RF Exposure Info


RF Exposure Info

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                                       PCTEST ENGINEERING LABORATORY, INC.
                                                                    18855 Adams Ct, Morgan Hill, CA 95037 USA
                                                                     Tel. +1.410.290.6652 / Fax +1.410.290.6654

                                                            SAR EVALUATION REPORT
  Applicant Name:                                                                                                                    Date of Testing:
  Apple, Inc.                                                                                                                        12/17/18 - 12/24/18
  One Apple Park Way                                                                                                                 Test Site/Location:
  Cupertino, CA 95014                                                                                                                PCTEST Lab, Morgan Hill, CA, USA
                                                                                                                                     Document Serial No.:
  F CC I D:                                                                BCGA2133

  APPL I C A NT :                                                          APPLE, INC.

  DUT Type:                                                                Tablet Device
  Application Type:                                                        Certification
  FCC Rule Part(s):                                                        CFR §2.1093
  Model:                                                                   A2133

                                                                   Band & Mode                                       Tx Frequency
                                                                                                                                                                1g Body
                             DTS         2.4 GHz WLAN        2412 - 2472 MHz                                                                                        1.18
                              NII            U-NII-1         5180 - 5240 MHz                                                                                        1.18
                              NII           U-NII-2A         5260 - 5320 MHz                                                                                        1.02
                              NII           U-NII-2C         5500 - 5720 MHz                                                                                        1.18
                              NII            U-NII-3         5745 - 5825 MHz                                                                                        1.14
                           DSS/DTS          Bluetooth        2402 - 2480 MHz                                                                                        1.19
                         Simultaneous SAR per KDB 690783 D01v01r03:                                                                                                 1.58
Note: This revised Test Report (S/N: 1C1811080024-01-R1.BCG) supersedes and replaces the previously issued test report on the same
subject device for the same type of testing as indicated. Please discard or destroy the previously issued test report(s) and dispose of it

This wireless portable device has been shown to be capable of compliance for localized specific absorption rate (SAR) for uncontrolled
environment/general population exposure limits specified in ANSI/IEEE C95.1-1992 and has been tested in accordance with the measurement
procedures specified in Section 1.7 of this report; for North American frequency bands only.

I attest to the accuracy of data. All measurements reported herein were performed by me or were made under my supervision and are correct
to the best of my knowledge and belief. I assume full responsibility for the completeness of these measurements and vouch for the
qualifications of all persons taking them. Test results reported herein relate only to the item(s) tested.

The SAR Tick is an initiative of the Mobile & Wireless Forum (MWF). While a product may be considered eligible, use of the SAR Tick logo requires an agreement with the MWF. Further
details can be obtained by emailing: sartick@mwfai.info.

                                                                                                                                                                                  Approved by:
       FCC ID: BCGA2133                                                                            SAR EVALUATION REPORT
                                                                                                                                                                                  Quality Manager

       Document S/N:                                   Test Dates:                        DUT Type:
                                                                                                                                                                                  Page 1 of 42
       1C1811080024-01-R1.BCG                          12/17/18 - 12/24/18                Tablet Device
© 2019 PCTEST Engineering Laboratory, Inc.                                                                                                                                         REV 20.06 M
© 2019 PCTEST Engineering Laboratory, Inc. All rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, no part of this report may be reproduced or utilized in any part, form or by any means, electronic or mechanical,
including photocopying and microfilm, without permission in writing from PCTEST Engineering Laboratory, Inc. If you have any questions about this international copyright or have an enquiry about obtaining
additional rights to this report or assembly of contents thereof, please contact INFO@PCTEST.COM.

T A B L E                          O F               C O N T E N T S

1             DEVICE UNDER TEST ................................................................................................................................ 3

2             INTRODUCTION .......................................................................................................................................... 8

3             DOSIMETRIC ASSESSMENT ..................................................................................................................... 9

4             TEST CONFIGURATION POSITIONS ...................................................................................................... 10

5             RF EXPOSURE LIMITS ............................................................................................................................. 11

6             FCC MEASUREMENT PROCEDURES ..................................................................................................... 12

7             RF CONDUCTED POWERS ...................................................................................................................... 15

8             SYSTEM VERIFICATION ........................................................................................................................... 28

9             SAR DATA SUMMARY .............................................................................................................................. 30

10            FCC MULTI-TX AND ANTENNA SAR CONSIDERATIONS ...................................................................... 34

11            SAR MEASUREMENT VARIABILITY ........................................................................................................ 37

12            EQUIPMENT LIST ...................................................................................................................................... 38

13            MEASUREMENT UNCERTAINTIES.......................................................................................................... 39

14            CONCLUSION ............................................................................................................................................ 40

15            REFERENCES ........................................................................................................................................... 41

APPENDIX A:                      SAR TEST PLOTS



                                                                                                                                                                                  Approved by:
       FCC ID: BCGA2133                                                                            SAR EVALUATION REPORT
                                                                                                                                                                                  Quality Manager

       Document S/N:                                   Test Dates:                        DUT Type:
                                                                                                                                                                                  Page 2 of 42
       1C1811080024-01-R1.BCG                          12/17/18 - 12/24/18                Tablet Device
© 2019 PCTEST Engineering Laboratory, Inc.                                                                                                                                         REV 20.06 M
© 2019 PCTEST Engineering Laboratory, Inc. All rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, no part of this report may be reproduced or utilized in any part, form or by any means, electronic or mechanical,
including photocopying and microfilm, without permission in writing from PCTEST Engineering Laboratory, Inc. If you have any questions about this international copyright or have an enquiry about obtaining
additional rights to this report or assembly of contents thereof, please contact INFO@PCTEST.COM.

1                  DEVICE UNDER TEST

  1.1           Device Overview

                                             Band & Mode                                  Operating Modes                                  Tx Frequency

                                            2.4 GHz WLAN                                         Voice/Data                             2412 - 2472 MHz
                                                U-NII-1                                          Voice/Data                             5180 - 5240 MHz
                                               U-NII-2A                                          Voice/Data                             5260 - 5320 MHz
                                               U-NII-2C                                          Voice/Data                             5500 - 5720 MHz
                                                U-NII-3                                          Voice/Data                             5745 - 5825 MHz
                                               Bluetooth                                            Data                                2402 - 2480 MHz

  1.2            Power Reduction for SAR

This device utilizes an independent single step power reduction mechanism for Bluetooth operations. When
Bluetooth is operating simultaneously with 5 GHz WLAN, the output power of Bluetooth is reduced for the
duration of simultaneous operation. SAR evaluation was additionally performed at the maximum allowed output
power for Bluetooth which is applicable for all other use cases.

Detailed description of the mechanism and the verification procedures are included in the operational description
document. Section 7.2.1 contain a summary of the verification results.

  1.3            Nominal and Maximum Output Power Specifications
This device operates using the following maximum and nominal output power specifications. SAR values were
scaled to the maximum allowed power to determine compliance per KDB Publication 447498 D01v06.

                               1.3.1                                     Maximum Output Power

                                                                                                                Modulated Average - Antenna WF6
                               Mode / Band                                                                                   (dBm)

                                                                                                  Ch. 1-10                          Ch. 11                          Ch. 12                     Ch. 13
     IEEE 802.11b (2.4 GHz)                                     Maximum                                                               16                                                        13.5
     IEEE 802.11g (2.4 GHz)                                     Maximum                                 16                            14                              11.5                      4.5
     IEEE 802.11n (2.4 GHz)                                     Maximum                                 16                            14                              11.5                      4.5

                                                                                                                                                                                  Approved by:
       FCC ID: BCGA2133                                                                            SAR EVALUATION REPORT
                                                                                                                                                                                  Quality Manager

       Document S/N:                                   Test Dates:                        DUT Type:
                                                                                                                                                                                  Page 3 of 42
       1C1811080024-01-R1.BCG                          12/17/18 - 12/24/18                Tablet Device
© 2019 PCTEST Engineering Laboratory, Inc.                                                                                                                                         REV 20.06 M
© 2019 PCTEST Engineering Laboratory, Inc. All rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, no part of this report may be reproduced or utilized in any part, form or by any means, electronic or mechanical,
including photocopying and microfilm, without permission in writing from PCTEST Engineering Laboratory, Inc. If you have any questions about this international copyright or have an enquiry about obtaining
additional rights to this report or assembly of contents thereof, please contact INFO@PCTEST.COM.

                                                                                                                                                                  Modulated Average - Antenna WF1
                                      Mode / Band                                                                                                                              (dBm)

                                                                                                                                              Ch. 1-10                                       Ch. 11                                                 Ch. 12                               Ch. 13
     IEEE 802.11b (2.4 GHz)                                                                     Maximum                                                                                      15.25                                                                                        14.5
     IEEE 802.11g (2.4 GHz)                                                                     Maximum                                            15.25                                       15                                                       12.5                               5.5
     IEEE 802.11n (2.4 GHz)                                                                     Maximum                                            15.25                                       15                                                       12.5                               5.5

                                                                                                                                                                              Modulated Average -MIMO (dBm)
                              Mode / Band / Antenna
                                                                                                                                             Ch. 1                         Ch. 2-10                            Ch. 11                                       Ch. 12                       Ch. 13
                       Ant: WF6                  14.5        16         13.5          10.5                                                                                                                                                                                                      3.5
  IEEE 802.11g/n (2.4 GHz)        Maximum
                       Ant: WF1                  15.5       15.25       14.5          11.5                                                                                                                                                                                                      4.5
Note: In MIMO operations, each antenna transmits at maximum allowed powers as indicated above.

                                 Mode / Band                                                                                          Modulated Average - Single Tx Chain (dBm) - Antenna WF6

                   Bluetooth BDR                                                        Maximum                                                                                                               17
                    Bluetooth LE                                                        Maximum                                                                                                               17
                   Bluetooth EDR                                                        Maximum                                                                                                              13.5
                   Bluetooth HDR                                                        Maximum                                                                                                              11.5

                                 Mode / Band                                                                                          Modulated Average - Single Tx Chain (dBm) - Antenna WF1

                   Bluetooth BDR                                                        Maximum                                                                                                            16.75
                    Bluetooth LE                                                        Maximum                                                                                                            16.75
                   Bluetooth EDR                                                        Maximum                                                                                                             13.5
                   Bluetooth HDR                                                        Maximum                                                                                                             11.5

                                                                                                                                               Modulated Average - Single Tx Chain (dBm) - Antenna WF6
              Mode / Band
                                                                                           20 MHz Bandwidth                                                                            40 MHz Bandwidth                                                                 80 MHz Bandwidth
                                        Ch. 36, 64    Ch. 40-48           Ch. 52-60             Ch. 100        Ch. 104-136, 144    Ch. 140    Ch. 149-165    Ch. 38, 102      Ch. 46    Ch. 54, 62, 134   Ch. 110-126, 142      Ch. 151-159         Ch. 42        Ch. 58, 106    Ch. 122, 138         Ch. 155

   IEEE 802.11a (5 GHz)     Maximum        16           16.5                15                  15.5                15.75           14.5        16.25            0                           0                                      0
   IEEE 802.11n (5 GHz)     Maximum        16           16.5                15                  15.5                15.75           14.5        16.25            14           16.5           15               15.75               16.25
  IEEE 802.11ac (5 GHz)     Maximum        16           16.5                15                  15.5                15.75           14.5        16.25            14           16.5           15               15.75               16.25                13           13.5           15.75              16.25

                                                                                                                                              Modulated Average - Single Tx Chain (dBm) - Antenna WF1
              Mode / Band                                                        20 MHz Bandwidth                                                                          40 MHz Bandwidth                                                                      80 MHz Bandwidth
                                           Ch. 36, 64, 104-
                                                              Ch. 40-60               Ch. 100             Ch. 140            Ch. 149-165      Ch. 38, 102   Ch. 46, 54         Ch.62      Ch. 110-126, 142        Ch. 151-159                 Ch. 42           Ch. 58, 106      Ch. 122-138            Ch. 155
                                              136, 144
   IEEE 802.11a (5 GHz)       Maximum            16               17                  15.5                14.5                    17.5            0                              0                                    0
   IEEE 802.11n (5 GHz)       Maximum            16               17                  15.5                14.5                    17.5           14            17                15               16                 17.5
  IEEE 802.11ac (5 GHz)       Maximum            16               17                  15.5                14.5                    17.5           14            17                15               16                 17.5                      13                13.5               16                  17.5

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Approved by:
         FCC ID: BCGA2133                                                                                                                       SAR EVALUATION REPORT
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Quality Manager

        Document S/N:                                                        Test Dates:                                                 DUT Type:
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Page 4 of 42
        1C1811080024-01-R1.BCG                                               12/17/18 - 12/24/18                                      Tablet Device
© 2019 PCTEST Engineering Laboratory, Inc.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 REV 20.06 M
© 2019 PCTEST Engineering Laboratory, Inc. All rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, no part of this report may be reproduced or utilized in any part, form or by any means, electronic or mechanical,
including photocopying and microfilm, without permission in writing from PCTEST Engineering Laboratory, Inc. If you have any questions about this international copyright or have an enquiry about obtaining
additional rights to this report or assembly of contents thereof, please contact INFO@PCTEST.COM.

                                                                                                                                                                      Modulated Average - MIMO (dBm) 2Tx CDD

                                                                                           20 MHz Bandwidth                                                                                  40 MHz Bandwidth                                                                             80 MHz Bandwidth
               Mode / Band / Antenna
                                                                                                     Ch. 64, 100-136,
                                                      Ch. 36       Ch. 40-48        Ch. 52-60,                             Ch. 140    Ch. 149-165    Ch. 38, 102    Ch. 46       Ch. 54        Ch. 62     Ch. 110-126, 142            Ch. 134          Ch. 151-159       Ch. 42, 106       Ch. 58     Ch. 122, 138 Ch. 155

                             Ant: WF6                  15.5             16              15                  15               14          16.25
  IEEE 802.11a (5 GHz)                    Maximum
                             Ant: WF1                  15.5             16             15.5                 15               14           17.5
                             Ant: WF6                  15.5             16              15                  15               14          16.25           13          16.5          15           13.5              15.75                 14               16.25
  IEEE 802.11n (5 GHz)                    Maximum
                             Ant: WF1                  15.5             16             15.5                 15               14           17.5           13           17           17           13.5               16                   14               17.5
                             Ant: WF6                  15.5             16              15                  15               14          16.25           13          16.5          15           13.5              15.75                 14               16.25               12             12.5          15.75       16.25
 IEEE 802.11ac (5 GHz)                    Maximum
                             Ant: WF1                  15.5             16             15.5                 15               14           17.5           13           17           17           13.5               16                   14               17.5                12             12.5           16         17.5

Note: In MIMO operations, each Antenna transmits at maximum allowed powers as indicated above.
                                                                                                                                                                     Modulated Average - MIMO (dBm) 2Tx SDM

                                                                                       20 MHz Bandwidth                                                                                         40 MHz Bandwidth                                                                            80 MHz Bandwidth
              Mode / Band / Antenna
                                                                                              Ch. 64,
                                                  Ch. 36       Ch. 40-48       Ch. 52-60                Ch. 104-136, 144    Ch. 140    Ch. 149-165   Ch. 38, 102   Ch. 46      Ch. 54       Ch. 62      Ch. 102    Ch. 110-126, 142          Ch. 134       Ch. 151-159      Ch. 42, 106      Ch. 58     Ch. 122-138   Ch. 155

                           Ant: WF6                 15.5         16.5             15            15           15.75            14         16.25           13        16.5          15          13.5         13              15.75                 14            16.25
  IEEE 802.11n (5 GHz)                  Maximum
                           Ant: WF1                 15.5          17              17            15            16              14         17.5            13         17           17          13.5         13               16                   14             17.5
                           Ant: WF6                 15.5         16.5             15            15           15.75            14         16.25           13        16.5          15          13.5         13              15.75                 14            16.25               12          12.5           15.75     16.25
 IEEE 802.11ac (5 GHz)                  Maximum
                           Ant: WF1                 15.5          17              17            15            16              14         17.5            13         17           17          13.5         13               16                   14             17.5               12          12.5            16        17.5

Note: In MIMO operations, each Antenna transmits at maximum allowed powers as indicated above.

                                             1.3.2                                                               Reduced Output Power

                                          Mode / Band                                                                                       Modulated Average - Single Tx Chain (dBm) - Antenna WF6

                         Bluetooth BDR                                                       Maximum                                                                                                                      10
                          Bluetooth LE                                                       Maximum                                                                                                                      10
                         Bluetooth EDR                                                       Maximum                                                                                                                      10
                         Bluetooth HDR                                                       Maximum                                                                                                                      10

                                          Mode / Band                                                                                       Modulated Average - Single Tx Chain (dBm) - Antenna WF1

                         Bluetooth BDR                                                       Maximum                                                                                                                  9.75
                          Bluetooth LE                                                       Maximum                                                                                                                  9.75
                         Bluetooth EDR                                                       Maximum                                                                                                                  9.75
                         Bluetooth HDR                                                       Maximum                                                                                                                  9.75
   Note: Bluetooth operations are reduced in output power when it is operating simultaneously with 5 GHz WLAN.
          Detailed description of the power reduction mechanism is included in the operational description.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Approved by:
           FCC ID: BCGA2133                                                                                                                                SAR EVALUATION REPORT
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Quality Manager

          Document S/N:                                                           Test Dates:                                               DUT Type:
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Page 5 of 42
          1C1811080024-01-R1.BCG                                                  12/17/18 - 12/24/18                                       Tablet Device
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© 2019 PCTEST Engineering Laboratory, Inc. All rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, no part of this report may be reproduced or utilized in any part, form or by any means, electronic or mechanical,
including photocopying and microfilm, without permission in writing from PCTEST Engineering Laboratory, Inc. If you have any questions about this international copyright or have an enquiry about obtaining
additional rights to this report or assembly of contents thereof, please contact INFO@PCTEST.COM.

  1.4            DUT Antenna Locations
The overall diagonal dimension of the device is > 200 mm. A diagram showing the location of the device antennas
can be found in Appendix F. Exact antenna dimensions and separation distances are shown in the Technical
Descriptions in the FCC filings.

