SAR Report Part 3


RF Exposure Info

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D Dt&C

            Exsovs— sn:seso                                                                                    Juy 26, 2017
             10508—      LTE—TD (GC—FDMA, 100% Re, 10          x     459       LX        19000   223    800       1+06%
             AB          MiHiz,64—QA, UL
                                                               y     sar|      saat      irao           soo
                                                               2     |_a46     |_7oss    fese           so0
             Tosos—      Er—ToD (GC:FDNA, too% RB. ts          x     se3       Teas      mast    225    oo        £95%
             AnB         Milz. GPSK, UL Sublrame=
                                                               C     446       T162      1640           80
                                                               2|    _sar      7aas      fear           soo
             10510—      LTE—TOD (SC—FDVA, 100% R&, 15         x     489       71A       1886    228    800
             me          Miiz, 16—tAUL                                                                            286 %

                                                               y     «31|      saer      irss           s0
                                                               2     |_asi     _|_foss   830            s00
             Tost1—      tTE—Ton (GC:rouX. oo‘ RG, is          xX    as0       Toss      1870    225    s00       290%
             ns          VHz, 6t—QAM, UL
                                                               y     a3r       se        rar            Eoo
                                                               2     |_a8a     ~|saso    1849           soo
             Tosta:|     tTE—toD (GCFonX. oo% RB, 20           x     |a7s      7ear      mar     225    soo       £99%
             Bro         Milz, PSK, UL Subtrame=2.3.,7,8.9)
                                                               y     |ass      7310      fase           sos
                                                               2     |se2      |_rerr    2052           soo
             Tosts:      LTE—ToD (GGFDNA toon ns20             X     ass       miee      1o7     225|   soo       296%
             ane         Mriz, 16—0A, UL
                                                               Y     421       ESen      176            800
                                                               2     43        Ton       1847           800
             Tosta:      LTE—ToD (GC—roun, o% o. 20            X|    470       Toss      fea2    225    800       £56%
             ane         Mz 6+—OAM, UL
                                                               Y     423       C648      17.50          800
                                                               &     Chal      70.15     128            800
             Tosts:      |icccomtmwn24Gnz(ses.2                x     i0s       cass      feir    o00    is00      266%
            AMA          Mps, 99pe duty cycle)
                                                               y     ose       s2a2      aze            iso0
                                                               2     |_ose     6349      tes7           100
             Tosie       |ieccanifewini24Gnz(pssS.55           x     136       ar70      zore    o00    ts00      256%
             Ana         Mops, 98pc duty eycle)
                                                               Y     055       6695      1548           1500
                                                               2     062       Tose      1785           1500
             Tostr—      iEcc oor nb w24 Gnz(pess, 11|         x     ond       eaas      i77s    00     ts00      286 %
             AMA         Mbps, 99pe duty excle)
                                                               y     |aso      sais      fase           100
                                                               2     |oss      |saas     isar           1500
             Toste—      iEcCBORTanwnSGnz(OroMa                x     450       Grad|     f6a9    600    ts00      286 %
             AMa         Mops, 99pe duty excle)
                                                               y     240|      sez       tss            150
                                                               7|    246       —|_seso   1620           1500
                Tosts:   iEEEGO2TTanwrisonz (roM, i2           x     «or       6742      tose    000    1s00      290%
             AM          Mbps, 99pe duty oxcle)
                                                               Y     455       669       16.18          1500
                                                               2     462       67.00     1630           1500
             Toszd:      ieeEB02tranwris onz (orpM, 8          X     ass       ar40      iess    G00    iso0      250%
             Ama         Mops. 9pe duty eycte)
                                                               Y     440       6685      1600           1500
                                                               2     448       67.0      1622           1500
             Tosrr—      |iEEEBOZTianWinsGnz(orDM.24           x     «40       a740      tose    000    1900      290%
             Ama         Mbps, 98pe daty excle)
                                                               y     is        sess      fear           Tsoo
                                                               2     |_aa1     eros      fe21           1500
             Tosae       iecEBoZtamwirison@ (           x     «52       orse      tesi    000    1900      295%
             AnA         Mps, 9pe duty eyclo)
                                                               Y     439       6e04      16.17          1500
                                                               £     447       67.15     1631           1500

            Cortficate No: EX8—3800ult                         Page 30 of 36

m wwenwapwwre                    £o ie se sagtny wire ne raws s inrepors esw uow uppizre                                cugeareve ies

D Dt&C

                Exsove— sNisou0                                                                                     July26, 2017
                 Tosrs:    icE BoztanwisGnz(oromas               x     442        eras      1650       ooo   iso0      +90%
                 Ana       Mbps, 9pe duty cyce)
                                                                 v     |—ast      seor      1607             1505
                                                                 2|    aar        |_oros    1018             1500
                 Tosat—    iEEESDZTaMWirSGHz(OrDM.5¢             x     a4s        ordd      tose       o00   tso0      £96%
                 Ani       ‘Mbps, 99pe duty cycle)
                                                                 v     a3s        sose      fons             100
                                                                 2|    442|       er0e      1oar             1500
                 Toszs:    12eE e0z.tee win @oniic, MGso,        xX    445|       sese      fe20       o0o   tsoo      z06%
                 AnA       99pe duty oycie)
                                                                 y     130|       se0p      1677             1500
                                                                 2     448|       seir      1989             1500
                 Tos2e—    1EEE 802. Ts Wini (Povinz, MGSt,      xX    ass        sear      ieas       ono   is00      z86%
                 AMA       99pe duty eycle)
                                                                 y     «40|       seze      1589             1500
                                                                 2|    asr        ces       feo2             is00
                 Tosar=    1EEE 802.ttae W(ovine, MoSZ,          x     ass        seas      1628       000   isoo      206 %
                 wma       9ope duty cycle)
                                                                 y      442|      cez       1585             1500
                                                                 2z     |_aso     soas      1556             1500
                 Tosze—|   122E 802 teo Win (Poninz, MGSS,       x      asr       seas      ieai       oco   1500      z86%
                 Ani       99pe duty eycie)
                                                                 y      445|      seze      1586             1500
                                                                 2|     «s1       sear      foso             1500
                 Tosz5—    1EEE 8021 tas Wiri (@OVinz, MCSa,     x      asr       sess      rsar       on    1500      £96%
                 AMA       99pe duty cycle)
                                                                 y      |—aas     ceze      fese             Teas
                                                                 2|     ast       cear      foso             1s00
                 Tosar—    122E 802.tteo Win(Poviz, MGSe,        xX     ass       sear      ieai       ooo   is00      286 %
                 Ani       99pe duty excl)
                                                                 y      |_a40     seze      1986             1500
                                                                 2|     _ais      sost      1589             1500
                 Tossz—     iEEE 802. Ts Wini (Zovinz, MoSr,     x      ad2       comr      62e        ono   is00      r86%
                 Ana       99pe duty eycie)
                                                                 y      |_izs     se |      1627             1500
                                                                 2      |_a36     sean      1589             1500
                 Tosas—    1EEE 6021tae Wini (Zovin, MCSo,       X      ase       seme      reai       Obe   1800      £95%
                 Eo        99pe duty cycle)
                                                                 v|_aas           cese      tose             1so0
                                                                 2z  |_ass        |_sost    1559             1500
                 Tosse:     TEgE 802 t eo Win (€ONiNz, MCSO,     x   s10|         seaz      1625       600   1500      286%
                 Ams        98pe duty excie)
                                                                 y      |aso      sear      es               1500
                                                                 2|     sos       seat      1608             1500
                 T0s35—     1EEE 002. es Wiri (@OVi, MCS1.       xX     si5       sass      fear       one   ts00      295%
                 AhA        9ope duty cycie)
                                                                 y      sor       seas      feot             1500
                                                                 z[     sn        _|_seer   _|_te 10         1s00
                 Tosse:     122E e02.ttee win(@Ninz, MCSZ,       xX     sos       sear      f63s       ano   is00      ze6%
                 Ana        9pe duty cycle)
                                                                 Y   ass   oaas             tsse             1500
                                                                 2z|_as0|_sees              1608             1500
                 Tosar——    i€EE e02.teo im (doNinz,MCSS,        x   so9   sear             iea2       on    1800      206%
                 Ana        9gpe duty cycie)
                                                                 y      |_aso     sear      isar             1500
                                                                 2|     sor       seeo      1606             1500
                 Tosde—     1EEE 002.1 tas Wini (dovinz, MGSa,   xX     si6       seen      es         Ono   ts00      z86%
                 Ama        99pe duty eycie)
                                                                 Y      sas       sead      1600             1500
                                                                 2      sa2       soso      ooo              1500
                 Tosio:     122E 502. 1 Te W(@OVinz, MGSG,       xX     s40       seso      fese       oto   1500      x95%
                 Ama        9ope duty cycie)
                                                                 y   «98|         sese      1600             T500
                                                                 Z—|_s0s          sase      16.10            1s00

