RF Exposure info


RF Exposure Info

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                                                                      Appendixes for
                                                                                                EUT Information
                                               Manufacturer               GN Audio A/S
                                               Brand Name                 WHB051HS
                                               FCC ID                     BCE-WHB051HS
                                               IC number                  2386C-WHB051HS
                                               EUT Type                   portable device / DECT headset
                                               Intended Use               on the head

                                                                                                   Prepared by
                                                                          IMST GmbH, Test Center
                                                                          Carl-Friedrich-Gauß-Str. 2 – 4
                                               Testing Laboratory
                                                                          47475 Kamp-Lintfort

                                                                                                  Prepared for
                                                                          GN Audio A/S
                                                                          Lautrupbjerg 7
                                                                          2750 Ballerup

                                                                                                Test Specification
                                               Applied Rules/Standards    IEEE 1528-2013, FCC CFR 47 § 2.1093, RSS-102 Issue 5
                                               Exposure Category              general public / uncontrolled exposure            occupational / controlled exposure

                                                                                              Report Information
                                               Data Stored                60320_6180341_WHB051HS
                                               Issue Date                 March 12, 2018
                                               Revision Date
                                               Revision Number            -
                                                                          Appendix A - Pictures
                                                                          Appendix B - SAR Distribution Plots
                                                                          Appendix C - System Verification Plots

                                               Appendixes                 Appendix D – Certificates of Conformity
                                                                          Appendix E – Calibration Certificates for DAEs
                                                                          Appendix F – Calibration Certificates for E-Field Probes

                                                                          Appendix G – Calibration Certificates for Dipoles

                                              SAR_Report_FCC_ISED_60320_6180341_WHB051HS_Confidential_Appendix                                                  Page 20 of 52

                                              Appendix Issue Date: March 12, 2018                     Revision Date:   Revision No.: -

                                              Appendix A - Pictures

                                              Pictures of the EUT

                                              Pic.1:      Outer side view of the device under test.

                                              Pic. 2:     Inner side view of the device under test.

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                                              Appendix Issue Date: March 12, 2018                       Revision Date:                    Revision No.: -

                                              Pictures of Test Positions of the EUT

                                                    Pic. 3:      Test position – inner side, 0 mm distance to phantom, antenna 1 and 2.

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                                              Appendix Issue Date: March 12, 2018                         Revision Date:                 Revision No.: -

                                              Appendix B - SAR Distribution Plots

                                              Worst Case Plots for SAR Measurement per Technology

                                              Test Laboratory: IMST GmbH, DASY Blue (I); File Name: WHB051HS_b_DECT_fl_ant1.da4

                                              DUT: Jabra; Type: WHB051HS; Serial: A2.9_IMST01
                                              Program Name: US DECT

                                              Communication System: DECT US; Frequency: 1921.54 MHz;Duty Cycle: 1:15
                                              Medium parameters used (interpolated): f = 1921.54 MHz; σ = 1.42 mho/m; ε r = 40.6; ρ = 1000 kg/m

                                              Phantom section: Flat Section

                                              DASY4 Configuration:
                                              - Probe: ET3DV6R - SN1579; ConvF(5.48, 5.48, 5.48); Calibrated: 2/21/2018
                                              - Sensor-Surface: 4mm (Mechanical Surface Detection)
                                              - Electronics: DAE3 Sn335; Calibrated: 2/15/2018
                                              - Phantom: SAM 1176; Type: Speag; Serial: 1176
                                              - Measurement SW: DASY4, V4.7 Build 80; Postprocessing SW: SEMCAD, V1.8 Build 186

                                              Flat/Area Scan (7x12x1): Measurement grid: dx=15mm, dy=15mm
                                              Info: Interpolated medium parameters used for SAR evaluation.
                                              Maximum value of SAR (measured) = 0.024 mW/g
                                              Flat/Zoom Scan (5x5x7)/Cube 0: Measurement grid: dx=7.5mm, dy=7.5mm, dz=5mm
                                              Reference Value = 4.36 V/m; Power Drift = 0.036 dB
                                              Peak SAR (extrapolated) = 0.034 W/kg
                                              SAR(1 g) = 0.023 mW/g; SAR(10 g) = 0.014 mW/g
                                              Info: Interpolated medium parameters used for SAR evaluation.
                                              Maximum value of SAR (measured) = 0.025 mW/g

                                              Plot. 1: SAR distribution plot for DECT, channel 4, antenna 1, flat part of the phantom.

