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Test Report

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                                                                                FCC ID            :   BBP- RFAPL01
                                                                                Test report No.   :   28IE0218-YK-B
                                                                                Page              :   1 of 29
                                                                                Issued date       :   June 4, 2008

                           RADIO TEST REPORT
                               Test Report No.: 28IE0218-YK-B

                     Applicant                    :       RICOH COMPANY, LTD.

                     Type of Equipment            :       Full-color MFP

                     Model No.                    :       Aficio MP C4500
                                                          Aficio MP C3500

                     FCC ID                       :       BBP- RFAPL01

                     Test regulation              :       FCC Part15 Subpart C: 2008

                     Test result                  :       Complied

 1.    This test report shall not be reproduced except in full or partial, without the written approval of
       UL Japan, Inc.
 2.    The results in this report apply only to the sample tested.
 3.    This sample tested is in compliance with the limits of the above regulation.
 4.    The test results in this test report are traceable to the national or international standards.

              Date of test:         May 12 and 13, 2008

             Tested by:
                                    Makoto Hosaka                       &               Toyokazu Imamura

             Approved by:
                                    Osamu Watatani
                                    Manager of Yamakita EMC Lab.

UL Japan, Inc.
907 Kawanishi, Yamakita-machi, Ashigarakami-gun, Kanagawa-ken, 258-0124 JAPAN
Telephone:   +81 465 77 1011        Facsimile:    +81 465 77 2112                                 MF060b (09.01.08)

                                                                          FCC ID            :   BBP- RFAPL01
                                                                          Test report No.   :   28IE0218-YK-B
                                                                          Page              :   2 of 29
                                                                          Issued date       :   June 4, 2008

Table of Contents                                                                                          Page

1 Applicant information                                                                                    3

2 Equipment under test (E.U.T.)                                                                            3

3 Test specification, procedures and results                                                               4

4 System test configuration                                                                                7

5 Conducted emission                                                                                       9

6 Out of band emissions (Radiated)                                                                         10

Contents of Appendixes                                                                                     11

APPENDIX 1: Photographs of test setup                                                                      12

APPENDIX 2: Test data                                                                                      14

APPENDIX 3: Test instruments                                                                               29

UL Japan, Inc.
907 Kawanishi, Yamakita-machi, Ashigarakami-gun, Kanagawa-ken, 258-0124 JAPAN
Telephone:   +81 465 77 1011      Facsimile:   +81 465 77 2112                              MF060b (09.01.08)

                                                                               FCC ID            :   BBP- RFAPL01
                                                                               Test report No.   :   28IE0218-YK-B
                                                                               Page              :   3 of 29
                                                                               Issued date       :   June 4, 2008

1 Applicant information
 Company Name                :    RICOH COMPANY, LTD.
 Address                      :   810 Shimoimaizumi, Ebina-shi, Kanagawa-ken, 243-0460 Japan
 Telephone Number             :   +81-46-292-6870
 Facsimile Number             :   +81-46-231-9183
 Contact Person               :   Shinji Okada

2 Equipment under test (E.U.T.)
2.1    Identification of E.U.T.

 Type of Equipment                :    Full-color MFP
 Model No.                        :    Aficio MP C4500
                                       Aficio MP C3500
 Serial No.                       :    L906030053
 Rating                           :    AC120±10%V, 50/60Hz
 Country of Mass-production       :    China
 Condition of EUT                 :    Production prototype
                                       (Not for Sale: This sample is equivalent to mass-produced items.)
 Receipt Date of Sample           :    May 12, 2008

2.2    Product description

Model: Aficio MP C4500 / Aficio MP C3500 (referred to as the EUT in this report) is a Full-color MFP.
The difference between Model: Aficio MP C4500 and Model: Aficio MP C3500 is printing speed.
       Aficio MP C4500: 45 pages per minute
       Aficio MP C3500: 35 pages per minute
Clock frequency: 798.8MHz

                                      RFID                            Bluetooth
 Equipment type                       Transceiver                     Transceiver
 Frequency of operation               13.56MHz                        2402-2480MHz
 Clock frequency                      13.56MHz                        16MHz
 Type of modulation                   ASK 100%                        FHSS
 Antenna type                         Print pattern antenna           Chip
 Antenna connector type               None                            None
 ITU code                             A1D                             F1D
 Operation temperature range          +10 ~ +32 deg. C.               0 ~ +40 deg.C.