                                                                                Table 1-1
                                                                    Device Edges/Sides for SAR Testing

                                                                    Device Sides/Edges for SAR Testing

                                       Mode                                           Back                 Top              Bottom               Right                Left
                              2.4 GHz WLAN Ant WF6                                    Yes                  Yes               No                  Yes                  No
                              2.4 GHz WLAN Ant WF1                                    Yes                  No                Yes                  No                  Yes
                               5 GHz WLAN Ant WF6                                     Yes                  Yes               Yes                 Yes                  No
                               5 GHz WLAN Ant WF1                                     Yes                  Yes               Yes                  No                  Yes
                                 Bluetooth Ant WF6                                    Yes                  Yes               Yes                 Yes                  No
                                 Bluetooth Ant WF1                                    Yes                  Yes               Yes                  No                  Yes

   1) Per FCC KDB Publication 616217 D04v01r01, particular edges were not required to be evaluated for
      SAR based on the SAR exclusion threshold in KDB 447498 D01V06

   1.5            Simultaneous Transmission Capabilities
According to FCC KDB Publication 447498 D01v06, transmitters are considered to be transmitting simultaneously
when there is overlapping transmission, with the exception of transmissions during network hand-offs with
maximum hand-off duration less than 30 seconds.

This device contains multiple transmitters that may operate simultaneously, and therefore requires a simultaneous
transmission analysis according to FCC KDB Publication 447498 D01v06 4.3.2 procedures.

                                                                               Table 1-2
                                                                  Simultaneous Transmission Scenarios

                        No.                                              Capable Transmit Configuration                                                                        Body

                          1          2.4 GHz Wi-Fi MIMO                                                                                                                         Yes
                          2          5 GHz Wi-Fi MIMO                                                                                                                           Yes
                          3          2.4 GHz Bluetooth + 5 GHz Wi-Fi                                                                                                            Yes
                          4          2.4 GHz Bluetooth + 5 GHz Wi-Fi MIMO                                                                                                       Yes

       1. 2.4 GHz WLAN and 2.4 GHz Bluetooth cannot transmit simultaneously.
       2. This device supports 2x2 MIMO Tx for WLAN. 802.11a/g/n/ac supports CDD and 802.11 n/ac additionally
          supports SDM. Each WLAN antenna can transmit independently or together when operating with MIMO.
       3. 2.4 GHz WLAN and 5 GHz WLAN cannot transmit simultaneously.
       4. This device supports VoWIFI.

                                                                                                                                                                                  Approved by:
       FCC ID: BCGA2133                                                                            SAR EVALUATION REPORT
                                                                                                                                                                                  Quality Manager

       Document S/N:                                   Test Dates:                        DUT Type:
                                                                                                                                                                                  Page 6 of 42
       1C1811080024-01-R1.BCG                          12/17/18 - 12/24/18                Tablet Device
© 2019 PCTEST Engineering Laboratory, Inc.                                                                                                                                         REV 20.06 M
© 2019 PCTEST Engineering Laboratory, Inc. All rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, no part of this report may be reproduced or utilized in any part, form or by any means, electronic or mechanical,
including photocopying and microfilm, without permission in writing from PCTEST Engineering Laboratory, Inc. If you have any questions about this international copyright or have an enquiry about obtaining
additional rights to this report or assembly of contents thereof, please contact INFO@PCTEST.COM.

  1.6            Miscellaneous SAR Test Considerations
       (A) WIFI/BT

       Based on the maximum allowed power for the respective antennas, U-NII-1 was evaluated for Antenna WF6
       SAR and U-NII-2A was evaluated for Antenna WF1 SAR. Additional testing for U-NII-2A Antenna WF6 or U-
       NSJSII-1 Antenna WF1 SAR was not required since all reported SAR was less than 1.2 W/kg per FCC KDB
       Publication 248227 D01v02r02.

       The WLAN/Bluetooth chipset in this device is produced by two different suppliers. The electrically identical
       modules are manufactured with the identical mechanical structure to meet the same specifications and
       functions. Two device variants are referenced as Variant 1 and Variant 2 in this report.

       Bluetooth and WLAN SAR testing for both variants was performed for the worst-case test position. Full
       WLAN/Bluetooth SAR testing for other configurations was evaluated using the variant with higher SAR.

       This device supports IEEE 802.11ac with the following features:
         a) Up to 80 MHz Bandwidth only
         b) No aggregate channel configurations
         c) 2 Tx antenna output
         d) TDWR and Band gap channels are supported
         e) 256 QAM is supported

This device supports channel 1-13 for 2.4 GHz WLAN. However, since channels 12 and 13 have equal or less
maximum output power, channels 1, 6, and 11 were considered for SAR testing per KDB 248227 D01v02r02.

   1.7            Guidance Applied

       •      FCC KDB Publication 248227 D01v02r02 (SAR Considerations for 802.11 Devices)
       •      FCC KDB Publication 447498 D01v06 (General SAR Guidance)
       •      FCC KDB Publication 865664 D01v01r04, D02v01r02 (SAR Measurements up to 6 GHz)
       •      FCC KDB Publication 616217 D04v01r02 (Tablet)

   1.8            Device Serial Numbers
Several samples with identical hardware were used to support SAR testing. The manufacturer has confirmed that
the device(s) tested have the same physical, mechanical and thermal characteristics and are within operational
tolerances expected for production units. The serial numbers used for each test are indicated alongside the
results in Section 9.

                                                                                                                                                                                  Approved by:
       FCC ID: BCGA2133                                                                            SAR EVALUATION REPORT
                                                                                                                                                                                  Quality Manager

       Document S/N:                                   Test Dates:                        DUT Type:
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       1C1811080024-01-R1.BCG                          12/17/18 - 12/24/18                Tablet Device
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© 2019 PCTEST Engineering Laboratory, Inc. All rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, no part of this report may be reproduced or utilized in any part, form or by any means, electronic or mechanical,
including photocopying and microfilm, without permission in writing from PCTEST Engineering Laboratory, Inc. If you have any questions about this international copyright or have an enquiry about obtaining
additional rights to this report or assembly of contents thereof, please contact INFO@PCTEST.COM.

2                  INTRODUCTION

The FCC and Innovation, Science, and Economic Development Canada have adopted the guidelines for
evaluating the environmental effects of radio frequency (RF) radiation in ET Docket 93-62 on Aug. 6, 1996 and
Health Canada Safety Code 6 to protect the public and workers from the potential hazards of RF emissions due to
FCC-regulated portable devices. [1]

The safety limits used for the environmental evaluation measurements are based on the criteria published by the
American National Standards Institute (ANSI) for localized specific absorption rate (SAR) in IEEE/ANSI C95.1-
1992 Standard for Safety Levels with Respect to Human Exposure to Radio Frequency Electromagnetic Fields, 3
kHz to 300 GHz [3] and Health Canada RF Exposure Guidelines Safety Code 6 [22]. The measurement
procedure described in IEEE/ANSI C95.3-2002 Recommended Practice for the Measurement of Potentially
Hazardous Electromagnetic Fields - RF and Microwave [4] is used for guidance in measuring the Specific
Absorption Rate (SAR) due to the RF radiation exposure from the Equipment Under Test (EUT). These criteria for
SAR evaluation are similar to those recommended by the International Committee for Non-Ionizing Radiation
Protection (ICNIRP) in Biological Effects and Exposure Criteria for Radiofrequency Electromagnetic Fields,”
Report No. Vol 74. SAR is a measure of the rate of energy absorption due to exposure to an RF transmitting
source. SAR values have been related to threshold levels for potential biological hazards.

    2.1           SAR Definition
Specific Absorption Rate is defined as the time derivative (rate) of the incremental energy (dU) absorbed by
(dissipated in) an incremental mass (dm) contained in a volume element (dV) of a given density (ρ). It is also
defined as the rate of RF energy absorption per unit mass at a point in an absorbing body (see Equation 2-1).

                                                                                   Equation 2-1
                                                                             SAR Mathematical Equation

                                                                                       d  dU    d  dU 
                                                                      SAR =                   =         
                                                                                       dt  dm  dt  ρ dv 

SAR is expressed in units of Watts per Kilogram (W/kg).

                                                                                               σ ⋅ E2
                                                                                         SAR =
                                           σ = conductivity of the tissue-simulating material (S/m)
                                           ρ = mass density of the tissue-simulating material (kg/m3)
                                           E = Total RMS electric field strength (V/m)

NOTE: The primary factors that control rate of energy absorption were found to be the wavelength of the incident field in relation to the
dimensions and geometry of the irradiated organism, the orientation of the organism in relation to the polarity of field vectors, the presence of
reflecting surfaces, and whether conductive contact is made by the organism with a ground plane.[6]

                                                                                                                                                                                  Approved by:
       FCC ID: BCGA2133                                                                            SAR EVALUATION REPORT
                                                                                                                                                                                  Quality Manager

       Document S/N:                                   Test Dates:                        DUT Type:
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       1C1811080024-01-R1.BCG                          12/17/18 - 12/24/18                Tablet Device
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© 2019 PCTEST Engineering Laboratory, Inc. All rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, no part of this report may be reproduced or utilized in any part, form or by any means, electronic or mechanical,
including photocopying and microfilm, without permission in writing from PCTEST Engineering Laboratory, Inc. If you have any questions about this international copyright or have an enquiry about obtaining
additional rights to this report or assembly of contents thereof, please contact INFO@PCTEST.COM.

3                    DOSIMETRIC ASSESSMENT

    3.1           Measurement Procedure
The evaluation was performed using the following procedure compliant to FCC
KDB Publication 865664 D01v01r04 and IEEE 1528-2013:

1. The SAR distribution at the exposed side of the head or body was measured
   at a distance no greater than 5.0 mm from the inner surface of the shell. The
   area covered the entire dimension of the device-head and body interface and
   the horizontal grid resolution was determined per FCC KDB Publication
   865664 D01v01r04 (See Table 3-1) and IEEE 1528-2013.
2. The point SAR measurement was taken at the maximum SAR region
   determined from Step 1 to enable the monitoring of SAR fluctuations/drifts
   during the 1g/10g cube evaluation. SAR at this fixed point was measured and                                                                                              Figure 3-1
   used as a reference value.                                                                                                                                             Sample SAR Area
3. Based on the area scan data, the peak of the region with maximum SAR was
   determined by spline interpolation. Around this point, a volume was assessed according to the measurement
   resolution and volume size requirements of FCC KDB Publication 865664 D01v01r04 (See Table 3-1) and
   IEEE 1528-2013. On the basis of this data set, the spatial peak SAR value was evaluated with the following
   procedure (see references or the DASY manual online for more details):
            a. SAR values at the inner surface of the phantom are extrapolated from the measured values along the
            line away from the surface with spacing no greater than that in Table 3-1. The extrapolation was based on
            a least-squares algorithm. A polynomial of the fourth order was calculated through the points in the z-axis
            (normal to the phantom shell).
            b. After the maximum interpolated values were calculated between the points in the cube, the SAR was
            averaged over the spatial volume (1g or 10g) using a 3D-Spline interpolation algorithm. The 3D-spline is
            composed of three one-dimensional splines with the “Not a knot” condition (in x, y, and z directions). The
            volume was then integrated with the trapezoidal algorithm. One thousand points (10 x 10 x 10) were
            obtained through interpolation, in order to calculate the averaged SAR.
            c. All neighboring volumes were evaluated until no neighboring volume with a higher average value was
4. The SAR reference value, at the same location as step 2, was re-measured after the zoom scan was complete
   to calculate the SAR drift. If the drift deviated by more than 5%, the SAR test and drift measurements were
                                                        Table 3-1
               Area and Zoom Scan Resolutions per FCC KDB Publication 865664 D01v01r04*
                                                                                                                      Maximum Zoom Scan Spatial
                                                                Maximum Area Scan Maximum Zoom Scan                       Resolution (mm)                        Minimum Zoom Scan
                                                  Frequency      Resolution (mm)    Resolution (mm)                                                                 Volume (mm)
                                                                  (∆x area, ∆yarea)  (∆x zoom, ∆yzoom)      Uniform Grid                 Graded Grid                   (x,y,z)
                                                                                                              ∆zzoom(n)     ∆zzoom(1)*         ∆zzoom(n>1)*
                                                   ≤ 2 GHz              ≤ 15                  ≤8                 ≤5            ≤4            ≤ 1.5*∆zzoom(n-1)         ≥ 30
                                                   2-3 GHz              ≤ 12                  ≤5                 ≤5            ≤4            ≤ 1.5*∆zzoom(n-1)         ≥ 30
                                                   3-4 GHz              ≤ 12                  ≤5                 ≤4            ≤3            ≤ 1.5*∆zzoom(n-1)         ≥ 28
                                                   4-5 GHz              ≤ 10                  ≤4                 ≤3           ≤ 2.5          ≤ 1.5*∆zzoom(n-1)         ≥ 25
                                                   5-6 GHz              ≤ 10                  ≤4                 ≤2            ≤2            ≤ 1.5*∆zzoom(n-1)         ≥ 22

                                                                                *Also compliant to IEEE 1528-2013 Table 6

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       FCC ID: BCGA2133                                                                            SAR EVALUATION REPORT
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    4.1           Device Holder
The device holder is made out of low-loss POM material having the following dielectric parameters: relative
permittivity ε = 3 and loss tangent δ = 0.02.

    4.2           SAR Testing for Tablet per KDB Publication 616217 D04v01r02
Per FCC KDB Publication 616217 D04v01r02, the back surface and edges of the tablet should be tested for SAR
compliance with the tablet touching the phantom. The SAR Exclusion Threshold in KDB 447498 D01v06 can be
applied to determine SAR test exclusion for adjacent edge configurations. The closest distance from the antenna
to an adjacent tablet edge is used to determine if SAR testing is required for the adjacent edges, with the adjacent
edge positioned against the phantom and the edge containing the antenna positioned perpendicular to the

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       FCC ID: BCGA2133                                                                            SAR EVALUATION REPORT
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5                  RF EXPOSURE LIMITS

    5.1           Uncontrolled Environment

UNCONTROLLED ENVIRONMENTS are defined as locations where there is the exposure of individuals who
have no knowledge or control of their exposure. The general population/uncontrolled exposure limits are
applicable to situations in which the general public may be exposed or in which persons who are exposed as a
consequence of their employment may not be made fully aware of the potential for exposure or cannot exercise
control over their exposure. Members of the general public would come under this category when exposure is not
employment-related; for example, in the case of a wireless transmitter that exposes persons in its vicinity.

    5.2           Controlled Environment
CONTROLLED ENVIRONMENTS are defined as locations where there is exposure that may be incurred by
persons who are aware of the potential for exposure, (i.e. as a result of employment or occupation). In general,
occupational/controlled exposure limits are applicable to situations in which persons are exposed as a
consequence of their employment, who have been made fully aware of the potential for exposure and can
exercise control over their exposure. This exposure category is also applicable when the exposure is of a
transient nature due to incidental passage through a location where the exposure levels may be higher than the
general population/uncontrolled limits, but the exposed person is fully aware of the potential for exposure and can
exercise control over his or her exposure by leaving the area or by some other appropriate means.

                                                   Table 5-1
              SAR Human Exposure Specified in ANSI/IEEE C95.1-1992 and Health Canada Safety Code 6

       1.     The Spatial Peak value of the SAR averaged over any 1 gram of tissue (defined as a tissue volume in the shape of a cube) and over
              the appropriate averaging time.
       2.     The Spatial Average value of the SAR averaged over the whole body.
       3.     The Spatial Peak value of the SAR averaged over any 10 grams of tissue (defined as a tissue volume in the shape of a cube) and
              over the appropriate averaging time.

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       FCC ID: BCGA2133                                                                            SAR EVALUATION REPORT
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    6.1           Measured and Reported SAR
Per FCC KDB Publication 447498 D01v06, when SAR is not measured at the maximum power level allowed for
production units, the results must be scaled to the maximum tune-up tolerance limit according to the power
applied to the individual channels tested to determine compliance. For simultaneous transmission, the measured
aggregate SAR must be scaled according to the sum of the differences between the maximum tune-up tolerance
and actual power used to test each transmitter. When SAR is measured at or scaled to the maximum tune-up
tolerance limit, the results are referred to as reported SAR. The highest reported SAR results are identified on the
grant of equipment authorization according to procedures in KDB 690783 D01v01r03.

    6.2           SAR Testing with 802.11 Transmitters
The normal network operating configurations of 802.11 transmitters are not suitable for SAR measurements.
Unpredictable fluctuations in network traffic and antenna diversity conditions can introduce undesirable variations
in SAR results. The SAR for these devices should be measured using chipset based test mode software to
ensure the results are consistent and reliable. See KDB Publication 248227 D01v02r02 for more details.
                6.2.1              General Device Setup
       Chipset based test mode software is hardware dependent and generally varies among manufacturers. The
       device operating parameters established in test mode for SAR measurements must be identical to those
       programmed in production units, including output power levels, amplifier gain settings and other RF
       performance tuning parameters.

       A periodic duty factor is required for current generation SAR systems to measure SAR. When 802.11 frame
       gaps are accounted for in the transmission, a maximum transmission duty factor of 92 - 96% is typically
       achievable in most test mode configurations. A minimum transmission duty factor of 85% is required to avoid
       certain hardware and device implementation issues related to wide range SAR scaling. The reported SAR is
       scaled to 100% transmission duty factor to determine compliance at the maximum tune-up tolerance limit.

                6.2.2              U-NII-1 and U-NII-2A
       For devices that operate in both U-NII-1 and U-NII-2A bands, when the same maximum output power is
       specified for both bands, SAR measurement using OFDM SAR test procedures is not required for U-NII-1
       unless the highest reported SAR for U-NII-2A is > 1.2 W/kg. When different maximum output powers are
       specified for the bands, SAR measurement for the U-NII band with the lower maximum output power is not
       required unless the highest reported SAR for the U-NII band with the higher maximum output power, adjusted
       by the ratio of lower to higher specified maximum output power for the two bands, is > 1.2 W/kg.

