BT Test Report Part 2


Test Report

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                              Report No. HCT-RF-1908-FI009-R1

         Test Plots (GFSK)
         Dwell Time (CH.78)

         Test Plots (8DPSK)
         Dwell Time (CH.0)

F-TP22-03 (Rev. 01)                               Page 59 of 90

                              Report No. HCT-RF-1908-FI009-R1

         Test Plots (8DPSK)
         Dwell Time (CH.39)

         Test Plots (8DPSK)
         Dwell Time (CH.78)

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                                 Report No. HCT-RF-1908-FI009-R1

         Test Plots (π/4DQPSK)
         Dwell Time (CH.0)

         Test Plots (π/4DQPSK)
         Dwell Time (CH.39)

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                                 Report No. HCT-RF-1908-FI009-R1

         Test Plots (π/4DQPSK)
         Dwell Time (CH.78)

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                                                                                      Report No. HCT-RF-1908-FI009-R1



         Test Result : please refer to the plot below.
         In order to simplify the report, attached plots were only the worst case channel and data rate.

F-TP22-03 (Rev. 01)                                                                                        Page 63 of 90

                                              Report No. HCT-RF-1908-FI009-R1

         Test Plots (8DPSK)- 30 MHz - 1 GHz
         Spurious Emission (CH.0)

         Test Plots (8DPSK)- 1 GHz   3 GHz
         Spurious Emission (CH.0)

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                                            Report No. HCT-RF-1908-FI009-R1

         Test Plots(8DPSK)- 3 GHz - 5 GHz
         Spurious Emission (CH.0)

         Test Plots (GFSK)- 5 GHz - 7 GHz
         Spurious Emission (CH.0)

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                                             Report No. HCT-RF-1908-FI009-R1

         Test Plots(8DPSK)- 7 GHz - 9 GHz
         Spurious Emission (CH.0)

         Test Plots(8DPSK)- 9 GHz - 11 GHz
         Spurious Emission (CH.0)

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                                               Report No. HCT-RF-1908-FI009-R1

         Test Plots(8DPSK) 11 GHz - 13 GHz
         Spurious Emission (CH.0)

         Test Plots (8DPSK)- 13 GHz   15 GHz
         Spurious Emission (CH.0)

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                                              Report No. HCT-RF-1908-FI009-R1

         Test Plots(8DPSK) 15 GHz - 17 GHz
         Spurious Emission (CH.0)

         Test Plots(8DPSK)- 17 GHz - 19 GHz
         Spurious Emission (CH.0)

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                                               Report No. HCT-RF-1908-FI009-R1

         Test Plots (8DPSK)- 19 GHz - 21 GHz
         Spurious Emission (CH.0)

         Test Plots (8DPSK)- 21 GHz - 23 GHz
         Spurious Emission (CH.0)

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                                               Report No. HCT-RF-1908-FI009-R1

         Test Plots (8DPSK)- 23 GHz - 25 GHz
         Spurious Emission (CH.0)

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                                                                                          Report No. HCT-RF-1908-FI009-R1

                 10.6.2 RADIATED SPURIOUS EMISSIONS

         Frequency Range : 9 kHz       30MHz

           Frequency     Reading     Ant. factor   Cable loss   Ant. POL          Total        Limit   Margin

               MHz       dBuV/m       dBm/m           dBm         (H/V)       dBuV/m          dBuV/m     dB

                                                   No Critical peaks found

         1. The reading of emissions are attenuated more than 20 dB below the permissible
            limits or the field strength is too small to be measured.
         2. Distance extrapolation factor = 40*log (specific distance / test distance) (dB)
         3. Limit line = specific Limits (dBuV) + Distance extrapolation factor
         4. Radiated test is performed with hopping off.

