test report


Test Report

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                                                                                                A TUVRheinland®


 Priifbericht — Nr.:                        14020900 002                                                          Seite 1 von 16
 Test Report No.:                                                                                                   Page 1 of 16

 Auftraggeber:                              GN Netcom A/S
 Client:                                    Lautrupbjerg 7
                                            DK—2750 Ballerup

 Gegenstand der Priifung:                   Bluetooth Headset
 Test Item:

 Bezeichnung:                               Jabra EasyGo                          Serien—Nr.:                     Engineering sample
 Identification:                                                                  Serial No.:

 Wareneingangs—Nr.:                         00100811172—006                       Eingangsdatum:                  11.08.2010
 Receipt No.:                                                                     Date of Receipt:

 Priifort:                                  TUV Rheinland Hong Kong Ltd.
 Testing Location:                          8/F., Niche Centre, 14 Wang Tai Road, Kowloon Bay, Kowloon, Hong Kong

                                            Hong Kong Productivity Council
                                            HKPC Building, 78 Tat Chee Avenue, Kowloon, Hong Kong

 Priifgrundlage:                            FCC Part 15 Subpart C
 Test Specification:                        ANSI C63.4—2003
                                            CISPR 22:1997

 Priifergebnis:                             Das vorstehend beschriebene Gerat wurde gepriift und entspricht oben
 Test Results:                              genannter Priifgrundlage.
                                            The above mentioned product was tested and passed.

 Priifisboratorium:                         TUV Rheinland Hong Kong Ltd.
 Testing Laboratory:                        9—10/F., Emperor International Square , 7 Wang Tai Road, Kowloon Bay, Kowloon, Hong Kong

 geprilft! tested by:                                               kontrolliert! reviewed by:

                      Mika Chan                                                          Thomas Berns(fl                        7
     .08.             Project
                        roject Engit
                                 Engineer      //M                     26.08.2010        m lanager               \/é (}{M/
  Datum             Name/Stellung              Unterschrift          Datum             Name/Stellung                 Unterschrift
  Date              Name/Position              Signature             Date              Name/Position                 Signature

 Sonstiges: FCCID: BCE—OTE4A
 Other Aspects: This test report is issued for the variant of the previously test EUT of model Jabra BT2080 (type no.
 OTE4) in test report number 14020900 001. For details, please refer to "Remark" on page 5.
 Abkirzungen:      P(ass)    =—   entspricht Priifgrundlage                    Abbreviations:    P(ass)      =   passed
                   F(ail)    =    entspricht nicht Priifgrundlage                                Fiail)      =   failed
                   NA        =    nicht anwendbar                                                N/A         =   not applicable
                   NT        =    nicht getestet                                                 NIT         =   not tested
    Dieser Priifbericht bezieht sich nur auf das 0.g. Priifmuster und darf ohne Genehmigung der Priifstelle nicht
      auszugsweise vervielfaltigt werden. Dieser Bericht berechtigt nicht zur Verwendung eines Priifzeichens.
 This test report relates to the a. m. test sample. Without permission of the test center this test report is not permitted to be
           duplicated in extracts. This test report does not entitle to carry any safety mark on this or similar products.
TUV Rheinland LGA Products GmbH : TillystraRe 2 — D — 90431 Niimberg *                   Tel.: +49 911 655 5225 » Fax: +49 911 655 5226
Mail: service@de.tuv.com + Web: www.tuv.com                                                          Rev.: 1.2 2008—12—29 / approved: M. Jungnitsch


Table of Content

Cover Page ………………………………………………………………………1

Table of Content ..………………………………………………………………2
Product information.......................................................................................................4
Manufacturers declarations ....................................................................................................................... 4
Product function and intended use........................................................................................................... 5
Submitted documents................................................................................................................................. 5
Remark ......................................................................................................................................................... 5
Special accessories and auxiliary equipment .......................................................................................... 5
List of Test and Measurement Instruments.................................................................6
Results FCC Part 15 – Subpart C .................................................................................7
Subclause 15.203 – Antenna Information ....................................................................... Pass................. 7

Subclause 15.204 – Antenna Information ....................................................................... Pass................. 7

Subclause 15.207 – Disturbance Voltage on AC Mains................................................... N/A................. 7

