WLAN 2.4GHz Part 3


Test Report

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TEST REPORT                                              SERIAL NO: UL-RPT-RP12718494JD09A

VERSION 2.0                                                 ISSUE DATE: 17 SEPTEMBER 2019

Transmitter Maximum (Average) Output Power (continued)
Results: 802.11n / HT20 / BPSK / MCS0 / SISO / Core 0

                 Channel 1                                    Channel 2

                 Channel 3                                    Channel 6

Page 88 of 162                                                                    UL VS LTD

TEST REPORT                                              SERIAL NO: UL-RPT-RP12718494JD09A

VERSION 2.0                                                 ISSUE DATE: 17 SEPTEMBER 2019

Transmitter Maximum (Average) Output Power (continued)
Results: 802.11n / HT20 / BPSK / MCS0 / SISO / Core 0

                 Channel 7                                   Channel 11

                 Channel 12                                  Channel 13

UL VS LTD                                                                      Page 89 of 162

TEST REPORT                                                   SERIAL NO: UL-RPT-RP12718494JD09A

VERSION 2.0                                                        ISSUE DATE: 17 SEPTEMBER 2019

Transmitter Maximum (Average) Output Power (continued)
Results: 802.11b / 20 MHz / MIMO / 2Tx CDD / DBPSK / 1 Mbps
Conducted Peak Limit Comparison
                 Conducted    Conducted      Combined    Conducted
                 Peak Power   Peak Power    Conducted       Peak         Margin
  Channel                                                                              Result
                   Core 0       Core 2      Peak Power   Power Limit      (dB)
                   (dBm)        (dBm)         (dBm)        (dBm)
      1             18.6         18.4          21.5         30.0           8.5        Complied
      2             19.8         19.9          22.9         30.0           7.1        Complied
      3             21.6         21.7          24.7         30.0           5.3        Complied
      6             22.7         22.4          25.6         30.0           4.4        Complied
      7             22.9         23.0          26.0         30.0           4.0        Complied
      11            18.8         19.0          21.9         30.0           8.1        Complied
      12            16.7         17.1          19.9         30.0          10.1        Complied
      13            14.9         15.1          18.0         30.0          12.0        Complied

EIRP Limit Comparison
                              Directional                 De Facto
                 Conducted                     EIRP                      Margin
  Channel                      Antenna                   EIRP Limit                    Result
                 Peak Power                   (dBm)                       (dB)
                              Gain (dBi)                   (dBm)
      1             21.5          4.6          26.1         36.0           9.9        Complied
      2             22.9          4.6          27.5         36.0           8.5        Complied
      3             24.7          4.6          29.3         36.0           6.7        Complied
      6             25.6          4.6          30.2         36.0           5.8        Complied
      7             26.0          4.6          30.6         36.0           5.4        Complied
      11            21.9          4.6          26.5         36.0           9.5        Complied
      12            19.9          4.6          24.5         36.0          11.5        Complied
      13            18.0          4.6          22.6         36.0          13.4        Complied

Page 90 of 162                                                                          UL VS LTD

TEST REPORT                                               SERIAL NO: UL-RPT-RP12718494JD09A

VERSION 2.0                                                  ISSUE DATE: 17 SEPTEMBER 2019

Transmitter Maximum (Average) Output Power (continued)
Results: 802.11b / 20 MHz / MIMO / 2Tx CDD / DBPSK / 1 Mbps / Core 0

                 Channel 1
                                                               Channel 2

                 Channel 3                                     Channel 6

UL VS LTD                                                                       Page 91 of 162

TEST REPORT                                               SERIAL NO: UL-RPT-RP12718494JD09A

VERSION 2.0                                                  ISSUE DATE: 17 SEPTEMBER 2019

Transmitter Maximum (Average) Output Power (continued)
Results: 802.11b / 20 MHz / MIMO / 2Tx CDD / DBPSK / 1 Mbps / Core 0

                 Channel 7                                    Channel 11

                 Channel 12                                   Channel 13

Page 92 of 162                                                                     UL VS LTD

