NFC Test Report


Test Report

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                                        PCTEST ENGINEERING LABORATORY, INC.
                                                           18855 Adams Court, Morgan Hill, CA 95037 USA
                                                               Tel. 410.290.6652 / Fax 410.290.6654

                                                               MEASUREMENT REPORT
                                                      FCC PART 15.225 / ISED RSS-210 NFC

  Applicant Name:                                                                                Date of Testing:
  Apple Inc.                                                                                     07/19/2019 - 07/26/2019
  One Apple Park Way                                                                             Test Site/Location:
  Cupertino, CA 95014                                                                            PCTEST Lab. Morgan Hill, CA, USA
  United States                                                                                  Test Report Serial No.:

  FCC ID:                                                            BCG-A2207
  IC:                                                                579C-A2207
  APPLICANT:                                                         Apple Inc.

  Application Type:                                                  Certification
  Model/HVIN:                                                        A2207
  EUT Type:                                                          Security Switch for Retail Security
  Frequency:                                                         13.56MHz
  FCC Classification:                                                Low Power Communications Device Transmitter (DXX)
  FCC Rule Part(s):                                                  Part 15 Subpart C (15.225)
  ISED Specification:                                                RSS-210 Issue 9
  Test Procedure(s):                                                 ANSI C63.10-2013

  This equipment has been shown to be capable of compliance with the applicable technical standards as indicated in the measurement report
  and was tested in accordance with the measurement procedures specified in ANSI C63.10-2013. Test results reported herein relate only to
  the item(s) tested.

  I attest to the accuracy of data. All measurements reported herein were performed by me or were made under my supervision and are
  correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. I assume full responsibility for the completeness of these measurements and vouch for the
  qualifications of all persons taking them.

                                                                                MEASUREMENT REPORT                                                              Approved by:
                                                                                   (CERTIFICATION)                                                              Quality Manager
Test Report S/N:                       Test Dates:                    EUT Type:
                                                                                                                                                                Page 1 of 28
1C1907170019.BCG                       07/19/2019 - 07/26/2019 Security Switch for Retail Security
© 2019 PCTEST Engineering Laboratory, Inc.                                                                                                                                    V 9.0 02/01/2019
All rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, no part of this report may be reproduced or utilized in any part, form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and
microfilm, without permission in writing from PCTEST Engineering Laboratory, Inc. If you have any questions about this international copyright or have an enquiry about obtaining additional
rights to this report or assembly of contents thereof, please contact INFO@PCTEST.COM.

                                               T A B L E                       O F             C O N T E N T S

        1.0         Introduction ...................................................................................................................................... 3
                    1.1      Scope..................................................................................................................................................... 3
                    1.1      PCTEST Test Location .......................................................................................................................... 3
                    1.2      Test Facility / Accreditations .................................................................................................................. 3
        2.0         PRODUCT INFORMATION ............................................................................................................. 4
                    2.1      Equipment Description ........................................................................................................................... 4
                    2.2      Device Capabilities ................................................................................................................................ 4
                    2.3      Test Support Equipment ........................................................................................................................ 4
                    2.4      Test Configuration ................................................................................................................................. 4
                    2.5      EMI Suppression Device(s)/Modifications.............................................................................................. 4
        3.0         DESCRIPTION OF TEST ................................................................................................................ 5
                    3.1      Evaluation Procedure............................................................................................................................. 5
                    3.2      AC Line Conducted Emissions .............................................................................................................. 5
                    3.3      Radiated Emissions ............................................................................................................................... 6
                    3.4      Environmental Conditions ...................................................................................................................... 6
        4.0         ANTENNA REQUIREMENTS .......................................................................................................... 7
        5.0         MEASUREMENT UNCERTAINTY .................................................................................................. 8
        6.0         TEST EQUIPMENT CALIBRATION DATA ...................................................................................... 9
        7.0         TEST DATA ................................................................................................................................... 10
                    7.1      Summary ............................................................................................................................................. 10
                    7.2      20dB Bandwidth Measurement ............................................................................................................ 11
                    7.3      Frequency Stability Test Data .............................................................................................................. 13
                    7.4      In-Band Radiated Spurious Emission Measurements .......................................................................... 16
                    7.5      Radiated Spurious Emission Measurements, Out-of-Band .................................................................. 19
                    7.6      AC Line Conducted Measurement Data .............................................................................................. 24
        8.0         CONCLUSION ............................................................................................................................... 28

                                                                                MEASUREMENT REPORT                                                                Approved by:
                                                                                   (CERTIFICATION)                                                                Quality Manager
Test Report S/N:                       Test Dates:                    EUT Type:
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1C1907170019.BCG                       07/19/2019 - 07/26/2019 Security Switch for Retail Security
© 2019 PCTEST Engineering Laboratory, Inc.                                                                                                                                    V 9.0 02/01/2019
All rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, no part of this report may be reproduced or utilized in any part, form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and
microfilm, without permission in writing from PCTEST Engineering Laboratory, Inc. If you have any questions about this international copyright or have an enquiry about obtaining additional
rights to this report or assembly of contents thereof, please contact INFO@PCTEST.COM.

1.0              INTRODUCTION

1.1           Scope
Measurement and determination of electromagnetic emissions (EMC) of radio frequency devices including
intentional and/or unintentional radiators for compliance with the technical rules and regulations of the Federal
Communications Commission and the Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada.

1.1           PCTEST Test Location
These measurement tests were conducted at the PCTEST Engineering Laboratory, Inc. facility located at 18855
Adams Court, Morgan Hill, CA 95037. The measurement facility is compliant with the test site requirements
specified in ANSI C63.4-2014 and KDB 414788 D01 v01r01.

