Test Report - DFS


Test Report

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                                     TEST REPORT
                Test Report No. : UL-RPT-RPT12505086JD10C
 Customer                     :   Apple Inc.

 Model No.                    :   A2116

 FCC ID                       :   BCGA2116

 Technology                   :   WLAN

 Test Standard(s)             :   FCC Part 15.407(h)(2)

 1.     This test report shall not be reproduced in full or partial, without the written approval of UL VS LTD.
 2.     The results in this report apply only to the sample(s) tested.
 3.     The sample tested is in compliance with the above standard(s).
 4.     The test results in this report are traceable to the national or international standards.
 5.     Version 1.0

                          Date of Issue:                       07 January 2019

                          Checked by:

                                                                Ben Mercer
                                                   Senior Test Engineer, Radio Laboratory

                          Company Signatory:

                                                               Sarah Williams
                                                   Senior Test Engineer, Radio Laboratory
                                                                UL VS LTD

Pavilion A, Ashwood Park, Ashwood Way, Basingstoke, Hampshire, RG23 8BG, UK
Telephone: +44 (0)1256 312000
Facsimile: +44 (0)1256 312001

TEST REPORT                                               SERIAL NO: UL-RPT-RP12505086JD10C

VERSION 1.0                                                     ISSUE DATE: 07 JANUARY 2019

Customer Information
Company Name:               Apple Inc.
Address:                    One Apple Park Way
                            Cupertino, California 95014
Contact Name:               Stuart Thomas

Report Revision History
               Issue Date   Revision Details                               Revised By

1.0            07/01/2019   Initial Version                                Ben Mercer

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 TEST REPORT                                                                               SERIAL NO: UL-RPT-RP12505086JD10C

 VERSION 1.0                                                                                        ISSUE DATE: 07 JANUARY 2019

Table of Contents
Customer Information..................................................................................................................2
Report Revision History ..............................................................................................................2
1. Attestation of Test Results ......................................................................................................4
    1.1. Description of EUT                                                                                                          4
    1.2. General Information                                                                                                         4
    1.3. Summary of Test Results                                                                                                     4
    1.4. Deviations from the Test Specification                                                                                      4
2. Summary of Testing.................................................................................................................5
    2.1. Facilities and Accreditation                                                                                                 5
    2.2. Methods and Procedures                                                                                                       5
    2.3. Calibration and Uncertainty                                                                                                  5
    2.4. Test and Measurement Equipment                                                                                               6
3. Equipment Under Test (EUT) ..................................................................................................7
    3.1. Identification of Equipment Under Test (EUT)                                                                           7
    3.2. Modifications Incorporated in the EUT                                                                                  7
    3.3. Additional Information Related to Testing                                                                              7
    3.4. Description of Available Antennas                                                                                      7
    3.5. Description of Test Setup                                                                                              8
4. Test Results ...........................................................................................................................12
    4.1. Channel Closing Transmission Time and Channel Move Time                                                                           12
    4.2. Non-occupancy Period                                                                                                              17
Appendix 1. Radar Type 0 Calibration ......................................................................................20
Appendix 2. System Noise Floor Reference Plots ...................................................................21
Appendix 3. Channel Loading ...................................................................................................22
Appendix 4. Channel/Frequency plan ......................................................................................24

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 TEST REPORT                                                          SERIAL NO: UL-RPT-RP12505086JD10C

 VERSION 1.0                                                                 ISSUE DATE: 07 JANUARY 2019

1. Attestation of Test Results
1.1. Description of EUT
 The equipment under test was a desktop computer with WLAN and BT radios.

1.2. General Information
 Specification Reference:      47CFR15.407
 Specification Title:          Code of Federal Regulations Volume 47 (Telecommunications):
                               Part 15 Subpart E (Unlicensed National Information Infrastructure Devices) -
                               Section 15.407
 Test Dates:                   04 December 2018 to 07 December 2018

1.3. Summary of Test Results
 FCC Reference
                          Measurement                                                     Note     Result
 Part 15.407(h)(2)(iii)   Channel Closing Transmission Time and Channel Move Time           -     Complied
 Part 15.407(h)(2)(iv)    Non-Occupancy Period                                             2      Complied


 1. The manufacturer confirms that the information regarding the parameters of the radar waveforms is
    not available to the end user.
 2. This test is not required for a client without radar detection according to Tables 1 and 2 of KDB
    905462 D02, however it was performed to show compliance with KDB 905462 D02 5.1.2 e) and KDB
    905462 D03, section (b)(5) and (b)(6).

