DFS Test Report


Test Report

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                   74, Seoicheon—ro 578beon—gil, Majang—myeon, Icheon—si, Gyeonggi—do, 17383.Rep. of KOREA
                                  TEL: +82—31—645—6300             FAX: +82—31—645—6401

                                          FCC / IC DFS REPORT

Applicant Name:                                                             Date of Issue:
LG Electronics Inc.
                                                                            October 12, 2018

Address:                                                                    Test Site/Location:
               inen®                           .             .              HCT CO., LTD., 74,Seoicheon—ro 578beon—gil, Majang—
222, LG—ro, Jinwi—myeon, Pyeongtaek—si, Gyeonggi—d0,451— myeo,Icheon—si, Gyeonggi—do, 17383, Rep. of KOREA
713, Korea
                                                                            Report No.: HCT—RF—1810—FI010
FCC ID:                                 BEJIL7ZFF
IC:                                     2703H—IL7FF
APPLICANT:                              LG Electronics Inc.
According to the Evaluation report, all of the data contained herein is reused from the reference FCC ID : BEJIL7FB / IC:

2703H—IL7FB report.
Model:                                  ILZFF
EUT Type:                               Faceplate RADIO ASM—RECEIVER
Max. RF Output Power:

                   802.11a                            5260 — 5320           10.20           12.93
                   802.11n                            5260 — 5320            9.95           12.81
                   802.11n                            5270 — 5310            9.44           12.99
     NNzA          802.11ac                           5260 — 5320           10.07           12.95
                   802.11ac                           5270 — 5310            9.48           12.49
                   802.11ac                              5290                9.57           13.04
                   802.11a                            5500 — 5720           20.28           20.73
                   802.11n                            5500 — 5720           20.15           20.57
                   802.11n                            5510 — 5710           19.70           21.03
     WNINHZG       802. 11ac                          5500 — 5720           20.01           21.60
                   802.11ac                           5510 — 5710           19.75           21.21
                   802.11ac                           5530 — 5690           19.79           21.07
 FCC Classification:              Unlicensed National Information Infrastructure (UNI1)
 FCC Rule Part(s):                Part 15.407(DFS)
        Engineering Statement:
        The measurements shown in this report were made in accordance with the procedures indicated, and the emissions from this
        equipment were found to be within the limits applicable. | assume full responsibility for the accuracy and completeness of these
        measurements, and for the qualifications of all persons taking them.
        HCT CO., LTD. Cerfifies that no party to this application has subject to a denial of Federal benefits that includes FCC benefits pursuant
        to section 5301 of the Anti—Drug Abuse Act of 1998,21 U.S. C.853(a)

         Report prepared by : Jeong Kwon                                      Approved by : Jong Seok Lee
         Engineer of Telecommunication testing center                         Manager of Telecommunication testing center
         This report only responds to the tested sample and may not be reproduced, except in full, without written approval of the HCT Co., Ltd.

           F—TP22—03 (Rev.00)                                        1 #17                                            HCT CO.,LTD.

                                                                      FCC ID: BEJIL7FF / IC: 2703H-IL7FF
Report No.: HCT-RF-1810-FI010

  TEST REPORT NO.               DATE                              DESCRIPTION

HCT-RF-1810-FI010       October 12, 2018    - First Approval Report

F-TP22-03 (Rev.00)                         2 / 17                           HCT CO.,LTD.

                                                                                                                        FCC ID: BEJIL7FF / IC: 2703H-IL7FF
Report No.: HCT-RF-1810-FI010

                                                     Table of Contents
1. EUT DESCRIPTION ..................................................................................................................................... 4

2. SCOPE ......................................................................................................................................................... 5

3. INSTRUMENT CALIBRATION..................................................................................................................... 5

4. FACILITIES AND ACCREDITATIONS ......................................................................................................... 5

      FACILITIES ............................................................................................................................................... 5

      EQUIPMENT ............................................................................................................................................. 5

5. SUMMARY OF TEST RESULTS ................................................................................................................. 6

6. DESCRIPTION OF DYNAMIC FREQUENCY SELECTION TEST.............................................................. 7

      6.1 Requirements..................................................................................................................................... 7

