HAC T-Coil RF Report


Test Report

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          FCC CFR47 PART 20.19
            ANSI C63.19-2011

Cellular Phone with Bluetooth and WLAN Radio

            Model: A1586, A1549
            FCC ID: BCG-E2816A

        Report Number: 14U17673-S4
           Issue Date: 07/19/2014

                Prepared for
                APPLE INC.
         1 INFINITE LOOP, MS 26A
        CUPERTINO, CA 95014-2084

                Prepared by
        UL Verification Services Inc.
          47173 BENICIA STREET
        FREMONT, CA 94538, U.S.A.
            TEL: (510) 771-1000
            FAX: (510) 661-0888

Report No.: 14U17673-S4                                                                         Issue Date: 07/19/2014
 Rev.    Issue Date     Revisions                                                          Revised By
 --      07/19/2014     Initial Issue                                                      --

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UL Verification Services Inc.                                                                             Doc. No.: 1.0
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Report No.: 14U17673-S4                                                                                                       Issue Date: 07/19/2014

                                                               Table of Contents

1.     Attestation of Test Results ............................................................................................................. 4

2.     Test Methodology ........................................................................................................................... 5

3.     Facilities and Accreditation ........................................................................................................... 5

4.     Calibration and Uncertainty ........................................................................................................... 6
     4.1.      Measuring Instrument Calibration .............................................................................................. 6
     4.2.      Measurement Uncertainty .......................................................................................................... 7

5.     Device Under Test........................................................................................................................... 8
     5.1.      Air Interfaces and Operating Mode ............................................................................................ 8

6.     Test Procedures .............................................................................................................................. 9

7.     Establish WD Reference Level ..................................................................................................... 11

8.     T-coil Measurement Criteria ......................................................................................................... 14
     8.1.      Frequency Response ............................................................................................................... 14
     8.2.      Signal to Noise......................................................................................................................... 15

9.     T-coil Test Results ........................................................................................................................ 16
     9.1.      Upper Antenna (UAT) .............................................................................................................. 16
     9.2.      Lower Antenna (LAT) ............................................................................................................... 17

10.         Appendix .................................................................................................................................... 18
     10.1.        Setup Photo ......................................................................................................................... 18
     10.2.        Calibration Certificate - Magnetic Field Probe AM1DV3 - SN 3092....................................... 18
     10.3.        T-Coil Test Plots (Frequency Response & SNR) .................................................................. 18

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Report No.: 14U17673-S4                                                                         Issue Date: 07/19/2014

1. Attestation of Test Results
Applicant Name             Apple Inc.
 FCC ID                    BCG-E2816A
 DUT Description           Cellular Phone with Bluetooth and WLAN Radio
Exposure category          General Population/Uncontrolled Exposure
HAC rating                 T4
Applicable standard        ANSI C63.19-2.11
Test Results               Pass
Date tested                6/9/2014 – 6/11/2014
 UL Verification Services Inc. tested the above equipment in accordance with the requirements set forth in the
 above standards. All indications of Pass/Fail in this report are opinions expressed by UL Verification Services Inc.
 based on interpretations and/or observations of test results. Measurement Uncertainties were not taken into
 account and are published for informational purposes only. The test results show that the equipment tested is
 capable of demonstrating compliance with the requirements as documented in this report.
 Note: The results documented in this report apply only to the tested sample, under the conditions and modes of
 operation as described herein. This document may not be altered or revised in any way unless done so by UL
 Verification Services Inc. and all revisions are duly noted in the revisions section. Any alteration of this document
 not carried out by UL Verification Services Inc. will constitute fraud and shall nullify the document. This report
 must not be used by the client to claim product certification, approval, or endorsement by NVLAP, NIST, any
 agency of the Federal Government, or any agency of any government (NIST Handbook 150, Annex A). This
 report is written to support regulatory compliance of the applicable standards stated above.
 Approved & Released By:                                     Prepared By:

 Bobby Bayani                                                Ray Su
 Senior Engineer                                             Laboratory Engineer
 UL Verification Services Inc.                               UL Verification Services Inc.

