HAC RF test report 1 of 7


Test Report

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      FCC 47 CFR § 20.19
       ANSI C63.19-2011


      FCC ID: BCG-E3304A
       Model Name: A2221

 Report Number: 12696945-S4V2
      Issue Date: 8/1/2019

         Prepared for
         APPLE, INC.
  CUPERTINO, CA 95014, U.S.A.

          Prepared by
  FREMONT, CA 94538, U.S.A.
      TEL: (510) 771-1000
      FAX: (510) 661-0888

     NVLAP LAB CODE 200065-0

Report No.: 12696945-S4V2                                                                         Issue Date: 8/1/2019

Revision History
 Rev.    Date             Revisions                                                        Revised By
 V1      7/25/2019        Initial Issue                                                    --
                          Report revised based on reviewer’s feedback
                          1. Secs. 7.4 and 7.5 : Updated table.
                          2. Sec. 8 : Updated statement.
 V2      8/1/2019                                                                          Art Thammanvarat
                          3. Sec. 8.1 : Updated table.
                          4. Secs. 12.1 & 12.2 : Updated table.
                          5. Appendix : Updated Appendix B and C.

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UL Verification Services Inc.                                                                             Doc. No.: 1.0
           This report shall not be reproduced without the written approval of UL Verification Services Inc.

Report No.: 12696945-S4V2                                                                                                         Issue Date: 8/1/2019

                                                               Table of Contents
1.      Attestation of Test Results ............................................................................................................. 5

2.      Test Methodology ........................................................................................................................... 6

3.      Facilities and Accreditation ........................................................................................................... 6

4.      Calibration and Uncertainty ........................................................................................................... 6
     4.1.     Measuring Instrument Calibration ............................................................................................... 6
     4.2.     Measurement Uncertainty ........................................................................................................... 7

5.      System Specifications .................................................................................................................... 8

6.      System Validation ........................................................................................................................... 9
     6.1.     System Validation Results ........................................................................................................ 10

7.      Average Antenna Input Power & Evaluation for Low-power Exemption................................... 11
     7.1.     ANT1 ........................................................................................................................................ 11
     7.2.     ANT2 ........................................................................................................................................ 12
     7.3.     ANT3 ........................................................................................................................................ 12
     7.4.     ANT4 ........................................................................................................................................ 13
     7.5.     ANT5 ........................................................................................................................................ 13

8.      Device Under Test......................................................................................................................... 14
     8.1.     Air Interfaces and Operating Mode ........................................................................................... 14

9.      Modulation Interference Factor (MIF) .......................................................................................... 15

10. HAC RF Emissions Test Procedure ............................................................................................. 17

11. RF Emissions Measurement Criteria ........................................................................................... 20

12. HAC (RF Emissions) Test Results ............................................................................................... 21
     12.1. ANT1 ........................................................................................................................................ 21
     12.2. ANT2 ........................................................................................................................................ 22
     12.3. ANT3 ........................................................................................................................................ 22
     12.4. ANT4 ........................................................................................................................................ 23
     12.5. ANT5 ........................................................................................................................................ 23
     12.6. Worst Case RF Emission Test Plot ........................................................................................... 24

Appendixes .......................................................................................................................................... 25
     Appendix A: HAC RF Emission Setup Photo ....................................................................................... 25
     Appendix B: System Validation Plots ................................................................................................... 25
     Appendix C: HAC RF Emission Test Plots ........................................................................................... 25
     Appendix D: MIF Attestation Letter ...................................................................................................... 25
     Appendix E: Probe Calibration Certificates .......................................................................................... 25

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Report No.: 12696945-S4V2                                                                                            Issue Date: 8/1/2019
  Appendix F: Dipole Calibration Certificates .......................................................................................... 25
  Appendix G: UID Specifications ........................................................................................................... 25

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Report No.: 12696945-S4V2                                                                         Issue Date: 8/1/2019

1. Attestation of Test Results
Applicant Name                    APPLE, INC.
FCC ID                            BCG-E3304A
Model Name                        A2221
                                  FCC 47 CFR § 20.19
Applicable Standards
                                  ANSI C63.19-2011
HAC Rating                        M3
Date Tested                       6/28/2019 to 6/29/2019
Test Results                      Pass
 UL Verification Services Inc. tested the above equipment in accordance with the requirements set forth in the
 above standards. All indications of Pass/Fail in this report are opinions expressed by UL Verification Services Inc.
 based on interpretations and/or observations of test results. Measurement Uncertainties were not taken into
 account and are published for informational purposes only. The test results show that the equipment tested is
 capable of demonstrating compliance with the requirements as documented in this report.
Note: The results documented in this report apply only to the tested sample, under the conditions and modes of
operation as described herein. This document may not be altered or revised in any way unless done so by UL
Verification Services Inc. and all revisions are duly noted in the revisions section. Any alteration of this document
not carried out by UL Verification Services Inc. will constitute fraud and shall nullify the document. This report must
not be used by the client to claim product certification, approval, or endorsement by NVLAP, NIST, any agency of
the Federal Government, or any agency of any government (NIST Handbook 150, Annex A). This report is written
to support regulatory compliance of the applicable standards stated above.
 Approved & Released By:                                      Prepared By:

Devin Chang                                                 Chakrit Thammanavarat
Senior Test Engineer                                        Test Engineer
UL Verification Services Inc.                               UL Verification Services Inc.