         Frequency Range : Below 1 GHz

           Frequency     Reading     Ant. factor   Cable loss   Ant. POL          Total        Limit   Margin

               MHz       dBuV/m       dBm/m           dBm         (H/V)       dBuV/m          dBuV/m     dB

                                                   No Critical peaks found

         1. Radiated emissions measured in frequency range from 30 MHz to 1000 MHz were made
            with an instrument using Quasi peak detector mode.
         2. Radiated test is performed with hopping off.

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                                                                               Report No. HCT-RF-1908-FI009-R1

         Frequency Range : Above 1 GHz
         Operation Mode: CH Low(GFSK)

           Frequency   Reading   AN.+CL-AMP G   ANT. POL    Total     Limit      Margin
              [MHz]     dBuV         [dB]        [H/V]     [dBuV/m] [dBuV/m]       [dB]      Detect
              4804      45.27        2.17          V        47.44    73.98        26.54       PK
              4804      32.38        2.17          V        34.55    53.98        19.43       AV
              7206      45.54        8.97          V        54.51    73.98        19.47       PK
              7206      34.97        8.97          V        43.94    53.98        10.04       AV
              4804      45.11        2.17          H        47.28    73.98        26.70       PK
              4804      32.29        2.17          H        34.46    53.98        19.52       AV
              7206      45.34        8.97          H        54.31    73.98        19.67       PK
              7206      34.86        8.97          H        43.83    53.98        10.15       AV
         Operation Mode: CH Low(8DPSK)

           Frequency   Reading   AN.+CL-AMP G   ANT. POL    Total     Limit      Margin
              [MHz]     dBuV         [dB]        [H/V]     [dBuV/m] [dBuV/m]       [dB]      Detect
              4804      45.80        2.17          V        47.97    73.98        26.01       PK
              4804      31.35        2.17          V        33.52    53.98        20.46       AV
              7206      44.00        8.97          V        52.97    73.98        21.01       PK
              7206      31.56        8.97          V        40.53    53.98        13.45       AV
              4804      45.62        2.17          H        47.79    73.98        26.19       PK
              4804      31.25        2.17          H        33.42    53.98        20.56       AV
              7206      43.95        8.97          H        52.92    73.98        21.06       PK
            7206        31.43        8.97          H         40.4    53.98        13.58       AV
         Operation Mode: CH Low(π/4DQPSK)

           Frequency   Reading   AN.+CL-AMP G   ANT. POL    Total     Limit      Margin
              [MHz]     dBuV         [dB]        [H/V]     [dBuV/m] [dBuV/m]       [dB]      Detect
              4804      45.38        2.17          V        47.55    73.98        26.43       PK
              4804      31.22        2.17          V        33.39    53.98        20.59       AV
              7206      44.47        8.97          V        53.44    73.98        20.54       PK
              7206      31.11        8.97          V        40.08    53.98        13.90       AV
              4804      45.29        2.17          H        47.46    73.98        26.52       PK
              4804      31.07        2.17          H        33.24    53.98        20.74       AV
              7206      44.26        8.97          H        53.23    73.98        20.75       PK
              7206      31.07        8.97          H        40.04    53.98        13.94       AV

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                                                                               Report No. HCT-RF-1908-FI009-R1

         Operation Mode: CH Mid(GFSK)

           Frequency   Reading   AN.+CL-AMP G   ANT. POL    Total     Limit      Margin
              [MHz]     dBuV            [dB]     [H/V]     [dBuV/m] [dBuV/m]       [dB]      Detect
              4882      43.61           2.68       V        46.29    73.98        27.69       PK
              4882      29.39           2.68       V        32.07    53.98        21.91       AV
              7323      42.92           9.03       V        51.95    73.98        22.03       PK
              7323      31.03           9.03       V        40.06    53.98        13.92       AV
              4882      43.51           2.68       H        46.19    73.98        27.79       PK
              4882      29.23           2.68       H        31.91    53.98        22.07       AV
              7323      42.84           9.03       H        51.87    73.98        22.11       PK
            7323        31.00         9.03         H        40.03    53.98        13.95       AV
         Operation Mode: CH Mid(8DPSK)