1.2           Test Facility / Accreditations
Measurements were performed at PCTEST Engineering Lab located in Morgan Hill, CA 95037, U.S.A.

•     PCTEST is an ISO 17025-2005 accredited test facility under the American Association for Laboratory
      Accreditation (A2LA) with Certificate number 2041.02 for Specific Absorption Rate (SAR), Hearing Aid
      Compatibility (HAC) testing, where applicable, and Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) testing for FCC and
      Innovation, Science, and Economic Development Canada rules.

•     PCTEST TCB is a Telecommunication Certification Body (TCB) accredited to ISO/IEC 17065-2012 by A2LA
      (Certificate number 2041.03) in all scopes of FCC Rules and ISED Standards (RSS).

PCTEST facility is a registered (22831) test laboratory with the site description on file with ISED.

                                                                                MEASUREMENT REPORT                                                              Approved by:
                                                                                   (CERTIFICATION)                                                              Quality Manager
Test Report S/N:                       Test Dates:                    EUT Type:
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1C1907170019.BCG                       07/19/2019 - 07/26/2019 Security Switch for Retail Security
© 2019 PCTEST Engineering Laboratory, Inc.                                                                                                                                    V 9.0 02/01/2019
All rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, no part of this report may be reproduced or utilized in any part, form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and
microfilm, without permission in writing from PCTEST Engineering Laboratory, Inc. If you have any questions about this international copyright or have an enquiry about obtaining additional
rights to this report or assembly of contents thereof, please contact INFO@PCTEST.COM.

2.0              PRODUCT INFORMATION

2.1           Equipment Description
The Equipment Under Test (EUT) is the Apple Security Switch for Retail Security FCC ID: BCG-A2207. The
test data contained in this report pertains only to the emissions due to the NFC transmitter of the EUT.

Test Device Serial No.: FV4R027MTL3

2.2           Device Capabilities
This device contains the following capabilities:


2.3           Test Support Equipment

         1              Central Module                                      Model: A2206                                    S/N:           FV4YP064MTL6

         2              Apple CAN Bus Cable                                 Model: X2004                                    S/N:           N/A
                                                          Table 2-1. Test Support Equipment Used

2.4           Test Configuration
The EUT was tested per the guidance of ANSI C63.10-2013. ANSI C63.10-2013 was used to reference the
appropriate EUT setup for radiated spurious emissions testing and AC line conducted testing. See Sections 3.2
for AC line conducted emissions test setups, 3.3 for radiated emissions test setups.

The EUT was manipulated through three orthogonal planes of X-orientation (flatbed), Y-orientation (landscape),
and Z-orientation (portrait) during the testing. Only the worst case emissions were reported in this test report.

2.5           EMI Suppression Device(s)/Modifications
No EMI suppression device(s) were added and no modifications were made during testing.

                                                                                MEASUREMENT REPORT                                                              Approved by:
                                                                                   (CERTIFICATION)                                                              Quality Manager
Test Report S/N:                       Test Dates:                    EUT Type:
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All rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, no part of this report may be reproduced or utilized in any part, form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and
microfilm, without permission in writing from PCTEST Engineering Laboratory, Inc. If you have any questions about this international copyright or have an enquiry about obtaining additional
rights to this report or assembly of contents thereof, please contact INFO@PCTEST.COM.

3.0              DESCRIPTION OF TEST

3.1           Evaluation Procedure
The measurement procedure described in the American National Standard of Procedures for Compliance Testing
of Unlicensed Wireless Devices (ANSI C63.10-2013) was used in the measurement of the EUT.

Deviation from measurement procedure…………………………………………….....................................None

3.2           AC Line Conducted Emissions
The line-conducted facility is located inside a 7m x 3.66m x 2.7m shielded enclosure. The shielded enclosure is
manufactured by AP Americas. The shielding effectiveness of the shielded room is in accordance with MIL-Std-
285 or NSA 65-6. A 1m x 1.5m wooden table 80cm high is placed 40cm away from the vertical wall and 80cm
away from the sidewall of the shielded room. Two 10kHz-30MHz, 50/50H Line-Impedance Stabilization
Networks (LISNs) are bonded to the shielded room floor. Power to the LISNs is filtered by external high-current
high-insertion loss power line filters. The external power line filter is EPCOS 2X60A Power Line Filter (100dB
Attenuation, 14kHz-18GHz) and the two EPCOs 2X48A filters (100dB Minimum Insertion Loss, 14kHz – 10GHz).
These filters attenuate ambient signal noise from entering the measurement lines. These filters are also bonded
to the shielded enclosure.

The EUT is powered from one LISN and the support equipment is powered from the second LISN. If the EUT is a
DC-powered device, power will be derived from the source power supply it normally will be powered from and this
supply line(s) will be connected to the second LISN. All interconnecting cables more than 1 meter were shortened
to a 1 meter length by non-inductive bundling (serpentine fashion) and draped over the back edge of the test
table. All cables were at least 40cm above the horizontal reference groundplane. Power cables for support
equipment were routed down to the second LISN while ensuring that that cables were not draped over the second

Sufficient time for the EUT, support equipment, and test equipment was allowed in order for them to warm up to
their normal operating condition. The RF output of the LISN was connected to the spectrum analyzer and
exploratory measurements were made to determine the frequencies producing the maximum emission from the
EUT. The spectrum was scanned from 150kHz to 30MHz with a spectrum analyzer. The detector function was set
to peak mode for exploratory measurements while the bandwidth of the analyzer was set to 10kHz. The EUT,
support equipment, and interconnecting cables were arranged and manipulated to maximize each emission. Once
the worst case emissions have been identified, the one EUT cable configuration/arrangement and mode of
operation that produced these emissions is used for final measurements on the same test site. The analyzer is set
to CISPR quasi-peak and average detectors with a 9kHz resolution bandwidth for final measurements.

