Test Report - BT LE


Test Report

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                                    TEST REPORT
                Test Report No. : UL-RPT-RP12505086JD08C
Customer                     :   Apple Inc.

Model No.                    :   A2116

FCC ID                       :   BCGA2116

Technology                   :   Bluetooth – Low Energy

Test Standard(s)             :   FCC Parts 15.209(a) & 15.247

Test Laboratory              :   UL VS LTD, Basingstoke, Hampshire, RG24 8AH, United Kingdom

1.     This test report shall not be reproduced in full or partial, without the written approval of UL VS LTD.
2.     The results in this report apply only to the sample(s) tested.
3.     The sample tested is in compliance with the above standard(s).
4.     The test results in this report are traceable to the national or international standards.
5.     Version 1.0.

                        Date of Issue:                        04 January 2019

                        Checked by:

                                                                Ian Watch
                                                  Senior Test Engineer, Radio Laboratory

                        Company Signatory:

                                                              Sarah Williams
                                                  Senior Test Engineer, Radio Laboratory
                                                               UL VS LTD

The Bluetooth® word mark and logos are owned by the Bluetooth SIG, Inc. and any use of such marks by
UL VS LTD is under licence. Other trademarks and trade names are those of their respective owners.

Pavilion A, Ashwood Park, Ashwood Way, Basingstoke, Hampshire, RG23 8BG, UK
Telephone: +44 (0)1256 312000
Facsimile: +44 (0)1256 312001

TEST REPORT                                               SERIAL NO: UL-RPT-RP12505086JD08C

VERSION 1.0                                                     ISSUE DATE: 04 JANUARY 2019

Customer Information
Company Name:               Apple Inc.
Address:                    One Apple Park Way
                            Cupertino, California 95014
Contact Name:               Stuart Thomas

Report Revision History
               Issue Date   Revision Details                               Revised By

1.0            04/01/2019   Initial Version                                Ian Watch

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TEST REPORT                                                                                SERIAL NO: UL-RPT-RP12505086JD08C

VERSION 1.0                                                                                          ISSUE DATE: 04 JANUARY 2019

Table of Contents
Customer Information.................................................................................................................... 2
Report Revision History ................................................................................................................ 2
Table of Contents........................................................................................................................... 3
1. Attestation of Test Results ........................................................................................................ 4
    1.1. Description of EUT                                                                                                             4
    1.2. General Information                                                                                                            4
    1.3. Summary of Test Results                                                                                                        4
    1.4. Deviations from the Test Specification                                                                                         4
2. Summary of Testing................................................................................................................... 5
    2.1. Facilities and Accreditation                                                                                                    5
    2.2. Methods and Procedures                                                                                                          5
    2.3. Calibration and Uncertainty                                                                                                     6
    2.4. Test and Measurement Equipment                                                                                                  7
3. Equipment Under Test (EUT) .................................................................................................... 9
    3.1. Identification of Equipment Under Test (EUT)                                                                              9
    3.2. Modifications Incorporated in the EUT                                                                                     9
    3.3. Additional Information Related to Testing                                                                               10
    3.4. Description of Available Antennas                                                                                       10
    3.5. Description of Test Setup                                                                                               11
4. Antenna Port Test Results .......................................................................................................16
    4.1. Transmitter Minimum 6 dB Bandwidth                                                                                         16
    4.2. Transmitter Duty Cycle                                                                                                     19
    4.3. Transmitter Maximum Peak Output Power                                                                                      20
5. Radiated Test Results...............................................................................................................25
    5.1 Transmitter Radiated Emissions <1 GHz                                                                                          25
    5.2 Transmitter Radiated Emissions >1 GHz                                                                                          27
    5.3 Transmitter Band Edge Radiated Emissions                                                                                       29

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TEST REPORT                                                            SERIAL NO: UL-RPT-RP12505086JD08C

VERSION 1.0                                                                    ISSUE DATE: 04 JANUARY 2019

1. Attestation of Test Results
1.1. Description of EUT
The equipment under test was a desktop computer with WLAN and BT radios.

1.2. General Information
Specification Reference:      47CFR15.247
Specification Title:          Code of Federal Regulations Volume 47 (Telecommunications):
                              Part 15 Subpart C (Intentional Radiators) - Section 15.247
Specification Reference:      47CFR15.209
Specification Title:          Code of Federal Regulations Volume 47 (Telecommunications):
                              Part 15 Subpart C (Intentional Radiators) – Section 15.209
Site Registration:            621311
Location of Testing:          UL VS LTD, Unit 3 Horizon, Wade Road, Kingsland Business Park,
                              Basingstoke, Hampshire, RG24 8AH, United Kingdom
Test Dates:                   08 November 2018 to 04 January 2019

1.3. Summary of Test Results
FCC Reference (47CFR)         Measurement                                                            Result
Part 15.247(a)(2)             Transmitter Minimum 6 dB Bandwidth                                    Complied
Part 15.35(c)                 Transmitter Duty Cycle                                                 Note 1
Part 15.247(b)(3)             Transmitter Maximum Peak Output Power                                 Complied
Part 15.247(e)                Transmitter Power Spectral Density                                     Note 2
Part 15.247(d)/15.209(a)      Transmitter Radiated Emissions                                        Complied
Part 15.247(d)/15.209(a)      Transmitter Band Edge Radiated Emissions                              Complied


1. The measurement was performed to assist in the calculation of the level of the emissions. The EUT
   cannot transmit continuously and sweep triggering/signal gating cannot be implemented.
2. In accordance with ANSI C63.10 Section 11.10.1, PSD measurements are not required if the maximum
   conducted output power is less than the PSD limit of 8 dBm / 3 kHz. The PSD level is therefore deemed to
   be equal to the measured output power.
3. There are two vendors of the WiFi/Bluetooth radio modules, Vendor 1 and Vendor 2.
    The WiFi/Bluetooth radio modules have the same mechanical outline (i.e. the same packaging
    dimension and pin layout), use the same on-board antenna matching circuit, have an identical antenna
    structure and are built and tested to conform to the same specification and to operate within the same
    Baseline testing was performed on the two vendors to determine the worst case.

1.4. Deviations from the Test Specification
For the measurements contained within this test report, there were no deviations from, additions to, or
exclusions from the test specification identified above.

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TEST REPORT                                                           SERIAL NO: UL-RPT-RP12505086JD08C

VERSION 1.0                                                                   ISSUE DATE: 04 JANUARY 2019

2. Summary of Testing
2.1. Facilities and Accreditation
The test site and measurement facilities used to collect data are located at Unit 3 Horizon, Wade Road,
Kingsland Business Park, Basingstoke, Hampshire, RG24 8AH, United Kingdom. The following table
identifies which facilities were utilised for radiated emission measurements documented in this report.
Specific facilities are also identified in the test results sections.

                                     Site 1            X
                                     Site 2            -
                                     Site 17           X

UL VS LTD is accredited by UKAS. The tests reported herein have been performed in accordance with its
terms of accreditation.

2.2. Methods and Procedures
Reference:                   ANSI C63.10-2013
Title:                       American National Standard of Procedures for Compliance Testing of
                             Unlicensed Wireless Devices
Reference:                   KDB 558074 D01 15.247 Meas Guidance v05 August 24, 2018
Title:                       Guidance for Compliance Measurements on Digital Transmission System,
                             Frequency Hopping Spread Spectrum System, and Hybrid System Devices
                             Operating Under Section 15.247 of the FCC Rules

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TEST REPORT                                                           SERIAL NO: UL-RPT-RP12505086JD08C

VERSION 1.0                                                                  ISSUE DATE: 04 JANUARY 2019

2.3. Calibration and Uncertainty
Measuring Instrument Calibration

In accordance with UKAS requirements all the measurement equipment is on a calibration schedule. All
equipment was within the calibration period on the date of testing.