           Frequency   Reading   AN.+CL-AMP G   ANT. POL    Total     Limit      Margin
              [MHz]     dBuV            [dB]     [H/V]     [dBuV/m] [dBuV/m]       [dB]      Detect
              4882      42.66           2.68       V        45.34    73.98        28.64       PK
              4882      29.78           2.68       V        32.46    53.98        21.52       AV
              7323      41.34           9.03       V        50.37    73.98        23.61       PK
              7323      27.86           9.03       V        36.89    53.98        17.09       AV
              4882      42.59           2.68       H        45.27    73.98        28.71       PK
              4882      29.71           2.68       H        32.39    53.98        21.59       AV
              7323      41.22           9.03       H        50.25    73.98        23.73       PK
            7323        27.81         9.03         H        36.84    53.98        17.14       AV
         Operation Mode: CH Mid(π/4DQPSK)

           Frequency   Reading   AN.+CL-AMP G   ANT. POL    Total     Limit      Margin
              [MHz]     dBuV            [dB]     [H/V]     [dBuV/m] [dBuV/m]       [dB]      Detect
              4882      42.76           2.68       V        45.44    73.98        28.54       PK
              4882      29.45           2.68       V        32.13    53.98        21.85       AV
              7323      41.44           9.03       V        50.47    73.98        23.51       PK
              7323      27.90           9.03       V        36.93    53.98        17.05       AV
              4882      42.58           2.68       H        45.26    73.98        28.72       PK
              4882      29.29           2.68       H        31.97    53.98        22.01       AV
              7323      41.06           9.03       H        50.09    73.98        23.89       PK
              7323      27.54           9.03       H        36.57    53.98        17.41       AV

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                                                                               Report No. HCT-RF-1908-FI009-R1

         Operation Mode: CH High(GFSK)

           Frequency   Reading   AN.+CL-AMP G   ANT. POL    Total     Limit      Margin
              [MHz]     dBuV             [dB]    [H/V]     [dBuV/m] [dBuV/m]       [dB]      Detect
              4960      43.25            1.54      V        44.79    73.98        29.19       PK
              4960      29.53            1.54      V        31.07    53.98        22.91       AV
              7440      40.60            9.82      V        50.42    73.98        23.56       PK
              7440      27.82            9.82      V        37.64    53.98        16.34       AV
              4960      43.11            1.54      H        44.65    73.98        29.33       PK
              4960      29.46            1.54      H        31.00    53.98        22.98       AV
              7440      40.51            9.82      H        50.33    73.98        23.65       PK
            7440        27.76         9.82         H        37.58    53.98        16.40       AV
         Operation Mode: CH High(8DPSK)

           Frequency   Reading   AN.+CL-AMP G   ANT. POL    Total     Limit      Margin
              [MHz]     dBuV             [dB]    [H/V]     [dBuV/m] [dBuV/m]       [dB]      Detect
              4960      43.11            1.54      V        44.65    73.98        29.33       PK
              4960      29.46            1.54      V        31.00    53.98        22.98       AV
              7440      40.87            9.82      V        50.69    73.98        23.29       PK
              7440      27.21            9.82      V        37.03    53.98        16.95       AV
              4960      43.05            1.54      H        44.59    73.98        29.39       PK
              4960      29.42            1.54      H        30.96    53.98        23.02       AV
              7440      40.76            9.82      H        50.58    73.98        23.40       PK
            7440        27.18          9.82        H        37.00    53.98        16.98       AV
         Operation Mode: CH High (π/4DQPSK)

