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RF Exposure Info

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                                           R F E xp osu re / S A R S tatem en t
                                                N o. : 27IE 0337-Y K -A
                         A p p licant               :   R IC O H C O M P A N Y , L T D
                         T yp e of E q u ip m ent   :   O p tion (s) for R ad iocom m u n ication s
                         M od el N o.               :   R -W L 54M N
                         F C C ID                   :   B B P -W L R W L 541

    R IC O H C O M P A N Y , L T D declares that M odel : O ption(s) for R adiocom m unications
    com plies w ith F C C radiation exposure requirem ent specified in the FC C R ules 2.1093.
    T he “R -W L 54M N “ has 115.35 m W of conducted Peak O utput pow er and 230.14 m W of E IR P .
    T his equipm ent is considered as a m obile device so that S A R testing is excluded.
    so that S A R testing is excluded. T he F ollow ing calculation is the reference data for 20cm distance.

    R F E xp osu re C alcu lations:

    T he follow ing inform ation provides the m inim um separation distance for the highest gain
    antenna provided w ith the “R -W L 54M N “ as calculated
    from FC C O E T B ulletin 65 A ppendix A , T able (B ) L im its for G eneral P opulation / U ncontrolled
    E xposure. T his calculation is based on the highest E IR P possible fro m the system ,
    considering m axim um pow er and antenna gain, and considering a 1.0m W /cm ^2 uncontrolled
    exposure lim it. T he F riis form ula used w as:

               S = (P * G ) / (4* π * r 2 )
    W here
                   P =     115.35 m W (M axim um p eak ou tp u t p ow er)
                   G =       2.00 N u m erical A nten n a gain ; eq u al  3.00 d B i
                    r=       20.0 cm

    F or: R -W L 54M N                                               S =     0.04579 m W /cm

UL Japan, Inc.
907 Kawanishi, Yamakita-machi, Ashigarakami-gun, Kanagawa-ken, 258-0124     JAPAN

Telephone:    +81 465 77 1011         Facsimile:        +81 465 77 2112

Document Created: 2007-08-03 19:24:32
Document Modified: 2007-08-03 19:24:32

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