Test Report


Test Report

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 TEST                    REPORT

REPORT NUMBER        :   AKL-199374


      NUMBER         :   MP7080A

FCC ID               :   BBP7080A

REGULATION           :   FCC Part15B Class B
                         Canada ICES-003 Class B

            Conducted Emission Test
             Radiated Emission Test

                          NVLAP accreditation is valid only
                          FCC Part15(Digital Devices),
                          CISPR22, and AS/NZS 3548
                          test reports.

            Akzo Kashima Limited
                EMC Division
                Kashima Site

 1, Oaza Sunayama, Hasaki-machi, Kashima-gun
            Ibaraki-ken, 314-0255 Japan
     l.: +81 479 40 1097   Fax.: +81 479 46 1788

Akzo Kashima Report No. AKL-199374                       FCC ID : BBP7080A                                            Page 2 of 25 pages



ABBREVIATIONS ...............................................................................................................................3

SECTION           1.    TEST CERTIFICATION ..........................................................................................4

SECTION           2.    CONCLUSION .........................................................................................................5

SECTION           3.    EQUIPMENT UNDER TEST ..................................................................................6

SECTION           4.    SUPPORT EQUIPMENT USED .............................................................................7

SECTION           5.    CABLE (S) USED .....................................................................................................8

SECTION           6.    CONSTRUCTION OF EQUIPMENT......................................................................9

SECTION           7.    OPERATING CONDITIONS .................................................................................10

SECTION           8.    TEST PROCEDURE(S)..........................................................................................11

SECTION           9.    EVALUATION OF TEST RESULTS.....................................................................16

SECTION 10.             PHOTOGRAPHS OF MAXIMUM EMISSION SET-UP.......................................21

SECTION 11.             INSTRUMENTS USED FOR FINAL TEST .........................................................22

SECTION 12.             UNCERTAINTY OF MEASUREMENT................................................................23

SECTION 13.             VALIDITY OF TEST REPORT..............................................................................24

SECTION 14.             DESCRIPTION OF TEST LABORATORY ...........................................................25

                                                                                                                               (Version 4.1)

Akzo Kashima Report No. AKL-199374   FCC ID : BBP7080A   Page 3 of 25 pages


        LISN    = Line Impedance Stabilization Network

        AMN     = Artificial Mains Network

        ANT     = Antenna

        BBA     = Broad-band Antenna

        DIP     = Dipole Antenna

        AMP     = Amplifier

        ATT     = Attenuator

        EUT     = Equipment Under Test

        Q-P     = Quasi-peak

        AVG     = Average

                                                               (Version 4.1)

Akzo Kashima Report No. AKL-199374    FCC ID : BBP7080A                     Page 4 of 25 pages


    Company          : RICOH COMPANY, LTD.
    Address          : 3-2-3, Shin-yokohama, Kohoku-ku, Yokohama-shi, Kanagawa-ken,
                       222-8530 Japan
    Telephone number : +81 45 477 1663
    Fax number       : +81 45 477 1649

    Kind of equipment      : Compact Disc Rewritable Drive
    Condition of equipment : Pre-Production
    Type                   : Table-Top (Built-in type)
    Trademark              : RICOH
    FCC ID                 : BBP7080A
    Model number           : MP7080A
    Serial number          : DVT-21

    Location               : Kashima No. 1 Test Site (FCC File No. : 31040/SIT)
    EUT received           : October 12, 1999
    Test started           : October 13, 1999
    Test completed         : October 13, 1999
    Purpose of test        : FCC Docket 87-389
                             and Canadian Interference-Causing Equipment Regulations
    Regulation             : FCC Part15B Class B and Canada ICES-003 Class B
                             Unintentional Radiators
    Test setup             : ANSI C63.4-1992

    Report file number     : AKL-199374

    Report issue date      : October 14, 1999

    Test engineer          : Kenichi Takagi

    Report approved by     : Junichi Okada
                             [Site Manager]

    This equipment complies with above standard or regulation under the test condition or
    test configuration shown on this test report.

                                                                                  (Version 4.1)

Akzo Kashima Report No. AKL-199374         FCC ID : BBP7080A                      Page 5 of 25 pages


       This test report clearly shows that the EUT is in compliance with the FCC Part 15B
       Class B specification and the Canada ICES-003 Class B specification.

       Traceability to national standards of test result is achieved by means of calibration
       traceability to national standards.

