SAR report part5b


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Head TSL parameters at 5750 MHz
    The following parameters and calculations were applied.
                                                                Temperature       Permittivity          Conductivity
      Nominal Head TSL parameters                                  22.0 °C           35.4               5.22 mho/m
      Measured Head TSL parameters                              (22.0 £0.2) °C    35.6 + 6 %         5.10 mho/m + 6 %
      Head TSL temperature change during test                      <0.5 °C

SAR result with Head TSL at 5750 MHz

      SAR averaged over 1 cm‘ (1 g) of Head TSL                  Condition
      SAR measured                                        100 mW input power                     8.06 W/kg
      SAR for nominal Head TSL parameters                     normalized to 1W        80.6 Wikg + 19.9 % (k=2)

      SAR averaged over 10 cm* (10 g) of Head TSL                condition
      SAR measured                                        100 mW input power                     2.30 W/kg
      SAR for nominal Head TSL parameters                     normalized to 1W        23.0 Wikg * 19.5 % (k=2)

Head TSL parameters at 5850 MHz
   The following parameters and calculations were applied.
                                                                Temperature       Permittivity         Conductivity
      Nominal Head TSL parameters                                  22.0 °C           35.2               5.32 mho/m
      Measured Head TSL parameters                              (22.0 + 0.2) °C   35.5 16 %          5.21 mho/m + 6 %
      Head TSL temperature change during test                      <0.5 °C            =———                   ~———

SAR result with Head TSL at 5850 MHz

     SAR averaged over 1 cm* (1 g) of Head TSL                   Condition
     SAR measured                                         100 mW input power                     8.03 W/kg
     SAR for nominal Head TSL parameters                      normalized to 1W        80.8 W/kg * 19.9 % (k=2)

     SAR averaged over 10 cm* (10 g) of Head TSL                 condition
     SAR measured                                         100 mW input power                     2.28 Wikg
     SAR for nominal Head TSL parameters                      normalized to 1W        23.0 Wikg * 19.5 % (k=2)

Certificate No: D5GHzV2—1016_Feb18                    Page 5 of 16

Body TSL parameters at 5250 MHz
   The following parameters and calculations were applied.
                                                               Temperature       Permittivity         Conductivity
     Nominal Body TSL parameters                                  22.0 °C           48.9               5.36 mho/m
     Measured Body TSL parameters                              (22.0 + 0.2) °C   47.4 +6 %          5.48 mho/m + 6 %
     Body TSL temperature change during test                      <0.5 °C

SAR result with Body TSL at 5250 MHz

     SAR averaged over 1 cm* (1 g) of Body TSL                  Condition
     SAR measured                                        100 mW input power                     7.43 W/kg
     SAR for nominal Body TSL parameters                     normalized to 1W        73.9 Wikg + 19.9 % (k=2)

     SAR averaged over 10 cm* (10 g) of Body TSL                 condition
     SAR measured                                        100 mW input power                 2.08 W/kg
     SAR for nominal Body TSL parameters                     normalized to 1W        20.7 Wikg * 19.5 % (k=2)

Body TSL parameters at 5400 MHz
   The following parameters and calculations were applied.
                                                               Temperature       Permittivity         Conductivity
     Nominal Body TSL parameters                                  22.0 °C           48.7               5.53 mho/m
     Measured Body TSL parameters                              (22.0 + 0.2) °C   47.1 +6 %          5.67 mho/m + 6 %
     Body TSL temperature change during test                      <0.5°C

SAR result with Body TSL at 5400 MHz

     SAR averaged over 1 cm* (1 g) of Body TSL                  Condition
     SAR measured                                        100 mW input power                     7.83 W/kg
     SAR for nominal Body TSL parameters                     normalized to 1W        77.8 Wikg * 19.9 % (k=2)

     SAR averaged over 10 cm* (10 g) of Body TSL                 condition
     SAR measured                                        100 mW input power                  219 W/kg
     SAR for nominal Body TSL parameters                     normalized to 1W         21.7 Wikg + 19.5 % (k=2)

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Body TSL parameters at 5600 MHz
   The following parameters and calculations were applied.
                                                               Temperature       Permittivity         Conductivity
     Nominal Body TSL parameters                                  22.0 °C           48.5               5.77 mho/m

     Measured Body TSL parameters                              (22.0 + 0.2) °C   46.8 + 6 %         5.95 mho/m + 6 %
     Body TSL temperature change during test                      €0.5 °C