1.4. Deviations from the Test Specification
 For the measurements contained within this test report, there were no deviations from, additions to, or
 exclusions from the test specification identified above.

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TEST REPORT                                                          SERIAL NO: UL-RPT-RP12505086JD10C

VERSION 1.0                                                                  ISSUE DATE: 07 JANUARY 2019

2. Summary of Testing
2.1. Facilities and Accreditation
The test site and measurement facilities used to collect data are located at Unit 3 Horizon, Wade Road,
Kingsland Business Park, Basingstoke, Hampshire, RG24 8AH, United Kingdom.

UL VS LTD is accredited by UKAS. The tests reported herein have been performed in accordance with its
terms of accreditation.

2.2. Methods and Procedures
 Reference:            FCC KDB 905462 D02 UNII DFS Compliance Procedures New Rules
                       v02 (April 08, 2016)
 Title:                Compliance Measurement Procedures for Unlicensed-National Information
                       Infrastructure Devices Operating in the 5250-5350 MHz and 5470-5725 MHz Bands
                       Incorporating Dynamic Frequency Selection

2.3. Calibration and Uncertainty
Measuring Instrument Calibration

In accordance with UKAS requirements all the measurement equipment is on a calibration schedule. All
equipment was within the calibration period on the date of testing.

Measurement Uncertainty

No measurement or test can ever be perfect and the imperfections give rise to error of measurement in the
results. Consequently the result of a measurement is only an approximation to the value measured (the
specific quantity subject to measurement) and is only complete when accompanied by a statement of the
uncertainty of the approximation.
The expression of uncertainty of a measurement result allows realistic comparison of results with reference
values and limits given in specifications and standards.
The uncertainty of the result may need to be taken into account when interpreting the measurement results.
The reported expanded uncertainties below are based on a standard uncertainty multiplied by an
appropriate coverage factor such that a confidence level of approximately 95% is maintained. For the
purposes of this document “approximately” is interpreted as meaning “effectively” or “for most practical

                                                                   Confidence Level         Calculated
 Measurement Type
                                                                         (%)                Uncertainty
 DFS Channel Shutdown Timing                                              95%                 ±0.45 ms
 DFS Non-Occupancy Timing                                                 95%                ±79.25 ms
 DFS Radar Amplitude                                                      95%                 ±2.17 dB

The methods used to calculate the above uncertainties are in line with those recommended within the
various measurement specifications. Where measurement specifications do not include guidelines for the
evaluation of measurement uncertainty the published guidance of the appropriate accreditation body is

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TEST REPORT                                                        SERIAL NO: UL-RPT-RP12505086JD10C

VERSION 1.0                                                                 ISSUE DATE: 07 JANUARY 2019

2.4. Test and Measurement Equipment
Test Equipment Used:
                                                                                 Date          Cal.
          Instrument           Manufacturer      Type No.      Serial No.        Calibration   Interval
                                                                                 Due           (Months)
 M2001    Thermohygrometer     Testo             608-H1        45041824          28 Feb 2019      12
          Vector Signal
 G0615                         Rohde & Schwarz   SMBV100A      260473            08 May 2020      36
 M2018    Signal Analyser      Rohde & Schwarz   FSV7          102699            22 Jun 2019      12
 A248     Step Attenuator      Narda             743-60        01411                               -
                                                                                 before use
                                                 8494B &                         Calibrated
 A1536    Step Attenuator      Hewlett Packard                 90801 & 19649                       -
                                                 8496B                           before use
 A465     Step Attenuator      Hewlett Packard   8496B         3131P324                            -
                                                                                 before use
 A1065    Step Attenuator      Hewlett Packard   8496B         3308A38165                          -
                                                                                 before use
 A2909    Power Splitter       Mini-Circuits     ZN2PD-63-S+   UU50001612                          -
                                                                                 before use
 A2121    Power Splitter       Mini-Circuits     ZN2PD-63-S+   UU12701203                          -
                                                                                 before use
                                                 ACC-20130-                      Calibrated
 A2183    Coaxial Circulator   AtlanTecRF                      120409232                           -
                                                 SF-SF-SF                        before use
                                                 ACC-20130-                      Calibrated
 A2913    Coaxial Circulator   AtlanTecRF                      1350504366                          -
                                                 SF-SF-SF                        before use
                               Weinschel                                         Calibrated
 A2016    Power Divider                          1515          MH084                               -
                               Engineering                                       before use