           Frequency   Reading   AN.+CL-AMP G   ANT. POL    Total     Limit      Margin
              [MHz]     dBuV             [dB]    [H/V]     [dBuV/m] [dBuV/m]       [dB]      Detect
              4960      43.04            1.54      V        44.58    73.98        29.40       PK
              4960      29.58            1.54      V        31.12    53.98        22.86       AV
              7440      40.90            9.82      V        50.72    73.98        23.26       PK
              7440      27.29            9.82      V        37.11    53.98        16.87       AV
              4960      42.94            1.54      H        44.48    73.98        29.50       PK
              4960      29.47            1.54      H        31.01    53.98        22.97       AV
              7440      40.84            9.82      H        50.66    73.98        23.32       PK
              7440      27.11            9.82      H        36.93    53.98        17.05       AV

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                                                                                     Report No. HCT-RF-1908-FI009-R1

         RESULT PLOTS (Worst case : Y-V)
                      Radiated Spurious Emissions plot    Average Reading (GFSK, Ch.78 3rd Harmonic)

                       Radiated Spurious Emissions plot    Peak Reading (GFSK, Ch.78 3rd Harmonic)

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                                                                                      Report No. HCT-RF-1908-FI009-R1

                      Radiated Spurious Emissions plot    Average Reading (8DPSK, Ch.78 3rd Harmonic)

                       Radiated Spurious Emissions plot    Peak Reading (8DPSK, Ch.78 3rd Harmonic)

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                                                                                      Report No. HCT-RF-1908-FI009-R1

                  Radiated Spurious Emissions plot       Average Reading (π/4DQPSK, Ch.78 3rd Harmonic)

                      Radiated Spurious Emissions plot    Peak Reading (π/4DQPSK, Ch.78 3rd Harmonic)

         Plot of worst case are only reported.

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                                                                                     Report No. HCT-RF-1908-FI009-R1


         Operation Mode                   Normal(GFSK)

         Operating Frequency              2402 MHz, 2480 MHz

         Channel No                       CH 0, CH 78

                                                   Duty Cycle
          Frequency Reading     A.F.+CL   ANT. POL Correction     Total      Limit      Margin     Detect
             [MHz]     dBuV     [dB]       [H/V]        [dB]     [dBuV/m] [dBuV/m]       [dB]
            2390.0     26.89    0.22         H            0       27.11      73.98       46.87      PK
            2390.0     14.26    0.22         H       -24.73       -10.25     53.98       64.23      AV
            2390.0     26.97    0.22         V            0       27.19      73.98       46.79      PK
            2390.0     14.29    0.22         V       -24.73       -10.22     53.98       64.20      AV
            2483.5     30.39    0.65         H            0       31.04      73.98       42.94      PK
            2483.5     25.84    0.65         H       -24.73        1.76      53.98       52.22      AV
            2483.5     32.45    0.65         V            0       33.10      73.98       40.88      PK
            2483.5     28.55    0.65         V       -24.73        4.47      53.98       49.51      AV

          Operation Mode                                EDR(8DPSK)

          Operating Frequency                           2402 MHz, 2480 MHz

          Channel No                                    CH 0, CH 78

                                                   Duty Cycle
          Frequency Reading     A.F.+CL   ANT. POL Correction      Total     Limit      Margin     Detect
             [MHz]     dBuV     [dB]       [H/V]        [dB]     [dBuV/m] [dBuV/m]       [dB]
            2390.0     26.80    0.22         H            0       27.02      73.98       46.96      PK
            2390.0     14.22    0.22         H          -24.73    -10.29     53.98       64.27      AV
            2390.0     26.79    0.22         V            0       27.01      73.98       46.97      PK
            2390.0     14.27    0.22         V          -24.73    -10.24     53.98       64.22      AV
            2483.5     30.41    0.65         H            0       31.06      73.98       42.92      PK
            2483.5     24.18    0.65         H          -24.73     0.10      53.98       53.88      AV
            2483.5     30.43    0.65         V            0       31.08      73.98       42.90      PK
            2483.5     24.21    0.65         V          -24.73     0.13      53.98       53.85      AV

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                                                                                  Report No. HCT-RF-1908-FI009-R1

         Operation Mode                           EDR(π/4DQPSK)