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Report No.: 12696945-S4V2                                                                                      Issue Date: 8/1/2019

2. Test Methodology
The tests documented in this report were performed in accordance with ANSI C63.19-2011 Methods of
Measurement of Compatibility between Wireless Communications Devices and Hearing Aids abd FCC Published
KDB 285076 D01 HAC Guidance v05
KDB 285076 D03 HAC FAQ v01
TCB workshop updates

3. Facilities and Accreditation
The test sites and measurement facilities used to collect data are located at

              47266 Benicia Street                                47266 Benicia Street
                     SAR Lab 7                                          SAR Lab 8
UL Verification Services Inc. is accredited by NVLAP, Laboratory Code 200065-0.

4. Calibration and Uncertainty
4.1.     Measuring Instrument Calibration
The measuring equipment utilized to perform the tests documented in this report has been calibrated in accordance
with the manufacturer's recommendations, and is traceable to recognized national standards.
Name of Equipment                           Manufacturer               Type/Model                 Serial No.       Cal. Due Date
Signal Generator                                R &S                    SMB100A                   180968-gX         2/14/2020
Power Sensor                                    R &S                     NRP18A                   100995-hs         2/15/2020
Data Acquisition Electronics (SAR 7)           SPEAG                      DAE4                      1352            11/6/2019
Data Acquisition Electronics (SAR 8)           SPEAG                      DAE4                       1540           2/18/2020
E-Field Probe*                                 SPEAG                     EF3DV3                      4041           3/22/2020
Calibration Dipole                             SPEAG                    CD835V3                      1014           2/19/2020
Calibration Dipole                             SPEAG                    CD1880V3                     1122           2/19/2020
Calibration Dipole                             SPEAG                    CD2450V3                     1014           2/19/2020
Calibration Dipole                             SPEAG                    CD2600V3                     1008           7/10/2019
Calibration Dipole**                           SPEAG                    CD3500V3                     1006            5/2/2020
Calibration Dipole                             SPEAG                    CD5500V3                     1007           7/10/2019
Radio Communication Tester                      R &S                    CMW 500                   132910-cp         2/18/2020
Radio Communication Tester                      R &S                    CMW 500                   125236-es         4/10/2020

*: According to SPEAG’s Technical Report, “MIF Verification”, Doc # TR-FB-12.09.04-1, issued date: 9/4/2012. E-field probes are
calibrated with specified uncertainty according to ISO 17025 as described in their calibration certificate. The MIF according to the
definition in ANSI C63.19 is specific for a modulation and can therefore be used as a constant value if the probe has been PMR
**: In accordance with KDB 865664 §3.2.2 reference dipoles need only be returned to the system manufacturer for calibration
every three years. The dipole target, impedance and return loss must be checked at least yearly by the test laboratory and
compared to the calibration certificate. If any of these parameters deviate by more than that permitted by KDB 865664 then the
dipole shall be withdrawn from use and return to the manufacturer for immediate re-calibration. Refer to Appendix E of this
report for both the calibration certificates and the in-house checks (where appropriate).

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Report No.: 12696945-S4V2                                                                         Issue Date: 8/1/2019

4.2.    Measurement Uncertainty
                                         Uncertainty                          (Ci)    Std. Unc.(±%)
            Error Description                        Probe Dist.      Div.
                                         value (±%)                            E            E
Measurement System
Probe Calibration                                 5.1     N             1      1           5.1
Axial Isotropy                                    4.7     R           1.732    1           2.7
Sensor Displacement                              16.5     R           1.732    1           9.5
Boundary Effects                                  2.4     R           1.732    1           1.4
Phantom Boundary Effects                          7.2     R           1.732    1           4.1
Linearity                                         4.7     R           1.732    1           2.7
Scaling to PMR Calibration                       10.0     R           1.732    1           5.8
System Detection Limit                            1.0     R           1.732    1           0.6
Readout Electronics                               0.3     N             1      1           0.3
Response Time                                     0.8     R           1.732    1           0.5
Integration Time                                  2.6     R           1.732    1           1.5
RF Ambient Conditions                             3.0     R           1.732    1           1.7
RF Reflections                                   12.0     R           1.732    1           6.9
Probe Positioner                                  1.2     R           1.732    1           0.7
Probe Positioning                                 4.7     R           1.732    1           2.7
Extrapolation and Interpolation                   1.0     R           1.732    1           0.6
Test sample Related
Test Positioning Vertical                         4.7     R           1.732    1           2.7
Test Positioning Lateral                          1.0     R           1.732    1           0.6
Device Holder and Phantom                         2.4     R           1.732    1           1.4
Power Drift                                       5.0     R           1.732    1           2.9
Phantom and Setup Related
Phantom Thickness                                 2.4     R           1.732    1           1.4
Combined Std. Uncertainty                                                                 16.3
Expanded Std. Uncertainty on Power (Coverage Factor for 95%, k = 2)                       32.6
Expanded Std. Uncertainty on Field                                                        16.3
Notesfor table
1. N - Nomal
2. R - Rectangular
3. Div. - Divisor used to obtain standard uncertainty
4. Ci - is te sensitivity coefficient

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Report No.: 12696945-S4V2                                                                         Issue Date: 8/1/2019

5. System Specifications
E-field measurements are performed using the DASY52 automated dosimetric assessment system. The DASY52 is
made by Schmid & Partner Engineering AG (SPEAG) in Zurich, Switzerland.
The DASY52 HAC Extension consists of the following parts:
Test Arch Phantom
The specially designed Test Arch allows high precision positioning of both the device and any of the validation
EF3DV3 Isotropic E-Field Probe
Construction:            One dipole parallel, two dipoles normal to probe axis
                         Interleaved sensors
                         Built-in shielding against static charges
                         PEEK enclosure material

Calibration:             In air from 100 MHz to 3.0 GHz (absolute accuracy ±6.0%, k=2)
                         ISO/IEC 17025 calibration service available.