       The minimum margins to the limits are as follows:

       Conduction measurement
                   Write mode                        12.1 dB       at          5.1980 MHz

       Radiation measurement
                   Write mode                         4.0 dB       at       801.86    MHz

       Note : See Section 9 for details.

                                                                                        (Version 4.1)

Akzo Kashima Report No. AKL-199374        FCC ID : BBP7080A                      Page 6 of 25 pages


  The equipment under test (EUT) consisted of the following equipment.
  Indication in the following left side column corresponds to Section 6.

Symbol Item               Model No.     Serial No.     FCC ID / DoC    Manufacturer     Remarks

 A) Compact Disc          MP7080A       DVT-21         BBP7080A        RICOH
    Rewritable Drive                                                   COMPANY, LTD.

    Power ratings of EUT :       DC 5V, 2A
                                 DC 12V, 1A

    DoC : Device for Declaration of Conformity

  3.1   Port(s)/Connector(s) :

         Port name                   Connector type      Connector pin       Remarks

         Headphone                   Mini-Jack           1 pin
         ATAPI                       Pin Header          40 pin
         Audio Out (Analog)          Pin Header          4 pin
         Audio Out (Digital)         Pin Header          2 pin

  3.2   Oscillator(s)/Crystal(s) :

         Oscillator              Operating frequency   Board name            Remarks

         24.00 MHz               24.00 MHz             Main PCB
         33.86 MHz               33.86 MHz             Main PCB
         260 MHz                 260 MHz               Pickup Module         Highest frequency

                                                                                       (Version 4.1)

Akzo Kashima Report No. AKL-199374      FCC ID : BBP7080A                            Page 7 of 25 pages


  The EUT was supported by the following equipment during the test.
  Indication in the following left side column corresponds to Section 6.

Symbol Item          Model No.       Serial No.        FCC ID / DoC        Manufacturer     Remarks

 B) Computer         PROLINEA        00146555          CNT75MDB6V Compaq
                     575                               5

 C) CRT Display      85121-001       72-0736575        ANO7NF8512          IBM

 D) Printer          2225C+          2950S64811        DSI6XU2225          Hewlett

 E) Modem            OPTIMA288       AO125240K346 BFJ5201AM                Hayes

 F) Keyboard         RT6674TJP       82151364          AQ6-MTN4C15 Compaq

 G) Mouse            M-S28           None              DZL210513           Compaq

 H) Headphone        MDR-CD1700      None              N.A.                SONY

  I) AC Adapter      82241AJ         None              N.A.                Hewlett

 J) AC Adapter       TRAC288         None              N.A.                RICOH

    DoC : Device was tested and authorized under a Declaration of Conformity to the
          applicable FCC rules.

                                                                                           (Version 4.1)

Akzo Kashima Report No. AKL-199374        FCC ID : BBP7080A                       Page 8 of 25 pages


  The following cable(s) was used for the test.
  Indication number in the following left side column corresponds to Section 6.

Number Name                                             Length       Shield          Connector

 1) Headphone cable                                      2.80 m      None            Metal

 2) RS-232C cable                                        1.50 m      Yes             Metal

 3) Printer cable                                        1.50 m      Yes             Metal

 4) Keyboard cable                                       1.90 m      Yes             Plastic

 5) Mouse cable                                          1.80 m      Yes             Plastic

 6) CRT Video cable                                      1.80 m      Yes             Metal

 7) Power cord for Computer                              2.30 m      None

 8) Power cord for CRT Display                           1.80 m      None

 9) Power cord for Printer                               2.00 m      None

10) Power cord for Modem (AC)                            0.85 m      None

11) Power cord for Modem (AC)                            1.75 m      None

    Note :
             a. No ferrite core is attached to the outer cables.

                                                                                        (Version 4.1)

Akzo Kashima Report No. AKL-199374     FCC ID : BBP7080A                            Page 9 of 25 pages


  The construction of EUT during the test was as follows.

       System configuration

                                                                        ∗       :   EUT
                                                                                :   Ferrite core

                 AC 120V
                  60 Hz
        AC          I.
        Adapter                       C. CRT                 8              AC 120V
                                         Display                             60 Hz

                              3              6               7              AC 120V
                                                                             60 Hz


          D. Printer
                                      B. Computer                        E. Modem

                                             A. EUT                                     10

                         4                         1                                   J. AC
                             F. Keyboard      H.
          Mouse                               Headphone                                 11

                                                                                    AC 120V
                                                                                     60 Hz

  Symbols or numbers assigned to equipment or cables on this diagram are corresponded to the
  symbols or numbers assigned to equipment or cables on tables in Sections 3 to 5.
                                                                                          (Version 4.1)

Akzo Kashima Report No. AKL-199374          FCC ID : BBP7080A                Page 10 of 25 pages


  The EUT was operated under the following conditions during the test.