      6.2 Limit .................................................................................................................................................... 8

      6.3 DFS detection threshold values....................................................................................................... 9

      6.4 DFS test signals............................................................................................................................. 10

      6.5 Test and measurement system .................................................................................................... 11

      6.6 TEST RESULT ................................................................................................................................ 13

7. LIST OF TEST EQUIPMENT ................................................................................................................... 16

8. LIST OF TEST EQUIPMENT ................................................................................................................... 17

 F-TP22-03 (Rev.00)                                                     3 / 17                                                      HCT CO.,LTD.

                                                                       FCC ID: BEJIL7FF / IC: 2703H-IL7FF
Report No.: HCT-RF-1810-FI010


Model                           IL7FF

EUT Type                        Faceplate RADIO ASM-RECEIVER

Power Supply                    DC 12.0 V

Modulation Type                 OFDM

                                                                  UNII -2A : 4.30 dBi
                                Internal Antenna :
                                                                  UNII -2C : 4.70 dBi
Peak.Antenna Gain
                                                                  UNII -2A : 1.60 dBi
                                External Antenna :
                                                                  UNII -2C : 1.40 dBi

Date(s) of Tests                September 5, 2018 ~ October 1, 2018

 F-TP22-03 (Rev.00)                         4 / 17                             HCT CO.,LTD.

                                                                                FCC ID: BEJIL7FF / IC: 2703H-IL7FF
Report No.: HCT-RF-1810-FI010

This report has been prepared to demonstrate compliance with the requirements for Dynamic Frequency
Selection(DFS) as stated in KDB 905462 D02 v02. Testing was performed in accordance with the
measurement procedure described in FCC KDB 905462 D02 v02.

The measuring equipment, which was utilized in performing the tests documented herein, has
been calibrated in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations for utilizing calibration
equipments, which is traceable to recognized national standards.
Espectially, all antenna for measurement is calibrated in accordance with the requirements of C63.5
(Version : 2017).


The SAC(Semi-Anechoic Chamber) and conducted measurement facility used to collect the radiated data are
located at the 74, Seoicheon-ro 578beon-gil, Majang-myeon, Icheon-si, Gyeonggi-do, 17383, Rep. of
KOREA. The site is constructed in conformance with the requirements of ANSI C63.4. (Version :2014) and
CISPR Publication 22. Detailed description of test facility was submitted to the Commission and accepted
dated April 02, 2018 (Registration Number: KR0032 ).
For ISED, test facility was accepted dated July 30, 2018(Registration Number: 5944A-5)

Radiated emissions are measured with one or more of the following types of Linearly polarized antennas:
tuned dipole, bi-conical, log periodic, bi-log, and/or ridged waveguide, horn. Spectrum analyzers with pre-
selectors and quasi-peak detectors are used to perform radiated measurements.
Conducted emissions are measured with Line Impedance Stabilization Networks and EMI Test
Receivers. Calibrated wideband preamplifiers, coaxial cables, and coaxial attenuators are also used for
making measurements.
All receiving equipment conforms to CISPR Publication 16-1, “Radio Interference Measuring
Apparatus and Measurement Methods.”

 F-TP22-03 (Rev.00)                             5 / 17                                  HCT CO.,LTD.

                                                                         FCC ID: BEJIL7FF / IC: 2703H-IL7FF
Report No.: HCT-RF-1810-FI010


   Band                        Parameter                             Limit                    Result

                 Channel Move Time                     10 seconds                             NTNote2

                                                       200 ms + aggregate of 60 ms over
  UNII-2A        Channel Closing Transmission Time                                            NTNote2
                                                       remaining 10 second period

                 Non-occupancy Period                  30 minutes                             NTNote2

                 Channel Move Time                     10 seconds                             PASS

                                                       200 ms + aggregate of 60 ms over
  UNII-2C        Channel Closing Transmission Time                                            PASS
                                                       remaining 10 second period

                 Non-occupancy Period                  30 minutes                             PASS

1. NT = Not Tested, NA = Not Applicable
2. The KDB905462 D02 v02 : Each one channel selected between UNII-2A, UNII-2C is chosen for
  the testing.
  Therefore, We performed the only UNII-2C test

 F-TP22-03 (Rev.00)                           6 / 17                            HCT CO.,LTD.