Frequency:               40 MHz – >6 GHz (can be extended to < 20 MHz);
                         Linearity: ±0.2 dB (100 MHz – 3 GHz)
Directivity:             ± 0.2 dB in air (rotation around probe axis)
                         ± 0.4 dB in air (rotation normal to probe axis)
Dynamic Range:           2 V/m to > 1000 V/m; Linearity: ± 0.2 dB
Dimensions:              Overall length: 337 mm (Tip: 20 mm)
                         Tip diameter: 3.9 mm (Body: 12 mm)
                         Distance from probe tip to dipole centers: 1.5 mm
                         Sensor displacement to probe's calibration point: <0.7 mm
Application:             General near-field measurements up to 6 GHz
                         HAC measurements up to 6 GHz
                         Field component measurements
                         Fast automatic scanning in phantoms

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Report No.: 12696945-S4V2                                                                         Issue Date: 8/1/2019

6. System Validation
The test setup was validated when first configured and verified periodically thereafter to ensure proper function.
The procedure provided in this section is a validation procedure using dipole antennas for which the field levels
were computed by numeric modeling.
Place a dipole antenna meeting the requirements given in ANSI C63.19 in the normally occupied by the WD.
The dipole antenna serves as a known source for an electrical and magnetic output. Position the E-field probe so
that the following occurs:
‧ The probes and their cables are parallel to the coaxial feed of the dipole antenna
‧ The probe cables and the coaxial feed of the dipole antenna approach the measurement area from opposite
‧ The center point of the probe element(s) is 15 mm from the closest surface of the dipole elements.
Scan the length of the dipole with the E-field probe and record the two maximum values found near the dipole ends.
Average the two readings and compare the reading to the expected value in the calibration certificate or the
expected value in this standard.

                                                   Setup diagram

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Report No.: 12696945-S4V2                                                                                                        Issue Date: 8/1/2019

6.1.    System Validation Results
                                                                   Max. m easured from
                                                                                                      Average                   Deviation
                                                                                                                  Target (V/m )            Plot
 SAR        Date       Dipole Type_Serial #_Freq.   Dipole Cal.                                      m ax. above                 (no te 1)
                                                                  a bo v e high     a bo v e lo w                (From SPEAG)              No.
 Lab                                                 Due Data      e nd ( V / m )   e nd ( V / m )   arm (V/m )                    ±%

   8      6/8/2019     CD835V3_SN:1014_(835 MHz)    2/19/2020        104.10           109.70           106.90        105.50        1.33     1

   8      6/8/2019    CD1880V3_SN:1122_(1880 MHz)   2/19/2020         87.68            91.53            89.61        86.40         3.71     2

   8      6/8/2019    CD2600V3_SN:1008_(2600 MHz)   7/10/2019         84.40            86.94            85.67        86.20        -0.61     3

   8      6/8/2019    CD2450V3_SN:1014_(2450 MHz)   2/19/2020         92.78            93.96            93.37        85.20         9.59     4

   8      6/8/2019    CD5500V3_SN:1007_(5500 MHz)   7/10/2019         89.84            96.21            93.03        100.60       -7.53     5

   7      6/28/2019   CD3500V3_SN:1006_(3500 MHz)    5/2/2020         87.90            88.44            88.17        85.10         3.61     6

1) Delta (Deviation) % = 100 * (Measured value minus Target value) divided by the Target value. Deltas within ±25% are
    acceptable, of which 12% is deviation and 13% is measurement uncertainty.
2) The maximum E-field or were evaluated and compared to the target values provided by SPEAG in the calibration certificate
    of specific dipoles.
3) Please refer to the appendix for detailed measurement data and plots.

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Report No.: 12696945-S4V2                                                                               Issue Date: 8/1/2019

7. Average Antenna Input Power & Evaluation for Low-power Exemption
An RF air interface technology of a device is exempt from testing when its average antenna input power( Max tune-
up limit) plus its MIF is ≤17 dBm for any of its operating modes. If a device supports multiple RF air interfaces, each
RF air interface shall be evaluated individually.

Power measurements were performed in accordance to the device’s two power modes, Mode A and Mode B for
each antenna. Mode A power is used when the device is used against the user’s head or away from the body.
Mode B power is used when the device is used in a Body-worn configuration by the user.
The selection between antennas ANT1, ANT2, ANT3, ANT4, and ANT5 in the application is based on RSSI based
antenna selection. The full details of power selections are described in the operational description.

7.1.    ANT1
                                Average Antenna         Worst Case MIF            Input Power
        Air-Interface                                                                                    HAC Tested
                               Input Power (dBm)              (dB)             plus its MIF (dBm)
GSM850                                33.25                   3.63                    36.88                   Yes
GSM1900                               31.75                   3.63                    35.38                   Yes
W-CDMA Band II                        25.70                 -27.23                     -1.53                  No
W-CDMA Band IV                        25.70                 -27.23                     -1.53                  No
W-CDMA Band V                         25.70                 -27.23                     -1.53                  No
CDMA BC0                              25.70                   3.26                    28.96                   Yes
CDMA BC1                              25.70                   3.26                    28.96                   Yes
CDMA BC10                             25.70                   3.26                    28.96                   Yes
LTE Band 2                            25.70                  -9.76                    15.94                   No
LTE Band 4                            25.70                  -9.76                    15.94                   No
LTE Band 5                            25.70                  -9.76                    15.94                   No
LTE Band 7                            25.70                  -9.76                    15.94                   No
LTE Band 12                           25.70                  -9.76                    15.94                   No
LTE Band 13                           25.70                  -9.76                    15.94                   No
LTE Band 17                           25.70                  -9.76                    15.94                   No
LTE Band 25                           25.70                  -9.76                    15.94                   No
LTE Band 26                           25.70                  -9.76                    15.94                   No
LTE Band 30                           25.70                  -9.76                    15.94                   No
LTE Band 41 PC3                       25.70                  -1.44                    24.26                   Yes
LTE Band 41 PC2                       28.70                  -1.44                    27.26                   Yes
LTE Band 66                           25.70                  -9.76                    15.94                   No
LTE CA_5B1                            25.00                  -9.76                    15.24                   No
LTE CA_7C1                            25.00                  -9.76                    15.24                   No
LTE CA_41C PC31                       25.70                  -1.44                    24.26                   No
LTE CA_41C PC21                       27.00                  -1.44                    25.56                   No