                Certfcate No: EX3—3030_Jult?                      Page 31 of 38

m wwenwapwwre                     £o ie se sagtny wire ne raws s inrepors esw uow uppizre                                  cugearar ces

D Dt&C

                  Exsove— SN:s0z0                                                                                    July20, 2017
                      Tosar—   iE€E 802. e Win (ovinz, MGST,         x     s06       seeo     feso    ons   fs09        £95%
                      Ani      99pe duty cycle)
                                                                     v     |_aor     saze     168           1500
                                                                     2     sos       saas|    fooe          1500
                      Tosiz—   i€€E 02ttee win (@ovz, MCSS,          x     s23       seas     fese    ons   1500        £99%
                      Ann      99pe duty cycle)
                                                                     Y     512|      sose     Toor          1500
                                                                     2     |_s19     seor     16.10         1500
                      1o5td:   12E 8021e Win @oviz, MCSS,            x     s20       seas     fear    one   1800        295%
                      AmA      99pe duty cycle)
                                                                     Y     |_si9     sear     ons           1500
                                                                     z     |_s2s     case     foi2          1500
                      Tosda—   iEEE a02.tac Win(GoMz,MGS0,           X     S42       semo     reze    ons   1500        £95%
                      AMA      99pe duty cyole)
                                                                     y     53e       sear     1685          1s00
                                                                     2|    s3e       ces      roos          1500
                      Tosis    12EE 002ttee Win(Govinz, MGST,        x     sso       arze     reso    One   1600        £95%
                      Ana      9pe duty cycle)
                                                                     y     |_sso     sosz     fem           T00
                                                                     2     |_see     coss     1618          1500
                      To5db:   1EEE 602tee i(Boviz,NCSZ,             xX    s46       eros     ieai    onn   1500        £98%
                      AnA      99pe duty oycie)
                                                                     y     s3        sas      1586          1500
                                                                     2     sz        sar      1607          1500
                      Tosir:   i€EE 002.1Tas in (Bovinz, NCSS,       xX    ss3|      ari0     fea2    on0   1s00°|      290%
                      AmA      99pe duty cycle)
                                                                     v—|   ~sar|     sees     foor          is00
                                                                     z     |_sa9     sose|    t608          1500
                      Tosib    12E002.1tee Win (@oVinz, MCS4,        xX    s7o       ari0     iess    605   1500        £99%
                      AMA      99pe duty cycie)
                                                                     y     sse       arzs     1630          1500
                                                                     2|    sea       arar     1639          1500
                      10550    1EEE 0021 tae Wiri (Bovinz,MCSo,      xX    s48       ari0     1ess    000   1500        £90%
                      Ann      9pe duty cycle)
                                                                     Y     542       6608     1606          1500
                                                                     z     |_sas     sose     ion           1500
                      Tosst—   1EEE 802.1tae Wiri (Bovin, MGSr,      x     s49       er10     feao    00    1800        z35%
                      Ani      90pe duty cycle)
                                                                     v     |_sar     sess     ises          1500
                                                                     2z    |_sar_|   seat     1606          1500
                      Tos52—   i€EE 802.1 ts wini (@omnz, Mose,      x     s4s       sees     re2s    ono   1s00        296%
                      ama      9pe duty cycle)
                                                                     y     |_sae     sose     1ssr          1500
                                                                     2     se        sor      foor          1500
                      Tosss—   12EE 802.1 e wini (Gowz, Moso,        x     ss0|      sear     reas    ono   1800        296%
                      Ana      9pe duty cycle)
                                                                     v     |_sao     seas     isse          1500
                                                                     z     |_sa6     |_sazo   teos          1800
                      Tosse—   i€EE 602. tiacwin   (1oo\inz, MGso,   x     sa2       erzi     1632    000   1500        290%
                      Ama      99pe duty cycle)
                                                                     y     |s7s      sare     1603          1500
                                                                     z     |_s7e     soss     f6:t0         1500
                      Tosss—   ieeE 60z.ttacwim reominz, Mcst,       x     ses       ards     64      000   1500        £90%
                      AMA      99pe duty cycle)
                                                                     y     |_ses     sase     fode          1500
                                                                     2     589       67.20    1021          1500
                      Tosse:   i€EE feoztacWim reoinz.MCS2,          X     see       ers2     645     000   1500        £90%
                      AMA      99pe duty cycie)
                                                                     y     se        sros     fere          Tse0
                                                                     z     |_sor     srze     t62s          1500
                      Tossr—   i€EE 1602.tiecwin 1eo\inz, MGS3,      x     a2        eras     142     000   1800        290%
                      AnA      99pe duty oycie)
                                                                     v     see       sees     fers          1500
                                                                     2|    ses       srir     120           1500