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TEST REPORT                                                              SERIAL NO: UL-RPT-RP12505086JD10C

VERSION 1.0                                                                    ISSUE DATE: 07 JANUARY 2019

3. Equipment Under Test (EUT)
3.1. Identification of Equipment Under Test (EUT)
 Brand Name:                                Apple
 Model Name or Number:                      A2116
 Test Sample Serial Number:                 C02X3007KFDN (Conducted Sample #1)
 Hardware Version:                          EVT
 Software Version:                          18E132
 FCC ID:                                    BCGA2116

3.2. Modifications Incorporated in the EUT
No modifications were applied to the EUT during testing.

3.3. Additional Information Related to Testing
 Technology Tested:                         WLAN (IEEE 802.11a,n,ac) / U-NII
 Type of Unit:                              Transceiver
 Modulation Types:                          BPSK, QPSK, 16QAM, 64QAM & 256QAM
 Transmit / Receive Frequency               5250 to 5350 MHz
 Range:                                     5470 to 5850 MHz
 Transmit / Receive Channels Tested                                                   Channel Centre
 at 80 MHz Bandwidth setting:                          Channel ID                       Frequency
                                                  58 (Control Channel 52)                  5290

3.4. Description of Available Antennas
The radio utilizes three integrated antennas of 50 Ω impedance. Maximum gains are shown below,
rounded to one decimal place:

     Frequency Band               GAntenna Ant1                GAntenna Ant2              GAntenna Ant3
          (MHz)                     (dBi)                        (dBi)                      (dBi)
       5150 to 5250                   1.2                          2.8                        4.8
       5250 to 5350                   1.5                          3.2                        4.5
       5470 to 5725                   2.9                          2.1                        4.7
       5725 to 5850                   3.1                          2.0                        4.9

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 VERSION 1.0                                                                 ISSUE DATE: 07 JANUARY 2019

3.5. Description of Test Setup
Support Equipment
The following support equipment was used to exercise the EUT during testing:

 Description:                               Wireless Dual Band Router (DFS Master Device)
 Brand Name:                                Cisco
 Model Name or Number:                      AIR-CAP3702E-A-K9 V04
 FCC ID:                                    LDK102087
 Serial Number:                             FJC1938F3G6

 Description:                               Test Laptop
 Brand Name:                                Dell
 Model Name or Number:                      Latitude E5400
 Serial Number:                             JX19G4J

 Description:                               Video streaming box
 Brand Name:                                Apple
 Model Name or Number:                      A1625 “Apple TV”
 Serial Number:                             C07V41QCJ8WN

Operating Modes

 The EUT was tested in the following operating modes, unless otherwise stated:
     •    Operating on the channel selected by the master device in either band U-NII-2A or U-NII-2C.
     •    The master device controls the channel bandwidth of the EUT. Both the master and client device
          were set to 802.11ac / MCS0x1 with 80 MHz channel bandwidth to ensure a stable channel
     •    KDB 905462 D02 v02 UNII DFS Compliance Procedures states in Table 2 the EUT should be
          tested at maximum channel bandwidth (80 MHz for 802.11ac mode).
     •    For the required channel loading of >17% in KDB 905642 D02 7.7 c), a UDP data transfer of 1.5
          Mbps was performed between a test computer connected to the master device and the EUT. This
          gave a channel loading (duty cycle) of 22% at the modulation scheme and bandwidth above. For
          client-to-client testing, the EUT streamed video to the second client device. This resulted in a
          channel loading of 29% See Appendix 4 Channel Loading for further details.
     •    As a client without radar detection device, being sent UDP test data from the associated master
          device. The EUT was tested with fixed 802.11ac MCS0x1 modulation.
     •    As a client without radar detection device, streaming video to another client without radar
          detection device in client-to-client mode using Apple’s AirPlay streaming protocol. Both devices
          were connected to a supervising master device. The EUT was tested with fixed 802.11ac MCS0x1

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TEST REPORT                                                               SERIAL NO: UL-RPT-RP12505086JD10C