1. Testing for all UL CA is not required because it uses same Tx band, modulations, and output power is equal or less than
    non-CA modes.

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Report No.: 12696945-S4V2                                                                             Issue Date: 8/1/2019

7.2.    ANT2
                                Average Antenna        Worst Case MIF           Input Power
        Air-Interface                                                                                   HAC Tested
                               Input Power (dBm)            (dB)             plus its MIF (dBm)
GSM850                                31.75                 3.63                    35.38                   Yes
GSM1900                              26.50                   3.63                   30.13                   Yes
W-CDMA Band II                       17.50                  -27.23                  -9.73                    No
W-CDMA Band IV                       21.25                  -27.23                  -5.98                    No
W-CDMA Band V                        24.50                  -27.23                  -2.73                    No
CDMA BC0                             24.50                   3.26                   27.76                   Yes
CDMA BC1                             17.50                   3.26                   20.76                   Yes
CDMA BC10                            24.50                   3.26                   27.76                   Yes
LTE Band 2                           17.50                   -9.76                   7.74                    No
LTE Band 4                           21.25                   -9.76                  11.49                    No
LTE Band 5                           24.50                   -9.76                  14.74                    No
LTE Band 7                           17.75                   -9.76                   7.99                    No
LTE Band 12                          24.50                   -9.76                  14.74                    No
LTE Band 13                          24.50                   -9.76                  14.74                    No
LTE Band 17                          24.50                   -9.76                  14.74                    No
LTE Band 25                          17.50                   -9.76                   7.74                    No
LTE Band 26                          24.50                   -9.76                  14.74                    No
LTE Band 30                          17.75                   -9.76                   7.99                    No
LTE Band 41 PC3                      19.75                   -1.44                  18.31                   Yes
LTE Band 41 PC22                     19.75                   -1.44                  18.31                    No
LTE Band 66                          21.25                   -9.76                  11.49                    No
LTE CA_5B 1                          23.50                   -9.76                  13.74                    No
LTE CA_7C1                           17.75                   -9.76                   7.99                    No
LTE CA_41C PC3                       19.75                   -1.44                  18.31                    No
LTE CA_41C PC2                       19.75                   -1.44                  18.31                    No
802.11b                              20.25                   -2.02                  18.23                   Yes
802.11g/n                            20.25                   0.12                   20.37                   Yes
802.11ax                             20.25                   -5.58                  14.67                    No

1. Testing for ULCA is not required because it uses same Tx band, modulations, and output power is equal or less than non-
    CA modes.
2. LTE band 41 PC2 testing is not required because PC2 has the same power limit but a lower duty cycle than PC3.

7.3.    ANT3
                                Average Antenna        Worst Case MIF            Input Power
        Air-Interface                                                                                   HAC Tested
                               Input Power (dBm)            (dB)              plus its MIF (dBm)
LTE Band 48                           25.70                -1.44                     24.26                  Yes

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Report No.: 12696945-S4V2                                                                         Issue Date: 8/1/2019

7.4.    ANT4
                              Average Antenna        Worst Case MIF          Input Power
       Air-Interface                                                                               HAC Tested
                             Input Power (dBm)            (dB)            plus its MIF (dBm)
LTE Band 48                         22.50                -1.44                   21.06                 Yes
802.11a/n/ac (U-NII-1)              21.50                -3.15                   18.35                 Yes
802.11a/n/ac (U-NII-2A)             21.25                -3.15                   18.10                 Yes
802.11a/n/ac (U-NII-2C)             21.50                -3.15                   18.35                 Yes
802.11a/n/ac (U-NII-3)              21.50                -3.15                   18.35                 Yes
802.11ax (U-NII-1)                  21.50                -5.58                   15.92                 No
802.11ax (U-NII-2A)                 21.25                -5.58                   15.67                 No
802.11ax (U-NII-2C)                 21.50                -5.58                   15.92                 No
802.11ax (U-NII-3)                  21.50                -5.58                   15.92                 No

7.5.    ANT5
                              Average Antenna        Worst Case MIF          Input Power
       Air-Interface                                                                               HAC Tested
                             Input Power (dBm)            (dB)            plus its MIF (dBm)
802.11b                             21.50                -2.02                   19.48                 Yes
802.11g/n                           21.50                 0.12                   21.62                 Yes
802.11ax                            21.50                -5.58                   15.92                 No
802.11a/n/ac (U-NII-1)              21.50                -3.15                   18.35                 Yes
802.11a/n/ac (U-NII-2A)             21.50                -3.15                   18.35                 Yes
802.11a/n/ac (U-NII-2C)             21.50                -3.15                   18.35                 Yes
802.11a/n/ac (U-NII-3)              21.50                -3.15                   18.35                 Yes
802.11ax (U-NII-1)                  21.50                -5.58                   15.92                 No
802.11ax (U-NII-2A)                 21.50                -5.58                   15.92                 No
802.11ax (U-NII-2C)                 21.50                -5.58                   15.92                 No
802.11ax (U-NII-3)                  21.50                -5.58                   15.92                 No