FCC Part15.31 (e)
   Host device (Full-color MFP) provides the Bluetooth module with stable power supply, and the power is not
   changed when voltage of the Full-color MFP is varied. Therefore, the equipment complies power supply
FCC Part15.203
   It is impossible for end users to replace the antenna, because the antenna is mounted on the board integrally.
   Therefore, the equipment complies with the antenna requirement of Section 15.203.
FCC Part15.247 (i)
   (i) Systems operating under the provisions of this section shall be operated in a manner that ensures that the public
   is not exposed to radio frequency energy levels in excess of the Commission’s guidelines. See § 1.1307 (b)(1) of
   this chapter. Please refer to the application documents of FCC ID: NXXBL-565. Model: BL-565 is the original
   model of BL-631.

UL Japan, Inc.
907 Kawanishi, Yamakita-machi, Ashigarakami-gun, Kanagawa-ken, 258-0124 JAPAN
Telephone:    +81 465 77 1011         Facsimile:    +81 465 77 2112                              MF060b (09.01.08)

                                                                          FCC ID            :   BBP- RFAPL01
                                                                          Test report No.   :   28IE0218-YK-B
                                                                          Page              :   4 of 29
                                                                          Issued date       :   June 4, 2008

3 Test specification, procedures and results
3.1    Test specification
Test specification          :     FCC Part15 Subpart C: 2008 final revised on March 24, 2008
Title                       :     FCC 47CFR Part15 Radio Frequency Device Subpart C Intentional Radiators
                                  Section 15.207 Conducted limits
                                  Section 15.209 Radiated emission limits, general requirements
                                  Section 15.247 Operation within the bands 902-928MHz, 2400-2483.5MHz,
                                  and 5725-5850MHz

UL Japan, Inc.
907 Kawanishi, Yamakita-machi, Ashigarakami-gun, Kanagawa-ken, 258-0124 JAPAN
Telephone:   +81 465 77 1011      Facsimile:   +81 465 77 2112                              MF060b (09.01.08)

                                                                                  FCC ID            :   BBP- RFAPL01
                                                                                  Test report No.   :   28IE0218-YK-B
                                                                                  Page              :   5 of 29
                                                                                  Issued date       :   June 4, 2008

3.2     Procedures & results
      Item      Test Procedure        Specification      Remarks Deviation               Worst Margin                   Results
             ANSI C63.4:2003
Conducted    7. AC powerline         FCC Section                                  21.4dB (0.1991MHz,
emission     conducted emission      15.207
                                                             -           N/A                                        Complied
                                                                                  Tx 2402MHz, QP)
             FCC Public Notice
Carrier      DA 00-705 &             FCC
frequency    ANSI C63.4:2003         Section15.247           -                                                           N/A
separation   13. Measurement of      (a)(1)                               *1
             intentional radiators
             FCC Public Notice
             DA 00-705 &             FCC
20dB                                                                   Excluded
             ANSI C63.4:2003         Section15.247           -                                                           N/A
             13. Measurement of      (a)(1)                               *1
             intentional radiators
             FCC Public Notice
Number of    DA 00-705 &             FCC
hopping      ANSI C63.4:2003         Section15.247           -                                                           N/A
frequency    13. Measurement of      (a)(1)(iii)                          *1
             intentional radiators
             FCC Public Notice
             DA 00-705 &             FCC
Dwell time   ANSI C63.4:2003         Section15.247           -                                                           N/A
             13. Measurement of      (a)(1)(iii)                          *1
             intentional radiators
             FCC Public Notice
             DA 00-705 &             FCC
Maximum peak                                                           Excluded
output power
             ANSI C63.4:2003         Section15.247           -                                                           N/A
             13. Measurement of      (b)(1)                               *1
             intentional radiators
             FCC Public Notice
             DA 00-705 &             FCC
Spurious                                                               Excluded
             ANSI C63.4:2003         Section15.209 & Conducted                                                           N/A
emission                                                                  *1
             13. Measurement of      Section15.247 (d)
             intentional radiators
             FCC Public Notice
             DA 00-705 &
Band edge                            FCC
             ANSI C63.4:2003
                                     Section15.247 (d)
                                                         Radiated        N/A      See data                          Complied
             13. Measurement of
             intentional radiators
             FCC Public Notice
             DA 00-705 &             FCC
Spurious                                                                          1.5dB (641.13MHz,
             ANSI C63.4:2003         Section15.209 &     Radiated        N/A                                Complied
             13. Measurement of      Section15.247 (d)                            Vertical, Tx 2441MHz, QP)
             intentional radiators
*1) These items were tested previously with Bluetooth module, BL-565 alone (FCC ID: NXXBL-565). The results
were described in the test report, G0M20103-4306-T-47 published by ELECTRONIC TECHNOLOGY SYSTEM
DR. GENZ GMBH (ETS). The Bluetooth Compact Flash Card BL-565 has been certificated on October 25, 2002.
After then Change in identification based on FCC Section 2.933 was applied and the changes were model No., trade
name and FCC ID. Refer to the information on the FCC web site. (New FCC ID: NXXBL-631)