                6.2.3              U-NII-2C and U-NII-3
       The frequency range covered by U-NII-2C and U-NII-3 is 380 MHz (5.47 – 5.85 GHz), which requires a
       minimum of at least two SAR probe calibration frequency points to support SAR measurements. When
       Terminal Doppler Weather Radar (TDWR) restriction applies, the channels at 5.60 – 5.65 GHz in U-NII-2C
       band must be disabled with acceptable mechanisms and documented in the equipment certification. Unless
       band gap channels are permanently disabled, SAR must be considered for these channels. Each band is
       tested independently according to the normally required OFDM SAR measurement and probe calibration
       frequency points requirements.

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       FCC ID: BCGA2133                                                                            SAR EVALUATION REPORT
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including photocopying and microfilm, without permission in writing from PCTEST Engineering Laboratory, Inc. If you have any questions about this international copyright or have an enquiry about obtaining
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                6.2.4              2.4 GHz SAR Test Requirements
       SAR is measured for 2.4 GHz 802.11b DSSS using either the fixed test position or, when applicable, the initial
       test position procedure. SAR test reduction is determined according to the following:

              1) When the reported SAR of the highest measured maximum output power channel for the exposure
                 configuration is ≤ 0.8 W/kg, no further SAR testing is required for 802.11b DSSS in that exposure

              2)       When the reported SAR is > 0.8 W/kg, SAR is required for that position using the next highest
                      measured output power channel. When any reported SAR is > 1.2 W/kg, SAR is required for the third
                      channel; i.e., all channels require testing.

       2.4 GHz 802.11 g/n OFDM are additionally evaluated for SAR if the highest reported SAR for 802.11b,
       adjusted by the ratio of the OFDM to DSSS specified maximum output power, is > 1.2 W/kg. When SAR is
       required for OFDM modes in 2.4 GHz band, the Initial Test Configuration Procedures should be followed.
                6.2.5              OFDM Transmission Mode and SAR Test Channel Selection
       When the same maximum output power was specified for multiple OFDM transmission mode configurations in
       a frequency band or aggregated band, SAR is measured using the configuration with the largest channel
       bandwidth, lowest order modulation and lowest data rate. When the maximum output power of a channel is
       the same for equivalent OFDM configurations; for example, 802.11a, 802.11n and 802.11ac or 802.11g and
       802.11n with the same channel bandwidth, modulation and data rate etc., the lower order 802.11 mode i.e.,
       802.11a, then 802.11n and 802.11ac or 802.11g then 802.11n, is used for SAR measurement. When the
       maximum output power are the same for multiple test channels, either according to the default or additional
       power measurement requirements, SAR is measured using the channel closest to the middle of the frequency
       band or aggregated band. When there are multiple channels with the same maximum output power, SAR is
       measured using the higher number channel.
                6.2.6              Initial Test Configuration Procedure
       For OFDM, an initial test configuration is determined for each frequency band and aggregated band,
       according to the transmission mode with the highest maximum output power specified for SAR
       measurements. When the same maximum output power is specified for multiple OFDM transmission mode
       configurations in a frequency band or aggregated band, SAR is measured using the configuration(s) with the
       largest channel bandwidth, lowest order modulation, lowest data rate and lowest order IEEE 802.11 mode.
       The channel of the transmission mode with the highest average RF output conducted power will be the initial
       test configuration.

       When the reported SAR is ≤ 0.8 W/kg, no additional measurements on other test channels are required.
       Otherwise, SAR is evaluated using the subsequent highest average RF output channel until the reported SAR
       result is ≤ 1.2 W/kg or all channels are measured. When there are multiple untested channels having the
       same subsequent highest average RF output power, the channel with higher frequency from the lowest
       802.11 mode is considered for SAR measurements (See Section 6.2.5).
                6.2.7              Subsequent Test Configuration Procedures
       For OFDM configurations in each frequency band and aggregated band, SAR is evaluated for initial test
       configuration using the fixed test position or the initial test position procedure. When the highest reported SAR
       (for the initial test configuration), adjusted by the ratio of the specified maximum output power of the
       subsequent test configuration to initial test configuration, is ≤ 1.2 W/kg, no additional SAR tests for the
       subsequent test configurations are required.

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       FCC ID: BCGA2133                                                                            SAR EVALUATION REPORT
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including photocopying and microfilm, without permission in writing from PCTEST Engineering Laboratory, Inc. If you have any questions about this international copyright or have an enquiry about obtaining
additional rights to this report or assembly of contents thereof, please contact INFO@PCTEST.COM.

                6.2.8              MIMO SAR considerations
       Per KDB Publication 248227 D01v02r02, the simultaneous SAR provisions in KDB Publication 447498
       D01v06 should be applied to determine simultaneous transmission SAR test exclusion for WIFI MIMO. If the
       sum of 1g single transmission chain SAR measurements is <1.6 W/kg, no additional SAR measurements for
       MIMO are required. Alternatively, SAR for MIMO can be measured with all antennas transmitting
       simultaneously at the specified maximum output power of MIMO operation.

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       FCC ID: BCGA2133                                                                            SAR EVALUATION REPORT
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7                  RF CONDUCTED POWERS

    7.1           WLAN Conducted Powers
                   7.1.1            Variant 1
                                                                          Table 7-1
                                                           2.4 GHz WLAN Average RF Power – Ant WF6
                                                                          2.4GHz Conducted Power [dBm]
                                                                                         IEEE Transmission Mode
                                              Freq [MHz]                 Channel
                                                                                    802.11b      802.11g     802.11n
                                                    2412                     1       16.00        16.00       15.99
                                                    2437                     6       15.99        16.00       16.00
                                                    2457                    10        N/A         16.00       16.00
                                                    2462                    11       15.95         N/A         N/A

                                                                          Table 7-2
                                                           2.4 GHz WLAN Average RF Power – Ant WF1
                                                                          2.4GHz Conducted Power [dBm]
                                                                                         IEEE Transmission Mode
                                              Freq [MHz]                 Channel
                                                                                    802.11b      802.11g     802.11n
                                                    2412                     1       14.95        15.00       15.00
                                                    2437                     6       15.00        14.95       15.00
                                                    2457                    10        N/A         14.88       14.85
                                                    2462                    11       14.99         N/A         N/A

                                                                          Table 7-3
                                                             5 GHz WLAN Average RF Power – Ant WF6
                                                                5GHz (40MHz) Conducted Power [dBm]
                                                                                                                    IEEE Transmission
                                                              Freq [MHz]                   Channel
                                                                    5190                         38                       13.90
                                                                    5230                         46                       16.50
                                                                    5270                         54                       15.00
                                                                    5310                         62                       14.40

                                                                      5GHz (80MHz) Conducted Power [dBm]
                                                                   Freq [MHz]                   Channel                      Mode
                                                                          5530                       106                    12.00
                                                                          5610                       122                    15.50
                                                                          5690                       138                    15.40
                                                                          5775                       155                    16.00

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       FCC ID: BCGA2133                                                                            SAR EVALUATION REPORT
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additional rights to this report or assembly of contents thereof, please contact INFO@PCTEST.COM.

                                                                          Table 7-4
                                                            5 GHz WLAN Average RF Power – Ant WF1
                                                                5GHz (40MHz) Conducted Power [dBm]
                                                                                                                    IEEE Transmission
                                                              Freq [MHz]                   Channel
                                                                    5190                         38                         13.86
                                                                    5230                         46                         17.00
                                                                    5270                         54                         17.00
                                                                    5310                         62                         14.45
                                                                    5GHz (80MHz) Conducted Power [dBm]
                                                                                                                    IEEE Transmission
                                                             Freq [MHz]                   Channel
                                                                    5530                       106                        13.00
                                                                    5610                       122                        15.99
                                                                    5690                       138                        16.00
                                                                    5775                       155                        17.25

                7.1.2           Variant 2

                                                                          Table 7-5
                                                           2.4 GHz WLAN Average RF Power – Ant WF6
                                                                        2.4GHz Conducted Power [dBm]
                                                                                       IEEE Transmission Mode
                                             Freq [MHz]                Channel
                                                                                  802.11b      802.11g     802.11n
                                                   2412                    1       15.88        15.88       15.95
                                                   2437                    6       16.00        16.00       15.60
                                                   2457                   10        N/A         16.00       16.00
                                                   2462                   11       15.90         N/A         N/A

                                                                          Table 7-6
                                                           2.4 GHz WLAN Average RF Power – Ant WF1
                                                                          2.4GHz Conducted Power [dBm]
                                                                                         IEEE Transmission Mode
                                              Freq [MHz]                 Channel
                                                                                    802.11b      802.11g     802.11n
                                                    2412                     1       15.00        15.00       14.95
                                                    2437                     6       14.98        14.98       14.87
                                                    2457                    10        N/A         15.00       15.00
                                                    2462                    11       14.92         N/A         N/A

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       FCC ID: BCGA2133                                                                            SAR EVALUATION REPORT
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                                                                          Table 7-7
                                                             5 GHz WLAN Average RF Power – Ant WF6

                                                                 5GHz (40MHz) Conducted Power [dBm]
                                                                                                                    IEEE Transmission
                                                                Freq [MHz]                   Channel
                                                                      5190                         38                      14.00
                                                                      5230                         46                      16.49
                                                                      5270                         54                      14.99
                                                                      5310                         62                      14.31

                                                                      5GHz (80MHz) Conducted Power [dBm]
                                                                   Freq [MHz]                   Channel                      Mode
                                                                          5530                       106                    13.00
                                                                          5610                       122                    15.50
                                                                          5690                       138                    15.49
                                                                          5775                       155                    16.00
                                                                          Table 7-8
                                                            5 GHz WLAN Average RF Power – Ant WF1
                                                                5GHz (40MHz) Conducted Power [dBm]
                                                                                                                    IEEE Transmission
                                                               Freq [MHz]                   Channel
                                                                      5190                        38                      14.00
                                                                      5230                        46                      16.95
                                                                      5270                        54                      16.90
                                                                      5310                        62                      14.35

                                                                    5GHz (80MHz) Conducted Power [dBm]
                                                                  Freq [MHz]                   Channel                     Mode
                                                                        5530                       106                    12.98
                                                                        5610                       122                    15.81
                                                                        5690                       138                    16.00
                                                                        5775                       155                    17.25

                                                                                                                                                                                  Approved by:
       FCC ID: BCGA2133                                                                            SAR EVALUATION REPORT
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additional rights to this report or assembly of contents thereof, please contact INFO@PCTEST.COM.

                7.1.3           Notes for WLAN
Justification for test configurations for WLAN per KDB Publication 248227 D01v02r02:
    • Power measurements were performed for the transmission mode configuration with the highest maximum
         output power specified for production units.
    • For transmission modes with the same maximum output power specification, powers were measured for
         the largest channel bandwidth, lowest order modulation and lowest data rate.
    • For transmission modes with identical maximum specified output power, channel bandwidth, modulation
         and data rates, power measurements were required for all identical configurations.
    • For each transmission mode configuration, powers were measured for the highest and lowest channels;
         and at the mid-band channel(s) when there were at least 3 channels supported. For configurations with
         multiple mid-band channels, due to an even number of channels, both channels were measured.
    • The WLAN chipset in this device is produced by two different suppliers. The electrically identical modules
         are manufactured with the identical mechanical structure to meet the same specifications and functions.
         Two device variants are referenced as Variant 1 and Variant 2 in this report.
    • WLAN SAR testing for both variants was performed for the worst case test position. Full WLAN SAR
         testing for other configurations was evaluated using the variant with higher SAR.
    • The bolded data rate and channel above were tested for SAR.

                                                       Wireless Device                  Power Sensor                         Power Meter

                                                                               Figure 7-1
                                                                       WLAN Power Measurement Setup

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additional rights to this report or assembly of contents thereof, please contact INFO@PCTEST.COM.

   7.2            Bluetooth Conducted Powers
                                                                  Table 7-9
                                           Bluetooth Ant WF6 Maximum Average RF Power – Variant 1
                                                                                   Avg Conducted
                                                                  Data                 Power
                                        Frequency                         Channel
                                                     Modulation   Rate
                                          [MHz]                             No.
                                                                 [Mbps]           [dBm]      [mW]

                                              2402                     GFSK                     1.0                    0               16.72              46.989

                                              2441                     GFSK                     1.0                   39               16.86              48.529

                                              2480                     GFSK                     1.0                   78               16.91              49.091

                                                                  Table 7-10
                                           Bluetooth Ant WF1 Maximum Average RF Power – Variant 1
                                                                                    Avg Conducted
                                                                  Data                  Power
                                        Frequency                          Channel
                                                     Modulation   Rate
                                          [MHz]                              No.
                                                                 [Mbps]            [dBm]     [mW]

                                              2402                     GFSK                     1.0                    0               16.00              39.811

                                              2441                     GFSK                     1.0                   39               16.34              43.053

                                              2480                     GFSK                     1.0                   78               16.03              40.087

                                                                 Table 7-11
                                           Bluetooth Ant WF1 Reduced Average RF Power – Variant 1
                                                                                   Avg Conducted
                                                                 Data                   Power
                                        Frequency                         Channel
                                                    Modulation   Rate
                                          [MHz]                             No.
                                                                [Mbps]            [dBm]      [mW]

                                              2402                     GFSK                     1.0                    0                9.50               8.913

                                              2441                     GFSK                     1.0                   39                9.71               9.354

                                              2480                     GFSK                     1.0                   78                9.67               9.268

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       FCC ID: BCGA2133                                                                            SAR EVALUATION REPORT
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                                                                 Table 7-12
                                          Bluetooth Ant WF6 Maximum Average RF Power – Variant 2
                                                                                   Avg Conducted
                                                                  Data                 Power
                                        Frequency                         Channel
                                                    Modulation    Rate
                                          [MHz]                             No.
                                                                [Mbps]            [dBm]     [mW]

                                              2402                     GFSK                      1.0                   0                16.94              49.431

                                              2441                     GFSK                      1.0                  39                16.90              48.978

                                              2480                     GFSK                      1.0                  78                16.75              47.315

                                                                  Table 7-13
                                           Bluetooth Ant WF1 Maximum Average RF Power – Variant 2
                                                                                    Avg Conducted
                                                                  Data                  Power
                                        Frequency                          Channel
                                                     Modulation   Rate
                                          [MHz]                              No.
                                                                 [Mbps]            [dBm]     [mW]

                                              2402                     GFSK                     1.0                    0               16.17              41.400

                                              2441                     GFSK                     1.0                   39               16.55              45.186

                                              2480                     GFSK                     1.0                   78               16.05              40.272

                                                                 Table 7-14
                                           Bluetooth Ant WF6 Reduced Average RF Power – Variant 2
                                                                                   Avg Conducted
                                                                 Data                   Power
                                        Frequency                         Channel
                                                    Modulation   Rate
                                          [MHz]                             No.
                                                                [Mbps]            [dBm]      [mW]

                                              2402                     GFSK                     1.0                    0               10.00              10.000

                                              2441                     GFSK                     1.0                   39                9.76               9.462

                                              2480                     GFSK                     1.0                   78                9.95               9.886

1.     The bolded data rate and channel above were tested for SAR.
2.     Bluetooth operations are reduced in output power when it is operating simultaneously with 5 GHz WLAN.
       Detailed description of the power reduction mechanism is included in the operational description.

                                                                                                                                                                                  Approved by:
       FCC ID: BCGA2133                                                                            SAR EVALUATION REPORT
                                                                                                                                                                                  Quality Manager

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                                                         Figure 7-2
                          Bluetooth Antenna WF6 Transmission Plot & Duty Cycle Calculation – Variant 1

                                                                      𝑷𝒖𝒍𝒔𝒆 𝑾𝒊𝒅𝒕𝒉                                  𝟐. 𝟖𝟖 𝒎𝒔
                                          𝑫𝒖𝒕𝒚 𝑪𝒚𝒄𝒍𝒆                              ∗ 𝟏𝟎𝟎%                                    ∗ 𝟏𝟎𝟎%                       𝟕𝟔. 𝟗%
                                                                        𝑷𝒆𝒓𝒊𝒐𝒅                                     𝟑. 𝟕𝟒𝟒𝒎𝒔

                                                                                                                                                                                  Approved by:
       FCC ID: BCGA2133                                                                            SAR EVALUATION REPORT
                                                                                                                                                                                  Quality Manager

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additional rights to this report or assembly of contents thereof, please contact INFO@PCTEST.COM.

                                                         Figure 7-3
                          Bluetooth Antenna WF1 Transmission Plot & Duty Cycle Calculation – Variant 1

                                                                       𝑷𝒖𝒍𝒔𝒆 𝑾𝒊𝒅𝒕𝒉                                   𝟐. 𝟖𝟖𝟖𝒎𝒔
                                            𝑫𝒖𝒕𝒚 𝑪𝒚𝒄𝒍𝒆                             ∗ 𝟏𝟎𝟎%                                     ∗ 𝟏𝟎𝟎%                       𝟕𝟕%
                                                                         𝑷𝒆𝒓𝒊𝒐𝒅                                      𝟑. 𝟕𝟓𝟐𝒎𝒔

                                                                                                                                                                                  Approved by:
       FCC ID: BCGA2133                                                                            SAR EVALUATION REPORT
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additional rights to this report or assembly of contents thereof, please contact INFO@PCTEST.COM.

                                                         Figure 7-4
                          Bluetooth Antenna WF6 Transmission Plot & Duty Cycle Calculation – Variant 2

                                                                      𝑷𝒖𝒍𝒔𝒆 𝑾𝒊𝒅𝒕𝒉                                  𝟐. 𝟖𝟖𝒎𝒔
                                          𝑫𝒖𝒕𝒚 𝑪𝒚𝒄𝒍𝒆                              ∗ 𝟏𝟎𝟎%                                    ∗ 𝟏𝟎𝟎%                       𝟕𝟔. 𝟖%
                                                                        𝑷𝒆𝒓𝒊𝒐𝒅                                     𝟑. 𝟕𝟓𝟐𝒎𝒔

                                                                                                                                                                                  Approved by:
       FCC ID: BCGA2133                                                                            SAR EVALUATION REPORT
                                                                                                                                                                                  Quality Manager

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additional rights to this report or assembly of contents thereof, please contact INFO@PCTEST.COM.