TEST REPORT                                               SERIAL NO: UL-RPT-RP12718494JD09A

VERSION 2.0                                                  ISSUE DATE: 17 SEPTEMBER 2019

Transmitter Maximum (Average) Output Power (continued)
Results: 802.11b / 20 MHz / MIMO / 2Tx CDD / DBPSK / 1 Mbps / Core 2

                 Channel 1                                     Channel 2

                 Channel 3                                     Channel 6

UL VS LTD                                                                       Page 93 of 162

TEST REPORT                                               SERIAL NO: UL-RPT-RP12718494JD09A

VERSION 2.0                                                  ISSUE DATE: 17 SEPTEMBER 2019

Transmitter Maximum (Average) Output Power (continued)
Results: 802.11b / 20 MHz / MIMO / 2Tx CDD / DBPSK / 1 Mbps / Core 2

                 Channel 7                                    Channel 11

                 Channel 12                                   Channel 13

Page 94 of 162                                                                     UL VS LTD

TEST REPORT                                                                SERIAL NO: UL-RPT-RP12718494JD09A

VERSION 2.0                                                                   ISSUE DATE: 17 SEPTEMBER 2019

Transmitter Maximum (Average) Output Power (continued)
Results: 802.11b / 20 MHz / MIMO / 3Tx CDD / DBPSK / 1 Mbps
Conducted Peak Limit Comparison
                                     Conducted                   Conducted                 Conducted
          Channel                 Peak Power Core 0           Peak Power Core 1         Peak Power Core 2
                                        (dBm)                       (dBm)                     (dBm)
                1                         17.4                      17.2                       17.3
                2                         18.7                      18.3                       18.4
                3                         20.1                      20.0                       20.2
                6                         22.3                      22.4                       22.1
                7                         22.1                      22.4                       22.1
                11                        17.7                      17.6                       17.7
                12                        16.3                      16.4                       16.4
                13                        14.8                      14.9                       15.2

                                                  Conducted Peak
                               Conducted                                     Margin
     Channel                                        Power Limit                                 Result
                               Peak Power                                     (dB)
            1                     22.1                 30.0                   7.9              Complied
            2                     23.2                 30.0                   6.8              Complied
            3                     24.9                 30.0                   5.1              Complied
            6                     27.0                 30.0                   3.0              Complied
            7                     27.0                 30.0                   3.0              Complied
          11                      22.4                 30.0                   7.6              Complied
          12                      21.1                 30.0                   8.9              Complied
          13                      19.7                 30.0                   10.3             Complied

EIRP Limit Comparison
                                    Directional                     De Facto
                     Conducted                         EIRP                           Margin
  Channel                            Antenna                       EIRP Limit                         Result
                     Peak Power                       (dBm)                            (dB)
                                    Gain (dBi)                       (dBm)
     1                  22.1             4.6           26.7           36.0             9.3        Complied
     2                  23.2             4.6           27.8           36.0             8.2        Complied
     3                  24.9             4.6           29.5           36.0             6.5        Complied
     6                  27.0             4.6           31.6           36.0             4.4        Complied
     7                  27.0             4.6           31.6           36.0             4.4        Complied
     11                 22.4             4.6           27.0           36.0             9.0        Complied
     12                 21.1             4.6           25.7           36.0             10.3       Complied
     13                 19.7             4.6           24.3           36.0             11.7       Complied

UL VS LTD                                                                                        Page 95 of 162

TEST REPORT                                               SERIAL NO: UL-RPT-RP12718494JD09A

VERSION 2.0                                                  ISSUE DATE: 17 SEPTEMBER 2019

Transmitter Maximum (Average) Output Power (continued)
Results: 802.11b / 20 MHz / MIMO / 3Tx CDD / DBPSK / 1 Mbps / Core 0

                 Channel 1                                     Channel 2

                 Channel 3                                     Channel 6

Page 96 of 162                                                                     UL VS LTD

TEST REPORT                                               SERIAL NO: UL-RPT-RP12718494JD09A

VERSION 2.0                                                  ISSUE DATE: 17 SEPTEMBER 2019

Transmitter Maximum (Average) Output Power (continued)
Results: 802.11b / 20 MHz / MIMO / 3Tx CDD / DBPSK / 1 Mbps / Core 0

                 Channel 7                                    Channel 11

                Channel 12                                    Channel 13

UL VS LTD                                                                       Page 97 of 162