Line conducted emissions test results are shown in Section 7.6. Automated test software was used to perform the
AC line conducted emissions testing. Automated measurement software utilized is Rohde & Schwarz EMC32,
Version 10.35.1.

                                                                                MEASUREMENT REPORT                                                              Approved by:
                                                                                   (CERTIFICATION)                                                              Quality Manager
Test Report S/N:                       Test Dates:                    EUT Type:
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All rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, no part of this report may be reproduced or utilized in any part, form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and
microfilm, without permission in writing from PCTEST Engineering Laboratory, Inc. If you have any questions about this international copyright or have an enquiry about obtaining additional
rights to this report or assembly of contents thereof, please contact INFO@PCTEST.COM.

3.3           Radiated Emissions
The radiated test facilities consisted of an indoor 3 meter semi-anechoic chamber used for final measurements
and exploratory measurements, when necessary. The measurement area is contained within the semi-anechoic
chamber which is shielded from any ambient interference. The test site inside the chamber is a 6m x 5.2m
elliptical, obstruction-free area in accordance with Figure 5.7 of Clause 5 in ANSI C63.4-2014. Absorbers are
arranged on the floor between the turn table and the antenna mast in such a way so as to maximize the reduction
of reflections for measurements above 1GHz. An 80cm tall test table made of Styrodur is placed on top of the turn
table. For measurements above 1GHz, an additional Styrodur pedestal is placed on top of the test table to bring
the total table height to 1.5m.

Per KDB 414788, radiated emission test sites other than open-field test sites (e.g., shielded anechoic chambers),
may be employed for emission measurements below 30MHz if characterized so that the measurements
correspond to those obtained at an open-field test site. To determine test site equivalency, a reference sample
transmitting at 149kHz was measured on an open field test site (asphalt with no ground plane) and then
measured in the 3m semi-anechoic chamber. A calibrated 60cm loop antenna was rotated about its vertical axis
while the reference device was rotated through the X, Y and Z axis in order to capture the worst case level. A
maximum deviation of 2.77dB at 149kHz was measured when comparing the 3 meter semi-anechoic chamber to
the open field site.

For all measurements, the spectrum was scanned through all EUT azimuths and from 1 to 4 meter receive
antenna height using a broadband antenna from 30MHz up to the upper frequency shown in 15.33 depending on
the highest frequency generated or used in the device or on which the device operates or tunes. For frequencies
above 1GHz, linearly polarized double ridge horn antennas were used. For frequencies below 30MHz, a
calibrated loop antenna was used. When exploratory measurements were necessary, they were performed at 1
meter test distance inside the semi-anechoic chamber using broadband antennas, broadband amplifiers, and
spectrum analyzers to determine the frequencies and modes producing the maximum emissions. Sufficient time
for the EUT, support equipment, and test equipment was allowed in order for them to warm up to their normal
operating condition. The test set-up was placed on top of the 1 x 1.5 meter table. The EUT, support equipment,
and interconnecting cables were arranged and manipulated to maximize each emission. Appropriate precaution
was taken to ensure that all emissions from the EUT were maximized and investigated. The system configuration,
mode of operation, turntable azimuth, and receive antenna height was noted for each frequency found.

Final measurements were made in the semi-anechoic chamber using calibrated, linearly polarized broadband and
horn antennas. The test setup was configured to the setup that produced the worst case emissions. The spectrum
analyzer was set to investigate all frequencies required for testing to compare the highest radiated disturbances
with respect to the specified limits. The turntable containing the EUT was rotated through 360 degrees and the
height of the receive antenna was varied 1 to 4 meters and stopped at the azimuth and height producing the
maximum emission. Each emission was maximized by changing the orientation of the EUT through three
orthogonal planes and changing the polarity of the receive antenna, whichever produced the worst-case

3.4           Environmental Conditions
The temperature is controlled within range of 15oC to 35oC. The relative humidity is controlled within range of 10%
to 75%. The atmospheric pressure is monitored within the range 86-106kPa (860-1060mbar).

                                                                                MEASUREMENT REPORT                                                              Approved by:
                                                                                   (CERTIFICATION)                                                              Quality Manager
Test Report S/N:                       Test Dates:                    EUT Type:
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All rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, no part of this report may be reproduced or utilized in any part, form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and
microfilm, without permission in writing from PCTEST Engineering Laboratory, Inc. If you have any questions about this international copyright or have an enquiry about obtaining additional
rights to this report or assembly of contents thereof, please contact INFO@PCTEST.COM.


 Excerpt from §15.203 of the FCC Rules/Regulations:
 “An intentional radiator antenna shall be designed to ensure that no antenna other than that furnished by the
 responsible party can be used with the device. The use of a permanently attached antenna or of an antenna that
 uses a unique coupling to the intentional radiator shall be considered sufficient to comply with the provisions of
 this section.”

      •   The antenna of the EUT are permanently attached.

      •   This unit was tested while powered by a DC power source.

 The EUT complies with the requirement of §15.203.

