BLE Test Report Part 3


Test Report

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                                                                                                  FCC ID : BEJLGSBWAC92 /
Report No.: HCT-RF-1807-FI014
                                                                                                  ISED : 2703H-LGSBWAC92

   Operation Mode: CH.19
   Frequency    Reading   Duty Cycle Factor   A.F.+C.L.-A.G.+D.F.   ANT. POL    Total     Limit      Margin Measurement

     [MHz]     [dBuV/m]        [dB]               [dBm]               [H/V]    [dBuV/m] [dBuV/m]      [dB]      Type

     4880        51.17           0                 2.56                V        53.73    73.98       20.25      PK
     4880        39.11         0.72                2.56                V        42.39    53.98       11.59      AV
     7320        50.23           0                 9.72                V        59.95    73.98       14.03      PK
     7320        38.49         0.72                9.72                V        48.93    53.98        5.05      AV
     4880        51.24           0                 2.56                H         53.8    73.98       20.18      PK
     4880        39.12         0.72                2.56                H         42.4    53.98       11.58      AV
     7320        50.37           0                 9.72                H        60.09    73.98       13.89      PK
     7320        38.52         0.72                9.72                H        48.96    53.98        5.02      AV

   1. Measuring frequencies from 1 GHz to the 10th harmonic of highest fundamental frequency.
   2. Measurements above show only up to 6 maximum emissions noted, or would be lesser if
     no specific emissions from the EUT are recorded (ie: margin > 20 dB from the applicable
     limit) and considered that's already beyond the background noise floor.
   3. Radiated emissions measured in frequency above 1000MHz were made with an
     instrument using Peak detector mode and average detector mode of the emission shown
     in Actual FS column.
   4. Total = Reading Value + Antenna Factor + Cable Loss - Amp Gain + Distance Factor
             + Duty Cycle Factor
   5. Distance extrapolation factor = 20 log (test distance / specific distance) (dB)
   6. We have done x, y, z planes in EUT and horizontal and vertical polarization in detecting antenna.
   7. 5.0 LE: 1M PHY

    F-TP22-03 (Rev.00)                                     91 / 120                                HCT CO.,LTD.

                                                                                                  FCC ID : BEJLGSBWAC92 /
Report No.: HCT-RF-1807-FI014
                                                                                                  ISED : 2703H-LGSBWAC92

   Operation Mode: CH.39
   Frequency    Reading   Duty Cycle Factor   A.F.+C.L.-A.G.+D.F.   ANT. POL    Total     Limit      Margin Measurement

     [MHz]     [dBuV/m]        [dB]               [dBm]               [H/V]    [dBuV/m] [dBuV/m]      [dB]      Type

     4960        51.88           0                 2.66                V        54.54    73.98       19.44      PK
     4960        39.18         0.72                2.66                V        42.56    53.98       11.42      AV
     7440        50.47           0                10.20                V        60.67    73.98       13.31      PK
     7440        38.22         0.72               10.20                V        49.14    53.98        4.84      AV
     4960        52.24           0                 2.66                H         54.9    73.98       19.08      PK
     4960        39.21         0.72                2.66                H        42.59    53.98       11.39      AV
     7440        50.51           0                10.20                H        60.71    73.98       13.27      PK
     7440        38.25         0.72               10.20                H        49.17    53.98        4.81      AV

   1. Measuring frequencies from 1 GHz to the 10th harmonic of highest fundamental frequency.
   2. Measurements above show only up to 6 maximum emissions noted, or would be lesser if
     no specific emissions from the EUT are recorded (ie: margin > 20 dB from the applicable
     limit) and considered that's already beyond the background noise floor.
   3. Radiated emissions measured in frequency above 1000MHz were made with an
     instrument using Peak detector mode and average detector mode of the emission shown
     in Actual FS column.
   4. Total = Reading Value + Antenna Factor + Cable Loss - Amp Gain + Distance Factor
             + Duty Cycle Factor
   5. Distance extrapolation factor = 20 log (test distance / specific distance) (dB)
   6. We have done x, y, z planes in EUT and horizontal and vertical polarization in detecting antenna.
   7. 5.0 LE: 1M PHY

    F-TP22-03 (Rev.00)                                     92 / 120                                HCT CO.,LTD.

                                                                                                         FCC ID : BEJLGSBWAC92 /
Report No.: HCT-RF-1807-FI014
                                                                                                         ISED : 2703H-LGSBWAC92

   Operation Mode: CH.0
   Frequency      Reading      Duty Cycle Factor   A.F.+C.L.-A.G.+D.F.   ANT. POL    Total       Limit      Margin Measurement

     [MHz]       [dBuV/m]           [dB]               [dBm]               [H/V]    [dBuV/m] [dBuV/m]        [dB]      Type

      4804         51.08              0                 2.07                V        53.15    73.98         20.83      PK
      4804         39.29            2.46                2.07                V        43.82    53.98         10.16      AV
      7206         50.17              0                 9.57                V        59.74    73.98         14.24      PK
      7206         38.58            2.46                9.57                V        50.61    53.98          3.37      AV
      4804         51.16              0                 2.07                H        53.23    73.98         20.75      PK
      4804         39.31            2.46                2.07                H        43.84    53.98         10.14      AV
      7206         50.34              0                 9.57                H        59.91    73.98         14.07      PK
      7206         38.62            2.46                9.57                H        50.65    53.98          3.33      AV

   *A.F. : Antenna Factor / C.L. : Cable Loss / A.G. : Amplifier Gain / D.F. : Distance Factor

   1. Measuring frequencies from 1 GHz to the 10th harmonic of highest fundamental frequency.
   2. Measurements above show only up to 6 maximum emissions noted, or would be lesser if
     no specific emissions from the EUT are recorded (ie: margin > 20 dB from the applicable
     limit) and considered that's already beyond the background noise floor.
   3. Radiated emissions measured in frequency above 1000 MHz were made with an
     instrument using Peak detector mode and average detector mode of the emission shown
     in Actual FS column.
   4. Total = Reading Value + Antenna Factor + Cable Loss - Amp Gain + Distance Factor
              + Duty Cycle Factor
   5. Distance extrapolation factor = 20 log (test distance / specific distance) (dB)
   6. We have done x, y, z planes in EUT and horizontal and vertical polarization in detecting antenna.
   7. 5.0 LE: 2M PHY

    F-TP22-03 (Rev.00)                                          93 / 120                                  HCT CO.,LTD.