TEST REPORT                                               SERIAL NO: UL-RPT-RP12718494JD09A

VERSION 2.0                                                  ISSUE DATE: 17 SEPTEMBER 2019

Transmitter Maximum (Average) Output Power (continued)
Results: 802.11b / 20 MHz / MIMO / 3Tx CDD / DBPSK / 1 Mbps / Core 1

                 Channel 1                                     Channel 2

                 Channel 3                                     Channel 6

Page 98 of 162                                                                     UL VS LTD

TEST REPORT                                               SERIAL NO: UL-RPT-RP12718494JD09A

VERSION 2.0                                                  ISSUE DATE: 17 SEPTEMBER 2019

Transmitter Maximum (Average) Output Power (continued)
Results: 802.11b / 20 MHz / MIMO / 3Tx CDD / DBPSK / 1 Mbps / Core 1

                 Channel 7                                    Channel 11

                Channel 12                                    Channel 13

UL VS LTD                                                                       Page 99 of 162

TEST REPORT                                               SERIAL NO: UL-RPT-RP12718494JD09A

VERSION 2.0                                                  ISSUE DATE: 17 SEPTEMBER 2019

Transmitter Maximum (Average) Output Power (continued)
Results: 802.11b / 20 MHz / MIMO / 3Tx CDD / DBPSK / 1 Mbps / Core 2

                  Channel 1                                    Channel 2

                  Channel 3                                    Channel 6

Page 100 of 162                                                                    UL VS LTD

TEST REPORT                                               SERIAL NO: UL-RPT-RP12718494JD09A

VERSION 2.0                                                  ISSUE DATE: 17 SEPTEMBER 2019

Transmitter Maximum (Average) Output Power (continued)
Results: 802.11b / 20 MHz / MIMO / 3Tx CDD / DBPSK / 1 Mbps / Core 2

                 Channel 7                                    Channel 11

                Channel 12                                    Channel 13

UL VS LTD                                                                      Page 101 of 162

TEST REPORT                                                    SERIAL NO: UL-RPT-RP12718494JD09A

VERSION 2.0                                                         ISSUE DATE: 17 SEPTEMBER 2019

Transmitter Maximum (Average) Output Power (continued)
Results: 802.11n / HT20 / MIMO / 2Tx CDD / BPSK / MCS0
Conducted Peak Limit Comparison
                  Conducted    Conducted      Combined    Conducted
                  Peak Power   Peak Power    Conducted       Peak         Margin
  Channel                                                                               Result
                    Core 0       Core 2      Peak Power   Power Limit      (dB)
                    (dBm)        (dBm)         (dBm)        (dBm)
      1              15.7         15.7          18.7         30.0          11.3        Complied
      2              17.6         17.6          20.6         30.0           9.4        Complied
      3              19.5         19.8          22.7         30.0           7.3        Complied
      6              22.9         23.0          26.0         30.0           4.0        Complied
      7              22.4         22.6          25.5         30.0           4.5        Complied
      11             15.7         15.7          18.7         30.0          11.3        Complied
      12             14.2         14.3          17.3         30.0          12.7        Complied
      13             2.5           2.8          5.7          30.0          24.3        Complied

EIRP Limit Comparison
                               Directional                 De Facto
                  Conducted                     EIRP                      Margin
  Channel                       Antenna                   EIRP Limit                    Result
                  Peak Power                   (dBm)                       (dB)
                               Gain (dBi)                   (dBm)
      1              18.7          4.6          23.3         36.0          12.7        Complied
      2              20.6          4.6          25.2         36.0          10.8        Complied
      3              22.7          4.6          27.3         36.0           8.7        Complied
      6              26.0          4.6          30.6         36.0           5.4        Complied
      7              25.5          4.6          30.1         36.0           5.9        Complied
      11             18.7          4.6          23.3         36.0          12.7        Complied
      12             17.3          4.6          21.9         36.0          14.1        Complied
      13             5.7           4.6          10.3         36.0          25.7        Complied

Page 102 of 162                                                                          UL VS LTD