                  Certficate No: EX3—380Jult?                        Page 32 0136

bvvoee wwenwapvwrse                    £o ie se sagtny wire ne raws s inrepors esw uow uppizre                               cugearevi ies

D Dt&C

                Exsove— sNi30s0                                                                                July26, 2017
                 Tosse—     iEEE tov2.traewini(roouinz.MGsd,     x     sos       srar      iesi   ooo   is00      £90%
                 Ana        $9ve duty cycle)
                                                                 y     |~see|sree|         Toae         isos
                                                                 2z    |ses   |srar|       1620         1500
                 Toseo:~|   1EEE 1902.trae wini (rooumz, MGss,   x     s00    arae         1oas   G00   1500      £90%
                 Ana.       9gpe duty excle)
                                                                 y     |sar      sese      foae         T00
                                                                 2z    sez       |arie_|   to2e         1500
                 Tosei——|   122E 1e02.tiae wini reowme, wosr,    x     see       sr40      i6s0   000   iso0      +50%
                 Ana        9pe duty excle)
                                                                 v     seo       some      1620         1500
                                                                 2     |_see     ori       1028         1500
                 Tosez:     iEEE too2.ttaewini(Tooie MGss,       X     se8       res       ioed   o00   1so0      £90%
                 Ama        99pe duty excie)
                                                                 y     |_see     sras_|    1030         1500
                                                                 2     |sse      sra1      fean         1500
                 Toses—     iEEE 1ov2ttaewini(roouia MCSs,       X     o05       sr5d      1652   on0   1sa0      +50%
                 Am         99pe duty excle)
                                                                 y     535|      sros      1622         T500
                                                                 2     |_s00     6728      t630         1500
                 Toses—     ie€es02 11 wini 24 Gne Dase—         xX    ase       eras      ree0   o4s   1800      296%
                 Ama        OFDM9 Mbps. 99pe duty excle)
                                                                 Y     472|      sare      fozs         1500
                                                                 2z    |_are     |_sose    163          1500
                 Toses:     iEeE 02119 Wiri24 onz Poss—          x     sos       sres      1691   o6    1800      206%
                 Ana        OFOM, 12 Mops, 99pe duty cycle)
                                                                 v     ass       arar      1656         1500
                                                                 2|    aso       srar      1650         1500
                 Toses:     iegeso2 11 i2« onz oess—             x     ~asr      arar      i674   ons   1800      z08%
                 Ama        OFOM, 18 Mbps, 88pe duty cycle)
                                                                 y     a7s       orc2      rese         1500
                                                                 2|    ass       or21      foas         1500
                 Tosar—     iEee so2 119 Wny 2onz poss—          x     a21|      arer      is     ons   1500      295%
                 on         OFDM24 Mops, $9pe duty oycle)
                                                                 Y     479       6745      1675         1500
                                                                 2|    asr       sres      1685         1500
                 Tosee:     1eE 02 119 Wri24 onz (ose—           xX    a7r       srar      650    ons   isoo      258%
                 Ana        OFDM, 36 Mops, Stpe duty oyole)
                                                                 y     |_ass     se7e      1608         100
                                                                 2     |_a7a     |_sess    1625         1500
                 Tose0—     ieee a02.—119 Wiri2.4 Gne (Dose—     xX    aso       saie      iz     oa6   ts00      206%
                 Ana        OroM 48 Mbps, 29pe duty cycle)
                                                                 y     a7s       srar      toms         T500
                                                                 2|    ass       srar      fosr         1500
                 Tosro—     Ees soz119 wni 2s onz poss—          xX    aso       srea      irie   oas   1800      286%
                 Ana        OFDM, 5¢ Mops, $9pe duty cycle)
                                                                 y     a7s      oras       fore         tsod
                                                                 2     |_ase|_ore0_|       1680         1500
                 Toart—     iE€E ao2. 1 wiri2 4 onz (oss, 1      X     120      seeo       ira    o%s   fs00      z96%
                 ana        Mbpe, 00pe duty cye)
                                                                 y     ts        sz        foze         Tsoo
                                                                 2|    125       ssa0      feis         100
                 Toare:     |iEccaoztibwriziGh2(bass,2           x     is2       or77      irbs   046   1800      £98%
                 Ama        Mops, 9Ope duty cyce)
                                                                 y     120|      sar       1oeo         Too
                                                                 2     127       sois      iess         1200
                 Tars—      iEcemo2tibWn2z4GHz(ass.s5            x    10000      forso     4841   045   1300      £99%
                 Ana        Mps, 9Ope duty excle)
                                                                 y     135       Tsz       mar          Too
                                                                 2z    |_aor     gsss      2700         To
                 Tosre—     iE€EBoZTTbWiRZ4GHz(DSSG, 11          x     182       7eso      2291   045   1300      295%
                 Ama        Mops, $0pe duty cyole)
                                                                 y     i2r       san       1621         1800
                                                                 2z    4s        7aer      foot         1800

                Certficate No: EX3—3030_Jult?                    Page 33 or 38

m wwenwapwwre                      £o ie se sagtny wire ne raws s inrepors esw uow uppizre                             cugear ze ies