                                                                                                  FCC ID : BEJLGSBWAC92 /
Report No.: HCT-RF-1807-FI014
                                                                                                  ISED : 2703H-LGSBWAC92

   Operation Mode: CH.19
   Frequency    Reading   Duty Cycle Factor   A.F.+C.L.-A.G.+D.F.   ANT. POL    Total     Limit      Margin Measurement

     [MHz]     [dBuV/m]        [dB]               [dBm]               [H/V]    [dBuV/m] [dBuV/m]      [dB]      Type

     4880        50.77           0                 2.56                V        53.33    73.98       20.65      PK
     4880        39.01         2.46                2.56                V        44.03    53.98        9.95      AV
     7320        50.43           0                 9.72                V        60.15    73.98       13.83      PK
     7320        38.31         2.46                9.72                V        50.49    53.98        3.49      AV
     4880        50.87           0                 2.56                H        53.43    73.98       20.55      PK
     4880        39.03         2.46                2.56                H        44.05    53.98        9.93      AV
     7320        50.59           0                 9.72                H        60.31    73.98       13.67      PK
     7320        38.34         2.46                9.72                H        50.52    53.98        3.46      AV

   1. Measuring frequencies from 1 GHz to the 10th harmonic of highest fundamental frequency.
   2. Measurements above show only up to 6 maximum emissions noted, or would be lesser if
     no specific emissions from the EUT are recorded (ie: margin > 20 dB from the applicable
     limit) and considered that's already beyond the background noise floor.
   3. Radiated emissions measured in frequency above 1000MHz were made with an
     instrument using Peak detector mode and average detector mode of the emission shown
     in Actual FS column.
   4. Total = Reading Value + Antenna Factor + Cable Loss - Amp Gain + Distance Factor
             + Duty Cycle Factor
   5. Distance extrapolation factor = 20 log (test distance / specific distance) (dB)
   6. We have done x, y, z planes in EUT and horizontal and vertical polarization in detecting antenna.
   7. 5.0 LE: 2M PHY

    F-TP22-03 (Rev.00)                                     94 / 120                                HCT CO.,LTD.

                                                                                                  FCC ID : BEJLGSBWAC92 /
Report No.: HCT-RF-1807-FI014
                                                                                                  ISED : 2703H-LGSBWAC92

   Operation Mode: CH.39
   Frequency    Reading   Duty Cycle Factor   A.F.+C.L.-A.G.+D.F.   ANT. POL    Total     Limit      Margin Measurement

     [MHz]     [dBuV/m]        [dB]               [dBm]               [H/V]    [dBuV/m] [dBuV/m]      [dB]      Type

     4960        51.20           0                 2.66                V        53.86    73.98       20.12      PK
     4960        39.15         2.46                2.66                V        44.27    53.98        9.71      AV
     7440        50.18           0                10.20                V        60.38    73.98       13.60      PK
     7440        38.24         2.46               10.20                V         50.9    53.98        3.08      AV
     4960        51.28           0                 2.66                H        53.94    73.98       20.04      PK
     4960        39.19         2.46                2.66                H        44.31    53.98        9.67      AV
     7440        50.30           0                10.20                H         60.5    73.98       13.48      PK
     7440        38.27         2.46               10.20                H        50.93    53.98        3.05      AV

   1. Measuring frequencies from 1 GHz to the 10th harmonic of highest fundamental frequency.
   2. Measurements above show only up to 6 maximum emissions noted, or would be lesser if
     no specific emissions from the EUT are recorded (ie: margin > 20 dB from the applicable
     limit) and considered that's already beyond the background noise floor.
   3. Radiated emissions measured in frequency above 1000MHz were made with an
     instrument using Peak detector mode and average detector mode of the emission shown
     in Actual FS column.
   4. Total = Reading Value + Antenna Factor + Cable Loss - Amp Gain + Distance Factor
             + Duty Cycle Factor
   5. Distance extrapolation factor = 20 log (test distance / specific distance) (dB)
   6. We have done x, y, z planes in EUT and horizontal and vertical polarization in detecting antenna.
   7. 5.0 LE: 2M PHY

    F-TP22-03 (Rev.00)                                     95 / 120                                HCT CO.,LTD.

                                                                                                         FCC ID : BEJLGSBWAC92 /
Report No.: HCT-RF-1807-FI014
                                                                                                         ISED : 2703H-LGSBWAC92

   Operation Mode: CH.0
   Frequency      Reading      Duty Cycle Factor   A.F.+C.L.-A.G.+D.F.   ANT. POL    Total       Limit      Margin Measurement

     [MHz]       [dBuV/m]           [dB]               [dBm]               [H/V]    [dBuV/m] [dBuV/m]        [dB]      Type

      4804         50.93              0                 2.07                V        53.00    73.98         20.98      PK
      4804         39.27            0.71                2.07                V        42.05    53.98         11.93      AV
      7206         50.88              0                 9.57                V        60.45    73.98         13.53      PK
      7206         38.59            0.71                9.57                V        48.87    53.98          5.11      AV
      4804         51.05              0                 2.07                H        53.12    73.98         20.86      PK
      4804         39.30            0.71                2.07                H        42.08    53.98         11.90      AV
      7206         50.96              0                 9.57                H        60.53    73.98         13.45      PK
      7206         38.68            0.71                9.57                H        48.96    53.98          5.02      AV

   *A.F. : Antenna Factor / C.L. : Cable Loss / A.G. : Amplifier Gain / D.F. : Distance Factor

   1. Measuring frequencies from 1 GHz to the 10th harmonic of highest fundamental frequency.
   2. Measurements above show only up to 6 maximum emissions noted, or would be lesser if
     no specific emissions from the EUT are recorded (ie: margin > 20 dB from the applicable
     limit) and considered that's already beyond the background noise floor.
   3. Radiated emissions measured in frequency above 1000 MHz were made with an
     instrument using Peak detector mode and average detector mode of the emission shown
     in Actual FS column.
   4. Total = Reading Value + Antenna Factor + Cable Loss - Amp Gain + Distance Factor
              + Duty Cycle Factor
   5. Distance extrapolation factor = 20 log (test distance / specific distance) (dB)
   6. We have done x, y, z planes in EUT and horizontal and vertical polarization in detecting antenna.
   7. 5.0 LE: Coded PHY_S8

    F-TP22-03 (Rev.00)                                          96 / 120                                  HCT CO.,LTD.