TEST REPORT                                               SERIAL NO: UL-RPT-RP12718494JD09A

VERSION 2.0                                                  ISSUE DATE: 17 SEPTEMBER 2019

Transmitter Maximum (Average) Output Power (continued)
Results: 802.11n / HT20 / MIMO / 2Tx CDD / BPSK / MCS0 / Core 0

                 Channel 1                                        Channel 2

                 Channel 3                                        Channel 6

UL VS LTD                                                                      Page 103 of 162

TEST REPORT                                               SERIAL NO: UL-RPT-RP12718494JD09A

VERSION 2.0                                                  ISSUE DATE: 17 SEPTEMBER 2019

Transmitter Maximum (Average) Output Power (continued)
Results: 802.11n / HT20 / MIMO / 2Tx CDD / BPSK / MCS0 / Core 0

                  Channel 7                                   Channel 11

                  Channel 12                                  Channel 13

Page 104 of 162                                                                    UL VS LTD

TEST REPORT                                               SERIAL NO: UL-RPT-RP12718494JD09A

VERSION 2.0                                                  ISSUE DATE: 17 SEPTEMBER 2019

Transmitter Maximum (Average) Output Power (continued)
Results: 802.11n / HT20 / MIMO / 2Tx CDD / BPSK / MCS0 / Core 2

                 Channel 1                                        Channel 2

                 Channel 3                                        Channel 6

UL VS LTD                                                                      Page 105 of 162

TEST REPORT                                               SERIAL NO: UL-RPT-RP12718494JD09A

VERSION 2.0                                                  ISSUE DATE: 17 SEPTEMBER 2019

Transmitter Maximum (Average) Output Power (continued)
Results: 802.11n / HT20 / MIMO / 2Tx CDD / BPSK / MCS0 / Core 2

                  Channel 7                                   Channel 11

                  Channel 12                                  Channel 13

Page 106 of 162                                                                    UL VS LTD

TEST REPORT                                                                 SERIAL NO: UL-RPT-RP12718494JD09A

VERSION 2.0                                                                    ISSUE DATE: 17 SEPTEMBER 2019

Transmitter Maximum (Average) Output Power (continued)
Results: 802.11n / HT20 / MIMO / 3Tx CDD / BPSK / MCS0
Conducted Peak Limit Comparison
                                     Conducted                    Conducted                 Conducted
          Channel                 Peak Power Core 0            Peak Power Core 1         Peak Power Core 2
                                        (dBm)                        (dBm)                     (dBm)
                1                         14.9                       14.7                       14.8
                2                         17.0                       16.9                       16.8
                3                         19.5                       19.4                       19.7
                6                         21.3                       21.4                       21.5
                7                         21.3                       21.3                       21.2
                11                        15.3                       15.3                       15.3
                12                        13.1                       12.8                       13.0
                13                          -1.5                     -1.2                       -0.5

                                                   Conducted Peak
                               Conducted                                      Margin
     Channel                                         Power Limit                                 Result
                               Peak Power                                      (dB)
            1                     19.6                  30.0                   10.4             Complied
            2                     21.7                  30.0                   8.3              Complied
            3                     24.3                  30.0                   5.7              Complied
            6                     26.2                  30.0                   3.8              Complied
            7                     26.0                  30.0                   4.0              Complied
          11                      20.1                  30.0                   9.9              Complied
          12                      17.7                  30.0                   12.3             Complied
          13                      3.7                   30.0                   26.3             Complied

EIRP Limit Comparison
                                    Directional                      De Facto
                     Conducted                          EIRP                           Margin
  Channel                            Antenna                        EIRP Limit                         Result
                     Peak Power                        (dBm)                            (dB)
                                    Gain (dBi)                        (dBm)
     1                  19.6             4.6            24.2           36.0             11.8       Complied
     2                  21.7             4.6            26.3           36.0             9.7        Complied
     3                  24.3             4.6            28.9           36.0             7.1        Complied
     6                  26.2             4.6            30.8           36.0             5.2        Complied
     7                  26.0             4.6            30.6           36.0             5.4        Complied
     11                 20.1             4.6            24.7           36.0             11.3       Complied
     12                 17.7             4.6            22.3           36.0             13.7       Complied
     13                 3.7              4.6            8.3            36.0             27.7       Complied