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Report No.: 14U17673-S4                                                                        Issue Date: 07/19/2014

2. Test Methodology
The tests documented in this report were performed in accordance with ANSI C63.19-2011 Methods of
Measurement of Compatibility between Wireless Communications Devices and Hearing Aids, FCC published
procedure KDB 285076 D01 HAC Guidance v04, and KDB 285076 D02 T-Coil testing for CMRS IP v01r01.

3. Facilities and Accreditation
The test sites and measurement facilities used to collect data are located at
     47173 Benicia Street                           47266 Benicia Street
     SAR Lab C                                      SAR Lab 2

UL VERIFICATION SERVICES INC. is accredited by NVLAP, Laboratory Code 200065-0. The full scope
of accreditation can be viewed at http://www.ccsemc.com.

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Report No.: 14U17673-S4                                                                        Issue Date: 07/19/2014

4. Calibration and Uncertainty
4.1.    Measuring Instrument Calibration
The measuring equipment utilized to perform the tests documented in this report has been calibrated in
accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations, and is traceable to recognized national
                                                                                              Cal. Due date
Name of Equipment                       Manufacturer      Type/Model       Serial Number
                                                                                             MM DD Year
Robot - Six Axes                          Stäubli          TX90 XL               N/A               N/A
Robot Remote Control                      Stäubli            CS8C                N/A               N/A
DASY5 Measurement Server                  SPEAG          SEUMS001BA             1041               N/A
Probe Alignment Unit                      SPEAG             LB (V2)              261               N/A
Audio Magnetic Measuring Ins.I            SPEAG              AMMI               1127               N/A
Coordinating SystemI                      SPEAG             AMCC                 N/A               N/A
ABM Probe                                 SPEAG            AM1DV3               3092          7 25 2014
Data Acquisition Electronics              SPEAG              DAE4               1360          3 17 2015
Radio Communication Tester                 R &S            CMU 200             106301         7    3 2014

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4.2.    Measurement Uncertainty
Measurement Uncertainty for Audio Band Magnetic Measurement
                                                    Uncertainty Probe           c        c          Std. Unc.
Error Description                                    values (%)  Dist.   Div. AMB1     AMB2    AMB1 (%) AMB2 (%)
Probe Sensitivity
Reference level                                          3.0      N       1     1.00   1.00       3.00        3.00
AMCC geometry                                            0.4      R      1.73   1.00   1.00       0.23        0.23
AMCC current                                             0.6      R      1.73   1.00   1.00       0.35        0.35
Probe positioning during calibration                     0.1      R      1.73   1.00   1.00       0.06        0.06
Noise contribution                                       0.7      R      1.73   0.01   1.00       0.01        0.40
Frequency slope                                          5.9      R      1.73   0.10   1.00       0.34        3.41
Probe System
Repeatability / drift                                    1.0      R      1.73   1.00   1.00       0.58        0.58
Linearity / Dynamic range                                0.6      R      1.73   1.00   1.00       0.35        0.35
Acoustic noise                                           1.0      R      1.73   0.10   1.00       0.06        0.58
Probe angle                                              2.3      R      1.73   1.00   1.00       1.33        1.33
Spectral processing                                      0.9      R      1.73   1.00   1.00       0.52        0.52
Integration time                                         0.6      N      1.00   1.00   5.00       0.60        3.00
Field disturbation                                       0.2      R      1.73   1.00   1.00       0.12        0.12
Test Signal
Reference signal spectral response                       0.6      R      1.73   0.00   1.00       0.00        0.35
Probe positioning                                        1.9      R      1.73   1.00   1.00       1.10        1.10
Phantom positioning                                      0.9      R      1.73   1.00   1.00       0.52        0.52
EUT positioning                                          1.9      R      1.73   1.00   1.00       1.10        1.10
External Contributions
RF interference                                          0.0      R      1.73   1.00   1.00       0.00       0.00
Test signal variation                                    2.0      R      1.73   1.00   1.00       1.15       1.15
Combined Std. Uncertainty (ABM field)                                                             4.02       6.08
Expanded Std. Uncertainty (%)                                                                     8.04       12.15
Notes for table
1. N - Nomal
2. R - Rectangular
3. Div. - Divisor used to obtain standard uncertainty