                                                                                                  FCC ID : BEJLGSBWAC92 /
Report No.: HCT-RF-1807-FI014
                                                                                                  ISED : 2703H-LGSBWAC92

   Operation Mode: CH.19
   Frequency    Reading   Duty Cycle Factor   A.F.+C.L.-A.G.+D.F.   ANT. POL    Total     Limit      Margin Measurement

     [MHz]     [dBuV/m]        [dB]               [dBm]               [H/V]    [dBuV/m] [dBuV/m]      [dB]      Type

     4880        50.82           0                 2.56                V        53.38    73.98       20.60      PK
     4880        39.15         0.71                2.56                V        42.42    53.98       11.56      AV
     7320        50.29           0                 9.72                V        60.01    73.98       13.97      PK
     7320        38.47         0.71                9.72                V         48.9    53.98        5.08      AV
     4880        50.89           0                 2.56                H        53.45    73.98       20.53      PK
     4880        39.18         0.71                2.56                H        42.45    53.98       11.53      AV
     7320        50.48           0                 9.72                H         60.2    73.98       13.78      PK
     7320        38.52         0.71                9.72                H        48.95    53.98        5.03      AV

   1. Measuring frequencies from 1 GHz to the 10th harmonic of highest fundamental frequency.
   2. Measurements above show only up to 6 maximum emissions noted, or would be lesser if
     no specific emissions from the EUT are recorded (ie: margin > 20 dB from the applicable
     limit) and considered that's already beyond the background noise floor.
   3. Radiated emissions measured in frequency above 1000MHz were made with an
     instrument using Peak detector mode and average detector mode of the emission shown
     in Actual FS column.
   4. Total = Reading Value + Antenna Factor + Cable Loss - Amp Gain + Distance Factor
             + Duty Cycle Factor
   5. Distance extrapolation factor = 20 log (test distance / specific distance) (dB)
   6. We have done x, y, z planes in EUT and horizontal and vertical polarization in detecting antenna.
   7. 5.0 LE: Coded PHY_S8

    F-TP22-03 (Rev.00)                                     97 / 120                                HCT CO.,LTD.

                                                                                                  FCC ID : BEJLGSBWAC92 /
Report No.: HCT-RF-1807-FI014
                                                                                                  ISED : 2703H-LGSBWAC92

   Operation Mode: CH.39
   Frequency    Reading   Duty Cycle Factor   A.F.+C.L.-A.G.+D.F.   ANT. POL    Total     Limit      Margin Measurement

     [MHz]     [dBuV/m]        [dB]               [dBm]               [H/V]    [dBuV/m] [dBuV/m]      [dB]      Type

     4960        51.55           0                 2.66                V        54.21    73.98       19.77      PK
     4960        39.29         0.71                2.66                V        42.66    53.98       11.32      AV
     7440        50.36           0                10.20                V        60.56    73.98       13.42      PK
     7440        38.24         0.71               10.20                V        49.15    53.98        4.83      AV
     4960        51.76           0                 2.66                H        54.42    73.98       19.56      PK
     4960        39.31         0.71                2.66                H        42.68    53.98       11.30      AV
     7440        50.38           0                10.20                H        60.58    73.98       13.40      PK
     7440        38.26         0.71               10.20                H        49.17    53.98        4.81      AV

   1. Measuring frequencies from 1 GHz to the 10th harmonic of highest fundamental frequency.
   2. Measurements above show only up to 6 maximum emissions noted, or would be lesser if
     no specific emissions from the EUT are recorded (ie: margin > 20 dB from the applicable
     limit) and considered that's already beyond the background noise floor.
   3. Radiated emissions measured in frequency above 1000MHz were made with an
     instrument using Peak detector mode and average detector mode of the emission shown
     in Actual FS column.
   4. Total = Reading Value + Antenna Factor + Cable Loss - Amp Gain + Distance Factor
             + Duty Cycle Factor
   5. Distance extrapolation factor = 20 log (test distance / specific distance) (dB)
   6. We have done x, y, z planes in EUT and horizontal and vertical polarization in detecting antenna.
   7. 5.0 LE: Coded PHY_S8

    F-TP22-03 (Rev.00)                                     98 / 120                                HCT CO.,LTD.

                                                                                                                       FCC ID : BEJLGSBWAC92 /
Report No.: HCT-RF-1807-FI014
                                                                                                                       ISED : 2703H-LGSBWAC92

   ▣ 5.0 LE: 1M PHY RESULT PLOTS (Worst case : Z-H)
          Radiated Spurious Emissions plot – Average Reading (Ch.78 2nd Harmonic)
                                                                            * RBW 1 MHz   Marker 1 [T1 ]
                                                                            * VBW 3 MHz             39.21 dBµV
                                Ref    87 dBµV            * Att   0 dB        SWT 20 ms        4.951280000 GHz


                         1 RM *

                         2 PK *



                                       SWP   100 of     100                                                      3DB




                                 F1

                                Center 4.96 GHz                          2 MHz/                    Span 20 MHz

                         Date: 23.MAY.2003            08:35:03

             Radiated Spurious Emissions plot – Peak Reading (Ch.78 2nd Harmonic)
                                                                            * RBW 1 MHz   Marker 1 [T1 ]
                                                                            * VBW 3 MHz             52.24 dBµV
                                Ref    87 dBµV            * Att   0 dB        SWT 20 ms        4.962040000 GHz


                         1 PK

                         2 PK *


                                       SWP   100 of     100                                                      3DB




                                 F1

                                Center 4.96 GHz                          2 MHz/                    Span 20 MHz

                         Date: 23.MAY.2003            08:35:42

    F-TP22-03 (Rev.00)                                               99 / 120                                           HCT CO.,LTD.