Measurement Uncertainty

No measurement or test can ever be perfect and the imperfections give rise to error of measurement in the
results. Consequently the result of a measurement is only an approximation to the value measured (the
specific quantity subject to measurement) and is only complete when accompanied by a statement of the
uncertainty of the approximation.
The expression of uncertainty of a measurement result allows realistic comparison of results with reference
values and limits given in specifications and standards.
The uncertainty of the result may need to be taken into account when interpreting the measurement results.
The reported expanded uncertainties below are based on a standard uncertainty multiplied by an appropriate
coverage factor such that a confidence level of approximately 95% is maintained. For the purposes of this
document “approximately” is interpreted as meaning “effectively” or “for most practical purposes”.

                                                                               Confidence     Calculated
               Measurement Type                          Range
                                                                                Level (%)     Uncertainty
Duty Cycle                                       2.4 GHz to 2.4835 GHz            95%           ±1.14 %
Minimum 6 dB Bandwidth                           2.4 GHz to 2.4835 GHz            95%           ±4.59 %
Conducted Maximum Peak Output Power              2.4 GHz to 2.4835 GHz            95%           ±1.13 dB
Radiated Spurious Emissions                         30 MHz to 1 GHz               95%           ±4.65 dB
Radiated Spurious Emissions                         1 GHz to 25 GHz               95%           ±2.94 dB

The methods used to calculate the above uncertainties are in line with those recommended within the
various measurement specifications. Where measurement specifications do not include guidelines for the
evaluation of measurement uncertainty the published guidance of the appropriate accreditation body is

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TEST REPORT                                                         SERIAL NO: UL-RPT-RP12505086JD08C

VERSION 1.0                                                                ISSUE DATE: 04 JANUARY 2019

2.4. Test and Measurement Equipment
Test Equipment Used for Transmitter Minimum 6 dB Bandwidth Tests
                                                                               Date          Cal.
            Instrument          Manufacturer      Type No.    Serial No.       Calibration   Interval
                                                                               Due           (Months)
M2042       Thermohygrometer    Testo             608-H1      45124926         27 Mar 2019       12
M1794       Spectrum Analyser   Rohde & Schwarz   FSU26       100027           28 Feb 2019       24
A2524       Attenuator          AtlanTecRF        AN18W5-10   832827#2         23 Feb 2019       12
G0628       Signal Generator    Rohde & Schwarz   SMBV100A    261847           01 Sep 2020       36
M199        Power Meter         Rohde & Schwarz   NRVS        827023/075       20 Apr 2020       24
M1267       Power Sensor        Rohde & Schwarz   NRV-Z52     100155           20 Apr 2020       24

Test Equipment Used for Transmitter Duty Cycle Tests
                                                                               Date          Cal.
            Instrument          Manufacturer      Type No.    Serial No.       Calibration   Interval
                                                                               Due           (Months)
M2042       Thermohygrometer    Testo             608-H1      45124926         27 Mar 2019       12
M1794       Spectrum Analyser   Rohde & Schwarz   FSU26       100027           28 Feb 2019       24
A2524       Attenuator          AtlanTecRF        AN18W5-10   832827#2         23 Feb 2019       12
G0628       Signal Generator    Rohde & Schwarz   SMBV100A    261847           01 Sep 2020       36
M199        Power Meter         Rohde & Schwarz   NRVS        827023/075       20 Apr 2020       24
M1267       Power Sensor        Rohde & Schwarz   NRV-Z52     100155           20 Apr 2020       24

Test Equipment Used for Transmitter Maximum Peak Output Power Tests
                                                                               Date          Cal.
            Instrument          Manufacturer      Type No.    Serial No.       Calibration   Interval
                                                                               Due           (Months)
M2042       Thermohygrometer    Testo             608-H1      45124926         27 Mar 2019       12
M1794       Spectrum Analyser   Rohde & Schwarz   FSU26       100027           28 Feb 2019       24
A2524       Attenuator          AtlanTecRF        AN18W5-10   832827#2         23 Feb 2019       12
G0628       Signal Generator    Rohde & Schwarz   SMBV100A    261847           01 Sep 2020       36
M199        Power Meter         Rohde & Schwarz   NRVS        827023/075       20 Apr 2020       24
M1267       Power Sensor        Rohde & Schwarz   NRV-Z52     100155           20 Apr 2020       24

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TEST REPORT                                                          SERIAL NO: UL-RPT-RP12505086JD08C

VERSION 1.0                                                                ISSUE DATE: 04 JANUARY 2019

Test and Measurement Equipment (continued)
Test Equipment Used for Transmitter Radiated Emissions Tests
                                                                                Date          Cal.
          Instrument         Manufacturer      Type No.      Serial No.         Calibration   Interval
                                                                                Due           (Months)
M2003     Thermohygrometer   Testo             608-H1        45046641           27 Feb 2019      12
K0017     3m RSE Chamber     Rainford          N/A           N/A                20 Feb 2019      12
M1995     Test Receiver      Rohde & Schwarz   ESU40         100428             10 Aug 2019      12
A2863     Pre Amplifier      Agilent           8449B         3008A02100         19 Feb 2019      12
A490      Antenna            Chase             CBL611A       1590               03 Apr 2019      12
A2148     Attenuator         AtlanTecRF        AN18-06       090202-06                           12
                                                                                before use
A2890     Antenna            Schwarzbeck       HWRD 750      014                19 Feb 2019      12
A2891     Pre Amplifier      Schwarzbeck       BBV 9718      9718-306           20 Feb 2019      12
M2040     Thermohygrometer   Testo             608-H1        45124934           27 Mar 2019      12
K0001     3m RSE Chamber     Rainford          N/A           N/A                04 Oct 2019      12
M2044     Test Receiver      Rohde & Schwarz   ESU26         100122             17 Apr 2019      12
A3154     Pre Amplifier      Com-Power         PAM-103       18020012           14 Sep 2019      12
A3155     Pre Amplifier      Com-Power         PAM-118A      18040037           14 Sep 2019      12
A553      Antenna            Chase             CBL6111A      1593               08 Oct 2019      12
A2523     Attenuator         AtlanTechRF       AN18W5-10     832827#1           23 Feb 2019      12
A3083     Low Pass Filter    AtlanTechRF       AFL-01000     18010900076        29 Jun 2019      12
A3093     High Pass Filter   AtlanTechRF       AFH-03000     18051800077        29 Jun 2019      12
A3138     Antenna            Schwarzbeck       BBHA 9120 B   00702              03 Oct 2019      12
A2892     Antenna            Schwarzbeck       BBHA 9170     9170-727           21 Feb 2019      12
A2895     Antenna            Schwarzbeck       BBHA 9170     9170-728           20 Feb 2019      12

Test Equipment Used for Transmitter Band Edge Radiated Emissions Tests
                                                                                Date          Cal.
          Instrument         Manufacturer      Type No.      Serial No.         Calibration   Interval
                                                                                Due           (Months)
M2003     Thermohygrometer   Testo             608-H1        45046641           27 Feb 2019      12
K0017     3m RSE Chamber     Rainford          N/A           N/A                20 Feb 2019      12
M1995     Test Receiver      Rohde & Schwarz   ESU40         100428             10 Aug 2019      12
A2916     Attenuator         AtlanTecRF        AN18W5-10     832827#1           21 Feb 2019      12
A2863     Pre Amplifier      Agilent           8449B         3008A02100         19 Feb 2019      12
A2889     Antenna            Schwarzbeck       BBHA 9120 B   BBHA 9120 B 653    19 Feb 2019      12

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TEST REPORT                                                      SERIAL NO: UL-RPT-RP12505086JD08C

VERSION 1.0                                                            ISSUE DATE: 04 JANUARY 2019

3. Equipment Under Test (EUT)
3.1. Identification of Equipment Under Test (EUT)
Brand Name:                            Apple
Model Name or Number:                  A2116
Test Sample Serial Number:             C02WW00WKFMM (Conducted sample #1)
Hardware Version:                      EVT
Software Version:                      18A334
BT BB Version:                         v56
FCC ID:                                BCGA2116

Brand Name:                            Apple
Model Name or Number:                  A2116
Test Sample Serial Number:             C02X200XKFLX (Radiated sample #1)
Hardware Version:                      EVT
Software Version:                      18E110z
BT BB Version:                         v63
FCC ID:                                BCGA2116

