Technical Description


Operational Description

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Technical Description of the Circuit:
The circuit is a RF thermometer transmitter part, the MCU TM8712 will measure the
temperature and humidity and encode the data. Afterward, the data is transferred to the
RF circuit, it is a fully integrated IC based OOK transmitter, the IC U2745B include a
VCO, PLL and a power amplifier circuit. The IC U2745B will generate the frequency by
the VCO and the PLL, the frequency is controlled by the reference crystal frequency, the
reference frequency is 13.56MHz, then the PLL will multiple the frequency by 32 and it
will generate the 433.92MHz. When the data from the MCU TM8712 transferred to the
RF IC is high, it will turn on the power amplifier inside the IC U2745B and the IC
U2745B will output the 433.92MHz. If the data transferred is low, it will turn off the
power amplifier and the IC U2745B will not output the RF signal. Also there is a low
pass filter at the output stage of the RF IC U2745B transmitter, it will suppress the
harmonic and spurious emission.

* Very High Transmitting Frequency Accuracy Compared to SAW Solutions
  (Enables Receivers at Lower Bandwidth than with SAW Resonators)
* Lower Cost than the Usual Discrete Solutions Using SAW and Transistors
* Supply Voltage 2.2 V to 4.0 V in the Temperature Range of —40°C to 85°C
* XTO Output for Clocking the Microcontroller, Thereby Together with the ATARO90 or
  ATAR890 Results in the Optimum System Cost—effectiveness                                                        ®
* One—chip Solution with Minimum External Circuitry
* Very Small SSO16 Package, Pitch 0.635, 150 mil
* "Single—ended Open—collector" Output (Same Antennas Can Be Used as in Discrete
  Solutions, Simpler Adaptation of Magnetic Loop Antennas)
* ESD Protection According to MIL—STD.883 (4 KV HBM) Except Pins XTO1 2,
                                                                                        UHF ASK
  ANT and LF

Electrostatic sensitive device.      ‘                                                  U2745B
Observe precautions for handling.   ‘:I\

The U2745B is a PLL transmitter IC which has been especially developed for the
demands of RF low—cost data transmission systems at data rates up to 20 kBaud.
The transmitting frequency range is 310 MHz to 440 MHz. It can be used in ASK sys—
tems. The main applications of the U2745B are in the areas of outside temperature
metering, socket control, garage door opener, consumption metering, light/fan or air—
condition control, jJalousies, wireless keyboard and various other consumer market

                                                                                                 Rev. 4734A—~RKE—11/03


Figure 1. System Block Diagram
                                        UHF ASK         .                                          UHF ASK
                                  Remote control transmitter                                  Remote control receiver
        1 Li cell
                                  U2745B                                             U3745BM                               8
      i—Il             ]                                                                       Demad|—————
                                                                                                 |         Control [—
                                                                                                                      \1,3) 3§
                                                                                                                        ’LT § 3

      o Keys
                    ATARx9x                                                                      a
                                                                                                                            a ‘

                              [                                                                  Z2
                                                                                                 ax        pu |— xto |— o
                           %‘                                                                                |            EJ
                                                                                    l'_ LNA                VCO            I

Figure 2. Block Diagram

                                       ASK )—lfl                                                    GND

                                        EN fiJ           1                                          PWARSET

                                      vccfi   b         S                             r             PWRVCC

                                                                    vCO                  PA
                                       CLK P                                                       ANT
                                      anp O                    ‘,—1 f                               PWRGND1
                                                                        + 64
                                    LEVCC 4?                   —L ;            |—                   PWRGND2
                                                                         "               xT
                                                                        & n

                                    LrGnp O                                                         xTo1

                                         LF (O—                                                     NC



    Pin Configuration
Figure 3. Pinning SSO16

                                              s fo| oS E GND
                                               EN E                   ls]   PWRSET

                                              vee [s                  44] pwavee
                                              CLK E                  ]a ANT
                                             GND E                    E PWRGND1

                                           LEVCC b                    fl     PWRGND2

                                           Lrenp [7                   10| xtoi
                                               LF E                  J fj NC

    Pin Description
         Pin     (_     Symbol    Function
          1      |___     ASK     Modulation input ASK
          2      ]        EN      Enable input
          3               VCC     Supply voltage
     4 00000              CLK     Clock output
          5               GND     Ground
          6              LFVCC    Supply voltage VCO
|         7              LFGND    VCO ground
          8               LF      Circuit PLL loop
          9               NC      Not connected
          10      _‘XTO1          Connection for crystal
          11            PWRGND2   Power GND2
          12     | PWRGND1        Power GND1
          13              ANT     RF output
          14            PWRVCC    Supply voltage power amplifier
          15            PWRSET    Applied to VCC
    o 0g6 0           —_GNp       Ground