                                                         Figure 7-5
                          Bluetooth Antenna WF1 Transmission Plot & Duty Cycle Calculation – Variant 2

                                                                       𝑷𝒖𝒍𝒔𝒆 𝑾𝒊𝒅𝒕𝒉                                   𝟐. 𝟖𝟖𝟖𝒎𝒔
                                            𝑫𝒖𝒕𝒚 𝑪𝒚𝒄𝒍𝒆                             ∗ 𝟏𝟎𝟎%                                     ∗ 𝟏𝟎𝟎%                       𝟕𝟕%
                                                                         𝑷𝒆𝒓𝒊𝒐𝒅                                      𝟑. 𝟕𝟓𝟐𝒎𝒔

                                                                                                                                                                                  Approved by:
       FCC ID: BCGA2133                                                                            SAR EVALUATION REPORT
                                                                                                                                                                                  Quality Manager

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additional rights to this report or assembly of contents thereof, please contact INFO@PCTEST.COM.

                                                    Figure 7-6
                 Reduced Bluetooth Antenna WF6 Transmission Plot & Duty Cycle Calculation – Variant 2

                                                                      𝑷𝒖𝒍𝒔𝒆 𝑾𝒊𝒅𝒕𝒉                                  𝟐. 𝟖𝟖 𝒎𝒔
                                          𝑫𝒖𝒕𝒚 𝑪𝒚𝒄𝒍𝒆                              ∗ 𝟏𝟎𝟎%                                    ∗ 𝟏𝟎𝟎%                       𝟕𝟔. 𝟗%
                                                                        𝑷𝒆𝒓𝒊𝒐𝒅                                     𝟑. 𝟕𝟒𝟕𝒎𝒔

                                                                                                                                                                                  Approved by:
       FCC ID: BCGA2133                                                                            SAR EVALUATION REPORT
                                                                                                                                                                                  Quality Manager

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additional rights to this report or assembly of contents thereof, please contact INFO@PCTEST.COM.

                                                    Figure 7-7
                 Reduced Bluetooth Antenna WF1 Transmission Plot & Duty Cycle Calculation – Variant 1

                                                                     𝑷𝒖𝒍𝒔𝒆 𝑾𝒊𝒅𝒕𝒉                                   𝟐. 𝟖𝟗𝟑 𝒎𝒔
                                          𝑫𝒖𝒕𝒚 𝑪𝒚𝒄𝒍𝒆                             ∗ 𝟏𝟎𝟎%                                      ∗ 𝟏𝟎𝟎%                      𝟕𝟔. 𝟗%
                                                                       𝑷𝒆𝒓𝒊𝒐𝒅                                       𝟑. 𝟕𝟔𝒎𝒔

                                                                                                                                                                                  Approved by:
       FCC ID: BCGA2133                                                                            SAR EVALUATION REPORT
                                                                                                                                                                                  Quality Manager

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7.2.1 Bluetooth Power Reduction Verification Summary
                                                                                             Maximum Target Power Reduced Target Power              Maximum                   Reduced
   Antenna             Mode/Band                              Condition (s)                        [dBm]                 [dBm]                    Measured Power           Measured Power            Verdict
                                                                                                 (Tolerance [dB])         (Tolerance [dB])              [dBm]                   [dBm]
                    2.4 GHz Bluetooth                  5 GHz WLAN ON ANT WF1                     15.25 (+1.5/-2.0)         8.25 (+1.5/-2.0)             15.61                    8.65                 PASS
 WF1 (Ant1)         2.4 GHz Bluetooth                  5 GHz WLAN ON ANT WF6                     15.25 (+1.5/-2.0)         8.25 (+1.5/-2.0)             15.56                    8.66                 PASS
                    2.4 GHz Bluetooth               5 GHz WLAN ON ANT WF1 & WF6                  15.25 (+1.5/-2.0)         8.25 (+1.5/-2.0)              15.6                    8.63                 PASS
                    2.4 GHz Bluetooth                  5 GHz WLAN ON ANT WF1                      15.5 (+1.5/-2.0)         8.5 (+1.5/-2.0)              15.69                     8.5                 PASS
 WF6 (Ant0)         2.4 GHz Bluetooth                  5 GHz WLAN ON ANT WF6                      15.5 (+1.5/-2.0)         8.5 (+1.5/-2.0)              15.74                    8.51                 PASS
                    2.4 GHz Bluetooth               5 GHz WLAN ON ANT WF1 & WF6                   15.5 (+1.5/-2.0)         8.5 (+1.5/-2.0)              15.71                     8.5                 PASS

              Test Case 1 represents a scenario in which Bluetooth powers would be reduced. Burst average powers
              were used to confirm the power reduction mechanism.

7.2.2 Notes for Bluetooth

       •      The Bluetooth chipset in this device is produced by two different suppliers. The electrically identical
              modules are manufactured with the identical mechanical structure to meet the same specifications and
              functions. Two device variants are referenced as Variant 1 and Variant 2 in this report.
       •      Bluetooth SAR testing for both variants was performed for the worst case test position. Full Bluetooth
              SAR testing for other configurations was evaluated using the variant with higher SAR along with worst
              case SAR value for the other variant.
       •      Bluetooth operations are reduced in output power when it is operating simultaneously with 5 GHz WLAN.
              Detailed description of the power reduction mechanism is included in the operational description.

                                                                                   Bluetooth Signaling
                                                                                        Test Set

                                                      Signal Analyzer                                                                     Wireless

                                                                                Figure 7-6
                                                                    Bluetooth Power Measurement Setup

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       FCC ID: BCGA2133                                                                            SAR EVALUATION REPORT
                                                                                                                                                                                  Quality Manager

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including photocopying and microfilm, without permission in writing from PCTEST Engineering Laboratory, Inc. If you have any questions about this international copyright or have an enquiry about obtaining
additional rights to this report or assembly of contents thereof, please contact INFO@PCTEST.COM.

8                  SYSTEM VERIFICATION

    8.1           Tissue Verification
                                                                                    Table 8-1
                                                                            Measured Tissue Properties
 Calibrated for               Tissue Temp      Measured   Measured                                                  Measured               TARGET                TARGET
     Tests      Tissue Type During Calibration Frequency Conductivity,                                               Dielectric          Conductivity,           Dielectric         % dev σ         % dev ε
 Performed on:                     (˚C)          (MHz)     σ (S/m)                                                  Constant, ε            σ (S/m)              Constant, ε

                                                                             2400                1.958                 51.351                 1.902                52.767            2.94%          -2.68%
     12/19/2018              2400B                    22.3                   2450                2.019                 51.198                 1.950                52.700            3.54%          -2.85%
                                                                             2500                2.076                 51.078                 2.021                52.636            2.72%          -2.96%
                                                                             2400                1.983                 53.380                 1.902                52.767            4.26%           1.16%
     12/24/2018              2400B                    19.8                   2450                2.031                 53.288                 1.950                52.700            4.15%           1.12%
                                                                             2500                2.081                 53.239                 2.021                52.636            2.97%           1.15%
                                                                             5180                5.428                 48.096                 5.276                49.041            2.88%          -1.93%
                                                                             5200                5.457                 48.030                 5.299                49.014            2.98%          -2.01%
                                                                             5220                5.486                 48.019                 5.323                48.987            3.06%          -1.98%
                                                                             5240                5.513                 47.998                 5.346                48.960            3.12%          -1.96%
                                                                             5260                5.536                 47.960                 5.369                48.933            3.11%          -1.99%
                                                                             5280                5.567                 47.923                 5.393                48.906            3.23%          -2.01%
                                                                             5300                5.595                 47.887                 5.416                48.879            3.31%          -2.03%
                                                                             5320                5.619                 47.847                 5.439                48.851            3.31%          -2.06%
    12/17/2018           5200B-5800B                  22.1                   5520                5.883                 47.514                 5.673                48.580            3.70%          -2.19%
                                                                             5540                5.906                 47.495                 5.696                48.553            3.69%          -2.18%
                                                                             5600                6.003                 47.386                 5.766                48.471            4.11%          -2.24%
                                                                             5620                6.020                 47.336                 5.790                48.444            3.97%          -2.29%
                                                                             5680                6.108                 47.250                 5.860                48.363            4.23%          -2.30%
                                                                             5700                6.140                 47.202                 5.883                48.336            4.37%          -2.35%
                                                                             5745                6.209                 47.134                 5.936                48.275            4.60%          -2.36%
                                                                             5765                6.213                 47.133                 5.959                48.248            4.26%          -2.31%
                                                                             5785                6.255                 47.070                 5.982                48.220            4.56%          -2.38%
The above measured tissue parameters were used in the DASY software. The DASY software was used to
perform interpolation to determine the dielectric parameters at the SAR test device frequencies (per KDB
Publication 865664 D01v01r04 and IEEE 1528-2013 The tissue parameters listed in the SAR test plots
may slightly differ from the table above due to significant digit rounding in the software.

                                                                                                                                                                                  Approved by:
       FCC ID: BCGA2133                                                                            SAR EVALUATION REPORT
                                                                                                                                                                                  Quality Manager

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including photocopying and microfilm, without permission in writing from PCTEST Engineering Laboratory, Inc. If you have any questions about this international copyright or have an enquiry about obtaining
additional rights to this report or assembly of contents thereof, please contact INFO@PCTEST.COM.

   8.2            Test System Verification
Prior to SAR assessment, the system is verified to ±10% of the SAR measurement on the reference dipole at the
time of calibration by the calibration facility. Full system validation status and result summary can be found in
Appendix E.

                                                                                  Table 8-2
                                                                        System Verification Results – 1g
  SAR     Tissue                                                  Amb.           Liquid        Input                                Measured          1 W Target            1W
                                 Tissue                                                              Source Probe                                                                              Deviation1g
 System Frequency                                 Date:           Temp           Temp          Power                                 SAR1g              SAR1g            Normalized
                                  Type                                                                 SN    SN                                                                                   (%)
    #     (MHz)                                                    (°C)           (°C)          (W)                                   (W/kg)            (W/kg)          SAR1g (W/kg)
   AM4             2450           BODY        12/19/2019           22.6           20.5          0.100        750        3119           5.370             51.200              53.700               4.88%

   AM5             2450           BODY        12/24/2019           20.5           20.2          0.100        750        3318           4.830             51.200              48.300               -5.66%

   AM6             5250           BODY        12/17/2019           21.7           20.3          0.050       1163        3837           3.570             77.700              71.400               -8.11%

   AM6             5600           BODY        12/17/2019           21.7           20.3          0.050       1163        3837           3.890             80.100              77.800               -2.87%

   AM6             5750           BODY        12/17/2019           21.7           20.3          0.050       1163        3837           3.660             77.800              73.200               -5.91%

                           Figure 8-1                                                                                         Figure 8-2
               System Verification Setup Diagram                                                                    System Verification Setup Photo

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       FCC ID: BCGA2133                                                                            SAR EVALUATION REPORT
                                                                                                                                                                                  Quality Manager

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including photocopying and microfilm, without permission in writing from PCTEST Engineering Laboratory, Inc. If you have any questions about this international copyright or have an enquiry about obtaining
additional rights to this report or assembly of contents thereof, please contact INFO@PCTEST.COM.

9                  SAR DATA SUMMARY

    9.1           Standalone Body SAR Data

                                                                                              Table 9-1
                                                                                     2.4 GHz WLAN Body SAR Data

                                                                                                                 MEASUREMENT RESULTS
                                                         Maximum                                                                                                          Duty                  Scaling     Scaling      Reported SAR               Reported SAR
  FREQUENCY                            Bandwidth                       Conducted Power Power Drift             Antenna              Device Serial   Data Rate                       SAR (1g)                                            SAR (10g)
                Mode         Service                  Allowed Power                                  Spacing             Variant                                 Side     Cycle                  Factor   Factor (Duty       (1g)                       (10g)    Plot #
                                         [MHz]                              [dBm]         [dB]                 Config.                Number         (Mbps)
 MHz    Ch.                                               [dBm]                                                                                                            (%)       (W/kg)     (Power)      Cycle)         (W/kg)       (W/kg)        (W/kg)

 2412    1     802.11b       DSSS         22              16.00             16.00         0.00       0 mm       WF6        1       DLXXT00GLQJL        1        back      100.0      0.098      1.000        1.000          0.098        0.043         0.043

 2412    1     802.11b       DSSS         22              16.00             16.00         0.19       0 mm       WF6        1       DLXXT00GLQJL        1         top      100.0      1.180      1.000        1.000          1.180        0.405         0.405       A1

 2412    1     802.11b       DSSS         22              16.00             15.88         0.01       0 mm       WF6        2       DLXXT00TLQJL        1         top      100.0      1.100      1.028        1.000          1.131        0.376         0.387

 2437    6     802.11b       DSSS         22              16.00             15.99         0.04       0 mm       WF6        1       DLXXT00GLQJL        1         top      100.0      1.130      1.002        1.000          1.132        0.393         0.394

 2462    11    802.11b       DSSS         22              16.00             15.95         0.01       0 mm       WF6        1       DLXXT00GLQJL        1         top      100.0      1.020      1.012        1.000          1.032        0.357         0.361

 2412    1     802.11b       DSSS         22              16.00             16.00         -0.03      0 mm       WF6        1       DLXXT00GLQJL        1         right    100.0      0.109      1.000        1.000          0.109        0.050         0.050

 2437    6     802.11b       DSSS         22              15.25             15.00         0.02       0 mm       WF1        1       DLXXT00GLQJL        1        back      100.0      0.079      1.059        1.000          0.084        0.036         0.038

 2412    1     802.11b       DSSS         22              15.25             14.95         0.11       0 mm       WF1        1       DLXXT00GLQJL        1        bottom    100.0      0.714      1.072        1.000          0.765        0.239         0.256

 2437    6     802.11b       DSSS         22              15.25             15.00         -0.06      0 mm       WF1        1       DLXXT00GLQJL        1        bottom    100.0      0.987      1.059        1.000          1.045        0.331         0.351

 2462    11    802.11b       DSSS         22              15.25             14.99         0.01       0 mm       WF1        1       DLXXT00GLQJL        1        bottom    100.0      1.110      1.062        1.000          1.179        0.375         0.398

 2462    11    802.11b       DSSS         22              15.25             14.92         0.04       0 mm       WF1        2       DLXXT00TLQJL        1        bottom    100.0      1.010      1.079        1.000          1.090        0.348         0.375

 2437    6     802.11b       DSSS         22              15.25             15.00         0.08       0 mm       WF1        1       DLXXT00GLQJL        1         left     100.0      0.170      1.059        1.000          0.180        0.078         0.083

 2412    1     802.11b       DSSS         22              16.00             16.00         -0.01      0 mm       WF6        1       DLXXT00GLQJL        1         top      100.0      1.100      1.000        1.000          1.100        0.383         0.383

                         ANSI / IEEE C95.1 1992 - SAFETY LIMIT                                                                                                                    Body

                                       Spatial Peak                                                                                                                       1.6 W/kg (mW/g)
                       Uncontrolled Exposure/General Population                                                                                                          averaged over 1 gram

                                                                              Note: Blue entry indicates variability measurement.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Approved by:
        FCC ID: BCGA2133                                                                                                  SAR EVALUATION REPORT
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Quality Manager

        Document S/N:                                                 Test Dates:                                DUT Type:
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Page 30 of 42
        1C1811080024-01-R1.BCG                                        12/17/18 - 12/24/18                       Tablet Device
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including photocopying and microfilm, without permission in writing from PCTEST Engineering Laboratory, Inc. If you have any questions about this international copyright or have an enquiry about obtaining
additional rights to this report or assembly of contents thereof, please contact INFO@PCTEST.COM.

                                                                                                Table 9-2
                                                                                         5GHz WLAN Body SAR Data
                                                                                                                  MEASUREMENT RESULTS
                                                         Maximum                                                                                                                Duty                  Scaling     Scaling      Reported SAR               Reported SAR
  FREQUENCY                            Bandwidth                       Conducted Power Power Drift             Antenna                                    Data Rate                       SAR (1g)                                            SAR (10g)
                Mode         Service                  Allowed Power                                  Spacing             Variant   Device Serial Number                Side     Cycle                  Factor   Factor (Duty       (1g)                       (10g)    Plot #
                                         [MHz]                              [dBm]         [dB]                 Config.                                     (Mbps)
 MHz    Ch.                                               [dBm]                                                                                                                  (%)       (W/kg)     (Power)      Cycle)         (W/kg)       (W/kg)        (W/kg)

 5230    46    802.11n        OFDM        40              16.50             16.50         0.09       0 mm       WF6        1         DLXXT00ELQJL           13.5      back       97.5      0.106      1.000        1.026          0.109        0.038         0.039

 5230    46    802.11n        OFDM        40              16.50             16.50         -0.13      0 mm       WF6        1         DLXXT00ELQJL           13.5      bottom     97.5      0.004      1.000        1.026          0.004        0.001         0.001

 5190    38    802.11n        OFDM        40              14.00             13.90         -0.02      0 mm       WF6        1         DLXXT00ELQJL           13.5       top       97.5      0.579      1.023        1.026          0.608        0.181         0.190

 5230    46    802.11n        OFDM        40              16.50             16.50         -0.14      0 mm       WF6        1         DLXXT00ELQJL           13.5       top       97.5      1.150      1.000        1.026          1.180        0.374         0.384       A2

 5230    46    802.11n        OFDM        40              16.50             16.49         -0.07      0 mm       WF6        2         DLXXT009LQJC           13.5       top       97.5      1.090      1.002        1.026          1.121        0.347         0.357

 5230    46    802.11n        OFDM        40              16.50             16.50         0.04       0 mm       WF6        1         DLXXT00ELQJL           13.5       right     97.5      0.019      1.000        1.026          0.019        0.008         0.008

 5270    54    802.11n        OFDM        40              17.00             17.00         -0.14      0 mm       WF1        1         DLXXT00ELQJL           13.5      back       97.5      0.089      1.000        1.026          0.091        0.036         0.037

 5270    54    802.11n        OFDM        40              17.00             17.00         0.02       0 mm       WF1        1         DLXXT00ELQJL           13.5       top       97.5      0.023      1.000        1.026          0.024        0.006         0.006

 5270    54    802.11n        OFDM        40              17.00             17.00         0.05       0 mm       WF1        1         DLXXT00ELQJL           13.5      bottom     97.5      0.994      1.000        1.026          1.020        0.311         0.319