                                                                                                                        FCC ID : BEJLGSBWAC92 /
Report No.: HCT-RF-1807-FI014
                                                                                                                        ISED : 2703H-LGSBWAC92

            Radiated Spurious Emissions plot – Average Reading (Ch.78 3rd Harmonic)
                                                                             * RBW 1 MHz   Marker 1 [T1 ]
                                                                             * VBW 3 MHz             38.25 dBµV
                                Ref     87 dBµV            * Att   0 dB        SWT 20 ms        7.430600000 GHz


                         1 RM *

                         2 PK *



                                        SWP   100 of     100                                                      3DB




                                 F1

                                Center 7.44 GHz                           2 MHz/                    Span 20 MHz

                         Date: 23.MAY.2003             08:37:13

              Radiated Spurious Emissions plot – Peak Reading (Ch.78 3rd Harmonic)
                                                                             * RBW 1 MHz   Marker 1 [T1 ]
                                                                             * VBW 3 MHz             50.51 dBµV
                                Ref     87 dBµV            * Att   0 dB        SWT 20 ms        7.445640000 GHz


                         1 PK

                         2 PK *



                                        SWP   100 of     100                                                      3DB




                                 F1

                                Center 7.44 GHz                           2 MHz/                    Span 20 MHz

                         Date: 23.MAY.2003             08:36:29

    F-TP22-03 (Rev.00)                                               100 / 120                                           HCT CO.,LTD.

                                                                                                                       FCC ID : BEJLGSBWAC92 /
Report No.: HCT-RF-1807-FI014
                                                                                                                       ISED : 2703H-LGSBWAC92

   ▣ 5.0 LE: 2M PHY RESULT PLOTS (Worst case : Z-H)
          Radiated Spurious Emissions plot – Average Reading (Ch.78 2nd Harmonic)
                                                                            * RBW 1 MHz   Marker 1 [T1 ]
                                                                            * VBW 3 MHz             39.19 dBµV
                                Ref    87 dBµV            * Att   0 dB        SWT 20 ms        4.956600000 GHz


                         1 RM *

                         2 PK *



                                       SWP   100 of     100                                                      3DB




                                 F1

                                Center 4.96 GHz                          2 MHz/                    Span 20 MHz

                         Date: 23.MAY.2003            08:43:34

             Radiated Spurious Emissions plot – Peak Reading (Ch.78 2nd Harmonic)
                                                                            * RBW 1 MHz   Marker 1 [T1 ]
                                                                            * VBW 3 MHz             51.28 dBµV
                                Ref    87 dBµV            * Att   0 dB        SWT 20 ms        4.958040000 GHz


                         1 PK

                         2 PK *


                                       SWP   100 of     100                                                      3DB




                                 F1

                                Center 4.96 GHz                          2 MHz/                    Span 20 MHz

                         Date: 23.MAY.2003            08:43:08

    F-TP22-03 (Rev.00)                                                101 / 120                                         HCT CO.,LTD.

                                                                                                                       FCC ID : BEJLGSBWAC92 /
Report No.: HCT-RF-1807-FI014
                                                                                                                       ISED : 2703H-LGSBWAC92

            Radiated Spurious Emissions plot – Average Reading (Ch.78 3rd Harmonic)
                                                                            * RBW 1 MHz   Marker 1 [T1 ]
                                                                            * VBW 3 MHz             38.27 dBµV
                                Ref    87 dBµV            * Att   0 dB        SWT 20 ms        7.437680000 GHz


                         1 RM *

                         2 PK *



                                       SWP   100 of     100                                                      3DB




                                 F1

                                Center 7.44 GHz                          2 MHz/                    Span 20 MHz

                         Date: 23.MAY.2003            08:43:56

              Radiated Spurious Emissions plot – Peak Reading (Ch.78 3rd Harmonic)
                                                                            * RBW 1 MHz   Marker 1 [T1 ]
                                                                            * VBW 3 MHz             50.30 dBµV
                                Ref    87 dBµV            * Att   0 dB        SWT 20 ms        7.444920000 GHz


                         1 PK

                         2 PK *



                                       SWP   100 of     100                                                      3DB




                                 F1

                                Center 7.44 GHz                          2 MHz/                    Span 20 MHz

                         Date: 23.MAY.2003            08:44:26

    F-TP22-03 (Rev.00)                                                102 / 120                                         HCT CO.,LTD.

                                                                                                                         FCC ID : BEJLGSBWAC92 /
Report No.: HCT-RF-1807-FI014
                                                                                                                         ISED : 2703H-LGSBWAC92

   ▣ 5.0 LE: Coded PHY_S8 RESULT PLOTS (Worst case : Z-H)
          Radiated Spurious Emissions plot – Average Reading (Ch.78 2nd Harmonic)
                                                                              * RBW 1 MHz   Marker 1 [T1 ]
                                                                              * VBW 3 MHz             39.31 dBµV
                                Ref       87 dBµV           * Att   0 dB        SWT 20 ms        4.951200000 GHz


                         1 RM *

                         2 PK *



                                       SWP     100 of     100                                                      3DB




                                 F1

                                Center 4.96 GHz                            2 MHz/                    Span 20 MHz

                         Date: 23.MAY.2003              08:39:50

             Radiated Spurious Emissions plot – Peak Reading (Ch.78 2nd Harmonic)
                                                                              * RBW 1 MHz   Marker 1 [T1 ]
                                                                              * VBW 3 MHz             51.76 dBµV
                                Ref       87 dBµV           * Att   0 dB        SWT 20 ms        4.961520000 GHz


                         1 PK

                         2 PK *


                                       SWP     100 of     100                                                      3DB




                                 F1

                                Center 4.96 GHz                            2 MHz/                    Span 20 MHz

                         Date: 23.MAY.2003              08:39:27

    F-TP22-03 (Rev.00)                                                103 / 120                                           HCT CO.,LTD.

                                                                                                                         FCC ID : BEJLGSBWAC92 /
Report No.: HCT-RF-1807-FI014
                                                                                                                         ISED : 2703H-LGSBWAC92

            Radiated Spurious Emissions plot – Average Reading (Ch.78 3rd Harmonic)
                                                                            * RBW 1 MHz   Marker 1 [T1 ]
                                                                            * VBW 3 MHz             38.26 dBµV
                                Ref    87 dBµV            * Att   0 dB        SWT 20 ms        7.446480000 GHz


                         1 RM *

                         2 PK *



                                       SWP   100 of     100                                                        3DB




                                 F1

                                Center 7.44 GHz                          2 MHz/                      Span 20 MHz

                         Date: 23.MAY.2003            08:38:01

              Radiated Spurious Emissions plot – Peak Reading (Ch.78 3rd Harmonic)
                                                                            * RBW 1 MHz   Marker 1 [T1 ]
                                                                            * VBW 3 MHz             50.38 dBµV
                                Ref    87 dBµV            * Att   0 dB        SWT 20 ms        7.433280000 GHz


                         1 PK

                         2 PK *



                                       SWP   100 of     100                                                        3DB




                                 F1

                                Center 7.44 GHz                          2 MHz/                      Span 20 MHz

                         Date: 23.MAY.2003            08:38:54

   Note : Only the worst case plots for Radiated Spurious Emissions.

