WLAN Test Report part 13


Test Report

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REPORT NO: 12607346-E3V2                                                                                DATE: 8/6/2019
FCC ID: BCG-E3305A                                                                                    IC: 579C-E3305A

    HIGH CHANNEL 9 BANDEDGE ANT 3                                OUT-OF-BAND HIGH CHANNEL 9 ANT 3

   HIGH CHANNEL 10 BANDEDGE ANT 3                               OUT-OF-BAND HIGH CHANNEL 10 ANT 3

   HIGH CHANNEL 11 BANDEDGE ANT 3                               OUT-OF-BAND HIGH CHANNEL 11 ANT 3

                                          Page 275 of 477
47173 Benicia Street, Fremont, CA 94538; USA           TEL:(510) 319-4000                          FAX:(510) 661-0888
This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of UL Verification Services Inc.

REPORT NO: 12607346-E3V2                                                                                DATE: 8/6/2019
FCC ID: BCG-E3305A                                                                                    IC: 579C-E3305A

   HIGH CHANNEL 12 BANDEDGE ANT 3                               OUT-OF-BAND HIGH CHANNEL 12 ANT 3

   HIGH CHANNEL 13 BANDEDGE ANT 3                               OUT-OF-BAND HIGH CHANNEL 13 ANT 3

                                          Page 276 of 477
47173 Benicia Street, Fremont, CA 94538; USA           TEL:(510) 319-4000                          FAX:(510) 661-0888
This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of UL Verification Services Inc.

REPORT NO: 12607346-E3V2                                                                                DATE: 8/6/2019
FCC ID: BCG-E3305A                                                                                    IC: 579C-E3305A
Antenna 4 + Antenna 3 2TX MODE: 242-Tones, RU Index 61

    LOW CHANNEL 1 BANDEDGE ANT 4                                 OUT-OF-BAND LOW CHANNEL 1 ANT 4

    LOW CHANNEL 2 BANDEDGE ANT 4                                 OUT-OF-BAND LOW CHANNEL 2 ANT 4

    LOW CHANNEL 3 BANDEDGE ANT 4                                 OUT-OF-BAND LOW CHANNEL 3 ANT 4

                                          Page 277 of 477
47173 Benicia Street, Fremont, CA 94538; USA           TEL:(510) 319-4000                          FAX:(510) 661-0888
This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of UL Verification Services Inc.

REPORT NO: 12607346-E3V2                                                                                DATE: 8/6/2019
FCC ID: BCG-E3305A                                                                                    IC: 579C-E3305A

    LOW CHANNEL 4 BANDEDGE ANT 4                                 OUT-OF-BAND LOW CHANNEL 4 ANT 4

    IN-BAND REFERENCE LEVEL ANT 4                                  OUT-OF-BAND MID CHANNEL ANT 4

    HIGH CHANNEL 9 BANDEDGE ANT 4                                OUT-OF-BAND HIGH CHANNEL 9 ANT 4

                                          Page 278 of 477
47173 Benicia Street, Fremont, CA 94538; USA           TEL:(510) 319-4000                          FAX:(510) 661-0888
This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of UL Verification Services Inc.

REPORT NO: 12607346-E3V2                                                                                DATE: 8/6/2019
FCC ID: BCG-E3305A                                                                                    IC: 579C-E3305A

   HIGH CHANNEL 10 BANDEDGE ANT 4                               OUT-OF-BAND HIGH CHANNEL 10 ANT 4

   HIGH CHANNEL 11 BANDEDGE ANT 4                               OUT-OF-BAND HIGH CHANNEL 11 ANT 4

   HIGH CHANNEL 12 BANDEDGE ANT 4                               OUT-OF-BAND HIGH CHANNEL 12 ANT 4

                                          Page 279 of 477
47173 Benicia Street, Fremont, CA 94538; USA           TEL:(510) 319-4000                          FAX:(510) 661-0888
This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of UL Verification Services Inc.

REPORT NO: 12607346-E3V2                                                                                DATE: 8/6/2019
FCC ID: BCG-E3305A                                                                                    IC: 579C-E3305A

  HIGH CHANNEL 13 BANDEDGE ANT 40                               OUT-OF-BAND HIGH CHANNEL 13 ANT 4

    LOW CHANNEL 1 BANDEDGE ANT 3                                 OUT-OF-BAND LOW CHANNEL 1 ANT 3

    LOW CHANNEL 2 BANDEDGE ANT 3                                 OUT-OF-BAND LOW CHANNEL 2 ANT 3

                                          Page 280 of 477
47173 Benicia Street, Fremont, CA 94538; USA           TEL:(510) 319-4000                          FAX:(510) 661-0888
This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of UL Verification Services Inc.