*2) Test results for RFID Module were described in the test report 25LE0014-YK-1, published by UL Apex Co., Ltd.
(The company name was changed from "UL Apex Co., Ltd." to "UL Japan, Inc." on April 26, 2007.)

Note: UL Japan’s EMI Work Procedures No.QPM05 and QPM15.

UL Japan, Inc.
907 Kawanishi, Yamakita-machi, Ashigarakami-gun, Kanagawa-ken, 258-0124 JAPAN
Telephone:   +81 465 77 1011         Facsimile:      +81 465 77 2112                                MF060b (09.01.08)

                                                                                FCC ID            :   BBP- RFAPL01
                                                                                Test report No.   :   28IE0218-YK-B
                                                                                Page              :   6 of 29
                                                                                Issued date       :   June 4, 2008

3.3    Addition to standard

No addition, exclusion nor deviation has been made from the standard.

3.4    Uncertainty

The following uncertainties have been calculated to provide a confidence level of 95% using a coverage factor k=2.
                                No.1 open site      No.2 open site    No.1 anechoic chamber
 Conducted emission
            150kHz-30MHz            2.8 dB              2.8 dB                 2.8 dB
 Radiated emission (3m)
               30-300MHz            4.5 dB              4.4 dB                 4.5 dB
             300-1000MHz            4.3 dB              4.3 dB                 4.3 dB
                    1GHz<           5.7 dB              5.7 dB                 5.7 dB

Conducted emission
  The data listed in this test report has enough margin, more than site margin.
Radiated emission
  The data listed in this report meets the limits unless the uncertainty is taken into consideration.

3.5    Test location

UL Japan, Inc. Yamakita EMC Lab.
907, Kawanishi, Yamakita-machi, Ashigarakami-gun, Kanagawa-ken 258-0124 JAPAN
Telephone number :        +81 465 77 1011
Facsimile number :        +81 465 77 2112
NVLAP Lab. code :         200441-0

No. 1 test site has been fully described in a report submitted to FCC office, and accepted on August 26, 2005
(Registration No.: 95486).
IC Registration No. :         2973B-1

No. 2 test site has been fully described in a report submitted to FCC office, and accepted on February 27, 2008
(Registration No.: 466226).
IC Registration No. :         2973B-3

No. 1 anechoic chamber has been fully described in a report submitted to FCC office, and accepted on November 2,
2005 (Registration No.: 95967).
IC Registration No. :      2973B-2

 Test room               Width x Depth x Height (m)      Test room                      Width x Depth x Height (m)
 No.1 shielded room      8.0 x 5.0 x 2.5                 No.1                           10.0 x 7.5 x 5.7
 No.2 shielded room      5.0 x 4.0 x 2.5                 Semi-anechoic chamber
 No.3 shielded room      4.0 x 5.0 x 2.7

 Open test site              Maximum measurement distance
No.1 open test site          30m
No.2 open test site          10m

UL Japan, Inc.
907 Kawanishi, Yamakita-machi, Ashigarakami-gun, Kanagawa-ken, 258-0124 JAPAN
Telephone:    +81 465 77 1011       Facsimile:    +81 465 77 2112                                 MF060b (09.01.08)

                                                                                  FCC ID            :   BBP- RFAPL01
                                                                                  Test report No.   :   28IE0218-YK-B
                                                                                  Page              :   7 of 29
                                                                                  Issued date       :   June 4, 2008

4 System test configuration
4.1    Justification

The system was configured in typical fashion (as a customer would normally use it) for testing.