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Report No.: 12696945-S4V2                                                                                        Issue Date: 8/1/2019

8. Device Under Test
 The Apple iPhone is a smartphone with multimedia functions (music, application support, and video), cellular GSM, GPRS,
 EGPRS, UMTS, LTE, TD-SCDMA, CDMA, IEEE 802.11a/b/g/n/ac/ax, Bluetooth, Ultra-Wide band, GPS and NFC. All models
 support at least one UICC based SIM. The second SIM, if present, is either UICC based pSIM (physical SIM) or e-SIM
 (electronic SIM). The device has a built-in inductive charging receiver. The rechargeable battery is also not user accessible.
 ANT1 (support all WWAN frequency bands) - located at the lower of the device.
 ANT2 (support WWAN frequencies bands and Wi-Fi 2.4 GHz and Bluetooth) - located at the upper of the device.
 ANT3 (support WWAN 3.4 GHz band) – located at lower right corner of the device.
 ANT4 (support WWAN 3.4 GHz band and Wi-Fi 5GHz Bands) – located at upper left corner of the device.
 ANT5 (support Wi-Fi 2.4/5 GHz Bands and Bluetooth) – located at lower left corner of the device.
 Normal operation             Held to head

 Back Cover                  The Back Cover is not removable

8.1.     Air Interfaces and Operating Mode
                          Bands                     C63.19        Simultaneous
   Air Interface                             Type                                        Name of Voice Service        Power Reduction
                          (MHz)                     Tested         Transmitter

                            850                                                                                            N/A
                                             VO      Yes            Wi-Fi, BT                   CMRS
       GSM                 1900                                                                                             No
                       GPRS/EDGE             DT      No             Wi-Fi, BT                  FaceTime                    N/A

    W-CDMA                 1700              VO      Yes            Wi-Fi, BT                   CMRS                       N/A
    (UMTS)                 1900
                          HSPA               VD      Yes            Wi-Fi, BT                  FaceTime                    N/A
                                             VO      Yes            Wi-Fi, BT                   CMRS                       N/A
       CDMA                1900
                          EVDO               VD      Yes            Wi-Fi, BT                  FaceTime                    N/A
                      700 (B12/13/17)
                        850 (B5/26)
                       1700 (B4/66)
    LTE - FDD                                VD      Yes            Wi-Fi, BT                  FaceTime                    N/A
                       1900 (B2/25)
                        2300 (B30)
                         2600 (B7)
                        2500 (B41)
    LTE - TDD                                VD      Yes            Wi-Fi, BT                  FaceTime                    N/A
                        3600 (B48)
                           2450                                     WWAN
                       5200 (U-NII-1)
       Wi-Fi          5300 (U-NII-2A)        VD      Yes                                       FaceTime                    N/A
                                                                   WWAN, BT
                      5500 (U-NII-2C)
                       5800 (U-NII-3)
                                                                 WWAN, Wi-Fi
        BT                 2450              DT      NA1                                            NA                     N/A
                                                                 (5 GHz bands)
   Type                                             Note:
   VO: Legacy Cellular Voice Service                1. Evaluated for MIF and low power exemption.
   DT: Digital Transport only (no voice)
   VD: IP Voice Service over Digital Transport
   CMRS: Commercial Mobile Radio Service

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Report No.: 12696945-S4V2                                                                          Issue Date: 8/1/2019

9. Modulation Interference Factor (MIF)
The HAC Standard ANSI C63.19 defines a new scaling using the Modulation Interference Factor (MIF) which
replaces the need for the Articulation Weighting Factor (AWF) during the evaluation and is applicable to any
modulation scheme.
The Modulation Interference factor (MIF, in dB) is added to the measured average E-field (in dBV/m) and converts
it to the RF Audio Interference level (in dBV/m). This level considers the audible amplitude modulation components
in the RF E-field. CW fields without amplitude modulation are assumed to not interfere with the hearing aid
electronics. Modulations without time slots and low fluctuations at low frequencies have low MIF values, TDMA
modulations with narrow transmission and repetition rates of few 100 Hz have high MIF values and give similar
classifications as ANSI C63.19.
E-field probes have a bandwidth <10 kHz and can therefore not evaluate the RF envelope in the full audio band.
DASY52 is therefore using the “indirect” measurement method according to ANSI C63.19 which is the primary
method. These near field probes read the averaged E-field measurement. Especially for the new high peak-to-
average (PAR) signal types, the probes shall be linearized by probe modulation response (PMR) calibration in
order to not overestimate the field reading.
The evaluation method or the MIF is defined in ANSI C63.19 section D.7. An RMS demodulated RF signal is fed to
a spectral filter (similar to an A weighting filter) and forwarded to a temporal filter acting as a quasi-peak detector.
The averaged output of these filtering is called to a 1 kHz 80% AM signal as reference. MIF measurement requires
additional instrumentation and is not well suited for evaluation by the end user with reasonable uncertainty It may
alternatively be determined through analysis and simulation, because it is constraint and characteristic for a
communication signal. DASY52 uses well defined signals for PMR calibration. The MIF of these signals has been
determined by simulation and is automatically applied.
MIF values were not tested by a probe or as specified in the standards but are based on analysis provided by
SPEAG for all the air interfaces (GSM, WCDMA, CDMA, LTE). The data included in this report are for the worst
case operating modes. The UIDs used are listed below:
 UID                  Communication System Name                                     MIF (dB)