REPORT NO: 12607346-E3V2                                                                                DATE: 8/6/2019
FCC ID: BCG-E3305A                                                                                    IC: 579C-E3305A

    LOW CHANNEL 3 BANDEDGE ANT 3                                 OUT-OF-BAND LOW CHANNEL 3 ANT 3

    LOW CHANNEL 4 BANDEDGE ANT 3                                 OUT-OF-BAND LOW CHANNEL 4 ANT 3

    IN-BAND REFERENCE LEVEL ANT 3                                  OUT-OF-BAND MID CHANNEL ANT 3

                                          Page 281 of 477
47173 Benicia Street, Fremont, CA 94538; USA           TEL:(510) 319-4000                          FAX:(510) 661-0888
This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of UL Verification Services Inc.

REPORT NO: 12607346-E3V2                                                                                DATE: 8/6/2019
FCC ID: BCG-E3305A                                                                                    IC: 579C-E3305A

    HIGH CHANNEL 9 BANDEDGE ANT 3                                OUT-OF-BAND HIGH CHANNEL 9 ANT 3

   HIGH CHANNEL 10 BANDEDGE ANT 3                               OUT-OF-BAND HIGH CHANNEL 10 ANT 3

   HIGH CHANNEL 11 BANDEDGE ANT 3                               OUT-OF-BAND HIGH CHANNEL 11 ANT 3

                                          Page 282 of 477
47173 Benicia Street, Fremont, CA 94538; USA           TEL:(510) 319-4000                          FAX:(510) 661-0888
This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of UL Verification Services Inc.

REPORT NO: 12607346-E3V2                                                                                DATE: 8/6/2019
FCC ID: BCG-E3305A                                                                                    IC: 579C-E3305A

   HIGH CHANNEL 12 BANDEDGE ANT 3                               OUT-OF-BAND HIGH CHANNEL 12 ANT 3

   HIGH CHANNEL 13 BANDEDGE ANT 3                               OUT-OF-BAND HIGH CHANNEL 13 ANT 3

                                          Page 283 of 477
47173 Benicia Street, Fremont, CA 94538; USA           TEL:(510) 319-4000                          FAX:(510) 661-0888
This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of UL Verification Services Inc.

REPORT NO: 12607346-E3V2                                                                                DATE: 8/6/2019
FCC ID: BCG-E3305A                                                                                    IC: 579C-E3305A

FCC §15.205 and §15.209

RSS-GEN, Section 8.9 and 8.10

   Frequency Range               Field Strength Limit             Field Strength Limit
         (MHz)                      (uV/m) at 3 m                   (dBuV/m) at 3 m
      0.009-0.490                2400/F(kHz) @ 300 m                        -
      0.490-1.705                24000/F(kHz) @ 30 m                        -
       1.705 - 30                     30 @ 30m                              -
         30 - 88                          100                              40
        88 - 216                          150                             43.5
       216 - 960                          200                              46
      Above 960                           500                              54


The EUT is placed on a non-conducting table 80 cm above the ground plane for measurement
below 1GHz; 1.5 m above the ground plane for measurement above 1GHz. The antenna to EUT
distance is 3 meters. The EUT is configured in accordance with ANSI C63.10. The EUT is set to
transmit in a continuous mode.

For measurements below 1 GHz the resolution bandwidth is set to 100 kHz for peak detection
measurements or 120 kHz for quasi-peak detection measurements. Peak detection is used
unless otherwise noted as quasi-peak.

For pre-scans above 1 GHz the resolution bandwidth is set to 1 MHz; the video bandwidth is set
to 30 KHz for peak measurements.

For final measurements above 1 GHz the resolution bandwidth is set to 1 MHz; the video
bandwidth is set to 3 MHz for peak measurements and as applicable for average

The spectrum from 1 GHz to 18 GHz is investigated with the transmitter set to the lowest,
middle, and highest channels in each applicable band. Below 1GHz and above 18GHz
emissions, the channel with the highest output power was tested.