D Dt&C

            Exsovs— shi3030                                                                                 July 26, 2017
                Tosrs.   i€gE so2. 119 wini 24 onz fpsss—   X|    &s1       eros       e70    ons    foo       s95%
                Ana      OFDM, 6 Mss 20pe duty excie)
                                                            v     |_asr     —|_sear    1630          Too
                                                            z     |aso—|    cast       reae          100
                Tosre:   ieE a02. 114 wini 24 on (psss:     xX    ass       erzs       1679   045    1300      298%
                Ana      OFD, 9 Mps. s0pe duty cycle)
                                                            v     |_ass     seat       1630          Tos
                                                            2     |_ae      |_er00|    t6s2          1300
                Toorr—   ieee soz.tig wini 24 onz psss—     xX    ass       aree       iess   o46    1300      299%
                Ama      OFDM, 12 Mbps, 9Opc duty cycle)
                                                            y     |_an      sros       toss          oo
                                                            2     |_azo     |_ras      foor          1800
                Tosre:   1€EE an2119 wei 24 on(osss—        X     aga       arge       1ror   046|   1300      £00%
                AMA      OFDM, 16 Mbps, $0pc duty orcle)
                                                            y     |_ase     erzi       Tess          Too
                                                            2     |_470     ara2       torg          1oo
                Tosro—   i€€E eoz11 w24 onz psss—           x     a40       sass       fese   045    1300      £99%
                AMa      OFDM, 24 Mps, 90pe duty exce)
                                                            v     137       sear       fese          1500
                                                            2|    140       sass       t607          1300
                Tosso:   i€ee so2119 wri 24 onz poss:       xX    ass       seos       feas   o4s    1300      £95%
                Ama      OFOM, 38 Mips, 90pe duty cxcle)
                                                            y     |_aa1     seas       1680          T00
                                                            z     |_aso_|   sazo_|     1609          1200
                Toser—   ieee so2 119 w2 onz oss—           xX    ass       eres       1705   on5    fs00      £95%
                AmA      OFOM, 48 Mbps, 90pe duty cxde)
                                                            y     ass       orze       fose          es
                                                            z     |_ao1     _|_ora9|   fore          1300
                Tosse—   ie€e o2119 wri24 onzSss—           x     a42       sass       en     o4s    1300      295%
                AMA      OFDM, 54 Mbps. 90pc duty exce)
                                                            y     |_aze     sen        is            100
                                                            2     430|      caso       fost          1200
                105sd—   1EEEOURtanWimsGnz(oroms            x     ae1       aros       1670   046|   1800      286 %
                Lo       Nbps, 9Opc duty cxce)
                                                            Y     451       6661       1630          1300
                                                            2z    |_aso     sasi       foat          Ew
                Tosss—   ie€€avatianwrisone(oromMo          x     es        ar20       to79   G46    1900      295%
                ama      Mbps, 9Opc duty cyce)
                                                            y     4s        sast       fese          Too
                                                            2     |_as1     sroo       fese          1900
                Toses—   iEEEBOZtTanWirisGHz(OFDW. 12       x     ass       arss       iess   o6     fsoo      206%
                Ama      Mops, SOpe duty cycle)
                                                            y   |_an        sros       ress          Ew
                                                            z|_aro          sras       reor          1900
                Tosse:   iEccoratianwinsonz(romio           x   474|        arz4       tror   o6     1800      286%
                AMA      Mbps, 9Opc duty cyce)
                                                            y     as2       srai       ess           oo
                                                            2     470|      era2"|     i69           1300
                Toser—   iEEEa0ZtamwWiis GHz(OFDM. 24       x     449       sess       i6s2   o46    fsno      256%
                AmA      Mops, 9Opo duty cycle)
                                                            v     asr       sear       isse          1300
                                                            z|    446       soss       t607          1300
                fosss—   iEEEODZTamWimSGHz(OrpM.s6          x     ass       coss       iess   od6    fsno      296%
                Ama      Meps, 9Ope duty cxcle)
                                                            y     aa1       seas       is80          1oo
                                                            2     450       66.70      1608          1900
                Tosss—   iE€EODRTaMWiSGHz(OrDM. 48          x     es        es         i0s    o6     tono      286%
                Ann      Nbps, 9Ope daty cxcle)
                                                            y     |ass|     srze       fese          Too
                                                            2     «s1       sra9       67e           1300
                Tosed—   1EEE 02 fanwiis Gnz (OFDM.5¢       x     442       sees       1609   o46    1s0o      296%
                AnA      Nbps, 90pe duty cycl)
                                                            y     42e       san        iss           Too
                                                            z|    490       sese       iss           1200

            Cortficate No: EX3—3930.Jult?                   Page 34 of 36

m wwenwapwwre                   £o ie se sagtny wire ne raws s inrepors esw uow uppizre                              cugeareve ies

D Dt&C

                      exsove— shis0s0                                                                               July26, 2017
                       Toset—      122E 602.11n T Wied, 20vinz,      X|    aro       sris      679     ons   fsoo      286%
                       Ana         MGSO, 90pe duty cycle)
                                                                     y     ~aer      sezo      fear          Tso0
                                                                     Zz    |_a7a     cear      iess          1900
                      | Tosez——|   ieEE 80211n (it Moed, 20ez,       x     aot       sras      i6902   oas   ts00      z08%
                       AMA         MCSN, 80pe duty cyde)
                                                                     v     |a7o      sroo      fose          oo
                                                                     2     |_asr     orig      f6er          1200
                       T05dG—      1EEE 002.1 n (NT Med, 20Mnz,      x     ase       eras      re79    ods   reno      £96%
                       AmA         MCS2, 80pe duty cycle)
                                                                     y     «71|      saer      i640          Too
                                                                     2z    «70|      sros      1654          1200
                       Tosoa—      1EEE 802.11n (HMxed, 2oMhe,       xX    4ss       ersa      iess    o4s   fano      £98%
                       AMA         MCS3, 00pe duty oycle)
                                                                     y     |_a7r     sros      65e           100
                                                                     2z    4ss       erze      1661          100
                       Tosds—      12EE 802.11n (HNved, 20Mz,        x     ass       erso      fear    ons   1s00      £95%
                       Ana         MGSé, s0pe duty cycle)
                                                                     y     a7s       orge      1eas          Tso0
                                                                     2     482|      orzs      ies           1800
                       Tosds:      12EE 802.11n (rir ho. 20me,       X     aze       ers0      fear    oas   1200      296%
                       Ana         MGSS, 90pe duty oycie)
                                                                     y   as0         saso      fear          Ew
                                                                     z|_azs          sr2ai     1661          1300
                       1050r—.—    1€EE 802.1 n (HT Med. 20Niz,      x   ars         sras      1674    o4s   1soo      x86%
                       Ama         MCSG, 90pe duly cycle)
                                        __                           v|_as           sose      1532          oo
                                                                     2|  «70|        sr09|     toas          1200
                       T05d6:—     1EEE 002.11n (hT Mxed, 2oiz,      xX  aze         sres      iros    oas   1300      x35%
                       Ama         MGST, 80e duty cyle)
                                                                     y     «s1       arn       feai          1oo
                                                                     2|    aso       era       tove          1300
                       Tosod—|     1EEE 802.1 n (rt Mxe, soe,        xX    s40       eras      reai    o%s   1s00      £96%
                       Ama         MCSO, 90pe duty cycle)
                                                                     Y     534       6115      1664          1300
                                                                     2|    sze       eree      1070          1200
                       T0500——     1EEE 802.1 n (HT Med, doMiz,      x     as0       ore1      iros    oas   fs00      £96%
                       AMA         MGS1, 90pe duty cycle)
                                                                     Y     ~sas      orar      ie78          Too
                                                                     2|    sas       srss      1oas          1200
                        Tosot—     1EEE 802.1 n (hT Mxed. aovin,     xX    s4z       sres      i6ss    oas   1sno      z38%
                        Ama        MGS2, 80pe duty cyole)
                                                                     v|    s3        sreze     1670          To
                                                                     z     sso       era2      forr          1200
                        T05dz:—    1EEE 802.1 n (AMxea, aonthz,      x     sse       arir      6e5     oas   tano      #96%
                        AMA        MCS3, SOpe duty cycle)
                                                                     v     sas       srar      isee          100
                                                                     2|    sst       orse      fore          1300
                        Tosud:—    1EEE 002.11n (hMved, sonine,      xX    ser       sans      2s      ons   fsno      295%
                        Ana        MGRA, 00pe uty oyele)
                                                                     y     se        orer      fess          Tsoo
                                                                     2     |_sse     oree      ir0e          100
                        T0806—     12EE 802.1 n (HT NMixed. doVic,   X     sar       eree      iros    oas   fs00      x95%
                        Ana        MGSS, 90pe duty oyclo)
                                                                     y     |_sa1     sras      1677          100
                                                                     2     545       6146      1682          1300
                        10605—.—   1EEE 802.1 n (hT Mixed. doNiz,    x     ss        sr7e      tor     oas   tan0      ze6%
                        AmA        MGSG, 90pe duty cycle)
                                                                     v|_sas          sree      1e7e          100
                                                                     2   |_sas       "|_orse   1680          1200
                        10506      1EEE 802.1 n (hT Mad. oNiz,       x   s26         ari1      ree0    ods   feno      ze6%
                        Ana        MGST, S0pe duty cycle)
                                                                     y     s2        sare      fes           oo
                                                                     2|    52s       seso      1640          1500