    F-TP22-03 (Rev.00)                                              104 / 120                                             HCT CO.,LTD.

                                                                                                      FCC ID : BEJLGSBWAC92 /
Report No.: HCT-RF-1807-FI014
                                                                                                      ISED : 2703H-LGSBWAC92


   Test Requirements and limit, §15.247(d) §15.205, §15.209, RSS-Gen(Issue 5) 8.10
   In any 100 kHz bandwidth outside the frequency band in which the spread spectrum is operating, the radio
   frequency power that is produced by the intentional radiator shall be at least 20 dB below that in the 100 kHz
   bandwidth within the band that contains the highest level of the desired power, based on either an RF
   conducted or a radiated measurement. Attenuation below the general limits specified in Section 15.209(a) is
   not required. In addition, radiated emissions which fall in the restricted bands, as defined in Section
   15.205(a), must also comply with the radiated emission limits specified in section 15.209(a) (See section

   Operation Mode                                BT_LE
   Operating Frequency                           2402 MHz
   Channel No.                                   0

   Frequency     Reading     Duty Cycle Factor       A.F.+C.L.+D.F.   Ant. Pol.    Total      Limit      Margin Measurement
     [MHz]       [dBuV/m]         [dB]                   [dB]          [H/V]      [dBuV/m]   [dBuV/m]     [dB]      Type

     2390.0       18.86           0.00                  35.36            H         54.22      73.98       19.76     PK
     2390.0        7.10           0.72                  35.36            H         43.18      53.98       10.80     AV
     2390.0       18.68           0.00                  35.36            V         54.04      73.98       19.94     PK
     2390.0        7.10           0.72                  35.36            V         43.18      53.98       10.80     AV

   1. Frequency range of measurement = 2310 MHz ~ 2390 MHz
   2. Total = Reading Value + Antenna Factor + Cable Loss + Duty Cycle Factor + Distance Factor
   3. Distance extrapolation factor = 20 log (test distance / specific distance) (dB)
   4. We have done x, y, z planes in EUT and horizontal and vertical polarization in detecting antenna.
   5. 5.0 LE: 1M PHY

    F-TP22-03 (Rev.00)                                      105 / 120                                   HCT CO.,LTD.

                                                                                                      FCC ID : BEJLGSBWAC92 /
Report No.: HCT-RF-1807-FI014
                                                                                                      ISED : 2703H-LGSBWAC92

   Operation Mode                                   BT_LE
   Operating Frequency                              2480 MHz
   Channel No.                                      39

   Frequency      Reading     Duty Cycle Factor      A.F.+C.L.+D.F.   Ant. Pol.    Total      Limit      Margin Measurement
     [MHz]       [dBuV/m]          [dB]                   [dB]         [H/V]      [dBuV/m]   [dBuV/m]     [dB]      Type

     2483.5        19.65           0.00                  35.73           H         55.38      73.98       18.60     PK
     2483.5        7.99            0.72                  35.73           H         44.44      53.98       9.54      AV
     2483.5        19.24           0.00                  35.73           V         54.97      73.98       19.01     PK
     2483.5        7.96            0.72                  35.73           V         44.41      53.98       9.57      AV

   1. Frequency range of measurement = 2483.5 MHz ~ 2500 MHz
   2. Total = Reading Value + Antenna Factor + Cable Loss + Duty Cycle Factor + Distance Factor
   3. Distance extrapolation factor = 20 log (test distance / specific distance) (dB)
   4. We have done x, y, z planes in EUT and horizontal and vertical polarization in detecting antenna.
   5. 5.0 LE: 1M PHY

   Operation Mode                               BT_LE
   Operating Frequency                          2402 MHz
   Channel No.                                  0

   Frequency     Reading    Duty Cycle Factor       A.F.+C.L.+D.F.    Ant. Pol.    Total      Limit      Margin Measurement
     [MHz]       [dBuV/m]        [dB]                    [dB]          [H/V]      [dBuV/m]   [dBuV/m]     [dB]      Type

     2390.0       18.89          0.00                    35.36           H         54.25      73.98       19.73     PK
     2390.0        7.22          2.46                    35.36           H         45.04      53.98       8.94      AV
     2390.0       18.78          0.00                    35.36           V         54.14      73.98       19.84     PK
     2390.0        7.21          2.46                    35.36           V         45.03      53.98       8.95      AV

   1. Frequency range of measurement = 2310 MHz ~ 2390 MHz
   2. Total = Reading Value + Antenna Factor + Cable Loss + Duty Cycle Factor + Distance Factor
   3. Distance extrapolation factor = 20 log (test distance / specific distance) (dB)
   4. We have done x, y, z planes in EUT and horizontal and vertical polarization in detecting antenna.
   5. 5.0 LE: 2M PHY

    F-TP22-03 (Rev.00)                                     106 / 120                                    HCT CO.,LTD.

                                                                                                      FCC ID : BEJLGSBWAC92 /
Report No.: HCT-RF-1807-FI014
                                                                                                      ISED : 2703H-LGSBWAC92

   Operation Mode                                   BT_LE
   Operating Frequency                              2480 MHz
   Channel No.                                      39

   Frequency      Reading     Duty Cycle Factor      A.F.+C.L.+D.F.   Ant. Pol.    Total      Limit      Margin Measurement
     [MHz]       [dBuV/m]          [dB]                   [dB]         [H/V]      [dBuV/m]   [dBuV/m]     [dB]      Type

     2483.5        20.44           0.00                  35.73           H         56.17      73.98       17.81     PK
     2483.5        9.75            2.46                  35.73           H         47.94      53.98       6.04      AV
     2483.5        19.99           0.00                  35.73           V         55.72      73.98       18.26     PK
     2483.5        9.24            2.46                  35.73           V         47.43      53.98       6.55      AV

   1. Frequency range of measurement = 2483.5 MHz ~ 2500 MHz
   2. Total = Reading Value + Antenna Factor + Cable Loss + Duty Cycle Factor + Distance Factor
   3. Distance extrapolation factor = 20 log (test distance / specific distance) (dB)
   4. We have done x, y, z planes in EUT and horizontal and vertical polarization in detecting antenna.
   5. 5.0 LE: 2M PHY