                                                                                 MEASUREMENT REPORT                                                              Approved by:
  FCC ID: BCG-A2207
                                                                                    (CERTIFICATION)                                                              Quality Manager
  Test Report S/N:                      Test Dates:                    EUT Type:
                                                                                                                                                                 Page 7 of 28
  1C1907170019.BCG                      07/19/2019 - 07/26/2019 Security Switch for Retail Security
 © 2019 PCTEST Engineering Laboratory, Inc.                                                                                                                                    V 9.0 02/01/2019
 All rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, no part of this report may be reproduced or utilized in any part, form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and
 microfilm, without permission in writing from PCTEST Engineering Laboratory, Inc. If you have any questions about this international copyright or have an enquiry about obtaining additional
 rights to this report or assembly of contents thereof, please contact INFO@PCTEST.COM.


The measurement uncertainties shown below were calculated in accordance with the requirements of
ANSI C63.10-2013. All measurement uncertainty values are shown with a coverage factor of k = 2 to indicate a
95% level of confidence. The measurement uncertainty shown below meets or exceeds the UCISPR measurement
uncertainty values specified in CISPR 16-4-2 and, thus, can be compared directly to specified limits to determine

                                                  Contribution                                        Expanded Uncertainty (±dB)

                                      Line Conducted Disturbance                                                            2.48

                                    Radiated Disturbance (<1GHz)                                                            4.15

                                                                                MEASUREMENT REPORT                                                              Approved by:
                                                                                   (CERTIFICATION)                                                              Quality Manager
Test Report S/N:                       Test Dates:                    EUT Type:
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All rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, no part of this report may be reproduced or utilized in any part, form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and
microfilm, without permission in writing from PCTEST Engineering Laboratory, Inc. If you have any questions about this international copyright or have an enquiry about obtaining additional
rights to this report or assembly of contents thereof, please contact INFO@PCTEST.COM.


Test Equipment Calibration is traceable to the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST).
Measurements antennas used during testing were calibrated in accordance to the requirements of ANSI C63.5-

       Manufacturer                     Model                                   Description                             Cal Date       Cal Interval       Cal Due        Serial Number

    Agilent Technologies                N9030A                      3Hz-44GHz PXA Signal Analyzer                      3/13/2019          Annual         3/13/2020        MY49430244
       COM-POWER                       LIN-120A                                  LISN                                  3/13/2019          Annual         3/13/2020          241297
            ESPEC                       SU-241                     Table Top Temperature Chamber                       8/10/2018          Annual         8/10/2019         92009574
        ETS-Lindgren                    118490                       Pre-Amplifier (30MHz - 6GHz)                      8/31/2018          Annual         8/31/2019          213236
        ETS-Lindgren                     3142E                    BiConiLog Antenna (30MHz - 6GHz)                     12/11/2018         Annual         12/11/2019         224569
     Rohde & Schwarz                     ESW44                            EMI Test Receiver                            11/20/2018         Annual         11/20/2019         101570
     Rohde & Schwarz                   HFH2-Z2                              Loop Antenna                               3/21/2019          Annual         3/21/2020          100519
                                             Table 6-1. Annual Test Equipment Calibration Schedule


  For equipment listed above that has a calibration date or calibration due date that falls within the test date range,
  care was taken to ensure that this equipment was used after the calibration date and before the calibration due

                                                                                  MEASUREMENT REPORT                                                              Approved by:
  FCC ID: BCG-A2207
                                                                                     (CERTIFICATION)                                                              Quality Manager
  Test Report S/N:                       Test Dates:                    EUT Type:
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  © 2019 PCTEST Engineering Laboratory, Inc.                                                                                                                                    V 9.0 02/01/2019
  All rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, no part of this report may be reproduced or utilized in any part, form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and
  microfilm, without permission in writing from PCTEST Engineering Laboratory, Inc. If you have any questions about this international copyright or have an enquiry about obtaining additional
  rights to this report or assembly of contents thereof, please contact INFO@PCTEST.COM.

7.0              TEST DATA

7.1           Summary

          Company Name:                                   Apple Inc.
          FCC ID:                                         BCG-A2207
          FCC Classification:                             Low Power Communications Device Transmitter (DXX)
          Frequencies Examined:                           13.56MHz

    FCC Part                                                                                                                          Test                 Test
                         RSS Section(s)                  Test Description                            Test Limit                                                           Reference
    Section(s)                                                                                                                      Condition             Result

 2.1049                  RSS-Gen [6.6]              Occupied Bandwidth                      N/A                                                             PASS            Section 7.2

                                                                                            15,848µV/m @ 30m
                                                                                            13.553 – 13.567 MHz

                                                                                            334µV/m @ 30m
 15.225                                                                                      13.410 – 13.553 MHz
                         RSS-210 [B.6]              In-Band Emissions                                                                                       PASS            Section 7.4
 (a)(b)(c)                                                                                  13.567 – 13.710 MHz
                                                                                            106µV/m @ 30m
                                                                                            13.110 – 13.410 MHz
                                                                                            13.710 – 14.010 MHz

                                                                                            Emissions outside of the
                                                                                            specified band (13.110 –
 15.225 (d)                                                                                 14.010 MHz) must meet
                         RSS-Gen [8.9]              Out-of-Band Emissions                                                                                   PASS            Section 7.5
 15.209                                                                                     the radiated limits
                                                                                            detailed in 15.209 (RSS-
                                                                                            Gen [8.9])

                                                    Frequency Stability                     ± 0.01% of Operating                   Temperature
 15.225 (e)              RSS-210 [B.6]                                                                                                                      PASS            Section 7.3
                                                    Tolerance                               Frequency                               Chamber

                                                    AC Conducted Emissions                  < FCC 15.207 limits                      LINE
 15.207                  RSS-Gen [8.8]                                                                                                                      PASS            Section 7.6
                                                    150kHz – 30MHz                          (RSS-Gen)                             CONDUCTED

                                                               Table 7-1. Summary of Test Results


This unit was tested while powered by a DC power source.

