Test Report - 2.4GHz WLAN part 2


Test Report

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TEST REPORT                                               SERIAL NO: UL-RPT-RP12505086JD09A

VERSION 1.0                                                        ISSUE DATE: 04 JANUARY 2019

Transmitter Power Spectral Density (continued)
Results: 802.11n / HT20 / MIMO / 2Tx CDD / BPSK / MCS0 / Core 1

                 Channel 1                                        Channel 2

                 Channel 3                                        Channel 6

UL VS LTD                                                                          Page 55 of 160

TEST REPORT                                               SERIAL NO: UL-RPT-RP12505086JD09A

VERSION 1.0                                                       ISSUE DATE: 04 JANUARY 2019

Transmitter Power Spectral Density (continued)
Results: 802.11n / HT20 / MIMO / 2Tx CDD / BPSK / MCS0 / Core 1

                 Channel 7                                    Channel 11

                 Channel 12                                   Channel 13

Page 56 of 160                                                                      UL VS LTD

TEST REPORT                                               SERIAL NO: UL-RPT-RP12505086JD09A

VERSION 1.0                                                        ISSUE DATE: 04 JANUARY 2019

Transmitter Power Spectral Density (continued)
Results: 802.11n / HT20 / MIMO / 2Tx CDD / BPSK / MCS0 / Core 2

                 Channel 1                                        Channel 2

                 Channel 3                                        Channel 6

UL VS LTD                                                                          Page 57 of 160

TEST REPORT                                               SERIAL NO: UL-RPT-RP12505086JD09A

VERSION 1.0                                                       ISSUE DATE: 04 JANUARY 2019

Transmitter Power Spectral Density (continued)
Results: 802.11n / HT20 / MIMO / 2Tx CDD / BPSK / MCS0 / Core 2

                 Channel 7                                    Channel 11

                 Channel 12                                   Channel 13

Page 58 of 160                                                                      UL VS LTD

TEST REPORT                                                       SERIAL NO: UL-RPT-RP12505086JD09A

VERSION 1.0                                                             ISSUE DATE: 04 JANUARY 2019

Transmitter Power Spectral Density (continued)
Results: 802.11n / HT20 / MIMO / 3Tx CDD / BPSK / MCS0

                            PSD on Core 0            PSD on Core 1              PSD on Core 2
                            (dBm / 3 kHz)            (dBm / 3 kHz)              (dBm / 3 kHz)
                1                 -16.1                   -16.1                      -16.2
                2                 -13.1                   -13.3                      -13.2
                3                 -11.9                   -12.2                      -11.7
                6                 -10.1                   -10.7                      -10.2
                7                 -9.8                    -10.4                      -10.2
                11                -17.2                   -17.4                      -17.3
                12                -19.9                   -20.5                      -20.2

                     Combined PSD           PSD Limit              Margin
     Channel                                                                           Result
                      (dBm / 3 kHz)       (dBm / 3 kHz)             (dB)
            1             -11.5                8.0                  19.5              Complied
            2             -8.5                 8.0                  16.5              Complied
            3             -7.1                 8.0                  15.1              Complied
            6             -5.7                 8.0                  13.7              Complied
            7             -5.4                 8.0                  13.4              Complied
        11                -12.6                8.0                  20.6              Complied
        12                -15.4                8.0                  23.4              Complied

                             PSD on Core 0            PSD on Core 1              PSD on Core 2
                            (dBm / 100 kHz)          (dBm / 100 kHz)            (dBm / 100 kHz)
                13                -16.2                   -16.2                      -16.4

                     Combined PSD           PSD Limit              Margin
     Channel                                                                           Result
                     (dBm / 100 kHz)      (dBm / 3 kHz)             (dB)
        13                -11.6                8.0                  19.6              Complied

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TEST REPORT                                               SERIAL NO: UL-RPT-RP12505086JD09A

VERSION 1.0                                                        ISSUE DATE: 04 JANUARY 2019

Transmitter Power Spectral Density (continued)
Results: 802.11n / HT20 / MIMO / 3Tx CDD / BPSK / MCS0 / Core 0

                 Channel 1                                        Channel 2

                 Channel 3                                        Channel 6

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TEST REPORT                                               SERIAL NO: UL-RPT-RP12505086JD09A