                                                                              FCC ID: BEJIL7FF / IC: 2703H-IL7FF
Report No.: HCT-RF-1810-FI010


6.1 Requirements

KDB905462 D02 v02(04/08/2016) the following are the requirements for Client Devices:

    a) A Client Device will not transmit before having received appropriate control signals from a Master
    b) A Client Device will stop all its transmissions whenever instructed by a Master Device to which it is
        associated and will meet the Channel Move Time and Channel Closing Transmission Time
        The Client Device will not resume any transmissions until it has again received control signals from
        a Master Device.
    c) If a Client Device is performing In-Service Monitoring and detects a Radar Waveform above the
        DFS Detection Threshold, it will inform the Master Device. This is equivalent to the Master Device
        detecting the Radar Waveform and d) through f) of section 5.1.1(KDB905462 D02 v02) apply.
    d) Irrespective of Client Device or Master Device detection the Channel Move Time and Channel
        Closing Transmission Time requirements remain the same.

 F-TP22-03 (Rev.00)                           7 / 17                                 HCT CO.,LTD.

                                                                                FCC ID: BEJIL7FF / IC: 2703H-IL7FF
Report No.: HCT-RF-1810-FI010

6.2 Limit

                 Parameter                                                  Value

Non-occupancy period                           Minimum 30 minutes
Channel Availability Check Time                60 seconds
                                               10 seconds
Channel Move Time
                                               See Note 1.
                                               200 milliseconds + an Aggregate of 60 milliseconds over
Channel Closing Transmission Time
                                               Remaining 10 second period. See Notes 1 and 2.
                                               Minimum 100 % of the U-NII 99 % transmission Power
U-NII Detection Bandwidth
                                               bandwidth. See Note 3.
Note 1:
Channel Move Time and the Channel Closing Transmission Time should be performed with
Radar Type 0. The measurement timing begins at the end of the Radar Type 0 burst.

Note 2:
The Channel Closing Transmission Time is comprised of 200 milliseconds starting at the beginning of
The Channel Move Time plus any additional intermittent control signals required to facilitate a Channel move
(an aggregate of 60 milliseconds) during the remainder of the 10 second period. The aggregate duration
of control signals will not count quiet periods in between transmissions.

During the U-NII Detection Bandwidth detection test, radar type 0 should be used.
For each frequency step the minimum percentage of detection is 90 percent. Measurements are performed
With no data traffic.

 F-TP22-03 (Rev.00)                              8 / 17                               HCT CO.,LTD.

                                                                                    FCC ID: BEJIL7FF / IC: 2703H-IL7FF
Report No.: HCT-RF-1810-FI010

6.3 DFS detection threshold values

The DFS detection thresholds are defined for Master devices and Client Devices with In-service monitoring.
These detection thresholds are listed in the following table.

              Maximum Transmit Power
                                                                          (See Notes 1 and 2)

                    ≥ 200 milliwatt                                                -64 dBm
                    < 200 milliwatt                                                -62 dBm
Note 1:
This is the level at the input of the receiver assuming a 0 dBi receive antenna.

Note 2:
Throughout these test procedures an additional 1 dB has been added to the amplitude of
the test transmission waveforms to account for variations in measurement equipment. This will
ensure that the test signal is at or above the detection threshold level to trigger a DFS response.

 F-TP22-03 (Rev.00)                              9 / 17                                      HCT CO.,LTD.

                                                                                FCC ID: BEJIL7FF / IC: 2703H-IL7FF
Report No.: HCT-RF-1810-FI010

6.4 DFS test signals

As the EUT is a Client Device with no Radar Detection only one type radar pulse is required for the testing.
Radar Pulse type 0 was used in the evaluation of the Client device for the purpose of measuring the Channel
Move Time and the Channel Closing Transmission Time.