The frequency range of interest is monitored at a fixed antenna height and EUT azimuth. The
EUT is rotated through 360 degrees to maximize emissions received. The antenna is scanned
from 1 to 4 meters above the ground plane to further maximize the emission. Measurements are
made with the antenna polarized in both the vertical and the horizontal positions.

For below 30MHz testing, investigation was done on three antenna orientations (parallel,
perpendicular, and ground-parallel), parallel and perpendicular are the worst orientations,
therefore testing was performed on these two orientations only.

                                          Page 284 of 477
47173 Benicia Street, Fremont, CA 94538; USA           TEL:(510) 319-4000                          FAX:(510) 661-0888
This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of UL Verification Services Inc.

REPORT NO: 12607346-E3V2                                                                                DATE: 8/6/2019
FCC ID: BCG-E3305A                                                                                    IC: 579C-E3305A

KDB 414788 Open Field Site(OFS) and Chamber Correlation Justification

Base on FCC 15.31 (f) (2): measurements may be performed at a distance closer than that
specified in the regulations; however, an attempt should be made to avoid making
measurements in the near field.

OFS and chamber correlation testing had been performed and chamber measured test result is
the worst case test result.

                                          Page 285 of 477
47173 Benicia Street, Fremont, CA 94538; USA           TEL:(510) 319-4000                          FAX:(510) 661-0888
This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of UL Verification Services Inc.

REPORT NO: 12607346-E3V2                                                                                                                    DATE: 8/6/2019
FCC ID: BCG-E3305A                                                                                                                        IC: 579C-E3305A
            9.1. TRANSMITTER ABOVE 1 GHz

                     9.1.1. TX ABOVE 1 GHz 802.11b MODE IN THE 2.4 GHz BAND

1TX Antenna 4 MODE


                                                          HORIZONTAL RESULT

  Marker   Frequency    Meter    Det   AF T119 (dB/m)   Amp/Cbl/Fltr/Pa   Corrected   Average Limit   Margin   Peak Limit   PK Margin     Azimuth   Height   Polarity
             (GHz)     Reading                              d (dB)         Reading     (dBuV/m)        (dB)    (dBuV/m)        (dB)        (Degs)    (cm)
                       (dBuV)                                             (dBuV/m)
    1       * 2.39      40.9      Pk       32.3             -18.3          54.9            -             -        74         -19.1         208      116        H
    2      * 2.386     44.93      Pk       32.3             -18.3          58.93           -             -        74        -15.07         208      116        H
    3       * 2.39     31.69     RMS       32.3             -18.3          45.69          54          -8.31        -           -           208      116        H
    4      * 2.386     37.3      RMS       32.3             -18.2          51.4           54           -2.6        -           -           208      116        H

* - indicates frequency in CFR47 Pt 15 / IC RSS-Restricted Band
Pk - Peak detector
RMS - RMS detection

                                          Page 286 of 477
47173 Benicia Street, Fremont, CA 94538; USA           TEL:(510) 319-4000                                                               FAX:(510) 661-0888
This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of UL Verification Services Inc.

REPORT NO: 12607346-E3V2                                                                                                                    DATE: 8/6/2019
FCC ID: BCG-E3305A                                                                                                                        IC: 579C-E3305A

                                                              VERTICAL RESULT

  Marker   Frequency    Meter    Det   AF T119 (dB/m)   Amp/Cbl/Fltr/Pa   Corrected   Average Limit   Margin   Peak Limit   PK Margin     Azimuth   Height   Polarity
             (GHz)     Reading                              d (dB)         Reading     (dBuV/m)        (dB)    (dBuV/m)        (dB)        (Degs)    (cm)
                       (dBuV)                                             (dBuV/m)
    1       * 2.39     38.94      Pk       32.3             -18.3          52.94           -             -        74        -21.06         148      400         V
    2      * 2.385     42.72      Pk       32.3             -18.2          56.82           -             -        74        -17.18         148      400         V
    3       * 2.39     29.31     RMS       32.3             -18.3          43.31          54          -10.69       -           -           148      400         V
    4      * 2.387     33.48     RMS       32.3             -18.3          47.48          54           -6.52       -           -           148      400         V

* - indicates frequency in CFR47 Pt 15 / IC RSS-Restricted Band
Pk - Peak detector
RMS - RMS detection

                                          Page 287 of 477
47173 Benicia Street, Fremont, CA 94538; USA           TEL:(510) 319-4000                                                               FAX:(510) 661-0888
This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of UL Verification Services Inc.