Subclause 15.247 (a)(1) – Carrier Frequency Separation .............................................. Pass................. 8

Subclause 15.247 (a)(1)(iii) – Number of hopping channels ......................................... Pass................. 8

Subclause 15.247 (a)(1)(iii) – Time of Occupancy (Dwell Time) ................................... Pass................. 9

Subclause 15.247 (a) – 20 dB Bandwidth........................................................................ Pass................. 9

Subclause 15.247 (a) – Hopping Sequence .................................................................... Pass............... 10

Subclause 15.247 (a) – Equal Hopping Frequency Use................................................. Pass............... 11

Subclause 15.247 (a) – Receiver Input Bandwidth......................................................... Pass............... 12

Subclause 15.247 (a) – Receiver Hopping Capability .................................................... Pass............... 12

Subclause 15.247 (b)(1) – Peak Output Power ............................................................... Pass............... 12

Subclause 15.247 (d) – Band edge compliance of conducted emissions ................... Pass............... 13

Subclause 15.205 – Band edge compliance of radiated emissions ............................ Pass............... 13

Subclause 15.247 (d) – Spurious Conducted Emissions .............................................. Pass............... 14

Subclause 15.247 (c) – Spurious Radiated Emissions .................................................. Pass............... 15

Appendix 1 – Test protocols                                                                                                                        21 pages

Appendix 2 – Test setup                                                                                                                              2 pages

Test Report No.: 14020900 002                                    Date: 26.08.2010                                                              page 2 of 16


Appendix 3 – Photo documentation                           5 pages

Appendix 4 – Product documentation                        15 pages

Test Report No.: 14020900 002        Date: 26.08.2010   page 3 of 16


Product information

Manufacturers declarations
Operating frequency range                                     2402 - 2480 MHz
Type of modulation                                       GFSK; Pi/4 DQPSK; 8 DPSK
Number of channels                                                     79
Channel separation                                                  1 MHz
Type of antenna                                                       IFA
Antenna gain (dBi)                                                     1
Power level                                                        variable
Type of equipment                                      stand alone, plug-in radio device
Connection to public utility power line                               No
Nominal voltage                                                   Vnor: 3.7 V
Independent Operation Modes                                       Page scan
                                                                 Inquiry scan
                                                         Connection state - ACL Link
                                                         Connection state - SCO Link

Test Report No.: 14020900 002             Date: 26.08.2010                                 page 4 of 16


Product function and intended use
    The test item is a Bluetooth Headset based on the Bluetooth technology.
    Bluetooth is a short-range radio link intended to be a cable replacement between portable and/or fixed
    electronic devices.
    Bluetooth operates in the unlicensed ISM Band at 2.4GHz. With the introduction of the enhanced data
    rate (EDR) feature, the data rates can be up to 3 Mb/s.
    An increase in the peak data rate beyond the basic rate of 1 Mb/s is achieved by modulating the RF
    carrier using phase shift keying (PSK) techniques, resulting in an increase of two to three times the
    number of bits per symbol. The 2 Mb/s EDR packets use a Pi/4-DQPSK modulation and the 3 Mb/s
    EDR packets use 8DPSK modulation.
Submitted documents
    Circuit Diagram
    Block Diagram
    Bill of material
    User manual

Detail of the changes on new variant are as follow.

     -New mechanical enclosure.
     -Larger battery
     -Added Voice alert
     -New pin compatible chipset with DSP
     -New packaging artwork

    To show compliance all testing were repeated on the revised sample.

    Preliminary tests were performed in different data rate to find the worst radiated emission. The data rate
    shown in the table below is the worst-case rate with respect to the specific test item. Investigation has
    been done on all the possible configurations for searching the worst cases.

