

Attestation Statements

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Date: July 24, 2014

Federal Communications Commission
Office of Engineering and Technology Laboratory Division
7435 Oakland Mills Rd.
Columbia MD 21046

Attn: Office of Engineering and Technology

Subject: Attestation letter regarding UNII client device without radar detection capability

FCC ID: BCG-E2816A, Model A1586 and A1549

This device does not support Ad-Hoc / Wi-Fi HotSpot mode in Wi-Fi 5 GHz band.

In AirPlay mode, this device does not initiate transmission of any probes, beacons and does
not initiate Ad-Hoc operations when not associated with and under the control of a certified
master device, according to Section 15.202 of FCC rules.

Future changes to any Apple Operating System used in this device will not change the DFS
operational characteristics, in any mode of operation.

Software security questions and answers per KDB 594280 D02:
       Section                  Questions                                       Answers
                 1. Describe how any software/firmware          The software/firmware update is bundled, as
                    update will be obtained, downloaded,        part of the iOS software update, and the
                    and installed.                              user or installer cannot modify the content.
                                                                The installation and/or update proceeds
                                                                automatically once the user accepts to
                                                                install/update the software/firmware.
                 2. Describe all the radio frequency            Radio parameters are fixed at time of
                    parameters that are modified by any         production as required by the FCC
                    software/firmware without any               certification. Any future software/firmware
                    hardware changes. Are these                 release is verified by the Grantee before
  Description       parameters in some way limited, such        release. If required, Grantee will follow
                    that, it will not exceed the authorized     FCC permissive change procedure.
                 3. Are there any authentication protocols      Yes, software/firmware is digitally signed
                    in place to ensure that the source of the   and encrypted using proprietary
                    software/firmware is legitimate? If so,     handshaking, authorization and provisioning
                    describe in details; if not, explain how    protocols.
                    the software is secured from

                 4. Are there any verification protocols in    Yes, see answers to #1 and #3.
                    place to ensure that the
                    software/firmware is legitimate? If so,
                    describe in details.
                 5. Describe, if any, encryption method is     Yes, encryption using proprietary internal
                    used.                                      software.
                 6. For a device that can be configured as     Not applicable, this device is a client-only
                    a master and client (with active or        device.
                    passive scanning), explain how the
                    device ensures compliance for each
                    mode? In particular if the device acts
                    as a master in some band of operation
                    and client in another; how is
                    compliance ensured in each band of

                 1. How are unauthorized                       Only Grantee can release or make changes
                    software/firmware changes prevented?       to the software/firmware using proprietary
                                                               secure protocols.
                 2. Is it possible for third parties to load   No, refer to the answers #1, 2, and 3 under
                    device drivers that could modify the       General Description.
                    RF parameters, country of operation or
                    other parameters which impact device
                    compliance? If so, describe
                    procedures to ensure that only
                    approved drivers are loaded.
                 3. Explain if any third parties have the      No, refer to the answers above.
       Access       capability to operate a US sold device
       Control      on any other regulatory domain,
                    frequencies, or in any manner that is in
                    violation of the certification.
                 4. What prevents third parties from           Grantee proprietary hardware platform,
                    loading non-US versions of the             software tools and proprietary protocols are
                    software/firmware on the device?           required to replace firmware.
                 5. For modular devices, describe how          Not applicable, this device is not a module.
                    authentication is achieved when used
                    with different hosts.


Tiberiu Muresan
Apple Inc.
Wireless Certification Manager


Document Created: 2019-05-29 18:18:58
Document Modified: 2019-05-29 18:18:58

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