REPORT NO: 12607346-E3V2                                                                                                              DATE: 8/6/2019
FCC ID: BCG-E3305A                                                                                                                  IC: 579C-E3305A

                                                          HORIZONTAL RESULT

Marker   Frequenc    Meter    Det   AF T344 (dB/m)   Amp/Cbl/Fltr/P    Correcte   Average Limit   Margin   Peak Limit     PK     Azimuth   Height   Polarity
             y      Reading                            ad (dB)            d         (dBuV/m)       (dB)    (dBuV/m)     Margin    (Degs)    (cm)
           (GHz)    (dBuV)                                             Reading                                           (dB)
  1      * 2.484     43.5      Pk       32.3             -18.9          56.9            -           -         74         -17.1    224       135       H
  2      * 2.484    45.25      Pk       32.3             -18.9         58.65            -           -         74        -15.35    224       135       H
  3      * 2.484    37.37     RMS       32.3             -18.9         50.77           54         -3.23        -           -      224       135       H
  4      * 2.484    37.57     RMS       32.3             -18.9         50.97           54         -3.03        -           -      224       135       H

* - indicates frequency in CFR47 Pt 15 / IC RSS-Restricted Band
Pk - Peak detector
RMS - RMS detection

                                          Page 288 of 477
47173 Benicia Street, Fremont, CA 94538; USA           TEL:(510) 319-4000                                                        FAX:(510) 661-0888
This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of UL Verification Services Inc.

REPORT NO: 12607346-E3V2                                                                                                              DATE: 8/6/2019
FCC ID: BCG-E3305A                                                                                                                  IC: 579C-E3305A

                                                                 VERTICAL RESULT

Marker   Frequenc    Meter    Det   AF T344 (dB/m)   Amp/Cbl/Fltr/P    Correcte   Average Limit   Margin   Peak Limit     PK     Azimuth   Height   Polarity
             y      Reading                            ad (dB)            d         (dBuV/m)       (dB)    (dBuV/m)     Margin    (Degs)    (cm)
           (GHz)    (dBuV)                                             Reading                                           (dB)
  1      * 2.484    41.45      Pk       32.3             -18.9         54.85            -            -        74        -19.15     69       362        V
  2      * 2.484    42.55      Pk       32.3             -18.9         55.95            -            -        74        -18.05     69       362        V
  3      * 2.484    34.15     RMS       32.3             -18.9         47.55           54         -6.45        -           -       69       362        V
  4      * 2.484     34.7     RMS       32.3             -18.9          48.1           54          -5.9        -           -       69       362        V

* - indicates frequency in CFR47 Pt 15 / IC RSS-Restricted Band
Pk - Peak detector
RMS - RMS detection

                                          Page 289 of 477
47173 Benicia Street, Fremont, CA 94538; USA           TEL:(510) 319-4000                                                        FAX:(510) 661-0888
This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of UL Verification Services Inc.

REPORT NO: 12607346-E3V2                                                                                                                    DATE: 8/6/2019
FCC ID: BCG-E3305A                                                                                                                        IC: 579C-E3305A

                                                          HORIZONTAL RESULT

  Marker   Frequency    Meter    Det   AF T119 (dB/m)   Amp/Cbl/Fltr/Pa   Corrected   Average Limit   Margin   Peak Limit   PK Margin     Azimuth   Height   Polarity
             (GHz)     Reading                              d (dB)         Reading     (dBuV/m)        (dB)    (dBuV/m)        (dB)        (Degs)    (cm)
                       (dBuV)                                             (dBuV/m)
    1      * 2.484     43.79      Pk       32.8             -18.1          58.49           -            -         74        -15.51         206      108        H
    2      * 2.484     45.02      Pk       32.8             -18.1          59.72           -            -         74        -14.28         206      108        H
    3      * 2.484     34.46     RMS       32.8             -18.1          49.16          54          -4.84        -           -           206      108        H
    4      * 2.484     36.17     RMS       32.8             -18.1          50.87          54          -3.13        -           -           206      108        H

* - indicates frequency in CFR47 Pt 15 / IC RSS-Restricted Band
Pk - Peak detector
RMS - RMS detection

                                          Page 290 of 477
47173 Benicia Street, Fremont, CA 94538; USA           TEL:(510) 319-4000                                                               FAX:(510) 661-0888
This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of UL Verification Services Inc.