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                                              Appendix Issue Date: March 12, 2018                         Revision Date:                 Revision No.: -

                                              Test Laboratory: IMST GmbH, DASY Blue (I); File Name: WHB051HS_b_DECT_fl_ant2.da4

                                              DUT: Jabra; Type: WHB051HS; Serial: A2.9_IMST01
                                              Program Name: US DECT

                                              Communication System: DECT US; Frequency: 1921.54 MHz;Duty Cycle: 1:15
                                              Medium parameters used (interpolated): f = 1921.54 MHz; σ = 1.42 mho/m; ε r = 40.6; ρ = 1000 kg/m

                                              Phantom section: Flat Section

                                              DASY4 Configuration:
                                              - Probe: ET3DV6R - SN1579; ConvF(5.48, 5.48, 5.48); Calibrated: 2/21/2018
                                              - Sensor-Surface: 4mm (Mechanical Surface Detection)
                                              - Electronics: DAE3 Sn335; Calibrated: 2/15/2018
                                              - Phantom: SAM 1176; Type: Speag; Serial: 1176
                                              - Measurement SW: DASY4, V4.7 Build 80; Postprocessing SW: SEMCAD, V1.8 Build 186

                                              Flat/Area Scan (7x12x1): Measurement grid: dx=15mm, dy=15mm
                                              Info: Interpolated medium parameters used for SAR evaluation.
                                              Maximum value of SAR (measured) = 0.027 mW/g
                                              Flat/Zoom Scan (5x5x7)/Cube 0: Measurement grid: dx=7.5mm, dy=7.5mm, dz=5mm
                                              Reference Value = 4.63 V/m; Power Drift = 0.028 dB
                                              Peak SAR (extrapolated) = 0.040 W/kg
                                              SAR(1 g) = 0.026 mW/g; SAR(10 g) = 0.016 mW/g
                                              Info: Interpolated medium parameters used for SAR evaluation.
                                              Maximum value of SAR (measured) = 0.029 mW/g

                                              Plot. 2: SAR distribution plot for DECT, channel 4, antenna 2, flat part of the phantom.

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                                              Appendix Issue Date: March 12, 2018                   Revision Date:              Revision No.: -

                                              Appendix C - System Verification Plots

                                              Test Laboratory: IMST GmbH, DASY Blue (I); File Name: 060318_b_1900h_1579_335.da4

                                              DUT: Dipole 1900 MHz SN: 535; Type: D1900V2; Serial: D1900V2 - SN535
                                              Program Name: System Performance Check at 1900 MHz

                                              Communication System: CW; Frequency: 1900 MHz;Duty Cycle: 1:1
                                              Medium parameters used: f = 1900 MHz; σ = 1.4 mho/m; εr = 39.5; ρ = 1000 kg/m

                                              Phantom section: Flat Section

                                              DASY4 Configuration:
                                              - Probe: ET3DV6R - SN1579; ConvF(5.48, 5.48, 5.48); Calibrated: 2/21/2018
                                              - Sensor-Surface: 4mm (Mechanical Surface Detection)
                                              - Electronics: DAE3 Sn335; Calibrated: 2/15/2018
                                              - Phantom: SAM 1176; Type: Speag; Serial: 1176
                                              - Measurement SW: DASY4, V4.7 Build 80; Postprocessing SW: SEMCAD, V1.8 Build 186

                                              d=10mm, Pin=250mW/Area Scan (6x8x1): Measurement grid: dx=15mm, dy=15mm
                                              Maximum value of SAR (measured) = 7.53 mW/g
                                              d=10mm, Pin=250mW/Zoom Scan (7x7x7)/Cube 0: Measurement grid: dx=5mm, dy=5mm, dz=5mm
                                              Reference Value = 90.6 V/m; Power Drift = 0.020 dB
                                              Peak SAR (extrapolated) = 15.0 W/kg
                                              SAR(1 g) = 9.09 mW/g; SAR(10 g) = 4.94 mW/g
                                              Maximum value of SAR (measured) = 10.2 mW/g

                                              Plot. 3:    System Verification Measurement 1900 MHz, Head.