                                                                                MEASUREMENT REPORT                                                              Approved by:
                                                                                   (CERTIFICATION)                                                              Quality Manager
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All rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, no part of this report may be reproduced or utilized in any part, form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and
microfilm, without permission in writing from PCTEST Engineering Laboratory, Inc. If you have any questions about this international copyright or have an enquiry about obtaining additional
rights to this report or assembly of contents thereof, please contact INFO@PCTEST.COM.

7.2           20dB Bandwidth Measurement
§2.1049; RSS-Gen (6.7)

Test Overview and Limit

The occupied bandwidth is measured with a spectrum analyzer connected to the receive antenna while the EUT
is operating in transmission mode at the appropriate frequency.

Test Procedure Used

ANSI C63.10-2013 – Section 6.9.2

Test Settings

      1. The signal analyzers’ automatic bandwidth measurement capability of the spectrum analyzer was used to

             perform the 20dB bandwidth measurement. The “X” dB bandwidth parameter was set to X = 20. The

             bandwidth measurement was not influenced by any intermediate power nulls in the fundamental emission

      2. RBW = 1 – 5% OBW

      3. VBW ≥ 3 x RBW

      4. Reference level set to keep signal from exceeding maximum input mixer level for linear operation.

      5. Detector = Peak

      6. Trace mode = max hold

      7. Sweep = auto couple

      8. The trace was allowed to stabilize

Test Notes


                                                  Figure 7-1. Test Instrument & Measurement Setup

                                                                                MEASUREMENT REPORT                                                              Approved by:
                                                                                   (CERTIFICATION)                                                              Quality Manager
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All rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, no part of this report may be reproduced or utilized in any part, form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and
microfilm, without permission in writing from PCTEST Engineering Laboratory, Inc. If you have any questions about this international copyright or have an enquiry about obtaining additional
rights to this report or assembly of contents thereof, please contact INFO@PCTEST.COM.

                                                      Frequency                                                20dB Bandwidth

                                                       13.56MHz                                                       26.37kHz
                                                          Table 7-2. 20dB Bandwidth Measurement

                                                                    Plot 7-1. 20dB Bandwidth Plot

                                                                                MEASUREMENT REPORT                                                              Approved by:
                                                                                   (CERTIFICATION)                                                              Quality Manager
Test Report S/N:                       Test Dates:                    EUT Type:
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All rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, no part of this report may be reproduced or utilized in any part, form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and
microfilm, without permission in writing from PCTEST Engineering Laboratory, Inc. If you have any questions about this international copyright or have an enquiry about obtaining additional
rights to this report or assembly of contents thereof, please contact INFO@PCTEST.COM.

7.3           Frequency Stability Test Data
§15.225; RSS-210 (B.6)

Test Overview and Limit

Frequency stability testing is performed in accordance with the guidelines of ANSI C63.10-2013. The frequency
stability of the transmitter is measured by:

a.)       Temperature: The temperature is varied from -20°C to +50°C in 10°C increments using an environmental

b.)       Primary Supply Voltage: The primary supply voltage is varied from 85% to 115% of the nominal value for
          non hand-carried battery and AC powered equipment. For hand-carried, battery-powered equipment,
          primary supply voltage is reduced to the battery operating end point which shall be specified by the

For Part 15.225, the frequency stability of the transmitter shall be maintained within ±0.01% of the center

Test Procedure Used

ANSI C63.10-2013 – Section 6.8

Test Settings

      1. The carrier frequency of the transmitter is measured at room temperature (20°C to provide a reference).
      2. The equipment is turned on in a “standby” condition for fifteen minutes before applying power to the
         transmitter. Measurement of the carrier frequency of the transmitter is made within one minute after
         applying power to the transmitter.
      3. Frequency measurements are made at 10°C intervals ranging from -20°C to +50°C. A period of at least
         one half-hour is provided to allow stabilization of the equipment at each temperature level.

Test Setup

                                                  Figure 7-2. Test Instrument & Measurement Setup

Test Notes


                                                                                MEASUREMENT REPORT                                                              Approved by:
                                                                                   (CERTIFICATION)                                                              Quality Manager
Test Report S/N:                       Test Dates:                    EUT Type:
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1C1907170019.BCG                       07/19/2019 - 07/26/2019 Security Switch for Retail Security
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All rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, no part of this report may be reproduced or utilized in any part, form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and
microfilm, without permission in writing from PCTEST Engineering Laboratory, Inc. If you have any questions about this international copyright or have an enquiry about obtaining additional
rights to this report or assembly of contents thereof, please contact INFO@PCTEST.COM.