General Description      The fully integrated VCO and the "single—ended open—collector" output allow particularly
                         simple, low—cost RF miniature transmitters to be assembled. The single—ended output
                         enables a considerably simplified adaptation of both a magnetic loop antenna of any
                         form or a /4 antenna. This is because the load impedance must not be balanced as
                         would be the case with a differential output.
                         The XTO‘s frequency can be selected to be either 13.56 MHz or 9.844 MHz (USA). At
                         these frequencies, crystals have a very fast start—up time (< 1.5 ms), whereby a wait
                         time of 5 to 10 ms is required until the transmitter IC is locked. This means that the pro—
                         cessor does not need to poll a lock detect output.


ASK Transmission         The U2745B is activated by EN = V5. V,g, must remain 0 V for 5 ms, then the output
                         power can be modulated by means of pin ASK. Vey remains = Vg during the transmis—
                         sion of the message. The ASK input activates the power amplifier and the PLL.

Take—over of the Clock   The clock of the crystal oscillator can be used for clocking the microcontrolier. The
Pulse in the             ATAROYO and ATAR890 have the special feature of starting with an integrated RC oscil—
Microcontroller          lator to switch on the U2745B with Vgy = V5. 5 ms later, the 3.39—MHz clock frequency is
                         present, so that the message can be sent with crystal accuracy.

Application Circuit      The following component values are recommendations for a typical application. C4,, C;,
                         and C, are block capacitors. The values of these capacitors depend on the board layout.
                         C, = 1 nF, C3 = 1 nF, and C& = 22 nF are typically used here. For C;, the impedance
                         between f= 100 MHz and f = 1 GHz should be as low as possible.
                         Cloop1 and C1,,p2 are selected so that the antenna oscillates in resonance and the adap—
                         tation to the appropriate impedance transformation is possible.
                         Lreeg s an inductor for the antenna‘s DC current supply. A typical value is
                         Lreeg = 220 NH. Legeg can be either printed on the PC board or be a discrete component.

QOutput Power            The following output network (see Figure 4 on page 5) can be used for output power
Measurement              evaluation, the exact values of L;, and C;, are dependent on the layout.
                         L1p and C;, form the transformation network to adopt the output impedance of the 1C to
                         50 . The following table shows the values for an output power of 2 mW and an

                         Table 1. Transformation Network

                               t/MHz                C10/pF                L10/nH                 Zioad_opYQ
                                315                   2.7                   56                   260 +330
                         |     433.92                 1.8                   33                   185 + j268

4       Y2745B memmerarrrooronboon


                                           Figure 4. Measurement Output Network



                                                                                             ANT                 ZLoad-opt


                                                                                                          50 0

Figure 5. Application Circuit

                     ASK                           ASK
                      O_"——_—E                             OR
                     Eg    _
                                                   ENE     1                                                                        C Loop2

                                                          Powen                                                                               I
                                                   veo     up
                               CG _L                 3
                     ck   P                        CLK                    vco                PA    [A
                      O——                          —[+]                     |                      |—"!
                     3.39 MHz                      GND                                              PWRGND1           _
                                L.                  15|                     £                      12
                                I                    L2                                                               T             |
                                                                             L6                    Ffl
                                               Lrvec                         *                      PWRGND2                         ‘

                                          LTe                               / Lal L
                                                                                                   ———13.56 MHz
                                         S== LFGND                                | XTO 1 xtoi
                                i—        I         [Z]                                            10]————1I:l|——| H—

                                     Es       C,
                                                          U2745B                                   EN’C                      Ca

                                     ———      C,                                                                      Antenna


Absolute Maximum Ratings
Stresses beyond those listed under "Absolute Maximum Ratings" may cause permanent damage to the device. This is a stress rating
only and functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions beyond those indicated in the operational sections of this
specification is not implied. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability.
[ Parameters                                                                           Symbol!                Min.                       Max.                 Unit
[ Supply voltage                                                                           Vs                                             6                       V
{ Power dissipation                                                                        Prot                                          250                  mW
! Junction temperature                                                                     T;                                            150                   °C
 Storage temperature                                                                     Tstg                     —55                    125                   °C
 Ambient temperature                                                                     Tamb                     ~40                     85                   °C

Thermal Resistance
( Parameters                                                                      |___Symbol           |                 Value                                Unit
|_Junetion ambient                                                                |_       Bia      ___|                         180                          KWw