REPORT NO: 12607346-E3V2                                                                                                                    DATE: 8/6/2019
FCC ID: BCG-E3305A                                                                                                                        IC: 579C-E3305A

                                                              VERTICAL RESULT

  Marker   Frequency    Meter    Det   AF T119 (dB/m)   Amp/Cbl/Fltr/Pa   Corrected   Average Limit   Margin   Peak Limit   PK Margin     Azimuth   Height   Polarity
             (GHz)     Reading                              d (dB)         Reading     (dBuV/m)        (dB)    (dBuV/m)        (dB)        (Degs)    (cm)
                       (dBuV)                                             (dBuV/m)
    1      * 2.484     40.64      Pk       32.8             -18.1          55.34           -             -        74        -18.66         151      362         V
    2      * 2.485     42.05      Pk       32.8             -18.1          56.75           -             -        74        -17.25         151      362         V
    3      * 2.484     32.1      RMS       32.8             -18.1          46.8           54           -7.2        -           -           151      362         V
    4      * 2.484     32.92     RMS       32.8             -18.1          47.62          54          -6.38        -           -           151      362         V

* - indicates frequency in CFR47 Pt 15 / IC RSS-Restricted Band
Pk - Peak detector
RMS - RMS detection

                                          Page 291 of 477
47173 Benicia Street, Fremont, CA 94538; USA           TEL:(510) 319-4000                                                               FAX:(510) 661-0888
This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of UL Verification Services Inc.

REPORT NO: 12607346-E3V2                                                                                                                    DATE: 8/6/2019
FCC ID: BCG-E3305A                                                                                                                        IC: 579C-E3305A

                                                          HORIZONTAL RESULT

  Marker   Frequency    Meter    Det   AF T119 (dB/m)   Amp/Cbl/Fltr/Pa   Corrected   Average Limit   Margin   Peak Limit   PK Margin     Azimuth   Height   Polarity
             (GHz)     Reading                              d (dB)         Reading     (dBuV/m)        (dB)    (dBuV/m)        (dB)        (Degs)    (cm)
                       (dBuV)                                             (dBuV/m)
    1      * 2.484     44.79      Pk       32.8             -18.1          59.49           -            -         74        -14.51          28      251        H
    2      * 2.484     45.78      Pk       32.8             -18.1          60.48           -            -         74        -13.52          28      251        H
    3      * 2.484     36.07     RMS       32.8             -18.1          50.77          54          -3.23        -           -            28      251        H
    4      * 2.484     35.95     RMS       32.8             -18.1          50.65          54          -3.35        -           -            28      251        H

* - indicates frequency in CFR47 Pt 15 / IC RSS-Restricted Band
Pk - Peak detector
RMS - RMS detection

                                          Page 292 of 477
47173 Benicia Street, Fremont, CA 94538; USA           TEL:(510) 319-4000                                                               FAX:(510) 661-0888
This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of UL Verification Services Inc.

REPORT NO: 12607346-E3V2                                                                                                                    DATE: 8/6/2019
FCC ID: BCG-E3305A                                                                                                                        IC: 579C-E3305A

                                                              VERTICAL RESULT

  Marker   Frequency    Meter    Det   AF T119 (dB/m)   Amp/Cbl/Fltr/Pa   Corrected   Average Limit   Margin   Peak Limit   PK Margin     Azimuth   Height   Polarity
             (GHz)     Reading                              d (dB)         Reading     (dBuV/m)        (dB)    (dBuV/m)        (dB)        (Degs)    (cm)
                       (dBuV)                                             (dBuV/m)
    1      * 2.484     44.76      Pk       32.8             -18.1          59.46           -            -         74        -14.54         170      370         V
    2      * 2.484     45.02      Pk       32.8             -18.1          59.72           -            -         74        -14.28         170      370         V
    3      * 2.484     36.45     RMS       32.8             -18.1          51.15          54          -2.85        -           -           170      370         V
    4      * 2.484     36.07     RMS       32.8             -18.1          50.77          54          -3.23        -           -           170      370         V

* - indicates frequency in CFR47 Pt 15 / IC RSS-Restricted Band
Pk - Peak detector
RMS - RMS detection

                                          Page 293 of 477
47173 Benicia Street, Fremont, CA 94538; USA           TEL:(510) 319-4000                                                               FAX:(510) 661-0888
This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of UL Verification Services Inc.