Brand Name:                            Apple
Model Name or Number:                  A2116
Test Sample Serial Number:             C02WW00PKFMM (Radiated sample #2)
Hardware Version:                      EVT
Software Version:                      18E110z
BT BB Version:                         v63
FCC ID:                                BCGA2116

3.2. Modifications Incorporated in the EUT
No modifications were applied to the EUT during testing.

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TEST REPORT                                                           SERIAL NO: UL-RPT-RP12505086JD08C

VERSION 1.0                                                                   ISSUE DATE: 04 JANUARY 2019

3.3. Additional Information Related to Testing
 Technology Tested:                        Bluetooth Low Energy (Digital Transmission System)
 Type of Unit:                             Transceiver
 Channel Spacing:                          2 MHz
 Modulation:                               GFSK
 Data Rate: LE                             1 Mbps
 Data Rate: LE2M                           2 Mbps
 Power Supply Requirement(s):              Nominal              120 VAC 60 Hz
 Maximum Conducted Output Power:           5.5 dBm
 Transmit Frequency Range:                 2402 MHz to 2480 MHz
 Transmit Channels Tested:                                                            Channel Frequency
                                              Channel ID         Channel Number
                                                 Bottom                  37                  2402
                                                 Middle                  17                  2440
                                                   Top                   39                  2480

3.4. Description of Available Antennas
The radio utilizes an integrated antenna, with the following maximum gain:

                            Frequency Range (MHz)         Antenna Gain (dBi)
                                    2400-2480                      3.3

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TEST REPORT                                                         SERIAL NO: UL-RPT-RP12505086JD08C

VERSION 1.0                                                                    ISSUE DATE: 04 JANUARY 2019

3.5. Description of Test Setup
Support Equipment
The following support equipment was used to exercise the EUT during testing:

Description:                              PHF (Personal Hands Free)
Brand Name:                               Apple
Model Name or Number:                     Apple EarPods
Serial Number:                            Not marked or stated

Description:                              USB Mouse
Brand Name:                               Apple
Model Name or Number:                     A1152
Serial Number:                            CC2446203PNDNYPAJ

Description:                              USB Keyboard
Brand Name:                               Apple
Model Name or Number:                     A1243
Serial Number:                            CC2438202G4DQW0AC

Description:                              USB Hub
Brand Name:                               Hama
Model Name or Number:                     00078498
Serial Number:                            09825891600

Description:                              Ethernet Router
Brand Name:                               Netgear
Model Name or Number:                     DG834G
Serial Number:                            1JX167B008C4A

Description:                              Ethernet cable. Quantity 1. Length 1.0 metres
Brand Name:                               Not marked or stated
Model Name or Number:                     Not marked or stated
Serial Number:                            Not marked or stated

Description:                              USB cables. Quantity 4. Length 3.0 metres
Brand Name:                               Not marked or stated
Model Name or Number:                     Not marked or stated
Serial Number:                            Not marked or stated

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TEST REPORT                                                             SERIAL NO: UL-RPT-RP12505086JD08C

VERSION 1.0                                                                     ISSUE DATE: 04 JANUARY 2019

Operating Modes

The EUT was tested in the following operating mode(s):
    •    Transmitting at maximum power in Bluetooth LE mode with modulation, maximum possible data
         length available and Pseudorandom Bit Sequence 9.
    •    Transmitting at maximum power in Bluetooth LE2M mode with modulation, maximum possible data
         length available and Pseudorandom Bit Sequence 9.

Configuration and Peripherals

The EUT was tested in the following configuration(s):
    •    Controlled in test mode using a set of commands entered into a terminal application on the EUT
         supplied by the customer. The commands were used to enable a continuous transmission and to
         select the test channels as required. The customer supplied a document containing the setup
         instructions ‘EUT_BT_BTLE_SOP_v1.0’.
    •    The EUT was powered from a 120 VAC 60 Hz single phase mains supply.
    •    Transmitter radiated spurious emissions tests were performed with the EUT transmitting in LE2M
         mode. PSD was not measured as the output power is less than 10 dBm. The maximum output power
         was the same for both LE & LE2M modes.
    •    All active ports were terminated using the appropriate terminations during radiated emissions testing.

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TEST REPORT                                                  SERIAL NO: UL-RPT-RP12505086JD08C

VERSION 1.0                                                        ISSUE DATE: 04 JANUARY 2019

Test Setup Diagrams
Conducted Tests:
Test Setup for Transmitter Minimum 6 dB Bandwidth, Duty Cycle & Maximum Peak Output

                                                RF Attenuator
                                       Port 1

                                       Port 2    50 Ω Load
              Single Phase AC
                                 EUT                               Spectrum Analyser
                                       Port 3    50 Ω Load
                                       Port 4

                                                 50 Ω Load

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TEST REPORT                                                                                      SERIAL NO: UL-RPT-RP12505086JD08C

VERSION 1.0                                                                                               ISSUE DATE: 04 JANUARY 2019

Test Setup Diagrams (continued)
Radiated Tests:
Test Setup for Transmitter Radiated Emissions

       USB Multiport
                                     Ethernet Router                     PHF


         Keyboard                          EUT                        Antenna &                 Low Pass Filter       Test Receiver

                                                                  Single Phase AC
           Mouse                      Power Supply

     USB Multiport
                               Ethernet Router              PHF


                                                                                RF Attenuator
      Keyboard                      EUT                                            and/or                 Amplifier      Test Receiver
                                                                                  RF Filter

                                                       Single Phase AC
        Mouse                  Power Supply

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TEST REPORT                                                                                    SERIAL NO: UL-RPT-RP12505086JD08C

VERSION 1.0                                                                                             ISSUE DATE: 04 JANUARY 2019

Test Setup Diagrams (continued)
Test Setup for Transmitter Radiated Emissions (continued)

    USB Multiport
                                   Ethernet Router            PHF


     Keyboard                           EUT                                 HIgh Pass Filter         Amplifier           Test Receiver

       Mouse                                             Single Phase AC
                                   Power Supply

            USB Multiport
                                       Ethernet Router         PHF


             Keyboard                       EUT                             HIgh Pass Filter      Amplifier      Test Receiver

               Mouse                                      Single Phase AC
                                        Power Supply

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TEST REPORT                                                        SERIAL NO: UL-RPT-RP12505086JD08C

VERSION 1.0                                                               ISSUE DATE: 04 JANUARY 2019

4. Antenna Port Test Results
4.1. Transmitter Minimum 6 dB Bandwidth
Test Summary:

Test Engineer:                      Victor Carmon                 Test Date:      09 November 2018
Test Sample Serial Number:          C02WW00WKFMM

FCC Reference:                      Part 15.247(a)(2)
Test Method Used:                   FCC KDB 558074 Section 8.2 referencing ANSI C63.10 Section 11.8.1

Environmental Conditions:

Temperature (°C):                   23
Relative Humidity (%):              47


1. 6 dB DTS bandwidth tests were performed using a spectrum analyser in accordance with ANSI C63.10
   Section 11.8.1 Option 1 measurement procedure. The spectrum analyser resolution bandwidth was set
   to 100 kHz and video bandwidth 300 kHz. A peak detector was used, sweep time was set to auto and
   the trace mode was Max Hold. The DTS bandwidth was measured at 6 dB down from the peak of the
2. The spectrum analyser was connected to the RF port on the EUT using suitable attenuation and RF

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TEST REPORT                                                                                                                         SERIAL NO: UL-RPT-RP12505086JD08C

VERSION 1.0                                                                                                                                        ISSUE DATE: 04 JANUARY 2019

Transmitter Minimum 6 dB Bandwidth (continued)
Results: LE

                                                  6 dB Bandwidth                               Limit                                       Margin
          Channel                                                                                                                                                                 Result
                                                       (kHz)                                   (kHz)                                       (kHz)
               Bottom                                      730.769                             ≥500                                        230.769                              Complied
               Middle                                      725.962                             ≥500                                        225.962                              Complied
                Top                                        735.577                             ≥500                                        235.577                              Complied