 5270    54    802.11n        OFDM        40              17.00             16.90         -0.08      0 mm       WF1        2         DLXXT009LQJC           13.5      bottom     97.5      0.899      1.023        1.026          0.944        0.275         0.289

 5310    62    802.11n        OFDM        40              15.00             14.45         0.18       0 mm       WF1        1         DLXXT00ELQJL           13.5      bottom     97.5      0.575      1.135        1.026          0.670        0.178         0.207

 5270    54    802.11n        OFDM        40              17.00             17.00         0.01       0 mm       WF1        1         DLXXT00ELQJL           13.5       left      97.5      0.210      1.000        1.026          0.215        0.080         0.082

 5610   122    802.11ac       OFDM        80              15.75             15.50         -0.08      0 mm       WF6        1         DLXXT00ALQJL           29.3      back       95.5      0.099      1.059        1.047          0.110        0.037         0.041

 5610   122    802.11ac       OFDM        80              15.75             15.50         0.07       0 mm       WF6        1         DLXXT00ALQJL           29.3      bottom     95.5      0.000      1.059        1.047          0.000        0.000         0.000

 5530   106    802.11ac       OFDM        80              13.50             12.00         -0.04      0 mm       WF6        1         DLXXT00ALQJL           29.3       top       95.5      0.456      1.413        1.047          0.675        0.155         0.229

 5610   122    802.11ac       OFDM        80              15.75             15.50         -0.01      0 mm       WF6        1         DLXXT00ALQJL           29.3       top       95.5      1.030      1.059        1.047          1.142        0.363         0.402

 5610   122    802.11ac       OFDM        80              15.75             15.50         -0.21      0 mm       WF6        2         DLXXT008LQJC           29.3       top       95.5      0.917      1.059        1.047          1.017        0.330         0.366

 5690   138    802.11ac       OFDM        80              15.75             15.40         -0.11      0 mm       WF6        1         DLXXT00ALQJL           29.3       top       95.5      0.875      1.084        1.047          0.993        0.312         0.354

 5610   122    802.11ac       OFDM        80              15.75             15.50         0.15       0 mm       WF6        1         DLXXT00ALQJL           29.3       right     95.5      0.023      1.059        1.047          0.026        0.007         0.008

 5690   138    802.11ac       OFDM        80              16.00             16.00         0.11       0 mm       WF1        1         DLXXT00ALQJL           29.3      back       95.6      0.096      1.000        1.046          0.100        0.035         0.037

 5690   138    802.11ac       OFDM        80              16.00             16.00         -0.03      0 mm       WF1        1         DLXXT00ALQJL           29.3       top       95.6      0.028      1.000        1.046          0.029        0.008         0.008

 5530   106    802.11ac       OFDM        80              13.50             13.00         0.19       0 mm       WF1        1         DLXXT00ALQJL           29.3      bottom     95.5      0.522      1.122        1.047          0.613        0.167         0.196

 5610   122    802.11ac       OFDM        80              16.00             15.99         0.07       0 mm       WF1        1         DLXXT00ALQJL           29.3      bottom     95.6      1.130      1.002        1.046          1.184        0.373         0.391

 5610   122    802.11ac       OFDM        80              16.00             15.81         0.11       0 mm       WF1        2         DLXXT008LQJC           29.3      bottom     95.6      0.970      1.045        1.046          1.060        0.311         0.340

 5690   138    802.11ac       OFDM        80              16.00             16.00         -0.12      0 mm       WF1        1         DLXXT00ALQJL           29.3      bottom     95.6      1.120      1.000        1.046          1.172        0.370         0.387

 5690   138    802.11ac       OFDM        80              16.00             16.00         0.02       0 mm       WF1        1         DLXXT00ALQJL           29.3       left      95.6      0.200      1.000        1.046          0.209        0.072         0.075

 5775   155    802.11ac       OFDM        80              16.25             16.00         0.02       0 mm       WF6        1         DLXXT00ELQJL           29.3      back       95.5      0.094      1.059        1.047          0.104        0.035         0.039

 5775   155    802.11ac       OFDM        80              16.25             16.00         0.07       0 mm       WF6        1         DLXXT00ELQJL           29.3      bottom     95.5      0.003      1.059        1.047          0.003        0.000         0.000

 5775   155    802.11ac       OFDM        80              16.25             16.00         0.15       0 mm       WF6        1         DLXXT00ELQJL           29.3       top       95.5      1.030      1.059        1.047          1.142        0.356         0.395

 5775   155    802.11ac       OFDM        80              16.25             16.00         -0.05      0 mm       WF6        2         DLXXT00ALQJC           29.3       top       95.5      1.020      1.059        1.047          1.131        0.354         0.393

 5775   155    802.11ac       OFDM        80              16.25             16.00         0.04       0 mm       WF6        1         DLXXT00ELQJL           29.3       right     95.5      0.026      1.059        1.047          0.029        0.008         0.009

 5775   155    802.11ac       OFDM        80              17.50             17.25         0.02       0 mm       WF1        2         DLXXT00ALQJC           29.3      back       95.6      0.096      1.059        1.046          0.106        0.034         0.038

 5775   155    802.11ac       OFDM        80              17.50             17.25         0.08       0 mm       WF1        2         DLXXT00ALQJC           29.3       top       95.6      0.038      1.059        1.046          0.042        0.011         0.012

 5775   155    802.11ac       OFDM        80              17.50             17.25         0.08       0 mm       WF1        2         DLXXT00ALQJC           29.3      bottom     95.6      1.020      1.059        1.046          1.130        0.325         0.360

 5775   155    802.11ac       OFDM        80              17.50             17.25         0.01       0 mm       WF1        1         DLXXT00ELQJL           29.3      bottom     95.6      0.918      1.059        1.046          1.017        0.303         0.336

 5775   155    802.11ac       OFDM        80              17.50             17.25         0.13       0 mm       WF1        2         DLXXT00ALQJC           29.3       left      95.6      0.201      1.059        1.046          0.223        0.074         0.082

 5230    46    802.11n        OFDM        40              16.50             16.50         0.07       0 mm       WF6        1         DLXXT00ELQJL           13.5       top       97.5      1.130      1.000        1.026          1.159        0.375         0.385

 5610   122    802.11ac       OFDM        80              16.00             15.99         0.18       0 mm       WF1        1         DLXXT00ALQJL           29.3      bottom     95.6      1.080      1.002        1.046          1.132        0.299         0.313

 5690   138    802.11ac       OFDM        80              16.00             16.00         0.04       0 mm       WF1        1         DLXXT00ALQJL           29.3      bottom     95.6      1.090      1.000        1.046          1.140        0.365         0.382

                          ANSI / IEEE C95.1 1992 - SAFETY LIMIT                                                                                                                         Body

                                       Spatial Peak                                                                                                                             1.6 W/kg (mW/g)
                       Uncontrolled Exposure/General Population                                                                                                                averaged over 1 gram

                                                                              Note: Blue entry indicates variability measurement.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Approved by:
        FCC ID: BCGA2133                                                                                                  SAR EVALUATION REPORT
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Quality Manager

        Document S/N:                                                 Test Dates:                                DUT Type:
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        1C1811080024-01-R1.BCG                                        12/17/18 - 12/24/18                        Tablet Device
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© 2019 PCTEST Engineering Laboratory, Inc. All rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, no part of this report may be reproduced or utilized in any part, form or by any means, electronic or mechanical,
including photocopying and microfilm, without permission in writing from PCTEST Engineering Laboratory, Inc. If you have any questions about this international copyright or have an enquiry about obtaining
additional rights to this report or assembly of contents thereof, please contact INFO@PCTEST.COM.

                                                                                             Table 9-3
                                                                                     Bluetooth Body SAR Data
                                                                                                    MEASUREMENT RESULTS
                                        Maximum                                                                                     Data             Duty                  Scaling        Scaling      Reported SAR               Reported SAR
  FREQUENCY                                           Conducted Power Drift             Antenna                                                               SAR (1g)                                                SAR (10g)
                   Mode      Service     Allowed                              Spacing             Variant   Device Serial Number    Rate     Side    Cycle               Factor (Cond   Factor (Duty       (1g)                       (10g)      Plot #
                                                     Power [dBm]   [dB]                 Config.
  MHz    Ch.                           Power [dBm]                                                                                 (Mbps)             (%)      (W/kg)      Power)          Cycle)         (W/kg)       (W/kg)        (W/kg)

 2402     0      Bluetooth   FHSS         10.00         10.00       0.09      0 mm       WF6        2         DLXXT00TLQJL           1      back      76.9     0.022        1.000          1.008          0.022        0.008         0.008

 2402     0      Bluetooth   FHSS         10.00         10.00       0.01      0 mm       WF6        2         DLXXT00TLQJL           1       top      76.9     0.282        1.000          1.008          0.284        0.095         0.096

 2402     0      Bluetooth   FHSS         10.00         10.00       0.00      0 mm       WF6        2         DLXXT00TLQJL           1      bottom    76.9     0.000        1.000          1.008          0.000        0.000         0.000

 2402     0      Bluetooth   FHSS         10.00         10.00       -0.16     0 mm       WF6        2         DLXXT00TLQJL           1       right    76.9     0.026        1.000          1.008          0.026        0.010         0.010

 2441    39      Bluetooth   FHSS           9.75        9.71        0.07      0 mm       WF1        1         DLXXT00BLQJL           1      back      76.9     0.019        1.009          1.008          0.019        0.007         0.007

 2441    39      Bluetooth   FHSS           9.75        9.71        0.09      0 mm       WF1        1         DLXXT00BLQJL           1      bottom    76.9     0.223        1.009          1.008          0.227        0.075         0.076

 2441    39      Bluetooth   FHSS           9.75        9.71        0.04      0 mm       WF1        1         DLXXT00BLQJL           1       top      76.9     0.002        1.009          1.008          0.002        0.001         0.001

 2441    39      Bluetooth   FHSS           9.75        9.71        -0.21     0 mm       WF1        1         DLXXT00BLQJL           1       left     76.9     0.036        1.009          1.008          0.037        0.016         0.016

 2402     0      Bluetooth   FHSS         17.00         16.94       0.05      0 mm       WF6        2         DLXXT00TLQJL           1      back      76.8     0.091        1.014          1.009          0.093        0.039         0.040

 2402     0      Bluetooth   FHSS         17.00         16.94       0.03      0 mm       WF6        2         DLXXT00TLQJL           1       top      76.8     0.965        1.014          1.009          0.987        0.330         0.338

 2441    39      Bluetooth   FHSS         17.00         16.90       0.05      0 mm       WF6        2         DLXXT00TLQJL           1       top      76.8     1.150        1.023          1.009          1.187        0.396         0.409        A3

 2441    39      Bluetooth   FHSS         17.00         16.86       -0.11     0 mm       WF6        1         DLXXT00GLQJL           1       top      76.9     1.120        1.033          1.008          1.166        0.393         0.410

 2480    78      Bluetooth   FHSS         17.00         16.75       -0.10     0 mm       WF6        2         DLXXT00TLQJL           1       top      76.8     0.677        1.059          1.009          0.723        0.237         0.253

 2402     0      Bluetooth   FHSS         17.00         16.94       -0.15     0 mm       WF6        2         DLXXT00TLQJL           1       right    76.8     0.105        1.014          1.009          0.107        0.049         0.050

 2441    39      Bluetooth   FHSS         16.75         16.34       -0.06     0 mm       WF1        1         DLXXT00GLQJL           1      back       77      0.085        1.099          1.006          0.094        0.038         0.042

 2402     0      Bluetooth   FHSS         16.75         16.00       -0.01     0 mm       WF1        1         DLXXT00GLQJL           1      bottom     77      0.454        1.189          1.006          0.543        0.148         0.177

 2441    39      Bluetooth   FHSS         16.75         16.34       0.01      0 mm       WF1        1         DLXXT00GLQJL           1      bottom     77      1.070        1.099          1.006          1.183        0.351         0.388

 2441    39      Bluetooth   FHSS         16.75         16.55       -0.06     0 mm       WF1        2         DLXXT00TLQJL           1      bottom     77      1.120        1.047          1.006          1.180        0.373         0.393

 2480    78      Bluetooth   FHSS         16.75         16.03       0.12      0 mm       WF1        1         DLXXT00GLQJL           1      bottom     77      0.885        1.180          1.006          1.051        0.294         0.349

 2441    39      Bluetooth   FHSS         16.75         16.34       -0.06     0 mm       WF1        1         DLXXT00GLQJL           1       left      77      0.174        1.099          1.006          0.192        0.077         0.085

                ANSI / IEEE C95.1 1992 - SAFETY LIMIT                                                                                                        Body
                             Spatial Peak                                                                                                              1.6 W/kg (mW/g)
               Uncontrolled Exposure/General Population                                                                                              averaged over 1 gram

Note: The reported SAR was scaled to the 77.5% transmission duty factor to determine compliance since the duty factor of the
                              device is permanently limited to 77.5% per the manufacturer.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Approved by:
        FCC ID: BCGA2133                                                                                       SAR EVALUATION REPORT
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Quality Manager

        Document S/N:                                           Test Dates:                          DUT Type:
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Page 32 of 42
        1C1811080024-01-R1.BCG                                  12/17/18 - 12/24/18                 Tablet Device
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© 2019 PCTEST Engineering Laboratory, Inc. All rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, no part of this report may be reproduced or utilized in any part, form or by any means, electronic or mechanical,
including photocopying and microfilm, without permission in writing from PCTEST Engineering Laboratory, Inc. If you have any questions about this international copyright or have an enquiry about obtaining
additional rights to this report or assembly of contents thereof, please contact INFO@PCTEST.COM.

   9.2            SAR Test Notes
General Notes:
   1. The test data reported are the worst-case SAR values according to test procedures specified in FCC KDB
       Publication 616217 D04v01r02 and FCC KDB Publication 447498 D01v06.
   2. Batteries are fully charged at the beginning of the SAR measurements.
   3. Liquid tissue depth was at least 15.0 cm for all frequencies.
   4. The manufacturer has confirmed that the device(s) tested have the same physical, mechanical and
       thermal characteristics and are within operational tolerances expected for production units.
   5. SAR results were scaled to the maximum allowed power to demonstrate compliance per FCC KDB
       Publication 447498 D01v06.
   6. Per FCC KDB 865664 D01v01r04, variability SAR tests were performed when the measured SAR results
       for a frequency band were greater than or equal to 0.8 W/kg. Repeated SAR measurements are
       highlighted in the tables above for clarity. Please see Section 11 for variability analysis.
   7. FCC KDB Publication 616217 D04v01r02 Section 4.3, SAR tests are required for the back surface and
       edges of the tablet with the tablet touching the phantom. The SAR Exclusion Threshold in FCC KDB
       447498 D01v06 was applied to determine SAR test exclusion for adjacent edge configurations.

WLAN/Bluetooth Notes:
  1. Justification for test configurations for WLAN per KDB Publication 248227 D01v02r02 for 2.4 GHz WIFI
      single transmission chain operations, the highest measured maximum output power channel for DSSS
      was selected for SAR measurement. SAR for OFDM modes (2.4 GHz 802.11g/n) was not required due to
      the maximum allowed powers and the highest reported DSSS SAR. See Section 6.2.4 for more
  2. Justification for test configurations for WLAN per KDB Publication 248227 D01v02r02 for 5 GHz WIFI
      single transmission chain operations, the initial test configuration was selected according to the
      transmission mode with the highest maximum allowed powers. Other transmission modes were not
      investigated since the highest reported SAR for initial test configuration adjusted by the ratio of maximum
      output powers is less than 1.2 W/kg for 1g evaluations. See Section 6.2.5 for more information.
  3. Per KDB Publication 248227 D01v02r02, SAR for MIMO was evaluated by following the simultaneous
      SAR provisions from KDB Publication 447498 D01v06 by either evaluating the sum of the 1g SAR values
      of each antenna transmitting independently or making a SAR measurement with both antennas
      transmitting simultaneously. Please see Section 10 for complete analysis.
  4. When the maximum reported 1g averaged SAR is ≤0.8 W/kg, SAR testing on additional channels was not
      required. Otherwise, SAR for the next highest output power channel was required until the reported SAR
      result was ≤ 1.20 W/kg for 1g evaluations or all test channels were measured.
  5. The device was configured to transmit continuously at the required data rate, channel bandwidth and
      signal modulation, using the highest transmission duty factor supported by the test mode tools. The
      reported SAR was scaled to the 100% transmission duty factor to determine compliance. Procedures
      used to measure the duty factor are identical to that in the associated EMC test reports.
  6. Bluetooth SAR was measured with a test mode with hopping disabled with DH5 operation. The reported
      SAR was scaled to the 77.5% transmission duty factor to determine compliance since the duty factor of
      the device is limited to 77.5% per the manufacturer. See Section 7.2 for the time domain plot and
      calculation for the duty factor of the device.

                                                                                                                                                                                  Approved by:
       FCC ID: BCGA2133                                                                            SAR EVALUATION REPORT
                                                                                                                                                                                  Quality Manager

       Document S/N:                                   Test Dates:                        DUT Type:
                                                                                                                                                                                  Page 33 of 42
       1C1811080024-01-R1.BCG                          12/17/18 - 12/24/18                Tablet Device
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© 2019 PCTEST Engineering Laboratory, Inc. All rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, no part of this report may be reproduced or utilized in any part, form or by any means, electronic or mechanical,
including photocopying and microfilm, without permission in writing from PCTEST Engineering Laboratory, Inc. If you have any questions about this international copyright or have an enquiry about obtaining
additional rights to this report or assembly of contents thereof, please contact INFO@PCTEST.COM.


   10.1           Introduction
The following procedures adopted from FCC KDB Publication 447498 D01v06 are applicable to devices with built-
in unlicensed transmitters such as 802.11 and Bluetooth devices which may simultaneously transmit with the
licensed transmitter.

   10.2           Simultaneous Transmission Procedures
This device contains transmitters that may operate simultaneously. Therefore, simultaneous transmission analysis
is required. Per FCC KDB Publication 447498 D01v06 4.3.2 and IEEE 1528-2013 Section, simultaneous
transmission SAR test exclusion may be applied when the sum of the 1g SAR for all the simultaneous transmitting
antennas in a specific a physical test configuration is ≤1.6 W/kg. The different test positions in an exposure
condition may be considered collectively to determine SAR test exclusion according to the sum of 1g or 10g SAR.