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Report No.: 14U17673-S4                                                                                                  Issue Date: 07/19/2014

5. Device Under Test
 Cellular Phone with Bluetooth and WLAN Radio

5.1.         Air Interfaces and Operating Mode
                                                                                        Concurrent        Voice over digital    WiFi    Additional
                      Bands          Type       HAC
  Air-Interface                                         Simultaneous but not Tested   HAC Tested or not    Transport OTT        Low    GSM Power
                      (MHz)        Transport   Tested
                                                                                          Tested             Capability        Power    Reduction
   GSM                 850           VO         Yes          Yes - WiFi/BT              Not tested1             NA              NA        NA
   GSM                1900           VO         Yes          Yes - WiFi/BT              Not tested1             NA              NA        NA
   GPRS             850/1900         DT         No           Yes - WiFi/BT                  NA                  Yes             NA        NA
  EGPRS             850/1900         DT         No           Yes - WiFi/BT                  NA                  Yes             NA        NA
                  Band 2 (1900)      VO         Yes          Yes - WiFi/BT              Not tested1              NA             NA        NA
                  Band 4 (1700)      VO         Yes          Yes - WiFi/BT              Not tested1              NA             NA        NA
                   Band 5 (850)      VO         Yes          Yes - WiFi/BT              Not tested1              NA             NA        NA
   HSPA            Band 2, 4 & 5     DT         No           Yes - WiFi/BT                  NA                  Yes             NA        NA
  CDMA              BC0 (850)        VD        Yes        Yes – LTE, WiFi/BT            Not tested1             NA              NA        NA
  CDMA              BC1 (1900)       VD        Yes        Yes – LTE, WiFi/BT            Not tested1             NA              NA        NA
  CDMA              BC10 (800)       VD        Yes        Yes – LTE, WiFi/BT            Not tested1             NA              NA        NA
  CDMA             BC15 (1700)       VD        Yes        Yes – LTE, WiFi/BT            Not tested1             NA              NA        NA
  CDMA                EVDO           DT         No           Yes - WiFi/BT              Not tested1             NA              NA        NA
    LTE           Band 2 (1900)      VD        Yes2          Yes - WiFi/BT              Not tested2             Yes             NA        NA
    LTE           Band 4 (1700)      VD        Yes2          Yes - WiFi/BT              Not tested2             Yes             NA        NA
    LTE            Band 5 (850)      VD        Yes2          Yes - WiFi/BT              Not tested2             Yes             NA        NA
    LTE           Band 7 (2600)      VD        Yes2          Yes - WiFi/BT              Not tested2             Yes             NA        NA
    LTE           Band 13 (700)      VD        Yes2          Yes - WiFi/BT              Not tested2             Yes             NA        NA
    LTE           Band 17 (700)      VD        Yes2          Yes - WiFi/BT              Not tested2             Yes             NA        NA
    LTE           Band 25 (1900)     VD        Yes2          Yes - WiFi/BT              Not tested2             Yes             NA        NA
    LTE           Band 26 (800)      VD        Yes2          Yes - WiFi/BT              Not tested2             Yes             NA        NA
    LTE           Band 41 (2600)     VD        Yes2          Yes - WiFi/BT              Not tested2             Yes             NA        NA
    WiFi              2400           DT         No       Yes – LTE or WCDMA                 NA                  Yes             No        NA
    WiFi              5200           DT         No       Yes – LTE or WCDMA                 NA                  Yes             No        NA
    WiFi              5300           DT         No       Yes – LTE or WCDMA                 NA                  Yes             No        NA
    WiFi              5500           DT         No       Yes – LTE or WCDMA                 NA                  Yes             No        NA
    WiFi              5800           DT         No       Yes – LTE or WCDMA                 NA                  Yes             No        NA
    BT                2400           DT         No       Yes – LTE or WCDMA                 NA                  NA              NA        NA
   Type Transport                                                         Note:
   VO = CMRS Voice Service                                                1. No concurrent mode was found to be the Worst Case mode
   DT = Digital Transport (no voice)                                      2. No associated T-Coil measurement has been made in
   VD = CMRS IP Voice Service and Digital Transport                           accordance with 285076 D02 T-Coil testing for CMRS IP.