                                                   *RBW 100 kHz   Marker 1 [T1 ]                                                                    *RBW 100 kHz   Marker 1 [T1 ]
                                                   *VBW 300 kHz              -1.77 dBm                                                              *VBW 300 kHz              -1.74 dBm
         Ref   30 dBm              *Att   20 dB     SWT 2.5 ms         2.401658654 GHz                    Ref   30 dBm              *Att   20 dB     SWT 2.5 ms         2.439663462 GHz
         30 Offset      12.6 dB                                   Delta 2 [T1 ]                           30 Offset      12.6 dB                                   Delta 2 [T1 ]
                                                                             -0.03 dB                                                                                         -0.02 dB
         20                                                          730.769230766 kHz A                  20                                                          725.961538462 kHz A

  1 PK                                                                                             1 PK
  VIEW                                                                                             VIEW
         10                                                                                               10
                                                                                         LVL                                                                                              LVL
                 D1 4.3 dBm                                                                                       D1 4.3 dBm
                                          1               2                                                                                1               2
         0                                                                                                0
                     D2 -1.7 dBm                                                                                      D2 -1.7 dBm

         -10                                                                                              -10

         -20                                                                                              -20

                                                                                         3DB                                                                                              3DB
         -30                                                                                              -30

         -40                                                                                              -40

         -50                                                                                              -50

         -60                                                                                              -60

         -70                                                                                              -70
         Center 2.402 GHz                     300 kHz/                     Span 3 MHz                     Center 2.44 GHz                      300 kHz/                     Span 3 MHz

  12505086                                                                                         12505086
  Date: 9.NOV.2018      15:03:17                                                                   Date: 9.NOV.2018      15:07:11

                                     Bottom Channel                                                                                    Middle Channel

                                                   *RBW 100 kHz   Marker 1 [T1 ]
                                                   *VBW 300 kHz              -2.23 dBm
         Ref   30 dBm              *Att   20 dB     SWT 2.5 ms         2.479668269 GHz
         30 Offset      12.6 dB                                   Delta 2 [T1 ]
                                                                             -0.33 dB
                                                                     735.576923073 kHz A

  1 PK
                 D1 3.8 dBm
         0                                1                2
                     D2 -2.2 dBm







         Center 2.48 GHz                      300 kHz/                     Span 3 MHz

  Date: 9.NOV.2018      15:12:56

                                          Top Channel

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TEST REPORT                                                                                                                             SERIAL NO: UL-RPT-RP12505086JD08C

VERSION 1.0                                                                                                                                            ISSUE DATE: 04 JANUARY 2019

Transmitter Minimum 6 dB Bandwidth (continued)
Results: LE2M

                                                  6 dB Bandwidth                                   Limit                                       Margin
          Channel                                                                                                                                                                         Result
                                                       (kHz)                                       (kHz)                                       (kHz)
               Bottom                                     1129.808                                 ≥500                                        629.808                                  Complied
               Middle                                     1129.808                                 ≥500                                        629.808                                  Complied
                Top                                       1129.808                                 ≥500                                        629.808                                  Complied

                                                   *RBW 100 kHz       Marker 1 [T1 ]                                                                    *RBW 100 kHz       Marker 1 [T1 ]
                                                   *VBW 300 kHz                  -2.17 dBm                                                              *VBW 300 kHz                  -2.04 dBm
         Ref   30 dBm              *Att   20 dB     SWT 2.5 ms             2.401466346 GHz                    Ref   30 dBm              *Att   20 dB     SWT 2.5 ms             2.439466346 GHz
         30 Offset      12.6 dB                                       Delta 2 [T1 ]                           30 Offset      12.6 dB                                       Delta 2 [T1 ]
                                                                                 -0.27 dB                                                                                              0.11 dB
         20                                                                1.129807692 MHz A                  20                                                                1.129807692 MHz A

  1 PK                                                                                                 1 PK
  VIEW                                                                                                 VIEW
         10                                                                                                   10
                                                                                             LVL                                                                                                  LVL
                 D1 3.9 dBm                                                                                           D1 4.1 dBm
                                    1                             2                                                                      1                             2
         0                                                                                                    0
                     D2 -2.1 dBm                                                                                          D2 -1.9 dBm

         -10                                                                                                  -10

         -20                                                                                                  -20

                                                                                             3DB                                                                                                  3DB
         -30                                                                                                  -30

         -40                                                                                                  -40

         -50                                                                                                  -50

         -60                                                                                                  -60

         -70                                                                                                  -70
         Center 2.402 GHz                     300 kHz/                         Span 3 MHz                     Center 2.44 GHz                      300 kHz/                         Span 3 MHz

  12505086                                                                                             12505086
  Date: 9.NOV.2018      15:27:11                                                                       Date: 9.NOV.2018      15:22:52

                                        Bottom Channel                                                                                       Middle Channel

                                                   *RBW 100 kHz       Marker 1 [T1 ]
                                                   *VBW 300 kHz                  -2.46 dBm
         Ref   30 dBm              *Att   20 dB     SWT 2.5 ms             2.479475962 GHz
         30 Offset      12.6 dB                                       Delta 2 [T1 ]
                                                                                 -0.11 dB
                                                                           1.129807692 MHz A

  1 PK
                 D1 3.7 dBm
         0                          1                             2
                     D2 -2.3 dBm







         Center 2.48 GHz                      300 kHz/                         Span 3 MHz

  Date: 9.NOV.2018      15:19:00

                                          Top Channel

Page 18 of 34                                                                                                                                                                                      UL VS LTD

TEST REPORT                                                                                                                   SERIAL NO: UL-RPT-RP12505086JD08C

VERSION 1.0                                                                                                                          ISSUE DATE: 04 JANUARY 2019

4.2. Transmitter Duty Cycle
Test Summary:

Test Engineer:                                    Victor Carmon                                                               Test Date:    09 November 2018
Test Sample Serial Number:                        C02WW00WKFMM

FCC Reference:                                    Part 15.35(c)
Test Method Used:                                 FCC KDB 558074 Section 6 referencing ANSI C63.10 Section 11.6

Environmental Conditions:

Temperature (°C):                                 23
Relative Humidity (%):                            47


1. In order to assist with the determination of the average level of spurious emissions field strength in LE2M
   mode, measurements were made of duty cycle to determine the transmission duration and the silent
   period time of the transmitter. The transmitter duty cycle was measured using a spectrum analyser in the
   time domain and calculated by using the following calculation:
                         10 log (1 / (On Time / [Period or 100 ms whichever is the lesser])).
                         LE2M duty cycle = 10 log (1 / (205.769 µs / 625.641 µs)) = 4.8 dB
2. The LE mode duty cycle was measured and found to be greater than 98%. No duty cycle correction is

Results: LE2M
            Pulse Duration                                                         Period                                                  Duty Cycle
                 (µs)                                                               (µs)                                                      (dB)
               205.769                                                             625.641                                                     4.8

                                                                                         RBW 2 MHz    Marker 1 [T1 ]
                                                                                        *VBW 10 MHz               0.19 dBm
                                      Ref   30 dBm                  *Att   20 dB         SWT 1 ms          -620.692308 µs
                                      30 Offset      12.6 dB                                          Delta 2 [T1 ]
                                                                                                                  4.15   dB
                                                                                                            205.769231   µs    A
                                                                                                      Delta 3 [T1 ]
                               1 PK                                                                               0.99   dB
                                      10                                                                    625.641026   µs TRG
                                                                                    2                                         LVL
                                                                1                                                 3



                                              TRG -31.6 dBm




                                      Center 2.402 GHz                             100 µs/

                               Date: 9.NOV.2018      15:54:17

UL VS LTD                                                                                                                                               Page 19 of 34

TEST REPORT                                                        SERIAL NO: UL-RPT-RP12505086JD08C

VERSION 1.0                                                               ISSUE DATE: 04 JANUARY 2019

4.3. Transmitter Maximum Peak Output Power
Test Summary:

Test Engineer:                      Victor Carmon                  Test Dates:      08 November 2018 &
                                                                                    09 November 2018
Test Sample Serial Number:          C02WW00WKFMM

FCC Reference:                      Part 15.247(b)(3)
Test Method Used:                   FCC KDB 558074 Section referencing ANSI C63.10
                                    Section and Notes below

Environmental Conditions:

Temperature (°C):                   23
Relative Humidity (%):              43 to 47


1. Conducted power tests were performed using a spectrum analyser in accordance with ANSI C63.10
   Section with the RBW ≥ DTS bandwidth procedure.
2. The spectrum analyser resolution bandwidth was set to 2 MHz (LE) or 3 MHz (LE2M) and video
   bandwidth of 10 MHz. A peak detector was used, sweep time was set to auto and trace mode was Max
   Hold. The span was set to 10 MHz. A marker was placed at the peak of the signal and the results
   recorded in the tables below.
3. The spectrum analyser was connected to the RF port on the EUT using suitable attenuation and RF
   cable. An RF level offset was entered on the spectrum analyser to compensate for the loss of the
   attenuator and RF cable.
4. The conducted power was added to the declared antenna gain to obtain the EIRP.