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Schmid & Partner Engineering AG                                s      p          e          a          q

Zeughausstrasse 43, 8004 Zurich, Switzerland
Phone +41 44 245 9700, Fax +41 44 245 9779
info@speag.com, http://www.speag.com

Certificate of conformity
 Item                             Dosimetric Assessment System DASY4
 Type No                          SD 000 401A, SD 000 402A
 Software Version No              DASY 4.7
 Manufacturer / Origin            Schmid & Partner Engineering AG
                                  Zeughausstrasse 43, CH—8004 Zurich, Switzerland

[1] IEEE 1528—2013, "IEEE Recommended Practice for Determining the Peak Spatial—Average Specific
       Absorption Rate (SAR) in the Human Head from Wireless Communications Devices: Measurement
       Techniques", June 2013
[2]    IEC 62209 — 1, "Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) in the frequency range of 300 MHz to 3 GHz —
       Measurement Procedure, Part 1: Hand—held mobile wireless communication devices", February 2005
[3]    EC 62209 — 2, "Evaluation of Human Exposure to Radio Frequency Fields from Handheld and Body—
       Mounted Wireless Communication Devices in the Frequency Range of 30 MHz to 6 GHz: Human
       models, Instrumentation and Procedures, Part 2: Procedure to determine the Specific Absorption
       Rate (SAR) for ... including accessories and multiple transmitters", March 2010
[4]    KDB 865664, "SAR Measurement Requirements for 100 MHz to 6 GHz"
[5]    ANSI—C63.19—2011, "American National Standard for Methods of Measurement of Compatibility
       between Wireless Communication Devices and Hearing Aids", May 2011

We certify thatthis system is designed to be fully compliant with the standards [1 — 5] for RF emission
tests of wireless devices.

The uncertainty of the measurements with this system was evaluated according to the above standards
and is documented in the applicable chapters of the DASY4 system handbook and in Chapter 27 of the
DASY5 system handbook.
The uncertainty values represent current state of methodology and are subject to changes. They are
applicable to all laboratories using DASY4 provided the following requirements are met (responsibility of
the system end user):
1) the system is used by an experienced engineer who follows the manual and the guidelines taught
     during the training provided by SPEAG,
2) the probe and validation dipoles have been calibrated for the relevantfrequency bands and media
     within the requested period,
3) the DAE has been calibrated within the requested period,
4)     the "minimum distance" between probe sensor and inner phantom shell and the radiation source is
       selected properly,
5)     the system performance check has been successful,
6)     the operational mode of the DUT is CW, CDMA, FDMA or TDMA (GSM, DCS, PCS, 1$136, PDC)
       and the measurement/integration time per point is > 500 ms,
7)     if applicable, the probe modulation factor is evaluated and applied according to field level,
       modulation and frequency,
8) the dielectric parameters of the liquid are conform with the standard requirement,
9) the DUT has been positioned as described in the manual.
10) the uncertainty values from the calibration certificates, and the laboratory and measurement
    equipment dependent uncertainties, are updated by end user accordingly.
                                                                      Schmid & Partner Engineering AG
                                                                      Zeughausstrasse 43, 8004 Zurich, Switzerland
                                                                      Phone +41 44 245 9700, Fax +41 44 245 9779
                                                           %&nam, hitp:/faww.speaq.com

Date        19.09.2016                                       Signature / Stamp

Doc No    880 — $D00O4O0XA—Standards_1609 — G      KP/FB                                                   Page 1 (1)

      _      _           _            —_—       se c oc                                                              «ugy ev wive

                                                                                                                       m   Hage
Schmid & Partner Engineering AG                                      s       p         e        a       g
Zeughausstrasse 43, 8004 Zurch, Swtzerland
Phone +41 44 245 9700, Fax +41 44 245 9770
info@speag com, hitps/Pwwnw.speag.com

Certificate of Conformity / First Article Inspection

    Item                           SAM Twin Phantom V4.0 and V5.0
    Type No                        ab 000 P40 C
    Series No                      TP—1150 and higher
    Manufacturer                   Untersee Composites
                                   Knebelstrasse 8, CH—8268 Mannenbach, Switzerland

Complete tests were made on the pre—series QD 000 P40 A, # TP—1001, on the series first article QD
000 P40 B # TP—1006. Certain parameters are retested on series items