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Report No.: 14U17673-S4                                                                             Issue Date: 07/19/2014

6. Test Procedures
ANSI C63.19-2011, Section 7
This document describes the procedures used to measure the ABM (T-Coil) performance of the WD. In
addition to measuring the absolute signal levels, the A-weighted magnitude of the unintended signal shall
also be determined. In order to assure that the required signal quality is measured, the measurement of
the intended signal and the measurement of the unintended signal must be made at the same location
for all measurement positions. In addition, the RF field strength at each measurement location must be at
or below that required for the assigned category.
Measurements shall not include undesired properties from the WD’s RF field; therefore, use of a coaxial
connection to a base station simulator or non-radiating load may be necessary. However, even then with
a coaxial connection to a base station simulator or non-radiating load there may still be RF leakage from
the WD, which may interfere with the desired measurement. Pre-measurement checks should be made
to avoid this possibility. All measurements shall be done with the WD operating on battery power with an
appropriate normal speech audio signal input level given in Table 7.1. If the device display can be turned
off during a phone call then that may be done during the measurement as well.
Measurements shall be performed at two locations specified in A.3, with the correct probe orientation for
a particular location, in a multistage sequence by first measuring the field intensity of the desired T-Coil
signal (ABM1) that is useful to a hearing aid T-Coil. The undesired magnetic components (ABM2) must
be measured at the same location as the desired ABM or T-Coil signal (ABM1), and the ratio of desired
to undesired ABM signals must be calculated. For the perpendicular field location, only the ABM1
frequency response shall be determined in a third measurement stage. The flow chart in Figure 7.3
illustrates this three-stage, two orientation process.
The following steps summarize the basic test flow for determining ABM11 and ABM22. These steps
assume that a sine wave or narrowband 1/3 octave signal can be used for the measurement of ABM1.
      a. A validation of the test setup and instrumentation may be performed using a TMFS or Helmholtz
         coil. Measure the emissions and confirm that they are within the specified tolerance.
      b. Position the WD in the test setup and connect the WD RF connector to a base station simulator
         or a non-radiating load as shown in Figure 7.1 or Figure 7.2. Confirm that equipment that requires
         calibration has been calibrated, and that the noise level meets the requirements given in 7.3.1.
      c. The drive level to the WD is set such that the reference input level specified in Table 7.1 is input
         to the base station simulator (or manufacturer’s test mode equivalent) in the 1 kHz, 1/3 octave
         band. This drive level shall be used for the T-Coil signal test (ABM1) at f = 1 kHz. Either a sine
         wave at 1025 Hz or a voice-like signal, band-limited to the 1 kHz 1/3 octave, as defined in 7.4.2,
         shall be used for the reference audio signal. If interference is found at 1025 Hz an alternative
         nearby reference audio signal frequency may be used.46 The same drive level will be used for
         the ABM1 frequency response measurements at each 1/3 octave band center frequency. The
         WD volume control may be set at any level up to maximum, provided that a signal at any
         frequency at maximum modulation would not result in clipping or signal overload.
      d. Determine the magnetic measurement locations for the WD device (A.3), if not already specified
         by the manufacturer, as described in and