  7.1     Operating condition

          The test was carried out under Read mode and Write mode.
          EUT was examined in the operating conditions that had maximum emissions.

  7.2     Operating flow

          Following operations were performed continuously.

  7.2.1    Read mode

              CD-ROM 32x Sequential Read
                    Inner to outer

                    Printer is on Standby

                    Modem is on standby

  7.2.2    Write mode

               CD-RW 4x Sequential Write
                    Inner to outer

                    Printer is on Standby

                    Modem is on standby

                                                                                     (Version 4.1)

Akzo Kashima Report No. AKL-199374            FCC ID : BBP7080A                                Page 11 of 25 pages


  Test was carried out under the following conditions.
  Test was carried out with no deviations from standards and test methods.

  Subject                         Test procedure                                Scan frequency

  Conducted Emission              Akzo Kashima                                  0.45 - 30 MHz
                                  Document number : 03-10-004

  Radiated Emission               Akzo Kashima                                  30 - 2000 MHz
                                  Document number : 03-10-003

Schema for the conducted measurement

                    ATT.    Connector
        LISN                                                               Receiver
                       C1                    C2                    R6

                                                                   R7      Analyzer

Schema for the radiated measurement

                    Joint        Joint
            ATT.    Connector    Connector
                                                  Step         Amplifier               RF               Receiver
               R1           R2          R3        ATT.   R4                    R5     Switch     R6

 Antenna                                                                                         R7    Analyzer

 Above 1GHz

                    R15                                  R14


                                                                                                       (Version 4.1)

Akzo Kashima Report No. AKL-199374     FCC ID : BBP7080A                       Page 12 of 25 pages

Summary ;

  8.1     Conducted Emission Test

  8.1.1    Equipment Setup
            System configuration and Equipment setup are shown on Section 6 and Section 10. Table-Top Equipment
            EUT is placed on the wooden table raised 0.8meter above the metal ground plane. Interconnecting Cables
            Excess part of the interconnecting cables longer than 1 meter are bundled in the
            center. Cables that hang closer than 40 cm to the ground plane is folded back and
            forth forming bundle 30 to 40 cm long, hanging approx, in the middle between
            ground plane and table. AC Power Cord
           AC power cord for EUT is connected to one LISN which is placed on top of ground
           plane. The LISN is placed in 80 cm from the nearest part of EUT chassis.
           The excess power cable is bundled in the center, or shortened to appropriate length.
           AC cables except from the EUT are connected second LISN.

  8.1.2    Measuring Instruments
            Measuring instruments list and calibration schedule are shown on Section 11, and
            brief description are as follows; Spectrum Analyzer
            The Spectrum analyzer is used for preliminary measurement. EMI Test Receiver
           The Quasi-peak detector(Resolution bandwidth : 10 kHz) and average detector
           (Resolution bandwidth : 10 kHz) built in test receiver is used for final measurement.
           The test receiver is complied with the specification of the CISPR publication 16. LISN
            The 50µH/50Ω LISN is used. The chassis of the LISN is bonded to the ground plane
            by the copper blade.
            The lead to be tested is selectable by switch, and the terminals which are not
            connected to the EUT are terminated in 50Ω resistor termination.

                                                                                       (Version 4.1)

Akzo Kashima Report No. AKL-199374     FCC ID : BBP7080A                       Page 13 of 25 pages

  8.1.3   Test Procedure Preliminary Measurement
            EUT is tested on all operating conditions.
            The spectrum analyzer is controlled by the computer program to sweep regulation
            frequency, then spectrum chart are plotted out to detect the worst conditions in
            operating mode and/or configuration for the final test.
            All leads other than safety ground are tested. Final Measurement
            The EUT is operated in the worst condition where maximum emission is detected
            by the preliminary test. The equipment and cables are arranged or manipulated
            within the range of the test standard in the above condition.
            The each spectrum to be tested are measured in quasi-peak using the test receiver.
            When the value in the quasi-peak mode is higher than the limit in the standard, the
            measurement in the average mode is done to compare to the value in the quasi-peak
            mode. If the value in the quasi-peak mode exceeds the value in the average mode by
            more than 6 dB, the value reducing 13 dB from the value in the quasi mode is used
            to compare to the limit.