VERSION 1.0                                                       ISSUE DATE: 04 JANUARY 2019

Transmitter Power Spectral Density (continued)
Results: 802.11n / HT20 / MIMO / 3Tx CDD / BPSK / MCS0 / Core 0

                 Channel 7                                    Channel 11

                Channel 12                                    Channel 13

UL VS LTD                                                                         Page 61 of 160

TEST REPORT                                               SERIAL NO: UL-RPT-RP12505086JD09A

VERSION 1.0                                                        ISSUE DATE: 04 JANUARY 2019

Transmitter Power Spectral Density (continued)
Results: 802.11n / HT20 / MIMO / 3Tx CDD / BPSK / MCS0 / Core 1

                 Channel 1                                        Channel 2

                 Channel 3                                        Channel 6

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TEST REPORT                                               SERIAL NO: UL-RPT-RP12505086JD09A

VERSION 1.0                                                       ISSUE DATE: 04 JANUARY 2019

Transmitter Power Spectral Density (continued)
Results: 802.11n / HT20 / MIMO / 3Tx CDD / BPSK / MCS0 / Core 1

                 Channel 7                                    Channel 11

                Channel 12                                    Channel 13

UL VS LTD                                                                         Page 63 of 160

TEST REPORT                                               SERIAL NO: UL-RPT-RP12505086JD09A

VERSION 1.0                                                        ISSUE DATE: 04 JANUARY 2019

Transmitter Power Spectral Density (continued)
Results: 802.11n / HT20 / MIMO / 3Tx CDD / BPSK / MCS0 / Core 2

                 Channel 1                                        Channel 2

                 Channel 3                                        Channel 6

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TEST REPORT                                               SERIAL NO: UL-RPT-RP12505086JD09A

VERSION 1.0                                                       ISSUE DATE: 04 JANUARY 2019

Transmitter Power Spectral Density (continued)
Results: 802.11n / HT20 / MIMO / 3Tx CDD / BPSK / MCS0 / Core 2

                 Channel 7                                    Channel 11

                Channel 12                                    Channel 13

UL VS LTD                                                                         Page 65 of 160

TEST REPORT                                                          SERIAL NO: UL-RPT-RP12505086JD09A

VERSION 1.0                                                                   ISSUE DATE: 04 JANUARY 2019

Transmitter Power Spectral Density (continued)
Results: 802.11n / HT20 / MIMO / 2Tx TxBF / BPSK / MCS0
                                    Core 1                                        Core 2

   Channel           PSD          Duty cycle      Corrected       PSD           Duty cycle     Corrected
                  (dBm / 100      correction     PSD (dBm /    (dBm / 100       correction    PSD (dBm /
                     kHz)         factor (dB)     100 kHz)        kHz)          factor (dB)    100 kHz)

      1              -6.2            0.1            -6.1          -6.4             0.1           -6.3
      2              -3.6            0.1            -3.5          -3.9             0.1           -3.8
      3              -1.8            0.1            -1.7          -0.2             0.1           -0.1
      6              0.8             0.1            0.9           0.9              0.1           1.0
      7              0.2             0.1            0.3           -0.2             0.1           -0.1
      11             -6.8            0.1            -6.7          -7.0             0.1           -6.9
      12            -11.5            0.1           -11.4         -12.8             0.1          -12.7
      13            -17.5            0.1           -17.4         -18.4             0.1          -18.3

                  Corrected       Corrected
                     PSD             PSD                         Limit            Margin
   Channel                                       PSD (dBm /                                     Result
                 Core 1 (dBm /   Core 2 (dBm /                (dBm / 3 kHz)        (dB)
                                                  100 kHz)
                   100 kHz)        100 kHz)

      1              -6.1            -6.3           -3.2          8.0              11.2       Complied
      2              -3.5            -3.8           -0.6          8.0              8.6        Complied
      3              -1.7            -0.1           2.2           8.0              5.8        Complied
      6              0.9             1.0            4.0           8.0              4.0        Complied
      7              0.3             -0.1           3.1           8.0              4.9        Complied
      11             -6.7            -6.9           -3.8          8.0              11.8       Complied
      12            -11.4           -12.7           -9.0          8.0              17.0       Complied
      13            -17.4           -18.3          -14.8          8.0              22.8       Complied