   10.3           Body SAR Simultaneous Transmission Analysis
                                                        Table 10-1
                        Simultaneous Transmission Scenario with 2.4 GHz WLAN (Ant WF6 and Ant WF1)
                                                                           2.4 GHz WLAN 2.4 GHz WLAN
                                                                            Ant WF6 SAR Ant WF1 SAR                                         Σ SAR (W/kg)
                                           Simult Tx         Configuration     (W/kg)       (W/kg)

                                                                                               1                        2                           1+2
                                                                   Back                    0.098                     0.084                         0.182
                                                                   Top                     1.180                     0.400*                        1.580
                                          Body SAR                Bottom                   0.400*                    1.179                         1.579
                                                                   Right                   0.109                     0.400*                        0.509
                                                                   Left                    0.400*                    0.180                         0.580

                                                        Table 10-2
                         Simultaneous Transmission Scenario with 5 GHz WLAN (Ant WF6 and Ant WF1)
                                                                                     5 GHz WLAN                5 GHz WLAN
                                                                                     Ant WF6 SAR               Ant WF1 SAR                  Σ SAR (W/kg)
                                           Simult Tx         Configuration              (W/kg)                    (W/kg)

                                                                                               1                        2                           1+2
                                                                   Back                    0.110                     0.106                         0.216
                                                                   Top                     1.180                     0.042                         1.222
                                          Body SAR                Bottom                   0.004                     1.184                         1.188
                                                                   Right                   0.029                     0.400*                        0.427
                                                                   Left                    0.400*                    0.223                         0.623

                                                                                                                                                                                  Approved by:
       FCC ID: BCGA2133                                                                            SAR EVALUATION REPORT
                                                                                                                                                                                  Quality Manager

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© 2019 PCTEST Engineering Laboratory, Inc. All rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, no part of this report may be reproduced or utilized in any part, form or by any means, electronic or mechanical,
including photocopying and microfilm, without permission in writing from PCTEST Engineering Laboratory, Inc. If you have any questions about this international copyright or have an enquiry about obtaining
additional rights to this report or assembly of contents thereof, please contact INFO@PCTEST.COM.

                                                Table 10-3
        Simultaneous Transmission Scenario with 2.4 GHz Bluetooth Ant WF1 and 5 GHz WLAN Ant WF1
                                              Bluetooth Ant
                                                              5 GHz WLAN
                                              WF1 SAR at                     Σ SAR
                                                             Ant WF1 SAR
                                                9.75 dBm                     (W/kg)
                      Simult Tx Configuration                    (W/kg)

                                                                                                     1                              2                         1+2
                                                                   Back                          0.019                          0.106                       0.125
                                                                   Top                           0.002                          0.042                       0.044
                                     Body SAR                     Bottom                         0.227                          1.184                       1.411
                                                                   Right                         0.400*                         0.400*                      0.800
                                                                   Left                          0.037                          0.223                       0.260

                                                Table 10-4
        Simultaneous Transmission Scenario with 2.4 GHz Bluetooth Ant WF1 and 5 GHz WLAN Ant WF6
                                              Bluetooth Ant
                                                              5 GHz WLAN
                                              WF1 SAR at                     Σ SAR
                                                             Ant WF6 SAR
                      Simult Tx Configuration   9.75 dBm                     (W/kg)
                                                                                                     1                              2                         1+2
                                                                   Back                          0.019                          0.110                       0.129
                                                                   Top                           0.002                          1.180                       1.182
                                     Body SAR                     Bottom                         0.227                          0.004                       0.231
                                                                   Right                         0.400*                         0.029                       0.429
                                                                   Left                          0.037                          0.400*                      0.437

                                                Table 10-5
        Simultaneous Transmission Scenario with 2.4 GHz Bluetooth Ant WF6 and 5 GHz WLAN Ant WF1

                                                                          Bluetooth Ant                                  5 GHz WLAN
                                                                                                                                                           Σ SAR
                                                                         WF6 SAR at 10                                   Ant WF1 SAR
                                      Simult Tx             Configuration dBm (W/kg)

                                                                                                     1                              2                         1+2
                                                                   Back                          0.022                          0.106                       0.128
                                                                   Top                           0.284                          0.042                       0.326
                                     Body SAR                     Bottom                         0.000                          1.184                       1.184
                                                                   Right                         0.026                          0.400*                      0.426
                                                                   Left                          0.400*                         0.223                       0.623

                                                                                                                                                                                  Approved by:
       FCC ID: BCGA2133                                                                            SAR EVALUATION REPORT
                                                                                                                                                                                  Quality Manager

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including photocopying and microfilm, without permission in writing from PCTEST Engineering Laboratory, Inc. If you have any questions about this international copyright or have an enquiry about obtaining
additional rights to this report or assembly of contents thereof, please contact INFO@PCTEST.COM.

                                                Table 10-6
        Simultaneous Transmission Scenario with 2.4 GHz Bluetooth Ant WF6 and 5 GHz WLAN Ant WF6

                                                                          Bluetooth Ant                                  5 GHz WLAN
                                                                                                                                                           Σ SAR
                                                                         WF6 SAR at 10                                   Ant WF6 SAR
                                      Simult Tx             Configuration dBm (W/kg)

                                                                                                     1                              2                         1+2
                                                                   Back                         0.022                          0.110                        0.132
                                                                   Top                          0.284                          1.180                        1.464
                                     Body SAR                     Bottom                        0.000                          0.004                        0.004
                                                                   Right                        0.026                          0.029                        0.055
                                                                   Left                         0.400*                         0.400*                       0.800

                                                  Table 10-7
           Simultaneous Transmission Scenario with 2.4 GHz Bluetooth Ant WF1 and 5 GHz WLAN MIMO
                                                                         Bluetooth Ant
                                                                                                   5 GHz WLAN                 5 GHz WLAN
                                                                         WF1 SAR at
                                                                                                   Ant WF1 SAR                Ant WF6 SAR                 Σ SAR (W/kg)
                                                                           9.75 dBm
                              Simult Tx         Configuration                                         (W/kg)                     (W/kg)

                                                                                  1                          2                          3                       1+2+3
                                                      Back                     0.019                     0.106                      0.110                        0.235
                                                      Top                      0.002                     0.042                      1.180                        1.224
                            Body SAR                 Bottom                    0.227                     1.184                      0.004                        1.415
                                                      Right                    0.400*                    0.400*                     0.029                        0.829
                                                      Left                     0.037                     0.223                      0.400*                       0.660

                                                  Table 10-8
           Simultaneous Transmission Scenario with 2.4 GHz Bluetooth Ant WF6 and 5 GHz WLAN MIMO
                                                              Bluetooth Ant                        5 GHz WLAN                 5 GHz WLAN
                                                             WF6 SAR at 10                         Ant WF1 SAR                Ant WF6 SAR                 Σ SAR (W/kg)
                              Simult Tx         Configuration dBm (W/kg)                              (W/kg)                     (W/kg)

                                                                                  1                          2                          3                       1+2+3
                                                      Back                     0.022                     0.106                      0.110                        0.238
                                                      Top                      0.284                     0.042                      1.180                        1.506
                            Body SAR                 Bottom                    0.000                     1.184                      0.004                        1.188
                                                      Right                    0.026                     0.400*                     0.029                        0.455
                                                      Left                     0.400*                    0.223                      0.400*                       1.023
   1. (*) When the antenna separation distance was > 50 mm, an estimated SAR of 0.4 W/kg was used to
       determine the simultaneous transmission SAR exclusion for test positions excluded per FCC KDB
       Publication 447498D01v06. The simultaneous SAR sum using this estimation are highlighted in gray.

   10.4           Simultaneous Transmission Conclusion
The above numerical summed SAR results are sufficient to determine that simultaneous transmission cases will
not exceed the SAR limit and therefore no measured volumetric simultaneous SAR summation is required per
FCC KDB Publication 447498 D01v06 and IEEE 1528- 2013 Section

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       FCC ID: BCGA2133                                                                            SAR EVALUATION REPORT
                                                                                                                                                                                  Quality Manager

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additional rights to this report or assembly of contents thereof, please contact INFO@PCTEST.COM.


   11.1           Measurement Variability
Per FCC KDB Publication 865664 D01v01r04, SAR measurement variability was assessed for each frequency
band, which was determined by the SAR probe calibration point and tissue-equivalent medium used for the
device measurements. When both head and body tissue-equivalent media were required for SAR measurements
in a frequency band, the variability measurement procedures were applied to the tissue medium with the highest
measured SAR, using the highest measured SAR configuration for that tissue-equivalent medium. These
additional measurements were repeated after the completion of all measurements requiring the same head or
body tissue-equivalent medium in a frequency band. The test device was returned to ambient conditions (normal
room temperature) with the battery fully charged before it was re-mounted on the device holder for the repeated
measurement(s) to minimize any unexpected variations in the repeated results.

SAR Measurement Variability was assessed using the following procedures for each frequency band:
   1) When the original highest measured SAR is ≥ 0.80 W/kg, the measurement was repeated once.
   2) A second repeated measurement was performed only if the ratio of largest to smallest SAR for the
      original and first repeated measurements was > 1.20 or when the original or repeated measurement was
      ≥ 1.45 W/kg (~ 10% from the 1g SAR limit).
   3) A third repeated measurement was performed only if the original, first or second repeated measurement
      was ≥ 1.5 W/kg and the ratio of largest to smallest SAR for the original, first and second repeated
      measurements is > 1.20.
   4) Repeated measurements are not required when the original highest measured SAR is < 0.80 W/kg

                                                                             Table 11-1
                                                                Body SAR Measurement Variability Results
                                                                                   BODY VARIABILITY RESULTS
                                                                                                                                                    1st                   2nd                 3rd
               FREQUENCY                                                                                  Data                                   Repeated               Repeated           Repeated
                                                                                                                                     SAR (1g)
   Band                                       Mode                          Service            Variant    Rate     Side    Spacing               SAR (1g)       Ratio   SAR (1g)   Ratio   SAR (1g)      Ratio
               MHz       Ch.                                                                                                           (W/kg)      (W/kg)                 (W/kg)             (W/kg)

   2450      2412.00      1        802.11b, 22 MHz Bandwidth           DSSS, ANT WF6              1        1        top     0 mm       1.180       1.100        1.07       N/A      N/A       N/A        N/A

   5250      5230.00     46        802.11n, 40 MHz Bandwidth           OFDM, ANT WF6              1       13.5      top     0 mm       1.150       1.130        1.02       N/A      N/A       N/A        N/A

   5600      5610.00     122      802.11ac, 80 MHz Bandwidth           OFDM, ANT WF1              1       29.3    bottom    0 mm       1.130       1.080        1.05       N/A      N/A       N/A        N/A

   5750      5690.00     138      802.11ac, 80 MHz Bandwidth           OFDM, ANT WF1              1       29.3    bottom    0 mm       1.120       1.090        1.03       N/A      N/A       N/A        N/A

                                      ANSI / IEEE C95.1 1992 - SAFETY LIMIT                                                                                        Body
                                                      Spatial Peak                                                                                           1.6 W/kg (mW/g)
                                    Uncontrolled Exposure/General Population                                                                                averaged over 1 gram

   11.2           Measurement Uncertainty
The measured SAR was <1.5 W/kg for all frequency bands. Therefore, per KDB Publication 865664 D01v01r04,
the extended measurement uncertainty analysis per IEEE 1528-2013 was not required.

                                                                                                                                                                                   Approved by:
       FCC ID: BCGA2133                                                                               SAR EVALUATION REPORT
                                                                                                                                                                                   Quality Manager

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including photocopying and microfilm, without permission in writing from PCTEST Engineering Laboratory, Inc. If you have any questions about this international copyright or have an enquiry about obtaining
additional rights to this report or assembly of contents thereof, please contact INFO@PCTEST.COM.

12                  EQUIPMENT LIST

      Manufacturer                     Model                                         Description                                     Cal Date          Cal Interval          Cal Due         Serial Number
          Agilent                      E4440A                           PSA Series Spectrum Analyzer                                11/14/2018           Annual             11/14/2019         MY46186272
          Agilent                      8753ES                                  Network Analyzer                                      2/21/2018           Annual              2/21/2019         MY40001472
          Agilent                      8753ES                          S-Parameter Network Analyzer                                  10/2/2018           Annual              10/2/2019         US39170118
          Agilent                      E4438C                            ESG Vector Signal Generator                                 6/22/2018           Annual              6/22/2019         MY53401181
        Agilent                       N4010A                            Wireless Connectivity Test Set                                  N/A                N/A                  N/A            GB46170464
        Agilent                       N5182A                            MXG Vector Signal Generator                                  6/15/2018           Annual              6/15/2019         MY47420837
        Agilent                       N9020A                                  MXA Signal Analyzer                                    1/24/2018           Annual              1/24/2019         US46470561
   Amplifier Research                150A100C                                       Amplifier                                           CBT                N/A                  CBT              350132
   Amplifier Research                  15S1G6                                       Amplifier                                           CBT                N/A                  CBT              343972
        Anritsu                      ML2496A                                     Power Meter                                        10/21/2018           Annual             10/21/2019           1138001
        Anritsu                     MA24106A                                  USB Power Sensor                                       7/16/2018           Annual              7/16/2019           1520505
        Anritsu                     MA24106A                                  USB Power Sensor                                       8/20/2018           Annual              8/20/2019           1349503
        Anritsu                     MA24106A                                  USB Power Sensor                                       7/18/2018           Annual              7/18/2019           1827532
        Anritsu                     MA24106A                                  USB Power Sensor                                       7/17/2018           Annual              7/17/2019           1827526
        Anritsu                      MT8862A                            Wireless Connectivity Test Set                               7/3/2018            Annual              7/3/2019          6261782395
   Control Company                       4040                                Digital Thermometer                                     2/28/2018           Biennial            2/28/2020          130448366
    Control Company                      4040                         Temperature / Humidity Monitor                                 2/28/2018           Biennial            2/28/2020          150761911
    Control Company                      4352                           Ultra Long Stem Thermometer                                  2/14/2017           Biennial            2/14/2019          170112507
   Control Company                       4352                           Ultra Long Stem Thermometer                                  1/8/2018            Annual              1/8/2019           160508097
        Keysight                        772D                               Dual Directional Coupler                                     CBT                N/A                  CBT            MY52180215
 Keysight Technologies                 85033E              Standard Mechanical Calibration Kit (DC to 9GHz, 3.5mm)                   6/4/2018            Annual              6/4/2019          MY53401181
          MCL                       BW-N6W5+                                    6dB Attenuator                                          CBT                N/A                  CBT               1139
      MiniCircuits                   VLF-6000+                                  Low Pass Filter                                         CBT                N/A                  CBT                N/A
     Mini-Circuits                  NLP-2950+                          Low Pass Filter DC to 2700 MHz                                   CBT                N/A                  CBT                N/A
       Mitutoyo                      CD-6"CSX                                    Digital Caliper                                     4/18/2018           Biennial            4/18/2020          13264165
         Narda                         4772-3                                  Attenuator (3dB)                                         CBT                N/A                  CBT               9406
      Pasternack                    PE2209-10                                Bidirectional Coupler                                      CBT                N/A                  CBT                N/A
      Pasternack                       NC-100                                   Torque Wrench                                        4/18/2018           Annual              4/18/2019            1445
   Rohde & Schwarz                      FSP-7                                 Spectrum Analyzer                                      2/7/2018            Annual              2/7/2019            100288
         SPEAG                         DAK-12                     Dielectric Assessment Kit (10MHz - 3GHz)                          11/13/2018           Annual             11/13/2019            1121
         SPEAG                        DAK-3.5                              Dielectric Assessment Kit                                 5/15/2018           Annual              5/15/2019            1070
         SPEAG                          DAE4                          Dasy Data Acquisition Electronics                              5/17/2018           Annual              5/17/2019             728
         SPEAG                          DAE4                          Dasy Data Acquisition Electronics                              8/14/2018           Annual              8/14/2019            1408
         SPEAG                          DAE4                          Dasy Data Acquisition Electronics                              3/7/2018            Annual              3/7/2019              604
         SPEAG                        ES3DV3                                       SAR Probe                                         5/18/2018           Annual              5/18/2019            3119
         SPEAG                        ES3DV3                                       SAR Probe                                        11/19/2018           Annual             11/19/2019            3318
         SPEAG                        EX3DV4                                       SAR Probe                                         3/16/2018           Annual              3/16/2019            3837
         SPEAG                        D2450V2                                2450 MHz SAR Dipole                                     6/7/2017            Biennial            6/7/2019              750
         SPEAG                       D5GHzV2                                      SAR Dipole                                         9/13/2018           Annual              9/13/2019            1163
                                                Each equipment item was used solely within its respective calibration period.

Note: CBT (Calibrated Before Testing). Prior to testing, the measurement paths containing a cable, amplifier, attenuator, coupler or filter were
connected to a calibrated source (i.e. a signal generator) to determine the losses of the measurement path. The power meter offset was then
adjusted to compensate for the measurement system losses. This level offset is stored within the power meter before measurements are
made. This calibration verification procedure applies to the system verification and output power measurements. The calibrated reading is
then taken directly from the power meter after compensation of the losses for all final power measurements.

                                                                                                                                                                                  Approved by:
       FCC ID: BCGA2133                                                                            SAR EVALUATION REPORT
                                                                                                                                                                                  Quality Manager

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© 2019 PCTEST Engineering Laboratory, Inc. All rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, no part of this report may be reproduced or utilized in any part, form or by any means, electronic or mechanical,
including photocopying and microfilm, without permission in writing from PCTEST Engineering Laboratory, Inc. If you have any questions about this international copyright or have an enquiry about obtaining
additional rights to this report or assembly of contents thereof, please contact INFO@PCTEST.COM.