 10021-DAC            GSM-FDD (TDMA, GMSK)                                            3.63

 10011-CAB            UMTS-FDD (WCDMA)                                               -27.23

 10295-AAB            CDMA2000 (1xRTT, RC1, SO3, 1/8th Rate 25 fr.)                   3.26

 10170-CAE            LTE-FDD (SC-FDMA, 1 RB, 20 MHz, 16QAM)                          -9.76

 10182-CAE            LTE-FDD (SC-FDMA, 1 RB, 15 MHz, 16QAM)                          -9.76

 10176-CAF            LTE-FDD (SC-FDMA, 1 RB, 10 MHz, 16QAM)                          -9.76

 10173-CAF            LTE-TDD (SC-FDMA, 1 RB, 20 MHz, 16QAM)                          -1.44
 10061-CAB            IEEE 802.11b WiFi 2.4 GHz (DSSS, 11 Mbps)                       -2.02
 10077-CAB            IEEE 802.11g WiFi 2.4 GHz (DSSS/OFDM, 54 Mbps)                  0.12
 10069-CAC            IEEE 802.11a/n WiFi 5 GHz (OFDM, 54 Mbps)                       -3.15
 10671-AAA            IEEE 802.11ax (20MHz, MCS0, 90pc duty cycle)                    -5.58

A PMR calibrated probe is linearized for the selected waveform over the full dynamic range within the uncertainty
specified in its calibration certificate. E-field probes have a bandwidth <10 kHz and can therefore not evaluate the
RF envelope in the full audio band. DASY52 is therefore using the \indirect" measurement method according to
ANSI C63.19 which is the primary method. These near field probes read the averaged E-field measurement.
Especially for the new high peak-to-average (PAR) signal types, the probes shall be linearized by PMR calibration
in order to not overestimate the field reading.
The MIF measurement uncertainty is estimated as follows, for modulation frequencies from slotted waveforms with
fundamental frequency and at least 2 harmonics within 10 kHz:

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Report No.: 12696945-S4V2                                                                         Issue Date: 8/1/2019
    •   0.2 dB for MIF -7 to +5 dB,
    •   0.5 dB for MIF -13 to +11 dB
    •   1 dB for MIF > -20 dB

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Report No.: 12696945-S4V2                                                                           Issue Date: 8/1/2019

10.      HAC RF Emissions Test Procedure
The following are step-by-step test procedures.
a) Confirm proper operation of the field probe, probe measurement system and other instrumentation and the
   positioning system.
b) Position the WD in its intended test position.
c) Set the WD to transmit a fixed and repeatable combination of signal power and modulation characteristic that is
   representative of the worst case (highest interference potential) encountered in normal use. Transiently
   occurring start-up, changeover, or termination conditions, or other operations likely to occur less than 1% of the
   time during normal operation, may be excluded from consideration.
d) The center sub-grid shall be centered on the T-Coil mode perpendicular measurement point or the acoustic
   output, as appropriate. Locate the field probe at the initial test position in the 50 mm by 50 mm grid, which is
   contained in the measurement plane, refer to illustrated in Figure 1. If the field alignment method is used, align
   the probe for maximum field reception.
e) Record the reading at the output of the measurement system
f)   Scan the entire 50 mm by 50 mm region in equally spaced increments and record the reading at each
     measurement point. The distance between measurement points shall be sufficient to assure the identification of
     the maximum reading.
g) Identify the five contiguous sub-grids around the center sub-grid whose maximum reading is the lowest of all
   available choices. This eliminates the three sub-grids with the maximum readings. Thus, the six areas to be
   used to determine the WD’s highest emissions are identified.
h) Identify the maximum reading within the non-excluded sub-grids identified in step g).
i)   Convert the highest field reading within identified in step h) to RF audio interference level, in V/m, by taking the
     square root of the reading and then dividing it by the measurement system transfer function, established in Convert this result to dB(V/m) by taking the base-10 logarithm and multiplying by 20.
     Indirect measurement method
     Replacing step i), the RF audio interference level in dB (V/m) is obtained by adding the MIF (in dB) to the
     maximum steady-state rms field-strength reading, in dB (V/m), from step h). Use this result to determine the
     category rating
j)   Compare this RF audio interference level with the categories in Clause 8 (ANSI C63.19) and record the
     resulting WD category rating
k) For the T-Coil mode M-rating assessment, determine whether the chosen perpendicular measurement point is
   contained in an included sub-grid of the first scan. If so, then a second scan is not necessary. The first scan
   and resultant category rating may be used for the T-Coil mode M rating.
     Otherwise, repeat step a) through step i), with the grid shifted so that it is centered on the perpendicular
     measurement point. Record the WD category rating.

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                      Figure 1 - WD reference and plane for RF emission measurements

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Test flowchart Per ANSI-63.19-2011

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Report No.: 12696945-S4V2                                                                         Issue Date: 8/1/2019

11.     RF Emissions Measurement Criteria
WD RF audio interference level caterories in logarithmic units
                                                                   E-field emissions
      Emission Categories
                                                 < 960 MHz                                  > 960 MHz
          Category M1                         50 to 55 dB (V/m)                         40 to 45 dB (V/m)
          Category M2                         45 to 50 dB (V/m)                         35 to 40 dB (V/m)
          Category M3                         40 to 45 dB (V/m)                         30 to 35 dB (V/m)
          Category M4                           <40 dB (V/m)                              <30 dB (V/m)

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12.        HAC (RF Emissions) Test Results
MIF values were not tested by a probe or as specified in the standards but are based on analysis provided by
SPEAG for the following User Identifiers and air interfaces.
The data included in this report are for the worst case operating modes. Refer to Appendix D and G for the MIF
vales that represent the worst case operation modes.
Refer to Section 7 Evaluation for Low-power Exemption. RF Emission testing for this device is required only for
GSM, CDMA voice modes, LTE-TDD, Wi-Fi and Bluetooth. All other applicable air-interfaces are exempt from
testing in accordance with C63.19 Clause 4.4 and are rated M4.