Special accessories and auxiliary equipment

Test Report No.: 14020900 002               Date: 26.08.2010                                    page 5 of 16


List of Test and Measurement Instruments

       Equipment used             Manufacturer    Model         S/N         Due Date
       Semi-anechoic Chamber       Frankonia        Nil          Nil        27-Apr-11
       Test Receiver                 R&S          ESU26        100050       25-May-11
       Bi-conical Antenna            R&S          HK116        100242       13-Apr-12
       Log Periodic Antenna          R&S          HL223      841516/020     13-Apr-12
                                                 05S-05S-   LA2-001-10M /
       Coaxial cable 50ohm        Rosenberger      10m           002        07-Dec-10
       Microwave amplifer 0.5-
       26.5GHz, 25dB gain              HP         83017A    3950M00241      03-Oct-11
       High Pass Filter (cutoff
       freq. =1000MHz)               Trilithic     23042      9829213       30-Oct-11
       Horn Antenna                  EMCO           3115     9002-3351      16-Apr-12
       Spectrum Analyser             R&S           FSP 30      100286       16-Mar-11
       Active Loop Antenna           EMCO           6502     9107-2651      06-Feb-11
       Test Receiver                 R&S          ESCS 30    847115/005     24-Aug-10
       Artificial Mains Network      R&S          ESH3-Z5    849876/027     24-Aug-10
       Pulse Limiter                 R&S          ESH3-Z2      100161       04-Jun-11

Test Report No.: 14020900 002           Date: 26.08.2010                           page 6 of 16


Results FCC Part 15 – Subpart C

Subclause 15.203 – Antenna Information                                                       Pass

Requirement:       No antenna other than that furnished by the responsible party shall be used with the
Results:           Permanent attached antenna
Verdict:           Pass

Subclause 15.204 – Antenna Information                                                       Pass

Requirement:       Provide information for every antenna proposed for the use with the EUT

Results:           a) Antenna type:                                    IFA
                   b) Manufacturer and model no:                       N.A.
                   c) Gain with reference to an isotropic radiator:    1 dBi

Verdict:           Pass

Subclause 15.207 – Disturbance Voltage on AC Mains                                            N/A

EUT could not be operated during battery charging.

Test Report No.: 14020900 002             Date: 26.08.2010                                   page 7 of 16


Subclause 15.247 (a)(1) – Carrier Frequency Separation                                         Pass

Requirement:          Frequency hopping systems shall have hopping channel carrier frequencies separated
                      by a minimum of 25kHz or the 2/3*20dB bandwidth of the hopping channel, whichever is

Test Specification   : FCC Part 15 Subpart A – Subclause 15.31
Mode of operation    : Tx mode (hopping on), GFSK
Port of testing      : Temporary antenna port
Detector             : Peak
RBW/VBW              : 100 kHz / 300 kHz
Supply voltage       : 3.7VDC from DC power supply
Temperature          : 23ºC
Humidity             : 50%

Results:              Pre-scan has been conduced to determine the worst-case mode from all possible
                      combinations between available modulations and packet types.
                      The centre frequencies of the hopping channels are separated by more than the
                      2/3*20dB bandwidth. For test Results plots refer to Appendix 1, page 2.
Verdict:              Pass

Subclause 15.247 (a)(1)(iii) – Number of hopping channels                                      Pass

Requirement:          Frequency hopping systems operating in the 2400MHz-2483.5MHz bands shall use at
                      least 15 hopping frequencies.

Test Specification   : FCC Part 15 Subpart A – Subclause 15.31
Mode of operation    : Tx mode (hopping on), GFSK
Port of testing      : Temporary antenna port
Detector             : Peak
RBW/VBW              : 1 MHz / 3 MHz
Supply voltage       : 3.7VDC from DC power supply
Temperature          : 23ºC
Humidity             : 50%

Results:              The total number of hopping frequencies is more than 15. For test Results plots refer to
                      Appendix 1, page 3.
Verdict:              Pass

Test Report No.: 14020900 002               Date: 26.08.2010                                    page 8 of 16


Subclause 15.247 (a)(1)(iii) – Time of Occupancy (Dwell Time)                              Pass

Requirement:         Frequency hopping systems in the 2400-2483.5 MHz band shall use at least 15
                     channels. The average time of occupancy on any channel shall not be greater than 0.4
                     seconds within a period of 0.4 seconds multiplied by the number of hopping channels

Test Specification   : FCC Part 15 Subpart A – Subclause 15.31
Mode of operation    : Tx mode (hopping on), DH5 packet
Port of testing      : Temporary antenna port
Detector             : Peak
RBW/VBW              : 1 MHz / 3 MHz
Supply voltage       : 3.7VDC from DC power supply
Temperature          : 23ºC
Humidity             : 50%

Results: Time period calculation = 0.4 x 79 = 31.6s
                                      -3            -3
         Dwell time = 53 x 2.904 x 10 = 153.91 x 10
                       <= 400 x 10 s