                                                            a                                            c          d        e=          f          g         h=           i=         k

                                                                                                                           f(d,k)                            c x f/e     c x g/e

                                                                                                       Tol .     Prob.                  ci         ci         1g m       10g ms
                                             Unc e rt a i nt y Compone nt                             (± %)      Di st .    Di v .     1g m     10 g ms        ui           ui        vi

                                                                                                                                                             (± %)       (± %)

                       Measurement System

                       Probe Calibration                                                              6.55         N          1        1.0        1.0         6.6          6.6        ∞
                       Axial Isotropy                                                                 0.25         N          1        0.7        0.7         0.2          0.2        ∞
                       Hemishperical Isotropy                                                          1.3         N          1        0.7        0.7         0.9          0.9        ∞
                       Boundary Effect                                                                 2.0          R      1.73        1.0        1.0         1.2          1.2        ∞
                       Linearity                                                                       0.3         N          1        1.0        1.0         0.3          0.3        ∞
                       System Detection Limits                                                        0.25          R      1.73        1.0        1.0         0.1          0.1        ∞
                       Readout Electronics                                                             0.3         N          1        1.0        1.0         0.3          0.3        ∞
                       Response Time                                                                   0.8          R      1.73        1.0        1.0         0.5          0.5        ∞
                       Integration Time                                                                2.6          R      1.73        1.0        1.0         1.5          1.5        ∞
                       RF Ambient Conditions - Noise                                                   3.0          R      1.73        1.0        1.0         1.7          1.7        ∞
                       RF Ambient Conditions - Reflections                                             3.0          R      1.73        1.0        1.0         1.7          1.7        ∞
                       Probe Positioner Mechanical Tolerance                                           0.4          R      1.73        1.0        1.0         0.2          0.2        ∞
                       Probe Positioning w/ respect to Phantom                                         6.7          R      1.73        1.0        1.0         3.9          3.9        ∞
                       Extrapolation, Interpolation & Integration algorithms for
                                                                                                       4.0          R      1.73        1.0        1.0         2.3          2.3        ∞
                       Max. SAR Evaluation
                       Test Sample Related
                       Test Sample Positioning                                                         2.7         N          1        1.0        1.0         2.7          2.7       35
                       Device Holder Uncertainty                                                      1.67         N         1         1.0        1.0         1.7          1.7        5
                       Output Power Variation - SAR drift measurement                                  5.0         R       1.73        1.0        1.0         2.9          2.9        ∞
                       SAR Scaling                                                                     0.0         R       1.73        1.0        1.0         0.0          0.0        ∞
                       Phantom & Tissue Parameters

                       Phantom Uncertainty (Shape & Thickness tolerances)                              7.6          R      1.73        1.0        1.0         4.4          4.4        ∞

                       Liquid Conductivity - measurement uncertainty                                   4.2         N          1       0.78       0.71         3.3          3.0       10
                       Liquid Permittivity - measurement uncertainty                                   4.1         N          1       0.23       0.26         1.0          1.1       10
                       Liquid Conductivity - Temperature Uncertainty                                   3.4          R      1.73       0.78       0.71         1.5          1.4        ∞
                       Liquid Permittivity - Temperature Unceritainty                                  0.6          R      1.73       0.23       0.26         0.1          0.1        ∞
                       Liquid Conductivity - deviation from target values                              5.0          R      1.73       0.64       0.43         1.8          1.2        ∞
                       Liquid Permittivity - deviation from target values                              5.0          R      1.73       0.60       0.49         1.7          1.4        ∞
                       Combined Standard Uncertainty (k=1)                                                        RSS                                        11.5         11.3       60
                       Expanded Uncertainty                                                                       k=2                                        23.0         22.6
                       (95% CONFIDENCE LEVEL)

                                                                                                                                                                                   Approved by:
       FCC ID: BCGA2133                                                                            SAR EVALUATION REPORT
                                                                                                                                                                                   Quality Manager

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including photocopying and microfilm, without permission in writing from PCTEST Engineering Laboratory, Inc. If you have any questions about this international copyright or have an enquiry about obtaining
additional rights to this report or assembly of contents thereof, please contact INFO@PCTEST.COM.

14                 CONCLUSION

   14.1           Measurement Conclusion
The SAR evaluation indicates that the EUT complies with the RF radiation exposure limits of the FCC and
Innovation, Science, and Economic Development Canada, with respect to all parameters subject to this test.
These measurements were taken to simulate the RF effects of RF exposure under worst-case conditions. Precise
laboratory measures were taken to assure repeatability of the tests. The results and statements relate only to the
item(s) tested.

Please note that the absorption and distribution of electromagnetic energy in the body are very complex
phenomena that depend on the mass, shape, and size of the body, the orientation of the body with respect to the
field vectors, and the electrical properties of both the body and the environment. Other variables that may play a
substantial role in possible biological effects are those that characterize the environment (e.g. ambient
temperature, air velocity, relative humidity, and body insulation) and those that characterize the individual (e.g.
age, gender, activity level, debilitation, or disease). Because various factors may interact with one another to vary
the specific biological outcome of an exposure to electromagnetic fields, any protection guide should consider
maximal amplification of biological effects as a result of field-body interactions, environmental conditions, and
physiological variables. [3]

                                                                                                                                                                                  Approved by:
       FCC ID: BCGA2133                                                                            SAR EVALUATION REPORT
                                                                                                                                                                                  Quality Manager

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including photocopying and microfilm, without permission in writing from PCTEST Engineering Laboratory, Inc. If you have any questions about this international copyright or have an enquiry about obtaining
additional rights to this report or assembly of contents thereof, please contact INFO@PCTEST.COM.

15                 REFERENCES

[1]     Federal Communications Commission, ET Docket 93-62, Guidelines for Evaluating the Environmental Effects of
        Radiofrequency Radiation, Aug. 1996.

[2]     ANSI/IEEE C95.1-2005, American National Standard safety levels with respect to human exposure to radio frequency
        electromagnetic fields, 3kHz to 300GHz, New York: IEEE, 2006.

[3]     ANSI/IEEE C95.1-1992, American National Standard safety levels with respect to human exposure to radio frequency
        electromagnetic fields, 3kHz to 300GHz, New York: IEEE, Sept. 1992.

[4]     ANSI/IEEE C95.3-2002, IEEE Recommended Practice for the Measurement of Potentially Hazardous Electromagnetic
        Fields - RF and Microwave, New York: IEEE, December 2002.

[5]     IEEE Standards Coordinating Committee 39 –Standards Coordinating Committee 34 – IEEE Std. 1528-2013, IEEE
        Recommended Practice for Determining the Peak Spatial-Average Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) in the Human Head
        from Wireless Communications Devices: Measurement Techniques.

[6]     NCRP, National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurements, Biological Effects and Exposure Criteria for
        RadioFrequency Electromagnetic Fields, NCRP Report No. 86, 1986. Reprinted Feb. 1995.

[7]     T. Schmid, O. Egger, N. Kuster, Automated E-field scanning system for dosimetric assessments, IEEE Transaction on
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[12] N. Kuster and Q. Balzano, Energy absorption mechanism by biological bodies in the near field of dipole antennas above
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[13] G. Hartsgrove, A. Kraszewski, A. Surowiec, Simulated Biological Materials for Electromagnetic Radiation Absorption
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[14] Q. Balzano, O. Garay, T. Manning Jr., Electromagnetic Energy Exposure of Simulated Users of Portable Cellular
     Telephones, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 44, no.3, Aug. 1995.

[15] W. Gander, Computermathematick, Birkhaeuser, Basel, 1992.

[16] W.H. Press, S.A. Teukolsky, W.T. Vetterling, and B.P. Flannery, Numerical Recipes in C, The Art of Scientific
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[17] N. Kuster, R. Kastle, T. Schmid, Dosimetric evaluation of mobile communications equipment with known precision, IEEE
     Transaction on Communications, vol. E80-B, no. 5, May 1997, pp. 645-652.

                                                                                                                                                                                  Approved by:
       FCC ID: BCGA2133                                                                            SAR EVALUATION REPORT
                                                                                                                                                                                  Quality Manager

       Document S/N:                                   Test Dates:                        DUT Type:
                                                                                                                                                                                  Page 41 of 42
       1C1811080024-01-R1.BCG                          12/17/18 - 12/24/18                Tablet Device
© 2019 PCTEST Engineering Laboratory, Inc.                                                                                                                                         REV 20.06 M
© 2019 PCTEST Engineering Laboratory, Inc. All rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, no part of this report may be reproduced or utilized in any part, form or by any means, electronic or mechanical,
including photocopying and microfilm, without permission in writing from PCTEST Engineering Laboratory, Inc. If you have any questions about this international copyright or have an enquiry about obtaining
additional rights to this report or assembly of contents thereof, please contact INFO@PCTEST.COM.

[18] CENELEC CLC/SC111B, European Prestandard (prENV 50166-2), Human Exposure to Electromagnetic Fields High-
     frequency: 10kHz-300GHz, Jan. 1995.

[19] Prof. Dr. Niels Kuster, ETH, Eidgenössische Technische Hoschschule Zürich, Dosimetric Evaluation of the Cellular

[20] IEC 62209-1, Measurement procedure for the assessment of specific absorption rate of human exposure to radio
     frequency fields from hand-held and body-mounted wireless communication devices - Part 1: Devices used next to the
     ear (Frequency range of 300 MHz to 6 GHz), July 2016.

[21] Innovation, Science, Economic Development Canada RSS-102 Radio Frequency Exposure Compliance of
     Radiocommunication Apparatus (All Frequency Bands) Issue 5, March 2015.

[22] Health Canada Safety Code 6 Limits of Human Exposure to Radio Frequency Electromagnetic Fields in the Frequency
     Range from 3 kHz – 300 GHz, 2015

[23] FCC SAR Test Procedures for 2G-3G Devices, Mobile Hotspot and UMPC Devices KDB Publications 941225, D01-D07

[24] SAR Measurement Guidance for IEEE 802.11 Transmitters, KDB Publication 248227 D01

[25] FCC SAR Considerations for Handsets with Multiple Transmitters and Antennas, KDB Publications 648474 D03-D04

[26] FCC SAR Evaluation Considerations for Laptop, Notebook, Netbook and Tablet Computers, FCC KDB Publication
     616217 D04

[27] FCC SAR Measurement and Reporting Requirements for 100MHz – 6 GHz, KDB Publications 865664 D01-D02

[28] FCC General RF Exposure Guidance and SAR Procedures for Dongles, KDB Publication 447498, D01-D02

[29] Anexo à Resolução No. 533, de 10 de Septembro de 2009.

[30] IEC 62209-2, Human exposure to radio frequency fields from hand-held and body-mounted wireless communication
     devices - Human models, instrumentation, and procedures - Part 2: Procedure to determine the specific absorption rate
     (SAR) for wireless communication devices used in close proximity to the human body (frequency range of 30 MHz to 6
     GHz), Mar. 2010.

                                                                                                                                                                                  Approved by:
       FCC ID: BCGA2133                                                                            SAR EVALUATION REPORT
                                                                                                                                                                                  Quality Manager

       Document S/N:                                   Test Dates:                        DUT Type:
                                                                                                                                                                                  Page 42 of 42
       1C1811080024-01-R1.BCG                          12/17/18 - 12/24/18                Tablet Device
© 2019 PCTEST Engineering Laboratory, Inc.                                                                                                                                         REV 20.06 M
© 2019 PCTEST Engineering Laboratory, Inc. All rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, no part of this report may be reproduced or utilized in any part, form or by any means, electronic or mechanical,
including photocopying and microfilm, without permission in writing from PCTEST Engineering Laboratory, Inc. If you have any questions about this international copyright or have an enquiry about obtaining
additional rights to this report or assembly of contents thereof, please contact INFO@PCTEST.COM.


© 2019 PCTEST Engineering Laboratory, Inc.

          DUT: BCGA2133; Type: Tablet Device; Serial: DLXXT00GLQJL

 Communication System: UID 0, _IEEE 802.11b; Frequency: 2412 MHz; Duty Cycle: 1:1
            Medium: 2450 Body; Medium parameters used (interpolated):
              f = 2412 MHz; σ = 1.973 S/m; εr = 51.314; ρ = 1000 kg/m3
                     Phantom section: Flat Section; Space: 0 cm

         Test Date: 12-19-2018; Ambient Temp: 22.60°C; Tissue Temp: 20.50°C

  Probe: ES3DV3 - SN3119; ConvF(4.42, 4.42, 4.42) @ 2412 MHz; Calibrated: 5/18/2018
                  Sensor-Surface: 3mm (Mechanical Surface Detection)
                    Electronics: DAE4 Sn728; Calibrated: 5/17/2018
             Phantom: Twin-SAM V4.0; Type: QD 000 P40 CC; Serial: 1179
    Measurement SW: DASY52, Version 52.10 (2);SEMCAD X Version 14.6.12 (7450)

          Mode: IEEE 802.11b, 22 MHz Bandwidth, Body SAR Ch 1,
                 1 Mbps, Top Edge, Antenna WF6, Variant 1

         Area Scan (12x16x1): Measurement grid: dx=5mm, dy=12mm
    Zoom Scan (7x7x7)/Cube 0: Measurement grid: dx=5mm, dy=5mm, dz=5mm
                  Reference Value = 26.00 V/m; Power Drift = 0.19 dB
                         Peak SAR (extrapolated) = 3.85 W/kg
                   SAR(1 g) = 1.18 W/kg; SAR(10 g) = 0.405 W/kg

        0 dB = 1.68 W/kg = 2.25 dBW/kg


              DUT: BCGA2133; Type: Tablet Device; Serial: DLXXT00ELQJL

      Communication System: UID 0, _IEEE 802.11n; Frequency: 5230 MHz; Duty Cycle: 1:1
                    Medium: 5GHz; Medium parameters used (interpolated):
                   f = 5230 MHz; σ = 5.499 S/m; εr = 48.008; ρ = 1000 kg/m3
                          Phantom section: Flat Section; Space: 0 cm

              Test Date: 12-17-2018; Ambient Temp: 21.7°C; Tissue Temp: 20.3°C

     Probe: EX3DV4 - SN3837; ConvF(4.84, 4.84, 4.84) @ 5230 MHz; Calibrated: 3/16/2018
                   Sensor-Surface: 1.4mm (Mechanical Surface Detection)
                       Electronics: DAE4 Sn604; Calibrated: 3/7/2018
                    Phantom: SAM Main; Type: SAM 4.0; Serial: TP-1406
       Measurement SW: DASY52, Version 52.10 (2);SEMCAD X Version 14.6.12 (7450)

                Mode: IEEE 802.11n, U-NII-1, 40 MHz Bandwidth,
          Body SAR, Ch 46, 13.5 Mbps, Top Edge, Antenna WF6, Variant 1

              Area Scan (10x19x1): Measurement grid: dx=5mm, dy=10mm
Zoom Scan (9x9x7)/Cube 0: Measurement grid: dx=4mm, dy=4mm, dz=1.4mm; Graded Ratio: 1.4
                     Reference Value = 15.51 V/m; Power Drift = -0.14 dB
                            Peak SAR (extrapolated) = 4.50 W/kg
                      SAR(1 g) = 1.15 W/kg; SAR(10 g) = 0.374 W/kg

            0 dB = 2.80 W/kg = 4.47 dBW/kg


           DUT: BCGA2133; Type: Tablet Device; Serial: DLXXT00TLQJL

    Communication System: UID 0, Bluetooth; Frequency: 2441 MHz; Duty Cycle: 1:1.3
             Medium: 2450 Body; Medium parameters used (interpolated):
               f = 2441 MHz; σ = 2.022 S/m; εr = 53.305; ρ = 1000 kg/m3
                      Phantom section: Flat Section; Space: 0 cm

           Test Date: 12-24-2018; Ambient Temp: 20.5°C; Tissue Temp: 20.2°C

  Probe: ES3DV3 - SN3318; ConvF(4.49, 4.49, 4.49) @ 2441 MHz; Calibrated: 11/19/2018
                  Sensor-Surface: 3mm (Mechanical Surface Detection)
                   Electronics: DAE4 Sn1408; Calibrated: 8/14/2018
             Phantom: Twin-SAM V8.0; Type: QD 000 P41 Ax; Serial: 1936
    Measurement SW: DASY52, Version 52.10 (2);SEMCAD X Version 14.6.12 (7450)

Mode: Bluetooth, Body SAR, Ch 0, 1 Mbps, Top Edge, Antenna WF6, Variant 2

          Area Scan (11x16x1): Measurement grid: dx=5mm, dy=12mm
     Zoom Scan (7x7x7)/Cube 0: Measurement grid: dx=5mm, dy=5mm, dz=5mm
                  Reference Value = 22.53 V/m; Power Drift = 0.05 dB
                         Peak SAR (extrapolated) = 3.63 W/kg
                   SAR(1 g) = 1.15 W/kg; SAR(10 g) = 0.396 W/kg

         0 dB = 1.65 W/kg = 2.17 dBW/kg



© 2019 PCTEST Engineering Laboratory, Inc.