   Operation Mode                               BT_LE
   Operating Frequency                          2402 MHz
   Channel No.                                  0

   Frequency     Reading    Duty Cycle Factor       A.F.+C.L.+D.F.    Ant. Pol.    Total      Limit      Margin Measurement
     [MHz]       [dBuV/m]        [dB]                    [dB]          [H/V]      [dBuV/m]   [dBuV/m]     [dB]      Type

     2390.0       18.99          0.00                    35.36           H         54.35      73.98       19.63     PK
     2390.0        7.74          0.71                    35.36           H         43.81      53.98       10.17     AV
     2390.0       18.80          0.00                    35.36           V         54.16      73.98       19.82     PK
     2390.0        7.73          0.71                    35.36           V         43.80      53.98       10.18     AV

   1. Frequency range of measurement = 2310 MHz ~ 2390 MHz
   2. Total = Reading Value + Antenna Factor + Cable Loss + Duty Cycle Factor + Distance Factor
   3. Distance extrapolation factor = 20 log (test distance / specific distance) (dB)
   4. We have done x, y, z planes in EUT and horizontal and vertical polarization in detecting antenna.
   5. 5.0 LE: Coded PHY_S8

    F-TP22-03 (Rev.00)                                     107 / 120                                    HCT CO.,LTD.

                                                                                                  FCC ID : BEJLGSBWAC92 /
Report No.: HCT-RF-1807-FI014
                                                                                                  ISED : 2703H-LGSBWAC92

   Operation Mode                                BT_LE
   Operating Frequency                           2480 MHz
   Channel No.                                   39

   Frequency     Reading     Duty Cycle Factor   A.F.+C.L.+D.F.   Ant. Pol.    Total      Limit      Margin Measurement
     [MHz]       [dBuV/m]         [dB]                [dB]         [H/V]      [dBuV/m]   [dBuV/m]     [dB]      Type

     2483.5       19.15           0.00                35.73          H         54.88      73.98       19.10     PK
     2483.5        7.61           0.71                35.73          H         44.05      53.98       9.93      AV
     2483.5       19.12           0.00                35.73          V         54.85      73.98       19.13     PK
     2483.5        7.60           0.71                35.73          V         44.04      53.98       9.94      AV

   1. Frequency range of measurement = 2483.5 MHz ~ 2500 MHz
   2. Total = Reading Value + Antenna Factor + Cable Loss + Duty Cycle Factor + Distance Factor
   3. Distance extrapolation factor = 20 log (test distance / specific distance) (dB)
   4. We have done x, y, z planes in EUT and horizontal and vertical polarization in detecting antenna.
   5. 5.0 LE: Coded PHY_S8

    F-TP22-03 (Rev.00)                                  108 / 120                                   HCT CO.,LTD.

                                                                         FCC ID : BEJLGSBWAC92 /
Report No.: HCT-RF-1807-FI014
                                                                         ISED : 2703H-LGSBWAC92

   ▣ 5.0 LE: 1M PHY RESULT PLOTS (Worst case : X-H)
                Radiated Restricted Band Edges plot – Average Reading (Ch.39)

                    Radiated Restricted Band Edges plot – Peak Reading (Ch.39)

    F-TP22-03 (Rev.00)                    109 / 120                        HCT CO.,LTD.

                                                                         FCC ID : BEJLGSBWAC92 /
Report No.: HCT-RF-1807-FI014
                                                                         ISED : 2703H-LGSBWAC92

   ▣ 5.0 LE: 2M PHY RESULT PLOTS (Worst case : X-H)
                Radiated Restricted Band Edges plot – Average Reading (Ch.39)

                    Radiated Restricted Band Edges plot – Peak Reading (Ch.39)

    F-TP22-03 (Rev.00)                    110 / 120                        HCT CO.,LTD.

                                                                          FCC ID : BEJLGSBWAC92 /
Report No.: HCT-RF-1807-FI014
                                                                          ISED : 2703H-LGSBWAC92

   ▣ 5.0 LE: Coded PHY_S8 RESULT PLOTS (Worst case : X-H)
                Radiated Restricted Band Edges plot – Average Reading (Ch.39)

                    Radiated Restricted Band Edges plot – Peak Reading (Ch.39)

   Note : Only the worst case plots for Radiated Restricted Band Edges.

    F-TP22-03 (Rev.00)                       111 / 120                     HCT CO.,LTD.

                                                                                       FCC ID : BEJLGSBWAC92 /
Report No.: HCT-RF-1807-FI014
                                                                                       ISED : 2703H-LGSBWAC92


       ISED Rule(s)                   RSS-Gen
       Test Requirements:             Blow the table
       Operating conditions:          Under normal test conditions
       Method of testing:             Radiated

                                      F < 1 GHz: RBW: 120 kHz, VBW: 300 kHz (Quasi Peak)
       S/A. Settings:
                                      F > 1 GHz: RBW: 1 MHz, VBW: 1 MHz (Peak)
       Mode of operation:             Receive

                                 Frequency                            Field Strength
                                   (MHz)                      (microvolts/m at 3 meters)
                                  30 – 88                                  100
                                  88 - 216                                 150
                                 216 – 960                                 200
                                Above 960                                  500

   Operation Mode: Receive:
   30 MHz ~ 1 GHz

    Frequency    Reading       Ant. factor   Cable loss      Ant. POL       Total       Limit     Margin
       MHz          dB㎶          dB /m           dB           (H/V)        dB㎶/m       dB㎶/m        dB
                                             No critical peaks found

   Above 1 GHz

    Frequency    Reading       Ant. factor   Cable loss      Ant. POL       Total       Limit     Margin
       MHz          dB㎶          dB /m           dB           (H/V)        dB㎶/m       dB㎶/m        dB
                                             No critical peaks found

    F-TP22-03 (Rev.00)                           112 / 120                              HCT CO.,LTD.