    Test                   Requirement                           Details                        Units tested
    Dimensions             Compliant with the geometry           TS CAD File®                   First article,
                           according to the CAD model:                                          Samples
    Material thickness     2mm +/— 0.2mm in flat section,        in flat section,               First article,
    of shell               other locations: +/— 0.2mm with       in the cheek area              Samples,
                           respect to CAD fle                                                   TP—1314 ff.
    Material thickness     6mm +/— 0.2mm at ERP                                                 First article, All
    at ERP                                                                                      items
    Material               rel. permittvity 2 — 5,               rel. permittvity 3.5 +/— 0.5   Material
    parameters             loss tangent 5 0.05, at {s 6 GHz      loss tangent 5 0.05            samples
    Material resistivity   Compatibiity with tissue              Compatible with SPEAG          Phantoms,
                           simulating liquids                    liquids. **                    Material sample:
    Sagging                Saqging of the fiat section in        < 1% for fling height up       Prototypes,
                           tolerance when filed with tissue      to 155 mm                      Sample testing
                        simulating liquid.
*      The ITIS CAD fil is derived from [2] and is also within the tolerance requirements of the shapes of
       the other documents.
       Note: Compatiblity restrictions apply certain liquid components mentioned in the standard,
       containing e.g. DGBE, DGMHE or Triton X—100. Observe technical note on material compatibiity.

{1] OET Bulletin 65, Supplement C, "Evaluating Compliance with FCC Guidelines for Human Exposure
       to Radiofrequency Electromagnetic Fields®, Edition 01—01
[2] 1EEE 1528—2003, "Recommended Practice for Determining the Peak Spatial—Average Specific
       Absorption Rate (SAR)in the Human Head from Wireless Communications Devices: Measurement
       Techniques, December 2003
[3]    1EC 62209—1 ed1.0, "Human exposure to radio frequency fields from hand—held and body—mounted
       wireless communication devices — Human models, instrumentation, and procedures — Part 1:
       Procedure to determine the specific absorption rate (SAR) for hand—held devices used in close
        proximity to the ear (frequency range of 300 MHz to 3 GHz}*, 2005—02—18
[4]    1EC 62209—2 ed1.0, "Human exposure to radio frequency fields from hand—held and body—mounted
       wireless communication devices — Human models, instrumentation, and procedures — Part 2:
       Procedure to determine the specific absorption rate (SAR) for wireless communication devices used
        in close proximity to the human body (frequency range of 30 MHz to 6 GHz)%, 2010—03—30
Based on the sample tests above, we certfy that this item is in compliance with the uncertainty
requirements of hand—held SAR measurements and system performance checks as specifed in [1 —4]
and further standards.
                                                             S       e a
Date                                 25,07.2011              ;:h;‘/:gf.;nev" EQQ}NIT Ahs    en
                                                             Seoopige a      iey zf.,g!é%m
Signature / Stamp                                                                    esn

Dac No 881 —00.000 P40 C—H                                                                          Page         100

                                              Appendix Issue Date: March 12, 2018             Revision Date:     Revision No.: -

                                              Appendix E – Calibration Certificates for DAEs

                                              DAE 3 – SN: 335

                                              SAR_Report_FCC_ISED_60320_6180341_WHB051HS_Confidential_Appendix                     Page 28 of 52

Calibation Laboratory of                 «>
Sthmd & amver                  imeh                             $ Pormmmane
 &          AG               k                                     Sewemme
noviiniment nroun remvens      y                                s Entameing‘
Avvouvire rannconmueeseneiun
Rrvmnormanommnnnpioteinners                                      pvsmunsans: 809 0108
nmetiprmnetmrenmpmcenenemen mm
tae               data acguation    electonics
Connector angle   information used in DASY system to algn probe sensor Xto therobot
                  evordiate system.
Wethods Applin and Interpretation of Paramoters
   + DC Votage MeasurementCaltvatin Factor assessed for use in DASY system by
     comparson wih a caltrated instumentraceable to natonal standards. The fqure gven
     corepondsto t ht seal range ofth valmater in the espactve rnge
   + Gonnectorangle The angl ofte cannectoris assessed measuring the angle
     mechanicaly by a tooinserle. Uncetany is not requtred
   +. Thefalowing parameters as documented n the Appenda contan tectrical inormation as a
      resul tm the performance test and reure no unceriiny.
      * DC Votage MeasurementLineaiyVarfeation of the Lineaiy at +10% and »10% of
         the nominal caibraton vatage. nfunce f offset vaage i included i is
      * Gommon made senstiy Inlaenceof a postive onegative common mode vatage on
        the diferenialmeasurement
      * Chanoal separaton: Inuence of a vitage on tha nightor channels not subject ts an
        input votage.
      + AD Gonverer Valies with inouts shored:Values on the internal ADconventr
        coresgonding o zero nout vatage
      + Input Ofset Meassrement Output vatage and staisical resuts overa large number of
        rero votage measurements.
      + —Input Ofset Current Tyolal valuforInformation; Maximum channel nout offet
        curent not considerng the nputresitance.
      + nputresistance:Typiealvale fornlomation: DAE inou rsitance athe connector
         duing ntemal auto—zeoing and durng meassremont.
      + Low Batiry Alarm Voage: Tyjical valueforinformation. Below this votage,abatary
         alam signalis gonerated
      +. Pove consumption:Tyoical value fornformation. Supply currents n varous operitng