UL VS LTD                                                                                        Page 107 of 162

TEST REPORT                                               SERIAL NO: UL-RPT-RP12718494JD09A

VERSION 2.0                                                  ISSUE DATE: 17 SEPTEMBER 2019

Transmitter Maximum (Average) Output Power (continued)
Results: 802.11n / HT20 / MIMO / 3Tx CDD / BPSK / MCS0 / Core 0

                  Channel 1                                       Channel 2

                  Channel 3                                       Channel 6

Page 108 of 162                                                                    UL VS LTD

TEST REPORT                                               SERIAL NO: UL-RPT-RP12718494JD09A

VERSION 2.0                                                  ISSUE DATE: 17 SEPTEMBER 2019

Transmitter Maximum (Average) Output Power (continued)
Results: 802.11n / HT20 / MIMO / 3Tx CDD / BPSK / MCS0 / Core 0

                 Channel 7                                    Channel 11

                Channel 12                                    Channel 13

UL VS LTD                                                                      Page 109 of 162

TEST REPORT                                               SERIAL NO: UL-RPT-RP12718494JD09A

VERSION 2.0                                                  ISSUE DATE: 17 SEPTEMBER 2019

Transmitter Maximum (Average) Output Power (continued)
Results: 802.11n / HT20 / MIMO / 3Tx CDD / BPSK / MCS0 / Core 1

                  Channel 1                                       Channel 2

                  Channel 3                                       Channel 6

Page 110 of 162                                                                    UL VS LTD

TEST REPORT                                               SERIAL NO: UL-RPT-RP12718494JD09A

VERSION 2.0                                                  ISSUE DATE: 17 SEPTEMBER 2019

Transmitter Maximum (Average) Output Power (continued)
Results: 802.11n / HT20 / MIMO / 3Tx CDD / BPSK / MCS0 / Core 1

                 Channel 7                                    Channel 11

                Channel 12                                    Channel 13

UL VS LTD                                                                      Page 111 of 162

TEST REPORT                                               SERIAL NO: UL-RPT-RP12718494JD09A

VERSION 2.0                                                  ISSUE DATE: 17 SEPTEMBER 2019

Transmitter Maximum (Average) Output Power (continued)
Results: 802.11n / HT20 / MIMO / 3Tx CDD / BPSK / MCS0 / Core 2

                  Channel 1                                       Channel 2

                  Channel 3                                       Channel 6

Page 112 of 162                                                                    UL VS LTD

TEST REPORT                                               SERIAL NO: UL-RPT-RP12718494JD09A

VERSION 2.0                                                  ISSUE DATE: 17 SEPTEMBER 2019

Transmitter Maximum (Average) Output Power (continued)
Results: 802.11n / HT20 / MIMO / 3Tx CDD / BPSK / MCS0 / Core 2

                 Channel 7                                    Channel 11

                Channel 12                                    Channel 13

UL VS LTD                                                                      Page 113 of 162

TEST REPORT                                                   SERIAL NO: UL-RPT-RP12718494JD09A

VERSION 2.0                                                       ISSUE DATE: 17 SEPTEMBER 2019

Transmitter Maximum (Average) Output Power (continued)
Results: 802.11n / HT20 / MIMO / 2Tx TxBF / BPSK / MCS0
Conducted Peak Limit Comparison
                                Core 0                                  Core 2
                                            Corrected                               Corrected
  Channel         Conducted   Duty Cycle                Conducted     Duty Cycle
                                            Conducted                               Conducted
                    Power     Correction                  Power       Correction
                                              Power                                   Power
                    (dBm)     Factor (dB)                 (dBm)       Factor (dB)
                                              (dBm)                                   (dBm)
      1             15.2          0.1         15.3         15.1           0.1          15.2
      2             16.7          0.1         16.8         16.5           0.1          16.6
      3             18.7          0.1         18.8         18.6           0.1          18.7
      6             21.5          0.1         21.6         21.7           0.1          21.8
      7             21.5          0.1         21.6         21.8           0.1          21.9
      11            14.7          0.1         14.8         14.7           0.1          14.8
      12            13.1          0.1         13.2         13.1           0.1          13.2
      13             0.8          0.1          0.9          0.6           0.1          0.7