VERSION 1.0                                                                       ISSUE DATE: 07 JANUARY 2019

Configuration and Peripherals

The EUT was tested in the following configuration(s):
    •    The EUT is a DFS client without radar detection capability. It was tested in combination with an
         FCC approved Cisco DFS enabled router (FCC ID: LDK102087) being used as the master. A
         Radar Type 0 was injected to the master to test the clients Channel Move Time and Channel
         Closing Transmission Time after receiving the channel shutdown command from the master.
    •    All measurements were made using a conducted link. Path losses for the test network were
         measured and included in the signal analyser reference level offset. The declared EUT peak
         antenna gain and conducted cable loss were also included in the offset.
    •    The DFS detection threshold of -61.0 dBm (-62 + 1 dB + 0 dBi) was used at the master device
         antenna port. Note this is not dependent on the EUT EIRP, Spectral Density or EUT Antenna
         Gain, only the antenna gain of the master device, as the EUT does not have radar detection. The
         Cisco DFS master test router was configured with an internal setting for a 0 dBi antenna.
KDB 905462 D02 Table 3: DFS Detection Thresholds for Master Devices and Client Devices With
Radar Detection
                 Maximum Transmit Power                                         Value (see notes)
                    EIRP ≥ 200 milliwatt                                            -64 dBm
                  EIRP < 200 milliwatt and
                                                                                     -62 dBm
            power spectral density < 10 dBm/MHz
        EIRP < 200 milliwatt that do not meet the power
                                                                                     -64 dBm
                spectral density requirement
   Note 1: This is the level at the input of the receiver assuming a 0 dBi receive antenna
   Note 2: Throughout these test procedures an additional 1dB has been added to the amplitude of the test
   transmission waveforms to account for variations in measurement equipment. This will ensure that the test signal
   is at or above the detection threshold level to trigger a DFS response.
   Note 3: EIRP is based on the highest antenna gain. For MIMO devices refer to KDB Publication 662911 D01.

    •    The master device used for test was set to 17 dBm / 50 mW with TPC enabled.
    •    Plots and data were captured using a Rohde and Schwarz FSV 7 Signal analyser. The number of
         data points was increased to maximum and the trace data exported so it could be analysed in far
         greater detail than available on the built-in display.
    •    The Channel Move Time was the time taken from the end of the radar waveform to the time the
         client ceased transmissions. The Channel Closing Transmission Time was calculated to the
         nearest sample from any additional pulses occurring >200 ms after the end of the radar.
    •    The EUT was also tested in a second setup where it was directly exchanging data with another
         client associated with the same network. Both setups are explained with diagrams in the following

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 TEST REPORT                                                                   SERIAL NO: UL-RPT-RP12505086JD10C

 VERSION 1.0                                                                         ISSUE DATE: 07 JANUARY 2019

Test Setup Diagrams
Setup diagram for test of DFS Client without Radar Detection: Setup 1

                         Radar           6 dB Splitter           Signal
                       Generator                                Analyser
                                         S              2

                                             10 dB


                          37 dB                                                          5 dB        Client Device
  Master Device                          2       RF     3   3       RF     2
                       Attenuator                                                     Attenuator         (EUT)
                                             Circulator         Circulator

                                                               50 Ω

The setup shown above ensures the waveforms indicated on the signal analyser are in order of magnitude.
The circulators have typically 18 dB attenuation in the reverse direction. The left-hand circulator directs the
radar towards the master, ensuring there is not an overly large radar pulse into the client (EUT) even though
there is the more attenuation between the circulator and the master. The right-hand circulator is to give the
same path loss between master and client in both directions of the 802.11 communications link.
The radar signal is most predominant on the signal analyser, coming straight through the 6 dB splitter. The
client is 2nd largest, being attenuated by the 10 dB attenuator, 5 dB attenuator and the 6 dB splitter. The
smallest signal is the master, being attenuated by the 37 dB attenuator, 10 dB attenuator, the 6 dB splitter
and approximately 18 dB from the left-hand circulator.
The RF path from the radar generator to the master device crosses no isolated ports of any splitters or
circulators and any change of impedance in load between calibration and test is isolated from any circulators
by 50 Ω attenuators which further minimises mismatch. This setup therefore meets the requirements of
KDB 905462 D02 clause 7.2 points (A) and (B) whilst providing greater radar generator amplitude headroom
and lower radar signal at the client.