                      Certfate No: EX3—3080_Jult?                    Page 35 or 38

bvvoee wwenwapvwrse                      £o ie se sagtny wire ne raws s inrepors esw uow uppizre                            cugeacececes

D Dt&C

                  Exsove— sN:sos0                                                                                  July 25, 2017
                      Tosor—     iegE eo2.tTecwin @onz, MCSn,       x     «62       sass      1647    oas   1300      299%
                      Ana        S0pe duty cycle)
                                                                    y     is1       sant      1806          oo
                                                                    2|    ass       sez       1620          1900
                   Tosos:—|      i2E a0z.tac win(2onimz, MCS1,      xX    a70       sass      10e3    oa5   900       £80%
                   Ama           Sope duty cycle)
                                                                    y     |_ase     sasr      fex           100
                                                                    2     |_a10     _|_sas0   1635          1300
                      Toons:     iEEE a02.rrecwin (eonmz, MGSZ,     X     as8|      sarr      1647    o45   1300      190%
                      Ama        50pe duty oycle)
                                                                    y   iss         sezo      1808          100
                                                                    Z|_as«          seas      1618          1300
                      10510:     1EEE 602. tec Win(rotMic, MGS3,    X   aua         sems      1004    O46   ts00      £90%
                   AMA           S0pe duty oyole)
                                                                    y     |_aso     sase      te20          Too
                                                                    2     |_aso     seeo      tss           1300
                      10or1—     122E win(rovinz, MGSA,      xX    ass       sare      tds     048   1900      £90%
                   AMA           90pe duty cycle)
                                                                    y     |_as2     seir      foos          1oo
                                                                    2z    |_as0     seai      1620          1300
                   Tosta—        12E 602. ttee in (2ovinz, MGSS,    xX    ass       seso      fass    o%6   1300      £99%
                   Ama           90pe duty cycle)
                                                                    y   |_as1       sez       Teor          Too
                                                                    z|_a61          sass      fe2           1300
                      Tosrs:     ieEE a02.ttec win (GoMiiz, MGSS,   X   ass         sare      1e3     o%6   1300      299%
                      Ani        90pe duty oycie)
                                                                    y     ~a50|     san       nase          es
                                                                    2|    «60|      ses0|     16.10         1300
                      Toora:     1EEE 802. ec Wim oniz, MGSr,       xX    &s1       saso      fess    045   1300      £99%
                      Ana        90pe duty cycle)
                                                                    v   |_aar       sese      io9           Too
                                                                    z|_ase          sese      1635          100
                      Tosts:—|   iEEE e0z.rree wim Goviz, MGSS,     X   &4          sess      fezs    o45   1300      2995%
                      AmA        90pe duty cycle)
                                                                    y     is1       sase      180           100
                                                                    Z     |_as0     sezs      1997          1300
                      Toste:     12EE 602.teo Win(oMiz, MGS0,       x     s25       seme      iess    ods   fs00      £90%
                      Ana        90pe duty oycie)
                                                                    y     si5       sez       fezs          1oo
                                                                    2|    s21       sasr      1634          1300
                      T0617—     12EE 802. hec Win(oNiic, MGST,     xX    s31       sror      ies     045   1300      299%
                      Ana        90pe duty oycle)
                                                                    y     sz0       sase      1620          1200
                                                                    2     |_s2r     sara      1640          1300
                      Toote:     122E e02.hee Win(aovMric, MGSZ,    xX    s21       sros      iesd    o%6   1300      290%
                      Ana        90pe duty cycle)
                                                                    y     sn        sase      es            Too
                                                                    2|    sa7       sere      feaa          1300
                      Toato:     12EE 802. tiac win otMic, MGSs,    xX    s21       sees      teso    o%6   1300      £90%
                      AM         S0pe duty cyole)
                                                                    y     sz        sese      fede          100
                                                                    2z    s18|      sase      1625          1300
                      Toszo—     i€EE 8021 es Wini (dVinz, MGS4,    X     s20       sess      iess    o4s   1300      196%
                      Ama        90pe duty cyole)           ___
                                                                    y     ~si9      sase      tz            Too
                                                                    2     528       6658      1632          1300
                      Toazt—     i€EE 002.1tae Win (doVin, MCSS,    xX    sa1       sro2      io      ods   1500      £90%
                      AM         30pe duty cycle)
                                                                    y     521|      sass      ear           100
                                                                    2|    sar       sara      1652          1300
                      Toszz>     12E002ts W(dovine, MCSG,           xX    sar       aris      rea2    ons   1300      £90%
                      Am         30pe duty cycle)
                                                                    y     sz        sess      1646          1800
                                                                    2|    s2r       sass      157           1800