centcrn ie carsossrev                      Pansois

DC Votage Measurement
  A0: Ginere essitunrornal
      repnege       mss      tuv.    hemees on samey
      loeninge      mss       ty‘    higes nc cony
  OAresscurert puanaur:As 2eTe3 w Hemurng im3 e
    Cutatentacon           x                v                 :
    w navge        worom s cors nen o mro s oove ten| assom s oo ten
    Low Range       se vve tan| saram . 1 o poa Sm 1 30% tan
Connector Angle

Centornne oxesanreie               bupsus

Appendix (Additional assessments outside the scope of SCS0108)
1+ 0C Voltage Lineanty
    higntange                 Reating td     _|_Difernce 60      trers
    Chmeix _+mpa                immen              am            Eo
    crmex +hea                  monee              im            s
    Cramelx <rev                omese              an            o«
    Gtamal¥ +oo                 Tmser             as             am
    Chamal¥ __+ros              zosse              3             e
    Eme¥ __hev                  omes               zs            o
    Chnalt +rou                 remere             an            am
    Cremalt +rea                wosse              on            ow
    Crmalz __<rea               omee               on            on
    tow Torge                 ReaSea in      _|_oitwerce (nn     tm
    Commeen~                                       im            en
    crrmeix +rea                                   se            es
    Chimelx ho                                     on            Euo
    Cmy —+roa                                      im            ase
    Ehy +reu                                       am            se
    Cmy rev                                        an            o
    Cumeiz emea                                    im            cm
    Crerralt +roa                                  s             s
    Cmmz mew                                       moe           os

2. Common mode sensitvity
    m          sanmoes ho ts Te sc iesrg ine 2see
               canmennose         Mn targe            ow Pange
               Inut¥otage n    Avvigeaaang 0)     AverngeRevina 0)
    mmmax                 zo        ~om                es
                          me        m                  m
    Chmay                 E3        moo                mese
                        xo          rom                 o
    Camiz                 mo         am                 zm
                        —mo         1e                 an

3. Channel separation
      ar          sormoes: Aso ts Te 3 se Heasrng tne 3 ee
                  intvotage m¥ |Shamlx ) cnaml¥ h)             |_crammlz otn
    @urmax             m              :            as               im
    cmmmay             E3            ie                             c«
    Chemeit            zo            am            an                —
Canterste caesonree                    Pusios

4. AD—Converter Values withinouts shorted
   OA5t ressrerensaerates Aue tw Tme: e eaurng       S aoc
                                   wanneostst)__|_       womemtsn
   Com                                                      s
   mmay                                 Ts
   Camaz                                                    e
   Mrapromirenmim usmo T: s w teaongin s see
 . Input Offset Measuremont
             Amameing_| min oteattn| nc omm| *Re
   com                                        is
   ermy         on
   ce                       tm                on
. Input Offset Current
   Nermnl ecvsayctvtcuren on atcrars: ash
7. Input Resistance (hew akestorrtomaton
                                  Zecing Obe)          Hesmoroa aonm)
    Cmax                               wo                    Ea
    Cumay                              E3                    E3
    Chmeiz                             m                     mo
8. Low Battery Alarm Vollage tsesvaves relommton
   Inicavabes                     niem Lovoe)
   mearteven                                     #s
   Eomm                                          zs
5. Power Consumption Tiscatvise o formin)
    (inicaiaves             Suicted utm Sunsiy mt            |_Tranenitna mtb
    Stemrte¥en                   Em         w                       me
    Sn ¥ea                       Em         s                        7

cuntcaste oxtsassrae                  rapsos

                                              Appendix Issue Date: March 12, 2018             Revision Date:     Revision No.: -

                                              Appendix F – Calibration Certificates for E-Field Probes

                                              Probe ET3DV6R – SN1579

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                                              Appendix Issue Date: March 12, 2018             Revision Date:     Revision No.: -

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                                              Appendix Issue Date: March 12, 2018             Revision Date:     Revision No.: -