      Test item                        Operating mode                            Tested frequency
 Conducted emission Transmitting (DH5), Payload: PRBS9                 2402MHz, 2441MHz, 2480MHz
 Spurious emission     Transmitting (DH5), Payload: PRBS9              Spurious emission:
 (Radiated) &          -Hopping ON/Inquiry                             2402MHz, 2441MHz, 2480MHz
 Band edge             -Hopping OFF                                    Band edge compliance:
 compliance            Transmitting (DH5), Payload: PRBS9              2402MHz, 2480MHz
*Remarks: Test was not performed at AFH mode, because the decrease of number of channel (min: 20ch) at AFH
mode does not influence on the output power and bandwidth of the EUT. However, the limit level 125mWof AFH
mode was used for the test. The EUT has no EDR mode.

* RFID is also run into Transmitting (13.56MHz) mode.
Four RFID modules which have the same specification are mounted in the equipment and they don’t have
simultaneous transmitting function. They were previously checked and the one in which the maximum emission
occurred was chosen. ID tag was mounted in the ribbon inside of the EUT to communicate with each module.

4.2    Configuration of tested system
                                                                            : Standard attachment



                       C                   G                                  1

                                 5                           D


* Test data was taken under worse case conditions.

UL Japan, Inc.
907 Kawanishi, Yamakita-machi, Ashigarakami-gun, Kanagawa-ken, 258-0124 JAPAN
Telephone:    +81 465 77 1011        Facsimile:       +81 465 77 2112                               MF060b (09.01.08)

                                                                          FCC ID            :   BBP- RFAPL01
                                                                          Test report No.   :   28IE0218-YK-B
                                                                          Page              :   8 of 29
                                                                          Issued date       :   June 4, 2008

Description of EUT and support equipment
 No.         Item               Model number          Serial number    Manufacturer  FCC ID (Remark)
  A Full-color MFP          Aficio MP C4500         L906030053        RICOH         BBP-RFAPL01 (EUT)
                            (Aficio MP C3500)
  B Document Feeder         DF 3010                 60211076          RICOH                 -
  C Booklet Finisher        SR 3000                 3L41-118044       RICOH                 -
  D Paper Bank              PB 3000                 90157             RICOH                 -
  E Bridge Unit             BU 3000                 90161             RICOH                 -
  F USB                     USB Host Interface      60100052          RICOH                 -
                            Unit Type A
  G Bluetooth Compact       BL-63101                000A-4F-020157    Brain Boxes           NXXBL-631
     Flash Card
* RFID modules are installed in the Full-color MFP.

List of cables used *1)
No.           Name             Length (m)                     Shield                            Remark
                                                    Cable            Connector
 1 100BASE-Tx cable          5.0              Unshielded        Unshielded          -
 2 USB cable                 2.5              Shielded          Shielded            -
 3 USB cable                 2.5              Shielded          Shielded            -
 4 USB cable                 2.5              Shielded          Shielded            -
 5 Power cable               2.0              Unshielded        Unshielded          -
*1) All cables used for the measurement are exclusive use or marketed.

UL Japan, Inc.
907 Kawanishi, Yamakita-machi, Ashigarakami-gun, Kanagawa-ken, 258-0124 JAPAN
Telephone:   +81 465 77 1011      Facsimile:   +81 465 77 2112                              MF060b (09.01.08)

                                                                          FCC ID            :   BBP- RFAPL01
                                                                          Test report No.   :   28IE0218-YK-B
                                                                          Page              :   9 of 29
                                                                          Issued date       :   June 4, 2008

5 Conducted emissions
5.1    Operating environment

The test was carried out in No.1 anechoic chamber.