SAR result with Body TSL at 5600 MHz

     SAR averaged over 1 cm* (1 g) of Body TSL                  Condition
     SAR measured                                        100 mW input power                     7.72 Wikg
     SAR for nominal Body TSL parameters                     normalized to 1W        76.7 Wikg * 19.9 % (k=2)

     SAR averaged over 10 cm* (10 g) of Body TSL                 condition
     SAR measured                                        100 mW input power                     2.17 Wikg
     SAR for nominal Body TSL parameters                     normalized to 1W        21.5 Wikg + 19.5 % (k=2)

Body TSL parameters at 5750 MHz
   The following parameters and calculations were applied.
                                                               Temperature       Permittivity         Conductivity
     Nominal Body TSL parameters                                  22.0 °C           48.3               5.94 mho/m
     Measured Body TSL parameters                              (22.0 + 0.2) °C   46.5 x 6 %         6.15 mho/m + 6 %
     Body TSL temperature change during test                      <0.5 °C

SAR result with Body TSL at 5750 MHz

     SAR averaged over 1 cm* (1 g) of Body TSL                  Condition
     SAR measured                                        100 mW input power                     7.40 Wikg
     SAR for nominal Body TSL parameters                     normalized to 1W        73.5 Wikg + 19.9 % (k=2)

     SAR averaged over 10 cm* (10 g) of Body TSL                 condition
     SAR measured                                        100 mW input power                 2.07 Wikg
     SAR for nominal Body TSL parameters                     normalized to 1W        20.5 Wikg + 19.5 % (k=2)

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Body TSL parameters at 5850 MHz
    The following parameters and calculations were applied.
                                                                Temperature       Permittivity          Conductivity
      Nominal Body TSL parameters                                  22.0 °C           48.1               6.06 mho/m
      Measured Body TSL parameters                              (22.0 + 0.2) °C   46.3 + 6 %         6.30 mho/m + 6 %
      Body TSL temperature change during test                      «0.5 °C

SAR result with Body TSL at 5850 MHz

      SAR averaged over 1 cm* (1 g) of Body TSL                  Condition
      SAR measured                                        100 mW input power                     7.72 W/kg
      SAR for nominal Body TSL parameters                     normalized to 1W        76.9 Wikg + 19.9 % (k=2)

      SAR averaged over 10 cm* (10 g) of Body TSL                condition
      SAR measured                                        100 mW input power                     2.14 Wikg
      SAR for nominal Body TSL parameters                     normalized to 1W        21.3 Wikg + 19.5 % (k=2)

Certificate No: D5SGHzV2—1016_Feb18                   Page 8 of 16

Appendix (Additional assessments outside the scope of SCS 0108)
Antenna Parameters with Head TSL at 5250 MHz

      Impedance, transformed to feed point                  49.2 Q + 2.6 jQ

      Return Loss                                              —31.1 dB

Antenna Parameters with Head TSL at 5400 MHz

      Impedance, transformed to feed point                  49.2 Q + 4.6 jQ
      Return Loss                                              —26.6 dB

Antenna Parameters with Head TSL at 5600 MHz

      Impedance, transformed to feed point                  51.5 Q + 6.0 jQ
      Return Loss                                              — 24.3 dB

Antenna Parameters with Head TSL at 5750 MHz

      Impedance, transformed to feed point                  55.5 Q + 8.6 jQ
      Return Loss                                              —20.3 dB

Antenna Parameters with Head TSL at 5850 MHz

      Impedance, transformed to feed point                  54.9 Q + 6.3 jQ
      Return Loss                                              —22.4 dB

Antenna Parameters with Body TSL at 5250 MHz

      Impedance, transformed to feed point                  48.1 Q + 2.0 jQ
      Return Loss                                              —31.1 dB

Antenna Parameters with Body TSL at 5400 MHz

      Impedance, transformed to feed point                  49.4 Q + 6.0 jQ
      Return Loss                                             — 24.3 dB

Antenna Parameters with Body TSL at 5600 MHz

      Impedance, transformed to feed point                  53.5 Q + 9.3 jQ
      Return Loss                                             —20.4 dB

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Antenna Parameters with Body TSL at 5750 MHz

      Impedance, transformed to feed point                                           56.2 Q + 8.4 jQ
      Return Loss                                                                       —20.1 dB

Antenna Parameters with Body TSL at 5850 MHz

      Impedance, transformed to feed point                                           56.4 Q + 8.4 jQ
      Return Loss                                                                       —20.1 dB

General Antenna Parameters and Design

      Electrical Delay (one direction)                                                  1.184 ns

After long term use with 100W radiated power, only a slight warming of the dipole near the feedpoint can be measured.