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                                              Appendix Issue Date: March 12, 2018             Revision Date:     Revision No.: -

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                                              Appendix Issue Date: March 12, 2018             Revision Date:     Revision No.: -

                                              Appendix G – Calibration Certificates for Dipoles

                                              8.1.1 Dipole 1900 MHz – SN535

                                              SAR_Report_FCC_ISED_60320_6180341_WHB051HS_Confidential_Appendix                     Page 44 of 52

                                                                                                              m     e
Calibration Laboratory of                                                     S   Schweizerischer Kalibrierdienst
Schmid & Partner                                                              g   Service suisse @‘étalonnage
   Engineering AG                                                                 Servizio svizzero di taratura
Zeughausstrasse 48, 8004 Zurich, Switzerland                                  S   swiss Calibration Service

Aceredited by the Swiss Accreditation Service (SAS)                           Acereditation No.: SCS 0108
The Swiss Accreditation Service is one of the signatories to the EA
Multilateral Agreement for the recognition of calibration certificates

TSL                         tissue simulating liquid
ConvF                        sensitivity in TSL / NORM x,y,z
N/A                          not applicable or not measured

Calibration is Performed According to the Following Standards:
   a) IEEE Std 1528—2013, "IEEE Recommended Practice for Determining the Peak Spatial—
      Averaged Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) in the Human Head from Wireless
      Communications Devices: Measurement Techniques", June 2013
   b) IEC 62209—1, "Procedure to measure the Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) for hand—held
      devices used in close proximity to the ear(frequency range of 300 MHz to 3 GHz)*,
       February 2005
   c) KDB 865664, "SAR Measurement Requirements for 100 MHz to 6 GHz"

Additional Documentation:
    d) DASY4/5 System Handbook

Methods Applied and Interpretation of Parameters:
   * Measurement Conditions: Further details are available from the Validation Report at the end
         of the certificate. All figures stated in the certificate are valid at the frequency indicated.
    *    Antenna Parameters with TSL: The dipole is mounted with the spacer to positionits feed
         point exactly below the center marking of the flat phantom section, with the arms oriented
         parallel to the body axis.
    *    Feed Point Impedance and Return Loss: These parameters are measured with the dipole
         positioned under the liquid filled phantom. The impedancestated is transformed from the
         measurement at the SMA connector to the feed point. The Return Loss ensures low
         reflected power. No uncertainty required.
    *    Electrical Delay: One—way delay between the SMA connector and the antenna feed point.
         No uncertainty required.
    *    SAR measured: SAR measured at the stated antenna input power.
    «_   SAR normalized: SAR as measured, normalized to an input power of 1 W at the antenna
    «_   SAR for nominal TSL parameters: The measured TSL parameters are used to calculate the
         nominal SAR result.

 The reported uncertainty of measurement is stated as the standard uncertainty of measurement
 multiplied by the coverage factor k=2, which for a normal distribution corresponds to a coverage
 probability of approximately 95%.

Certificate No: D1900V2—535_Mart5                               Page 2 of 8

Measurement Conditions
    DASY system configuration, as far as not given on page 1.
      DASY Version                                              DASYS                              V52.8.8
      Extrapolation                                   Advanced Extrapolation

      Phantom                                          Modular Flat Phantom
      Distance Dipole Center — TSL                               10 mm                           with Spacer

      Zoom Scan Resolution                               dx, dy, dz =5 mm
      Frequency                                         1900 MHz & 1 MHz

Head TSL parameters
    The following parameters and calculations were applied.
                                                                Temperature      Permittivity          Conductivity
      Nominal Head TSL parameters                                  22.0 °C          40.0               1.40 mho/m
      Measured Head TSL parameters                              (22.0 £0.2) °C   39.0 26 %           1.38 mho/m £ 6 %

      Head TSL temperature change during test                      <0.5 °C           ~——

SAR result with Head TSL
      SAR averaged over 1 m‘ (1 g) of Head TSL                   Condition
      SAR measured                                        250 mW input power                    10.0 Wikg
      SAR for nominal Head TSL parameters                     normalized to 1W       40.1 Wikg £ 17.0 % (k=2)

      SAR averaged over 10 cm(10 g) of Head TSL                   condition

      SAR measured                                        250 mW input power                    5.24 Wikg
      SAR for nominal Head TSL parameters                     normalized to 1W       21.0 Wikg 2 16.5 %(k=2)

Body TSL parameters
    The following parameters and calculations were applied.
                                                                Temperature      Permittivity         Conductivity