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TEST REPORT                                               SERIAL NO: UL-RPT-RP12505086JD09A

VERSION 1.0                                                        ISSUE DATE: 04 JANUARY 2019

Transmitter Power Spectral Density (continued)
Results: 802.11n / HT20 / MIMO / 2Tx TxBF / BPSK / MCS0 / Core 1

                 Channel 1                                     Channel 2

                 Channel 3                                     Channel 6

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TEST REPORT                                               SERIAL NO: UL-RPT-RP12505086JD09A

VERSION 1.0                                                        ISSUE DATE: 04 JANUARY 2019

Transmitter Power Spectral Density (continued)
Results: 802.11n / HT20 / MIMO / 2Tx TxBF / BPSK / MCS0 / Core 1

                 Channel 7                                    Channel 11

                 Channel 12                                   Channel 13

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TEST REPORT                                               SERIAL NO: UL-RPT-RP12505086JD09A

VERSION 1.0                                                        ISSUE DATE: 04 JANUARY 2019

Transmitter Power Spectral Density (continued)
Results: 802.11n / HT20 / MIMO / 2Tx TxBF / BPSK / MCS0 / Core 2

                 Channel 1                                     Channel 2

                 Channel 3                                     Channel 6

UL VS LTD                                                                          Page 69 of 160

TEST REPORT                                               SERIAL NO: UL-RPT-RP12505086JD09A

VERSION 1.0                                                        ISSUE DATE: 04 JANUARY 2019

Transmitter Power Spectral Density (continued)
Results: 802.11n / HT20 / MIMO / 2Tx TxBF / BPSK / MCS0 / Core 2

                 Channel 7                                    Channel 11

                 Channel 12                                   Channel 13

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TEST REPORT                                                            SERIAL NO: UL-RPT-RP12505086JD09A

VERSION 1.0                                                                     ISSUE DATE: 04 JANUARY 2019

Transmitter Power Spectral Density (continued)
Results: 802.11n / HT20 / MIMO / 3Tx TxBF / BPSK / MCS0
                                      Core 0                                           Core 1

  Channel          PSD            Duty cycle     Corrected          PSD              Duty cycle        Corrected
                (dBm / 100        correction    PSD (dBm /       (dBm / 100          correction       PSD (dBm /
                   kHz)           factor (dB)    100 kHz)           kHz)             factor (dB)       100 kHz)

     1             -7.0                0.1          -6.9            -6.5                0.1               -6.4
     2             -4.0                0.1          -3.9            -4.6                0.1               -4.5
     3             -2.5                0.1          -2.4            -2.3                0.1               -2.2
     6             -0.1                0.1          0.0             -0.6                0.1               -0.5
     7             -0.5                0.1          -0.4            -0.6                0.1               -0.5
     11            -7.5                0.1          -7.4            -7.7                0.1               -7.6
     12           -10.7                0.1         -10.6            -10.5               0.1              -10.4
     13           -17.6                0.1         -17.5            -17.6               0.1              -17.5

                                      Core 2                                 Core 0, Core 1 & Core 2
                                                                 Corrected           Corrected        Corrected
  Channel          PSD            Duty cycle     Corrected
                                                                PSD at Core 0       PSD at Core 1    PSD at Core 2
                (dBm / 100        correction    PSD (dBm /
                                                                   (dBm /              (dBm /           (dBm /
                   kHz)           factor (dB)    100 kHz)
                                                                  100 kHz)            100 kHz)         100 kHz)

     1             -7.3                0.1          -7.2            -6.9                -6.4              -7.2
     2             -4.3                0.1          -4.2            -3.9                -4.5              -4.2
     3             -2.3                0.1          -2.2            -2.4                -2.2              -2.2
     6             -1.0                0.1          -0.9            0.0                 -0.5              -0.9
     7             -1.0                0.1          -0.9            -0.4                -0.5              -0.9
     11            -8.2                0.1          -8.1            -7.4                -7.6              -8.1
     12           -11.4                0.1         -11.3            -10.6               -10.4            -11.3
     13           -18.3                0.1         -18.2            -17.5               -17.5            -18.2