                                                                                       (Version 4.1)

Akzo Kashima Report No. AKL-199374    FCC ID : BBP7080A                       Page 14 of 25 pages

  8.2     Radiated Emission Test

  8.2.1    Equipment Setup
            System configuration and Equipment setup are shown on Section 6 and Section 10. Table-Top Equipment
            EUT is placed on the wooden table raised 0.8meter above the metal ground
            plane(turntable). Interconnecting Cables
            Excess part of the interconnecting cables longer than 1 meter are bundled in the
            center. Cables that hang closer than 40 cm to the ground plane is folded back and
            forth forming bundle 30 to 40 cm long, hanging approx, in the middle between
            ground plane and table.

  8.2.2    Measuring Instruments
            Measuring instruments list and calibration schedule are shown on Section 11, and
            brief description are as follows; Antennas
           The broadband Bi-cog antenna is used for measurement on the frequency range
           30 – 1000 MHz.
           The Double ridged guide antenna is used for frequency higher than 1000 MHz.
           If uncertain result was obtained, the broadband antenna is replaced by the half
           wave length dipole, then measurement is carried out over again. Pre-amplifier
            The broadband pre-amplifier is used for radiated emission measurement.
            The signal to noise ratio is improved by using pre-amplifier. Spectrum Analyzer
            The spectrum analyzer is used for preliminary measurement of frequency range
            30 – 1000 MHz, and also used for final measurement of higher than 1000 MHz
            (Resolution bandwidth : 1 MHz). EMI Test Receiver
           The Quasi-peak detector(Resolution bandwidth : 120 kHz) built in test receiver is
           used for final measurement of the frequency 30 – 1000 MHz.
           The test receiver is complied with the specification of the CISPR publication 16. Turntable
            The turntable is capable for EUT weight and rotatable 0 to 360 degree horizontally
            by remote control in the test room. Antenna Mast
           The antenna mast is attachable to all antennas described on clause and
           antenna height is adjustable 1 to 4 meters continuously by remote control at the
           test room, and antenna polarization is also changed by the remote control.

                                                                                      (Version 4.1)

Akzo Kashima Report No. AKL-199374     FCC ID : BBP7080A                       Page 15 of 25 pages

  8.2.3   Test Procedure Preliminary Measurement
            EUT is tested on all operating conditions.
            The spectrum analyzer is set max-hold mode and swept during turntable was
            rotated 0 to 360 degree. Then spectrum chart are plotted out to detect the worst
            conditions in configuration, operating mode, or ambient noise notation. Final Measurement
            The EUT operated in the condition where maximum emission is detected in the
            preliminary test.
            The turntable azimuth(EUT direction) and antenna height are adjusted the
            position so that maximum field strength is obtained for each frequency spectrum to
            be measured. The equipment and cables are arranged or manipulated within the
            range of the test standard in the above condition.
            When the uncertain result was obtained, the measurement is retried by using the
            half wave dipole antenna instead of the broadband antenna.

                                                                                       (Version 4.1)

Akzo Kashima Limited                                                                           70
                                                                                                          : Q-P                                                     : Q-P

Kashima No.1 Test site
INTERFERENCE CONDUCTION TEST                                                                   60

  EUT NAME     : Compuct Disk Rewritable Drive
  MODEL NO.    : MP7080A
  SERIAL NO.   : DVT-21
  TEST MODE    : Read
  POWER SOURCE : DC+5V/2A DC+12V/1A (AC120V/60Hz)                                              40
  DATE TESTED : Oct 13 1999

                                                                       Emission Level [dBuV]
  FILE NO.     : AKL-199374
  TEST METHOD : ANSI C63.4-1992                                                                30




                                                                                                450k 600k         1M           2M          4M         7M   10M       20M      30M
  ENGINEER           :                     Kenichi Takagi                                                                           Frequency [Hz]

   FREQUENCY                   READING                       FACTOR                                                    EMISSION                       LIMIT       MARGIN
  No    [MHz]                    [dBuV]                        [dB]                                                      [dBuV]                      [dBuV]         [dB]
                               Line1           Line2        Line1                              Line2                   Line1           Line2                     Line1 Line2