12.1. ANT1
                                                        Results*                               Margin                  Plots
      Air-Interface      Ch. No.       Freq. (MHz)                   plus 0.2dB uncertaninty            M-Rating
                                                        (dB V/m)                                (dB)                  Page #
                                                                          (dB V/m)
                          128            824.20           36.08             36.28              3.72       M4             1
        GSM850            190            836.60           32.25             32.45              7.55       M4             2
                          251            848.80           32.95             33.15              6.85       M4             3
                          512            1850.20          29.64             29.84              0.16       M4             4
       GSM1900            661            1880.00          29.42             29.62              0.38       M4             5
                          810            1909.80          28.05             28.25              1.75       M4             6
                         1013            824.70           28.24             28.44              11.56      M4             7
                          384            836.52           24.95             25.15              14.85      M4             8
                          777            848.31           26.62             26.82              13.18      M4             9
                          25             1851.25          24.04             24.24              5.76       M4            10
                          600            1880.00          24.54             24.74              5.26       M4            11
                         1175            1908.75          23.59             23.79              6.21       M4            12
                          450            817.30           25.93             26.13              13.87      M4            13
                          560            820.00           27.09             27.29              12.71      M4            14
                          670            822.75           27.14             27.34              12.66      M4            15
                         39750           2506.00          20.83             21.03              8.97       M4            16
     LTE-TDD             40185           2549.50          20.94             21.14              8.86       M4            17
     Band 41             40620           2593.00          21.24             21.44              8.56       M4            18
   Power Class 3         41055           2636.50          20.69             20.89              9.11       M4            19
                         41490           2680.00          19.53             19.73              10.27      M4            20
                         39750           2506.00          21.22             21.42              8.58       M4            21
     LTE-TDD             40185           2549.50          22.06             22.26              7.74       M4            22
     Band 41             40620           2593.00          21.43             21.63              8.37       M4            23
   Power Class 2         41055           2636.50          20.95             21.15              8.85       M4            24
                         41490           2680.00          18.79             18.99              11.01      M4            25

*: Measured Audio Interference level in dB (V/m): indirect method (max rms field strength Plus MIF)

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12.2. ANT2
                                                             Results*                                  Margin                Plots
     Air-Interface         Ch. No.         Freq. (MHz)                     plus 0.2dB uncert anint y            M-Rating
                                                             (dB V/m)                                   (dB)                Page #
                                                                                (dB V/m)
                             128            824.20             38.75              38.95                1.05        M4         30
       GSM850                190            836.60             37.66              37.86                2.14        M4         31
                             251            848.80             37.50              37.70                2.30        M4         32
                             512            1850.20            28.90              29.10                0.90        M4         33
      GSM1900                661            1880.00            29.68              29.88                0.12        M4         34
                             810            1909.80            30.42              30.62                4.38        M3         35
                            1013            824.70             31.90              32.10                7.90        M4         36
                             384            836.52             31.44              31.64                8.36        M4         37
                             777            848.31             31.40              31.60                8.40        M4         38
                             25             1851.25            23.90              24.10                5.90        M4         39
                             600            1880.00            24.58              24.78                5.22        M4         40
                            1175            1908.75            25.41              25.61                4.39        M4         41
                             450            817.30             31.79              31.99                8.01        M4         42
                             560            820.00             32.13              32.33                7.67        M4         43
                             670            822.75             31.88              32.08                7.92        M4         44
                            39750           2506.00            22.53              22.73                7.27        M4         45
      LTE-TDD               40185           2549.50            21.91              22.11                7.89        M4         46
      Band 41               40620           2593.00            21.28              21.48                8.52        M4         47
    Power Class 3           41055           2636.50            20.58              20.78                9.22        M4         48
                            41490           2680.00            19.27              19.47                10.53       M4         49
                              2             2417.00            31.86              32.06                2.94        M3         54
       802.11b                6             2437.00            31.88              32.08                2.92        M3         55
                             11             2462.00            33.55              33.75                1.25        M3         56
                              3             2422.00            34.18              34.38                0.62        M3         57
       802.11g                6             2437.00            34.04              34.24                0.76        M3         58
                              9             2452.00            33.67              33.87                1.13        M3         59

*: Measured Audio Interference level in dB (V/m): indirect method (max rms field strength Plus MIF)

12.3. ANT3
                                                             Results*                                  Margin               Plots
     Air-Interface         Ch. No.        Freq. (MHz)                      plus 0.2dB uncertaninty              M-Rating
                                                             (dB V/m)                                   (dB)               Page #
                                                                                (dB V/m)
                            55340           3560.00            21.32              21.52                8.48       M4         26
      LTE-TDD               55773           3603.30            25.70              25.90                4.10       M4         27
       Band 48              56207           3646.70            26.04              26.24                3.76       M4         28
                            56640           3690.00            19.41              19.61                10.39      M4         29

*: Measured Audio Interference level in dB (V/m): indirect method (max rms field strength Plus MIF)