Frequency Stability Test Data
§15.225; RSS-210 (B.6)

                           OPERATING FREQUENCY:                                             13,560,000                         Hz
                               REFERENCE VOLTAGE:                                                5.00                           VDC
                                         DEVIATION LIMIT:                              ± 0.01 % = 1356Hz

                             VOLTAGE                       POWER                TEMP              FREQUENCY                     Freq. Dev.            Deviation
                               (%)                          (VDC)                ( C)                (Hz)                          (Hz)                 (%)

                                 100 %                                            - 20               13,560,189                       189             0.0013939
                                 100 %                                            - 10               13,559,609                      -391            -0.0028836
                                 100 %                                                 0             13,559,609                      -391            -0.0028836
                                 100 %                         5.00              + 10                13,559,609                      -391            -0.0028836
                                 100 %                                           + 20                13,559,899                      -101            -0.0007449
                                 100 %                                            + 30               13,559,899                      -101            -0.0007449
                                 100 %                                           + 40                13,560,101                       101             0.0007449
                                 100 %                                           + 50                13,560,101                       101             0.0007449
                       BATT. ENDPOINT                          4.50              + 20                13,560,391                       391             0.0028836
                                                           Table 7-3. Frequency Stability Test Data

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Frequency Stability Test Data
§15.225; RSS-210 (B.6)

                                                               Figure 7-3. Frequency Stability Plot

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7.4           In-Band Radiated Spurious Emission Measurements
§15.225(a)(b)(c); RSS-210 (B.6)

Test Overview and Limit

The EUT was tested from 13.110 – 14.010 MHz. All in-band radiated spurious emissions are measured with a
spectrum analyzer connected to a loop antenna while the EUT is operating at appropriate frequencies. Only the
radiated emissions of the configuration that produced the worst case emissions are reported in this section.

All in-band emissions appearing in a restricted band as specified in Section 15.225 of the Title 47 CFR
must not exceed the limits shown in Table 7-4.

                                         Frequency                                  Field Strength                         Measured Distance
                                           [MHz]                                        [V/m]                                 [Meters]

                                       13.553-13.567 MHz                                    15,848                                         30

                                   13.410-13.553 MHz and
                                                                                              334                                          30
                                     13.567-13.710 MHz

                                   13.110-13.410 MHz and
                                                                                              106                                          30
                                     13.710-14.010 MHz
                                                                       Table 7-4. Radiated Limits

Test Procedures Used

ANSI C63.10-2013 – Section 6.4.7

Test Settings

             1. RBW = 9kHz
             2. VBW ≥ 3 x RBW
             3. Detector = peak
             4. Sweep time = auto couple
             5. Trace mode = max hold
             6. Trace was allowed to stabilize

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Test Setup
The EUT and measurement equipment were set up as shown in the diagram below.

                                                                  Figure 7-4. Radiated Test Setup

Test Notes:

1. All emissions lying in restricted bands specified in §15.225 and RSS-210 are below the limit shown in Table
2. All measurements were performed using a loop antenna. The antenna was positioned in three orthogonal
      positions (X front, Y side, Z top) and the position with the highest emission level was recorded.
3. The EUT was positioned in three orthogonal planes to determine the orientation resulting in the worst case
4. Measurements were performed at 3m and the data was extrapolated to the specified measurement distance
       of 30m using the square of an inverse linear distance extrapolation factor (40 dB/decade) as specified in
       §15.31(f)(2). Extrapolation Factor = 20 log10(30/3)2 = 40dB.
5. The spectrum was investigated from 9kHz up to 30MHz using the loop antenna. Only the emissions shown in
       the table below were found to be significant.
6. All measurements were recorded using a spectrum analyzer employing a quasi-peak detector.
7. The "-" shown in the following RSE tables are used to denote a noise floor measurement.

Sample Calculation

      o      Field Strength Level [dBV/m] = Analyzer Level [dBm] + 107 + AFCL [dB/m]
      o      AFCL [dB/m] = Antenna Factor [dB/m] + Cable Loss [dB]
      o      Margin [dB] = Field Strength Level [dBV/m] – Limit [dBV/m]

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In-Band Radiated Spurious Emission Measurements
§15.225(a)(b)(c); RSS-210 (B.6)



           Level in dBµV/m

                                                                                                                                                                     FCC NFC Peak Limit





                              13.11          13.2             13.3             13.4           13.5               13.6          13.7              13.8              13.9             14.01

                                                                                                Frequency in MHz

                               Preview Result 1V-PK+              Preview Result 1H-PK+              Critical_Freqs PK+             FCC NFC Peak Limit               Final_Result QPK

                                                                     Plot 7-2. In Band Radiated Spurious Plot

           Frequency:                                                     13.56MHz

           Measurement Distance:                                          3 Meters

                                                 Ant. Antenna Turntable                                                    3m Field 30m Field
 Frequency                                                                                  Level            AFCL                                         Limit         Limit           Margin
                                   Detector      Pol.   Height Azimuth                                                     Strength Strength
   [MHz]                                                                                   [dBm]            [dB/m]                                       [µV/m]       [dBµV/m]           [dB]
                                                [X/Y/Z]  [cm]  [degree]                                                   [dBµV/m] [dBµV/m]

     13.180                        Max Peak            X       100              182          -98.04          20.93          29.89         -10.11          106.00           40.51          -50.62

     13.443                        Max Peak            X       100              291          -97.62          20.94          30.32          -9.68          334.00           50.47          -60.15

     13.560                        Max Peak            X       100              303          -63.32          20.94          64.62         24.62          15848.00          84.00          -59.38

     13.600                        Max Peak            X       100              75           -98.35          20.95          29.60         -10.40          334.00           50.47          -60.87

     13.981                        Max Peak            X       100              79           -96.16          20.96          31.80          -8.20          106.00           40.51          -48.71
                                                                     Table 7-5. In-Band Radiated Measurements

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7.5           Radiated Spurious Emission Measurements, Out-of-Band
§15.209 §15.225(d); RSS-Gen (8.9)

Test Overview and Limit

The EUT was tested from 9kHz up to the 1GHz excluding the band 13.110 – 14.010 MHz. All measurements up
to 960MHz were recorded with a spectrum analyzer employing a quasi-peak detector.