                                                                                  FCC ID : BEJLGSBWAC92 /
Report No.: HCT-RF-1807-FI014
                                                                                  ISED : 2703H-LGSBWAC92

   Test Requirements and limit, §15.207, RSS-Gen(Issue 5) Section 8.8
   For an intentional radiator which is designed to be connected to the public utility (AC) power line,
   the radio frequency voltage that is conducted back onto the AC power line on any frequency or
   frequencies within the band 150 kHz to 30 MHz shall not exceed 250 microvolts (The limit
   decreases linearly with the logarithm of the frequency in the range 0.15 MHz to 0.50 MHz). The
   limits at specific frequency range is listed as follows:

                                                                Limits (dBμV)
      Frequency Range (MHz)
                                                 Quasi-peak                         Average

             0.15 to 0.50                          66 to 56                          56 to 46

                0.50 to 5                             56                                46

                5 to 30                               60                                50

   Compliance with this provision shall be based on the measurement of the radio frequency
   voltage between each power line (LINE and NEUTRAL) and ground at the power terminals.

   Test Configuration
   See test photographs attached in Appendix 1 for the actual connections between EUT and support

   1. The EUT is placed on a wooden table 80 cm above the reference ground plane.
   2. The EUT is connected via LISN to a test power supply.
   3. The measurement results are obtained as described below:
   4. Detectors – Quasi Peak and Average Detector.

   Sample Calculation
   Quasi-peak(Final Result) = Reading Value + Correction Factor

    F-TP22-03 (Rev.00)                          113 / 120                           HCT CO.,LTD.

                                              FCC ID : BEJLGSBWAC92 /
Report No.: HCT-RF-1807-FI014
                                              ISED : 2703H-LGSBWAC92

   Conducted Emissions (Line 1)

    F-TP22-03 (Rev.00)            114 / 120    HCT CO.,LTD.


                EMI Auto Test(3)

                Final Result 2
                 Frequency    CAverage    Bandwdth    Filter     Line        Gorr.   Margin     Limit
                   (mhta)      (dBuy        (ZB)                             (48)     |_(98)    camuvy
                   0.158000        14.7       5.000   oft        N             86       408       55.6
                   oiss000         $s         s.000 on           N             a5       207       s1
                   0.182000        32.1       5.000   off        N      ‘      26       212 |     53.9
                   0.196000        27.3       5.000   Off        N      1      $.6      265       53.8
                   0.200000        23.0       a.000 or           N      _|     s6|__sa6|          se
                   0.206000        185        5.000   off        N      |      $6       369       534
                   1178000         295        5.000   oft        N      I      87       165       4.0
                   1.130000        204        5.000   Off        N      |      $.2      166       45.0
                   1134000         296        5.000   off        N      1      $.7      164       46.0
                   1.138000        29.9       $.000   off        N      1      $.7      161       46.0
                   1.154000        20.2       $.000   off        N      |      $.7      16.8      45.0
                   1.164000        26         s.000 on           N—_|_a7|               174|      46.0
                  14.070000        20.2       5.000   off        N            104       298       50.0
                  14.822000        20.2       5.000   off        N            101       298       50.0
                  Ta.884000        200        s.000 on           N   10_                300|      50.
                  15.1s6000        198        s.000 on           N~| 164                302       50.0
                  15.506000        198        5.000   off        N      |_toa           30.2      50.0
                  16.130000        193        s.000 on           N      | o             307|      so.0

                2018—07—18                                                                               2# 12303

    koa6 en ve grwcmesy                                        kxe 4                                           snn s


            EMI Auto Test(3)                                                                                                                                                        1.42

                                                                                   HCT TEST Report
            Common Information
             ELUT:                                                                      LGSBNMACSEZ
             Manufacturer                                                               LC#
             Test Site:                                                                 SHIELO ROOM
             Operating Conditions:                                                      BT LE_MODE_L1

                                                                                                        FCC CLASS B
                           Level in dByu

                                                                  .    i      i    4.   M     M     .             i           M          M     4   M     i   d

                                                                                                                  8           a          8     8   8     ¥   ¥








                                                                                            800 1M               2M           3M       4M §M       6         8   10M   20M   30M

                                                                                                         Frequency in Hz

             smmmmmmme_=                   CCC ClAGSB_QOP                                   FCC CLASS B_ A/f                                  Preview Result 1—PK+
             ————— Preview Result 2?—AVG                                     X              Final Result 1—0PK                    KX          Final Result PCAV

            Final Result 1
             Frequency                            QuasiPeak           Bandwidth               Filter    Line      Cor.             Margin              Limit
                 (M Hz)                            (dBuv)                  (KHz)                                      (dB)             (dB)        raguyvi)_
                0.1756000                                 51.9                9.000          Off        L1             9.6              12.8            6A4A.7
                0.180000                                  50.8                9.000          Off        L1             9.6              13.7            64.5
                0.184000                                  47.3                9,000          Off        L1             9.6              17.0            64.3
                0.188000                                  46.0                9,000          Off        L1             9.6              18.1            64.1
                0.192000                                  45.6                9.000          Off        L1             9.6              18.4            63.9
                0.196000                                  45.3                9.000          OffT       L1             9.6              18.4            63.8
                1,.066000                                 25,3                9,000          Off        L1             9.7              20. 7           56.0
                1.106000                                  36,.2               9,000          Off        L1             9.¢f             19.8            56.0
                1.130000                                  36.5                9.000          Off        L1             9.7              19.5            56.0
               1.142000                                   36.8                9.000          Off        L1             9.f              19.2            56.0
               1.152000                                   36.1                9.000          Off        L1             9.7              19.9            56.0
               1.162000                                   36.0                9.000          OffT       L1             9.f              20.0            56.0
              14.276000                                   26.5                9.000          Off        L1            10.0              3. 9            60.0
              14.572000                                   26.2                9,000          Off        L1            10.0              33.8            60.0
              14.694000                                   26.3                a.000          Off        L1            10.0              33. 7           60.0
              15.106000                                   726.4               9.000          Off        L1            10.0              33. 6           60.0
              15. 314000                                  726.4               9.000          Off        L1            10.0              33.6            60.0
              15.520000                                   26.2                9.000          Off        L1            10.0              33.8            60.0

            2018—07—18                                                                                                                                                       24& 1:32:59


                EMI Auto Test(3)