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 VERSION 1.0                                                                       ISSUE DATE: 07 JANUARY 2019

Setup diagram for test of DFS Client without Radar Detection: Setup 2

                        Radar          6 dB Splitter           Signal
                      Generator        S             2        Analyser

                                           10 dB


                        37 dB                                                          5 dB        Client Device
  Master Device                        2       RF     3   3       RF     2
                     Attenuator                                                     Attenuator         (EUT)
                                           Circulator         Circulator


                                              TV              Apple TV

This setup is identical to the previous, except the EUT is also communicating with the Apple TV on the same
network. The EUT streamed video directly to the Apple TV. The Apple TV was placed close enough to the
antenna to make sure that the link between EUT and the Apple TV is stronger than the link between the EUT
and the master device. This was also achieved by controlling the attenuation in the network.

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 TEST REPORT                                                         SERIAL NO: UL-RPT-RP12505086JD10C

 VERSION 1.0                                                                   ISSUE DATE: 07 JANUARY 2019

4. Test Results
4.1. Channel Closing Transmission Time and Channel Move Time
Test Summary:

 Test Engineer:                         Matthew Botfield         Test Dates:      04 December 2018 to
                                                                                  07 December 2018
 Test Sample Serial Number:             C02X3007KFDN

 FCC Reference:                         Part 15.407(h)(2)(iii)
 Test Method Used:                      KDB 905462 D02 Section 7.8.3

Environmental Conditions:
 Temperature (°C):                      20 to 21
 Relative Humidity (%):                 52 to 67


 1. The channel move time is the time taken from the end of the radar burst to the ceasing of
    transmissions of the EUT.
 2. The Total Aggregate Channel Closing Transmission Time shown in the table below was measured
    from 200 ms after the end of the radar burst and compared to the 60 ms limit.
 3. Although the EUT and master device 80 MHz operating channel was centred on 5290 MHz, the signal
    analyser was tuned to zero span at the centre of the master device control channel on 5260 MHz. The
    radar was also fired at 5260 MHz. This allowed any control signals to be monitored in addition to the
    80 MHz data transfer.
 4. The smaller transmissions seen in the plot below 0 dBm originate from either the master device or the
    second client device and not from the EUT. These transmissions can be ignored for the below results.

Results: Setup 1 - Channel Move Time
       Channel            Move Time                Limit                Margin
        (MHz)               (ms)                   (ms)                  (ms)
         5290                 43.9                 10000                9956.1               Complied

Results: Setup 1 - Channel Closing Transmission Time
                      Total Aggregate Tx
                       Time Occurring
       Channel                                     Limit                Margin
                           After time                                                           Result
        (MHz)                                      (ms)                  (ms)
                          [t1+200 ms]
         5290                 0.0                  60.0                  60.0                Complied

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VERSION 1.0                                                              ISSUE DATE: 07 JANUARY 2019

Channel Closing Transmission Time and Channel Move Time (continued)
Results: Setup 1 / 80 MHz EUT to Master

                            Plot showing the full 10 second shutdown limit

              Zoomed plot showing the first 200 ms after the end of the type 0 radar burst

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TEST REPORT                                            SERIAL NO: UL-RPT-RP12505086JD10C

VERSION 1.0                                                  ISSUE DATE: 07 JANUARY 2019

Channel Closing Transmission Time and Channel Move Time (continued)
Results: Setup 2 - Channel Move Time

      Channel        Move Time           Limit           Margin
       (MHz)           (ms)              (ms)             (ms)
        5290             50.6            10000           9949.4            Complied

Results: Setup 2 - Channel Closing Transmission Time
                  Total Aggregate Tx
                   Time Occurring
      Channel                            Limit           Margin
                       After time                                           Result
       (MHz)                             (ms)             (ms)
                      [t1+200 ms]
        5290             0.0              60.0            60.0             Complied

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 VERSION 1.0                                                              ISSUE DATE: 07 JANUARY 2019

Channel Closing Transmission Time and Channel Move Time (continued)
Results: Setup 2 / 80 MHz Client-to-Client, Radar at Master

                             Plot showing the full 10 second shutdown limit

               Zoomed plot showing the first 200 ms after the end of the type 0 radar burst

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 TEST REPORT                                                          SERIAL NO: UL-RPT-RP12505086JD10C

 VERSION 1.0                                                                  ISSUE DATE: 07 JANUARY 2019

Channel Closing Transmission Time and Channel Move Time (continued)
Part 15.407(h)(2)(iii)
 After a radar's presence is detected, all transmissions shall cease on the operating channel within 10
 seconds. Transmissions during this period shall consist of normal traffic for a maximum of 200 ms after
 detection of the radar signal. In addition, intermittent management and control signals can be sent during
 the remaining time to facilitate vacating the operating channel.