   1        0.7886               17.8            17.8            6.1                                6.1                 23.9             23.9          48.0       24.1      24.1
   2        1.8372               22.8            22.5            6.4                                6.4                 29.2             28.9          48.0       18.8      19.1
   3        2.1535               22.6            21.9            6.5                                6.5                 29.1             28.4          48.0       18.9      19.6
   4        5.0905               28.4            20.6            6.8                                6.8                 35.2             27.4          48.0       12.8      20.6
   5        8.7430               24.3            24.6            6.6                                6.6                 30.9             31.2          48.0       17.1      16.8
   6       12.9686               14.0            15.9            6.9                                6.9                 20.9             22.8          48.0       27.1      25.2
   7       21.8530               21.9            21.0            7.2                                7.2                 29.1             28.2          48.0       18.9      19.8
   8       29.9833               21.3            20.4            7.4                                7.4                 28.7             27.8          48.0       19.3      20.2

       Higher six points are underlined.
       Other frequencies : Below the FCC Part15B CLASS B limit
       Emisson Level = Read + Factor(LISN,Pad,Cable)

emiT 1, 3, 6, 0                                                                                                           Copyright (c) 1998 Akzo Kashima Limited

Akzo Kashima Limited                                                                           70
                                                                                                          : Q-P                                                     : Q-P

Kashima No.1 Test site
INTERFERENCE CONDUCTION TEST                                                                   60

  EUT NAME     : Compuct Disk Rewritable Drive
  MODEL NO.    : MP7080A
  SERIAL NO.   : DVT-21
  TEST MODE    : Write
  POWER SOURCE : DC+5V/2A DC+12V/1A (AC120V/60Hz)                                              40
  DATE TESTED : Oct 13 1999

                                                                       Emission Level [dBuV]
  FILE NO.     : AKL-199374
  TEST METHOD : ANSI C63.4-1992                                                                30




                                                                                                450k 600k         1M           2M          4M         7M   10M       20M      30M
  ENGINEER           :                     Kenichi Takagi                                                                           Frequency [Hz]

   FREQUENCY                   READING                       FACTOR                                                    EMISSION                       LIMIT       MARGIN
  No    [MHz]                    [dBuV]                        [dB]                                                      [dBuV]                      [dBuV]         [dB]
                               Line1           Line2        Line1                              Line2                   Line1           Line2                     Line1 Line2

   1        1.4713               21.7            21.0            6.3                                6.3                 28.0             27.3          48.0       20.0      20.7
   2        1.8400               21.5            21.5            6.4                                6.4                 27.9             27.9          48.0       20.1      20.1
   3        2.1513               22.6            21.8            6.5                                6.5                 29.1             28.3          48.0       18.9      19.7
   4        5.0417               28.4            20.6            6.8                                6.8                 35.2             27.4          48.0       12.8      20.6
   5        5.1980               29.1            20.5            6.8                                6.8                 35.9             27.3          48.0       12.1      20.7
   6        8.7425               25.4            25.3            6.6                                6.6                 32.0             31.9          48.0       16.0      16.1
   7       10.2407               19.0            16.9            6.6                                6.6                 25.6             23.5          48.0       22.4      24.5
   8       29.9857               19.2            18.3            7.4                                7.4                 26.6             25.7          48.0       21.4      22.3

       Higher six points are underlined.
       Other frequencies : Below the FCC Part15B CLASS B limit
       Emisson Level = Read + Factor(LISN,Pad,Cable)

emiT 1, 3, 6, 0                                                                                                           Copyright (c) 1998 Akzo Kashima Limited

Akzo Kashima Limited                                                                         70
                                                                                                     : BBA
                                                                                                     : DIP
Kashima No.1 Test site
INTERFERENCE RADIATION TEST                                                                  60

  EUT NAME     : Compuct Disk Rewritable Drive
  MODEL NO.    : MP7080A
  SERIAL NO.   : DVT-21
  TEST MODE    : Read
  POWER SOURCE : DC+5V/2A DC+12V/1A (AC120V/60Hz)                                            40
  DATE TESTED : Oct 13 1999

                                                                   Emission Level [dBuV/m]
  FILE NO.     : AKL-199374
  TEST METHOD : ANSI C63.4-1992                                                              30
  DISTANCE     : 3.0 [m]
  TEMPERATURE : 24.0 [degC]
  HUMIDITY     : 50.0 [%]



                                                                                              30M   40M      70M   100M     200M           400M          700M   1G        2G
  ENGINEER           :                     Kenichi Takagi                                                                   Frequency [Hz]