                          Combined PSD             Limit                    Margin
     Channel                                                                                         Result
                          (dBm / 100 kHz)       (dBm / 3 kHz)                (dB)

            1                  -2.0                 8.0                      10.0                   Complied
            2                  0.6                  8.0                      7.4                    Complied
            3                  2.5                  8.0                      5.5                    Complied
            6                  4.3                  8.0                      3.7                    Complied
            7                  4.2                  8.0                      3.8                    Complied
          11                   -2.9                 8.0                      10.9                   Complied
          12                   -6.0                 8.0                      14.0                   Complied
          13                  -12.9                 8.0                      20.9                   Complied

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TEST REPORT                                               SERIAL NO: UL-RPT-RP12505086JD09A

VERSION 1.0                                                        ISSUE DATE: 04 JANUARY 2019

Transmitter Power Spectral Density (continued)
Results: 802.11n / HT20 / MIMO / 3Tx TxBF / BPSK / MCS0 / Core 0

                 Channel 1                                     Channel 2

                 Channel 3                                     Channel 6

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TEST REPORT                                               SERIAL NO: UL-RPT-RP12505086JD09A

VERSION 1.0                                                        ISSUE DATE: 04 JANUARY 2019

Transmitter Power Spectral Density (continued)
Results: 802.11n / HT20 / MIMO / 3Tx TxBF / BPSK / MCS0 / Core 0

                 Channel 7                                    Channel 11

                Channel 12                                    Channel 13

UL VS LTD                                                                          Page 73 of 160

TEST REPORT                                               SERIAL NO: UL-RPT-RP12505086JD09A

VERSION 1.0                                                        ISSUE DATE: 04 JANUARY 2019

Transmitter Power Spectral Density (continued)
Results: 802.11n / HT20 / MIMO / 3Tx TxBF / BPSK / MCS0 / Core 1

                 Channel 1                                     Channel 2

                 Channel 3                                     Channel 6

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TEST REPORT                                               SERIAL NO: UL-RPT-RP12505086JD09A

VERSION 1.0                                                        ISSUE DATE: 04 JANUARY 2019

Transmitter Power Spectral Density (continued)
Results: 802.11n / HT20 / MIMO / 3Tx TxBF / BPSK / MCS0 / Core 1

                 Channel 7                                    Channel 11

                Channel 12                                    Channel 13

UL VS LTD                                                                          Page 75 of 160

TEST REPORT                                               SERIAL NO: UL-RPT-RP12505086JD09A

VERSION 1.0                                                        ISSUE DATE: 04 JANUARY 2019

Transmitter Power Spectral Density (continued)
Results: 802.11n / HT20 / MIMO / 3Tx TxBF / BPSK / MCS0 / Core 2

                 Channel 1                                     Channel 2

                 Channel 3                                     Channel 6

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TEST REPORT                                               SERIAL NO: UL-RPT-RP12505086JD09A

VERSION 1.0                                                        ISSUE DATE: 04 JANUARY 2019

Transmitter Power Spectral Density (continued)
Results: 802.11n / HT20 / MIMO / 3Tx TxBF / BPSK / MCS0 / Core 2

                 Channel 7                                    Channel 11

                Channel 12                                    Channel 13

UL VS LTD                                                                          Page 77 of 160

TEST REPORT                                                  SERIAL NO: UL-RPT-RP12505086JD09A

VERSION 1.0                                                         ISSUE DATE: 04 JANUARY 2019

4.4. Transmitter Maximum (Average) Output Power
Test Summary:

Test Engineers:               Max Passell, Victor Carmon &   Test Dates:   21 November 2018 to
                              Matthew Botfield                             30 November 2018
Test Sample Serial Numbers:   C02X2007KFLX & C02WW00WKFMM

FCC Reference:                Part 15.247(b)(3)
Test Method Used:             FCC KDB 558074 Section referencing ANSI C63.10
                              Sections &

Environmental Conditions:

Temperature (°C):             20 to 23
Relative Humidity (%):        38 to 51

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TEST REPORT                                                          SERIAL NO: UL-RPT-RP12505086JD09A

VERSION 1.0                                                                 ISSUE DATE: 04 JANUARY 2019

Transmitter Maximum (Average) Output Power (continued)