    Audio Band Magnetic signal - desired (ABM1): Measured quantity of the desired magnetic signal
  Audio Band Magnetic signal - undesired (ABM2): Measured quantity of the undesired magnetic signal, such as interference
from battery current and similar non-signal elements.
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    e. At each measurement location, measure and record the desired T-Coil magnetic signals (ABM1
       at fi) as described in in each individual ISO 266-1975 R10 standard 1/3 octave band. The
       desired audio band input frequency (fi) shall be centered in each 1/3 octave band maintaining the
       same drive level as determined in item c) and the reading taken for that band.
                Equivalent methods of determining the frequency response may also be employed, such
                as fast Fourier transform (FFT) analysis using noise excitation or input–output comparison
                using simulated speech. The full-band integrated or half-band integrated probe output, as
                specified in D.9, may be used, as long as the appropriate calibration curve is applied to
                the measured result, so as to yield an accurate measurement of the field magnitude. (The
                resulting measurement shall be an accurate measurement in dB A/m.)
                All measurements of the desired signal shall be shown to be of the desired signal and not
                of an undesired signal. This may be shown by turning the desired signal ON and OFF with
                the probe measuring the same location. If the scanning method is used the scans shall
                show that all measurement points selected for the ABM1 measurement meet the ambient
                and test system noise criteria in 7.3.1.
    f.   At the measurement location for each orientation, measure and record the undesired broadband
         audio magnetic signal (ABM2) as specified in with no audio signal applied (or digital zero
         applied, if appropriate) using A-weighting and the half-band integrator. Calculate the ratio of the
         desired to undesired signal strength (i.e., signal quality).
    g. Obtain the data from the postprocessor, SEMCAD, and determine the category that properly
       classifies the signal quality based on Table 8.5.

                                                 Test Setup Diagram

                                         Audio    Coil     Coil                         Probe
                PC                        Out     Out       In                            In


                                     Audio In
                                                                       Coil Monitor

                            Base Station
                                                                         Coil In

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7. Establish WD Reference Level
First step is to find the Uref, which is 1 kHz signal output of the CMU200. The following figures show the setup for
the measurements. The first step is to measure Uref and the following step is to measure U, which is the signal
from AMMI to the CMU200 during testing.

The setup shown below is used to measure Uref. To measure the reference input level, first connect the Coil In of
the AMMI to the Audio Out of the CMU200 (as indicated by the figure below). Then establish a conducted link
between the EUT and the CMU200. Once the link is established, select the network tab of the CMU200 and change
the bitstream setting to decoder cal in order for the CMU to produce the necessary calibration 1 kHz signal. Record
the value from the Dasy4 file and use this value as Uref.

                                                  Setup Diagram

                  USB                USB
                                       Audio      Coil      Coil                           Probe
            PC                          Out       Out        In                              In

                                                                        Coil Monitor
                                  Audio Out

                          Base Station
                                                                          Coil In


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Next step is to measure U, which is the signal from AMMI to the CMU200 during testing. The following setup is
used to measure U for narrow band (Voice1.025 kHz) and broad band (300 Hz – 300 kHz) signals:
To determine the DASY gain setting necessary to achieve the proper EUT signal level, connect the Coil In of AMMI
to the Audio Out of AMMI. Run the narrow band job (Voice 1.025kHz signal setting) from DASY4 and record the
RMS coil signal. Adjust the gain of the signal by changing the gain value within the particular DASY job until the coil
signal reading is that of the desired output signal level. Repeat this step for the broad band job (Voice 300 – 3kHz

            USB                 USB
                                   Audio       Coil     Coil                               Probe
      PC                            Out        Out       In                                  In

                                                                     Coil Monitor
                             In / Out
                     Base Station
                                                                       Coil In


                                                                             U       
Measured Input Level is calculated:     Measured _ Input _ Level  20 * Log         
                                                                             Uref     