   FREQUENCY ANT.                      READING                   FACTOR                                            EMISSION                LIMIT                MARGIN
  No    [MHz]                            [dBuV]                    [dB]                                             [dBuV/m]            [dBuV/m]                  [dB]
                                        Hori           Vert      Hori                               Vert             Hori        Vert                           Hori   Vert

   1        123.21       BBA                  -        38.2      -8.4                               -8.4                -        29.8             43.5             -   13.7
   2        175.40       BBA                  -        33.7      -9.1                               -9.1                -        24.6             43.5             -   18.9
   3        360.83       BBA               42.3           -      -3.2                               -3.2             39.1           -             46.0           6.9      -
   4        540.03       BBA               29.3           -       1.0                                1.0             30.3           -             46.0          15.7      -
   5        644.35       BBA                  -        33.4       2.9                                2.9                -        36.3             46.0             -    9.7
   6        651.51       BBA               33.3        38.5       3.1                                3.1             36.4        41.6             46.0           9.6    4.4
   7        701.64       BBA               31.9        35.2       4.4                                4.4             36.3        39.6             46.0           9.7    6.4
   8        793.84       BBA                  -        27.2       5.3                                5.3                -        32.5             46.0             -   13.5
   9        801.87       BBA               31.3        34.1       5.5                                5.5             36.8        39.6             46.0           9.2    6.4
  10        902.08       BBA                  -        30.4       6.8                                6.8                -        37.2             46.0             -    8.8
  11        952.21       BBA                  -        27.5       7.5                                7.5                -        35.0             46.0             -   11.0
  12       1152.65       BBA               31.0        34.6       3.0                                3.0             34.0        37.6             54.0          20.0   16.4

       Higher six points are underlined.
       Other frequencies : Below the FCC Part15B CLASS B limit
       Emisson Level = Read + Factor(Antenna,Antenna Pad,Cable,Preamp)
       ANT. : Used antenna(BBA = Broadband antenna, DIP = Dipole antenna)

emiT 1, 3, 6, 0                                                                                                       Copyright (c) 1998 Akzo Kashima Limited

Akzo Kashima Limited                                                                          70
                                                                                                      : BBA
                                                                                                      : DIP
Kashima No.1 Test site
INTERFERENCE RADIATION TEST                                                                   60

  EUT NAME     : Compuct Disk Rewritable Drive
  MODEL NO.    : MP7080A
  SERIAL NO.   : DVT-21
  TEST MODE    : Write
  POWER SOURCE : DC+5V/2A DC+12V/1A (AC120V/60Hz)                                             40
  DATE TESTED : Oct 13 1999

                                                                    Emission Level [dBuV/m]
  FILE NO.     : AKL-199374
  REGULATION   : FCC Part15B CLASS B and Canada ICES-003 Class B
  TEST METHOD : ANSI C63.4:1992                                                               30
  DISTANCE     : 3.0 [m]
  TEMPERATURE : 24.0 [degC]
  HUMIDITY     : 50.0 [%]



                                                                                               30M   40M      70M   100M     200M           400M          700M   1G        2G
  ENGINEER           :                     Kenichi Takagi                                                                    Frequency [Hz]

   FREQUENCY ANT.                      READING                  FACTOR                                              EMISSION                LIMIT                MARGIN
  No    [MHz]                            [dBuV]                   [dB]                                               [dBuV/m]            [dBuV/m]                  [dB]
                                        Hori           Vert     Hori                                 Vert             Hori        Vert                           Hori   Vert

   1        122.91       BBA                  -        44.3      -8.3                                -8.3                -        36.0             43.5             -    7.5
   2        125.29       BBA               39.7           -      -8.6                                -8.6             31.1           -             43.5          12.4      -
   3        360.84       BBA               40.7           -      -3.2                                -3.2             37.5           -             46.0           8.5      -
   4        451.17       BBA               36.5           -      -0.8                                -0.8             35.7           -             46.0          10.3      -
   5        644.35       BBA                  -        31.0       2.9                                 2.9                -        33.9             46.0             -   12.1
   6        651.52       BBA               33.2        37.8        3.1                                3.1             36.3        40.9             46.0           9.7    5.1
   7        701.61       BBA               32.8        33.6        4.4                                4.4             37.2        38.0             46.0           8.8    8.0
   8        793.84       BBA                  -        28.4        5.3                                5.3                -        33.7             46.0             -   12.3
   9        801.86       BBA               30.3        36.5        5.5                                5.5             35.8        42.0             46.0          10.2    4.0
  10        902.09       BBA                  -        33.1        6.8                                6.8                -        39.9             46.0             -    6.1
  11       1152.65       BBA               30.0        33.5        3.0                                3.0             33.0        36.5             54.0          21.0   17.5