For test protocols please refer to Appendix 1, page 4-5.
Verdict:              Pass

Subclause 15.247 (a) – 20 dB Bandwidth                                                     Pass

Requirement:         Frequency hopping systems shall have hopping channel carrier frequencies separated
                     by a minimum of 25kHz or the 2/3*20dB bandwidth of the hopping channel, whichever is

Test Specification   : FCC Part 15 Subpart A – Subclause 15.31
Mode of operation    : Tx mode (2402MHz, 2441MHz, 2480MHz)
Port of testing      : Temporary antenna port
Detector             : Peak
RBW/VBW              : 30 kHz / 100 kHz
Supply voltage       : 3.7VDC from DC power supply
Temperature          : 23ºC
Humidity             : 50%

Results:             Pre-scan has been conduced to determine the worst-case mode from all possible
                     combinations between available modulations and packet types.
                     For test protocols refer to Appendix 1, page 6-8.

8 DPSK Modulation
       Frequency                    20 dB left                  20 dB right           20dB bandwidth
         (MHz)                        (MHz)                       (MHz)                   (MHz)
          2402                        0.726                        0.720                   1.446
          2441                        0.714                        0.726                   1.440
          2480                        0.726                        0.714                   1.440
GFSK Modulation

Test Report No.: 14020900 002              Date: 26.08.2010                                 page 9 of 16


      Frequency                   20 dB left                20 dB right              20dB bandwidth
        (MHz)                       (MHz)                     (MHz)                      (MHz)
         2402                       0.462                      0.486                      0.948
         2441                       0.570                      0.570                      1.140
         2480                       0.558                      0.570                      1.128

Subclause 15.247 (a) – Hopping Sequence                                                   Pass

Requirement:     The hopping sequence is generated and provided with an example.

Hopping sequence
The channel is represented by a pseudo-random hopping sequence hopping through the 79 RF channels.
The hopping sequence is unique for the piconet and is determined by the Bluetooth device address of the
master. The X input determines the phase in the 32-hop segment, whereas Y1 and Y2 selects between
master-to-slave and slave-to-master transmission. The inputs A to D determine the ordering within the
segment, the inputs E and F determine the mapping onto the hop frequencies.

Test Report No.: 14020900 002            Date: 26.08.2010                                 page 10 of 16