The dipole is made of standard semirigid coaxial cable. The center conductor of the feeding line is directly connected to the
second arm of the dipole. The antenna is therefore short—circuited for DC—signals. On some of the dipoles, small end caps
are added to the dipole arms in order to improve matching when loaded according to the position as explained in the
"Measurement Conditions" paragraph. The SAR data are not affected by this change. The overall dipole length is still
according to the Standard.
No excessive force must be applied to the dipole arms, because they might bend or the soldered connections near the
feedpoint may be damaged.

Additional EUT Data

      Manufactured by                                                                    SPEAG
      Manufactured on                                                              November 14, 2003

Certificate No: D5GHzV2—1016_Feb18                      Page 10 of 16

DASY5 Validation Report for Head TSL

                                                                                          Date: 08.02.2018

Test Laboratory: SPEAG, Zurich, Switzerland

DUT: Dipole D5SGHzV2; Type: D5GHzV2; Serial: D5SGHzV2 — SN:1016

Communication System: UID 0 — CW; Frequency: 5250 MHz, Frequency: 5400 MHz, Frequency: 5600
MHz, Frequency: 5750 MHz, Frequency: 5850 MHz
Medium parameters used: £ = 5250 MHz; 0 = 4.59 $/m; & = 36.3; p = 1000 kg/m?,
Medium parameters used: f = 5400 MHz; o = 4.74 S/m; & = 36.1; p = 1000 kg/m* ,
Medium parameters used: £ = 5600 MHz; 0 = 4.95 $/m; & = 35.8; p = 1000 kg/m? ,
Medium parameters used: f= 5750 MHz; 0 = 5.1 S/m; & = 35.6; p = 1000 kg/m3 ;
Medium parameters used: £ = 5850 MHz; 0 = 5.21 $/m; & = 35.5; p = 1000 kg/m*
Phantom section: Flat Section
Measurement Standard: DASY5 (IEEE/IEC/ANSI C63.19—2011)

DASY52 Configuration:

   *   Probe: EX3DV4 — SN3503; ConvF(5.51, 5.51, 5.51); Calibrated: 30.12.2017, ConvF(5.5, 5.5, 5.5);
       Calibrated: 30.12.2017, ConvF(5.05, 5.05, 5.05); Calibrated: 30.12.2017, ConvF(4.98, 4.98, 4.98);
       Calibrated: 30.12.2017, ConvF(4.94, 4.94, 4.94); Calibrated: 30.12.2017;

   *   Sensor—Surface: 1.4mm (Mechanical Surface Detection)

   e   Electronics: DAEB4 Sn601; Calibrated: 26.10.2017

   *   Phantom: Flat Phantom 5.0 (front); Type: QD 000 P50 AA; Serial: 1001

   &   DASY52 52.10.0(1446); SEMCAD X 14.6.10(7417)

Dipole Calibration for Head Tissue/Pin=100mW, dist=10mm, £=5250 MHz/Zoom Scan,
dist=1.4mm (8x8x7)/Cube 0: Measurement grid: dx=4mm, dy=4mm, dz=1.4mm
Reference Value = 68.75 V/m; Power Drift = —0.06 dB
Peak SAR (extrapolated) = 27.3 W/kg
SAR(1 g) =7.87 W/kg; SAR(10 g) = 2.27 W/kg
Maximum value of SAR (measured) = 17.7 W/kg

Dipole Calibration for Head Tissue/Pin=100mW, dist=10mm, £=5400 MHz/Zoom Scan,
dist=1.4mm (8x8x7)/Cube 0: Measurement grid: dx=4mm, dy=4mm, dz=1.4mm
Reference Value = 69.36 V/m; Power Drift = —0.03 dB
Peak SAR (extrapolated) = 31.6 W/kg
SAR(I g) = 8.37 W/kg; SAR(10 g) = 2.38 W/kg
Maximum value of SAR (measured) = 19.2 W/kg

Certificate No: D5GHzV2—1016_Feb18             Page 11 of 16

Dipole Calibration for Head Tissue/Pin=100mwW, dist=10mm, £=5600 MHz/Zoom Scan,
dist=1.4mm (8x8x7)/Cube 0: Measurement grid: dx=4mm, dy=4mm, dz=1.4mm
Reference Value = 68.04 V/m; Power Drift = —0.06 dB
Peak SAR (extrapolated) = 30.8 W/kg
SAR(I g) = 8.04 W/kg; SAR(10 g) = 2.29 W/kg
Maximum value of SAR (measured) = 18.6 W/kg