                                                              Number                               Minimum
 Radar      Pulse Width              PRI                                         Percentage of
                                                                 Of                                Number of
 Type          (μsec)               (μsec)                                         Successful
                                                                Pulses                               Trials
   0              1                  1428                        18               See Note 1      See Note 1
                               Test A: 15 unique      Roundup         1               60%              30
                                  PRI values                       360
                              Randomly selected                    19ꞏ106
                              From the list of 23                  PRI µsec
                                PRI values in
                                   Table 5a

                              Test B: 15 unique
                                  PRI values
                              Randomly selected
   1              1            within the range
                                 of 518-3066
                                 µ sec, with a
                                increment of 1
                                    µ sec,
                                excluding PRI
                                  selected in
                                    Test A

   2            1-5                150-230                      23-29                 60%              30
   3            6-10               200-500                      16-18                 60%              30
   4           11-20               200-500                      12-16                 60%              30
                          Aggregate (Radar Types 1-4)                                 80%             120
Short pulse Radar Type 0 should be used for the detection bandwidth test, channel move time, and channel
closing time tests.

 F-TP22-03 (Rev.00)                               10 / 17                              HCT CO.,LTD.

                                                                                       FCC ID: BEJIL7FF / IC: 2703H-IL7FF
Report No.: HCT-RF-1810-FI010

6.5 Test and measurement system

General Test Setup Procedure:
    1. Connect FCC approved Master AP to a network, via wired Ethernet, that allows connection to an
         FTP server.
    2. Associate the EUT with the Master AP.
    3. Launch the FTP application on the EUT.
    4. Connect to the FTP server application to the FTP server hosting the file
    5. Initiate an FTP download of the file from the host.
    6. Monitor the channel loading during transfer.
    7. Reduce the maximum allowed data rate for the Master AP, using the AP’s GUI interface.
    8. Repeat steps 4-6 until the channel loading is as close to 20 % as possible.
    9. Record the data rate setting on the Master AP and the channel loading.
    10. While the system is performing an FTP transfer using the settings form item 8 above, perform the
         Channel Closing Transmission Time and Channel Move Time Measurements as required by
         KDB905462 D02 v02 using a conducted test.

System calibrations
A-50-ohm load is connected in place of the spectrum analyzer, and the spectrum analyzer is connected to a
coaxial cable. The signal generator is set to CW mode. The amplitude of the signal generator is adjusted to
yield a level of - 62 dBm as measured on the spectrum analyzer.

Without changing any of the instrument settings, the spectrum analyzer is reconnected to the common port
of the spectrum analyzer combiner or divider.

The spectrum analyzer displays the level of the signal generator higher than the client TX level. Because we
can not search the signal generator in the spectrum analyzer when the signal generator level is - 62 dBm.
The spectrum analyzer will still indicate the level higher than the client TX level.

 F-TP22-03 (Rev.00)                              11 / 17                                     HCT CO.,LTD.

                                                                                  FCC ID: BEJIL7FF / IC: 2703H-IL7FF
Report No.: HCT-RF-1810-FI010

The KDB905462 D02 v02 describes a radiated test setup and a conducted test setup.
A radiated test setup was used for this testing. Figure 7-1 shows the typical test setup.
Each one channel selected between UNII-2A, UNII-2C is chosen for the testing.

                                                 Figure 7-1. Test Setup

    1. The radar pulse generator is setup to provide a pulse at the frequency that the Master and Client are
        operating. A Type 0 radar pulse with a 1 μs pulse width and a 1428 μs PRI is used for the testing.

    2. The vector signal generator is adjusted to provide the radar burst (18 pulses) at a level of
        approximately -62 dBm at the antenna of the Master device.

    3. The Client Device (EUT) is set up per the diagram in Figure 3-1 and communications between the
        Master device and the Client is established.

    4. The MPEG file specified by the FCC (”6½ Magic Hours”) is streamed from the “file computer”
        through the Master to the Slave Device and played in full motion video using Media Player Classic
        Ver. in order to properly load the network.

    5. The spectrum analyzer is set to record about 15 sec window to any transmissions occurring up to
        and after 10 sec.