REPORT NO: 12607346-E3V2                                                                                                                    DATE: 8/6/2019
FCC ID: BCG-E3305A                                                                                                                        IC: 579C-E3305A
1TX Antenna 3 MODE


                                                          HORIZONTAL RESULT

  Marker   Frequency    Meter    Det   AF T119 (dB/m)   Amp/Cbl/Fltr/Pa   Corrected   Average Limit   Margin   Peak Limit   PK Margin     Azimuth   Height   Polarity
             (GHz)     Reading                              d (dB)         Reading     (dBuV/m)        (dB)    (dBuV/m)        (dB)        (Degs)    (cm)
                       (dBuV)                                             (dBuV/m)
    1       * 2.39     39.77      Pk       32.3             -18.3          53.77           -            -         74        -20.23         200      237        H
    2      * 2.387     42.55      Pk       32.3             -18.3          56.55           -            -         74        -17.45         200      237        H
    3       * 2.39     31.04     RMS       32.3             -18.3          45.04          54          -8.96        -           -           200      237        H
    4      * 2.386     33.23     RMS       32.3             -18.3          47.23          54          -6.77        -           -           200      237        H

* - indicates frequency in CFR47 Pt 15 / IC RSS-Restricted Band
Pk - Peak detector
RMS - RMS detection

                                          Page 294 of 477
47173 Benicia Street, Fremont, CA 94538; USA           TEL:(510) 319-4000                                                               FAX:(510) 661-0888
This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of UL Verification Services Inc.

REPORT NO: 12607346-E3V2                                                                                                                    DATE: 8/6/2019
FCC ID: BCG-E3305A                                                                                                                        IC: 579C-E3305A

                                                              VERTICAL RESULT

  Marker   Frequency    Meter    Det   AF T119 (dB/m)   Amp/Cbl/Fltr/Pa   Corrected   Average Limit   Margin   Peak Limit   PK Margin     Azimuth   Height   Polarity
             (GHz)     Reading                              d (dB)         Reading     (dBuV/m)        (dB)    (dBuV/m)        (dB)        (Degs)    (cm)
                       (dBuV)                                             (dBuV/m)
    1       * 2.39     38.74      Pk       32.3             -18.3          52.74           -             -        74        -21.26         338      384         V
    2      * 2.386     40.76      Pk       32.3             -18.3          54.76           -             -        74        -19.24         338      384         V
    3       * 2.39     28.52     RMS       32.3             -18.3          42.52          54          -11.48       -           -           338      384         V
    4      * 2.388     30.54     RMS       32.3             -18.3          44.54          54           -9.46       -           -           338      384         V

* - indicates frequency in CFR47 Pt 15 / IC RSS-Restricted Band
Pk - Peak detector
RMS - RMS detection

                                          Page 295 of 477
47173 Benicia Street, Fremont, CA 94538; USA           TEL:(510) 319-4000                                                               FAX:(510) 661-0888
This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of UL Verification Services Inc.

REPORT NO: 12607346-E3V2                                                                                                              DATE: 8/6/2019
FCC ID: BCG-E3305A                                                                                                                  IC: 579C-E3305A

                                                          HORIZONTAL RESULT

Marker   Frequenc    Meter    Det   AF T344 (dB/m)   Amp/Cbl/Fltr/P    Correcte   Average Limit   Margin   Peak Limit     PK     Azimuth   Height   Polarity
             y      Reading                            ad (dB)            d         (dBuV/m)       (dB)    (dBuV/m)     Margin    (Degs)    (cm)
           (GHz)    (dBuV)                                             Reading                                           (dB)
  1      * 2.484    40.18      Pk       32.3             -18.9         53.58            -           -         74        -20.42    107       277       H
  3      * 2.484    32.01     RMS       32.3             -18.9         45.41           54         -8.59        -           -      107       277       H
  2      * 2.485    43.54      Pk       32.3             -18.9         56.94            -           -         74        -17.06    107       277       H
  4      * 2.485    37.94     RMS       32.3             -18.9         51.34           54         -2.66        -           -      107       277       H

* - indicates frequency in CFR47 Pt 15 / IC RSS-Restricted Band
Pk - Peak detector
RMS - RMS detection

                                          Page 296 of 477
47173 Benicia Street, Fremont, CA 94538; USA           TEL:(510) 319-4000                                                        FAX:(510) 661-0888
This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of UL Verification Services Inc.