Dipole Calibration for Head Tissue/Pin=100mW, dist=10mm, £=5750 MHz/Zoom Scan,
dist=1.4mm (8x8x7)/Cube 0: Measurement grid: dx=4mm, dy=4mm, dz=1.4mm
Reference Value = 67.30 V/m; Power Drift = —0.03 dB
Peak SAR (extrapolated) = 31.4 W/kg
SAR(I g) = 8.06 W/kg; SAR(10 g) = 2.3 W/kg
Maximum value of SAR (measured) = 18.9 W/kg

Dipole Calibration for Head Tissue/Pin=100mW, dist=10mm, £=5850 MHz/Zoom Scan,
dist=1.4mm (8x8x7)/Cube 0: Measurement grid: dx=4mm, dy=4mm, dz=1.4mm
Reference Value = 66.23 V/m; Power Drift = —0.07 dB
Peak SAR (extrapolated) = 34.0 W/kg
SAR(I g) = 8.03 W/kg; SAR(10 g) = 2.28 W/kg
Maximum value of SAR (measured) = 19.2 W/kg



                  0 dB = 19.2 W/kg = 12.83 dBW/kg

Certificate No: D5GHzV2—1016_Feb18           Page 12 of 16

Impedance Measurement Plot for Head TSL

                                                                     8 Feb 2018     17:13:45
          CHI) sii     1 U F3           1:49.180 n   2.6406 n   ©0.051 pH          5 250.000 000 MHz

                                                                                                       CH1 Markers
          be?                                                                                           2 49.219 a
                                                                                                           4.5781 a
          Ca                                                                                           5.40000 GHz
                                                                                                        3: 51.522 &
                                                                                                          6.0176 o
                                                                                                       5.60000 GHz
          8y                                                                                            4:155,.935 o
                                                                                                          8.60955 o
          168                                                                                          5.75000 GHz

                                                                                                        5t 54.965 a
                                                                                                          6.3047 6
          wrd                                                                                          5.85000 GHz


                                                                                                       CH2 Markers

          ca                                                                                           2:1—26.600 dB
                                                                                                       5.40000 GHz

                                                                                                       3:—24.284 dB
                                                                                                        5.60000 GHz
                                                                                                        :~20.297_ dB
          fivg                                                                                         5.75000 GHz
                                                                                                       5:—22.403 dB
                                                                                                        5.85000 GHz

                     START 5 000.000 000 MHz                                STOP 6 000.000 000 MHz

Certificate No: D5GHzV2—1016_Feb18                   Page 13 of 16

DASY5 Validation Report for Body TSL

                                                                                           Date: 12.02.2018

Test Laboratory: SPEAG, Zurich, Switzerland

DUT: Dipole D5SGHzV2; Type: DSGHzV2; Serial: D5GHzV2 — SN:1016

Communication System: UID 0 — CW; Frequency: 5250 MHz, Frequency: 5400 MHz, Frequency: 5600
MHz, Frequency: 5750 MHz, Frequency: 5850 MHz
Medium parameters used: f = 5250 MHz; 0 = 5.48 S/m; & = 47.4; p = 1000 kg/m? ,
Medium parameters used: £ = 5400 MHz; 0 = 5.67 S/m; & = 47.1; p = 1000 kg/m3 7
Medium parameters used: f = 5600 MHz; 0 = 5.95 S/m; & = 46.8; p = 1000 kg/m‘ ,
Medium parameters used: f = 5750 MHz; 0 = 6.15 S/m; & = 46.5; p = 1000 kg/m?,
Medium parameters used: f = 5850 MHz; 0 = 6.3 S/m; & = 46.3; p = 1000 kg/m*
Phantom section: Flat Section
Measurement Standard: DASY5 (IEEE/IEC/ANSI C63.19—2011)

DASY52 Configuration:

    _   Probe: EX3DV4 — SN3503; ConvF(5.26, 5.26, 5.26); Calibrated: 30.12.2017, ConvF(5.15, 5.15,
        5.15); Calibrated: 30.12.2017, ConvF(4.65, 4.65, 4.65); Calibrated: 30.12.2017, ConvF(4.57, 4.57,
        4.57); Calibrated: 30.12.2017, ConvF(4.47, 4.47, 4.47); Calibrated: 30.12.2017;

    e   Sensor—Surface: 1.4mm (Mechanical Surface Detection)

    e   Electronics: DAE4 Sn601; Calibrated: 26.10.2017

    &   Phantom: Flat Phantom 5.0 (back); Type: QD 000 P50 AA; Serial: 1002

    &   DASY52 52.10.0(1446); SEMCAD X 14.6.10(7417)