1. The customer declared the following data rates to be used for all measurements as:
            o   802.11b – DBPSK / 1 Mbps / SISO / Core 1
            o   802.11g – BPSK / 6 Mbps / SISO / Core 1
            o   802.11n HT20 – BPSK / MCS0 / SISO / Core 1
            o   802.11b – MIMO / 2Tx CDD / DBPSK / 1 Mbps / Core 1 & Core 2
            o   802.11b – MIMO / 3Tx CDD / DBPSK / 1 Mbps / Core 0, Core 1 & Core 2
            o   802.11n HT20 / MIMO / 2Tx CDD / BPSK / MCS0 / Core 1 & Core 2
            o   802.11n HT20 / MIMO / 3Tx CDD / BPSK / MCS0 / Core 0, Core 1 & Core 2
            o   802.11n HT20 / MIMO / 2Tx TxBF / BPSK / MCS0 / Core 1 & Core 2
            o   802.11n HT20 / MIMO / 3Tx TxBF / BPSK / MCS0 / Core 0, Core 1 & Core 2
2. Final measurements were performed using the above configurations on the relevant channels. Additional
   channels were tested as requested by the customer.
3. The power has been integrated over the 99% emission bandwidth. Plots for the occupied bandwidth are
   archived on the company server and available for inspection upon request.
4. For 802.11b non-TxBF modes, the EUT was transmitting at >98% duty cycle and testing was performed
   in accordance with ANSI C63.10 Section Method AVGSA-1. The signal analyser’s integration
   function was used to integrate across the 99% occupied bandwidth. The signal analyser resolution
   bandwidth was set to 300 kHz and video bandwidth 1 MHz. An RMS detector was used and sweep time
   set manually to perform trace averaging over 200 traces. The span was set to at least 1.5 times the 99%
   occupied emission bandwidth.
5. For 802.11g and 802.11n HT20 non-TxBF modes, the EUT was transmitting at >98% duty cycle and
   testing was performed in accordance with ANSI C63.10 Section Method AVGSA-1. The signal
   analyser’s integration function was used to integrate across the 99% occupied bandwidth. The signal
   analyser resolution bandwidth was set to 500 kHz and video bandwidth 2 MHz. An RMS detector was
   used and sweep time set manually to perform trace averaging over 200 traces. The span was set to at
   least 1.5 times the 99% occupied emission bandwidth.
6. For TxBF modes, the EUT was transmitting at <98% duty cycle and testing was performed in
   accordance with ANSI C63.10 Section Method AVGSA-2. The signal analyser’s integration
   function was used to integrate across the 99% occupied bandwidth. The signal analyser resolution
   bandwidth was set to 500 kHz and video bandwidth 2 MHz. An RMS detector was used and sweep time
   set manually to perform trace averaging over 200 traces. The span was set to at least 1.5 times the 99%
   occupied emission bandwidth. The calculated duty cycle in section 4.1 was added to the measured
   power in order to compute the average power during the actual transmission time.
7. For MIMO modes, conducted power was measured on all ports and then combined using the measure-
   and-sum technique stated in FCC KDB 662911 D01 Section E)1). For EIRP, the directional antenna gain
   was added to the conducted output power. Detailed calculations can be found in Appendix 1.
8. The signal analyser was connected to the RF port on the EUT using an RF switch, suitable attenuation
   and RF cables. An RF offset was entered on the signal analyser to compensate for the loss of the
   switch, attenuator and RF cables.
9. For MIMO modes, the limit for conducted output power has been reduced by the same amount in dB that
   the directional gain of the antennas exceeds 6 dBi, in accordance with 15.247(b)(4).

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TEST REPORT                                                        SERIAL NO: UL-RPT-RP12505086JD09A