                  Cortficate No: EX3—3030_Jutt7                     Page 36 or 38

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D Dt&C

                      exsove— sNis0so                                                                               Juy 20, 2017
                       Toszs—    122E 602.1ee Win(doNiz,MCST,           X    si9       seer    fs4s    ons   oo        sa%
                       Am        90pe duty cycie)
                                                                        ¥    sos       sa1s    raos          Tsoo
                                                                        2    se        [ss     1622          100
                       Toaae:    1egE s02 tee win (aovmz, MGSs,         xX   ~sas      case    feso    ox6   1800      £95%
                       Ama       $Ope duty cyde)
                                                                        y    2e        caar    foze          Too
                                                                        2    sar       caor    1os8          1900
                       Toozs:    12EE 602. es win (aoNic, MGSo,         x    sea       ords    fess    o%5   1300      £95%
                       Ana       90pe duty cycle)
                                                                        y    sao       cass    feas          Too
                                                                        2|   sar       |arie   ie            1300
                       Tosze:    12E 802. 1ac Win(ooMHiz, MCSO,         xX   ~sso      sear    fea1    ons   fsno      z88%
                       AmA       30pe duty excie)
                                                                        y    sas       se|     1o21          Too
                                                                        2    se        saes    1630          1500
                       Toszr——   1€ge 602.Tiac win oouie, mos1,         xX   s         sra9|   te7s    oas   1300      255%
                       wna       90pe duty eycie)
                                                                        y    se        sase    1645          Tsoo
                                                                        2    [ss       oris    1es2          1800
                       Toaze—    1EEE 802.1 ee Win (BoViNz,MCS2,        xX   sse       easo    fe42    o4s   fs00      za5%
                       Am        80pe duty oycie)
                                                                        y    sar       cean    reo8          Too
                                                                        2|   sse       ces     fe21          100
                       Toazs:     1EEE 602. t ec Win (GoMz, MGSS,       xX   se«       eass    reas    ons   1300      £96%
                       An        90pe duty cycle)
                                                                        y    s5e       ces     feas          oo
                                                                        2    seo       san     foa2          1500
                       Tosso—|   122E 602.tee win(Goviiz, MGse,         xX   aes       ca0s    fass    o4s   1300      295%
                       ama       $0pe duty cycie)
                                                                        y    se        oras    1ea           1soo
                                                                        2|   ses       |orza   tezs          100
                       Tosat——    1EEE 802.1 tas Wiri (@Ovine, MCSS,    x    se        sans    iras    ons   reno      se6%
                       Ana        30pe duty cycie)
                                                                        v    |_sao     arse    fear          w
                                                                        2|   sar       orge    1688          1300
                       Tossz:     1EEE 802.ttee wini (@ovin, MGSe,      xX   s7s       sre0    fese    o%s   1300      295%
                       AM         90pe duty cycle)
                                                                        y     sas      orie    1ess          T09
                                                                        2|    sn       orza    fe7           1500
                       Tosss—     12EE a02.1eo Win(Bolinz,MGsr,         xX    ~see     on      tase    4s    1300      295%
                       Ama        90pe duty cycle)
                                                                        y     sez      casr    fea           Tsoo
                                                                        2     |seo     sass    fost          100
                       Tosse:     128E e02. Nee winoiz MGSs,            x     ~ses     sri8    tess    ons   ts00      288%
                       Ana        30pe duty cycic)
                                                                        y     [ss      mss     tss           100
                                                                        2|    ss0|     saso    f6a2          1500
                       Toass—     1EEE 002. 1e Wini (sovinz, MGSo,      xX    sas      sess    sse     o4s   1en0      295%
                       Aan        90pe duty cycie)
                      _                                                 y     |_s3o    sear    fose          oo
                                                                        2     |_sas    seir    1579          1200
                       Tosse—     1EEE 1602.ttee wii(reoviHic, MCSO,    x     sar      er20    1ear    046   tooo      £96%
                       Ama        90pe duty cycle)
                                                                        y     sao      carr    foze          oo
                                                                        2     594      6697    1638          1300
                       Tosar—     iE€E tov2.tteewiri(iooMmic Moor,      x     610      orse    1672    045   1900      £90%
                       Am         90pe duty cycle)
                                                                        y     es       ora9    feas          1soo
                                                                        2     |_sar    or30    rese          1900
                       Tosas——    1EEE 1802.ttae Wini (reouine, MCS2,   x     611|     or84    16170   045   1300      290%
                       Ana        20pe duty oycie)
                                                                        y     |sor     ori2    feas          Tsoo
                                                                        2z    |_sos    srar    t6s0          1300

                      Certfcate No: EX3—3080_Jult?                      Page 37 or38

bvvoee wwenwapvwrse                     £o ie se sagtny wire ne raws s inrepors esw uow uppizre                            cugearevi ies

                     exsove— sNi30s0                                                                                                    Juy 26, 2017
                      Toeso.        iE€E 1eo2.tteewin (reownz, Moss,           X      605        arar       fe7i      ons       300        295%
                      AnA           90pe duty cycle)
                                                                               Y      |_sor      oroz       1642                Tsoo
                                                                               z      |_sos      orai|      io51                1300
                      106d0—        1EEE 1002.1 tae wiri (roomne, MCS4,        X      08         era5       i604       48       1300       195%
                      ESS           90pe duty cycle)
                                                                               y      see        se         |®s                 1oo
                                                                               2      |_sos      6722       1645                1200
                      Tosit—        iEE deb2fteeWiri(ioomi moss,               x      ois        Grar       ioe2       O46      1800       206%
                                    $Ope duty oycle)
                                                                               y      |_sus      saor       1638                Too
                                                                               2|     610|       o716|      feas                1500
                      Tosip—|       iE€E teo21tae wiri(roowne, MGSs,           X      o8         or0s       t693       26       1300       295 %
                      AMA           90pe duty cycle)
                                                                               Y      so0        arzi       ss5                 1oo
                                                                               2|     s14        sra2       1e3                 1200
                      Tosis—        iEEE iGortracWi(eomnz Mosr,                x      o          Gr31       fote       048      1900       265%
                      Ama           90pe duty cycle)
                                                                               y      |_ses      sess       1ear                100
                                                                               2      |ses       709|       toas                1300
                      Tosts—        iEEE obztmmewiri(ioomiz Moss,              x      oiz        orer       toss       O46      1800       z86 %
                      Am            90pe duty cycle)
                                                                               y      ~sor       arn        fest                oo
                                                                               2|     sos        sras       1665                1300
                      Tosis:        ie€E fovztmmewini(ioonizMCSs,              X      628        erez       i6ro       o46      1800       296 %
                      Ama           90pe duty cycle)
                                                                               y      |ais      oris        foas                1500
                                                                               2|     619|      orse        foso                100
                      Tosie:—       LTE—ToD (GC—roMA1 Re, 5 he,                X      dane      1sair       a4m4       a30      on         £96%
                      ac            GPSK, UL Subtfame=2.?)
                                                                               y      12se       forse      ssis                 o
                                                                               2z     sees       1sbse      asor                 soo
                      Tosir—        UTETOD (GC—FONM.1 RB. 20 Viiz,             x      sare       i2rer      aase       830       so0       195%
                      we            rst, UL Subtrame=2.7)
                                                                               T      1083       9905       3640                 600
                                                                               2|     se         18300      a482                 coo
                      Tosds——       GDMAZO0D (ix Advanced)                     x      os2        sess       tass       ono       is00      298 %
                                                                               y      ose        o2z        oz                   Tsoo
                                                                               z      oss        sase       fos1                 1500

                     * Uncetainy is determinad using the max. devtion rom linarresponse appbingrectangular isocton and is expressed orthe sqvare o the
                     field value.