      Nominal Body TSL parameters                                  22.0 °C          53.3               1.52 mho/m
      Measured Body TSL parameters                              (22.0 £0.2) °C   52.8 26 %          1.50 mho/m + 6 %
      Body TSL temperature change during test                      <0.5 °C                                   ~——

SAR result with Body TSL

      SAR averaged over 1 em(1 g) of Body TSL                    Condition
      SAR measured                                        250 mW input power                    9.88 Wikg

      SAR for nominal Body TSL parameters                     normalized to 1W       39.7 Wikg 2 17.0 % (k=2)

      SAR averaged over 10 cm* (10 g) of Body TSL                condition

      SAR measured                                        250 mW input power                    5.28 Wiko
      SAR for nominal Body TSL parameters                     normalized to 1W       21.2 Wikg 2 16.5 %(k=2)

Certificate No: D1900V2—535_Mart5                      Page 8 of 8

Appendix (Additional assessments outside the scope of SCS 0108)

Antenna Parameters with Head TSL

      Impedance, transformed to feed point                                            53.6 0 + 6.4 jQ

      Return Loss                                                                        —23.0 dB

Antenna Parameters with Body TSL

      Impedance, transformed to feed point                                            49.1 0 +740
      Return Loss                                                                        —22.5 08

General Antenna Parameters and Design

      Electrical Delay(one direction)                                                    1.185 ns

After long term use with 100W radiated power, only a slight warming of the dipole near the feedpoint can be measured.

The dipole is made of standard semirigid coaxia!l cable. The center conductor of the feeding line is directly connected to the
second arm of the dipole. The antenna is therefore short—circuited for DC—signals. On some of the dipoles, small end caps
are added to the dipole arms in order to improve matching when loaded according to the position as explained in the
‘Measurement Conditions" paragraph. The SAR data are not affected by this change. The overall dipole length is stil
according to the Standard.
No excessive force must be applied to the dipole arms, because they might bend or the soldered connections near the
feedpoint may be damaged.

Additional EUT Data

      Manufactured by                                                                     SPEAG
      Manufactured on                                                                 March 22, 2001

Certficate No: D1900V2—535_Mart5                          Page 4 of 8

                                                                                       M        e
DASY5 Validation Report for Head TSL

                                                                             Date: 24.03.2015

Test Laboratory: SPEAG, Zurich, Switzerland

DUT: Dipole 1900 MHz; Type: D1900V2; Serial: D1900V2 — SN: 535

Communication System: UID 0 — CW; Frequency: 1900 MHz
Medium parameters used: £= 1900 MHz:; 0 = 1.38 S/m; s = 39; p = 1000 kg/m?
Phantom section: Flat Section
Measurement Standard: DASYS (IEEE/IEC/ANSI €63.19—2011)

DASY52 Configuration:

    *    Probe: ES3DV3 — SN3205; ConvF(3, 5, 5); Calibrated: 30.12.2014;
    *    Sensor—Surface: 3mm (Mechanical Surface Detection)

    *«   Electronics: DAE4 Sn601; Calibrated: 18.08.2014

         Phantom: Flat Phantom 5.0 (front); Type: QDOOOP50AA; Serial: 1001

         DASY52 52.8.8(1222); SEMCAD X 14.6.10(7331)

Dipole Calibration for Head Tissue/Pin=250 mW, d=10mm/Zoom Scan (7x7x7)/Cube 0:
Measurement grid: dx=5mm, dy=5mm, dz=5mm
Reference Value = 97.90 V/m; Power Drift = 0.03 dB
Peak SAR (extrapolated) = 18.4 W/kg
SAR(I g) = 10 W/kg: SAR(1O g) = 5.24 W/kg
Maximum value of SAR (measured) = 12.5 W/kg

                                    0 dB = 12.5 W/kg = 10.97 dBW/kg

Certificate No: D1900V2—535_Mar15                  Page 5 of 8

Impedance Measurement Plot for Head TSL

                                                                2s man zo15
          EHD sar     a uors                                     4t on