Dipole Calibration for Body Tissue/Pin=100mW, dist=10mm, £=5250 MHz/Zoom Scan,
dist=1.4mm (8x8x7)/Cube 0: Measurement grid: dx=4mm, dy=4mm, dz=1.4mm
Reference Value = 63.05 V/m; Power Drift = —0.07 dB
Peak SAR (extrapolated) = 28.6 W/kg
SAR(I g) = 7.43 W/kg; SAR(10 g) = 2.08 W/kg
Maximum value of SAR (measured) = 17.1 W/kg

Dipole Calibration for Body Tissue/Pin=100mW, dist=10mm, £=5400 MHz/Zoom Scan,
dist=1.4mm (8x8x7)/Cube 0: Measurement grid: dx=4mm, dy=4mm, dz=1.4mm
Reference Value = 63.72 V/m; Power Drift = —0.05 dB
Peak SAR (extrapolated) = 31.5 W/kg
SAR(1 g) =7.83 W/kg; SAR(10 g) = 2.19 W/kg
Maximum value of SAR (measured) = 18.6 W/kg

Certificate No: D5GHzV2—1016_Feb18              Page 14 of 16

Dipole Calibration for Body Tissue/Pin=100mW, dist=10mm, £=5600 MHz/Zoom Scan,
dist=1.4mm (8x8x7)/Cube 0: Measurement grid: dx=4mm, dy=4mm, dz=1.4mm
Reference Value = 62.20 V/m; Power Drift =—0.02 dB
Peak SAR (extrapolated) = 32.3 W/kg
SAR(I g) =7.72 W/kg; SAR(10 g) = 2.17 W/kg
Maximum value of SAR (measured) = 18.3 W/kg

Dipole Calibration for Body Tissue/Pin=100mW, dist=10mm, £=5750 MHz/Zoom Scan,
dist=1.4mm (8x8x7)/Cube 0: Measurement grid: dx=4mm, dy=4mm, dz=1.4mm
Reference Value = 61.43 V/m; Power Drift =—0.09 dB
Peak SAR (extrapolated) = 31.7 W/kg
SAR(I g) =7.4 W/kg; SAR(10 g) = 2.07 W/kg
Maximum value of SAR (measured) = 17.9 W/kg

Dipole Calibration for Body Tissue/Pin=100mW, dist=10mm, £=5850 MHz/Zoom Scan,
dist=1.4mm (8x8x7)/Cube 0: Measurement grid: dx=4mm, dy=4mm, dz=1.4mm
Reference Value = 64.47 V/m; Power Drift = —0.07 dB
Peak SAR (extrapolated) = 34.6 W/kg
SAR(I g) =7.72 W/kg; SAR(10 g) = 2.14 W/kg
Maximum value of SAR (measured) = 19.2 W/kg





                  0 dB = 19.2 W/kg = 12.83 dBW/kg

Certificate No: D5GHzV2—1016_Feb18           Page 15 of 16

Impedance Measurement Plot for Body TSL

                                                                   12 Feb 2018 ©9:35:20
          CHI) si1     1 U FS          1: 48.100 a   1.9863 9   60.216 pH      5 250.000 000 MHz

                                                                                                   CH1 Markers
                                                                                                    2 49,.430 a
                                                                                                      6.0215 a
          Cor                                                                                      5.40000 GHz




                                                                                                   CH2 Markers

                                                                                                    :—24,391 B
                                                                                                   5.40000 GHz
                                                                                                   3:—20.355 dB
                                                                                                    5.60000 GHz

                                                                                                   41—20,145 dB
          fivg                                                                                      5.75000 GHz
                                                                                                   5:—20,104 dB
                                                                                                    5.85000 GHz

                     START 5 000.000 000 MHz                             STOP 6 000.000 000 MHz

Certificate No: D5GHzV2—1016_Feb18                   Page 16 of 16

REPORT NO: UL-SAR-RP12185761JD18A V1.0                                               Issue Date: 15 October 2018

12.6. Tissues-Equivalent Media Recipes
The SPEAG Broadband Tissue Simulation Liquid MBBL600-6000V6 has been used for Body testing. The
composition of this fluid is undisclosed and proprietary to SPEAG.

Visual inspection is made to ensure air bubbles are not trapped during the mixing process. The mixture is
calibrated to obtain proper dielectric constant (permittivity) and conductivity of the tissue.

                                                 Page 65 of 65
UL VS Ltd.                                                                                              Report. No.: 1.0
 This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of UL Verification Services Ltd.

Document Created: 2019-04-18 13:05:41
Document Modified: 2019-04-18 13:05:41

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