       Higher six points are underlined.
       Other frequencies : Below the FCC Part15B CLASS B and Canada ICES-003 Class B limit
       Emisson Level = Read + Factor(Antenna,Antenna Pad,Cable,Preamp)
       ANT. : Used antenna(BBA = Broadband antenna, DIP = Dipole antenna)

emiT 1, 3, 6, 0                                                                                                        Copyright (c) 1998 Akzo Kashima Limited

Akzo Kashima Report No. AKL-199374        FCC ID : BBP7080A                    Page 20 of 25 pages

  9.3     Sample Calculations

  9.3.1    Conducted Emission

                                                    Example @ 5.1980 MHz

            Emission Level      = Meter Reading                 29.1 dBuV
                                 + Factor                     + 6.8 dB
                                                              = 35.9 dBuV

            Margin           =     Limit                        48.0 dBuV
                                 - Emission Level             - 35.9 dBuV
                                                              = 12.1 dB

            Factor = LISN Factor + Cable Loss + Pad Loss

  9.3.2    Radiated Emission

                                                    Example @ 801.86 MHz

            Emission Level      = Meter Reading               36.5   dBuV
                                 + Factor                   + 5.5    dB
                                                            = 42.0   dBuV/m

            Margin              = Limit                       46.0   dBuV/m
                                 - Emission Level           - 42.0   dBuV/m
                                                            = 4.0    dB

            Factor = Antenna Factor + Cable Loss - Amplifier Gain + Pad Loss
                          – Distance Conversion Factor

                                                                                       (Version 4.1)

Akzo Kashima Report No. AKL-199374     FCC ID : BBP7080A                        Page 21 of 25 pages


  10.1 Conducted Emission Test

          Test setup in accordance with ANSI C63.4-1992

                     Front view                                     Side view

  10.2 Radiated Emission Test

          Test setup in accordance with ANSI C63.4-1992

                     Front view                                     Rear view

          Note :    Maintaining 10cm spacing between all the equipment cabinets.

                                                                                        (Version 4.1)

Akzo Kashima Report No. AKL-199374        FCC ID : BBP7080A                          Page 22 of 25 pages


  Instrument               Model No.       Serial No.    Manufacturer              Last cal.       Period

  Spectrum Analyzer        8564E           3643A00665    HEWLETT PACKARD           Mar. 23, 99 1 Year

  Amplifier                8447D           1937A03130    HEWLETT PACKARD           Jul. 8, 99      1 Year
                           83051A          3332A00329    HEWLETT PACKARD           Oct. 8, 99      1 Year

  Test receiver            ESS             847151/012    ROHDE & SCHWARZ           Apr. 28, 99 1 Year

  Broad Band antenna       LPB-2513/A      1072          A.R.A.                    May 25, 99 1 Year

  Double ridged antenna 3115               5044          EMCO                      Mar. 25, 99 1 Year

  LISN                     ESH2-Z5         882395/022    ROHDE & SCHWARZ           Aug. 6, 99 1 Year
                           ESH2-Z5         890484/002    ROHDE & SCHWARZ           May 17, 99 1 Year

  Step Attenuator          8494B           2726A14513    HEWLETT PACKARD           Oct. 6, 99      1 Year

  6dB Attenuator           CFA-01          None          TME                       Oct. 6, 99  1 Year
                           6806.17.B       None          SUHNER                    Jan. 12, 99 1 Year

  RF Switch                ACX-150         None          AKZO                      Oct. 6, 99      1 Year