                  Corrected   Corrected
                                            Combined    Conducted
                  Conducted   Conducted
                                            Conducted      Peak         Margin
  Channel           Power       Power                                                 Result
                                              Power     Power Limit      (dB)
                    Core 0      Core 2
                                              (dBm)       (dBm)
                    (dBm)       (dBm)
      1             15.3         15.2         18.3         28.4          10.1        Complied
      2             16.8         16.6         19.7         28.4           8.7        Complied
      3             18.8         18.7         21.8         28.4           6.6        Complied
      6             21.6         21.8         24.7         28.4           3.7        Complied
      7             21.6         21.9         24.8         28.4           3.6        Complied
      11            14.8         14.8         17.8         28.4          10.6        Complied
      12            13.2         13.2         16.2         28.4          12.2        Complied
      13             0.9          0.7          3.8         28.4          24.6        Complied

Page 114 of 162                                                                        UL VS LTD

TEST REPORT                                                 SERIAL NO: UL-RPT-RP12718494JD09A

VERSION 2.0                                                      ISSUE DATE: 17 SEPTEMBER 2019

Transmitter Maximum (Average) Output Power (continued)
Results: 802.11n / HT20 / MIMO / 2Tx TxBF / BPSK / MCS0
EIRP Limit Comparison
                          Directional                De Facto
              Conducted                   EIRP                         Margin
  Channel                  Antenna                  EIRP Limit                       Result
                Power                    (dBm)                          (dB)
                          Gain (dBi)                  (dBm)
     1          18.3          7.6         25.9            36.0          10.1        Complied
     2          19.7          7.6         27.3            36.0           8.7        Complied
     3          21.8          7.6         29.4            36.0           6.6        Complied
     6          24.7          7.6         32.3            36.0           3.7        Complied
     7          24.8          7.6         32.4            36.0           3.6        Complied
     11         17.8          7.6         25.4            36.0          10.6        Complied
     12         16.2          7.6         23.8            36.0          12.2        Complied
     13          3.8          7.6         11.4            36.0          24.6        Complied

UL VS LTD                                                                         Page 115 of 162

TEST REPORT                                               SERIAL NO: UL-RPT-RP12718494JD09A

VERSION 2.0                                                  ISSUE DATE: 17 SEPTEMBER 2019

Transmitter Maximum (Average) Output Power (continued)
Results: 802.11n / HT20 / MIMO / 2Tx TxBF / BPSK / MCS0 / Core 0

                  Channel 1                                    Channel 2

                  Channel 3                                    Channel 6

Page 116 of 162                                                                    UL VS LTD

TEST REPORT                                               SERIAL NO: UL-RPT-RP12718494JD09A

VERSION 2.0                                                  ISSUE DATE: 17 SEPTEMBER 2019

Transmitter Maximum (Average) Output Power (continued)
Results: 802.11n / HT20 / MIMO / 2Tx TxBF / BPSK / MCS0 / Core 0

                 Channel 7                                    Channel 11

                Channel 12                                    Channel 13

UL VS LTD                                                                      Page 117 of 162

TEST REPORT                                               SERIAL NO: UL-RPT-RP12718494JD09A

VERSION 2.0                                                  ISSUE DATE: 17 SEPTEMBER 2019

Transmitter Maximum (Average) Output Power (continued)
Results: 802.11n / HT20 / MIMO / 2Tx TxBF / BPSK / MCS0 / Core 2

                  Channel 1                                    Channel 2

                  Channel 3                                    Channel 6

Page 118 of 162                                                                    UL VS LTD

TEST REPORT                                               SERIAL NO: UL-RPT-RP12718494JD09A

VERSION 2.0                                                  ISSUE DATE: 17 SEPTEMBER 2019

Transmitter Maximum (Average) Output Power (continued)
Results: 802.11n / HT20 / MIMO / 2Tx TxBF / BPSK / MCS0 / Core 2

                 Channel 7                                    Channel 11

                Channel 12                                    Channel 13

UL VS LTD                                                                      Page 119 of 162