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1 kHz Voice Signal
Applied      RMS           Result            Reference                              Adjusted Gain         RMS
Signal        V      Input Level (dBm0)   Input Level (dBm0)                           Setting            dB V
U           0.119                         CDMA          -18.0                            N/A            -18.510
Uref        0.747                       GSM/UMTS        -16.0                           38.81            -2.530
300 Hz-3 kHz Voice Signal
Applied      RMS         Measured            Reference                                   Gain             RMS
Signal        V      Input Level (dBm0)   Input Level (dBm0)                            Setting           dB V
U           0.119                         CDMA          -18.0                            N/A            -18.490
Uref        0.747                       GSM/UMTS        -16.0                           76.75            -2.530

1 kHz Signal
Applied      RMS          Result                       Reference                  Adjusted Gain          RMS
Signal         V    Input Level (dBm0)              Input Level (dBm0)               Setting             dB V
U            0.095                                  CDMA         -18.0                27.98            -20.460
Uref         0.750                                   GSM         -16.0                 N/A              -2.497
300 Hz-3 kHz Signal
Applied      RMS        Measured                       Reference                        Gain             RMS
Signal         V    Input Level (dBm0)              Input Level (dBm0)                 Setting           dB V
U            0.095                                  CDMA         -18.0                 55.22           -20.451
Uref         0.750                                   GSM         -16.0                  N/A             -2.497

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8. T-coil Measurement Criteria
8.1. Frequency Response
The frequency response of the axial component of the magnetic field, measured in 1/3 octave bands, shall follow
the response curve, over the frequency range 300 Hz to 3000 Hz.
Figure 8.1 and Figure 8.2 provide the boundaries for the specified frequency. These response curves are for true
field strength measurements of the T-Coil signal. Thus the 6 dB/octave probe response has been corrected from
the raw readings.

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8.2. Signal to Noise
This specifies the signal-to-noise quality requirement for the intended T-Coil signal from a WD. The worst signal to
noise of the two T-Coil signal measurements, as determined in Clause 7, shall be used to determine the T-Coil
mode category per Table 8.5.
Only the RF immunity of the hearing aid is measured in T-Coil mode. It is assumed that a hearing aid can have no
immunity to an interference signal in the audio band, which is the intended reception band for this mode. So, the
only criterion that can be measured is the RF immunity in T-Coil Mode. This is measured using the same procedure
as for the audio coupling mode and at the same levels as specified in 6.4.

                Measurement locations and reference plane to be used for the T-coil measurements

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Report No.: 14U17673-S4                                                                                   Issue Date: 07/19/2014

9. T-coil Test Results
9.1. Upper Antenna (UAT)
                                                                       ABM1                           ABM SNR
             Mode               Ch. No/Freq.   Probe orientation                    BWC Factor (dB)                  T-Rating
                                                                    -16 dB (A/m)                       (dB)

            GSM850                                 z (Axial):          11.72             0.16          47.15           T4
          Voice Coder:
                                836.6 MHz
    Speechcod./Handset Low                      y (transversal):       3.44              0.16          51.01           T4

                                                   z (Axial):          11.23             0.16          49.53           T4
           PCS1900                 661/
    Speechcod./Handset Low       1880 MHz
                                                y (transversal):       3.82              0.16          52.10           T4

                                                   z (Axial):          12.21             0.16          59.33           T4
        W-CDMA Band 5              4183/
 Voice Coder: Speechcodec Low   836.6 MHz
                                                y (transversal):       4.07              0.16          53.82           T4

                                                   z (Axial):          12.07             0.16          59.17           T4
        W-CDMA Band 2              9400/
 Voice Coder: Speechcodec Low    1880 MHz
                                                y (transversal):       3.42              0.16          53.71           T4

                                                   z (Axial):          11.81             0.16          56.33           T4
        W-CDMA Band 4              1413/
 Voice Coder: Speechcodec Low   1732.6 MHz
                                                y (transversal):       4.18              0.16          52.19           T4

                                                   z (Axial):          6.65              0.16          52.28           T4
   CDMA2000, BC0 RC1/SO3           384/
   Voice Coder: 8k EVRC (Low)   836.52 MHz
                                                y (transversal):       -1.03             0.16          48.91           T4