Electrical Characteristics
All parameters are refered to GND (pin 5), Vsg = 3 V, Tapp = 25°C, unless otherwise specified
The possible operating ranges refer to different circuit conditions: Vs = 2.2 V to 4.0 V at T;.,,, = ~40°C to +85°C
Parameters                               Test Conditions                          |    Symbol |              Min.            Typ.             Max.            Unit
Supply current (power down)              Vagk:s Vesy < 0.3 V, Vg < 8.6 V                 1Soy                                    2                 10             A
Supply current (power up, output OFF)| Vas, = GND, Vey = V§, Vg = 8 V                    lSon                                4.7               6.2             mA
Supply current (power up, output ON)     |Vagy = Vg, Vg = 3 V, Rpwaset = 12 KQ         (Stransmit                       _ 10                   12.5            mA
                                         Vg = 3 V, Tamp = 25°C, t = 433.92 MHz
Output power                             Rewaser = 1.2 kQ                                P Bef                1                  3                 5          dBm
Output power variation for
f = 315 MHz compared to                  f= 315 MHz                                     BPBef                                    1.5                              dB
f = 433.92 MHz                           Pout = Pret + APrer
                                         at Poy, = 2.0 mW,
                                         the load impedance must be selected
Maximum peak output                      to meet the V,,, maximum                      v                                V —0.7 V                              v
antenna voltage                          requirement, the supply current is not          outmax                          §           Y                            (peak}
                                         dependent on the load impedance
o                                        {, +(x fag) Where fog = 6.78 MHz
Spurious emission                        Load capacitance at CLK < 3 pF
  P                                      t = 230 MHz to 470 MHz                            Em                                                  40             dBC
                                         f < 230 MHz, f > 470 MHz                          Em                                                  —58            dBC
    .                                                                                                      13.56 —                        13.56 +
Oscillator frequency XTO                 Crystal frequency = 13.56 MHz                   frro              30 ppm        13.56            30 ppm              MHz

                                         For best LO noise
 Loop bandwidth                          Loop filter components:                        Bloop                                100                               kHz
                                        |C» = 8.9 nF, C, = 15 nF, R, = 220 Q
          .                              Referring to the phase comparator                                                   _                 _
 Phase noise PLL                         foc = 6.78 MHz                                 PNpy_                                    111               105       dBC/Hz

         .                               at 1 MHz                                       PNvco                                —90
 Phase noise VCO                         at 36 MHz                                      PNvCo                                192                             dBC/Hz


ooo U2745B

Electrical Characteristics (Continued)
All parameters are refered to GND (pin 5), Vs = 3 V, Tayp = 25°C, unless otherwise specified
The possible operating ranges refer to different circuit conditions: V; = 2.2 V to 4.0 V at T;,,, = —40°C to +85°C
Parameters                          \Test Conditions                                      Symboi       Min.    Typ. | Max.    Unit
Frequency range of the VCO                                                                    fuco     310              440   MHz
Clock output
(CMOS microcontroller compatible)                                                             ClKou           fou!128         MHz
Load capacitance at CLK                                                                       Cork                      10    pF
   .                                 fxro = 13.56 MHz                                          Rs                       80
Series resonance R of the crystal    fkro = 9.84 MHz                                           Rs                       100    Q

ASK modulation frequency rate        Duty cycle of the                                    f             0               20    kHz
                                     modulation signal = 50%                                  modASK
[GUK output                                                                                            i
—   Output current   Low             Voy =    0.2   x   Vg                                     loy     150                    LA
—   Output current   Low             Vorx =   0.3   x   Vs                                     loy     200                    LA
—   Output current   High            Vouy =   0.8   x   V3                                     lon     ~150                   LA
—   Output current   High            Vorg =   0.7   *   Vg                                     loh     ~200             100   yA
ASK input
— Low level input voltage                                                                     Vase                      0.3   V
— High level input voltage                                                                    Vaskn    1.7                    V
— Input current High                                                                          laskn                     140   pA
Enable ASK                                                                                     Ven
— Low level input voltage                                                                     Veski                     0.3    V
— High level input voltage                                                                    Vrekn    1.7                     V
— Input current High                                                                          legkn                     140   yA

                                                             bommommemmmmemmemmememee i

                                                   Almet     in

Ordering Information
Extended Type Number               U         Package              Remarks
U2745B—MFB                                    SSO16               Tube
U2745B—MFBG3                                  SSO16               Taped and reeled

Package Information





                       nom   .                                                       3.95 max.

             71x0.635=4.445      nom.

                                                                                     technical drawings
                                                                                     according to DN

                                  Orawing refers to following types: SSO16
                                  Package acc. JEDEC MO 137 AB

        U2745B ocm


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Document Created: 2005-01-20 10:32:05
Document Modified: 2005-01-20 10:32:05

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