    6. The system is again setup and the monitoring time is shortened in order to capture the Channel
        Closing Transmission Time. This time is measured to insure that the Client ceases transmission
        within 200 ms and the aggregate of emissions occurring after 200 ms up to 10 sec do not exceed 60
        (Note: the channel may be different since the Master and Client have changed channels due to the
        detection of the initial radar pulse.)

    7. After the initial radar burst the channel is monitored for 30 minutes to insure no transmissions or
        beacons occur. A second monitoring setup is used to verify that the Master and Client have both
        moved to different channels.

 F-TP22-03 (Rev.00)                                 12 / 17                                 HCT CO.,LTD.

                                                                      FCC ID: BEJIL7FF / IC: 2703H-IL7FF
Report No.: HCT-RF-1810-FI010


Type0 : PRI

Type0 : Radar Pulse Number

                                        Marker Descriptions:
                                Number of Pulse Form M1R to M1 : 18

 F-TP22-03 (Rev.00)                     13 / 17                             HCT CO.,LTD.

                                                       FCC ID: BEJIL7FF / IC: 2703H-IL7FF
Report No.: HCT-RF-1810-FI010

Time Display, Non WLAN Channel Traffic

Time Display, WLAN Channel Traffic (Streaming Video)

F-TP22-03 (Rev.00)                       14 / 17             HCT CO.,LTD.

                                                                             FCC ID: BEJIL7FF / IC: 2703H-IL7FF
Report No.: HCT-RF-1810-FI010

Channel Move Time & Channel Closing Transmission Time

1. Test BW : 802.11ac(VHT80)
2. Test Channel : 106
3. Channel Move Time : 5.295249 s (Limit : 10 s)
4. Channel Closing Transmission Time, Aggregate Time After 200 ms : 0.000006 s (Limit : 60 ms)

Non-occupancy Period – Monitoring live time spectrum analyzer – Elapse time 30 minutes

 F-TP22-03 (Rev.00)                          15 / 17                                HCT CO.,LTD.

                                                                             FCC ID: BEJIL7FF / IC: 2703H-IL7FF
Report No.: HCT-RF-1810-FI010


                                                              Calibration   Calibration
    Manufacturer                     Model / Equipment                                         Serial No.
                                                                 Date        Interval

SAMSUNG            WEA453e / Wireless AP                                                     S2LF812265
                                                                 N/A           N/A
ELECTRONICS        (Master Device)                                                        FCC ID: A3LWEA453E

ADLINK             PXI/DFS Measurement System(S/G)            03/22/2018     Annual           302581/735

ADLINK             PXI/DFS Measurement System(S/A)            03/22/2018     Annual           303582/113

Agilent            N9020A / Signal Analyzer                   06/08/2018     Annual          MY51110085

Hewlett Packard    11636B/Power Divider                       02/21/2018     Annual              0531

Agilent            87300B / Directional Coupler               11/20/2017     Annual           3116A03621

Hewlett Packard    11667B / Power Splitter                    06/07/2018     Annual             05001

Agilent            8493C / Attenuator(10 dB)                  07/10/2018     Annual             07560

WEINSCHEL          2-3 / Attenuator(3 dB)                     10/13/2017     Annual            BR0617

Weinschel          AF9003-69-31 / Step Attenuator             10/12/2017     Annual              5701

Narda              4426-4 / 4 Way Power Divider               02/20/2018     Annual             15298

 F-TP22-03 (Rev.00)                                 16 / 17                             HCT CO.,LTD.

                                                                              FCC ID: BEJIL7FF / IC: 2703H-IL7FF
Report No.: HCT-RF-1810-FI010


Please refer to test setup photo file no. as follows;

      No.                                                   Description

        1                                               HCT-RF-1810-FI008-P

        2                                               HCT-RF-1810-FI009-P

        3                                               HCT-RF-1810-FI010-P

        4                                               HCT-RF-1810-FI011-P

 F-TP22-03 (Rev.00)                              17 / 17                            HCT CO.,LTD.

Document Created: 2018-10-12 18:21:41
Document Modified: 2018-10-12 18:21:41

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