Example data:
Hop sequence {k} for CONNECTION STATE:
CLK start: 0x0000010
ULAP: 0x00000000
#ticks:          00 02 | 04 06 | 08 0a | 0c 0e | 10 12 | 14 16 | 18 1a | 1c 1e |
0x0000010: 08 66 | 10 70 | 12 19 | 14 23 | 16 01 | 18 05 | 20 33 | 22 37 |
0x0000030: 24 03 | 26 07 | 28 35 | 30 39 | 32 72 | 34 76 | 36 25 | 38 29 |
0x0000050: 40 74 | 42 78 | 44 27 | 46 31 | 48 09 | 50 13 | 52 41 | 54 45 |
0x0000070: 56 11 | 58 15 | 60 43 | 62 47 | 32 17 | 36 19 | 34 49 | 38 51 |
0x0000090: 40 21 | 44 23 | 42 53 | 46 55 | 48 33 | 52 35 | 50 65 | 54 67 |
0x00000b0: 56 37 | 60 39 | 58 69 | 62 71 | 64 25 | 68 27 | 66 57 | 70 59 |
0x00000d0: 72 29 | 76 31 | 74 61 | 78 63 | 01 41 | 05 43 | 03 73 | 07 75 |
0x00000f0: 09 45 | 13 47 | 11 77 | 15 00 | 64 49 | 66 53 | 68 02 | 70 06 |
0x0000110: 01 51 | 03 55 | 05 04 | 07 08 | 72 57 | 74 61 | 76 10 | 78 14 |
0x0000130: 09 59 | 11 63 | 13 12 | 15 16 | 17 65 | 19 69 | 21 18 | 23 22 |
0x0000150: 33 67 | 35 71 | 37 20 | 39 24 | 25 73 | 27 77 | 29 26 | 31 30 |
0x0000170: 41 75 | 43 00 | 45 28 | 47 32 | 17 02 | 21 04 | 19 34 | 23 36 |
0x0000190: 33 06 | 37 08 | 35 38 | 39 40 | 25 10 | 29 12 | 27 42 | 31 44 |
0x00001b0: 41 14 | 45 16 | 43 46 | 47 48 | 49 18 | 53 20 | 51 50 | 55 52 |
0x00001d0: 65 22 | 69 24 | 67 54 | 71 56 | 57 26 | 61 28 | 59 58 | 63 60 |
0x00001f0: 73 30 | 77 32 | 75 62 | 00 64 | 49 34 | 51 42 | 57 66 | 59 74 |
0x0000210: 53 36 | 55 44 | 61 68 | 63 76 | 65 50 | 67 58 | 73 03 | 75 11 |
0x0000230: 69 52 | 71 60 | 77 05 | 00 13 | 02 38 | 04 46 | 10 70 | 12 78 |
0x0000250: 06 40 | 08 48 | 14 72 | 16 01 | 18 54 | 20 62 | 26 07 | 28 15 |
0x0000270: 22 56 | 24 64 | 30 09 | 32 17 | 02 66 | 06 74 | 10 19 | 14 27 |
0x0000290: 04 70 | 08 78 | 12 23 | 16 31 | 18 03 | 22 11 | 26 35 | 30 43 |
0x00002b0: 20 07 | 24 15 | 28 39 | 32 47 | 34 68 | 38 76 | 42 21 | 46 29 |
0x00002d0: 36 72 | 40 01 | 44 25 | 48 33 | 50 05 | 54 13 | 58 37 | 62 45 |
0x00002f0: 52 09 | 56 17 | 60 41 | 64 49 | 34 19 | 36 35 | 50 51 | 52 67 |
0x0000310: 38 21 | 40 37 | 54 53 | 56 69 | 42 27 | 44 43 | 58 59 | 60 75 |
0x0000330: 46 29 | 48 45 | 62 61 | 64 77 | 66 23 | 68 39 | 03 55 | 05 71 |
0x0000350: 70 25 | 72 41 | 07 57 | 09 73 | 74 31 | 76 47 | 11 63 | 13 00 |
0x0000370: 78 33 | 01 49 | 15 65 | 17 02 | 66 51 | 70 67 | 03 04 | 07 20 |
0x0000390: 68 55 | 72 71 | 05 08 | 09 24 | 74 59 | 78 75 | 11 12 | 15 28 |
0x00003b0: 76 63 | 01 00 | 13 16 | 17 32 | 19 53 | 23 69 | 35 06 | 39 22 |
0x00003d0: 21 57 | 25 73 | 37 10 | 41 26 | 27 61 | 31 77 | 43 14 | 47 30 |
0x00003f0: 29 65 | 33 02 | 45 18 | 49 34 | 19 04 | 21 08 | 23 20 | 25 24 I

Subclause 15.247 (a) – Equal Hopping Frequency Use                                                  Pass

Requirement:               Each of the transmitter’s hopping channels is used equally on average.

Equal hopping frequency use
The EUT complies with the Bluetooth RF specifications. For details refer to the Bluetooth standard.

Test Report No.: 14020900 002                                    Date: 26.08.2010                   page 11 of 16


Subclause 15.247 (a) – Receiver Input Bandwidth                                                Pass

Requirement:      The associated receiver(s) complies with the requirement that its input bandwidth matches
                  the bandwidth of the transmitted signal.

Receiver input bandwidth
The receiver bandwidth is equal to the receiver bandwidth in the 79 hopping channel mode, which is 1 MHz.
The receiver bandwidth was verified during Bluetooth RF conformance testing.

Subclause 15.247 (a) – Receiver Hopping Capability                                             Pass

Requirement:      The associated receiver has the ability to shift frequencies in synchronisation with the
                  transmitted signals.

Receiver hopping Capability
The EUT complies with the Bluetooth RF specifications. For details refer to the Bluetooth standard.

Subclause 15.247 (b)(1) – Peak Output Power                                                    Pass

Test Specification   : FCC Part 15 Subpart A – Subclause 15.31
Mode of operation    : Tx mode (2402MHz, 2441MHz, 2480MHz)
Port of testing      : Temporary antenna port
Detector             : Peak
RBW/VBW              : 3 MHz / 10 MHz
Supply voltage       : 3.7VDC from DC power supply
Temperature          : 23ºC
Humidity             : 50%

Requirement:         For frequency hopping systems operating in the 2400-2483.5 MHz band employing at
                     least 75 hopping channels, and all frequency hopping systems in the 5725-5850 MHz
                     band: 1 Watt. For all other frequency hopping systems in the 2400 – 2483.5 MHz band:
                     0.125 Watts.