                DUT: Dipole 2450 MHz; Type: D2450V2; Serial: 750

       Communication System: UID 0, CW; Frequency: 2450 MHz; Duty Cycle: 1:1
                   Medium: 2450 Body Medium parameters used:
             f = 2450 MHz; σ = 2.019 S/m; εr = 51.198; ρ = 1000 kg/m3
                     Phantom section: Flat Section; Space: 1.0 cm

          Test Date: 12-19-2018; Ambient Temp: 22.6°C; Tissue Temp: 20.5°C

  Probe: ES3DV3 - SN3119; ConvF(4.42, 4.42, 4.42) @ 2450 MHz; Calibrated: 5/18/2018
                  Sensor-Surface: 3mm (Mechanical Surface Detection)
                    Electronics: DAE4 Sn728; Calibrated: 5/17/2018
             Phantom: Twin-SAM V4.0; Type: QD 000 P40 CC; Serial: 1179
    Measurement SW: DASY52, Version 52.10 (2);SEMCAD X Version 14.6.12 (7450)

             2450 MHz System Verification at 20.0 dBm (100 mW)

          Area Scan (8x9x1): Measurement grid: dx=12mm, dy=12mm
    Zoom Scan (7x7x7)/Cube 0: Measurement grid: dx=5mm, dy=5mm, dz=5mm
                        Peak SAR (extrapolated) = 11.1 W/kg
                    SAR(1 g) = 5.37 W/kg; SAR(10 g) = 2.46 W/kg
                               Deviation(1 g) = 4.88%

        0 dB = 7.01 W/kg = 8.46 dBW/kg


                DUT: Dipole 2450 MHz; Type: D2450V2; Serial: 750

      Communication System: UID 0, CW; Frequency: 2450 MHz; Duty Cycle: 1:1
                  Medium: 2450 Body Medium parameters used:
            f = 2450 MHz; σ = 2.031 S/m; εr = 53.288; ρ = 1000 kg/m3
                    Phantom section: Flat Section; Space: 1.0 cm

          Test Date: 12-24-2018; Ambient Temp: 20.5°C; Tissue Temp: 20.2°C

 Probe: ES3DV3 - SN3318; ConvF(4.49, 4.49, 4.49) @ 2450 MHz; Calibrated: 11/19/2018
                 Sensor-Surface: 3mm (Mechanical Surface Detection)
                  Electronics: DAE4 Sn1408; Calibrated: 8/14/2018
            Phantom: Twin-SAM V8.0; Type: QD 000 P41 Ax; Serial: 1936
   Measurement SW: DASY52, Version 52.10 (2);SEMCAD X Version 14.6.12 (7450)

            2450 MHz System Verification at 20.0 dBm (100 mW)

          Area Scan (8x9x1): Measurement grid: dx=12mm, dy=12mm
    Zoom Scan (7x7x7)/Cube 0: Measurement grid: dx=5mm, dy=5mm, dz=5mm
                       Peak SAR (extrapolated) = 10.3 W/kg
                   SAR(1 g) = 4.83 W/kg; SAR(10 g) = 2.21 W/kg
                              Deviation(1 g) = -5.66%

        0 dB = 6.32 W/kg = 8.01 dBW/kg


                     DUT: Dipole 5 GHz; Type: D5GHzV2; Serial: 1163

          Communication System: UID 0, CW; Frequency: 5250 MHz; Duty Cycle: 1:1
                  Medium: 5GHz Medium parameters used (interpolated):
                f = 5250 MHz; σ = 5.524 S/m; εr = 47.979; ρ = 1000 kg/m3
                        Phantom section: Flat Section; Space: 1.0 cm

              Test Date: 12-17-2018; Ambient Temp: 21.7°C; Tissue Temp: 20.3°C

     Probe: EX3DV4 - SN3837; ConvF(4.84, 4.84, 4.84) @ 5250 MHz; Calibrated: 3/16/2018
                   Sensor-Surface: 1.4mm (Mechanical Surface Detection)
                       Electronics: DAE4 Sn604; Calibrated: 3/7/2018
                    Phantom: SAM Main; Type: SAM 4.0; Serial: TP-1406
       Measurement SW: DASY52, Version 52.10 (2);SEMCAD X Version 14.6.12 (7450)

                 5250 MHz System Verification at 17.0 dBm (50 mW)

              Area Scan (7x7x1): Measurement grid: dx=10mm, dy=10mm
Zoom Scan (8x8x7)/Cube 0: Measurement grid: dx=4mm, dy=4mm, dz=1.4mm; Graded Ratio: 1.4
                          Peak SAR (extrapolated) = 15.3 W/kg
                      SAR(1 g) = 3.57 W/kg; SAR(10 g) = 0.993 W/kg
                                 Deviation(1 g) = -8.11%

            0 dB = 8.40 W/kg = 9.24 dBW/kg


                     DUT: Dipole 5 GHz; Type: D5GHzV2; Serial: 1163

          Communication System: UID 0, CW; Frequency: 5600 MHz; Duty Cycle: 1:1
                         Medium: 5GHz Medium parameters used:
                f = 5600 MHz; σ = 6.003 S/m; εr = 47.386; ρ = 1000 kg/m3
                        Phantom section: Flat Section; Space: 1.0 cm

              Test Date: 12-17-2018; Ambient Temp: 21.7°C; Tissue Temp: 20.3°C

     Probe: EX3DV4 - SN3837; ConvF(4.13, 4.13, 4.13) @ 5600 MHz; Calibrated: 3/16/2018
                   Sensor-Surface: 1.4mm (Mechanical Surface Detection)
                       Electronics: DAE4 Sn604; Calibrated: 3/7/2018
                    Phantom: SAM Main; Type: SAM 4.0; Serial: TP-1406
       Measurement SW: DASY52, Version 52.10 (2);SEMCAD X Version 14.6.12 (7450)

                 5600 MHz System Verification at 17.0 dBm (50 mW)

              Area Scan (7x7x1): Measurement grid: dx=10mm, dy=10mm
Zoom Scan (8x8x7)/Cube 0: Measurement grid: dx=4mm, dy=4mm, dz=1.4mm; Graded Ratio: 1.4
                           Peak SAR (extrapolated) = 17.7 W/kg
                       SAR(1 g) = 3.89 W/kg; SAR(10 g) = 1.07 W/kg
                                  Deviation(1 g) = -2.87%

            0 dB = 9.36 W/kg = 9.71 dBW/kg


                     DUT: Dipole 5 GHz; Type: D5GHzV2; Serial: 1163

          Communication System: UID 0, CW; Frequency: 5750 MHz; Duty Cycle: 1:1
                  Medium: 5GHz Medium parameters used (interpolated):
                 f = 5750 MHz; σ = 6.21 S/m; εr = 47.134; ρ = 1000 kg/m3
                        Phantom section: Flat Section; Space: 1.0 cm

              Test Date: 12-17-2018; Ambient Temp: 21.7°C; Tissue Temp: 20.3°C

     Probe: EX3DV4 - SN3837; ConvF(4.43, 4.43, 4.43) @ 5750 MHz; Calibrated: 3/16/2018
                   Sensor-Surface: 1.4mm (Mechanical Surface Detection)
                       Electronics: DAE4 Sn604; Calibrated: 3/7/2018
                    Phantom: SAM Main; Type: SAM 4.0; Serial: TP-1406
       Measurement SW: DASY52, Version 52.10 (2);SEMCAD X Version 14.6.12 (7450)

                 5750 MHz System Verification at 17.0 dBm (50 mW)

              Area Scan (7x7x1): Measurement grid: dx=10mm, dy=10mm
Zoom Scan (8x8x7)/Cube 0: Measurement grid: dx=4mm, dy=4mm, dz=1.4mm; Graded Ratio: 1.4
                          Peak SAR (extrapolated) = 17.1 W/kg
                        SAR(1 g) = 3.66 W/kg; SAR(10 g) = 1 W/kg
                                 Deviation(1 g) = -5.91%

            0 dB = 9.38 W/kg = 9.72 dBW/kg



© 2019 PCTEST Engineering Laboratory, Inc.

                          PCTEST ENGINEERING LABORATORY, INC.
                                          7185 Oakland Mills Road, Columbia, MD 21046 USA
                                             Tel. +1.410.290.6652 / Fax +1.410.290.6654

                               Certification of Calibration
Object                                                D2450V2 – SN: 750

Calibration procedure(s)                              Procedure for Calibration Extension for SAR Dipoles.

Extended Calibration date:                            June 01, 2018

Description:                                          SAR Validation Dipole at 2450 MHz.

Calibration Equipment used:
    Manufacturer           Model                              Description                          Cal Date     Cal Interval    Cal Due     Serial Number
         Agilent            8753ES                   S-Parameter Network Analyzer                  9/14/2017      Annual       9/14/2018    US39170118
         Agilent           N5182A                     MXG Vector Signal Generator                  3/19/2018      Annual       3/19/2019    US46240505
  Amplifier Research        15S1G6                                Amplifier                           CBT           N/A           CBT          343972
        Anritsu           ML2496A                              Power Meter                         10/9/2017      Annual       10/9/2018      1138001
        Anritsu           MA2411B                           Pulse Power Sensor                     11/15/2017     Annual       11/15/2018     1339007
        Anritsu           MA2411B                           Pulse Power Sensor                     11/22/2017     Annual       11/22/2018     1339008
   Control Company           4040                   Temperature / Humidity Monitor                 2/28/2018      Biennial     2/28/2020     150761911
   Control Company           4352                     Ultra Long Stem Thermometer                  2/14/2017      Biennial     2/14/2019     170112507
        Keysight             772D                        Dual Directional Coupler                     CBT           N/A           CBT       MY52180215
 Keysight Technologies      85033E       Standard Mechanical Calibration Kit (DC to 9GHz, 3.5mm)    6/1/2017      Annual        6/1/2018    MY53401181
     Mini-Circuits       BW-N20W5+            DC to 18 GHz Precision Fixed 20 dB Attenuator           CBT           N/A           CBT           N/A
     Mini-Circuits        NLP-2950+                  Low Pass Filter DC to 2700 MHz                   CBT           N/A           CBT           N/A
         Narda              4772-3                           Attenuator (3dB)                         CBT           N/A           CBT           9406
      Pasternack          PE2209-10                        Bidirectional Coupler                      CBT           N/A           CBT           N/A
      Pasternack          PE5011-1                            Torque Wrench                        7/19/2017      Biennial     7/19/2019        N/A
         SPEAG             DAKS-3.5                            Portable DAK                         9/5/2017      Annual        9/5/2018        1045
         SPEAG              ES3DV3                               SAR Probe                         3/13/2018      Annual       3/13/2019        3131
         SPEAG             EX3DV4                                SAR Probe                         1/26/2018      Annual       1/26/2019        7490
         SPEAG               DAE4                   Dasy Data Acquisition Electronics               3/7/2018      Annual        3/7/2019        604
         SPEAG               DAE4                   Dasy Data Acquisition Electronics              1/26/2018      Annual       1/26/2019        1532

Measurement Uncertainty = ±23% (k=2)

                                      Name                            Function                                       Signature

Calibrated By:                        Sangmin Cha                     Biomedical Engineer II

Approved By:                          Kaitlin O’Keefe                 Senior Technical

Object:                                Date Issued:
                                                                                                                               Page 1 of 4
D2450V2 – SN: 750                      06/01/2018

                                                                DIPOLE CALIBRATION EXTENSION
Per KDB 865664 D01, calibration intervals of up to three years may be considered for reference dipoles
when it is demonstrated that the SAR target, impedance and return loss of a dipole have remained
stable according to the following requirements:

    1. The measured SAR does not deviate more than 10% from the target on the calibration
    2. The return-loss does not deviate more than 20% from the previous measurement and meets the
        required 20dB minimum return-loss requirement.
    3. The measurement of real or imaginary parts of impedance does not deviate more than 5Ω from
        the previous measurement.
The following dipole was checked to pass the above 3 requirements to have 2-year calibration period
from the calibration date:
                                               Certificate                                 Certificate
                                                             Measured                                    Measured                    Certificate    Measured                   Certificate    Measured
                                Certificate   SAR Target                                  SAR Target                                                                                                      Difference    Certificate    Measured
 Calibration                                               Head SAR (1g)   Deviation 1g                  Head SAR   Deviation 10g   Impedance      Impedance     Difference   Impedance      Impedance
               Extension Date   Electrical     Head (1g)                                  Head (10g)                                                                                                        (Ohm)      Return Loss    Return Loss   Deviation (%)   PASS/FAIL
   Date                                                     W/kg @ 20.0        (%)                     (10g) W/kg @     (%)         Head (Ohm)     Head (Ohm)   (Ohm) Real    Head (Ohm)     Head (Ohm)
                                Delay (ns)    W/kg @ 20.0                                 W/kg @ 20.0                                                                                                     Imaginary     Head (dB)      Head (dB)
                                                               dBm                                       20.0 dBm                      Real           Real                     Imaginary      Imaginary
                                                 dBm                                         dBm
 6/7/2017        6/1/2018         1.155          5.33          5.54          3.94%           2.48           2.51       1.21%           53.7           50.4         3.3            5.8           5.1          0.7          -23.5          -25           -6.40%         PASS

                                               Certificate                                 Certificate
                                                             Measured                                    Measured                    Certificate    Measured                   Certificate    Measured
                                Certificate   SAR Target                                  SAR Target                                                                                                      Difference    Certificate    Measured
 Calibration                                               Body SAR (1g)   Deviation 1g                  Body SAR   Deviation 10g   Impedance      Impedance     Difference   Impedance      Impedance
               Extension Date   Electrical     Body (1g)                                  Body (10g)                                                                                                        (Ohm)      Return Loss    Return Loss   Deviation (%)   PASS/FAIL
   Date                                                     W/kg @ 20.0        (%)                     (10g) W/kg @     (%)         Body (Ohm)     Body (Ohm)   (Ohm) Real    Body (Ohm)     Body (Ohm)
                                Delay (ns)    W/kg @ 20.0                                 W/kg @ 20.0                                                                                                     Imaginary     Body (dB)      Body (dB)
                                                               dBm                                       20.0 dBm                      Real           Real                     Imaginary      Imaginary
                                                 dBm                                         dBm
 6/7/2017        6/1/2018         1.155          5.12           4.9          -4.30%          2.42           2.23      -7.85%           49.7           46.1         3.6            6.7           2.8          3.9          -23.5          -24.5         -4.30%         PASS

Object:                                                                        Date Issued:
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Page 2 of 4
D2450V2 – SN: 750                                                              06/01/2018

Impedance & Return-Loss Measurement Plot for Head TSL

Object:                    Date Issued:
                                                        Page 3 of 4
D2450V2 – SN: 750          06/01/2018

Impedance & Return-Loss Measurement Plot for Body TSL

Object:                    Date Issued:
                                                        Page 4 of 4
D2450V2 – SN: 750          06/01/2018


Measurement Procedure for Tissue verification:
                  1) The network analyzer and probe system were configured and calibrated.
                  2) The probe was immersed in the tissue. The tissue was placed in a nonmetallic container.
                     Trapped air bubbles beneath the flange were minimized by placing the probe at a slight angle.
                  3) The complex admittance with respect to the probe aperture was measured
                  4) The complex relative permittivity ε’ can be calculated from the below equation (Pournaropoulos
                     and Misra):

                                j 2ωε ε  b b π                              [
                                                                        exp − jωr (μ ε ε )
                                                                                   '    1/ 2
                                                                                                       ] dφ ′dρ ′dρ
                      Y=                                    cosφ ′
                                  r 0                                          0 r 0

                               [ln(b a )]
                                    2 a a 0
where Y is the admittance of the probe in contact with the sample, the primed and unprimed coordinates refer to
source and observation points, respectively, r 2 = ρ 2 + ρ ′2 − 2 ρρ ′ cos φ ′ , ω is the angular frequency, and j = −1 .

                                                                     Table D-I
                                                    Composition of the Tissue Equivalent Matter
                                                Frequency (MHz)                 2450        5200-5800

                                 Tissue                                         Body              Body
                                 DGBE                                           26.7
                                 NaCl                                           0.1
                                 Polysorbate (Tween) 80                                           20
                                 Water                                          73.2              80

                                                                                                                Approved by:
      FCC ID: BCGA2133                                              SAR EVALUATION REPORT
                                                                                                                Quality Manager
      Test Dates:                            DUT Type:                                                           APPENDIX D:
      12/17/18 - 12/24/18                    Tablet Device                                                        Page 1 of 1
© 2019 PCTEST Engineering Laboratory, Inc.                                                                       REV 20.06 M


Per FCC KDB Publication 865664 D02v01r02, SAR system validation status should be documented to confirm
measurement accuracy. The SAR systems (including SAR probes, system components and software versions)
used for this device were validated against its performance specifications prior to the SAR measurements.
Reference dipoles were used with the required tissue- equivalent media for system validation, according to the
procedures outlined in FCC KDB Publication 865664 D01v01r04 and IEEE 1528-2013. Since SAR probe
calibrations are frequency dependent, each probe calibration point was validated at a frequency within the valid
frequency range of the probe calibration point, using the system that normally operates with the probe for routine
SAR measurements and according to the required tissue-equivalent media.

A tabulated summary of the system validation status including the validation date(s), measurement frequencies,
SAR probes and tissue dielectric parameters has been included.

                                                                     Table E-1
                                                         SAR System Validation Summary – 1g
  SAR                                                                           COND.   PERM.                  CW VALIDATION                    MOD. VALIDATION
SYSTEM FREQ. [MHz]     DATE       PROBE SN PROBE TYPE        PROBE CAL. POINT                                      PROBE       PROBE     MOD.
                                                                                 (σ)     (εr)    SENSITIVITY                                       DUTY FACTOR    PAR
   #                                                                                                             LINEARITY   ISOTROPY    TYPE
  AM4       2450      6/20/2018     3119       ES3DV3         2450     Body     1.983   52.621      PASS           PASS       PASS      OFDM/TDD      PASS        PASS
  AM5       2450     12/10/2018     3318       ES3DV3         2450     Body     2.044   51.289      PASS           PASS       PASS      OFDM/TDD      PASS        PASS
  AM6       5250      4/5/2018      3837       EX3DV4         5250     Body     5.455   47.993      PASS           PASS       PASS        OFDM         N/A        PASS
  AM6       5600      4/6/2018      3837       EX3DV4         5600     Body     5.963   47.270      PASS           PASS       PASS        OFDM         N/A        PASS
  AM6       5750      4/6/2018      3837       EX3DV4         5750     Body     6.176   47.000      PASS           PASS       PASS        OFDM         N/A        PASS

NOTE: While the probes have been calibrated for both CW and modulated signals, all measurements were
performed using communication systems calibrated for CW signals only. Modulations in the table above represent
test configurations for which the measurement system has been validated per FCC KDB Publication 865664
D01v01r04 for scenarios when CW probe calibrations are used with other signal types. SAR systems were
validated for modulated signals with a periodic duty cycle, such as GMSK, or with a high peak to average ratio (>5
dB), such as OFDM according to FCC KDB Publication 865664 D01v01r04.

                                                                                                                                                Approved by:
        FCC ID: BCGA2133                                                        SAR EVALUATION REPORT
                                                                                                                                                Quality Manager
      Test Dates:                            DUT Type:                                                                                             APPENDIX E:
      12/17/18 - 12/24/18                    Tablet Device                                                                                          Page 1 of 1
© 2019 PCTEST Engineering Laboratory, Inc.                                                                                                         REV 20.06 M

Document Created: 2019-03-21 06:48:42
Document Modified: 2019-03-21 06:48:42

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