by DEALER, if any.


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     4. Some countries may not allow the exclusion or limitation of damages. If any part of this Limited Warranty is held to be invalid or unenforceable, the
         remainder of the Limited Warranty shall nonetheless remain in full force and effect.
     5. This Limited Warranty is the only express warranty made to you and is provided in place of any other express warranties or similar obligations (if any)
         created by any advertising, documentation, packaging, or other communications.
     6. Except for the Limited Warranty and to the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, DEALER and its suppliers provide the Hardware “AS IS AND WITH
         ALL FAULTS”, and hereby disclaim all other warranties and conditions, whether express, implied or statutory, including, but not limited to, any (if any)
         implied warranties, duties or conditions of satisfactory quality, of fitness for a particular purpose, of reliability or availability, of accuracy or completeness
         of responses, of results, of workmanlike effort, of lack of viruses, and of reasonable care and skill, all with regard to the Hardware, and the provision of
         or failure to provide support or other services, information, software, and related content through the Hardware or otherwise arising out of the use of the
         Hardware. Also, there is no warranty or condition of quiet enjoyment, quiet possession, or non-infringement with regard to the Hardware.
     7. This Limited Warranty does not affect any legal rights under applicable national legislation governing the sale of consumer goods.
     8. This Limited Warranty cannot be transferred to any other person.

     9. Neither DEALER nor its suppliers shall be liable to you or to any third party for any damages either direct, indirect, incidental, consequential or otherwise
         (including in each case, but not limited to, damages for the inability to use the equipment or access data, loss of data, loss of business, loss of profits,
         business interruption or the like) arising out of the use of or inability to use the Hardware even if DEALER has been advised of the possibility of such
     10. Notwithstanding any damages that you might incur for any reason whatsoever, the entire liability of DEALER and any of its suppliers shall be limited to the
         amount actually paid by you for the Hardware.
     11. DEALER shall not be liable for
         (I) any fraud on the part of its employees and/or agents; or
         (I) any fraudulent misrepresentation on the part of its employees and/or agents.
     12. Notwithstanding the above, neither party’s liability for death or personal injury resulting from its own negligence shall be limited.


PIO_LX2 LNM1981NMLX_LNM1980NMLX.CIS ENG.indd 66                                                                                                               2018-12-21   12:00:58

         FCC Information to User
         This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the
         FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential
         installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in
         accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee
         that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or
         television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct
         the interference by one of the following measures:
         • Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
         • Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.
         • Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is con-nected.
         • Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.

         Modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user’s authority to operate
         the equipment.

         FCC Compliance Information : This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following
         two conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference
         received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.

         FCC RF Radiation Exposure Statement:
         This equipment complies with FCC RF radiation exposure limits set forth for an uncontrolled environment. This equipment
         should be installed and operated with a minimum distance of 20 centimeters between the radiator and your body. This
         transmitter must not be co-located or operating in conjunction with any other antenna or transmitter.

PIO_LX2 LNM1981NMLX_LNM1980NMLX.CIS ENG.indd 67                                                                        2018-12-21   12:00:58

                                                  <Technical support>

                                                    Moscow, Garibaldy str. 36

                                                      Tel : +7 495 318 1527

                                                    e-mail :

                                                                                P/N:MFLXXXXXXXX (O/M)

PIO_LX2 LNM1981NMLX_LNM1980NMLX.CIS ENG.indd 68                                             2018-12-21   12:00:58

Document Created: 2019-01-29 15:17:33
Document Modified: 2019-01-29 15:17:33

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This site is not affiliated with or endorsed by the FCC