Page 20 of 34                                                                                  UL VS LTD

TEST REPORT                                                     SERIAL NO: UL-RPT-RP12505086JD08C

VERSION 1.0                                                              ISSUE DATE: 04 JANUARY 2019

Transmitter Maximum Peak Output Power (continued)
Results: LE

                        Conducted          Conducted Peak
     Channel            Peak Power           Power Limit                                Result
                          (dBm)                (dBm)
      Bottom                5.4                 30.0                  24.6             Complied
      Middle                5.5                 30.0                  24.5             Complied
       Top                  5.1                 30.0                  24.9             Complied

               Conducted        Declared                     De Facto
                                                 EIRP                        Margin
  Channel      Peak Power     Antenna Gain                  EIRP Limit                     Result
                                                (dBm)                         (dB)
                 (dBm)            (dBi)                       (dBm)
   Bottom         5.4                3.3          8.7          36.0           27.3       Complied
   Middle         5.5                3.3          8.8          36.0           27.2       Complied
    Top           5.1                3.3          8.4          36.0           27.6       Complied

UL VS LTD                                                                                 Page 21 of 34

TEST REPORT                                                                                                                         SERIAL NO: UL-RPT-RP12505086JD08C

VERSION 1.0                                                                                                                                         ISSUE DATE: 04 JANUARY 2019

Transmitter Maximum Peak Output Power (continued)
Results: LE
                                                      *RBW 2 MHz      Marker 1 [T1 ]                                                                    *RBW 2 MHz     Marker 1 [T1 ]
                                                      *VBW 10 MHz                 5.35 dBm                                                              *VBW 10 MHz                5.46 dBm
         Ref   30 dBm              *Att   20 dB          SWT 2.5 ms        2.402112179 GHz                Ref   30 dBm               *Att   20 dB         SWT 2.5 ms        2.440064103 GHz
         30 Offset      12.6 dB                                                                           30 Offset      12.6 dB

                                                                                             A                                                                                                A
         20                                                                                               20

  1 PK                                                                                             1 PK
  VIEW                                                                                             VIEW
         10                                                                                               10                                          1
                                                     1                                       LVL                                                                                              LVL

         0                                                                                                0

         -10                                                                                              -10

         -20                                                                                              -20

                                                                                             3DB                                                                                              3DB
         -30                                                                                              -30

         -40                                                                                              -40

         -50                                                                                              -50

         -60                                                                                              -60

         -70                                                                                              -70
         Center 2.402 GHz                         1 MHz/                      Span 10 MHz                 Center 2.44 GHz                           1 MHz/                     Span 10 MHz

  12505086                                                                                         12505086
  Date: 8.NOV.2018      15:55:31                                                                   Date: 9.NOV.2018      11:56:57

                                     Bottom Channel                                                                                     Middle Channel

                                                      *RBW 2 MHz      Marker 1 [T1 ]
                                                      *VBW 10 MHz                 5.10 dBm
         Ref   30 dBm              *Att   20 dB          SWT 2.5 ms        2.480064103 GHz
         30 Offset      12.6 dB

         20                                                                                  A

  1 PK
                                                    1                                        LVL








         Center 2.48 GHz                          1 MHz/                      Span 10 MHz

  Date: 9.NOV.2018      12:09:34

                                          Top Channel

Page 22 of 34                                                                                                                                                                                  UL VS LTD

TEST REPORT                                                     SERIAL NO: UL-RPT-RP12505086JD08C

VERSION 1.0                                                              ISSUE DATE: 04 JANUARY 2019

Transmitter Maximum Peak Output Power (continued)
Results: LE2M

                        Conducted          Conducted Peak
     Channel            Peak Power           Power Limit                                Result
                          (dBm)                (dBm)
      Bottom                5.3                 30.0                  24.7            Complied
      Middle                5.5                 30.0                  24.5            Complied
       Top                  5.4                 30.0                  24.6            Complied

               Conducted        Declared                     De Facto
                                                 EIRP                        Margin
  Channel      Peak Power     Antenna Gain                  EIRP Limit                     Result
                                                (dBm)                         (dB)
                 (dBm)            (dBi)                       (dBm)
   Bottom         5.3                3.3          8.6          36.0           27.4       Complied
   Middle         5.5                3.3          8.8          36.0           27.2       Complied
    Top           5.4                3.3          8.7          36.0           27.3       Complied

UL VS LTD                                                                                 Page 23 of 34

TEST REPORT                                                                                                                         SERIAL NO: UL-RPT-RP12505086JD08C

VERSION 1.0                                                                                                                                         ISSUE DATE: 04 JANUARY 2019

Transmitter Maximum Peak Output Power (continued)
Results: LE2M
                                                      *RBW 3 MHz      Marker 1 [T1 ]                                                                    *RBW 3 MHz      Marker 1 [T1 ]
                                                      *VBW 10 MHz                 5.32 dBm                                                              *VBW 10 MHz                 5.50 dBm
         Ref   30 dBm              *Att   20 dB          SWT 2.5 ms        2.402080128 GHz                Ref   30 dBm               *Att   20 dB          SWT 2.5 ms        2.440176282 GHz
         30 Offset      12.6 dB                                                                           30 Offset      12.6 dB

                                                                                             A                                                                                                 A
         20                                                                                               20

  1 PK                                                                                             1 PK
  VIEW                                                                                             VIEW
         10                                                                                               10                                           1
                                                     1                                       LVL                                                                                               LVL

         0                                                                                                0

         -10                                                                                              -10

         -20                                                                                              -20

                                                                                             3DB                                                                                               3DB
         -30                                                                                              -30

         -40                                                                                              -40

         -50                                                                                              -50

         -60                                                                                              -60

         -70                                                                                              -70
         Center 2.402 GHz                         1 MHz/                      Span 10 MHz                 Center 2.44 GHz                           1 MHz/                      Span 10 MHz

  12505086                                                                                         12505086
  Date: 9.NOV.2018      13:25:03                                                                   Date: 9.NOV.2018      13:20:34

                                     Bottom Channel                                                                                     Middle Channel

                                                      *RBW 3 MHz      Marker 1 [T1 ]
                                                      *VBW 10 MHz                 5.39 dBm
         Ref   30 dBm              *Att   20 dB          SWT 2.5 ms        2.480112179 GHz
         30 Offset      12.6 dB

         20                                                                                  A

  1 PK
                                                     1                                       LVL








         Center 2.48 GHz                          1 MHz/                      Span 10 MHz

  Date: 9.NOV.2018      12:12:33

                                          Top Channel

Page 24 of 34                                                                                                                                                                                   UL VS LTD

TEST REPORT                                                           SERIAL NO: UL-RPT-RP12505086JD08C

VERSION 1.0                                                                  ISSUE DATE: 04 JANUARY 2019

5. Radiated Test Results
5.1 Transmitter Radiated Emissions <1 GHz
Test Summary:

Test Engineer:                       Mark Perry                       Test Dates:     16 November 2018 &
                                                                                      23 November 2018
Test Sample Serial Number:           C02X200XKFLX