                      Certficate No: EX3—3030_Juli7                             Page 36 of 38

Arerersr=ou iquieyioumur                      nsm wie vupyiny e nevaan w uns epen s

                                 Report No.:DRRFCC1809-0098                                       FCC ID:BEJ14HK701G

Attachment 2. – Dipole Calibration Data

TRF-RF-601(02)160407   Prohibits the copying and re-issue of this report without DT&C approval.         Pages: 95 /121

D Dt&C

            1     Laboratory of                                                                         S    Schweizerischer Kallbrierdionst
      Schmid & Partner                                                                                  g Service suisse d‘étatonnage
        Engineering AG                                                                                    Servizio svizzoro ditaratura
      Zeughausstrasso 43, 8004 Zurich, Switzerland                                                      S swiss Calibration Service

       Aceredited by the Swiss Accredtation Service (SAS)                                               Accreditation No.: SCS 0108
       The Swiss Accreditation Service is one of the signatories to the EA
       Multilateral Agreement forthe recognition of callbration cortiicates
       Client      DT&C (Dymstec)                                                            Cortificate No: D2450V2—726_Sep17

             —     CERTIFICATE                                                                                                                 I
       Object                             D2450V2 — SN:726

       Caltoration procedure(s)           OA CAL—05.19
                                          Calibration procedure for dipole validation kits above 700 MHz.

       Callbration date:                  September 19, 2017

       This caltvtion certficate documents the tracoabiltyto natlonalstandards, which realiz tho physical uns of measuremonts (S1.
       The measurements and the uncertaintieswith confidence probabity are given on the folowing pages and are part ofthe cortficate.

       All alibrtions have been conducted in the clsed laborataryfacily: environment temperature (22 + 3)°C and humidity < 70%.

        Callbration Equipment used (M&TE criicalfor calbration)

        Primary Standards                  n«                     Gal Date (Conticate No.)                        Scheduled Calibraton
        Powor meter NRP                    sNt torze              Oi—Ap—17 (No. 217—0z521/00502)                  Apers
        Power sensor NRP—291               shtrosese              Ot—Ape7 (No. 217—02521)                         Apers
        Power sensor NRP—201               sit toomes             O+—Ape17 (No. 217—02502)                        Apers
        Reforence 20 dB Attenuator         s sose (20i)           Or—Ape17 (No. 217—00508)                        Apers
        Type—N mimatch combination         SN:5047.2/08027        O7—Apr—17 (No.217—02509)                        Apers
        Reference Probe EX3DV4             Sht roso               31—May—17 (No. EX3—7349May1?)                   May—18
        oage                               Sit sor                28—Mar—17 (No. DAE4—601_Mart?)                  Marts

        Secondary Standards                PB                     Chack Date (n house)                            Scheduled Check
        Power meter EPM—A42A               shtcosresoro«          07—0ct—15 (i house check Oct—18)                in house checic Oct—18
        Power sensor HP 8481A              sn: ussraczres         07—0ct—15 (in house check Oct—16)               in house checic Oct18
        Power sensor HP B41A               sitMvatogest?          07—0ct15 (house chock Oct—16)                   in house chocic Oct18
        AF generator RRS SMT—06            sn: tooure             15—Jun—45 (ihouse chock Oct—16)                 in house checic Oct—18
        Network Analyzer HP 8753E          sn: ussracoses         18—0ct01 (n house chack Oct—16)                 in house checic Oct—17

                                           Name                               Function                            Signature
        Galibrated by:                     Joton Kastratl                     Laboratoy Techrican

        Approved by:                       Katja Pokovie                      Technical Manager          /Z( %fi

                                                                                                                 Issued: September 19, 2017
        This caltration coricate shall not breproducad oxcoptin ful wihout writon approvalof tlaboratory.

       Certficate No: D2450V2—726_Sep17                               Page 1 of 8

m wwenwapwwre                       £o ie se sagtny wire ne raws s inrepors esw uow uppizre                                         cugeareve ies

D Dt&C                                         .                                                                    :

  Calibration Laboratory of                                     o,
                                                               Fu7              & Sohweizerischer Kallbrierdienst
  Schmid & Partner                                              .                  Service suisse a‘étatonnage
    Engineering AG                                                              C semigsssnastomum
  Zeughausstrasse 43, 8004 Zurich, Suitzeriand                                  5. swiss Calibration Service

   Accredited by the Swiss Accreditation Service (SAS)                           Accreditation No.: SCS 0108
   The Swiss Accreditation Service is one of the signatorios to the EA
   Multilateral Agreement for the recognition of callbration certifiates
  TSL                           tissue simulating liquid
  ConvF                         sensitivity in TSL / NORM xiy,z
  N/A                           not applicable or not measured

  Calibration is Performed According to the Following Standards:
     a) IEEE Std 1528—2013, "IEEE Recommended Practicefor Determining the Peak Spatial—
        Averaged Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) in the Human Head from Wireless
          Communications Devices: Measurement Techniques®, June 2013
       b) IEC 62209—1, "Measurement procedure for the assessment of Specific Absorption Rate
          (SAR) from hand—held and body—mounted devices used next to the ear (frequency range of
          800 MHz to 6 GHz)®, July 2016
       ©) IEC 62209—2, "Procedure to determinethe Specific Absorption Rate (SAR)for wireless
          communication devices used in close proximity to the human body (frequency range of 30
            MHz to 6 GHz)®, March 2010
       d) KDB 865664, "SAR Measurement Requirements for 100 MHz to 6 GHz"

  Additional Documentation:
     e) DASY4/5 System Handbook

  Methods Applied and Interpretation of Parameters:
       *    Measurement Conditions: Further details are available from the Validation Report at the end
            of the certificate. All figures stated in the certificate are valid at the frequency indicated.
       *    Antenna Parameters with TSL: The dipole is mounted with the spacerto position its feed
            point exactly below the center marking of the flat phantom section, with the arms oriented
            parallel to the body axis.
       *    Feed Point Impedance and Return Loss: These parameters are measured with the dipole
            positioned under the liquid filled phantom. The impedance stated is transformed from the
            measurementat the SMA connector to the feed point. The Return Loss ensures low
            reflected power. No uncertainty required.
       ©    Electrical Delay: One—way delay between the SMA connector and the antenna feed point.
            No uncertainty required.
       *    SAR measured: SAR measured at the stated antenna input power.
       *    SAR normalized: SAR as measured, normalized to an input power of 1 W at the antenna
       +    SAR for nominal TSL parameters: The measured TSL parameters are used to calculate the
            nominal SAR result.
    The reported uncertainty of measurement is stated as the standard uncertainty of measurement
    multiplied by the coverage factor k=2, which for a normaldistribution corresponds to a coverage
    probability of approximately 95%.