All out-of-band emissions appearing in a restricted band as specified in Section 15.225 of the Title 47
CFR must not exceed the limits shown in Table 7-6 per Section 15.209.

                                                                                  Field Strength                           Measured Distance
                                                                                      [V/m]                                   [Meters]
                                   0.009 – 0.490 MHz                                 2400/F (kHz)                                        300
                                   0.490 – 1.705 MHz                                24000/F (kHz)                                         30
                                   1.705 – 30.00 MHz                                         30                                           30
                                   30.00 – 88.00 MHz                                        100                                            3
                                   88.00 – 216.0 MHz                                        150                                            3
                                   216.0 – 960.0 MHz                                        200                                            3
                                    Above 960.0 MHz                                         500                                            3
                                                           Table 7-6. Radiated Limits – Out of band

Test Procedures Used

ANSI C63.10-2013 – Section 6.5.4

Test Settings

             1. Analyzer center frequency was set to the frequency of the radiated spurious emission of interest
             2. RBW = 9kHz for emissions below 30MHz and 100kHz for emissions between 30MHz and 1GHz
             3. VBW ≥ 3 x RBW
             4. Detector = peak
             5. Sweep time = auto couple
             6. Trace mode = max hold
             7. Trace was allowed to stabilize

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Test Setup
The EUT and measurement equipment were set up as shown in the diagram below.

                                                          Figure 7-5. Radiated Test Setup < 30MHz

                                                          Figure 7-6. Radiated Test Setup > 30MHz

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rights to this report or assembly of contents thereof, please contact INFO@PCTEST.COM.

Test Notes:

      1. A loop antenna was used to investigate emissions below 30MHz.
      2. Both Vertical and Horizontal polarities of the receive antenna were evaluated with the worst case
             emissions being reported. Below 30MHz the loop antenna was positioned in 3 orthogonal planes (X front,
             Y side, Z top) to determine the orientation resulting in the worst case emissions.
      3. The EUT was positioned in three orthogonal planes to determine the orientation resulting in the worst
             case emissions.
      4. The spectrum is measured from 9kHz to the 10th harmonic and the worst-case emissions are reported.
      5. No spurious emissions levels were found to be greater than the level of the fundamental.
      6. The "-" shown in the following RSE tables are used to denote a noise floor measurement.

Sample Calculation

o      Field Strength Level [dBV/m] = Analyzer Level [dBm] + 107 + AFCL [dB/m]
o      AFCL [dB/m] = Antenna Factor [dB/m] + Cable Loss [dB]
o      Margin [dB] = Field Strength Level [dBV/m] – Limit [dBV/m]

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Radiated Spurious Emission Measurements, Out-of-Band
§15.209 §15.225(d); RSS-Gen (8.9)



           Level in dBµV/m

                                                                                                                                                                  FCC NFC Peak Limit





                               9k             20       30       50            100k           200    300        500             1M     2M     3M       5M    10M           20     30M

                                                                                                        Frequency in Hz

                               Preview Result 1V-PK+                 Preview Result 1H-PK+                Critical_Freqs PK+          FCC NFC Peak Limit      Final_Result QPK

                                                                 Plot 7-3. Radiated Spurious Plot 9kHz – 30MHz

  Tx Frequency                                                       13.56MHz

  Measurement Distance:                                              3 Meters

                                               Ant. Antenna Turntable                                                                              3m Field
  Frequency                                                                                                           Level          AFCL                     Limit             Margin
                                     Detector  Pol.   Height Azimuth                                                                               Strength
    [MHz]                                                                                                            [dBm]          [dB/m]                  [dBµV/m]             [dB]
                                              [X/Y/Z]  [cm]  [degree]                                                                             [dBµV/m]

       0.03                          Max Peak               X                100                   275               -80.12         20.00          46.88     117.00              -70.12

       0.07                          Max Peak               X                100                   162               -83.33         19.00          42.67     110.88              -68.21

       0.10                          Max Peak               X                100                   275               -84.57         19.00          41.43     107.39              -65.96

       0.17                          Max Peak               X                100                   164               -81.39         19.00          44.61     102.94              -58.33

       0.98                          Max Peak               X                100                   251               -89.85         20.00          37.15      67.78              -30.63

       27.12                         Max Peak               X                100                   82                -92.51         23.00          37.49      69.54              -32.05
                                                             Table 7-7. Radiated Measurements 9kHz – 30MHz

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Radiated Spurious Emission Measurements, Out-of-Band
§15.209 §15.225(d); RSS-Gen (8.9)


                                                                                                                                                         FCC Part 15C 30MHz-1GHz
                                                                                                                                                       FCC Part 15C 30MHz-1GHz_-6
           Level in dBµV/m




                             30M                      50     60        80      100M                        200                  300    400       500                  800       1G

                                                                                               Frequency in Hz

                                  Preview Result 1H-PK+                Preview Result 1V-PK+                     Critical_Freqs PK+
                                  FCC Part 15C 30MHz-1GHz              FCC Part 15C 30MHz-1GHz_-6                Final_Result QPK

                                                                  Plot 7-4. Radiated Spurious Plot 30MHz – 1GHz

  Tx Frequency                                                      13.56MHz

  Measurement Distance:                                             3 Meters

                                                             Ant.     Antenna Turntable                                                3m Field
  Frequency                                                                                              Level               AFCL                 Limit                       Margin
                                        Detector             Pol.      Height  Azimuth                                                 Strength
    [MHz]                                                                                               [dBm]               [dB/m]              [dBµV/m]                       [dB]
                                                            [H/V]       [cm]  [degree]                                                [dBµV/m]