FCC Reference:                      Parts 15.247(d) & 15.209(a)
Test Method Used:                   ANSI C63.10 Sections 6.3 and 6.5
Frequency Range                     30 MHz to 1000 MHz

Environmental Conditions:

Temperature (°C):                    22 to 24
Relative Humidity (%):               40 to 46


1. The final measured value, for the given emission, in the table below incorporates the calibrated antenna
   factor and cable loss.
2. All other emissions shown on the pre-scans were investigated and found to be ambient, or > 20 dB
   below the appropriate limit or below the noise floor of the measurement system.
3. The preliminary scans showed similar emission levels below 1 GHz, for each channel of operation.
   Therefore final radiated emissions measurements were performed with the EUT set to the middle
   channel only.
4. Measurements below 1 GHz were performed in a semi-anechoic chamber (Asset Number K0001) at a
   distance of 3 metres. The EUT was placed at a height of 80 cm above the reference ground plane in the
   centre of the chamber turntable. Maximum emission levels were determined by height searching the
   measurement antenna over the range 1 metre to 4 metres.
5. Pre-scans were performed and markers placed on the highest measured levels. The test receiver
   resolution bandwidth was set to 120 kHz and video bandwidth 500 kHz. A peak detector was used,
   sweep time was set to auto and trace mode was Max Hold.
6. Final measurements were performed on the marker frequencies and the results entered into the table
   below. The test receiver resolution bandwidth was set to 120 kHz, using a CISPR quasi-peak detector
   and span wide enough to see the whole emission.

UL VS LTD                                                                                        Page 25 of 34

TEST REPORT                                                                                                             SERIAL NO: UL-RPT-RP12505086JD08C

VERSION 1.0                                                                                                                      ISSUE DATE: 04 JANUARY 2019

Transmitter Radiated Emissions (continued)
Results: Peak / Middle Channel / LE2M

  Frequency             Antenna                            Level                                     Limit                       Margin
    (MHz)               Polarity                         (dBµV/m)                                  (dBµV/m)                       (dB)
     47.125              Vertical                                25.1                                40.0                         14.9          Complied
     53.827              Vertical                                14.0                                40.0                         26.0          Complied
     80.260              Vertical                                23.0                                40.0                         17.0          Complied
    125.000              Vertical                                19.0                                43.5                         24.5          Complied
    240.018            Horizontal                                29.4                                46.0                         16.6          Complied
    263.947              Vertical                                19.3                                46.0                         26.7          Complied

                                                                                     *RBW 120 kHz   Marker 1 [T1 ]
                                                                                     *VBW 500 kHz             36.79 dBµV
                                        Ref   70 dBµV                  *Att   0 dB    SWT 165 ms       988.823953633 MHz
                                        70 Offset       0.5 dB         100 MHz                      Marker 2 [T1 ] 1 GHz
                                                                                                              33.22 dBµV
                                                                                                        47.028607485 MHz A
                                                                                                    Marker 3 [T1 ]
                                 1 PK                                                                         30.33 dBµV
                                 VIEW                                                                  239.944198796 MHz
                                                                                                    Marker 4 [T1 ]
                                                                                                              26.10 dBµV TDF
                                        FCC PT15
                                        40                                                              78.865872805 MHz1
                                                   2                                                                       LNA
                                        30                         4


                                        10                                                                                 AC




                                        Start 30 MHz                                                         Stop 1 GHz

                                Date: 23.NOV.2018       15:32:34

Note: This plot is a pre-scan and for indication purposes only. For final measurements, see accompanying table.

Page 26 of 34                                                                                                                                      UL VS LTD

TEST REPORT                                                            SERIAL NO: UL-RPT-RP12505086JD08C

VERSION 1.0                                                                   ISSUE DATE: 04 JANUARY 2019

5.2 Transmitter Radiated Emissions >1 GHz
Test Summary:

Test Engineers:                      Marco Zunarelli &                 Test Dates:     14 November 2018 to
                                     Andrew Harding                                    16 November 2018
Test Sample Serial Number:           C02WW00PKFMM

FCC Reference:                       Parts 15.247(d) & 15.209(a)
Test Method Used:                    FCC KDB 558074 Sections 8.1 c)3), 8.5 & 8.6 referencing ANSI
                                     C63.10 Sections 6.3, 6.6, 11.11 & 11.12
Frequency Range                      1 GHz to 25 GHz

Environmental Conditions:

Temperature (°C):                    22 to 23
Relative Humidity (%):               44


1. The final measured value, for the given emission, in the table below incorporates the calibrated antenna
   factor and cable loss.
2. The emission shown on the 1 GHz to 3 GHz plot is the EUT fundamental.
3. No spurious emissions were detected above the noise floor of the measuring receiver therefore the
   highest peak and average noise floor readings of the measuring receiver were recorded as shown in the
   tables below.
4. All other emissions shown on the pre-scans were investigated and found to be ambient, or >20 dB below
   the appropriate limit or below the noise floor of the measurement system.
5. Pre-scans above 1 GHz were performed in a fully anechoic chamber (Asset Number K0001) at a
   distance of 3 metres. The EUT was placed at a height of 1.5 metres above the test chamber floor in the
   centre of the chamber turntable. All measurement antennas were placed at a fixed height of 1.5 metres
   above the test chamber floor, in line with the EUT.
6. Pre-scans were performed and a marker placed on the highest measured level of the appropriate plot.
   The test receiver resolution bandwidth was set to 1 MHz and video bandwidth 3 MHz. The sweep time
   was set to auto. Peak and average measurements were performed with their own appropriate detectors
   during the pre-scan measurements.

Results: Peak / Middle Channel / LE2M

  Frequency          Antenna           Peak Level         Peak Limit          Margin
    (MHz)            Polarity           (dBµV/m)          (dBµV/m)             (dB)
   2861.000           Vertical            53.0               74.0              21.0            Complied

Results: Average / Middle Channel / LE2M

  Frequency          Antenna         Average Level       Average Limit        Margin
    (MHz)            Polarity          (dBµV/m)            (dBµV/m)            (dB)
   2807.500           Vertical            45.7               54.0               8.3            Complied

UL VS LTD                                                                                        Page 27 of 34

TEST REPORT                                                                                                                         SERIAL NO: UL-RPT-RP12505086JD08C

VERSION 1.0                                                                                                                                            ISSUE DATE: 04 JANUARY 2019

Transmitter Radiated Emissions (continued)
                                                           *RBW 1 MHz   Marker 1 [T1 ]                                                                  *RBW 1 MHz   Marker 1 [T1 ]
                                                           *VBW 3 MHz             51.25 dBµV                                                            *VBW 3 MHz             49.82 dBµV
           Ref     130 dBµV             *Att   10 dB        SWT 20 ms        1.115500000 GHz                 Ref   80 dBµV              *Att   10 dB     SWT 45 ms        7.647500000 GHz
           130 Offset        9.9 dB                                     Marker 2 [T1 ]                       80 Offset    1.1 dB                                     Marker 2 [T2 ]
                                                                                  52.98 dBµV                         D1 74 dBµV                                                43.51 dBµV
                                                                             2.861000000 GHz A               70                                                           7.660000000 GHz A
                                                                        Marker 3 [T2 ]
  1 PK                                                                            44.36 dBµV          1 PK
  VIEW                                                                       1.072000000 GHz          VIEW
           110                                                                                               60
                                                                                             LVL                                                                                            LVL
                                                                        Marker 4 [T2 ]
  2 RM *                                                                          45.73 dBµV TDF      2 RM *              D2 54 dBµV                                               1
  VIEW 100                                                                                            VIEW 50                                                                               TDF
                                                                             2.807500000 GHz

           90                                                                                                40

           80                                                                                                30

                       D1 74 dBµV                                                               3DB                                                                                         3DB
           70                                                                                   AC           20                                                                             AC

           60                                                                                                10
                   1      D2 54 dBµV
           50                                                                       4                        0

           40                                                                                                -10