TEST REPORT                                                    SERIAL NO: UL-RPT-RP12718494JD09A

VERSION 2.0                                                          ISSUE DATE: 17 SEPTEMBER 2019

Transmitter Maximum (Average) Output Power (continued)
Results: 802.11n / HT20 / MIMO / 3Tx TxBF / BPSK / MCS 0
Conducted Peak Limit Comparison
                                 Core 0                                     Core 1
                                              Corrected                                  Corrected
  Channel         Conducted    Duty Cycle                 Conducted      Duty Cycle
                                             Conducted                                  Conducted
                  Peak Power   Correction                 Peak Power     Correction
                                             Peak Power                                 Peak Power
                    (dBm)      Factor (dB)                  (dBm)        Factor (dB)
                                               (dBm)                                      (dBm)
      1              12.3          0.1          12.4         12.3             0.1             12.4
      2              16.0          0.1          16.1         15.9             0.1             16.0
      3              16.9          0.1          17.0         16.5             0.1             16.6
      6              19.3          0.1          19.4         19.0             0.1             19.1
      7              19.5          0.1          19.6         19.3             0.1             19.4
      11             14.0          0.1          14.1         13.7             0.1             13.8
      12             11.8          0.1          11.9         11.5             0.1             11.6
      13             -1.3          0.1          -1.2         -1.7             0.1             -1.6

                                 Core 2                             Core 0, Core 1 & core 2
                                                           Corrected      Corrected      Corrected
  Channel         Conducted    Duty Cycle                 Conducted      Conducted      Conducted
                  Peak Power   Correction                 Peak Power     Peak Power     Peak Power
                                             Peak Power
                    (dBm)      Factor (dB)                  Core 0         Core 1         Core 2
                                                            (dBm)          (dBm)          (dBm)
      1              12.0          0.1          12.1         12.4            12.4             12.1
      2              15.8          0.1          15.9         16.1            16.0             15.9
      3              16.6          0.1          16.7         17.0            16.6             16.7
      6              18.8          0.1          18.9         19.4            19.1             18.9
      7              19.4          0.1          19.5         19.6            19.4             19.5
      11             13.8          0.1          13.9         14.1            13.8             13.9
      12             11.6          0.1          11.7         11.9            11.6             11.7
      13             -2.0          0.1          -1.9         -1.2            -1.6             -1.9

Page 120 of 162                                                                               UL VS LTD

TEST REPORT                                                        SERIAL NO: UL-RPT-RP12718494JD09A

VERSION 2.0                                                              ISSUE DATE: 17 SEPTEMBER 2019

Transmitter Maximum (Average) Output Power (continued)
Results: 802.11n / HT20 / MIMO / 3Tx TxBF / BPSK / MCS0
Conducted Peak Limit Comparison
                                             Conducted Peak
                          Conducted                                     Margin
     Channel                                   Power Limit                                 Result
                          Peak Power                                     (dB)
            1                17.1                 26.8                   9.7              Complied
            2                20.8                 26.8                   6.0              Complied
            3                21.5                 26.8                   5.3              Complied
            6                23.9                 26.8                   2.9              Complied
            7                24.3                 26.8                   2.5              Complied
          11                 18.7                 26.8                   8.1              Complied
          12                 16.5                 26.8                   10.3             Complied
          13                 3.2                  26.8                   23.6             Complied

EIRP Limit Comparison
                               Directional                     De Facto
                Conducted                         EIRP                           Margin
  Channel                       Antenna                       EIRP Limit                      Result
                Peak Power                       (dBm)                            (dB)
                               Gain (dBi)                       (dBm)
     1             17.1             9.2           26.3           36.0             9.7       Complied
     2             20.8             9.2           30.0           36.0             6.0       Complied
     3             21.5             9.2           30.7           36.0             5.3       Complied
     6             23.9             9.2           33.1           36.0             2.9       Complied
     7             24.3             9.2           33.5           36.0             2.5       Complied
     11            18.7             9.2           27.9           36.0             8.1       Complied
     12            16.5             9.2           25.7           36.0             10.3      Complied
     13            3.2              9.2           12.4           36.0             23.6      Complied

UL VS LTD                                                                                  Page 121 of 162

Document Created: 2019-10-24 11:45:16
Document Modified: 2019-10-24 11:45:16

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