  Coaxial cable            5D-2W            C1           AKZO                      Oct. 6, 99      1 Year
  Coaxial cable            5D-2W            C2           AKZO                      Oct. 6, 99      1 Year
                           (2.0 m)
  Coaxial cable            5D-2W            R1           AKZO                      Oct. 6, 99      1 Year
                           (9.0 m)
  Coaxial cable            10D-2W           R2           AKZO                      Oct. 6, 99      1 Year
                           (5.5 m)
  Coaxial cable            5D-2W            R3           AKZO                      Oct. 6, 99      1 Year
                           (2.0 m)
  Coaxial cable            5D-2W            R4           AKZO                      Oct. 6, 99      1 Year
                           (0.2 m)
  Coaxial cable            5D-2W            R5           AKZO                      Oct. 6, 99      1 Year
                           (1.0 m)
  Coaxial cable            5D-2W            R6           AKZO                      Oct. 6, 99      1 Year
                           (1.0 m)
  Coaxial cable            5D-2W            R7           AKZO                      Oct. 6, 99      1 Year
                           (1.0 m)
  Coaxial cable            SUCOFLEX 102 R14              SUHNER                    Jul. 1, 99      1 Year
                           (1.0 m)      13271/2
  Coaxial cable            SUCOFLEX 102 R15              SUHNER                    Jul. 1, 99      1 Year
                           (6.0 m)      13272/2
  Site Attenuation                                                                 Oct. 19, 98 1 Year

  Note :   Test instruments are calibrated according to Quality Manual and Calibration Rules
           of EMC division.

                                                                                                (Version 4.1)

Akzo Kashima Report No. AKL-199374    FCC ID : BBP7080A                       Page 23 of 25 pages


        Uncertainty of measurement

        The uncertainty of the measurements performed for this report lies:
               Radiated emission at 3m
                      30 MHz – 1000 MHz ……………… +/- 3.6 dB
                      Above 1 GHz ………………………. +/- 3.9 dB

                Conducted emission
                     9 kHz – 30 MHz …………………… +/- 1.8 dB

        These figures indicate the uncertainty of the measurements when the same staff
        performs the test with the same testing equipment and facility.
        The uncertainty of the measurements when a different staff with different equipment
        and facility are under study.

        Please note that these uncertainty are not reflected to the compliance judgement of
        the test results in this report.

                                                                                      (Version 4.1)

Akzo Kashima Report No. AKL-199374     FCC ID : BBP7080A                       Page 24 of 25 pages

        13.      VALIDITY OF TEST REPORT

  13.1   The test result of this report is effective for equipment under test itself and under
         the test configuration described on the report.

  13.2   This test report does not assure that whether the test result taken in other testing
         laboratory is compatible or reproducible to the test result on this report or not.

  13.3 Copying of this report without permission is prohibited.

                                                                                       (Version 4.1)

Akzo Kashima Report No. AKL-199374      FCC ID : BBP7080A                       Page 25 of 25 pages


  14.1 Outline of Akzo Kashima Limited, EMC Division

              Akzo Kashima Ltd. was established in 1975 for manufacturing specialty chemicals.
        The shares are owned by Akzo Nobel KK (70%), the country organization in Japan for
        Akzo Novel nv., and TOSOH Corporation (30%), one of the leading petrochemical
        manufacturers in Japan. Akzo Nobel, headquartered in the Netherlands, is one of the
        world’s leading companies in selected areas of chemicals, coatings, healthcare products
        and fibers with work force of approximately 70,000 people in over 50 countries.
              In 1984, in order to respond to the growing testing demand, in particular, for FCC
        filing, Akzo Kashima started EMI testing business, installing the first open air test site
        in Kashima, Ibaraki prefecture. Further the business has been expanded by installing
        additional testing facilities not only in Kashima but also in other areas such as
        Shizuoka, Nagano, Kanagawa and Tochigi. As results, Akzo Kashima has now 16 open
        air test sites and 4 anechoic chambers for EMI/EMC testing. As the largest EMC
        testing laboratory in number of testing facilities and staffs, EMC Division has been
        organized separately in the company and independently operated in conformity with
        the requirements of ISO Guide 25 (EN 45000) for its competency as a testing
              Akzo Kashima EMC Division is the first foreign private laboratory accredited by
        NVLAP, National Voluntary Laboratory Accreditation Program-NIST, USA. The
        division has been certified, authorized and/or filed as a competent testing laboratory by
        various testing organizations/authorities as described below.

  14.2 Filing, certification, authorization and accreditation list

          EMI/EMC testing                              Telecommunications terminal testing
          FCC           (USA)                          FCC           (USA)
          NVLAP         (USA)                          NVLAP         (USA)
          NEMKO         (Norway)                       NATA          (Australia)
          VCCI          (Japan)                        IC            (Canada)
          NMi           (The Netherlands)
          TÜV PRODUCT SERVICE (Germany)

        Note : NVLAP accreditation does not constitute any product endorsement by NVLAP
               or any agent of the U.S. Government.

                                                                                        (Version 4.1)

Document Created: 1999-10-25 17:30:02
Document Modified: 1999-10-25 17:30:02

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