                                                   z (Axial):          6.33              0.16          52.06           T4
   CDMA2000, BC1 RC1/SO3           600/
   Voice Coder: 8k EVRC (Low)    1880 MHz
                                                y (transversal):       -0.42             0.16          48.83           T4

                                                   z (Axial):          6.28              0.16          53.08           T4
   CDMA2000, BC10 RC1/SO3          580/
   Voice Coder: 8k EVRC (Low)   820.5 MHz
                                                y (transversal):       -0.35             0.16          48.88           T4

                                                   z (Axial):          7.06              0.16          53.45           T4
   CDMA2000, BC15 RC1/SO3          450/
   Voice Coder: 8k EVRC (Low)   1732.5 MHz
                                                y (transversal):       -1.23             0.16          49.17           T4

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9.2. Lower Antenna (LAT)
                                                                       ABM1                           ABM SNR
             Mode               Ch. No/Freq.   Probe orientation                    BWC Factor (dB)                  T-Rating
                                                                    -16 dB (A/m)                       (dB)

            GSM850                                 z (Axial):          11.39             0.16          44.84           T4
          Voice Coder:
                                836.6 MHz
    Speechcod./Handset Low                      y (transversal):       4.03              0.16          49.81           T4

                                                   z (Axial):          11.76             0.16          51.56           T4
           PCS1900                 661/
    Speechcod./Handset Low       1880 MHz
                                                y (transversal):       4.05              0.16          52.65           T4

                                                   z (Axial):          12.03             0.16          59.37           T4
        W-CDMA Band 5              4183/
 Voice Coder: Speechcodec Low   836.6 MHz
                                                y (transversal):       4.29              0.16          54.18           T4

                                                   z (Axial):          12.12             0.16          59.15           T4
        W-CDMA Band 2              9400/
 Voice Coder: Speechcodec Low    1880 MHz
                                                y (transversal):       5.21              0.16          54.64           T4

                                                   z (Axial):          12.14             0.16          55.98           T4
        W-CDMA Band 4              1413/
 Voice Coder: Speechcodec Low   1732.6 MHz
                                                y (transversal):       4.08              0.16          51.87           T4

                                                   z (Axial):          6.43              0.16          52.23           T4
   CDMA2000, BC0 RC1/SO3           384/
   Voice Coder: 8k EVRC (Low)   836.52 MHz
                                                y (transversal):       -1.20             0.16          48.21           T4

                                                   z (Axial):          5.93              0.16          51.10           T4
   CDMA2000, BC1 RC1/SO3           600/
   Voice Coder: 8k EVRC (Low)    1880 MHz
                                                y (transversal):       -1.57             0.16          48.60           T4

                                                   z (Axial):          6.88              0.16          52.59           T4
   CDMA2000, BC10 RC1/SO3          580/
   Voice Coder: 8k EVRC (Low)   820.5 MHz
                                                y (transversal):       -0.78             0.16          48.32           T4

                                                   z (Axial):          7.17              0.16          52.05           T4
   CDMA2000, BC15 RC1/SO3          450/
   Voice Coder: 8k EVRC (Low)   1732.5 MHz
                                                y (transversal):       -1.01             0.16          48.14           T4

The radial longitudinal (x axis) measurements are no more required as per ANSI C63.19-2011

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UL Verification Services Inc.                                                                             Doc. No.: 1.0
           This report shall not be reproduced without the written approval of UL Verification Services Inc.

Report No.: 14U17673-S4                                                                        Issue Date: 07/19/2014

10.     Appendix
Refer to separated files for the following appendixes

10.1. Setup Photo

10.2. Calibration Certificate - Magnetic Field Probe AM1DV3 - SN 3092

10.3. T-Coil Test Plots (Frequency Response & SNR)

                                                   Page 18 of 18
UL Verification Services Inc.                                                                             Doc. No.: 1.0
           This report shall not be reproduced without the written approval of UL Verification Services Inc.

Document Created: 2014-07-24 16:07:18
Document Modified: 2014-07-24 16:07:18

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