REPORT NO: 12607346-E3V2                                                                                                              DATE: 8/6/2019
FCC ID: BCG-E3305A                                                                                                                  IC: 579C-E3305A

                                                                 VERTICAL RESULT

Marker   Frequenc    Meter    Det   AF T344 (dB/m)   Amp/Cbl/Fltr/P    Correcte   Average Limit   Margin   Peak Limit     PK     Azimuth   Height   Polarity
             y      Reading                            ad (dB)            d         (dBuV/m)       (dB)    (dBuV/m)     Margin    (Degs)    (cm)
           (GHz)    (dBuV)                                             Reading                                           (dB)
  1      * 2.484    40.49      Pk       32.3             -18.9         53.89            -            -        74        -20.11    167       360        V
  2      * 2.486    43.92      Pk       32.3             -18.9         57.32            -            -        74        -16.68    167       360        V
  3      * 2.484    31.26     RMS       32.3             -18.9         44.66           54         -9.34        -           -      167       360        V
  4      * 2.485     36.2     RMS       32.3             -18.9          49.6           54          -4.4        -           -      167       360        V

* - indicates frequency in CFR47 Pt 15 / IC RSS-Restricted Band
Pk - Peak detector
RMS - RMS detection

                                          Page 297 of 477
47173 Benicia Street, Fremont, CA 94538; USA           TEL:(510) 319-4000                                                        FAX:(510) 661-0888
This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of UL Verification Services Inc.

REPORT NO: 12607346-E3V2                                                                                                                    DATE: 8/6/2019
FCC ID: BCG-E3305A                                                                                                                        IC: 579C-E3305A

                                                          HORIZONTAL RESULT

  Marker   Frequency    Meter    Det   AF T119 (dB/m)   Amp/Cbl/Fltr/Pa   Corrected   Average Limit   Margin   Peak Limit   PK Margin     Azimuth   Height   Polarity
             (GHz)     Reading                              d (dB)         Reading     (dBuV/m)        (dB)    (dBuV/m)        (dB)        (Degs)    (cm)
                       (dBuV)                                             (dBuV/m)
    1      * 2.484     42.9       Pk       32.8             -18.1          57.6            -            -         74         -16.4         201      249        H
    2      * 2.485     44.61      Pk       32.8             -18.1          59.31           -            -         74        -14.69         201      249        H
    3      * 2.484     35.22     RMS       32.8             -18.1          49.92          54          -4.08        -           -           201      249        H
    4      * 2.484     36.48     RMS       32.8             -18.1          51.18          54          -2.82        -           -           201      249        H

* - indicates frequency in CFR47 Pt 15 / IC RSS-Restricted Band
Pk - Peak detector
RMS - RMS detection

                                          Page 298 of 477
47173 Benicia Street, Fremont, CA 94538; USA           TEL:(510) 319-4000                                                               FAX:(510) 661-0888
This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of UL Verification Services Inc.

REPORT NO: 12607346-E3V2                                                                                                                    DATE: 8/6/2019
FCC ID: BCG-E3305A                                                                                                                        IC: 579C-E3305A

                                                              VERTICAL RESULT

  Marker   Frequency    Meter    Det   AF T119 (dB/m)   Amp/Cbl/Fltr/Pa   Corrected   Average Limit   Margin   Peak Limit   PK Margin     Azimuth   Height   Polarity
             (GHz)     Reading                              d (dB)         Reading     (dBuV/m)        (dB)    (dBuV/m)        (dB)        (Degs)    (cm)
                       (dBuV)                                             (dBuV/m)
    1      * 2.484     40.99      Pk       32.8             -18.1          55.69           -            -         74        -18.31         247      372         V
    2      * 2.484     42.79      Pk       32.8             -18.1          57.49           -            -         74        -16.51         247      372         V
    3      * 2.484     32.47     RMS       32.8             -18.1          47.17          54          -6.83        -           -           247      372         V
    4      * 2.485     33.16     RMS       32.8             -18.1          47.86          54          -6.14        -           -           247      372         V

* - indicates frequency in CFR47 Pt 15 / IC RSS-Restricted Band
Pk - Peak detector
RMS - RMS detection

                                          Page 299 of 477
47173 Benicia Street, Fremont, CA 94538; USA           TEL:(510) 319-4000                                                               FAX:(510) 661-0888
This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of UL Verification Services Inc.