           30                                                                                                -20
           Start 1 GHz                                200 MHz/                   Stop 3 GHz                  Start 3 GHz                           500 MHz/                   Stop 8 GHz

  12505086                                                                                            12505086
  Date: 14.NOV.2018          23:22:26                                                                 Date: 15.NOV.2018      00:04:08

                                                           *RBW 1 MHz   Marker 1 [T1 ]                                                                  *RBW 1 MHz   Marker 1 [T1 ]
                                                           *VBW 3 MHz             48.78 dBµV                                                            *VBW 3 MHz             46.15 dBµV
           Ref     80 dBµV              *Att   0 dB         SWT 85 ms       17.998500000 GHz                 Ref   80 dBµV              *Att   10 dB     SWT 60 ms       24.902500000 GHz
           80 Offset        1.2 dB                                      Marker 2 [T2 ]                       80                                                      Marker 2 [T2 ]
                       D1 75 dBµV                                                 43.85 dBµV                         D1 74 dBµV                                                40.28 dBµV
           70                                                               17.843500000 GHz A               70                                                          24.782000000 GHz A

  1 PK                                                                                                1 PK
  VIEW                                                                                                VIEW
           60                                                                                                60
  2 RM *                  D2 54 dBµV                                                                  2 RM *              D2 54 dBµV
  VIEW                                                                                      1TDF      VIEW 50                                                                               TDF
           50                                                                                                                                                                          1
           40                                                                                                40

           30                                                                                                30

                                                                                                3DB                                                                                         3DB
           20                                                                                   AC           20                                                                             AC

           10                                                                                                10

           0                                                                                                 0

           -10                                                                                               -10

           -20                                                                                               -20
           Start 8 GHz                                 1 GHz/                   Stop 18 GHz                  Start 18 GHz                          700 MHz/                  Stop 25 GHz

  12505086                                                                                            12505086
  Date: 16.NOV.2018          03:16:09                                                                 Date: 15.NOV.2018      03:02:03

Page 28 of 34                                                                                                                                                                                UL VS LTD

TEST REPORT                                                SERIAL NO: UL-RPT-RP12505086JD08C

VERSION 1.0                                                       ISSUE DATE: 04 JANUARY 2019

5.3 Transmitter Band Edge Radiated Emissions
Test Summary:

Test Engineers:              Andrew Harding &              Test Dates:   09 November 2018 to
                             John Ferdinand                              04 January 2019
Test Sample Serial Number:   C02X200XKFLX

FCC Reference:               Parts 15.247(d) & 15.209(a)
Test Method Used:            KDB 558074 Section 8.7 referencing ANSI C63.10
                             Sections 11.11, 11.12 & 11.13

Environmental Conditions:

Temperature (°C):            23 to 25
Relative Humidity (%):       31 to 41

UL VS LTD                                                                          Page 29 of 34

TEST REPORT                                                            SERIAL NO: UL-RPT-RP12505086JD08C

VERSION 1.0                                                                   ISSUE DATE: 04 JANUARY 2019

Transmitter Band Edge Radiated Emissions (continued)

1. The final measured value, for the given emission, in the table below incorporates the calibrated antenna
   factor and cable loss.
2. The maximum peak conducted output power was previously measured. In accordance with ANSI C63.10
   Section 11.11.1(a), the lower band edge measurement was performed with a peak detector and the -20
   dBc limit applied.
3. As the lower band edge is adjacent to a non-restricted band, only peak measurements are required. In
   accordance with ANSI C63.10 Section 11.11.1, the test method in Section 11.11.3 was followed: the test
   receiver resolution bandwidth was set to 100 kHz and video bandwidth 300 kHz. A peak detector was
   used, sweep time was set to auto and trace mode was Max Hold. The test receiver was left to sweep for
   a sufficient length of time in order to maximise the carrier level and out-of-band emissions. A marker and
   corresponding reference level line were placed on the peak of the carrier. As the maximum peak
   conducted output power was measured using an peak detector in accordance with ANSI C63.10 Section an out-of-band limit line was placed 20 dB (ANSI C63.10 Section 11.11.1(a)) below the peak
   level. A marker was placed on the band edge spot frequencies. Marker frequency and levels were
4. As the upper band edge is adjacent to a restricted band, both peak and average measurements were
   recorded by placing a marker at the edge of the band. For peak measurements the test receiver
   resolution bandwidth was set to 1 MHz and the video bandwidth 3 MHz. A peak detector was used,
   sweep time was set to auto and trace mode was Max Hold. For average measurements the test receiver
   resolution bandwidth was set to 1 MHz and the video bandwidth 3 MHz. An RMS detector was used,
   sweep time was set to auto and trace mode was trace averaging over 300 sweeps. A marker was placed
   on the band edge spot frequencies and a second marker placed on the highest emission level in the
   adjacent restricted band of operation (where a higher level emission was present). Marker frequencies
   and levels were recorded.
5. There is a restricted band 10 MHz below the lower band edge. The test receiver was set up as follows:
   the RBW set to 1 MHz, the VBW set to 3 MHz, with the sweep time set to auto couple. Peak and
   average measurements were performed with peak and RMS detectors respectively. Markers were
   placed on the highest point on each trace.
6. * -20 dBc limit.
7. **For the LE2M upper band average result, the integration method was used in accordance with ANSI
   C63.10 Section As the EUT had a duty cycle < 98% the duty cycle correction factor has been
   applied. The corrected level is shown below:
                      Upper Band Average result + duty cycle = Corrected band edge level
                      Corrected band edge level at 2483.5 MHz : 43.9 + 4.8 = 48.7 dBµV/m

Page 30 of 34                                                                                       UL VS LTD

TEST REPORT                                                 SERIAL NO: UL-RPT-RP12505086JD08C

VERSION 1.0                                                       ISSUE DATE: 04 JANUARY 2019

Transmitter Band Edge Radiated Emissions (continued)
Results: Peak / LE

  Frequency          Antenna      Level          Limit            Margin
    (MHz)            Polarity   (dBµV/m)       (dBµV/m)            (dB)
   2400.000          Vertical      53.5          89.7*              36.2         Complied
   2483.500          Vertical      56.2           74.0              17.8         Complied
   2483.740          Vertical      56.4           74.0              17.6         Complied

Results: Average / LE

  Frequency          Antenna      Level          Limit            Margin
    (MHz)            Polarity   (dBµV/m)       (dBµV/m)            (dB)
   2483.500          Vertical      43.4           54.0              10.6         Complied

Results: 2310 MHz to 2390 MHz Restricted Band / Peak / LE
  Frequency          Antenna      Level           Limit           Margin
    (MHz)            Polarity   (dBµV/m)        (dBµV/m)           (dB)
   2321.795          Vertical      52.0           74.0              22.0         Complied

Results: 2310 MHz to 2390 MHz Restricted Band / Average / LE

  Frequency          Antenna      Level           Limit           Margin
    (MHz)            Polarity   (dBµV/m)        (dBµV/m)           (dB)

   2364.744          Vertical      40.3           54.0              13.7         Complied

UL VS LTD                                                                          Page 31 of 34

TEST REPORT                                                                                                                                    SERIAL NO: UL-RPT-RP12505086JD08C

VERSION 1.0                                                                                                                                                        ISSUE DATE: 04 JANUARY 2019

Transmitter Band Edge Radiated Emissions (continued)
Results: LE
                                                               *RBW 100 kHz      Marker 1 [T1 ]                                                                          *RBW 1 MHz    Marker 1 [T1 ]
                                                               *VBW 300 kHz                53.47 dBµV                                                                    *VBW 3 MHz              56.23 dBµV
           Ref   120 dBµV                 *Att   10 dB          SWT 20 ms             2.400000000 GHz                Ref   120 dBµV                 *Att   10 dB          SWT 2.5 ms        2.483500000 GHz
           120 Offset      10.3 dB                                                                                   120 Offset      10.3 dB                                           Marker 2 [T1 ]
                                                                                                                                                                                                 56.38 dBµV
           110         D1 109.7 dBµV                                                                    A
                                                                                                                     110                                                                    2.483740385 GHz A
                                                                                                                                                                                       Marker 3 [T2 ]
  1 PK                                                                                                        1 PK                                                                               43.41 dBµV
  VIEW                                                                                                        VIEW                                                                          2.483500000 GHz
           100                                                                                                       100
                                                                                                        LVL                                                                                                   LVL
                                                                                                              2 RM *
                                                                                                        TDF   VIEW 90                                                                                         TDF
           90             D2 89.7 dBµV