Results:             For test protocols please refer to Appendix 1, page 9-13.

GFSK Modulation
   Frequency          Maximum peak            Cable            Output power             Limit          Verdict
     (MHz)            output power         attenuation            (dBm)               (W/dBm)
                          (dBm)                (dB)
      2402                 -0.69               3.52                2.830               1 / 30.0         Pass
      2441                 -0.97               3.65                2.680               1 / 30.0         Pass
      2480                 -1.76               3.60                1.840               1 / 30.0         Pass
Pi/4 DQPSK Modulation
   Frequency          Maximum peak            Cable            Output power             Limit          Verdict
     (MHz)            output power         attenuation            (dBm)               (W/dBm)
                          (dBm)                (dB)
      2402                 -2.28               3.52                1.240               1 / 30.0         Pass
      2441                 -2.58               3.65                1.070               1 / 30.0         Pass

Test Report No.: 14020900 002              Date: 26.08.2010                                    page 12 of 16


      2480                 -2.83                3.60                0.770              1 / 30.0         Pass
8 DPSK Modulation
   Frequency          Maximum peak             Cable           Output power             Limit          Verdict
     (MHz)            output power          attenuation           (dBm)               (W/dBm)
                          (dBm)                 (dB)
      2402                 -1.88                3.52                1.640              1 / 30.0         Pass
      2441                 -2.46                3.65                1.190              1 / 30.0         Pass
      2480                 -2.83                3.60                0.770              1 / 30.0         Pass

Subclause 15.247 (d) – Band edge compliance of conducted emissions                             Pass

Test Specification   : FCC Part 15 Subpart A – Subclause 15.31
Mode of operation    : Tx mode (2402MHz, 2480MHz), 8DPSK
Port of testing      : Temporary antenna port
Detector             : Peak
RBW/VBW              : 100 kHz / 300 kHz
Supply voltage       : 3.7VDC from DC power supply
Temperature          : 23ºC
Humidity             : 50%

Requirement:         In any 100 kHz bandwidth outside the frequency band in which the spread spectrum or
                     digitally modulated intentional radiator is operating, the radio frequency power that is
                     produced by the intentional radiator shall be at least 20 dB below that in the 100 kHz
                     bandwidth within the band that contains the highest level of the desired power, based on
                     either an RF conducted or a radiated measurement.

Results:             Pre-scan has been conduced to determine the worst-case mode from all possible
                     combinations between available modulations and packet types.

                     There is no peak found outside any 100 kHz bandwidth of the operating frequency band.
                     For test protocols refer to Appendix 1, page 14-15.

Subclause 15.205 – Band edge compliance of radiated emissions                                  Pass

Test Specification   : FCC Part 15 Subpart A – Subclause 15.31
Mode of operation    : Tx mode (2402MHz, 2480MHz), 8DPSK
Port of testing      : Temporary antenna port
Detector             : Peak
RBW/VBW              : 1 MHz / 3 MHz
Supply voltage       : 3.7VDC from DC power supply
Temperature          : 23ºC
Humidity             : 50%

Requirement:         Radiated emissions which fall in the restricted bans, as defined in 15.205 (a), must also
                     comply with the radiated emission limits specified in 15.209(a).

Results:             There is no peak found in the restricted bands. For test protocols refer to Appendix 1,
                     page 16-19.

Test Report No.: 14020900 002              Date: 26.08.2010                                    page 13 of 16


Subclause 15.247 (d) – Spurious Conducted Emissions                                             Pass

Test Specification   : FCC Part 15 Subpart A – Subclause 15.31
Mode of operation    : Tx mode (2402MHz, 2441MHz, 2480MHz), 8DPSK
Port of testing      : Temporary antenna port
Detector             : Peak
RBW/VBW              : 100 kHz / 300 kHz
Supply voltage       : 3.7VDC from DC power supply
Temperature          : 23 ºC
Humidity             : 50 %

Requirement:         In any 100 kHz bandwidth outside the frequency band in which the spread spectrum or
                     digitally modulated intentional radiator is operating, the radio frequency power that is
                     produced by the intentional radiator shall be at least 20 dB below that in the 100 kHz
                     bandwidth within the band that contains the highest level of the desired power, based on
                     either an RF conducted or a radiated measurement.