KDB 905462 D02 Table 4: DFS Response Requirement Values
 Parameter                                              Value
 Channel Move Time                                      10 seconds
                                                        See Note 1.
 Channel Closing Transmission Time                      200 milliseconds + an aggregate of 60 milliseconds
                                                        over remaining 10 second period.
                                                        See Notes 1 and 2.
 Note 1: Channel Move Time and the Channel Closing Transmission Time should be performed with
 Radar Type 0. The measurement timing begins at the end of the Radar Type 0 burst.
 Note 2: The Channel Closing Transmission Time is comprised of 200 milliseconds starting at the
 beginning of the Channel Move Time plus any additional intermittent control signals required to facilitate a
 Channel move (an aggregate of 60 milliseconds) during the remainder of the 10 second period. The
 aggregate duration of control signals will not count quiet periods in between transmissions.

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TEST REPORT                                                           SERIAL NO: UL-RPT-RP12505086JD10C

VERSION 1.0                                                                   ISSUE DATE: 07 JANUARY 2019

4.2. Non-occupancy Period
Test Summary:

 Test Engineer:                      Matthew Botfield         Test Dates:       04 December 2018 to
                                                                                07 December 2018
 Test Sample Serial Number:          C02X3007KFDN

 FCC Reference:                      Part 15.407(h)(2)(iv)
 Test Method Used:                   KDB 905462 D02 Section 7.8.3

Environmental Conditions:

 Temperature (°C):                   20 to 21
 Relative Humidity (%):              52 to 67


1. This test is not required for a client without radar detection according to Tables 1 and 2 of KDB
   905462 D02, however it was performed to show compliance with KDB 905462 D02 5.1.2 e) and KDB
   905462 D03, section (b)(5) and (b)(6). Therefore no specified bandwidth requirement is given and so
   was performed using an 80 MHz channel bandwidth; as used for Channel Closing Transmission Time
   and Channel Move Time.
2. Radar burst type 0 was detected and the channel was vacated for >1800 seconds. Since the client
   has no radar detection and is therefore not performing an ‘intelligent’ blacklisting of the channel, the
   device was shown not to transmit for greater than 30 minutes after its own shutdown time, not the
   shutdown of the master device or the second client in the client-to-client set-up.
3. Although the EUT and master device 80 MHz operating channel was centred on 5290 MHz the signal
   analyser was tund to zero span at the center of the master control channel; 5260 MHz. The radar was
   also tuned to this frequency. This allowed any control signals to be monitored in addition to the 80
   MHz data transfer.
4. The noise floor remained below the -27 dBm/MHz spurious limit for the 30 minutes (1800 seconds)
   non-occupancy period. Therefore the EUT is deemed to comply.

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 TEST REPORT                               SERIAL NO: UL-RPT-RP12505086JD10C

VERSION 1.0                                      ISSUE DATE: 07 JANUARY 2019

Non-occupancy Period (continued)
Results: Setup 1

       Channel       Non-Occ       Limit     Margin
        (MHz)         (min)        (min)     (min)
         5290          >34.5       30.0       >4.5             Complied

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 VERSION 1.0                                                                 ISSUE DATE: 07 JANUARY 2019

Non-occupancy Period (continued)
Results: Setup 2

      Channel              Non-Occ                 Limit                Margin
       (MHz)                (min)                  (min)                (min)
          5290               >34.5                  30.0                  >4.5               Complied

Part 15.407(h)(2)(iv)
 A channel that has been flagged as containing a radar system, either by a channel availability check or in-
 service monitoring, is subject to a non-occupancy period of at least 30 minutes. The non-occupancy period
 starts at the time when the radar system is detected.