       40.67                            Max Peak             V           100               201          -61.75               -14.72       30.53              40.00              -9.47

       75.93                            Max Peak             H           250               129          -59.14               -19.11       28.75              40.00            -11.25

     108.47                             Max Peak             V           100               303          -65.16               -17.30       24.54              43.52            -18.98

     172.78                             Max Peak             H           100               269          -62.39               -16.10       28.51              43.52            -15.01

     244.08                             Max Peak             H           100               251          -59.48               -17.33       30.19              46.02            -15.83

     330.80                             Max Peak             H           250               306          -70.87               -14.60       21.53              46.02            -24.49
                                                              Table 7-8. Radiated Measurements 30MHz – 1GHz

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7.6           AC Line Conducted Measurement Data
§15.207; RSS-Gen (8.8)

Test Overview and Limit

All AC line conducted spurious emissions are measured with a receiver connected to a grounded LISN while the
EUT is operating at its maximum duty cycle, at maximum power, and at the appropriate frequencies. All data rates
and modes were investigated for conducted spurious emissions. Only the conducted emissions of the
configuration that produced the worst case emissions are reported in this section.

All conducted emissions must not exceed the limits shown in the table below, per Section 15.207 and
RSS-Gen (8.8).

                             Frequency of emission                                              Conducted Limit (dBV)
                                                                                     Quasi-peak                                      Average
                                         0.15 – 0.5                                   66 to 56*                                      56 to 46*
                                           0.5 – 5                                       56                                             46
                                           5 – 30                                        60                                             50
                                                                     Table 7-9. Conducted Limits

*Decreases with the logarithm of the frequency.

Test Procedures Used

ANSI C63.10-2013, Section 6.2

Test Settings

             Quasi-Peak Field Strength Measurements

             1. Analyzer center frequency was set to the frequency of the spurious emission of interest
             2. RBW = 9kHz (for emissions from 150kHz – 30MHz)
             3. Detector = quasi-peak
             4. Sweep time = auto couple
             5. Trace mode = max hold
             6. Trace was allowed to stabilize
             Average Field Strength Measurements

             1. Analyzer center frequency was set to the frequency of the spurious emission of interest
             2. RBW = 9kHz (for emissions from 150kHz – 30MHz)
             3. Detector = RMS
             4. Sweep time = auto couple
             5. Trace mode = max hold
             6. Trace was allowed to stabilize

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Test Setup

The EUT and measurement equipment were set up as shown in the diagram below.

                                                  Figure 7-7. Test Instrument & Measurement Setup

Test Notes

1.        All modes of operation were investigated and the worst-case emissions are reported using mid channel.
          The emissions found were not affected by the choice of channel used during testing.
2.        The limit for an intentional radiator from 150kHz to 30MHz are specified in 15.207 and RSS-Gen (8.8).
3.        Corr. (dB) = Cable loss (dB) + LISN insertion factor (dB)
4.        QP/AV Level (dBV) = QP/AV Analyzer/Receiver Level (dBV) + Corr. (dB)
5.        Margin (dB) = QP/AV Limit (dBV) - QP/AV Level (dBV)
6.        Traces shown in plot are made using Quasi Peak and Average detectors.
7.        Deviations to the Specifications: None.

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                                                                                                                                                                     FCC Part 15 Class B Voltage on Mains QP
           Level in dBµV

                                                                                                                                                                     FCC Part 15 Class B Voltage on Mains AV





                           150k                       300       400       500        800     1M                      2M           3M       4M      5M       6   8   10M                    20M            30M

                                                                                                                Frequency in Hz

                                Preview Result 2-AVG                               Preview Result 1-QPK                                Critical_Freqs AVG                            Critical_Freqs QPK
                                FCC Part 15 Class B Voltage on Mains QP            FCC Part 15 Class B Voltage on Mains AV             Final_Result QPK                              Final_Result AVG

                                                                                 Plot 7-5. Line-Conducted Test Plot (L1)

                                                                                      μ                    μ                  μ

                                                                                Table 7-10. Line-Conducted Test Data (L1)

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                                                                                                                                                     FCC Part 15 Class B Voltage on Mains QP
           Level in dBµV

                                                                                                                                                     FCC Part 15 Class B Voltage on Mains AV





                           150k                   300    400     500        800    1M                   2M           3M     4M   5M     6        8      10M                  20M         30M

                                                                                                   Frequency in Hz

                                Preview Result 2-AVG                              Preview Result 1-QPK                                Critical_Freqs AVG
                                Critical_Freqs QPK                                FCC Part 15 Class B Voltage on Mains QP             FCC Part 15 Class B Voltage on Mains AV
                                Final_Result QPK                                  Final_Result AVG

                                                                        Plot 7-6. Line-Conducted Test Plot (N)

                                                                           μ                   μ                 μ

                                                                       Table 7-11. Line-Conducted Test Data (N)

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8.0              CONCLUSION

   The data collected relate only to the item(s) tested and show that the Apple Security Switch for Retail
   Security FCC ID: BCG-A2207 has been tested to show compliance with Part 15 Subpart C (15.225) of the
   FCC Rules and RSS-210 of the Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada Rules.

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1C1907170019.BCG                       07/19/2019 - 07/26/2019 Security Switch for Retail Security
© 2019 PCTEST Engineering Laboratory, Inc.                                                                                                                                    V 9.0 02/01/2019
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Document Created: 2019-09-13 16:03:01
Document Modified: 2019-09-13 16:03:01

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