           80                                                                                                        80

                                                                                                                                 D1 74 dBµV
           70                                                                                                        70
                                                                                                                           SWP     300 of     300
                                                                                                        3DB                                                                                                   6DB
           60                                                                                           AC           60                                              2
                                                                                                                                                                     1                                        AC
                                                                                                                                    D2 54 dBµV
           50                                                                                                        50

           40                                                                                                        40

           30                                                                                                        30
                                                          F1                                                                                                        F1
           20                                                                                                        20
           Center 2.4 GHz                                5 MHz/                          Span 50 MHz                 Center 2.4835 GHz                             5 MHz/                      Span 50 MHz

  12550172                                                                                                    12550172
  Date: 9.NOV.2018         02:06:20                                                                           Date: 9.NOV.2018      02:32:57

                                           Lower Band Edge                                                                                           Upper Band Edge

                                                               *RBW 1 MHz        Marker 1 [T1 ]
                                                               *VBW 3 MHz                  52.04 dBµV
           Ref   120 dBµV                 *Att   10 dB          SWT 2.5 ms            2.321794872 GHz
           120 Offset      10.3 dB                                               Marker 2 [T2 ]
                                                                                           40.33 dBµV
                                                                                      2.364743590 GHz A

  1 PK
  2 RM *
  VIEW                                                                                                  TDF


                       D1 74 dBµV
                 SWP     300 of     300
           60                                                                                           AC

                          D2 54 dBµV



           Start 2.31 GHz                                8 MHz/                        Stop 2.39 GHz

  Date: 9.NOV.2018         02:15:20

            2310 MHz to 2390 MHz Restricted Band

Page 32 of 34                                                                                                                                                                                                  UL VS LTD

TEST REPORT                                                       SERIAL NO: UL-RPT-RP12505086JD08C

VERSION 1.0                                                                ISSUE DATE: 04 JANUARY 2019

Transmitter Band Edge Radiated Emissions (continued)
Results: Peak / LE2M

  Frequency         Antenna              Level           Limit             Margin
    (MHz)           Polarity           (dBµV/m)        (dBµV/m)             (dB)
   2400.000          Vertical            76.6            89.6*              13.0            Complied
   2483.500          Vertical            72.4            74.0                1.6            Complied

Results: Average / LE2M

                                        Duty cycle   Corrected
Frequency     Antenna        Level                                  Limit          Margin
                                        correction     Level                                   Result
  (MHz)       Polarity     (dBµV/m)                               (dBµV/m)          (dB)
                                           (dB)      (dBµV/m)
2483.500      Vertical          43.9       4.8        48.7**        54.0            5.3      Complied

Results: 2310 MHz to 2390 MHz Restricted Band / Peak / LE2M

  Frequency         Antenna              Level           Limit             Margin
    (MHz)           Polarity           (dBµV/m)        (dBµV/m)             (dB)
   2369.615          Vertical            52.3            74.0               21.7            Complied

Results: 2310 MHz to 2390 MHz Restricted Band / Average / LE2M

  Frequency         Antenna              Level           Limit             Margin
    (MHz)           Polarity           (dBµV/m)        (dBµV/m)             (dB)
   2365.000          Vertical            39.9            54.0               14.1            Complied

UL VS LTD                                                                                    Page 33 of 34

TEST REPORT                                                                                                                                          SERIAL NO: UL-RPT-RP12505086JD08C

VERSION 1.0                                                                                                                                                           ISSUE DATE: 04 JANUARY 2019

Transmitter Band Edge Radiated Emissions (continued)
Results: LE2M
                                                               *RBW 100 kHz       Marker 1 [T1 ]                                                                            *RBW 1 MHz     Marker 1 [T1 ]
                                                               *VBW 300 kHz                 76.57 dBµV                                                                      *VBW 3 MHz               72.38 dBµV
           Ref   120 dBµV                 *Att   10 dB          SWT 20 ms              2.400000000 GHz                  Ref   120 dBµV                 *Att   10 dB          SWT 2.5 ms         2.483500000 GHz
           120 Offset      10.3 dB                                                                                      120 Offset      10.3 dB                                            Marker 2 [T2 ]
                                                                                                                                                                                                     50.14 dBµV
           110         D1 109.6 dBµV                                                                     A              110
                                                                                                                                                                                                2.483500000 GHz A

  1 PK                                                                                                         1 PK
  VIEW                                                                                                         VIEW
           100                                                                                                          100
                                                                                                         LVL                                                                                                      LVL
                                                                                                               2 RM *
                                                                                                         TDF   VIEW                                                                                               TDF
           90             D2 89.6 dBµV                                                                                  90

           80                                              1                                                            80
                                                                                                                                    D1 74 dBµV
           70                                                                                                           70
                                                                                                                              SWP     300 of     300
                                                                                                         3DB                                                                                                      6DB
           60                                                                                            AC             60                                                                                        AC

                                                                                                                                       D2 54 dBµV                       2
           50                                                                                                           50

           40                                                                                                           40

           30                                                                                                           30
                                                          F1                                                                                                           F1
           20                                                                                                           20
           Center 2.4 GHz                                5 MHz/                           Span 50 MHz                   Center 2.4835 GHz                             5 MHz/                       Span 50 MHz

  12550172                                                                                                     12550172
  Date: 9.NOV.2018         02:49:18                                                                            Date: 4.JAN.2019        07:44:59

                                           Lower Band Edge                                                                                              Upper Band Edge

                                                               *RBW 1 MHz         Marker 1 [T1 ]                                                                            *RBW 100 kHz   Marker 1 [T1 ]
                                                               *VBW 3 MHz                   52.33 dBµV                                                                      *VBW 300 kHz             36.25 dBµV
           Ref   120 dBµV                 *Att   10 dB          SWT 2.5 ms             2.369615385 GHz                  Ref   120 dBµV                 *Att   10 dB          SWT 2.5 ms         2.483500000 GHz
           120 Offset      10.3 dB                                                Marker 2 [T2 ]                        120 Offset      10.3 dB                                            CH PWR    43.90 dBµV
                                                                                            39.89 dBµV                                                                                     Marker 2 [T1 ]
                                                                                       2.365000000 GHz A                110
                                                                                                                                                                                                     31.17 dBµV A
                                                                                                                                                                                                2.484500000 GHz
  1 PK                                                                                                         1 RM *
  VIEW                                                                                                         VIEW
           100                                                                                                          100
                                                                                                         LVL                                                                                                      LVL
  2 RM *
  VIEW                                                                                                   TDF                                                                                                      TDF
           90                                                                                                           90

           80                                                                                                           80

                       D1 74 dBµV
           70                                                                                                           70
                 SWP     300 of     300                                                                                       SWP     300 of     300
                                                                                                         3DB                                                                                                      6DB
           60                                                                                            AC             60                                                                                        AC
                          D2 54 dBµV                                                                                                D1 54 dBµV
           50                                                                                                           50

           40                                                                                                           40                       1
           30                                                                                                           30
           20                                                                                                           20
           Start 2.31 GHz                                8 MHz/                         Stop 2.39 GHz                   Center 2.484 GHz                          200 kHz/                          Span 2 MHz

  12550172                                                                                                     12550172
  Date: 9.NOV.2018         02:59:40                                                                            Date: 4.JAN.2019        08:01:00

            2310 MHz to 2390 MHz Restricted Band                                                                         Upper Band Edge Average / Integrated

                                                                                               --- END OF REPORT ---

Page 34 of 34                                                                                                                                                                                                      UL VS LTD

Document Created: 2019-03-26 07:29:45
Document Modified: 2019-03-26 07:29:45

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