         Operating Frequency                      2402 MHz, 2480 MHz

         Channel No                               CH 0, CH 78

                                                  Duty Cycle
          Frequency Reading    A.F.+CL   ANT. POL Correction     Total    Limit      Margin     Detect
             [MHz]    dBuV     [dB]       [H/V]        [dB]     [dBuV/m] [dBuV/m]     [dB]
            2390.0    26.78    0.22         H           0        27.00    73.98       46.98      PK
            2390.0    14.27    0.22         H         -24.73     -10.24   53.98       64.22      AV
            2390.0    26.84    0.22         V           0        27.06    73.98       46.92      PK
            2390.0    14.32    0.22         V         -24.73     -10.19   53.98       64.17      AV
            2483.5    30.15    0.65         H           0        30.80    73.98       43.18      PK
            2483.5    24.58    0.65         H         -24.73      0.50    53.98       53.48      AV
            2483.5    30.34    0.65         V           0        30.99    73.98       42.99      PK
            2483.5    24.63    0.65         V         -24.73      0.55    53.98       53.43      AV

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                                                                                Report No. HCT-RF-1908-FI009-R1

         RESULT PLOTS (Worst case : Y-V)

                       Radiated Restricted Band Edges plot   Average Reading (GFSK, Ch.78)

                       Radiated Restricted Band Edges plot   Peak Reading (8DPSK, Ch.78)

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                                                                                 Report No. HCT-RF-1908-FI009-R1

                      Radiated Restricted Band Edges plot    Average Reading (8DPSK, Ch.78)

                       Radiated Restricted Band Edges plot    Peak Reading (8DPSK, Ch.78)

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                                                                                  Report No. HCT-RF-1908-FI009-R1

                      Radiated Restricted Band Edges plot    Average Reading (π/4DQPSK, Ch.78)

                       Radiated Restricted Band Edges plot    Peak Reading (π/4DQPSK, Ch.78)

         Plot of worst case are only reported.

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                                                                                    Report No. HCT-RF-1908-FI009-R1


         Frequency Range : Below 1 GHz

           Frequency    Reading    Ant. factor   Cable loss   Ant. POL      Total      Limit     Margin

               MHz      dBuV/m       dBm/m          dBm          (H/V)     dBuV/m    dBuV/m        dB

                                                 No Critical peaks found

         1. Radiated emissions measured in frequency range from 30 MHz to 1000 MHz were made
            with an instrument using Quasi peak detector mode.

         Frequency Range : Above 1 GHz

           Frequency    Reading    Ant. factor   Cable loss   Ant. POL      Total      Limit     Margin

               MHz      dBuV/m       dBm/m          dBm          (H/V)     dBuV/m    dBuV/m        dB

                                                 No Critical peaks found

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                                              Report No. HCT-RF-1908-FI009-R1


         Conducted Emissions (Line 1)

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                      Report No. HCT-RF-1908-FI009-R1

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                                        Report No. HCT-RF-1908-FI009-R1

         Conducted Emissions (Line 2)

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                      Report No. HCT-RF-1908-FI009-R1

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                                                                                       Report No. HCT-RF-1908-FI009-R1


         Conducted Test

                                                                  Calibration     Calibration
            Manufacturer            Model / Equipment                                              Serial No.
                                                                     Date          Interval
           Rohde &
                            ENV216 / LISN                         12/12/2018        Annual           102245
           Rohde &
                            ESCI / Test Receiver                  06/18/2019        Annual           100033
           ESPAC            SU-642 /Temperature Chamber           03/12/2019        Annual        0093008124
           Agilent          N9020A / Signal Analyzer              05/23/2019        Annual        MY51110085
           Agilent          N9030A / Signal Analyzer              01/10/2019        Annual        MY49431210
           Agilent          N1911A / Power Meter                  04/10/2019        Annual        MY45100523
           Agilent          N1921A / Power Sensor                 04/10/2019        Annual        MY52260025
           Agilent          87300B / Directional Coupler          11/20/2018        Annual        3116A03621
                            11667B / Power Splitter               05/24/2019        Annual           05001
                            E3632A / DC Power Supply              06/18/2019        Annual        KR75303960
           Agilent          8493C / Attenuator(10 dB)             07/02/2019        Annual           07560
           Rohde &                                                                    N/A
                            EMC32 / Software                          N/A                             N/A
                            FCC WLAN&BT&BLE Conducted                                 N/A
           HCT CO., LTD.                                              N/A                             N/A
                            Test Software v3.0
           Rohde &
                            CBT / Bluetooth Tester                05/16/2019        Annual           100422