                                                    R                     /

          cme sin     Los      .5 ap/rgr —20_go             1+—22.970 as      1 900.000 000Mz

          be1          .       4       +     |      .       +         1        ;      +

                       1       :      +—x—
          tss          ;       ;      :             +       :         +        +      }

          w            :       4       +            +       .         4        +      ;

                    staet 1 700.000 e00 mz

Certficate No: D1900V2—535_Mart5                  Page 6 of 8

                                                                                              m        e
DASY5 Validation Report for Body TSL

                                                                                    Date: 24.03.2015

Test Laboratory: SPEAG, Zurich, Switzerland

DUT: Dipole 1900 MHz; Type: D1900V2; Serial: D1900V2 — SN: 535

Communication System: UID 0 — CW; Frequency: 1900 MHz
Medium parameters used: £= 1900 MHz; a = 1.5 S/m: & = 52.8; p = 1000 kg/m‘
Phantom section: Flat Section
Measurement Standard: DASY5 (IEEE/IEC/ANSI €63.19—2011)

DASY52 Configuration:

    *    Probe: ES3DV3 — SN3205; ConvF(4.65, 4.65, 4.65); Calibrated: 30.12.2014;

    *    Sensor—Surface: 3mm (Mechanical Surface Detection)
    *    Electronics: DAE4 Sn601; Calibrated: 18.08.2014
    *    Phantom: Flat Phantom 5.0 (back); Type: QDOOOPSOAA; Serial: 1002

    «_   DASY52 52.8.8(1222); SEMCAD X 14.6.10(7331)

Dipole Calibration for Body Tissue/Pin=250 mW, d=10mm/Zoom Scan (7x7x7)/Cube 0:
Measurement grid: dx=5mm, dy=5mm, dz=5mm
Reference Value = 95.36 V/m; Power Drift = 0.01 dB
Peak SAR (extrapolated) = 16.8 W/kg
SAR(I g) = 9.88 W/kg: SAR(1O g) = 5.28 W/kg
Maximum value of SAR (measured) = 12.4 W/keg

                                    0 dB = 12.4 W/kg = 10.93 dBW/kg

Certificate No: D1900V2—535_Mart5                  Page 7 of 8

Impedance Measurement Plot for Body TSL

                                                                    2s man zers     derd0r2s
          CHD sn      a uces          a:                            19 n           1 s00.000 000 itz

          c                                                 f                  i
                                                  {                       i

          ce sir      Los      .5 cb/rgr ~20 e        i         41—22.450 ds       1 900.000       000 hkz

          be1          +       4       4     4        +
                                     ">               4 .

          iys          .       4       +     4        +         4          4        ;          ;

          ma           +       ;       ;     +        +         ;          ;        +          }
                   staRt 1 700.000 000 nis            —                    stor 2 10.000 000 nz

Certiicate No: D1900V2—535_Mart5                 Page 8 of 8

                                              Appendix Issue Date: March 12, 2018                    Revision Date:                            Revision No.: -

                                              Extended Dipole Calibration for D1900V2, SN: 535
                                              Referring to section 3.2.2 of KDB 865664 D01, the tables below contain the measurement results for the
                                              impedance and return loss of the dipole.

                                                                                    Justification of the Extended Calibration
                                                                                               Calibration                              Verification
                                                          1900 HEAD TSL
                                                                                             March 24, 2015                           March 07, 2017
                                                                                                    Target               Measured                             Delta
                                               Impedance transformed to feed point          R [Ω]           X [jΩ]    R [Ω]           X [jΩ]          R [Ω]             X [jΩ]
                                                                                             53.6            +6.4      54.2           +3.6            +0.6              -2.8

                                                                                               Target [dB]             Measured [dB]                       Delta [%]
                                                             Return Loss
                                                                                                    -23.0                     -25.3                           +10.0

                                                                                               Calibration                              Verification
                                                          1900 BODY TSL
                                                                                             March 24, 2015                           March 08, 2017
                                                                                                    Target               Measured                             Delta
                                               Impedance transformed to feed point          R [Ω]           X [jΩ]    R [Ω]           X [jΩ]          R [Ω]             X [jΩ]
                                                                                             49.1            +7.4      47.2           +4.9             -1.9             -2.5

                                                                                               Target [dB]             Measured [dB]                       Delta [%]
                                                             Return Loss
                                                                                                    -22.5                     -24.7                              +9.8

                                                         Measurement Plot for Head TSL                                Measurement Plot for Body TSL

                                              The impedance is within 5 ohm of prior calibration.
                                              The return loss is <-20 dB and within 20% of prior calibration.
                                              Therefore the verification result supports extended dipole calibration.

                                              SAR_Report_FCC_ISED_60320_6180341_WHB051HS_Confidential_Appendix                                                     Page 52 of 52

Document Created: 2018-03-23 19:32:02
Document Modified: 2018-03-23 19:32:02

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