  Cortificate No: D2450V2—726_Sp17                                Page 2 of 8

D Dt&C

            Measurement Conditions
               DASY system confiquration, as far as not given on page 1.
                DASY Version                                              Dasys                               vs2.10.0
                 Extrapolation                                   Advanced Extrapolation
                 Phantom                                          Modular Flat Phantom
                 Distance Dipole Center— TSL                              10 mm                              with Spacer
                Zoom Scan Resolution                                dx, dy, dz =5 mm
                 Frequency                                         2450 MHz + 1 MHz

            Head TSL parameters
               The following parameters and calculations were applied
                                                                            Temporature      Pormittivity         Conductivity
                  Nominal Head TSL parameters                                  220 °C           soe                1.80 mho/m
                  Measured Head TSL parameters                              (22.0:02)°C      37.8 26 %          1.86 mhoim + 6 %
                  Head TSL temperature change during test                     <0.5°C

            SAR result with Head TSL

                  SAR averaged over 1 cm° (1 g) of Head TSL                  CGondition
                  SAR measured                                       250 mW input power                  18.3 Whkg
                  SAR for nominal Head TSL parameters                 normalized to 1W            51.9 Wikg 2 17.0 % (k=2)

                  SAR averaged over 10 om* (10 g) of Head TSL             condition
                  SAR measured                                       250 mW input power                  5.22 Wikg
                  SAR for nominal Head TSL parameters                 normalized to 1W            24.5 Wikg = 16.5 % (k=2)

            Body TSL parameters
               ‘The following parameters and calculations were applied.
                                                                            Temperature      Permittivity         Conductivity
                  Nominal Body TSL parameters                                  220 °C            527               1.95 mho/m
                  Measured Body TSL parameters                              (g2.0:02)°C       51.926%           2.04 mhoim +6 %
                  Body TSL temperature change during test                     <05°C

            SAR result with Body TSL

                  SAR averaged over 1 cm* (1 g) of Body TSL                Condition
                  SAR measured                                        250 mW input power                    12.9 Wikg
                  SAR for nominal Body TSL parameters                     normalized to 1W        50.3 Wikg = 17.0 % (k=2)

                  SAR averaged over 10 om* (10 g) of Body TSL                condition
                  SAR measured                                        250 mW input power                 6.05 Wikg
                  SAR for nominal Body TSL parameters                     normalized to 1W        23.9 Wikg > 16.5 % (k=2)

            Certificate No: D2450V2—726_Sep17                      Page 3 of 8

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D Dt&C

            Appendix (Additional assessments outside the scope of SCS 0108)
            Antenna Parameters with Head TSL

                  Impedance, transformed to feed point                                           s26 0 +4.0jn
                  Retum Loss                                                                       —26.6 48

            Antenna Parameters with Body TSL

                  Impedance, transformed to feed point                                           494 n +6.5 jn
                  Return Loss                                                                      —23.7 4B

            General Antenna Parameters and Design

                 [ Electrical Detay (one direction)                                                  1.160 ns
            After long term use with 100W radiated power, only a slight warming of the dipole near the feedpoint can be measured.

            The dipole is made of standard semirigid coaxial cable. The center conductor of the feeding line is directly connected to the
            second arm of the dipole. The antennais therefore short—circuited for DC—signals. On some of the dipoles, small end caps
            are added to the dipole arms in order to improve matching when loaded according to the position as explained in the
            *Measurement Conditions® paragraph. The SAR data are not affected by this change. The overall dipole length is stil
            according to the Standard.
            No excessive force must be applied to the dipole arms, because they might bend or the soldered connections near the
            feedpoint may be damaged.

            Additional EUT Data

                  Manufactured by                                                                    SPEAG
                  Manufactured on                                                               January 09, 2008

            Cortiicate No: D24GOV2—726_Sept7                         Page 4 of 8

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D Dt&C                                .                                                                 :

  DASY5 Validation Report for Head TSL

                                                                                     Date: 19.09.2017

  Test Laboratory: SPEAG, Zurich, Switzerland

  DUT: Dipole 2450 MHz; Type: D2450V2; Serial: D2450V2 — SN:726

  Communication System: UID 0 — CW; Frequency: 2450 MHz
  Medium parameters used:         2450 MHz; 0 = 1.86 S/m; &;= 37.8; p = 1000 kg/mJ
  Phantom section: Flat Section
  Measurement Standard: DASY3 (IEEEAEC/ANSI C63.19—2011)

  DASY52 Configuration:

     +    Probe: EX3DV4 — SN7349; ConvF(8.12, 8.12, 8.12); Calibrated: 31.05.2017;
     +    Sensor—Surface: 1.4mm (Mechanical Surface Detection)

     +    Electronics: DAE4 Sn601; Calibrated: 28.03.2017

     +    Phantom: Flat Phantom 5.0 (front); Type: QD 000 P50 AA; Serial: 1001

     +    DASY52 52.10.0(1446); SEMCAD X 14.6.10(7417)

  Dipole Calibration for Head Tissue/Pin=250 mW, d=10mm/Zoom Scan (7x7x7)/Cube 0:
  Measurementgrid: dx=5mm, dy=Smm, dz=5mm
  Reference Value = 110.8 V/m; Power Drift = —0.06 dB
  Peak SAR (extrapolated) = 26.9 W/kg
  SAR(L g) = 13.3 W/kg; SAR(1O g) = 6.22 Wkg
  Maximum value of SAR (measured) = 21.0 W/kg





                     0 dB =21.0 W/kg = 13.22 dBW/g

  Cortificate No: D24GOV2—726_Sep17                 Page 5 of 8

D Dt&C

            Impedance Measurement Plot for Head TSL

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            Certficate No: D2450V2—726_Sep17                         Page 6 of 8

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D Dt&C                               .                                                                :

   DASYS Validation Report for Body TSL

                                                                                   Date: 19.09.2017

  Test Laboratory: SPEAG, Zurich, Switzerland

  DUT: Dipole 2450 MHz; Type: D2450V2; Serial: D24SOV2 — SN:726

  Communication System: UID 0 — CW; Frequency: 2450 MHz
  Medium parameters used: f= 2450 MHz; 0 = 2.04 $/m; & = 51.9; p = 1000 kg/m>
  Phantom section: Flat Section
  Measurement Standard: DASYS5 (IEEEATEC/ANSI C63.19—2011)
  DASY52 Configuration:

      *   Probe: EX3DV4 — SN7349; ConyPF(8.1, 8.1, 8.1); Calibrated: 31.05.2017;
      +   Sensor—Surface: 1.4mm (Mechanical Surface Detection)

      +   Electronics: DAE4 Sn601; Calibrated: 28.03.2017

      +   Phantom: Flat Phantom 5.0 (back); Type: QD 000 P50 AA; Serial: 1002

      +   DASY52 52.10.0(1446); SEMCAD X 14.6.10(7417)

  Dipole Calibration for Body Tissue/Pin=250 mW, d=10mm/Zoom Scan (7x7x7)/Cube 0:
  Measurement grid: dx=3mm, dy=5mm, dz=5mm
  Reference Value = 104.9 V/m; Power Drift = —0.08 dB
  Peak SAR (extrapolated) = 25.4 W/kg
  SAR(I g) = 12.9 W/kg; SAR(1O g) = 6.05 W/kg
  Maximum value of SAR (measured) = 20.3 W/kg





                    0 dB = 20.3 W/kg = 13.07 dBW/kg

  Cortiicate No: D2450V2—726_Sop17               Page 7 of 8

Document Created: 2019-09-21 21:32:57
Document Modified: 2019-09-21 21:32:57

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