         1. Equipment listed above that calibrated during the testing period was set for test after the
         2. Equipment listed above that has a calibration due date during the testing period, the testing is
         completed before equipment expiration date.

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                                                                                       Report No. HCT-RF-1908-FI009-R1

         Radiated Test
                                                                 Calibration    Calibration
            Manufacturer           Model / Equipment                                               Serial No.
                                                                    Date         Interval
                            CO3000 / Controller(Antenna                             N/A
           Innco system                                              N/A                          CO3000-4p
                            MA4640/800-XP-EP / Antenna                              N/A
           Innco system                                              N/A                              N/A
                            Position Tower
           Emco             2090 / Controller                        N/A            N/A             060520
           Ets              Turn Table                               N/A            N/A               N/A
           Rohde &
                            Loop Antenna                         08/23/2018       Biennial         1513-175
           Schwarzbeck      VULB 9160 / Hybrid Antenna           08/09/2018       Biennial           3368
           Schwarzbeck      BBHA 9120D / Horn Antenna            11/21/2017       Biennial       9120D-1191
                            BBHA9170 /
           Schwarzbeck                                           12/04/2017       Biennial      BBHA9170541
                            Horn Antenna(15 GHz ~ 40 GHz)
           Rohde &          FSP(9 kHz ~ 30 GHz) / Spectrum
                                                                 09/19/2018        Annual         836650/016
           Schwarz          Analyzer
           Rohde &
                            FSV40-N / Spectrum Analyzer          09/19/2018        Annual         101068-SZ
           Wainwright       WHKX10-2700-3000-18000-40SS
                                                                 01/03/2019        Annual                 4
           Instruments      / High Pass Filter
           Wainwright       WHKX8-6090-7000-18000-40SS /
                                                                 01/03/2019        Annual                 5
           Instruments      High Pass Filter
                            60/12SS /                            06/19/2019        Annual                 2
                            Band Reject Filter
           Wainwright       WRCJV5100/5850-40/50-8EEK /
                                                                 01/03/2019        Annual                 2
           Instruments      Band Reject Filter
           Api tech.        18B-03 / Attenuator (3 dB)           06/04/2019        Annual                 1
           WEINSCHEL        56-10 / Attenuator(10 dB)            10/10/2018        Annual           72316
           CERNEX                                                01/03/2019        Annual           28549
                            Bench Top LNA
                            CBL06185030 / Broadband
           CERNEX                                                01/03/2019        Annual           24615
                            Low Noise Amplifier
           CERNEX           CBL18265035 / Power Amplifier        01/03/2019        Annual           22966
           CERNEX           CBL26405040 / Power Amplifier        06/18/2019        Annual           25956
           TESCOM           TC-3000C / Bluetooth Tester          03/26/2019        Annual        3000C000276


         1. Equipment listed above that calibrated during the testing period was set for test after the
         2. Equipment listed above that has a calibration due date during the testing period, the testing is
         completed before equipment expiration date.

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                                                                                   Report No. HCT-RF-1908-FI009-R1


         Please refer to test setup photo file no. as follows;

                 No.                                             Description

                      1                                      HCT-RF-1908-FI009-P

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Document Created: 2019-08-08 14:58:43
Document Modified: 2019-08-08 14:58:43

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