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12.4. ANT4
                                                             Results*                                  Margin               Plots
     Air-Interface         Ch. No.        Freq. (MHz)                      plus 0.2dB uncertaninty              M-Rating
                                                             (dB V/m)                                   (dB)               Page #
                                                                                 (dB V/m)
                            55340           3560.00            21.62               21.82                8.18       M4        50
      LTE-TDD               55773           3603.30            21.36               21.56                8.44       M4        51
       Band 48              56207           3646.70            21.41               21.61                8.39       M4        52
                            56640           3690.00            21.27               21.47                8.53       M4        53
                              40            5200.00            26.87               19.19               10.81       M4        60
   802.11a (5.2 GHz)          44            5220.00            26.37               18.61               11.39       M4        61
                              48            5240.00            26.00               18.99               11.01       M4        62
                              52            5260.00            25.80               18.44               11.56       M4        63
   802.11a (5.3 GHz)          56            5280.00            25.65               18.66               11.34       M4        64
                              60            5300.00            25.68               18.32               11.68       M4        65
                             104            5520.00            26.10               14.47               15.53       M4        66
   802.11a (5.5 GHz)         124            5620.00            25.03               12.79               17.21       M4        67
                             144            5720.00            23.89               13.15               16.85       M4        68
                             149            5745.00            24.17               13.63               16.37       M4        69
   802.11a (5.8 GHz)         157            5785.00            24.02               13.31               16.69       M4        70
                             165            5825.00            24.96               13.12               16.88       M4        71

*: Measured Audio Interference level in dB (V/m): indirect method (max rms field strength Plus MIF)

12.5. ANT5
                                                             Results*                                  Margin               Plots
     Air-Interface         Ch. No.        Freq. (MHz)                      plus 0.2dB uncert anint y            M-Rating
                                                             (dB V/m)                                   (dB)               Page #
                                                                                (dB V/m)
                              2             2417.00           21.99               22.19                7.81       M4         72
       802.11b                6             2437.00           22.96               23.16                6.84       M4         73
                             11             2462.00           23.60               23.80                6.20       M4         74
                              3             2422.00           24.04               24.24                5.76       M4         75
       802.11g                6             2437.00           25.12               25.32                4.68       M4         76
                              9             2452.00           24.98               25.18                4.82       M4         77
                             40             5200.00           18.99               19.19                10.81      M4         78
  802.11a (5.2 GHz)          44             5220.00           18.41               18.61                11.39      M4         79
                             48             5240.00           18.79               18.99                11.01      M4         80
                             52             5260.00           18.24               18.44                11.56      M4         81
  802.11a (5.3 GHz)          56             5280.00           18.46               18.66                11.34      M4         82
                             60             5300.00           18.12               18.32                11.68      M4         83
                             104            5520.00           14.27               14.47                15.53      M4         84
  802.11a (5.5 GHz)          124            5620.00           12.59               12.79                17.21      M4         85
                             144            5720.00           12.95               13.15                16.85      M4         86
                             149            5745.00           13.43               13.63                16.37      M4         87
  802.11a (5.8 GHz)          157            5785.00           13.11               13.31                16.69      M4         88
                             165            5825.00           12.92               13.12                16.88      M4         89

*: Measured Audio Interference level in dB (V/m): indirect method (max rms field strength Plus MIF)

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Report No.: 12696945-S4V2                                                                         Issue Date: 8/1/2019

12.6. Worst Case RF Emission Test Plot
Test Laboratory: UL Verification Services Inc. SAR Lab 8                                 Date: 6/17/2019

HAC-RF Emission
Communication System: UID 10077 - CAB, IEEE 802.11g WiFi 2.4 GHz (DSSS/OFDM, 54 Mbps); Frequency: 2422 MHz; Duty
Cycle: 1:12.5893
Phantom section: RF Section
DASY5 Configuration:
- Probe: EF3DV3 - SN4041; ConvF(1, 1, 1); Calibrated: 3/22/2019;
- Sensor-Surface: (Fix Surface)
- Electronics: DAE4 Sn1540; Calibrated: 2/18/2019
- Phantom: HAC Test Arch with AMCC; Type: SD HAC P01 BB
- Measurement SW: DASY52, Version 52.8 (7);SEMCAD X Version 14.6.10 (7164)

802.11g E-Field measurement/IEEE 802.11g_OFDM 54 Mbps_ch 3/Hearing Aid
Compatibility Test (101x101x1): Interpolated grid: dx=0.5000 mm, dy=0.5000 mm
Device Reference Point: 0, 0, -6.3 mm
Reference Value = 63.69 V/m; Power Drift = -0.16 dB
Applied MIF = 0.12 dB
RF audio interference level = 34.18 dBV/m
Emission category: M3

                                    MIF scaled E-field
                                     Grid 1 M4        Grid 2 M4     Grid 3 M4
                                     25.72 dBV/m      29.78 dBV/m   29.84 dBV/m
                                     Grid 4 M4        Grid 5 M3     Grid 6 M3
                                     29.98 dBV/m      34.18 dBV/m   34.09 dBV/m
                                     Grid 7 M3        Grid 8 M3     Grid 9 M3
                                     31.17 dBV/m      34.55 dBV/m   34.39 dBV/m

                      0 dB = 53.42 V/m = 34.55 dBV/m

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Refer to separated files for the following appendixes

Appendix A: HAC RF Emission Setup Photo

Appendix B: System Validation Plots

Appendix C: HAC RF Emission Test Plots

Appendix D: MIF Attestation Letter

Appendix E: Probe Calibration Certificates

Appendix F: Dipole Calibration Certificates

Appendix G: UID Specifications

                                                 END OF REPORT

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Document Created: 2019-09-16 18:33:23
Document Modified: 2019-09-16 18:33:23

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