VERSION 1.0                                                                 ISSUE DATE: 04 JANUARY 2019

Transmitter Maximum (Average) Output Power (continued)
Results: 802.11b / 20 MHz / DBPSK / 1 Mbps / SISO / Core 1
Conducted Peak Limit Comparison
                                            Conducted Power
                     Conducted Power                                    Margin
      Channel                                    Limit                                     Result
                         (dBm)                                           (dB)
           1                 19.2                30.0                    10.8             Complied
           2                 19.9                30.0                    10.1             Complied
           3                 21.1                30.0                    8.9              Complied
           6                 23.3                30.0                    6.7              Complied
           7                 22.9                30.0                    7.1              Complied
           11                17.9                30.0                    12.1             Complied
           12                15.4                30.0                    14.6             Complied
           13                12.0                30.0                    18.0             Complied
EIRP Limit Comparison
                 Conducted     Declared                        De Facto
                                                 EIRP                            Margin
  Channel          Power        Antenna                       EIRP Limit                      Result
                                                (dBm)                             (dB)
                   (dBm)       Gain (dBi)                       (dBm)
      1            19.2             4.8          24.0            36.0             12.0      Complied
      2            19.9             4.8          24.7            36.0             11.3      Complied
      3            21.1             4.8          25.9            36.0             10.1      Complied
      6            23.3             4.8          28.1            36.0             7.9       Complied
      7            22.9             4.8          27.7            36.0             8.3       Complied
      11           17.9             4.8          22.7            36.0             13.3      Complied
      12           15.4             4.8          20.2            36.0             15.8      Complied
      13           12.0             4.8          16.8            36.0             19.2      Complied

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TEST REPORT                                              SERIAL NO: UL-RPT-RP12505086JD09A

VERSION 1.0                                                    ISSUE DATE: 04 JANUARY 2019

Transmitter Maximum (Average) Output Power (continued)
Results: 802.11b / 20 MHz / DBPSK / 1 Mbps / Core 1

                 Channel 1                                    Channel 2

                 Channel 3                                    Channel 6

UL VS LTD                                                                      Page 81 of 160

TEST REPORT                                              SERIAL NO: UL-RPT-RP12505086JD09A

VERSION 1.0                                                    ISSUE DATE: 04 JANUARY 2019

Transmitter Maximum (Average) Output Power (continued)
Results: 802.11b / 20 MHz / DBPSK / 1 Mbps / Core 1

                 Channel 7                                   Channel 11

                 Channel 12                                  Channel 13

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TEST REPORT                                                       SERIAL NO: UL-RPT-RP12505086JD09A

VERSION 1.0                                                                ISSUE DATE: 04 JANUARY 2019

Transmitter Maximum (Average) Output Power (continued)
Results: 802.11g / 20 MHz / BPSK / 6 Mbps / Core 1
Conducted Peak Limit Comparison
                                           Conducted Power
                    Conducted Power                                    Margin
     Channel                                    Limit                                     Result
                        (dBm)                                           (dB)
            1               14.5                30.0                    15.5             Complied
            2               16.4                30.0                    13.6             Complied
            3               19.0                30.0                    11.0             Complied
            6               22.7                30.0                    7.3              Complied
            7               21.1                30.0                    8.9              Complied
          11                14.5                30.0                    15.5             Complied
          12                12.0                30.0                    18.0             Complied
          13                2.8                 30.0                    27.2             Complied
EIRP Limit Comparison
                Conducted     Declared                        De Facto
                                                EIRP                            Margin
  Channel         Power        Antenna                       EIRP Limit                      Result
                                               (dBm)                             (dB)
                  (dBm)       Gain (dBi)                       (dBm)
     1            14.5             4.8          19.3            36.0             16.7      Complied
     2            16.4             4.8          21.2            36.0             14.8      Complied
     3            19.0             4.8          23.8            36.0             12.2      Complied
     6            22.7             4.8          27.5            36.0             8.5       Complied
     7            21.1             4.8          25.9            36.0             10.1      Complied
     11           14.5             4.8          19.3            36.0             16.7      Complied
     12           12.0             4.8          16.8            36.0             19.2      Complied
     13            2.8             4.8           7.6            36.0             28.4      Complied

UL VS LTD                                                                                  Page 83 of 160

TEST REPORT                                              SERIAL NO: UL-RPT-RP12505086JD09A

VERSION 1.0                                                    ISSUE DATE: 04 JANUARY 2019

Transmitter Maximum (Average) Output Power (continued)
Results: 802.11g / 20 MHz / BPSK / 6 Mbps / Core 1

                 Channel 1                                    Channel 2

                 Channel 3                                    Channel 6

Page 84 of 160                                                                    UL VS LTD

Document Created: 2019-03-24 14:29:22
Document Modified: 2019-03-24 14:29:22

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