KDB 905462 D02 Table 4: DFS Response Requirement Values
 Parameter                                             Value
 Non-occupancy period                                  Minimum 30 minutes

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 TEST REPORT                                                         SERIAL NO: UL-RPT-RP12505086JD10C

 VERSION 1.0                                                                ISSUE DATE: 07 JANUARY 2019

Appendix 1. Radar Type 0 Calibration
Radar calibration procedure.
The system was configured as shown in section 3.5, but with the path from the EUT to the signal analyser
terminated into a 50Ω load, and the path from the radar generator to the master connected to the signal
analyser. The radar was then replayed by the SMBV100A Vector Signal Generator, the waveform captured,
and the amplitude adjusted until correct.
Below is an example plot of the type 0 radar burst at the master port of the attenuation network. The signal
generator was set to -1.80 dBm output to give the -61.0 dBm level for setup 1 and for setup 2.

                         Date: 5.DEC.2018   15:14:22

                     Radar Type 0 – full 18 pulse waveform setup 1 and setup 2

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 TEST REPORT                                                       SERIAL NO: UL-RPT-RP12505086JD10C

 VERSION 1.0                                                                 ISSUE DATE: 07 JANUARY 2019

Appendix 2. System Noise Floor Reference Plots
As required by Section 8.3 d)3) of KDB 905462 D02, the following plot shows the reference noise
floor of the system used during measurement. It also shows compliance with 8.3.7 of KDB 905462
D02 when the path loss of the coupling network shows in section 3.5 Configuration and
perirpherals is added to the noise floor.

                      Date: 6.DEC.2018   15:28:37

                                  Noise Floor of Signal Analyser – Setup 1

                      Date: 7.DEC.2018   15:19:41

                                  Noise Floor of Signal Analyser – Setup 2

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 TEST REPORT                                                          SERIAL NO: UL-RPT-RP12505086JD10C

 VERSION 1.0                                                                ISSUE DATE: 07 JANUARY 2019

Appendix 3. Channel Loading
As required by Section 8.3. c) 6) of KDB 905462 D02, the following plot and calculations shows the
duty cycle of the channel used during testing.
The duty cycle was calculated over 100 milliseconds. This was captured on a signal analyser in the
time domain using a 0 Hz span and 32001 sweep points to ensure it included any longer term
variations, whilst maintaining accurate to a 3.125 µs sample size.

                       Date: 6.DEC.2018   16:15:31

                                              Channel Loading – Setup 1
The number of samples greater than -30 dBm was compared to the total number of samples to
calculate the duty cycle. The EUT and master device were found to be transmitting above
this threshold for 22 % of the total, meeting the requirement of greater than 17 % channel

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 TEST REPORT                                                  SERIAL NO: UL-RPT-RP12505086JD10C

 VERSION 1.0                                                         ISSUE DATE: 07 JANUARY 2019

Appendix 3. Channel Loading (continued)
This channel loading was then repeated for the client-to-client testing.

                       Date: 7.DEC.2018   11:50:44

The number of samples greater than -30 dBm was compared to the total number of samples to
calculate the duty cycle. The EUT and second client device were found to be transmitting
above this threshold for 29 % of the total, meeting the requirement of greater than 17 %
channel loading.

 UL VS LTD                                                                            Page 23 of 24

 TEST REPORT                                                      SERIAL NO: UL-RPT-RP12505086JD10C

 VERSION 1.0                                                            ISSUE DATE: 07 JANUARY 2019

Appendix 4. Channel/Frequency plan
                                      Wi-Fi Supported Channels

         Country                                            Channels

                                   20 MHz                    40 MHz                 80 MHz

                                   1 - 13
      United States                                          38 – 46
                                  36 - 48                                            42 – 58
        Canada                                               54 – 62
                                  52 – 64                                           106 -138
                                                            102 – 142
                                 100 – 144                                            155
                                                            151 - 159
                                 149 - 165


 1. Channels 118 – 128: Only used if master device allows
 2. The following channels are set to Active/Passive in FCC domain:

     2.4 GHz Band
     Channels 1 – 11: Active
     Channels 12 – 13: Passive

     5 GHz Band
     Channels 36 – 48: Active
     Channels 52 – 144: Passive DFS
     Channels 149 – 165: Active

                                       --- END OF REPORT ---

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Document Created: 2019-01-07 08:05:27
Document Modified: 2019-01-07 08:05:27

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