                Final Result 2
                 Frequency    CAverage    Bandwdth    Filter    Line        Gorr.   Margin     Limit
                   uie         (dBuy        (ZB)                            (48)     |_(98)    camuvy
                   0.170000        321        5.000   oft       L             86       229       5.0
                   o.i7eo0         355        s.000 on          _|            a6       192|      f
                   0.180000        32.3       5.000   off       L4     ‘      26       222 |     54.5
                   0.184000        20.6       5.000   Off       L4     1      $.6      247       54.3
                   o.188000        223        s.000 o           Lt     _|     $6       318       S
                   0192000         2.2        5.000   off       L      |      $6       327       55.9
                   1000000         286        5.000   oft       L      I      87       174       4.0
                   1.130000        226        5.000   Off       L      |      $.2      164       45.0
                   12134000        209        5.000   off       L1     1      $.7      164       46.0
                   1.140000        208        $.000   off       L      1      $.7      16.2      46.0
                   1.146000        205        $.000   off       L4     |      $.7      16.5      45.0
                   1.162000        201        a.000 on          L1     _|_a7|          1680]     46.0
                  14.276000        196        5.000   off       L4           10.0      304       50.0
                  14.572000        19.7       5.000   off       L            10.0      303       50.0
                  13.692000        19.7       s.000 on          t        10.0          303       50.
                  15.106000        ia7        s.000 on          t      | 10.0          303|      50.0
                  15.314000        19.6       5.000   off       L4     |     100       304       50.0
                  15.520000        186        s.000 on          u1| 100|               304|      s0.0

                2018—07—18                                                                              2# 13260

    koa6 en ve grwcmesy                                        kxe4                                           snn s

                                                                                                      FCC ID : BEJLGSBWAC92 /
Report No.: HCT-RF-1807-FI014
                                                                                                      ISED : 2703H-LGSBWAC92

   10.1 LIST OF TEST EQUIPMENT(Conducted Test)

                                                                          Calibration   Calibration
           Manufacturer                  Model / Equipment                                                Serial No.
                                                                             Date        Interval

         Rohde & Schwarz   ENV216 / LISN                                  12/20/2017     Annual            102245

         Rohde & Schwarz   ESCI / Test Receiver                           06/27/2018     Annual            100033

         ESPAC             SU-642 /Temperature Chamber                    03/30/2018     Annual          0093008124

         Agilent           N9020A / Signal Analyzer                       06/08/2018     Annual         MY51110085

         Agilent           N9030A / Signal Analyzer                       11/22/2017     Annual         MY49431210

         Agilent           N1911A / Power Meter                           04/16/2018     Annual         MY45100523

         Agilent           N1921A / Power Sensor                          04/16/2018     Annual         MY52260025

         Agilent           87300B / Directional Coupler                   11/20/2017     Annual          3116A03621

         Hewlett Packard   11667B / Power Splitter                        06/07/2018     Annual            05001

         Hewlett Packard   E3632A / DC Power Supply                       06/26/2018     Annual         KR75303960

         Agilent           8493C / Attenuator(10 dB)                      07/10/2018     Annual            07560

         Rohde & Schwarz   EMC32 / Software                                  N/A           N/A               N/A

         HCT CO., LTD.     FCC WLAN&BT&BLE Conducted Test Software v3.0      N/A           N/A               N/A

         Rohde & Schwarz   CBT / Bluetooth Tester                         05/17/2018     Annual            100422

    F-TP22-03 (Rev.00)                                    118 / 120                                    HCT CO.,LTD.

                                                                                                     FCC ID : BEJLGSBWAC92 /
Report No.: HCT-RF-1807-FI014
                                                                                                     ISED : 2703H-LGSBWAC92

   10.2 LIST OF TEST EQUIPMENT(Radiated Test)

                                                                                  Calibration   Calibration
              Manufacturer                    Model / Equipment                                                Serial No.
                                                                                     Date        Interval

        Innco system         CO3000 / Controller(Antenna mast)                       N/A           N/A         CO3000-4p

        Innco system         MA4640/800-XP-EP / Antenna Position Tower               N/A           N/A            N/A

        Emco                 2090 / Controller                                       N/A           N/A          060520

        Ets                  Turn Table                                              N/A           N/A            N/A

        Rohde & Schwarz      Loop Antenna                                         04/19/2017     Biennial      1513-175

        Schwarzbeck          VULB 9168 / Hybrid Antenna                           04/06/2017     Biennial         760

        Schwarzbeck          BBHA 9120D / Horn Antenna                            11/21/2017     Biennial     9120D-1191

                             BBHA9170 /
        Schwarzbeck                                                               12/04/2017     Biennial     BBHA9170541
                             Horn Antenna(15 GHz ~ 40 GHz)
        Rohde & Schwarz      FSP(9 kHz ~ 30 GHz) / Spectrum Analyzer              09/21/2017     Annual        836650/016

        Rohde & Schwarz      FSV40-N / Spectrum Analyzer                          09/27/2017     Annual        101068-SZ

                             WHKX10-2700-3000-18000-40SS / High Pass Filter       08/01/2017     Annual            4

                             WHKX8-6090-7000-18000-40SS / High Pass Filter        07/10/2018     Annual            5

        Wainwright           WRCJV2400/2483.5-2370/2520-60/12SS /
                                                                                  01/03/2018     Annual            2
        Instruments          Band Reject Filter

        Wainwright           WRCJV5100/5850-40/50-8EEK /
                                                                                  01/03/2018     Annual            2
        Instruments          Band Reject Filter

        Api tech.            18B-03 / Attenuator (3 dB)                           06/07/2018     Annual            2

        WEINSCHEL            56-10 / Attenuator(10 dB)                            10/13/2017     Annual          72316

        CERNEX               CBLU1183540 / Broadband Low Noise Amplifier          01/03/2018     Annual          24613

        CERNEX               CBL06185030 /        Broadband Low Noise Amplifier   01/03/2018     Annual          24615

        CERNEX               CBL18265035 / Power Amplifier                        01/10/2018     Annual          22966

        CERNEX               CBL26405040 / Power Amplifier                        06/29/2018     Annual          25956

        TESCOM               TC-3000C / Bluetooth Tester                          03/27/2018     Annual       3000C000276

    F-TP22-03 (Rev.00)                                    119 / 120                                      HCT CO.,LTD.

                                                                           FCC ID : BEJLGSBWAC92 /
Report No.: HCT-RF-1807-FI014
                                                                           ISED : 2703H-LGSBWAC92


   Please refer to test setup photo file no. as follows;
         No.                                               Description

          1                                          HCT-RF-1807-FI014-P

    F-TP22-03 (Rev.00)                         120 / 120                    HCT CO.,LTD.

Document Created: 2018-07-24 15:07:00
Document Modified: 2018-07-24 15:07:00

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This site is not affiliated with or endorsed by the FCC