REPORT NO: 12607346-E3V2                                                                                                                    DATE: 8/6/2019
FCC ID: BCG-E3305A                                                                                                                        IC: 579C-E3305A

                                                          HORIZONTAL RESULT

  Marker   Frequency    Meter    Det   AF T119 (dB/m)   Amp/Cbl/Fltr/Pa   Corrected   Average Limit   Margin   Peak Limit   PK Margin     Azimuth   Height   Polarity
             (GHz)     Reading                              d (dB)         Reading     (dBuV/m)        (dB)    (dBuV/m)        (dB)        (Degs)    (cm)
                       (dBuV)                                             (dBuV/m)
    1      * 2.484     43.9       Pk       32.8             -18.1          58.6            -            -         74         -15.4         202      251        H
    2      * 2.484     44.71      Pk       32.8             -18.1          59.41           -            -         74        -14.59         202      251        H
    3      * 2.484     35.62     RMS       32.8             -18.1          50.32          54          -3.68        -           -           202      251        H
    4      * 2.484     35.91     RMS       32.8             -18.1          50.61          54          -3.39        -           -           202      251        H

* - indicates frequency in CFR47 Pt 15 / IC RSS-Restricted Band
Pk - Peak detector
RMS - RMS detection

                                          Page 300 of 477
47173 Benicia Street, Fremont, CA 94538; USA           TEL:(510) 319-4000                                                               FAX:(510) 661-0888
This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of UL Verification Services Inc.

REPORT NO: 12607346-E3V2                                                                                                                    DATE: 8/6/2019
FCC ID: BCG-E3305A                                                                                                                        IC: 579C-E3305A

                                                              VERTICAL RESULT

  Marker   Frequency    Meter    Det   AF T119 (dB/m)   Amp/Cbl/Fltr/Pa   Corrected   Average Limit   Margin   Peak Limit   PK Margin     Azimuth   Height   Polarity
             (GHz)     Reading                              d (dB)         Reading     (dBuV/m)        (dB)    (dBuV/m)        (dB)        (Degs)    (cm)
                       (dBuV)                                             (dBuV/m)
    1      * 2.484     41.66      Pk       32.8             -18.1          56.36           -            -         74        -17.64         246      364         V
    2      * 2.484     41.94      Pk       32.8             -18.1          56.64           -            -         74        -17.36         246      364         V
    3      * 2.484     32.46     RMS       32.8             -18.1          47.16          54          -6.84        -           -           246      364         V
    4      * 2.484     32.83     RMS       32.8             -18.1          47.53          54          -6.47        -           -           246      364         V

* - indicates frequency in CFR47 Pt 15 / IC RSS-Restricted Band
Pk - Peak detector
RMS - RMS detection

                                          Page 301 of 477
47173 Benicia Street, Fremont, CA 94538; USA           TEL:(510) 319-4000                                                               FAX:(510) 661-0888
This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of UL Verification Services Inc.

REPORT NO: 12607346-E3V2                                                                                                                    DATE: 8/6/2019
FCC ID: BCG-E3305A                                                                                                                        IC: 579C-E3305A
                     9.1.2. TX ABOVE 1 GHz 802.11n HT20 MODE IN THE 2.4 GHz

1TX Antenna 4 MODE


                                                          HORIZONTAL RESULT

  Marker   Frequency    Meter    Det   AF T119 (dB/m)   Amp/Cbl/Fltr/Pa   Corrected   Average Limit   Margin   Peak Limit   PK Margin     Azimuth   Height   Polarity
             (GHz)     Reading                              d (dB)         Reading     (dBuV/m)        (dB)    (dBuV/m)        (dB)        (Degs)    (cm)
                       (dBuV)                                             (dBuV/m)
    1       * 2.39     47.03      Pk       32.3             -18.3          61.03           -            -         74        -12.97          26      141        H
    2       * 2.39     48.86      Pk       32.3             -18.3          62.86           -            -         74        -11.14          26      141        H
    3       * 2.39     36.53     RMS       32.3             -18.3          50.53          54          -3.47        -           -            26      141        H
    4       * 2.39     36.74     RMS       32.3             -18.3          50.74          54          -3.26        -           -            26      141        H

* - indicates frequency in CFR47 Pt 15 / IC RSS-Restricted Band
Pk - Peak detector
RMS - RMS detection

                                          Page 302 of 477
47173 Benicia Street, Fremont, CA 94538; USA           TEL:(510) 319-4000                                                               FAX:(510) 661-0888
This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of UL Verification Services Inc.

Document Created: 2019-09-02 15:41:42
Document Modified: 2019-09-02 15:41:42

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