Results:             Pre-scan has been conduced to determine the worst-case mode from all possible
                     combinations between available modulations and packet types.

                     There is no peak found outside any 100kHz bandwidth of the operating frequency band
                     in the three transmit frequency. All three transmit frequency modes comply with the limit
                     stated in subclause 15.247(d). For test protocols refer to Appendix 1, page 20-21.
   Operating             Spurious        Spurious Level       Reference value           Delta          Verdict
   frequency            frequency            (dBm)                 (dBm)                (dB)
      (MHz)                (MHz)
       2402            no peak found             ---                 ---                  ---          Pass
       2441            no peak found             ---                 ---                  ---          Pass
       2480            no peak found             ---                 ---                  ---          Pass

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Subclause 15.247 (c) – Spurious Radiated Emissions                                              Pass

Test Specification   : ANSI C63.4 – 2003
Mode of operation    : Tx mode (2402MHz, 2441MHz, 2480MHz), 8DPSK
Port of testing      : Enclosure
Detector             : Peak
RBW/VBW              : 100 kHz / 300 kHz for f < 1 GHz
                       1 MHz / 3 MHz for f > 1 GHz
Supply voltage       : internal batteries has been activated
Temperature          : 23ºC
Humidity             : 50%

Requirement:         In any 100kHz bandwidth outside the frequency band at least 20dB below the highest
                     level of the desired power. In addition, radiated emissions which fall in the restricted
                     bands, as defined in section15.205(a), must also comply with the radiated emission
                     limits specified in section 15.205(c).

Results:             Pre-scan has been conduced to determine the worst-case mode from all possible
                     combinations between available modulations and packet types.

                     All three transmit frequency modes comply with the field strength within the restricted
                     bands. There is no spurious found below 30MHz.

Tx frequency 2402MHz                            Vertical Polarization
               Freq                                 Level                             Limit/ Detector
               MHz                                 dBuV/m                                dBuV/m
           No peak found                              -                                  46 / QP
             4803.926                               56.22                                74.0 / P
             4803.958                               38.60                                54.0 / A
Tx frequency 2402MHz                            Horizontal Polarization
               Freq                                 Level                             Limit/ Detector
               MHz                                 dBuV/m                                dBuV/m
           No peak found                              -                                  46 / QP
             1601.891                               45.58                                74.0 / P
             1601.987                               42.07                                54.0 / A
             4804.118                               51.99                                74.0 / P
             4803.958                               36.63                                54.0 / A
Tx frequency 2441MHz                            Vertical Polarization
               Freq                                 Level                             Limit/ Detector
               MHz                                 dBuV/m                                dBuV/m
           No peak found                              -                                  46 / QP
             4881.794                               58.73                                74.0 / P
             4882.003                               39.47                                54.0 / A
Tx frequency 2441MHz                             Horizontal Polarization
               Freq                                 Level                             Limit/ Detector
               MHz                                 dBuV/m                                dBuV/m
           No peak found                              -                                  46 / QP
             1627.948                               43.92                                74.0 / P
             1627.948                               39.57                                54.0 / A

Test Report No.: 14020900 002               Date: 26.08.2010                                    page 15 of 16


Tx frequency 2480MHz                Vertical Polarization
            Freq                       Level                  Limit/ Detector
            MHz                       dBuV/m                     dBuV/m
        No peak found                    -                       46 / QP
          4960.160                     54.74                     74.0 / P
          4959.160                     38.02                     54.0 / A
Tx frequency 2480MHz                Horizontal Polarization
            Freq                       Level                  Limit/ Detector
            MHz                       dBuV/m                     dBuV/m
        No peak found                    -                       46 / QP
          1652.500                     43.64                     74.0 / P
          1653.974                     34.38                     54.0 / A

Test Report No.: 14020900 002   Date: 26.08.2010                      page 16 of 16

Document Created: 2010-09-16 15:59:36
Document Modified: 2010-09-16 15:59:36

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