Temperature :        See test data
Humidity    :        See test data

5.2    Test configuration

EUT was placed on a carpet for insulation above the ground plane. EUT was located 80cm from LISN and excess AC
cable was bundled in center.
A drawing of the set up is shown in the photos of Appendix 1.

5.3    Test conditions

Frequency range          :   0.15 - 30MHz

5.4    Test procedure

The EUT was connected to a LISN (AMN). An overview sweep with peak detection has been performed. The
Conducted emission measurements were made with the following detector function of the test receiver.
      Detector: QP/AV
      IF Bandwidth: 10kHz

5.5    Results

Summary of the test results :        Pass

Date :        May 13, 2008           Test engineer :     Makoto Hosaka

UL Japan, Inc.
907 Kawanishi, Yamakita-machi, Ashigarakami-gun, Kanagawa-ken, 258-0124 JAPAN
Telephone:    +81 465 77 1011        Facsimile:    +81 465 77 2112                          MF060b (09.01.08)

                                                                            FCC ID            :   BBP- RFAPL01
                                                                            Test report No.   :   28IE0218-YK-B
                                                                            Page              :   10 of 29
                                                                            Issued date       :   June 4, 2008

6 Out of band emissions (Radiated)
6.1    Operating environment

The test was carried out in No.1 anechoic chamber.

6.2    Test configuration

EUT was placed on a wooden platform of nominal size, 0.5m by 0.5m, raised 10cm above the conducting ground plane.
A drawing of the set up is shown in the photos of Appendix 1.

6.3    Test conditions

Frequency range             :     30MHz - 26.5GHz
Test distance               :     3m (30MHz-18GHz), 1m (18-26.5GHz)

6.4    Test procedure

The Radiated Electric Field Strength intensity has been measured with a ground plane and at a distance of 3m or 1m.
The measuring antenna height was varied between 1 and 4m and EUT was rotated a full revolution in order to obtain
the maximum value of the electric field intensity. The measurements were performed for both vertical and horizontal
antenna polarization. Measurements were performed with QP, PK, and AV detector.
The radiated emission measurements were made with the following detector function of the test receiver.
When using Spectrum analyzer, the test was made with adjusting span to zero by using peak hold.
    Frequency         Below 1GHz                        Above 1GHz
    Instrument used Test Receiver                       Spectrum Analyzer
    Detector IF       QP: BW 120kHz                     PK: RBW: 1MHz/VBW: 1MHz
    Bandwidth                                           AV RBW: 1MHz/VBW: See data
    Measuring         Biconical (30-300MHz)             Horn
    antenna           Logperiodic (300MHz-1GHz)

6.5    Band edge

Band edge level at 2390MHz and 2483.5MHz is below the limits of FCC 15.209 and band edge level at 2400MHz is
below the 20dBc. Refer to the data.

6.6    Results

Summary of the test results :     Pass
                                  No noise was detected above the 5th order harmonics.

Date :        May 12 and 13, 2008               Test engineer :      Toyokazu Imamura and Makoto Hosaka

UL Japan, Inc.
907 Kawanishi, Yamakita-machi, Ashigarakami-gun, Kanagawa-ken, 258-0124 JAPAN
Telephone:    +81 465 77 1011     Facsimile:    +81 465 77 2112                               MF060b (09.01.08)

                                                                          FCC ID            :   BBP- RFAPL01
                                                                          Test report No.   :   28IE0218-YK-B
                                                                          Page              :   11 of 29
                                                                          Issued date       :   June 4, 2008

APPENDIX 1: Photographs of test setup

Page 12              :            Conducted emission

Page 13              :            Radiated emission

APPENDIX 2: Test Data

Page 14 - 18         :            Conducted emission

Page 19 - 27         :            Out of band emissions (Radiated)

Page 28              :            Duty factor

APPENDIX 3: Test instruments

Page 29              :            Test instruments

UL Japan, Inc.
907 Kawanishi, Yamakita-machi, Ashigarakami-gun, Kanagawa-ken, 258-0124 JAPAN
Telephone:     +81 465 77 1011    Facsimile:    +81 465 77 2112                             MF060b (09.01.08)

Document Created: 2008-06-24 10:38:38
Document Modified: 2008-06-24 10:38:38

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